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Mathematics Contents

211-11 Analytical Solid Geometry Eleventh

` 140.00 A.R. Vasishtha & D.C. Agarwal Edition

Y Central Conicoids Y The Paraboloids Y Generating Lines Y The Plane Sections of Conicoids Y Confocal
Conicoids Y Reduction of General Equation of Second Degree.

212-19 Advanced Differential Calculus Nineteenth

` 125.00 J. N. Sharma Edition

YChange of Independent Variables Y Maxima and Minima Y Jacobians Y Continuity and Differentiability Y Rolle's,
Taylor's and Allied Theorems.

213-19 Advanced Integral Calculus Nineteenth

` 160.00 D.C. Agarwal Edition

Y Definite Integrals Y Euler's Integrals Y Multiple Integrals Y Beta and Gamma functions (Contd) Y Volumes
and Surfaces Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Fourier Y The Riemann Integral.

214-40 Calculus of Finite Differences & Numerical Analysis Fourtieth

` 425.00 P.P. Gupta, G.S. Malik & J.P. Chauhan Edition

Y The Calculus of Finite Differences Y Interpolation with Equal Intervals Y Interpolation with Unequal Intervals
Y Central Difference Interpolation Formulae Y Numerical Differentiation Y Numerical Integration Y Inverse
Interpolation Y Summation of Series Y Difference Equations (with their Applications) Y Remainder Terms in
Various Interpolation and Quadrature Formulae Y Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations of
First and Second Order Y Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations Y Simultaneous Linear Algebraic
Equations Y Matrix Inversion Y Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors Y Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials Y Curve Fitting
Y Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Y Computer Fundamentals with Programming in C.

215-46 Differential Equations Forty Sixth

` 270.00 J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta Edition

Y Elementary Concepts Y Linear Equations of Second Order Y Ordinary Simultaneous Differential Equations Y Total
Differential Equation (Pfaffian Differential Forms and Equations) Y Integration in Series Y Picard's Iteration Methods
Uniqueness and Existence Theorem Y Partial Differential Equations of the First Order Y Partial Differential Equations
with Constant Coefficients Y Partial Differential Equations of the Second Or der Y Monge's Meth od
Y Clas si fi ca tion of Lin ear Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tions Y Ho mo ge neous Lin ear Equa tions with Vari able
Co ef fi cients Y Sin gu lar So lu tions Y Ex act Dif fer en tial Equations and Equations of other Particular Forms
Y Numerical Integration Y Legendre Polynomials Y Legendre's Function of the Second Kind Qn( x ) Y Bessel's Equation

Y Hermite Polynomials Y Laguerre Polynomials Y Chebyshev Polynomials Y Index.

216-37 Differential Geometry Thirty Seventh
` 220.00 S.C. Mittal & D.C. Agarwal Edition

Y Curves in Space ( R3 ) Y Concept of a Surface and Fundamental Forms Y Local Non-Intrinsic Properties of a
Surface, Curve on a Surface Y Geodesic and Mapping of Surfaces.

217-15 Dynamics of a Particle Fifteenth

` 140.00 A.R. Vasishtha & D.C. Agarwal Edition

Y Central Orbits Y Planetary Motion Y Anomalies, Planetary Motion (Continued) Y Tangential and Normal
Accelerations, Conservation of Energy, Simple Pendulum and Constrained Motion, Y Motion in a Resisting
Medium and Motion when Mass Varies, Y Revolving Curves Y Moment of Inertia Y D'Alembert's Principle and
Motion about a Fixed Axis.

218-14 Fluid Dynamics Fourteenth

` 250.00 Shanti Swarup Edition

Y Basic Concepts Y Kinematics of the Flow Field Y Conservation of Momentum Y Irrotational Motion Y Motion in Two
Dimensions Y Vortex Motion Y Waves Y Irrotational Motion in Three Dimensions Y Viscous Fluid Flow Y Dimensional
Analysis Y Exact Solutions of the Navier-Stoke's Equation Y Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow Y Discontinuous Motion
Y Lubrication Theory Y Appendix Y Index.

