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Lesson plan EDU 220

I. Description
25-student 12th grade government classroom with one student
with an IEP, two students who are gifted and need more work
and one ESL student.

II. Subject/Skill
Students will discuss the cause of the civil war as well as the
implications and effect on government today.

III. Objectives
Using the textbook the students will read the chapter on the
civil war and take notes before they come to class. While in
class they will use a handout, listen to a powerpoint lecture,
and then take a Kahoot test. I will be able to use their scores on
the test as well as the handout to assess their level of mastery
on the subject. I will then assign one of two homework sheets
depending on their level of understanding.

IV. Procedure
Students will be asked to pull out their notes and handed a
worksheet to be used during the entirety of the class. Then I
will give a PowerPoint presentation on the civil war in which
there will be open discussion and then the students will break
in to groups of five to fill out the worksheet; this will take 25
minutes. Then I will let the students work in their groups and
have them inform me when they have finished, this will take
fifteen minutes. After filling out the worksheet the students
will stay in their groups and be given a 10 question Kahoot
test. This will take ten minutes and that will leave me with five
minutes to answer any questions and go in to further detail on
important people if there are no questions. The purpose of this
lesson is to promote groupwork as well as studying at home. If
the students do not study at home they will have to work
harder in the classroom to get caught up.

V. Materials
Textbook, cellphone, notes, energy and attentiveness.

VI. Grouping Structures

The students will be put in to groups of five. This size allows
me to easily watch the students to make sure they are all
participating while also giving enough people to stimulate

VII. Modifications
My ESL student will be given a Spanish version of the notes I
feel they would take themselves if their first language were
English. I will also give them a printed out version of the
PowerPoint in Spanish and touch base them with them to
ensure they understood the PowerPoint presentation. My
Gifted students will be given more difficult and in depth
questions on their version of the handout, they will also be in
charge of their groups. My IEP student has ADHD and will be
put in to a group that I feel will keep their attention and
entertain them. I will also call on them during my lecture to
keep them focused on the task at hand.

VIII. Assessment
I will be reading over my students handouts and assessing
their scores on the tests to see how they are doing with the
subject. I will also be calling on students who have shown signs
of struggling in the past. I put a large emphasis upon speaking
with my students individually and answering any and all
questions they may have. If they feel comfortable with me they
will open up about the questions they have no idea about but
dont want to look dumb. The material learned in this lesson
is the foundation for an entire month of this class so it will be
very apparent if any of the students do not understand the
material. As soon as I notice that I will intervene and make sure
the student understands the Civil War. I dont want them to
end up on national T.V. talking about the civil war and having
no idea what they are talking about.

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