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It is good to have two candles of olive oil and not wax, because they are the secret of Netzach and Hod of Abba (that is
called - oil) inside Netzach and Hod of Ima (that is called olive) that receives them. In Tikkunei HaZohar there is
another explanation: keli (Vessel) is the Angel ( do not pronounce), the wick is Nukva of Zeir Anpin and the
Light is the abundance of Yesod.

So you should meditate that candle (ner) 250, is equal to the 248 organs of Malchut with the two arms of the King and
then it is called Ner Shabbat Chova (lit: lighting Shabbat candle is a must) and it corresponds to Binah (the Holy Name:
which is Binah and equals the numerical value of the word Chova - 21). As the Shabbat candles essence is Ima
unified with Abba in three places which creates three Yichudim:

In Keter -
In Chochmah, Binah, Daat -
In Zayin Tachtonot (seven Lower Sefirot) -
The three Yichudim add up to the numerical value of ner, candle.

The above three Yichudim also refer to the Nukva because when She ascends, She gets a new Name:
( before, She had the Name: ) for the unification, which adds up also to 250. Therefore you
need to light another candle for Malchut, which is the illumination of the Supernal Ima in Nukva. Also, the value of the
spelling out of the Name ( - the Yesod where all the above Yichudim occur) has the numerical value of
500, which is equal to two times candle (ner).

When lighting the candles, you should meditate that there are four flames corresponding to the four letters of the
Name: . Indeed, the two flames that are closer to the wick and can be seen by our sense of sight stand for the two
letters Vav and Hei ()". However, the two above,are concealed from us and not seen, and they are hinted at by the
letters Mem and Tzadik ( )"of the word ( mitzvah precept but also connection and unity as the letters "in
AtBash are replaced by the letters Yud and Hei - )". Then meditate to extinguish the two candles of the Other Side
(Abba and Ima, Zeir and Nukva of the klipa which is called: Shabbtai Do not pronounce) so they will not control the
energy of Shabbat How?

Ner (candle) adds up to 250. When you remove the two kolels (2) for the Nefesh ( )and Ruach ([ )the acronym
of the word Ner ]", and also remove the three Alefs (3) of the Names: [ which are part of the
three Yichudim above, and because they (the Alefs) are the root, the klipot have a grasp on them], from the Nukva
aspect we are left with 245. The two candles add up to 490 which is equal to: ( "lit: shattered) from ".
And by this Name "the klipa will be shattered. Also meditate that the klipa, above mentioned, will fade away like
smoke by the Name with its ten letters (73), as it is the numerical value of the word ga.

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The Kabbalah Centre, 1062 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90035. Phone: 310.657.5404
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2010 Kabbalah Centre International. All rights in all media reserved

We light the Shabbat candles to draw the spiritual Light into our personal lives. Every physical action in our world initiates a
corresponding reaction in the Upper Worlds. By lighting the physical candles of Shabbat with the consciousness and intent to
connect to the energy of Shabbat in the Upper Worlds, we arouse and draw spiritual Light into our physical world.

A secret of the candles can be found in their numerical value of 250. When we light two candles their numerical is 250 x 2 = 500.
A man has 248 bone segments and joints, whereas a woman has 252. Together, 248 + 252 = 500, the same value as two
candles. This signifies the power of one soul, the unity between a man and a woman.

All souls in the Upper World are comprised of both male and female in equal halves. When a particular soul comes to this world
of Malchut, it splits into two: male and female separately. If two people are soul mates, but they find themselves living on
opposite sides of the globe, the womans action of lighting two candles helps bring these two halves of one soul closer together.
By virtue of this simple act of lighting the candles, they can find each other and reunite as one soul.

When a woman lights the Shabbat candles, she is also helping to correct the sin of Eve, which was a Desire to Receive for the
Self Alone. The action of lighting the candles becomes an act of sharing. Because the husband and children are closest to the
woman, they receive the benefit of this action.

