Hint: Harvest Goddess Mini-Game

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Hint: Harvest Goddess mini-game:

At the beginning of the year while using your TV, if you press Left, you will play a
mini-game with the Harvest Goddess. In it, you must guess if the next question is
higher or lower then the last number. The better you do, the better your prize.

This is a somewhat difficult game, but can be played five times a day for the first five
days of spring. Go to your TV and press Left until you see the Harvest Goddess. If you
pass her up, just press Left until you see her again. The prizes for this game include the

1 win: Nothing
2 wins: Grass/Herb
3 to 9 wins: (Noodle Powder)/Truffle/New Years Rice Cake
10 to 14 wins: Tea Leaves
15 to 19 wins: Lotion
20 to 24 wins: Water
25 to 29 wins: Tissue
30 to 39 wins: Perfume
40 to 49 wins: Dress
50 to 59 wins: Golden Log
60 to 69 wins: Fish Fossil (5000 G)
70 to 79 wins: Treasure Box (10,000 G)
80 to 89 wins: Ketchup Recipe
90 to 99 wins: Fried Potato Recipe
100 wins: Book

Hint: Help from Harvest Sprites:

To get help from the Harvest Sprites, give each of them a lot of bread, which you can
buy in the supermarket. The gnomes love bread. After you feed them, their heart points
should rise to 3. You can now ask them to do your work (watering, taking care of
animals, harvesting), or you can play a game with them. Do not forget to give them
some bread each week (one piece for each) to maintain their heart level.

Note: Buy them flour instead of bread. It is cheaper and they like it more. You can get
18 flours or 9 bread for the same price.

Hint: Marry the Harvest Goddess:

The requirements to marry the Harvest Goddess are as follows:

Catch all the different species of fish, including the six Kings. To catch the King fish,
you need to have either the Cursed, Blessed, or Mythic Fishing Pole. You may need to
go around town to different fishing spots to get the six King fish. Note: All Cursed
tools take up lots of energy when you use them; be careful. All Cursed tools are found
in the Winter Mine. Also, you can only get Cursed tools after you upgrade your all your
upgradeable tools to Mystrile stage. Cursed tools are located on levels 29, 39, 49, 59,
69, and 79 of the mine. You can bless these Cursed tools by using the fishing rod, axe,
and watering can 255 times or equipping the hoe, hammer, and sickle ten days straight.
Ship at least one of every shippable item. To ship one of everything, you need to get the
special seeds. To get them for Spring, ship 100 of every type of fruit and vegetable
from the supermarket. For Summer, ship 100 of every fruit and vegetable from the
supermarket. For Fall, ship 100 of every fruit and vegetable from the supermarket.

Collect all nine of the Goddess Jewels and receive the Gem of Goddess. The Goddess
Jewels are found on floors 60, 102, 123, 152, 155, 171, 190, 202, and 222 in the All
Season Mine. When you have all nine, they become the Goddess Gem. The Goddess
Gem helps recover Stamina, but you have to use it as a tool.

Own the Big Bed for your home. To get the Big Bed, buy everything from the shopping

Have the Vase. To get the Vase, buy it from Won when he sometimes come by in Fall.

Dig up every type of item from the Lake Mine. Note: To dig up everything from the
mines, you need to have at least one Blessed tool or Mythic tool.

Dig up every type of item from the Spring Mine.

Be in your fifth of later year on the farm.

Ask Carter for permission to "Marry the HG" during his Confessional times.

You will then be married. She will not stay at your house at all.

Hint: Getting married in less than one year:

When Thomas is done talking to you, go out and pick all the weeds that are in the
game. They are at the beach, Gotz's house, the Spring, and near the Winter Mine. Do
this every day for the entire year. Then, plant two Cucumber plants in Spring, twelve
Onion plants in Summer, and nothing in Fall. Note: Fall is optional. On the second day
of the first year, get your girlfriend and follow the heart events. This will not work if
you want to get married to Karen.

Hint: Having a baby:

Once your wife gets pregnant, it takes 60 days to have the baby.

Hint: Ancient Fossil:

Use a level 6 (Cursed) Fishing Rod at Mineral Beach in the fall. You can catch an
Ancient fossil (rare) that sells for 5,000 G.

Hint: Carter's Confessional:

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and rainy days between 1 and 4 p.m., Carter will be in the
upper-left room. He will able to remove cursed tools and accept confessionals. You are
given one chance to confess to something. If he forgives you, you will be encouraged to
move on and something will happen. If you are not forgiven, you are scolded and
nothing else happens.

All Harvest Sprites will increase in affection towards you: Confess "I overwork the
Harvest Sprites".

All villagers will increase in affection toward you: Confess "The townspeople don't like

Increase all animals' affection toward you: Confess "I did not care for my animals" or "I
was cruel to my animals"

Marry the Harvest Goddess after meeting certain criteria: Confess "I want to marry the
Harvest Goddess".

Hint: Chickens:
Build a fence on your field and throw your chickens in there. Since they are trapped in
there, they cannot run around your farm and be difficult to find. They will also find
their own food in the same area everyday, so you do not need to feed them.

Hint: Dog:
If you want high heart levels for your dog, take it to bed with you every night. In the
morning you will have to put it down to use tools.

Your dog also becomes extremely happy if he sleeps with the horse, chickens, sheep,
cows, etc.

Hint: Horse:
When you get your horse, always talk to and brush it. When it is an adult, ride it all the
time. After several days Barley will appear. If you did not take good care of your horse,
he will take it.

It takes exactly one year after you get the horse for it to mature. Then a week after it
matures, Barley will appear and check your horse. If it has less than six hearts, he will
take it away. However, he will give it back to you next year.

When your horse is mature, walk up to it with any kind of vegetable, preferably carrots,
and press A. This will make him happy.

It takes one full year for you to be able to ride your horse to mature. Then, seven days
later Basil will check on your horse. If it has less then five hearts. he will take it away.

When your horse is fully grown, walk up to it while holding any shippable item. Press
A to investigate it. This will make your horse happy, and the item will go directly to
your shipment box.
Hint: Horse race:
Save the game, then go to the horse race. Do not bet yet. Make a note of the winners
then reset the game. Load the saved game, then bet 99 on the winners. You can get a lot
of medals. Also, if you are competing, bet on yourself if you take extremely good care
of your horse. If you win, you will get a lot of medals.

Hint: Puppies:
To get puppies, go to Barley every day and give him either Miso Soup or Buckwheat
Noodles. While you are on your way to Barley's, bring your dog. While holding your
dog, talk to Barley's dog Hannah. Then, give Barley the noodles or soup and hold the
dog and talk to him. Then, hold the dog and talk to May. At 1:00 p.m., May will not be
home. Go to the Church. She will be in the front with Stu and Carter. Then, talk to May
and go home with your dog. Finish doing the things on the farm.

Hint: Chocolate:
When you are married, your wife will be up before you the day after the Fall
Thanksgiving Festival. A message similar to "Shuffle Shuffle... Good... <your name>
is still asleep... I can't wait to see the look on <your name>'s face!" You will then wake
up as usual. If you check your rucksack, you will find some form of chocolate that your
wife has given you.

Hint: Gem Of Truth:

There are three special gems that help with your fatigue and strength that you can get
by gathering nine pieces of each one of them. The hardest one to obtain is the Gem Of
Truth. The pieces are found at these locations.

Look on your Dog House roof.

Check the water trough in your Horse's Barn.
Exchange for 1,000 medals at the Horse Races.
Buy from Won for 50,000 G.
Check one of the lamppost between the Church and Rose Plaza.
In Mary's library, second floor, middle set of shelves, farthest one to the right.
Play the New Year's game show on the television inside of the Town Cottage.
Drops from the calendar in the Mountain Cottage.
Take all of them to Thomas' house and check the refrigerator.