219-32 Functional Analysis Thirty Second

` 225.00 J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha Edition

YElements of Set Theory Y Metric Spaces Y Linear Spaces Y Banach Spaces Y Hilbert Spaces Y Finite Dimensional
Spectral Theory.

220-50 Functions of a Complex Variable Fiftieth

` 320.00 J.N. Sharma Edition

Y Elements of Set Theory Y Complex Numbers and their Geometrical Representation Y Analytical Functions Y Power
Series and Elementary Functions Y Conformal Mappings Y More about Conformal Mappings Y Complex Integration
Y Calculus of Residues Y Uniform Convergence and Infinite Products Y Entire Functions Y Subject Index.

221-13 Complex Analysis Thirteenth

` 320.00 A.R. Vasishtha, Vipin Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha Edition

Y Complex Numbers and their Geometrical Representation Y Analytic Functions Y Conformal Mappings Y More
about Conformal Mapping (Some Special Transformations) Y Power Series and Elementary Functions Y Complex
Integration Y The Calculus of Residues Y Uniform Convergence and Infinite products Y Entire Functions Y Subject

222-16 Hydrodynamics Sixteenth
` 250.00 Shanti Swarup Edition

Y Ki ne mat ics Y Con serva tion of Mo men tum Y Mo tion in Two Dimen sions Y Irrotational Mo tion
Y Irrotational Motion in Two Dimensions Y Vortex Mo tion Y Irrotational Mo tion in Three Dimension
Y Waves Y Viscous Fluid Flow Y Exact Solution Y Index.

223-17 Infinite Series & Products Seventeenth

` 140.00 J.N. Sharma Edition

Y Sequences and Limits Y Series of Non-Negative terms Y Absolute and Conditional Convergence
Y Convergence of Infinite Products Y Uniform Convergence of Sequence and Series of Functions Y Power
Series Y Expansions of Trigonometrical Functions as Infinite Series and Products.

224-30 Integral Transforms (Transform Calculus) Thirtieth

` 175.00 A.R. Vasishtha & R.K. Gupta Edition

Y The Laplace Trans form Y The Inverse Laplace Transform Y Application of Laplace Transform to Solutions
of Differential Equations Y Application of Laplace Transform to Integral Equations Y Application of Laplace
Transforms in Initial and Boundary Value Problems Y Fou rier Trans forms Y Fi nite Fou rier Trans forms
Y Ap pli ca tion of Fou rier Trans forms in Ini tial and Bound ary Value Prob lems Y Hankel Trans forms Y The
Fi nite Hankel Trans forms Y Application of Hankel Transforms in Initial and Boundary Value Problems Y Mellin

225-44 Linear Algebra (Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces) Forty Fourth

` 225.00 J.N. Sharma, A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha Edition

Y Vector Spaces Y Linear Transformation Y Inner Product Spaces Y Bilinear Forms, Model Papers Y Index.

226-6 Linear Difference Equations Sixth

` 95.00 Gupta & Agarwal Edition

Y Introduction Y The Calculus of Finite Differences Y Difference Equations Y Sequences Y Linear Difference
Equations with Constant Coefficient Y The First Order Equations. Cobweb Cycles and Generating Functions.

227-21 Integral Equation (Including Boundary Value Problem) Twenty First

` 235.00 Shanti Swarup & Shiv Raj Singh Edition

Y Basic Concepts Y Solution of Integral Equations Y Fredholm Integral Equations Y Hibert Schmidt Theory
Y Application of Integral Equations Y Singular Integral Y Equations, Integral Transform Methods Y Index.

228-24 Linear Programming Twenty Fourth

` 220.00 R.K. Gupta Edition

Y Mathematical Preliminaries Y Linear Programming Problems Y Convex Sets and their Properties Y Simplex
Method Y Resolution of Degeneracy Y Revised Simplex Method Y Duality Y Sensitivity Analysis Y Parametric
Linear Programming Y Integer Programming Y Assignment Problem Y Transportation Problem Y Game Theory
(Competitive Strategies).
229-21 Mathematical Analysis-I (Metric Spaces) Twenty First
` 140.00 J.N. Sharma Edition

Y Elements of Set Theory Y Closed and Open Set in R Y Metric Spaces Y Open and Closed Set in a Metric Space
Y Complete Metric Spaces Y Connectedness Y Compactness Y Continuity and Homeomorphism.

