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Analytic Review

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

2017, Vol. 32(2) 124-129
Neurogenic Fever: The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permission:
Review of Pathophysiology, DOI: 10.1177/0885066615625194
Evaluation, and Management

Kevin Meier, MD1 and Kiwon Lee, MD, FCCM1

Fever is a relatively common occurrence among patients in the intensive care setting. Although the most obvious and concerning
etiology is sepsis, drug reactions, venous thromboembolism, and postsurgical fevers are all on the differential diagnosis. There is
abundant evidence that fever is detrimental in acute neurologic injury. Worse outcomes are reported in acute stroke, sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury. In addition to the various etiologies of fever in the intensive care setting,
neurologic illness is a risk factor for neurogenic fevers. This primarily occurs in subarachnoid hemorrhage and traumatic brain
injury, with hypothalamic injury being the proposed mechanism. Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity is another source of
hyperthermia commonly seen in the population with traumatic brain injury. This review focuses on the detrimental effects of fever
on the neurologically injured as well as the risk factors and diagnosis of neurogenic fever.

neurogenic fever, neuroscience ICU, paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity

Introduction fevers with no evidence of infection. The very same surgical

lesions would also cause an increase in local prostaglandin
Fevers are a relatively common occurrence among critically ill
levels. 3 They further demonstrated that prostaglandin E
patients. A prospective study in a general intensive care unit
injected into the rostral hypothalamus, without the surgical
(ICU) setting revealed that 70% of admissions were febrile at lesion, would cause a similar febrile response. Their conclusion
some point during their hospital course.1 The fever response is
was that it was the prostaglandin E, not the surgical lesion
a physiologic mechanism to raise the core body temperature.2
directly, that mediated the fever. This was further demonstrated
This can be accomplished by both increased heat production
when indomethacin, a prostaglandin inhibitor, attenuated the
and decreased heat loss. Rats were observed to generate heat
fever caused by the anterior hypothalamic lesion.5
through shivering and conserve heat through vasoconstriction
Numerous microbial proteins have been shown to cause
in their tail.3 Similar mechanisms are present in humans.2
fevers.2 In response to these exogenous pyrogens, phago-
The idea of a neurogenic, or centrally mediated, fever has
cytes are activated to produce endogenous pyrogens, which
been around for many years. In 1936, it was first noticed that initiate a cascade of events, including prostaglandin produc-
damage to the anterior hypothalamus in cats would produce a
tion, leading to the change in the temperature set point.2,8,9
fever.4 This was subsequently demonstrated in other animals5
The endogenous pyrogen was initially felt to be a solitary
and was not associated with any signs or evidence of infection.
chemical, pyrexin, secreted by bone marrow-derived
In 1940, it was reported that noninfectious fevers would
develop in humans sustaining damage to the hypothalamus
during neurosurgical interventions.6,7 Further studies supported 1
Department of Neurosurgery, The University of Texas Medical School at
the hypothalamus as the thermoregulatory center of the brain.2 Houston, Houston, TX, USA
The anterior hypothalamus contains distinct populations of
Received May 05, 2015. Received revised November 16, 2015. Accepted
neurons that respond to temperature differences and initiate
for publication December 11, 2015.
behaviors to raise or lower the body temperature. The reference
temperature to which these neurons compare is called the set Corresponding Author:
point and can be modified in certain physiologic conditions.2 Kiwon Lee, Department of Neurosurgery for Critical Care, Neurosurgery and
If the set point is raised, specific neurons will be activated that Neurology, Division of Critical Care, Neuroscience and Neurotrauma ICU,
Mischer Neuroscience Institute, Memorial Hermann, Texas Medical Center,
induce heat generation and conservation.8 The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, 6431 Fannin St MSB 7.152,
In 1977, it was observed in rats that surgical lesions of the Houston, TX 77030, USA.
anterior hypothalamus and preoptic region would generate Email:
Meier and Lee 125