Hint: Golden Lumber:

Sometime when you are Thomas' friend, he will come to you with a problem. He will
say that he got into an boasting match with the Mayor of the next town over and needs
you to get him an item. You have until 7:00 p.m. if you want to help him. He will come
to your home, so be outside. Your reward is a piece of Golden Lumber. Each time this
happens, it is a different item. Try saving different of items, such as truffles and

To get Golden Lumber, have 999 Wood in your shed. Gotz will sell you Gold Lumber
for 100,000 G each. This seems a lot, but it will not rot.
Never put Golden Lumber outside. Everybody in town will come to your farm and
become angry with you. This results in -1 Heart for girls every day that it is out.

Hint: Kappa and the Power Berry:

During any season except for Winter, throw two cucumbers in the lake near the
mountain. A Kappa will appear and ask to be left alone. For the next ten days, go to the
lake and drop one cucumber each day. On the tenth day, Kappa will give you a blue
Power Berry that doubles the amount of fatigue that you can take.

Hint: Mountain Cabin:

Remain married for 50 years and connect the game to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
on the Gamecube.

Hint: Mystic Tools:

The Mystic Stones appear after you have upgraded all your tools to the Mythic level.
They will appear after level 60 in the Winter or Lake Mine. Take them to the
Blacksmith with 30,000 gold and select the tool you want to be upgraded.

Hint: Record Player:

There are two ways to get a Record Player. The first way is to date Ann. On her Blue
Heart event, she will give you a broken Record Player. You cannot fix it. The second
way is to link to a Gamecube and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. After this is done,
Van, one of Zack's friends, will come to the Inn to stay. You can buy a Record Player
and records. Note: Van will only appear if Cliff is not staying in the Inn. The following
is a list of the records at Van's Shop and how much they cost.

A Wonderful Life Friends of Mineral Town Spring Song 430 G

SNES Spring Theme 500 G
Town Spirit 450 G
N64 Firefly Festival theme 600 G
Flower Bud Fall 600 G
N64 Fall theme 700 G
64 Memories 600 G
N64 Opening theme 800 G
Marin Jazz 640 G
Girl theme 900 G
Butterfly 640 G
Girl Event theme 1000 G
Summer Memories 810 G
Summer theme 1100 G
Joy of Fall 810 G
Fall Theme 1200 G
Winter HM (Friends of Mineral Town Winter theme) 900 G
A Wonderful Life - Quiet Winter 1300 G
The Bride (Friends of Mineral Town Wedding theme) 900 G
A Wonderful Life - Blue Bar night time song 1400 G
Hint: Spinach:
Ship 100 or more of Eggplant, Sweet Potatoes and Carrots. You will get a letter in the
mail from the store stating that they now have Spinach for sale.

Hint: Television:
If there is a storm coming the next day in the game, wait until after midnight. The
television will have colored lines going down it.

Hint: Teleport Stone:

After three years on the farm a new item called the Teleport Stone can be found on the
255th floor of the Spring Mine and the Winter Mine. The Teleport Stone can be used to
teleport to any area in the game, even to the Winter Mine when it is not Winter.

Hint: Seaside House:

Get 42 Connectivity Stars from the Goddess by connecting the game to Harvest Moon:
A Wonderful Life on the Gamecube.

Hint: Town Cottage:

When you buy the town cottage, on certain days you can play rock, paper, scissors with
the Harvest Goddess and win prizes.

Use the following trick to get the Town Cottage in three years and three months. This is
the bare minimum of time required to get the cottage. After you have done everything
to your house that you can, start saving money for the Town Cottage. It costs
999,999,999 G and 999 wood. Buy the Cheese Maker for your barn and the
Mayonnaise Maker for your chicken coop. Have sixteen cows and keep loving them
and taking their milk. Pick all the wild grasses you can. Then, go to your chicken coop.
Raise two chickens. Put both chickens in the incubator. When they hatch and become
ten days old, sell them. Every three days, a chick will hatch. Every three days, put more
eggs in the incubator. When done, plant an 80 by 80 square of crops (6,400 squares) in
your field with the following choices: Cucumbers for spring, Pineapples for summer,
and Sweet Potatoes for fall. Have the Harvest Sprites water and harvest your crops.
Have four sprites harvesting and three sprites watering. At the end of the year, if you
fill the entire field with crops, you will make roughly 302,196,800 G in four months.
All that money you made will include paying for fodder for your animals. Also, cut
wood every day from the stumps at the woodcutter's house, the spring, and lake. This
will give you 42 pieces of wood per day and save you from spending money to buy the
999 pieces of wood. Also, marry Popuri. She will help you with work on your farm.

Hint: Truffles and mushrooms:

When you become Carter's (the priest) friend, you will enter the church. He will be in
front of the table. Zack will come in and say that he has found what he wants. Carter
gets very happy, and they will keep talking. After you that, the door on the right will be
unlocked. In the Fall, you can find two truffles, a poison mushroom and a normal
Hint: Wild Dog:
To prevent the wild dog from going into your yard, leave your own dog outside and go
into town after doing your chores. Stay in town in until 10:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. When
you go back home you will hear your dog continually bark and the wild dog whine.
When you hear that, equip your axe find the wild dog. Hit it with the axe until it leaves
your farm. Note: The wild dog does not appear every night. Also, your chores must be
done by 5:00 p.m.

Hint: White Flower:

Some day in the summer, when you become friends with Ellen (Stu and Elle's
grandmother), and enter her home, she will say that Basil should be coming over. He
enters and says that she was going to tell him about a rare flower. She says that the
flower is the White Flower and that it only grows on a summer's night on a mountain.
She then says it would make her happy if she could see it again before she dies. The
flower is located at the peak of Mother's Hill.

Hint: Easy money:

On the day of the Horse Racing Festival, get your Basket and proceed to Rose Square.
Make a bet on a race and try to win 300 Medals. At the end of the Festival, talk to the
Mayor and exchange your Medals for Truffles and place them all on your basket. Leave
Rose Square, then place your Basket in the Shipment Box. Continue the game as
normal afterwards. When Gotz picks it up the next day, you will earn 15000 G.

A good way to build up some profits is to take some Orichalc Ore found in the Spring
Mine to the blacksmith with 1,000 G. Have him make any of the jewelry. Return when
he is done and pick it up. Then, put it in the shipment box and sell it for 2,000 G.
Repeat the process with more ore as many times as desired.

Start with 10,000 G and have the basket. On one of the horse racing days, take the
basket to one of the entrances of the Rose Plaza. Save the game. Take the basket in
with you and go to the Mayor. Have him start each race, but do not bet on them yet.
Write down or remember who won which race. Reload from the saved game of just
before you went in. Go to the mayor and bet on the winning horses. It should be the
same winners unless there was an extreme change in the winners pay out multiplier,
such as 5 or less jumping to 13, and another horse getting very low or close to the
winner's amount. Bet as much as desired. The pay outs are usually very close to what
they were each time you reload the game. You should get lots of medals this way.
Purchase the brooch for 18 medals. Fill up the basket if you can. Leave the horse races
after all three are completed. Take the basket and dump it into your shipping bin. The
next day when Zack picks up your things, he will comment on having so much there for
him. The money will come from the brooches you just sold for 2,000 G each. If you do
not win that many race medals, or want to try again, reload the saved game and start

Go to the Fall horse race and bet an even amount on all contestants. You can get a
necklace for 20 medals, then sell it for 2000 G. For example, with Hephestus, bet 10
medals (cost 500 G) and 60 medals. This is worth 6000 G; 500 G multiplied by four is
only 2000 G, giving you a profit. Note: This will not work only if the winner is x2, but
then you will break even. Having the large backpack is recommended.