231-27 Mathematical Analysis-II Twenty Seventh

` 295.00 J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha Edition

Y Cantor and Dedikind's Theories of Real Numbers Y Elements of Set Theory Y Real and Complex Number
Systems Y Sequences and Real Numbers Y Series of Real Numbers Y Open and Closed Set of Real Numbers
Y Limits and Continuity Y Differentiability Y The Riemann In te gral Y The Riemann Stieltjes Integral
Y Convergence of Improper Integrals Y Met ric Spaces Y Func tions of Sev eral Variables Y Jacobians Y Beta and
Gamma Functions Y Double and Triple Integrals, Dirichlet's Theorem Y Uniform Convergence of Sequences
and Series of Functions Y Power Series Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Gradient, Divergence and
Curl Y Green's, Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems.

232-23 Measure Theory & Functional Analysis Twenty Third

` 195.00 K.P. Gupta & Ashutosh Shanker Gupta Edition

Y Basic Concepts of Set Y Basic Set Operations Y Functions and Sequences Y Bounded, Derived, Open and
Closed Sets on the Real Line Y Countability of Sets Y Measure and Outer Measure Y Lebesgue Measure of a Set
Y Measurable Functions Y The Lebesgue Integral of a Function Y Theorems on Con vergence of Sequences of

Measurable Functions Y Absolute Continuous Functions, Indefinite Integral and Differentiation Y L p-Space
Y Further Theorems on Lebesgue Integration Y The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem and Semi-Continuous
Function Y Signed Measure Y Product Measure Y Fourier Series Y Banach Space Y Hilbert Space Y Finite
Dimensional Spectral Theory Y Banach Algebra.

233-39 Real Analysis (General) Thirty Nineth

` 275.00 J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha Edition

Y Cantor and Dedikind's Theories of Real Numbers Y Element of Set Theory Y Real and Complex Number
Systems Y Sequences of Real Numbers Y Series of Real Numbers Y Open and Closed Sets of Real numbers Y Limits
and Continuity Y Differentiability Y The Riemann Integral Y The Riemann Stieltjes Integral Y Convergence of
Improper Integrals Y Metric Spaces Y Functions of Several Variables Y Jacobians Y Beta and Gamma Functions
Y Double and Triple Integrals, Dirichlet's Theorem Y Uniform Convergence of Sequences and Series of Functions
Y Power Series.

234-34 Vector Calculus Thirty Fourth

` 140.00 J.N. Sharma & A.R. Vasishtha Edition

Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Gradient, Divergence and Curl Y Green's and Stoke's Theorems.

235-62 Modern Algebra (Abstract Algebra) Sixty Second

` 310.00 A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha Edition

Y Some Basic Set Theoretic Concepts Y Groups Y Groups (Continued) Y Rings Y Rings (Continued) Y Vector
Spaces Y Vector Spaces (Continued) Y Modules Y Extension Fields and Galois Theory Y Number Theory.

236-42 Matrices Forty Second
` 210.00 A.R. Vasishtha Edition

Y Al ge bra of Ma tri ces Y De ter mi nants Y In verse of a Ma trix Y Rank of a Ma trix Y Vec tor Space of
n-Tuples Y Lin ear Equa tions Y Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors or Char ac ter is tic Roots and
Char ac ter is tic Vec tors Y Eigen Val ues and Eigen Vec tors (Con tin ued) Y Or thogo nal Vec tors
Y Sim i lar ity of Ma tri ces Y Qua dratic Forms.