phagocytes, but further studies have revealed that several Fever in the Neuroscience ICU
inflammatory cytokines can act as endogenous pyrogens,
Although common in the general intensive care setting, it has
most potently interleukin 1.9
been shown that neurologically ill patients are more likely to be
febrile. One study showed that 70% of patients with brain
Impact of Fever on Patients With Brain Injury injury will have fevers during their hospital course compared
to only 30% to 45% of postsurgical ICU patients. Further, only
There is evidence that fever is more common in the patient
about half of the fevers in patients with brain injury will be
with acute brain injury than the general intensive care popu-
infectious in nature.10
lation.10,11 It has also been suggested that fevers in the general
Among patients in the neurologic ICU, patients with SAH
medical population may be a beneficial response to infec-
were at highest risk for developing fevers during their hospital
tion2,12 and that aggressive fever reduction may not be indi-
course, both infectious and noninfectious.26 Other risk factors
cated. One such study showed that antipyretic usage
for noninfectious fevers included length of stay and ventricular
increased mortality among patients with sepsis but not unin-
catheterization.26 Of 428 patients in the neurologic ICU, 93%
fected patients.13 However, strong evidence supports the con-
of patients with a stay over 14 days had fevers and 59% of
clusion that in the population with brain injury, fevers are
patients with SAH were febrile at some point.27 Specifically, in
associated with increased mortality.12,14-17 Mortality was
subarachnoid patients, poor Hunt and Hess grade, presence of
shown to be increased in patients with traumatic brain injury
intraventricular blood, larger aneurysm, SAH sum score, and
and stroke with early fevers but not in patients with central
level of consciousness were all associated with fevers.14
nervous system (CNS) infections.15 A study of 390 patients
with stroke showed that higher body temperatures were sta-
tistically associated with worse outcome, with a relative risk Fever of Noninfectious Etiology
increase of 2.2 for every 1 C increase in body temperature.18
They also showed that elevated body temperatures were asso- Of febrile patients, a certain percentage will not have any
ciated with larger infarct sizes. A rat model of middle cerebral identifiable infection. Among neurologic ICU patients, only
artery occlusions showed that final infarct size was affected 50% of fevers were associated with an infection.10 In a general
by brain temperature manipulations.19 Isolated to subarach- intensive care setting, the most common noninfectious etiology
noid hemorrhage (SAH), of 580 patients, 54% had fevers and for fever is felt to be postsurgical.1 Other possible noninfec-
showed an odds ratio (OR) of 2 for predicting poor outcome.20 tious etiologies of fever include medications, venous throm-
Finally, a meta-analysis of 14 431 patients with brain injury, boembolisms, and acalculous cholecystitis.8 Among the many
primarily stroke, associated fever with worse outcome in 7 dif- medications that have been reported to cause fevers, commonly
ferent outcome measures.17 used medications in the ICU include antibiotics, phenytoin, and
There are several possible explanations for why fevers barbiturates.28 Possible mechanisms include hypersensitivity
affect the injured brain differently and why mortality reactions, heat production, and idiosyncratic reactions.28
increases in these patients. It has been shown that brain tem-
perature is not only slightly higher than core temperature but
also that the difference increases with increased core tempera-
Neurogenic Fever
ture.21 Hyperthermia increases metabolic demand, which can Despite a thorough fever evaluation, a subset of patients
be detrimental to ischemic neurons.22 Increased brain tem- will not have an identifiable etiology, infectious or noninfec-
perature has been shown to be associated with significant tious. In up to 29% of neurologic intensive care patients, the
increases in intracranial pressure.21 Hyperthermia increases etiology of the fever may remain a mystery.29,30 Specifically, in
the inflammation, cytokines, and neutrophils present in SAHs, of 92 patients, 26% developed unexplained fevers.29 In
injured brain tissue.23,24 Other possible mechanisms of brain traumatic brain injuries, 4% to 37% of patients will have fevers
injury include excitatory damage, breakdown of the blood thought to be neurogenic in origin, after ruling out other pos-
brain barrier, and decreased protein stability and function.17 sible causes.31
Oddo et al compared metabolic profiles during fever and As mentioned previously, the concept of a neurogenic fever
induced normothermia in 18 patients with SAH. They found is not new.4,6,7 Lesions in the hypothalamus with correspond-
a decrease in the lactatepyruvate ratio and fewer episodes of ing elevations in prostaglandin E have been implicated in their
lactate/pyruvate >40, labeled a metabolic crisis, in normother- etiology.5 One study in rabbits showed hyperthermia and
mic patients.25 increased prostaglandin E in the cerebrospinal fluid after hemo-
Given the impact of fever on the injured brain, it is globin was injected into the ventricles.32 This correlates with
crucial to quickly and accurately identify the etiology and the many observations that intraventricular blood is a risk fac-
initiate appropriate treatment. When indicated, appropriate tor for noninfectious fever.14,26 Noninfectious fevers also tend
antibiotics are lifesaving. However, early and accurate diag- to occur earlier in the hospital course,30 suggesting that the
noses of central fever could potentially save patients from initial injury is pyrogenic. In traumatic brain injury, diffuse
unnecessary antibiotics and the many associated risks and axonal injury and frontal lobe damage are risk factors for a
complications. central fever.31 The authors hypothesized that frontal lobe
126 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 32(2)