To get at least 100 G per day, buy a chicken and leave it in the coop overnight and the
next day. There should be an egg. Put it in the shipping box and go slightly above the
coop. You should see a beehive. Go up to it and press A to get some honey. Put it in the
shipping box. Wait for 5:00 and you will get 100 G. Do this every day to get easy

If you get a basket, you can go around collecting grass and putting it in your basket.
Each piece of grass is worth at least 100 G, besides the black grass found in mines,
which is only 15 G. This gives you more money than chickens, fishing, or mining. If
you do this every day for a week, you will have a lot.

Another good way to make money is to plant sweet potatoes. They sell for 150 G each
and are only 300 G. They reproduce in just two days, and take fifteen days the first
time. In summer, plant pineapples, They are a lot more money to buy, but they
reproduce and also give a lot.

One day, Carter will become your friend. Sometime in fall, if you enter the church,
Carter will not be there. You will automatically go into through the door that was
always previously locked in the back of the church. Carter will say that he comes here
often to pick up items. From then on, you can enter the back of the church whenever
desired. In Spring, Summer, and Fall, there are two Truffles in the back. You can pick
those two Truffles and put them in your refrigerator. At the end of the three seasons,
you can ship them. You will make a grand total of 90 000 G. That is, providing that
there are no weather conditions that will not let you outside (hurricanes, typhoons, etc.).
To avoid that from happening, save just before you go to bed. If the television says that
there is going to be bad weather, reload the game, go outside for a moment, then go
back to bed. The forecast should now say something else.

Pink Diamonds are worth 10 000 each. This trick requires the Large Rucksack, one
Basket, and eight Bodigizer XL's. You will find about four or five Pink Diamonds in
each of the floors that they are located in Winter at the Winter Mine. There is only one
way to get them in any other season; find the Transportation Rock on level 255 in the
All Season Mine. In the Winter Mine, they are found on floors 30, 70, 90, 110, 130,
170, 190, and 255. Take the basket with you down each floor. To get down to level
255, enter the cave and save the game before you do anything. Then, find the stairs
downward. After you find the stairs, reload the game. The stairs will be in the same
location again. Dig the stairs and continue down to floor one. Save again. Repeat this
process repeatedly until you get to level 255. You will only end up using a little bit of
stamina and fatigue by using this method. However, you will get tired after awhile and
need some Bodigizer XL. Do not forget to take you Basket down with you. Always put
the Pink Diamonds in the Basket until it is full. After the Basket is full, start putting
them in your Rucksack. Once your Rucksack is full,. pick up your Basket and ship the
diamonds. When Zack picks them up, you will get 380,000 G. This can be used to get
the Town Cottage quickly.
This trick requires a Basket and a Cursed/Blessed/Mythic Fishing Rod. Go to Mineral
Beach and catch eight king fish. When you fish for the ninth one, you will catch a
treasure chest. Put it in your basket and eat the eight king fish. Eating the fish will help
you fish for longer. Also, do not try keeping the king fish in your Rucksack' it will do
no good after you catch the chest with those eight fish. You must re-fish for eight new
king fish. If by chance you catch a smaller fish, just eat it and continue. It may require a
few days to fill up a basket. Also, you can do this for any event that occurred on the
beach (fireworks and dog Frisbee challenge). This is not recommended however; if you
fish on any events on the beach, your wife's heart will drop by three and on the second
time her heart will drop 100% as well your popularity in the town.

This trick requires all of the Harvest Sprites at three hearts or more, 300 bags of
Cucumbers, 300 bags of Pineapples, and 300 bags of Sweet Potatoes. You do not need
the seeds for a plant until that season arrives. By doing this, you can use the last
month's profits to help you buy what you need the next month's season. In Spring, hoe
your entire field and plant Cucumbers. They grow back quickly and sell for about 100
G per Cucumber. For Summer, plant Pineapples. You can only buy them from Won.
For Fall, plant the Sweet Potatoes. They have the highest selling price of crops in the
game and grow back in two days. In all of the seasons you need the Sprites to help you.
Have three of the Sprites watering, and four of the sprites harvesting. Every day, give
each of the Sprites one box of flour. The Sprites like it more and it is 50 Gold less than

In order to get 250,000 G, you must have lots of patience. In the first five days of
Spring, there is a Harvest Goddess New Years Game on the television. Go to the front
of the television and save the game. Play the game and win 70 to 79 times in a row.
With that amount of wins, you will get a Treasure Box. Put it in your Basket. Save the
game and continue. You can get five Treasure Boxes a day. There is also two general
patterns of the game. One of them is: Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Down,
Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Down, etc. The second on is the exact opposite
in each direction (ups are downs and down are up).

You must have a Fishing Rod, a Basket, and/or the Large Rucksack for this trick. A
Mystrille/Cursed/Blessed/Mythic Fishing rod is recommended, though not required. In
Year 3 Spring 30, Zack will come to your house to ask you if you want to compete in
Beach Day. It does not matter which option you choose. On Summer 1, go to the beach
after 10 a.m. and walk behind Zack onto the bridge. It is difficult to get behind him, so
run through him. Place your basket in front of you and fish until your it is full. Then,
fill your rucksack with the fish and begin Beach Day. Time does not pass during
festivals, events, etc. When you get home, put them in your shipment box. You can do
the same thing in the Winter Mine twice a day, and you will get about 4,000 G per day.

Use the following trick for easy money during the first five days of Year 1. During the
first five days of Spring, play a game of the Harvest Goddess that will appear on
television If you do the correct movements and win 65 or more times in a row, she will
give u a treasure box that you can ship for 10,000 G. Win like this as many times as
desired. At the end of those five days you will have minimum of 10,000 G. Note: this is
very difficult.

When you have a baby, name it after a character in the game. That other character will
give you a certain amount of money, and if they sell something they will give you an
unlimited supply of it.

Starting with Year 5 and every five years after that, visit the Peak of Mother's Hill on a
sunny Fall 10 between 6 p.m. and midnight. This will start the Shooting Star event.
Make the wish to double profits. The day will end. Ship as many items as possible until
5 p.m. When Zack arrives, your profits will double on Fall 11.

Hint: Mountain Cottage:

Stay married for forty happy years. Your wife will decide to get you a Mountain
Cottage on Mothers Hill.

Hint: Mines:
The stairs leading to the next level are never found next to the walls in the mines. They
are also never found next to the previous stairs. If you give the Harvest Goddess (in the
water to the right of the Spring Mine) gifts that she likes, you will be able to go deeper
in the mines. Just throw it in the water. She likes anything that can be harvested off
your farm, including the flowers that you find around the Mountain area.

To get to lower mine levels without wasting unnecessary stamina, save your game on
that level, find the stairs, then load your saved game and dig the exact same location.

If you want to reach lower levels of the mines with ease, follow this trick. Save the
game before you dig, then locate the next flight of stairs down. When you find the
flight going down, remember the location. Load your game, then go to the location of
the stairs. This should help you get to the lower floors easily. Take along a few
Bodigizers and Turbojolts just in case. You will also be able to easily reach the cursed
tools. They are located on floors 29, 39, 49, 59 and 69 in the Winter mine, after all of
your tools are of the Mystrile quailty.

Hint: Winter Mine gems:

The following are prices for the Winter Mine gems and the levels where they are found:

Moonstone (55G): Any level ending in "8"

Sand Rose ( 60G): Any level ending in "9"
Agate (62G): All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Amethyst (62G): All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Flourite (65G): All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Peridot ( 68G): All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Topaz (75G): All levels except; 50, 100,150 , 200
Ruby (78G): All levels except (50, 100, 150, 200
Emerald (80G): Any level ending in "5", or below level 200
Diamond (100G): Any level ending in "0", or below level 200
Alexandrite (10,000G): Levels 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and below
Pink Diamond (10,000G): Levels 30, 60, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190, and 255

Hint: Pirate Treasure:

In the summer, use a level 6 (Cursed) Fishing Rod at Mineral Beach. You can catch a
Pirate Treasure (rare) and sell it for 10,000 G.