237-19 Mathematical Methods (Special Functions & Boundary Value Problems) Nineteenth
` 135.00 J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta Edition

Y Spherical Harmonics Y Legendre's Equation Y Legendre's Function of the Second Kind Q n (x)
Y Hypergeometric Functions Y Bessel's Equation Y Hermite Polynomials Y Laguerre Polynomials
Y Chebyshev Polynomials Y Orthogonal Set of Functions Y Wave, Heat and Laplace's Equations
Y Boundary Value Problems.

238-26 Special Functions (Spherical Harmonics) Twenty Sixth

` 140.00 J.N. Sharma & R.K. Gupta Edition

Y Spherical Harmonics Y Legendre's Equation Y Legendre's Functions of the Second Kind Q n (x)
Y Hypergeometric Functions Y Bessel's Equation Y Hermite Polynomials Y Leguerre Polynomials Y Chebysev
Polynomials Y Orthogonal Set of Functions Y Elliptic Functions Y Beta and Gamma Functions Y The Dirac Delta

239-21 Vector Algebra Twenty First

` 125.00 A.R. Vasishtha Edition

Y Vectors-Addition and Subtraction Y Products of two Vectors Y Multiple Products Y Vector Equations of a Line
and a Plane Y Further Application of Vectors to Geometry and Mechanics- Geometry of Plane, Geometry of the
Straight Line, Volume of a Tetrahedron, Geometry of the Sphere, Application to Mechanics, Relative Motion.

240-27 Mathematical Statistics Twenty Seventh

` 295.00 J.N. Sharma & J.K. Goyal Edition

Y Meaning and Purpose of Statistics Y Frequency Distributions and measures of Central Tendency Y Measure of
Dispersion and Skewness Y Probability Y Continuous Frequency Distribution Y Important Theoretical
Distributions Y Moment Generating Function and Cumulants Y Method of Least Squares and Curve Fitting
Y Bivariate Distribution, Regression and Correlation Y Multiple and Partial Correlation Y Consistence of Data and
Association of Attributes Y Finite Difference and Interpolation Y Preliminary Concepts on Sampling Y Simple
Sampling of Attributes-Large Samples Y The Sampling of Variables-Large Samples Y 2 Distribution Y The
Sampling of Variables-Small Samples Y Analysis of Variance Y Design of Experiments (Randomization and Latin
Squares) Y Inference-1 (Estimation) Y Inference-2 (Testing of Hypothesis) Y Interval Estimation Y Index
Numbers Y Analysis of Time Series Y Appendix. Supplementary Problem Sets, Model Test papers, Objective
Questions from various Indian Universities, Index Y Tables.

241-30 Operations Research Thirtieth
` 425.00 R.K. Gupta Edition

Y In tro duc tion Y Mathematical Preliminaries Y In ven tory Theory Y Replacement Prob lem Y Wait ing Line or
Queuing theory Y Allocation (General Linear Programming. Prob lem) Y Con vex Sets and their Prop erties
Y Sim plex Method Y Du al ity in Lin ear Pro gram ming Y Sen si tiv ity Anal y sis Y Para met ric Lin ear
Programming Y Integer Programming Y As sign ment Prob lem Y Trans porta tion Problem Y Sequencing
Y Dy namic Pro gram ming Y Game Theory (Compet itive Strat egies) Y Goal Pro gram ming Y Net Work
Anal y sis Y In forma tion Theory Y Non-Linear Programming Y Index.

242-22 Rigid Dynamics-I (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies) Twenty Second

` 195.00 P.P Gupta & G.S. Malik Edition

Y Moment of Inertia Y D' Alembert's Principle Y Motion about a Fixed Axis Y Motion in Two Dimensions
Y Motion in Two Dimensions Y Conservation of Momentum and Energy Y Initial Motion Y Lagrange's Equation
of motion, Small Oscillations, Normal Co-ordinates Y Euler Dynamical Equations Y Hamiltonian Formation and
Variational Principles Y Motion of Top.

243-11 Rigid Dynamics-II (Analytical Dynamics) Eleventh

` 150.00 P.P Gupta & Sanjay Gupta Edition

Y Mechanics of a particle Y Motion of a System of Particles Y Lagrangian-Dynamics Y Rigid Body Motion

(Including Motion in Three Dimensions) Y Theory of Small Oscillations Y Hamiltonian Formulation,
Transformation and Hamilton-Jacobi Theory Y Motion of Spinning Tops and Gyroscopes Y Mechanics of
Continuous Media.