injury and diffuse axonal damage are good indicators of con-

comitant hypothalamic injury. A cadaveric study showed that
hypothalamic injury occurred in 42.5% of traumatic brain
Several studies have looked for specific indicators and pre-
dictors of central fever in the neurologically critically ill
patients. It has been suggested that time of fever occurrence
could help elucidate the etiology. Noninfectious fevers typi-
cally occurred earlier in the hospital course, one study showing
that fever within 72 hours and subarachnoid blood were the
strongest predictors of a noninfectious etiology.30 A study of
526 patients found that subarachnoid blood, intraventricular
blood, malignancy, onset within 72 hours, and a longer fever
duration all predicted a central fever.34 Another study associ-
ated prolonged length of stay, ventricular catheterization, and
SAH with unexplained fevers.26 The authors proposed that as
ventricular catheterization was more common in intraventricu-
lar hemorrhages, the blood was the more likely risk factor.

Diagnostic Evaluation
The ability to differentiate infectious from noninfectious fevers
is crucial in the care of neurologically ill patients. As impend-
ing sepsis is the most dangerous condition, a thorough infec-
tious workup should be performed. This should include
evaluation for urinary, pulmonary, and blood stream infections.
Many patients will have an intraventricular drain, which can act
as a source of a CNS infection. If indicated, cerebrospinal fluid
can be sent for analysis. If the concern for infection is high or
the patient is unstable, antibiotic administration should be
started as soon as possible (Figure 1).
Another possible tool in the diagnostic evaluation of fevers
includes serum biomarkers of infection. Procalcitonin, one Figure 1. Sample fever workup algorithm. See text for details.
such possible biomarker, has been widely studied for its
potential role in diagnosing sepsis and guiding antibiotic ther-
apy. A meta-analysis in 2007 showed a sensitivity and speci- requires a high index of suspicion to diagnose given the vague
ficity of about 71% over 18 studies.35 The studies were varied symptomatology.39 Diagnosis can be made with abdominal
in their location and the procalcitonin cutoff value used. ultrasound.
Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy could theoretically Only after thoroughly ruling out infection and the above-
lessen the duration of treatment. A recent meta-analysis com- mentioned noninfectious etiologies and in the appropriate clin-
piled 7 studies, including 1075 patients, and showed that ical setting, should the diagnosis of central fever be given
procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy did not affect mortal- (Table 1). As mentioned, certain neurologic conditions are
ity, while significantly decreasing the duration of antibiotic more prone to central fever.26,31,34 Aneurysmal SAH appears
therapy.36 to be the most prominent risk factor, followed by intraventri-
In addition to an infectious workup, a review of the patients cular hemorrhage.34 Of patients with traumatic brain injury,
medications should be performed looking for medications patients with diffuse axonal injury and frontal lobe damage
known to cause fever.28 Should the patient continue to be feb- appear to be at highest risk.31
rile despite antibiotic coverage or no microbial source is found, Continued fevers despite treatment 34 and onset within
consideration should be given to screening for venous throm- 72 hours34,30 are suggestive of central etiology. Central fevers
bosis, both clinically and via upper and lower extremity ultra- may not be associated with the tachycardia and diaphoresis that
sound.37 A postoperative febrile patient could potentially be usually accompany infectious fevers and can be resistant to
watched for resolution, but surgical site infection should be typical antipyretics.33
considered in the setting of persistent fevers. Atelectasis is Ultimately, the diagnosis relies on a thorough evaluation for
frequently mentioned as a cause of noninfectious fever, and elimination of other etiologies. Although it is desirable to
although several studies have been unable to find an associa- avoid unnecessary antibiotics given possible side effects,
tion.38 Acalculous cholecystitis can be life threatening and avoiding antibiotics in a patient with sepsis could be fatal.
Meier and Lee 127