Hint: Seaside House:

Use a link cable to connect the game to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life on the Game
Cube to get stars from the Goddess. Repeatedly link to that game until you get all 42
stars to unlock the Seaside House at the beach.

Hint: White Grass:

During the winter after you become friends with Carter and can go through the door at
the right in the church, White Grass can be found in the clearing.

Hint: Fences:
Do not build a fence outside on your soil to store your chickens. Your fence can be
damaged. Instead, build a fence out of stones. Collect stones from your garden and
build a stone fence the same way you would build a regular wooden fence. This will
keep your chickens safe, and will not prevent a wild dog from breaking through the
stone fence to scare your chickens.

Hint: Bed time:

When you get married, your wife will go to bed at 8:00 p.m.

Hint: Harvest Sprites:

In addition to giving them just flour, you will raise the Harvest Sprite's affection by two
hearts if you give them items on their birthdays. The following is a list of their
birthdays, and the color of each of them.

Chef: Red, Fall 14th

Nappy: Orange, Winter 22
Hoggy: Yellow, Fall 10
Timid: Green, Summer 16
Staid: Blue, Spring 15
Bold: Purple, Spring 4
Aqua: Aquamarine, Spring 26

Hint: Ann:
The following are Ann's Rival Heart events:

Rival Black Heart: Spring, after 6:00 p.m., second floor of the Inn

Rival Blue Heart: Any day, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Church.
Rival Green Heart Event: Saturday Year 2, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., just inside the Inn
(just go in).

Rival Yellow Heart Event: In the Winery Shop's cellar, which is located next to the
shop. It is where Cliff hangs out during his job. This occurs in the Year 4, weekdays
(no Saturdays or Sundays), from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Note: On the Fall 29 of Year 1, Aja will ask you to help him. If you say "Yes", he will
say "Great. You can even invite someone to help." The only person who you can ask is
Cliff. If you do not ask Cliff, he will leave on Winter 1 and never return.

During the second year or so, go to Ann's house on a Saturdayat 10:00 a.m. If you are
good friends with her, you will learn desert recipes from her for three Saturdays. On the
third Saturday she will stop.

Hint: Elli:
Elli loves milk.

Elli also likes Magic Grass that is found in the Fall.

Elli loves perfume and dresses, but you must wait for the horse racing for those. She
loves warm milk and moon dumplings. She also likes strawberries.

Another way to get married to Elli is to give the doctor things that he likes on Fall 19
(his birthday).

Hint: Karen:
The easiest girl in the town to befriend is Karen from the supermarket. To get her to
like you, give her lots of wine. She also likes berries, but the wine works the best.
When your friendship increases, there will be a sequence in which she gets a special
wine from her father and gives you a bottle. Save it, and on her birthday (Fall 15), wrap
the wine in the supermarket and give it to her. This will give you a large boost in the

To win Karen over with love, you must start fresh with a new game. From day one
starting in Spring 1, give her Bamboo once a day, every day. On her days off, go to the
inn at 7:00 p.m. Make sure to go to her black, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
heart events. When the Blue Feather is on sale at the supermarket, make sure you have
one house extension, a refrigerator, cabinet, kitchen, all off the appliances, mixer,
whisk, oven, knife, seasoning set, pot, pan, and rolling pin. Then, buy a big bed. Then,
use the Blue Feather.

To marry Karen you must give her wine or bamboo shoots every day and go through
her heart events. Buy lots of items from the store to win her over.

Karen's locations are as follows:

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, or Sat: When sunny
08 a.m. to 10 a.m. Bench outside Store
10 a.m. to 01 p.m. Store to back room
01 p.m. to 04 p.m. Store to front
04 p.m. to 05 p.m. Store to back room
05 p.m. to 06 p.m. Store to back room
06 p.m. to 07 p.m. Store (closed)
07 p.m. to 08 p.m. Walking to beach
08 p.m. to 10 p.m. Mineral beach
10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Walking to store

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, or Sat: When raining

08 a.m. to 10 a.m. Store to front
10 a.m. to 01 p.m. Store to back room
01 p.m. to 04 p.m. Store to front
04 p.m. to 05 p.m. Store to back room
05 p.m. to 06 p.m. Store to back room
06 p.m. Store (closed)

Tuesday: When sunny

08 a.m. to 10 a.m. Bench outside Store
10 a.m. to 01 p.m. Store (closed)
01 p.m. to 02 p.m. Walking to Hot Springs
02 p.m. to 04 p.m. Hot Springs
04 p.m. to 05 p.m. Walking to store
05 p.m. to 07 p.m. Store (closed)
07 p.m. to 07:30 p.m. Walking to inn
07:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Doug's Inn
10 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Walking to store

Tuesday: When raining or snowing

01 p.m. to 02 p.m. Walking to Gotz's
02 p.m. to 04 p.m. Gotz's house
04 p.m. to 05 p.m. Walking to Store
05 p.m. to 07 p.m. Store (closed)
07 p.m. to 07:30 p.m. Walking to Inn
07:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Doug's Inn
10 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Walking to store

07 p.m. to 07:30 p.m. Walking to Inn
07:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Doug's Inn
10 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Walking to Store
10:30 p.m. Store (closed)
Hint: Mary:
To get Mary to like you, give her Blue Grass every day and talk to her twice. This will
give her at least a blue heart by Summer in the first year.

Do not give Mary more than one Blue Grass in one day. The second one will have no

Hint: Popuri:
Use the following steps to get Popuri to like you in one year. First, go to your "Bee's
Nest" in the tree in your farm and get honey. .Take your honey and go to the Harvest
Goddess Lake (the one with the waterfall) between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Popuri
and Ann will be there. Give the honey to Popuri (it is one of her favorite things) then
talk to her twice. Then, go to the Poultry Farm (where Popuri lives) between 11:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. and talk to her twice again. Giving her another gift is optional.

Popuri's brother Rick is very protective of her. It is a good idea to talk to him
sometimes, and give him an egg on his birthday. Becoming friends with Popuri's family
is also a good way to become friends with her. Also, take advantage of the fact that
your rival bachelor, Kai, is only around in the summer.

Popuri also likes Honey, Apples, and your Puppy. She dislikes any Magic Grass, Grass,
Sticks, your adult dog ,and Rice Cakes.

Popuri will like you a lot if you are nice to her mom, Lillia. Lilia especially likes
Apples, Sweet Potatoes, and Milk. No matter what you give her, she will say that her
husband used to say it. Do not give her things to try to heal her, she will just get upset.
Lilia does not dislike very much, but it is nice to give her the things she really likes,
because she has frail health and will sometimes charge a little less on Chicken Feed if
you give her things daily. Note: It is not necessary to gtive Lillia things daily to marry
Popuri, but it is a faster way to get Popuri to like you.

To marry Popuri, you must go through these required scenes:

Black Heart Days: Wednesday, 11:20 to 12:59 p.m. with sunny weather, where you
leave the Blacksmith at the time above.

Purple Heart Days: Any day except Saturday or Sunday, 6:00 to 11:59 a.m. with sunny
weather, when you leave your house when you wake up.

Blue Heart Days: Sunday, 10:00 to 12:59 p.m. with sunny weather, at church.

Yellow Heart Days: Any day except Tuesday or Sunday, 11:20 to 12:59 p.m. with
sunny weather, at her farm.

Also note that her birthday is Summer the third. Her most favorite item is scrambled
eggs; she blushes. However, until you get the kitchen, just give her flowers or eggs, and
for an extra heart point get eight chickens and become friends with Rick and Lilia.
Your opponent is Kai, but he only comes in Summer; take advantage of this.

