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Name of Student: Date(s) of Service:

Name of Supervisor Supervisor Contact #:

Student Reflection - The following is to be completed by the student volunteer:

1. Describe the volunteer work you participated in.

2. Do you feel like you were involved in a real service to help others?

3. What did you learn from this experience? How did you grow as an individual?

Supervisors Report - The following section is to be completed by the supervisor of this service.

Describe the students role in this service and how they were helpful or an asset to this service.

General Appraisal
Please evaluate the student volunteer in the areas listed below. Please use the evaluation criteria in the box below.

_____ Ability to work with others S = Superior (Went above and beyond in this task)
_____ Completion of tasks assigned AA = Above Average (Did more than was required)
_____ Attendance/Punctuality A = Average (Did what was expected but no more)
_____ Initiative and independence BA = Below Average (Did not do everything expected)
_____ Overall effectiveness US = Unsatisfactory (Failed to complete the task)

Number of Hours Completed _____________ Supervisors Signature: ____________________

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