244-9 Set Theory and Related Topics Ninth

` 150.00 K.P Gupta Edition

Y Symbols and their Meanings Y Basic Concepts of Set Y Basic Set Operations Y Relations Y Functions Y Abstract
Characterization of Integers and Rationals Y Countability of Set and Cardinal Numbers Y Ordered Sets Y Axiom of
Choice, Zorn's Lemma and Kuratowoski's Lemma Y Limit of Sequence Y Real Sequences (Sequences Continued)
Y The Number System (Real Numbers) Y Dedekind's Theory of Real Numbers Y Cantor's Theory of Real Numbers
and Abstract Characterization of Rational and Real Numbers Y Bounded, Derived, Compact Open and Closed

245-16 Spherical Astronomy Sixteenth

` 160.00 S.K. Sharma, R.K. Gupta & D. Kumar Edition

Y Spherical Trigonometry Y The Celestial Sphere Y Refraction Y Aberration Y Precession and Nutation Y Parallax
Y Time Y Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion Y Planetary Phenomena Y The Meridian Circle Y Eclipses
Y Determination of Position.

246-13 Statics Thirteenth

` 160.00 J.K.. Goyal & K.P. Gupta Edition

YForces in Three Dimensions Y Stable and Unstable Equilibrium Y Strings in Two Dimensions Y Strings in Three
Dimensions Y Virtual Work Y Attraction and Potential.
247-24 Tensor Calculus and Riemannian Geometry Twenty Fourth
` 160.00 D.C. Agarwal Edition

Y Tensor Algebra Y Metric Tensor and Riemannian Space Y Christoffel's Three-Index Symbols (or Brackets).
Covariant Differentiation Y Curvature of a Curve, Geodesics Y Parallelism, Generalised Covariant Differentiation
Y Riemann Symbols and Curvature Y Ricci's Coefficient of Rotation, Congruences Y Hyper Surfaces Y The
e-Systems and Generalized Kronecker Delta, Appendix, Some Preliminaries.

248-22 Theory of Relativity Twenty Second

` 170.00 J.K. Goyal & K.P. Gupta Edition

Y Symbols and their Meanings Y Classical Theory of Relativity: Speed of Light Y Lorentz Transformations
Y Relativistic Mechanics Y Special Relativity in Classical Mechanics Y Tensor Calculus Y Line Element Y Geodesic
Curves, Covariant Differentiation Y Curvature Tensor Y The General Theory of Relativity Y Relativistic Field
Equations Y Schwarzschild Solution Y Cosmology Y Electrodynamics Y Some Application of Special Theory of
Relativity Y Non-Static Cosmological Model.

249-40 Topology (General & Algebraic) Fourtieth

` 320.00 J.N. Sharma & J.P. Chauhan Edition

Y Elements of Set Theory Y Metric Spaces Y Topological spaces Y Countability and Homeomorphism
Y Connectedness Y Compactness Y Countability and Separation Axioms Y Product and Quotient Spaces
Y Convergence [Nets and Filters] Y Subject-Index.

250-11 Discrete Mathematics Eleventh

` 260.00 M.K. Gupta Edition

Y Mathematical Logic Y Sets, Relations and Functions Y Lattices Y Discrete Numeric Functions and Generating
Functions Y Boolean Algebra Y Switching Circuits and Logic Circuits Y Basic Concepts in Graph Theory Y Trees
and Cut-Sets Y Planer Graphs and Colourings Y Matrices Associated with Graphs Y Directed Graphs Y General
Counting Methods Y Formal Languages, Grammars and Finite State Machines Y Semigroups and Monoids.