Hint: Getting a girlfriend:

If you want a certain girl to be your girlfriend, make sure you bring her things she that
likes at least once everyday. Find out what her schedule is, so that you know what she
is doing at each time of the day. Always talk to her and bring her some of your crops
that you grow. If she does not like something you give her, do not give it to her

Once you have a girlfriend you can go up to Mothers Hill during the Full Moon
Festival at 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 and talk to her. She will ask if you want to see the moon
with her. Answer "Yes", and this will make her happy.

Hint: Eat dinner with girlfriend:

When the news reporter tells you to spend the next day with a special girl, talk to your
girlfriend. She will invite you to her house tomorrow at 6 p.m. to eat dinner.

Hint: Rival Heart events:

Black: At the hot spring from Wednesday to Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Blue: Gotz's house during the three seasons except for Spring, on Mondays and
Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Green: Sunny day, Hot Springs, in the second year, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Orange: On the chicken farm, fourth year, Popuri must have married Kai or you
currently, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., sunny day.

Note: All events take place in summer.

Black: On a sunny Sunday, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Blue: On a sunny Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Green Sunny Sunday, year two, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the beach's dock.

Orange: Sunny Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at the fourth year, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m. at the chicken farmhouse

Black: At the hospital not on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Doctor asks how Elli is and she says okay and happy that he cares about her. He
then tells her "Of course! I need you to run this business!". She then gets offended
because she really likes him.

Blue: Elli's house on a Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. the Doctor asks how Elli's
grandma is. The Doctor then says "I should be able to do more!", then Elli says "Oh no.
You do enough for us!".

Green: At the hospital, in the second year, not Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 9:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Orange: At the beach, on the foutth year, Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on
a sunny day.

Hint: Red Heart and marriage for any girl:

Favorite items
Elli: Toy Flowers, Pink Cat Grass
Ann: Spa-Boiled Eggs, almost anything else
Karen: Popcorn, Wine
Popuri: Flowers
Mary: Mushrooms, Yellow/Green Grass

Birthday: Summer 17, or, if your Birthday is Summer 17, Summer 22.

Most Favorite Items: Truffle Rice, Cake, Cheese Fondu, Pancakes Favorite Items:
Cooked Eggs, Stew, Curry Rice, Strawberry Milk, Sandwich, Sweets, Rice Cakes,
Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Perfume.

Extra Heart Points: Buy any food except water from the Inn.

Black Heart Event: Go to Doug's Inn between 10:40 a.m. and 1 p.m., with no item in
your hands.

Purple Heart Event: Go up to the second floor of the Inn between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

Blue Heart Event: Go to the Inn on Monday or Friday between noon and 7 p.m. Make
sure you have an open item slot.

Yellow Heart Event: Go to the Inn on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday

between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Birthday: Fall 15, or, if your Birthday is Fall 15, Fall 23.
Most Favorite Items: Pizza, French Fries, Popcorn

Favorite Items: Cheese, Wine, Truffles, Tempura, Sashimi, B a.m.boo Shoots, Pink
Diamonds, Diamonds, Perfume.

Extra Heart Points: Buy items from the Supermarket.

Black Heart Event: Go to Jeff's Store on Wednesday or Friday between 10 a.m. and 1
p.m. with an open Tool Slot.

Purple Heart Event: Go to the store between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Blue Heart Event: Go to the Grocery Store between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Make sure that
you have an open Item slot.

Yellow Heart Event: Go to the Grocery Store on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday

between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Birthday: Spring 16, or Spring 20

Most Favorite Items: Moon Dumplings, Red Magic Grass, Hot Milk

Favorite Items: Milk, Strawberries, Elli Leaves, Accessories, Pink Cat Flower, Toy
Flower, Blue Magic Grass, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Strawberry Milk, Noodles

Extra Heart Points: Get examined by the doctor.

Black Heart Event: Go to Mineral Clinic on a Monday or Wednesday after 9 a.m.

Purple Heart Event: Go to the Hospital on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 9

a.m. and 7 p.m.

Blue Heart Event: On Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., go to Ellen's house, with
an empty Item Slot.

Yellow Heart Event: Go visit Mineral Beach on Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Birthday: Winter 20, or Winter 25

Most Favorite Items: Veggie Juice, Veggie Latte, Relaxation Tea

Favorite Items: Wild Grapes, Mushrooms, Chocolate, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Black
Grass, White Grass, Grape Juice, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Perfume, Bodigizer,
Extra Heart Points: Walk up to the second floor of the Library.

Black Heart Event: Go to the Library between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Purple Heart Event: Visit the Library on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 10
a.m. and 4 p.m.

Blue Heart Event: Walk up to the summit of Mother's Hill on Monday between noon
and 5 p.m., with an empty Item Slot.

Yellow Heart Event: Go to Basil's house on Monday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Birthday: Summer 3, or Summer 10

Most Favorite Items: Omlette Rice, Omlette, Scrambled Eggs

Favorite Items: Strawberry recipes, all Eggs, Chocolate, Apple recipes, Cakes,
Sandwiches, all accessories, Ice Cream, Diamonds

Extra Heart Points: Own eight Chickens.

Black Heart Event: Walk from your farm towards the village between 10 a.m. and 6
p.m. on a Wednesday or Friday.

Purple Heart Event: When Popuri has a purple heart she will come by and visit your
farm one morning.

Blue Heart Event: Between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. go to the Church. Be sure to have an
open Item Slot.

Yellow Heart Event: Visit the poultry farm between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

To marry a girl, there are a few requirements:
Have the second house upgrade, and the Big Bed.
Have the Flower Vase.
It is easier if you have the entire Cooking Set.
Buy the Blue Feather.
Have a girl at the red heart level.
See all of the girl's heart events.
Propose to the girl after giving her favorite item to her.

Marriage to the Harvest Goddess

Catch all the different species of fish, including the 6 Kings
Ship at least one of every shippable item
Collect all nine of the Goddess Jewels and receive the Gem of Goddess
Own the Big Bed for your home
Dig up every type of item from the Lake Mine
Dig up every type of item from the Spring Mine
Be in your fifth year (or later) on the farm
Ask Carter for permission to "Marry the HG" during his confessional times

Hint: Birthdays:
The following is a list of all the characters' birthdays. If you give people things on their
birthdays, they are more likely to give you help when you need it, or give you things
for free or at a discount.

Harvest Goddess: Spring 8. Note: She likes wild flowers
Saibara (runs the blacksmith): Spring 11
Barley (runs the ranch, gives you your horse): Spring 17
Lilia (works at the poultry farm): Spring 19
Sasha (Karen's mother, works at the supermarket): Spring 30

Harris (the police officer): Summer 4
Cliff (the freeloading kid): Summer 6
Basil (the father of Mary): Summer 11
Kai (runs Kai's Seaside Lodge in summer): Summer 22
Mayor Thomas: Summer 25
Zack (takes your crops away to be sold at 5): Summer 29

Gotz (the lumberjack): Fall 2
Stu (Elli's kid brother): Fall 5
Manna (Sells wine and grape juice at vineyard): Fall 11
Doctor: Fall 17
Carter (runs the church): Fall 20
Anna (Basil's wife): Fall 23
Rick (The kid that works at the chicken ranch): Fall 27

Gray (works at the blacksmith): Winter 6
Doug (runs Doug's Inn): Winter 11
Ellen (Grandmother of Elli): Winter 13
Duke (runs the vineyard): Winter 15
Won (Runs the shack at the beach): Winter 19
May (works at yodel ranch): Winter 26
Jeff (runs the supermarket; is Karen's dad): Winter 29

Hint: Crops:
In order to be able to get Strawberry Seeds, you must ship 100 Turnips, Potatoes, and
Cucumbers. To get Pumpkin Seeds, you must ship 100 Corn, Tomatoes, and Onions.
To get Spinach Seeds, you have to ship 100 Sweet Potatoes, Eggplants, and Carrot.

