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English Spelling 1

Houston Baptist University

School of Education
Lesson Plan Format

Subject: English Language Spelling Grade Level: 6 Time Estimate: 45 mins

Unit: Vocabulary Topic: Suffixes and Prefixes

Goal(s): Student shall examine and analyze the suffixes and prefixes used to change meaning.

Objective(s): The student will add prefixes or suffixes in accordance with their contextual
meaning with 95% accuracy.

TEKS: 1(A), 1(B)

Materials/Resources/Technology needs: Overhead projector, root word vocabulary flash cards,

sample texts that use the root words provided, word basket containing all new vocabulary words
learnt during the week, empty index cards, and colored markers. .

Instructional Procedures

Focusing Event: Divide the class into groups of four. Let each group pick up a word from the
word basket that is handed around. Now each group is to form as many words as they can be re-
arranging the letters in the chosen word. No alphabet is to be repeated. The new words formed
by be of any length.

Teaching/ Learning Procedures:

List and discuss the vocabulary words noted by each group.

Invite suggestions of other words that could be formed. List all vocabulary words.
Now introduce the strategy of forming words by taking each alphabet of the word chosen.
Show an example as guided practice.
Let each group re-look at their word list and try and form more words using the strategy just
Discuss as a class and write the comprehensive list on the white board.
Distribute the vocabulary sheet and let students write down the words, the meanings and how
to use it in a sentence.
Students to share their findings in their small groups of four.
Distribute 5 root words per table.
English Spelling 2

Using the document camera, underline a root word from a text, discuss the meaning.
Now use a small cut out of a prefix like non and place in front of the root word.
Re-read the sentence. Discuss if it makes sense and how the meaning has changed.
Demonstrate using another prefix such as dis and encourage class participation. Check for
Make a list of prefixes on the whiteboard and their meanings as a collaborative effort from
the entire class.
Let each table copy the prefix on an empty index card provided on each table (along with
their meaning on the flip side)
Let each group create a list of words using each prefix at least once. This is for a grade.
Repeat the procedure for suffices. Use a different colored marker.
Each student should have their own graphic organizer filled in with root words, prefixes and
suffixes and at least five examples of words using prefixes, 5 using suffixes and 5 sentences
using at least one word with a prefix or suffix.

Formative Check (ongoing or specific): Participation of students in group work, list of prefixes
and suffixes worksheet and class hand-out to be graded.

Reteach (alternative used as needed): Root words shall be provided as laminated cards to each
table. Pre-fixes and suffixes shall also be provided as laminated cards but of a different color.
Prefixes to be blue and suffixes to be green. The root words are to be printed as black n a white
background. Each group shall move to the front of the class, make a sentence by writing
additional words on their white-boards. Then add a prefix or suffix and change the meaning of
the sentence.

Closure: As an exit ticket, each student shall pick one root word, think of a suffix or prefix and
create a sentence that shows the meaning of the altered word.

Assessment/Summative Evaluation: Each group shall write a poem or create a song on prefixes
and suffixes elaborating on their meaning and usage. The rubric provided in the syllabus shall be
used for guidance on elements to include.

ELL: Graphic representation of root word to be provided alongside the word in the class
hand-out. Examples of suffices and prefixes that can used to be indicated as dotted lines
between the root words and the suffix/prefix.
English Spelling 2

SE: Manipulatives shall be provided as pop-ups behind words. The electronic media shall be
available to learn the possible variations of suffixes and prefixes. Each group shall include
the SE student while laying down root words and the suffix/prefix that goes with them. Class
hand out shall be partly filled in and extra time shall be provided to list the words. Simple
sentence formation shall be accepted and suggestive sentence phrases shall be provided in
the hand-out. Examples of high frequency prefixes and suffixes shall be partly filled out.
GT: To create compound words that use suffixes and prefixes. Sentence formation shall be
replaced by short anecdote reference which can either be in prose, lyrics or illustration.

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