251-4 Advanced Mathematics for Pharmacists Fourth

` 250.00 A.R. Vasishtha, Dr. A.K. Agarwal, Dr. A.K. Vasishtha Edition

Elementary Integration Definitions Constant of Integration Some Properties of Integral Fundamental

Integration Formulae Extended forms of Fundamental Formulae Methods of Integration Integration by
Substitution Integral of the Product of two Functions Integration by Marts as Applied to the Function of the
type e x [ f ( x ) + f '( x )] Integrals of e ax sin bx and e ax cos bx. Some Special Integrals Evaluation of Integrals of
Various types by using Standard Results Integration Using Partial Fractions Rational Fractions Partial
Fractions Integration using Partial Fractions Definite Integrals Definition; Evaluation of Definite Integrals
Results Regarding Trigonometric Functions Substitutions in the case of Definite Integrals Fundamental
Properties of Definite Integrals The Definite Integral as the limit of a sum Differential Equations of First Order
and first Degree.
Definitions Differential Equation of First order and First Degree Variables Separable Homogeneous
Equations Equations Reducible to Homogeheous form, Linear Differential Equations, Equations Reducible to
the linear form Exact Differential Equations Integrating Factors Change of Variables. Linear Differential
Equations with Constant Coefficients Definitions Determination of complementary function The
particular integral Particular integral in some special cases To find P.I' when Q = e axV , where V is any function
of x To find P.I. when Q = e ax and F( a) = C To find P.I. when Q = sin ax or cos ax and F( a)2 = 0 To find P.I.
when Q = xV , when V is any function of x The operator , being a constant Ordinary Simultaneous
Differential Equations Introduction Methods of solving simultaneous Linear Differential Equations with
constant coefficients Number of arbitrary constants Simultaneous equations of the form
P1dx + Q1dy + R1dz = 0, P2 dx + Q2 dy + R2 dz = 0, where P1, P2 , Q1, Q2 , R1 and R2 are function of x, y, z Geometrical
dx dy dz
interpretation of the differential equations = = . Linear Dependence and Independence of Solutions
of Equations Linear dependence and independence of solutions of an equation Fundamental set of solutions
Wronskian Theorem Data Collection Introduction Primary and secondary data Collection of primary
data Collection of secondary data Limitations of secondary data Census and sampling Population and
sample Census and sample enquiry Census versus sample enquiry Fundamental principles of sampling
theory Method of sampling Organisation of Data Introduction Classification of data Object of
classification Basis of classification Classification according to attributes Classification by variables
Frequency distribution Sturges rule for number of classes and size of class interval Cummulative frequency
distribution Diagrammatic Representation of Data Introduction; Importance and utility of diagrams
Limitations of diagrams Rules for construction of diagrams Types of diagrams Graphic Representation of
Data Introduction The histogram The frequency polygon The frequency curve Cummulative frequency
curve or ogive Graphs of time series or line graphs Measures of Central Tendency Introduction Objectives
of average Characteristics of a good average Various measures of central tendency Some special problems
relating to arithmetic mean Properties of arithmetic mean Correcting incorrect values Merits and demerits
of arithmetic mean Median Calculation of median Properties of median Advantages of the median
Partition values Graphical determination of median, quartiles etc Mode Calculation of mode
Determination of mode from mean and median Measures of Despersion Introduction Objects and
importance of dispersion Characteristics for a satisfactory measure of dispersion Absolute and relative measure
of variation Measures of dispersion Combined standard deviation Correcting incorrect values of mean and
standard deviation Coefficient of variation Mathematical properties of standard deviation Choice of
suitable measure of dispersion. Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis Introduction Skewness Measures of
skewness Moments Conversion of moments about an arbitrary origin into moments about mean Utility of
moments Kurtosis Measures of Kurtosis. Correlation and Regression Introduction Types of correlation
Methods of determining correlation Regression Linear and non-linear regression Regression lines
Another form of regression lines Method of fitting regression lines. Probability Introduction A priori or
classical definition of probability A posteriori or empirical probability Algebra of events Probability defined
on events (axiomatic approach to probability) Fundamental rule of counting Permutations and combinations
Relation between permutation and combination Probability of a simple event Addition rule of probability
Addition rule, when events are not mutually exclusive Independence and the multiplication rule Conditional
probability Probability of at least one event Odds in favour and odds against Probability based on
Bernoullis trials Inverse probability Baye's theorem Random Variable and Probability Distribution
Introduction Random variable Probability distribution Mean and variance of random variable Binomial
and poisson distribution Coefficients of the binomials Characteristics of binomial distribution Recurrence
formula for the probabilities of binomial distribution Poisson distribution Characteristics of poisson
distribution Recurrence formula for the probabilities of poisson distribution Normal distribution Definition
Some properties of normal distribution Standard form of the normal distribution Area under the normal
curve Method of consulting table Fitting of normal distribution. Statistical Inference Introduction
Population and sample Parameter and statistic Sampling distribution of the statistic Standard error of the
statistic Utility of standard error Statistical inference Errors in hypothesis testing Procedure of test of
significance Various tests of significance Test of significance based on t-distribution Test of significance
based on F-distribution 2 -distribution Tests based on 2 -distribution Analysis of variance Assumptions
The basic principle of Anova Analysis of variance of one way classified data Short-cut method Coding