Hint: Recommended crops:

Spring: Turnips. They are cheap, but they grow the fastest making them worth every
Summer: Buy pineapples from Won.
Autumn: Sweet potatoes. They re-grow in two days and have a high selling price.

Spring: Cucumbers. They have a slightly lower selling rate than Turnips, but they grow
back every four days and will surpass the money you make from Turnips.
Summer: Pineapples. They take 20 days to grow the first time, and 5 to grow back.
They have a really high selling rate (200 G).
Fall: Sweet Potatoes. They take 15 days to grow the first time, and 2 to grow back.
They sell for 150 G.
Note: To make money very quickly, plant your entire yard with the crops. Do not leave
any room to walk in. Have the Harvest Sprites do them for you. The sprites must have
three Hearts toward you. Just give them one Flour Box a day, for three days, and they
will help you. You must have four sprites harvesting and three watering. Otherwise, the
sprites will not get the plants harvested in time.

Hint: Goddess Jewels:

The Goddess Jewels are found on floors 60, 102, 123, 152, 155, 171, 190, 202, and 222
in the Spring Mine. They are only useful in the full set. When you get all of them, they
combine to form the Goddess Gem. The Goddess Gem recovers stamina when used as
a tool.

Hint: Kappa Jewels:

The Kappa Jewels are found on floors 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 140, 160, 180,and 255 in the
Winter Mine. They are only useful in the full set. When you get all of them, they
combine to form the Kappa Gem. The Kappa Gem recovers Fatigue, when used as a

Hint: Jewels of Truth:

The Jewels of Truth can be found in the following locations or doing the following

On the top of the Dog House.

The trough in the Stable.

Get 1,000 Horse Race Medals.

50,000 G in Won's shop.

A lamppost between the church and the Town Square.

In Mary's Library, second floor, middle set of shelves, furthest to the right.

Play the New Years game show on the television inside of the Town Cottage.

Drops from the calendar in the Mountain Cottage

In Thomas's refrigerator when you have the other eight.

Hint: Power Berry locations:

Dig around in your fields (with the Hoe).

Throw items into the Waterfall Lake (by the hot spring) on ten different days. The
Harvest Goddess will give it to you. Note: Flowers work best.

Get 900 Horse Racing Medals.

Win the Horse Race.

Win the Frisbee Tournament.

Use a Mystrile fishing pole on the beach during Winter.

Dig in the floor 100 of the Spring Mine.

10,000 G on the Shopping Channel.

Press A behind the Winter Mine entrance.

Dig around in the floor 19 floor of the Winter Mine.

Another berry can be obtained by throwing Cucumbers into the lake on Mother Hill on
ten different days; Kappa will give you a Blue Power Berry. This berry will appear in
front of the other berries to the side. To get the Blue Power Berry, it has to be
Cucumbers that are throw in.

Hint: Recipes:
Note: Ingredients in brackets are ingredients that are optional; they just help the food
recuperate more Stamina and Fatigue. Note: You need the kitchen and all the
appliances that go with it to make most of these foods.

AEPFE Apple: Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple

Apple Jam: Apple + Pot + Sugar

Apple Pie: Apple + Egg (any size) + Butter + Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling pin + Oven
+ Sugar

Apple Pie: Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Frying Pan

Apple Pie: Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin

Apple Souffle': Apple (Regular/ AEPFE/ HMSGB/ SUGDW) + Frying Pan

Autumn Sun: Cheese (X) + Mayonnaise (X) + X Egg + Milk (X) + Wool (X) +Yarn

Autumn Sun: Cheese (X)+ Mayo (X)+ Egg (X)+ Milk (X)+ Wool (X)+ Yarn (X)

Baked Corn: Corn + Oven

Baked Sweet Potato: Sweet Potato + Oven

Bamboo Rice: Bamboo Shoots + Rice Ball

Bodigizer XL: Bodigizer + Blue Grass + Mixer

Bodigizer: Honey + Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magic Grass + Pot

Boiled Egg: Egg (any size) + Pot

Buckwheat Chips: Buckwheat Flour + Pot

Buckwheat Noodles: Buckwheat Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin

Buckwheat Noodles: Buckwheat Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin (onion, eggs,
bamboo shoots, fish)

Butter: Milk (any size) + Mixer

Cake: Butter + Flour + Egg + Sugar + Whisk + Oven (apple, pineapple, wild grapes,
strawberry, honey, knife)

Cake: Egg (any size) + Butter + Flour + Sugar + Whisk + Oven

Candied Potato: Sweet Potato + Honey + Pot

Candied Potato: Sweet Potato + Honey + Sugar + Pot

Cheese (X): (S) + (M) + (L) + (G) + (P) Cheese

Cheese Cake: Cheese (any size) + Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Pot + Whisk +
Oven + Sugar

Cheese Cake: Cheese + (any) Egg + (any) Milk + Pot + Whisk + Oven + Sugar

Cheese Fondue: (any size) Cheese + Bread + Pot

Chirashi Sushi: Scrambled Eggs + Sashimi + Rice Balls + Knife + Vinegar

Chocolate Cookies: Egg (any size) + Flour + Butter + Chocolate + Sugar + Rolling Pin
+ Oven

Chocolate Cake: Chocolates + Butter + Flour + Egg + Sugar + Whisk + Oven (apple,
pineapple, wild grapes, strawberry, honey, knife)

Chocolate Cake: Egg (any Size) + Butter + Flour + Chocolate + Sugar + Whisk + Oven

Chocolate Cookies -Flour + Egg + Chocolates + Butter + Rolling Pin + Oven + Sugar

Cookies: Egg (any size) + Flour + Butter + Sugar + Rolling Pin + Oven

Cookies: Flour + (any size) Egg + Butter + Rolling Pin + Oven + Sugar (honey)

Corn Flakes: Corn + Rolling Pin + (Oven/ Frying Pan)

Corn Flakes: Corn + Rolling Pin + Oven, Corn + Rolling Pin + Frying Pan

Curry Bread: Bread + Oil + Curry Powder + Frying Pan

Curry Noodles: Noodles + Curry Powder + Pot

Curry Rice: Curry Powder + Rice Balls + Pot

Curry Rice: Curry Powder + Rice Balls + Pot Stew: Flour + Milk (S) + Pot + Salt

Dinner Roll: Bread + Butter

Egg Over Rice: Egg (any size) + Rice Ball + Pot

Egg Over Rice: Egg + Rice Balls + Pot + Salt + Soy Sauce

Elli Leaves: 6 Types Burnt Food + Bodigizer XL + Turbojolt XL + Knife + Frying Pan
+ Oven + Pot + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce + Miso

Fish Sticks: Fish (Medium/Large) + Mixer + Salt

French Toast: Egg (any size) + Bread + Oil + Frying Pan

French Fries: Potato + Oil + Knife + Frying Pan

French Toast: Bread + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan + Sugar

Fried Noodles: Buckwheat Noodles + Egg + Oil + Frying Pan + Salt + Vinegar + Soy
Sauce Buckwheat Chips

Fried Noodles: Buckwheat Noodles + Egg (any size) + Oil + Frying Pan + Salt +
Vinegar + Soy Sauce

Fried Noodles: Noodles + Egg (any size) + Oil + Frying Pan

Fried Rice: Rice Balls + Oil + Egg (any size) + Frying Pan

Fries: Potato + Oil + Knife + Frying Pan

Fruit Juice: (Apple/Strawberry) + Mixer

Fruit Latte: Fruit Juice + (any size) Milk + Mixer

Fruit Latte: Fruit Juice + Milk (any size) + Mixer or (Apple/ Pineapple/ Wild Grape) +
Milk (any size) + Mixer