Then the woman would light the candles, close her eyes after all the candles are lit and recite the following blessing:

Adonai baruch
asher ha'olam
melech Elohenu

lehadlik vetzivanu bemitzvotav ( kideshanu
Shabbat shel ner
After Kabbalat Shabbat and before Arvit, look at the candles and meditate:
Zeir and Nukva Abba and Ima
For the second candle: For the first candle:
The three Yichudim of Zeir and Nukva The three Yichudim of Abba and Ima
that add up to 250 which is the that add up to 250 which is the
numerical value of Ner (candle). numerical value of Ner (candle).

Please do not throw this away. If you do not wish to keep it, please return it to:
The Kabbalah Centre, 1062 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90035. Phone: 310.657.5404
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2010 Kabbalah Centre International. All rights in all media reserved
Kabbalists throughout history agree that a human being cannot overcome the force of negativity alone, without the teachings and knowledge of
the Zohar and the technology of Kabbalah. Why is it that when we know that something is bad for us, we still engage in it? Why is it that when
we know something is good for us, we abstain or procrastinate? Why do we forego positive actions in favor of negative ones nine times out of
ten? The reason, according to Kabbalah, is that we constantly battle an opponent in the Game of Life. This opponent is called Satan. It ignites
all of our reactive negative thoughts and actions. For 5,000 years, it has been beating us at this game that hovers on the narrow edge of life
and death, pain and suffering, good and evil. The kabbalistic insight as to why our opponent has been so successful is that Satan convinces
humankind that Satan does not even exist. Through the Light of the Zohar, Satan is exposed and once we know who the opponent really is, we
have a chance of beating it. The Zohar not only exposes and identifies the real enemy, it also gives us the power to overtake and defeat him.

It is incumbent upon us to connect to the seed and origin of the Zohar itselfits author, Rav Shimon bar Yochai. And so each Shabbat we sing
the song of Bar Yochai to make this vital connection.

ashrecha Yochai
nimshachta Bar
mechaverecha sason shemen


,kodesh shemen Yochai
mishchat Bar
,hakodesh nezer tzitz nasata hakodesh mimidat
Bar Yochai :pe'erecha
al chavush

, , , " yom moshav Yochai

,yashavta tov Bar
asher , , , " yom

hodcha kanita sham she'amadeta tzurim bim'arat

Bar Yochai :vahadarecha

,omdim shitim
" , or mufla " , or .lomdim hem Adonai
Bar morecha hema halo
yorucha ,yokdim
hem hayekod




lilkot alita ,tapuchim velisde Yochai
ketzitzim torah
, sod .merkachim
Bar Yochai ba'avurecha
ne'emar adam na'ase

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2000-2009 Kabbalah Centre International. All rights in all media reserved

esh uvmilchemet
ne'ezarta bar
,mita'ra hotzeta
vecherev .hasha'ra dat

Bar Yochai tzorerecha , , neged shalafta

lifnei higata ,shayish avnei limkom yochai bar

,ayish al koteret gulat gam .layish arye
Bar Yochai yeshurecha


kav ,hakodashim bekodesh Yochai
, sod
shabatot sheva .chodashim , mechadesh
shin kishrei kasharta ,chamishim
Bar Yochai kesharecha

() = yod Yochai
chochmah Bar
netivot lev .penima lichvodo hishkafta
Bar Yochai orecha
ziv mimshach keruv
at ,teruma


yareta ,ma'la rom

mufla yochai
", or bar
,la kore
ve'ayin ta'aluma
,la rav ki milhabit
Bar Yochai teshurecha ayin namta

hem ha'am ashrei ,yoladetecha ashrei Yochai Bar

sodecha al ha'omdim ve'ashrei .lomdecha
Bar Yochai ve'urecha
tumeicha choshen

ashrecha Yochai
nimshachta Bar
mechaverecha sason shemen

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2000-2009 Kabbalah Centre International. All rights in all media reserved

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