252-3 Basic Mathematics for Chemists Third
` 290.00 A.R. Vasishtha & A.K. Vasishtha Edition

Y Multiple Products of Vectors Y Differentiation and Integration of Vectors Y Gradient, Divergence and Curl Y Green's,
Gauss's and Stoke's Theorems Y Determinants Y Algebra of Matrices Y Adjoint and Inverse of a Matrix Y Linear Equations
Y Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Y Introduction to Vector Space Y In tro duc tion to Ten sors Y Func tions, Lim its
and Con ti nu ity Y Differentiability Y Differentiation Y Partial Differentiation Y Maxima and Minima Y Curve
Sketching Y In tegration Y Reduction Formulae Y Applications of Integral Calculus Y Differential Equations
of First Order and First De gree Y Second Order Differential Equations with Con stant Coef ficient Y Power
Series So lutions of Differential Equations Y Fou rier Se ries Y Per mu ta tions and Com bi na tions Y Probability
Y Curve Fitting.

254-5 Number Theory Fifth

` 140.00 Hari Kishan Edition

Y Preliminaries Y Divisibility Theory Y Primes and their Distributions Y Theory of Congruence Y Fermat's
Theorem Y Number Theoretic Functions Y Primitive Roots and Indices Y Quadratic Congruence and Quadratic
Reciprocity Law Y Perfect Numbers Y Sum of Squares of Integers Y Additional Topics, Some Important Tables.

255-2 Bio-Mathematics Second

` 125.00 Bhupendra Singh & Neenu Agarwal Edition

YMathematical Aspects of Population Biology Y Single-Species Models (Non-Age Structured) Y Single-Species

Models (Age Structured) Y Two Species Population Models Y Two Dimensional Models and Competitions
Models Y Mathematical Models in Epidemiology Y Biological Fluid Mechanics.

336-3 Cryptography and Network Security Third

` 170.00 Manoj Kumar Edition

Y In tro duc tion to Number Theory and Al ge bra Y In tro duc tion to Cryptog ra phy Y Mod ern Block Cipers
Y Con fi den ti al ity Us ing Con ven tional En cryp tion Y Pub lic Key Crypto sys tem Y Au then ti ca tion with
Dig i tal Sig na ture Y Kerberos Y Hash Func tion Y Elec tronic Mail Se cu rity Y IP Se cu rity (IP Sec.) Y Web
Se cu rity Y In trud ers, Firewall and Trusted Sys tem Y Examination Paper (B. Tech.).

526-3 Partial Differential Equations Third

` 240.00 R.K. Gutpa Edition

Y Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms (Elementary Idea) Y Fourier Transforms Y Partial Differential Equations
of the First Order Y Non-Linear Partial Differential Equa tion of First Or der Y En ve lopes and Char ac ter is tics
Y Par tial Dif fer en tial Equa tion of the Sec ond Order with Variable Coefficients Y Classification of Linear
Partial Differential Equation Y Laplace Transformation, Canonical Forms, Linear Hyperbolic Equation Y Wave,
Heat, Laplace and Diffusion Equations Y Application of Laplace Transform in the Solution of Partial Differential
Equations Y Applications of Fourier Transform in the Solutions of Partial Differential Equations Y The Wave
Equation Y The Heat (or Diffusion) Equation Y Laplace Equation Y Green's Functions and Properties of Harmonic
Functions Y Calculus of Variations Y Transport Equation Y Index.