Grape Jam: Wild Grape + Pot + Sugar

Grape Juice: Wild Grape + Mixer

Greens: Spinach + Pot + Soy Sauce

Grilled Fish: Medium Fish + Frying Pan

Happy Eggplant: Eggplant + Frying Pan + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Miso

HMSGB Apple: Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple

Hot Milk: (any size) Milk + Pot + Sugar

Hot Milk: (any size) Milk + Pot + Sugar Butter: (any size) Milk + Mixer

Hot Milk: Milk (any size) + Pot

Ice Cream: Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot
Ice Cream: Milk + Egg + Whisk + Pot + Sugar (apple, honey, pineapple, wild grapes,

Jam Bun: (Apple Jam/ Grape Jam/ Strawberry Jam) + Bread

Juice: Fruit + Veggie + Mixer, Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer

Ketchup: Tomato + Onion + Mixer + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (G): Golden Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (L): High Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (M): Good Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (P): P Egg+ Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (S): Regular Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (X): X Egg + Oil + Vinegar Mayonnaise (S) + (M) + (L) + (G) + (P)

Mayonnaise (X): X Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar or Mayo (S) + Mayo (M) + Mayo
(L) + Mayo (G)+ Mayo (P)

Milk (X): (S) + (M) + (L) + (G) + (P) Milk

Miso Soup: Miso + Pot + Salt + 1 (or more) additional edible item(s) (Mushrooms,
Onions, Fish, etc.)

Miso Soup: Miso + Pot + Salt + at least 1 item:(veggies, any size egg, bamboo shoot,
mushroom, truffle, small fish)

Mixed Juice: Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer or (Apple/ AEPFE Apple/ HMSGB
Apple/ SUGDW Apple/ Pineapple/ Strawberry/ Wild Grape) + (Cabbage/ Carrot/
Cucumber) + Mixer

Mixed Latte: (any size) Milk + Fruit + Veggie + Mixer,

Mixed Latte: (Apple/ AEPFE Apple/ HMSGB Apple/ SUGDW Apple/ Pineapple/
Strawberry/ Wild Grape) + (Cabbage/ Carrot/ Cucumber) + Milk (any size) + Mixer or
Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Milk (any size) + Mixer or Mixed Juice + Milk (any size)
+ Mixer

Moon Dumpling: Muffin Mix + Sugar

Mountain Stew: Bamboo Shoot + Carrot + Mushroom + Knife + Pot + Sugar + Soy

Mushroom Rice: Mushroom + Rice Ball

Noodles w/ Tempura: Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot or Buckwheat Flour +

Tempura + Rolling Pin + Pot + Knife

Noodles w/ Tempura: Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot,

Noodles: Flour + Pot + Rolling Pin + Knife

Omelet Rice: Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Oil + Rice Balls + Frying Pan

Omelet: Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Oil + Frying Pan

Omelette Rice: (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Oil + Rice Balls + Frying Pan Boiled

Omelette Rice: (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Oil + Rice Balls + Frying Pan

Omelette: (any size) Egg + Oil + (any size) Milk + Frying Pan

Pan Omelette: (any size) Egg + Oil + (any size) Milk + Frying Pan

Pancake: Cabbage + Oil + Flour + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan + Knife

Pancakes -Flour + Oil + Butter + Egg + Milk + Honey + Sugar + Whisk + Frying Pan

Pancakes: Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Flour + Oil + Butter + Honey + Sugar +
Whisk + Frying Pan

Pickled Turnips: Turnip + Knife + Vinegar

Pickles: Cucumber + Salt

Pineapple Juice: Pineapple + Mixer

Pizza: Cheese (any size) + Flour + Ketchup + Rolling Pin + Oven

Popcorn: Corn + Frying Pan

Potato Pancakes -Potato + Onion + (any size) Egg + Oil + Flour + Knife + Frying Pan
+ Salt Fish Sticks: Medium Fish + Mixer + Salt
Potato Pancakes: Egg (any size) + Potato + Onion + Oil + Flour + Knife + Frying Pan

Pudding: Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Oven + Pot + Sugar

Pumpkin Pudding: Egg (any size) + Milk (any size) + Pumpkin + Pot + Oven + Sugar

Pumpkin Stew: Pumpkin + Pot + Sugar + Soy Sauce

Raisin Bread: Bread + Wild Grape

Relax Tea Leaves: Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass + Purple
Grass + Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Knife + Frying Pan

Relaxation Tea: Relax Tea Leaves + Pot

Rice Gruel: Rice Balls + Pot + Salt

Roasted Rice Cake: Rice Cake + (Oven/ Frying Pan)

Salad: (Cabbage/ Cucumber/ Tomato/ or Carrot) + Knife

Sandwich: (Boiled Egg/ Cucumber/ Tomato) + Bread + Knife

Sashimi: Fish (Medium/ Large) + Knife

Savory Pancake: Cabbage + Oil + Flour + Egg (any size) + Frying Pan + Knife

Scrambled Eggs: Egg (any size) + Oil + Frying Pan

Spring Sun: Blue Magic Grass + Red Magic Grass + Moondrop Flower + Pink cat
Flower +Toy Flower

Stew: Flour + Milk + Pot + Salt

Stir Fry: Cabbage + Oil + Knife + Frying Pan + Soy Sauce

Strawberry Jam: Strawberry + Pot + Sugar

Strawberry Milk: Strawberry + Milk (any size) + Mixer

SUGDW Apple: Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple

Summer Sun: Small Fish + Medium Fish + Large Fish + Fossil of Ancient Fish + Pirate
Sushi: Sashimi + Rice Ball + Vinegar

Sweet Potatoes: Butter + (any size) Egg + Sweet Potato + Sugar + Pot + Oven

Tempura Noodles: Tempura + Noodles + Pot or Flour + Tempura + Rolling Pin + Pot +

Tempura Rice: Rice Balls + Tempura + Salt

Tempura: Egg (any size) + Flour + Oil + Frying Pan

Tempura: Flour + Egg + Oil + Frying Pan (veggies, mushrooms, soy sauce)

Toast: Bread + Oven

Toasted Rice Balls: Rice Balls + Oven

Toasted Rice Balls: Rice Balls + Oven + Soy Sauce

Tomato Juice: Tomato + Mixer + Salt

Truffle Rice: Truffle + Rice Ball

Turbojolt XL: Turbojolt + Green Grass + Mixer

Turbojolt: Honey + Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magic Flower + Pot

Veggie Juice: (Cabbage/ Carrot/ Cucumber) + Mixer

Veggie Latte: Veggie Juice + Milk (any size) + Mixer or (Cabbage/ Carrot/ Cucumber)
+ Milk (any size) + Mixer

Wild Grape Juice: Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass + Pot

Winter Sun: Alexandrite + Diamond + Emerald + Moonstone + Pink Diamond +

Mythic Stone + Sand Rose

X Egg: Regular Egg + Good Egg + High Egg + Golden Egg + P Egg

X Cheese: Cheese (S) + Cheese (M) + Cheese (L) + Cheese (G) + Cheese (P)

X Egg: Regular Quality Egg + Good + High + Golden + P

X Milk: Milk (S) + Milk (M) + Milk (L) + Milk (G) + Milk (P)
Hint: Axe upgrades:
The Axe is used to chop up branches and stumps.

Normal: You begin with this tool in your toolbox. Effect: One hit to cut branches.
Cannot cut stumps.

Copper: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 copper and 1,000 G. Effect One hit to
cut branches. Six hits to cut stumps.

Silver: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Silver and 2,000 G. Effect: One hit to
cut branches. Three hits to cut stumps.

Gold: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Gold and 3,000 G. Effect: One hit to cut
branches. Two hits to cut stumps.

Mystrile: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Mystrile and 5,000 G. Effect: One
hit to cut branches. One hit to cut stumps.