Table 1. Characteristic findings for different etiologies of fever. External cooling is frequently used when pharmacologic
interventions are inadequate. Although rapid cooling can be
Diagnosis Characteristic Findings
achieved, reflex shivering can attenuate the cooling
Infection Leukocytosis, SIRS, new oxygen need, and increase metabolic demand.23 In 2004, novel water-
altered mental status circulating cooling units, such as the Arctic Sun, were com-
Venous Swollen, tender extremity, new oxygen pared to conventional surface cooling blankets and shown to be
thromboembolism need superior with regard to fever burden and time to normother-
Drug related No improvement on antibiotics, on a
mia.44 Faster cooling times can be achieved with concomitant
reported medication
Postsurgical Recent surgery, rule out surgical site ice baths and cold intravenous saline.
infection Most recently, endovascular cooling catheters have been
Paroxysmal sympathetic Tachycardia, dystonic posturing, episodic, developed for rapid induction of hypothermia. Time to goal
hyperactivity associated with stimulation temperature and overall fever burden can be reduced, with a
Neurogenic Ruled out other etiologies, hypothalamic similar adverse event profile to central venous catheters.45
damage, SAH/IVH, recurrent, and Broessner et al showed significantly reduced fever burden with
resistant to treatment
no increase in adverse events in critically ill patients with cer-
Abbreviations: IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; SAH, subarachnoid hemor- ebrovascular disease treated with endovascularly mediated nor-
rhage; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome. mothermia for 7 to 14 days.46

Table 2. Treatments for fever.

Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity
Antipyretic Comments
Although a separate entity than the central fever that has
Tylenol Dose cautiously in liver failure, IV preparation been discussed thus far, paroxysmal sympathetic hyper-
available, safe in intracranial hemorrhage activity (PSH) deserves mention, as patients are often
NSAIDs Caution in renal failure, caution in intracranial hyperthermic during episodes. First described by Penfield
hemorrhage or if already on aspirin, consider GI in 1929, 47 PSH involves episodes of symptomatically
Surface cooling Pads can be expensive, monitor for skin breakdown,
increased sympathetic output.48 It can affect 8% to 33%
may use counter rewarming of patients with traumatic brain injury, and although several
Intravascular Expensive, increased risk for DVT, will likely need to types of brain injury can cause PSH, 79.4% of patients who
cooling treat shivering experience PSH have acute traumatic brain injury.49 Char-
acteristically, the episodes are triggered by external stimuli
Abbreviations: DVT, deep vein thrombosis; GI, gastrointestinal; NSAIDs, non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. and start quite abruptly.48
The symptoms are characteristic of increased sympathetic
discharge. An analysis of 9 studies that published diagnostic
Therapeutic Options criteria for PSH showed that tachycardia, diaphoresis, and
As fevers are caused by a prostaglandin-induced elevation in increased motor activity were ubiquitous in their involve-
the hypothalamic set point,2 an appropriate intervention is to ment.49 Seven of the studies included hyperthermia. Another
block this process (see Table 2). Typical antipyretics, including study reviewed 53 cases of PSH, and more than 71% of those
acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are patients had fever during the episodes.50 Ninety-eight percent
believed to interfere with prostaglandin synthesis.23 Several had tachycardia; and diaphoresis, hypertension, and tachypnea
studies have shown a fever reduction associated with these were as frequent as fevers.
medications,40,41 without showing a mortality benefit. In the The underlying mechanism is still unclear.51 A prevailing
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in Stroke trial, patients with early hypothesis, including that of Penfield, involved epileptic
stroke were given 6 g paracetamol daily compared to pla- discharges.47,48 The currently proposed mechanism involves a
cebo.42 In patients with body temperature between 36 C and disrupted balance between inhibitory and stimulatory sympa-
39 C, average body temperature was lowered 0.26 C in those thetic pathways.48 There are centers in the brainstem and dien-
receiving paracetamol. They showed a nonsignificant improve- cephalon that inhibit sympathetic outflow. If damaged, spinal
ment in outcome. A post hoc analysis showed that among cord circuits may be allowed to amplify, through positive feed-
patients with body temperature 37 C to 39 C, those receiving back loops, mild peripheral stimulation and initiate an exag-
paracetamol showed a slightly larger reduction in body tem- gerated sympathetic response.50 Magnetic resonance imaging
perature, 0.30 C, and a significant improvement in outcome has shown injury to deep brain structures, the brainstem, or
(OR: 1.43, 95% confidence interval: 1.02-1.97). diffuse axonal injury in these patients.48
Reports have suggested that neurogenic fevers are some- Current treatment is centered on prevention, with agitation
what resistant to traditional pharmacologic therapies.33 One and pain control.48 The primary treatment options highlight the
study showed that only 7% of patients with traumatic brain mechanism of increased sympathetic discharge. Beta-blockers
injury and 11% of patients with SAH defervesced with the are the mainstay of treatment, propranolol being the most com-
antipyretics used.43 monly used. Clonidine is a presynaptic a-2 agonist that
128 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 32(2)

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