529-2 Advanced Abstract Algebra Second
` 270.00 S.K. Pundir Edition

Y Concepts of Set Theory Y Prologue to Groups Y Groups Y Advanced Theory Groups Y Rings and Fields
Y Euclidean and Factorization Domains Y Advanced Theory of Rings Y Noetherian Rings (Rings with Chain
Conditions) Y Vector Spaces Y Linear Transformations and their Matrix Representations Y Inner Product Spaces
Y Structure of Bilinear Forms Y Canonical Form Y Modules Y Advanced Theory of Modules Y Extension Fields
(Algebraic, Normal and Separable Extensions Y Galois Theory and its Applications Y Bibliography Y Index.

538-1 Spherical Astronomy & Space Dynamics First

` 230.00 J.P. Chauhan Edition

Y Spherical Astronomy Y Spherical Trigonometry Y Solar System Y The Celestial Sphere Y Setting of Stars And
Twilight Y Refraction Y Aberration Y Precession And Nutation Y Parallax Y Time Y The Meridian Circle Y Eclipses of
the Moon Y Determination of Position Y Space Dynamic Y Central Orbits Y Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
Y Artificial Satellites Y Motion of Rocket and Transfer Orbits Y Inter-Planetary and Lunar Trajectories.

539-1 Space Dynamics First

` 90.00 J.P. Chauhan Edition

YCentral Orbits Y Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Y Artificial Satellites Y Motion of Rocket and Transfer
Orbits Y Inter-Planetary and Lunar Trajectories.

592-1 Advanced Mathematical Methods First

` 160.00 Shiv Raj Singh Edition

YFourier Series Y Application of Fourier Series in Initial and Boundary Value Problem Y Integral Equations; Basic
Concepts and Fredholms Equations Y Iterated Kerneles and Volterras Integral Equations Y Hilbert Schmidt

679-1 Fuzzy Set Theory First

` 160.00 Shiv Raj Singh Edition

Y Introduction Y Classical Set Theory Y Fuzzy Sets Y Level Sets Y Types of Fuzzy Sets Y Classical Sets versus
Fuzzy Sets Y Fuzzy Functions Y Operations on Fuzzy Sets Y Fuzzy Subsets Y Fuzzy Complements Y Fuzzy
Intersection: t-Norms Y Fuzzy Union: t-Conorms Y Aggregation Operations Y Fuzzy Arithmetic Y Fuzzy
Numbers Y Linguistic Variables Y Interval Arithmetic Y Algebraic Properties of Interval Arithmetic Y Fuzzy
Numbers and Their Arithmetic Y Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers Y Fuzzy Equations Y Fuzzy Relations Y Crisp versus
Fuzzy Relation Y Fuzzy Extensions Y Binary Relations on Fuzzy Sets Y Fuzzy Equivalence Relations Y Fuzzy
Compatibility and Fuzzy Ordered Relations Y Fuzzy Possibility Theory Y Fuzzy Measures Y Evidence Theory
Y Possibility Theory Y Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory Y Fuzzy Logic Theory Y Classical Logic Theory

Y Multivalued Logic Y Fuzzy propositions Y Fuzzy Quantifiers Y Linguistic Hedges Y Fuzzy Logic Rule Base
Y Fuzziness Y Information and Uncertainty Y Non-specificity of Crisp Sets Y Non-specificity of Fuzzy Sets
Y Fuzziness of Fuzzy Sets Y Fuzzy Modeling Y Individual Decision Making Y Multiperson Decision Making
Y Multicriteria Decision Making Y Multistage Decision Making Y Fuzzy Ranking Y Fuzzy Linear Programming
Y Methods of Defuzzyfication.

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