Cursed: Found in the Winter Mine on level 49. All tools must be at Mystrile level first.
Effect: Chop all tree stumps on current map. Takes large amounts of energy.

Blessed: You must have the cursed Axe. To bless it, use it 255 times in all. Effect:
Chop all tree stumps on current map.

Mythic: Upgraded by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Mythic Stone and 50,000 G. Effect:
Chop all tree stumps on current map.

Hint: Fishing Rod upgrades:

The Fishing Rod is used to catch fish in the water.

Normal: Obtained this from Zach at the house at the beach. Effect: Catch small fish.

Copper: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 copper and 1,000 G. Effect: Catch
small fish and medium fish.

Silver: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Silver and 2,000 G. Effect: Catch
medium fish.

Gold: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Gold and 3,000 G. Effect: Catch medium
and large fish.

Mystrile: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Mystrile and 5,000 G. Effect: Catch
large fish.

Cursed: Found in the Winter Mine on level 29. All tools must be at Mystrile level first.
Effect: Catch large fish and king fish. Takes large amounts of energy.
Blessed: You must have the cursed Axe. To bless it, use it 255 times in all. Effect:
Catch large fish and king fish.

Mythic: Upgraded by Saibara in the town. Costs 1 Mythic Stone and 50,000 G. Effect:
Catch large fish and king fish.

Hint: Hammer upgrades:

The Hammer is used to smash stones rocks and boulders, and till land.

Normal: You will begin with this tool in your toolbox. Effect: One hit to smash stones.
Cannot smash rocks or boulders.

Copper: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 copper and 1,000 G. Effect: One hit to
smash stones, three for rocks.

Silver: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Silver and 2,000 G. Effect: One hit to
smash stones, two for rocks, six for boulders.

Gold: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Gold and 3,000 G. Effect: One hit to
smash stones, one for rocks, three for boulders.

Mystrile: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mystrile and 5,000 G. Effect: One hit
to smash stones, one for rocks, two for boulders.

Cursed: Found in the Winter Mine on level 59. All tools must be at Mystrile level first.
Effect: Smash any stone in one hit. Takes large amounts of energy.

Blessed: You must have the cursed Hammer. To bless it, have it equipped for ten days
straight. Effect: Smash any stone in one hit.

Mythic: Upgraded by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mythic Stone and 50,000 G. Effect:
Smash all stones on current map.

Hint: Hoe upgrades:

The Hoe is used to till your land and used for digging in the mines.

Normal: You begin with this tool in your toolbox. Effect: Can till a 1x1 square of land.

Copper: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 copper and 1,000 G. Effect: Can till a
1x2 square of land.

Silver: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 silver and 2,000 G. Effect: Can till a
1x3 square of land.

Gold: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Gold and 3,000 G. Effect: Can till a 1x4
square of land.
Mystrile: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mystrile and 5,000 G. Effect: Can till
a 1x6 square of land.

Cursed: Found in the Winter Mine on level 39. All tools must be at Mystrile level first.
Effect: Can till a 3x12 square of land. Takes large amounts of energy.

Blessed You must have the cursed Hoe. To bless it, have Carter the Pastor bless it ten
times. Effect: Can till a 3x12 square of land.

Mythic: Upgraded by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mythic Stone and 50,000 G. Effect:
Can till a 5x18 square of land.

Hint: Sickle upgrades:

The Sickle is used to cut weeds, grass, and plants down.

Normal: You begin with this tool in your toolbox. Effect: Slices down a 1x1 square.

Copper: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 copper and 1,000 G. Effect: Slices
down a 3x1 square.

Silver: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Silver and 2,000 G. Effect: Slices down
a 3x2 square.

Gold: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Gold and 3,000 G. Effect: Slices down a
3x3 square.

Mystrile: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mystrile and 5,000 G. Effect: Slices
down a 5x5 square.

Cursed: Found in the Winter Mine on level 79. All tools must be at Mystrile level first.
Effect: Slices down a 9x9 square around. Takes large amounts of energy.

Blessed: You must have the cursed Sickle. To bless it, equip it for ten days straight.
Effect: Slices down a 9x9 square around you.

Mythic: Upgraded by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mythic Stone and 50,000 G. Effect:
Slices down a 15x15 square around you.

Hint: Watering Can:

The Water Can is used to water your plants.

Normal: You begin with this tool in your toolbox. Effect: Waters a 1x1 square.

Copper: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 copper and 1,000 G. Effect: Waters a
3x1 square
Silver: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 silver and 2,000 G. Effect: Waters a 3x2

Gold: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Gold and 3,000 G. Effect: Waters a 3x3

Mystrile: Upgrade by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mystrile and 5,000 G. Effect: Waters
a 5x3 square.

Cursed: Found in the Winter Mine on level 69. All tools must be at Mystrile level first.
Effect: Waters a 13x6 square. Takes large amounts of energy.

Blessed: You must have the cursed Watering Can. To bless it, have Carter the pastor
bless it ten times. Effect: Waters a 13x6 square.

Mythic 0 Upgraded by Saibara in the town. Cost 1 Mythic Stone and 50,000 G. Effect:
Waters a 31x15 square.

Hint: Cursed tools:

When you finally get your Cursed tools, do not test them out. You must go to the
church during confessional time and have the Harvest Goddess take the tool off. You
cannot let go of it otherwise. Also, it costs 1000 G to have her take it off. The following
describes how you bless them.

Cursed Fishing Rod: Found in level 29 of the winter mine. Use 255 times to bless.

Cursed Hoe: Found in level 39 of the winter mine. Have Carter pray to have it removed
11 times. Note: Equipping is by sticking the tool in the slot by where the time is shown
on the screen.

Cursed Axe: Found in level 49 of the winter mine. Use 255 times to bless.

Cursed Hammer: Found in level 59 of winter mine. Equip 10 days straight to bless.

Cursed Watering Can: Found in level 69 of winter mine. Have Carter pray to have it
removed 11 times.

Cursed Sickle: Found on level 79 of winter mine. Equip 10 days straight to bless.

After all your Cursed tools have been blessed, the Mythic Stone becomes a stone that
you can get on level 60 of the winter mine. Go to Siabara to have it upgraded. It costs
50,000 G to have it upgraded. It is easier for you to bless these tools during the Winter,
when you do not have much to do.

Hint: Avoiding crop and animal problems:

Save the game before you go to bed, just in case you forgot to feed your animals, water
your crops, etc. You can just turn off your game, turn it back on, and re-do what was
forgotten the first time.

Hint: Harvest the middle crop:

Notice that if you plant seeds then water all nine spaces with a level 2 or higher
watering can, you will not be able to reach the crop in the middle without cutting a
stalk from the sides. However, if you recruit a Harvest Sprite to harvest crops for you, it
can walk through the crops and harvest the middle one. This is only useful for crops
that can be harvested more than once though.

Hint: Raise pedometer quickly:

If you wish to raise the pedometer a lot, while you are waiting for a shop to open or in
your house, press the D-pad repeatedly very fast. It will raise 5 to 10 points with each

Hint: Angry people:

Buy a lot of Gold Lumber, then put it in your field. The next day, an event will occur in
which almost every character will visit and yell at you. This includes the Mayor.

At the Harvest Festival, take a poison mushroom and give it to Thomas. You will faint,
but not leave the area. Afterwards talk to everyone in the square and they will tell you
about how much they did not like the food.

Hint: No fatigue with tools:

On certain events, the clock on the bottom right will disappear. When you now use a
tool, it will not take down your fatigue. This makes it easier to bless some cursed tools
by just swinging a lot.

Hint: Level up tools:

It is easier to level up tools by the spa by running into the Spring Mine. By doing this,
time will not pass while the tools are being used and the spa is very close, making for
quick regeneration trips.

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