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MDD 2 - 3 - 4

Mara Beln Quezada Cornejo

Teaching Experience II

Ms. Astrid Guerra.


MDD Standards

The teacher candidate sets learning goals that are meaningful for the pupils
and coherent with the national or school curriculum framework.

The teacher candidate designs each class session, identifying resources and
learning activities that are appropriate for these pupils attainment of the
learning goals.

The teacher candidate designs an assessment plan to monitor pupil learning

before, during, and after instruction, including multiple modes and
approaches which are aligned with the learning goals and activities, and
considers adaptations for pupils with special needs.

1. Lesson 1 Topic:

1.2 Lesson 1 Learning Goals: At the end of the lesson students will be able
to create a poster describing their family tree and present it orally.

1.2.1 Alignment of Learning Goals to School and National Curriculum.

The National Curriculum is focused on enhancing the ability of the students to

communicate due to the alignment of the National Curriculum with the
communicative approach. Besides, the learning goal is related to Planes y
Programas from Ministerio de Educacin de Chile. On the other hand, the students
have a low level of proficiency in the second language because of that it is necessary
to adapt the National Curriculum.

1.2.2 Justification.

This is an important topic and also helps students to reinforce vocabulary related to
family. Besides, students could practice their oral production expressing little ideas
in order to describe their family members.
1.3 Analysis of Pre-Assessment Data.

The pre-assessments activities include: first, a warm up activity, in which the student
should guess the missing family member in the picture. Second, the explanation of
what is a family tree? And an example of it. Third, a pair discussion of this questions:

- Do you live with your parents?

- How big is your family?

- Do you live with any of your grandparents?

- How many brothers and sisters do you have?

- How many aunts and uncles do you have?

- How many cousins do you have?

- Do you look more like your mother or your father?

1.4 Learning Resources.

- Cardboard
- Color papers
- Markers
- Photographs of relatives

1.5 Assessments.

Performance-based assessment:

1) Students work individually.

2) Students create a poster with their family tree following the format gave
3) Students should include: parents, siblings, grandparents, and great-
4) Students should use photographs of their relatives.
5) Students present their posters in front of the class
6) Students will be assessed through checklists.

1.5.1 Describe how you will promote your students reflection and self-

I am going to promote the reflection and self-assessment of the students before

starting the oral presentations. I will give them some tips on how to present their
family trees. Also, I am going to use some CCQs for check if they understand the
instructions and use a guideline to promote the independent work for the final project.

1.6 Motivation for learning.

The students through this set of activities will be able to interact with each other and
know their classmate's families. Moreover, the lesson promotes the oral production
which is one of the weakest skills for them in the English language.

1.7 Activities:

a. What will students do?

Warm up (5 min.)

- Teacher shows several images of famous families of the T.V.

- Students must answer which is the missing family member.

What is Family Tree? (10 min.)

- Teacher shows and explains to the class her family tree.

Pair discussion (10 min.)

- Teacher tells students to get together in pairs.

- Teacher writes questions on the board for students to discuss in pairs.

Create the Family Tree (50 min.)

- Students work individually.

- Students create a poster with their family tree following the format gave before.

- Students should include: parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.

- Students should use photographs of their relatives.

- Students present their posters in front of the class

- Students will be assessed through checklists.

b. What will you do to support students engagement with that activity?

I will be monitoring the progress of the students, answer questions and practice
pronunciation in order to keep the students focus on the task.

2. Lesson 2 Topic:

2.1 Lesson 1 Learning Goals: At the end of the lesson students will be able to
create a restaurant menu describing the meals, desserts, and drinks in

2.1.1 Alignment of Learning Goals to School and National Curriculum.

The National Curriculum is focused on enhancing the ability of the students to

communicate due to the alignment of the National Curriculum with the
communicative approach. Besides, the learning goal is related to Planes y
Programas from Ministerio de Educacin de Chile. On the other hand, the students
have a low level of proficiency in the second language because of that it is necessary
to adapt the National Curriculum.

2.1.2 Justification.

This lesson not only helps students to practice vocabulary related to food but also
provide a real usage of the language. Besides, the students could practice their
writing in short sentences.
2.2 Analysis of Pre-Assessment Data.

The pre-assessments activities include: first, a warm up activity, in which the

students should stand up and say "yummy delicious" if they like the food shown by
the teacher. Second, the teacher delivers flashcards of different meals, desserts,
drinks, dairy, fruits, and vegetables for practice vocabulary and the students should
repeat after the teacher in order to practice pronunciation about food. Third, the
teacher shows a restaurant menu and explains the meals, desserts, and drinks that
the menu include.

2.3 Learning Resources.

- Data projector.
- Whiteboard.
- Color pens.
- Color papers.
2.4 Assessments

Writing assessment:

1) Students work in pairs.

2) Students create a restaurant menu following the format given by the teacher.
3) Students should include: the name of the restaurant, 3 - 4 meals, 4 - 5
desserts and 2 -3 drinks at least.
4) Students should include some drawings to decorate their menus.
2.4.1 Describe how you will promote your students reflection and self-

I am going to promote the reflection and self-assessment of the students before

starting the written part. Moreover, I am going to use some CCQs for check if they
understand the instructions and use a guideline to promote the independent work for
the final project.

2.5 Motivation for learning.

The students through this task will be able to interact with each other and learn how
to work in pairs. Besides, the students will be able to write short sentences using the

2.6 Activities:

2.6.1 What will students do?

Warm up (5 min.)

- Teacher shows several images of meals and desserts.

- Students should stand up and say "yummy delicious" if they like the food shown by
the teacher.

Practice Vocabulary (10 min.)

- Teacher delivers flashcards of different meals, desserts, drinks, dairy, fruits, and
vegetables for practice vocabulary.

- Students practice pronunciation about food.

Restaurant Menu (10 min.)

- Teacher shows a restaurant menu and explains the meals, desserts, and
drinks that the menu include.

Create the Restaurant Menu (50 min.)

- Students work in pairs.

- Students create a restaurant menu following the format given by the teacher.

- Students should include: the name of the restaurant, 3 - 4 meals, 4 - 5 desserts

and 2 -3 drinks at least.
- Students should include some drawings to decorate their menus.

2.6.2 What will you do to support students engagement with that


I will be monitoring the progress of the students, answer questions and give ideas
for the names of the restaurants.

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