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CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDFP User: radhey.shyam Time: 06-20-2017 00:06 Color: C



No departure
cards for flyers
Modi Picks 71-Year-Old Saffron Loyalist, Whos Now Bihar Guv Punjab 3rd state to
I ndian flyers headed abro-
ad wont be required to fill
in departure cards from Ju-
ly 1. However, this doesnt
apply to those travelling out
BJP Man Set To Be 2nd Dalit Prez
waive farm loans,
to take `24k cr hit
of the country through rail,
sea ports and land immigra- New Delhi: Bihar governor
tion check-posts. P 9 Ram Nath Kovind, a known Born October 1, 1945, WHY RAM NATH KOVIND?
Dalit figure in BJP circles, is Chandigarh: The farm loan
in Dalit farmer family Third state after UP &
set to take over as the 14th Pre- in Kanpur Picking a Dalit wholl be the first President waiver fever is spreading
Maha to waive farm loans
CBI quizzes AAP sident after the incumbent
Pranab Mukherjee retires on BCom & LLB graduate
from UP is part of BJPs outreach to Dalits, across the country, threate-
ning to place a huge additio- Total waiver of all crop
which has intensified after inter-caste clashes
ministers wife July 24. Kovind, 71, will be the
second Dalit, after the late K R
from Kanpur Univ
Advocate by
in Gujarat, Maharashtra and UP nal burden on the already
creaking finances of state
loans up to 2 lakh for small
and marginal farmers
Could create a rift within the opposition.
T he CBI on Monday ques-
tioned Delhi minister Sa-
tyendar Jains wife Poonam,
Narayanan, to be President,
and the first one from UP.
A former chief of BJPs
profession, practised in
Delhi HC & SC
Nitish Kumar has welcomed the move while
Mayawati has indicated that it will be difficult
governments. On Monday,
Punjab became the third sta-
te this year after UP and
Flat 2 lakh relief for all
other marginal farmers,
Was personal for her to oppose his candidature irrespective of loan amount
who was reportedly a direc- Dalit Morcha who was twice Maharashtra to announ-
tor in one of her husbands nominated to the Rajya Sab- assistant to former ce a total waiver of all crop State to take over
Has RSS backing. Considered a respecter of
firms, in its money launde- ha before being appointed go- PM Morarji Desai loans up to Rs 2 lakh for institutional loans of all
protocol, he is expected to go by the book and
ring probe against him. P 7 vernor of Bihar after Na- small and marginal farmers families hit by farmer suicide
Elected to RS from UP maintain good relations with the government
rendra Modis victory in 2014, (up to 5 acres) and a flat Rs 2 Ex-gratia for suicide-hit
in 1994-2000 & 2000-2006 I am sure (he) will make an
Kovind is a perfect fit for the lakh relief for all other mar- families up from 3L to 5L
1 killed in UK Dalit outreach that Prime Mi-
nister Modi, BJP chief Amit
Ex-president of BJP
Dalit Morcha and ex-
exceptional President and continue
to be a strong voice for the poor,
ginal farmers, irrespective
of their loan amount. will cost the debt-ridden state
mosque attack Shah and the RSS leadership
have been working on to ex-
national spokesperson
of the party
downtrodden and marginalised... PM MODI Punjab chief minister
Amarinder Singh announced
Rs 24,000 crore, according to
one estimate. Singh said his
Our stand (towards Someone of the
A van ran into worship-
pers leaving a London
mosque after Ramzan pray-
pand the partys social base.
BJP reckons that his ascen-
sion will help it improve its
Represented India
in the United Nations,
Kovind) will be
positive provided
stature of Pranabda, or
even Sushma Swaraj
the waiver, one of his key poll
promises, in the assembly. He
said the move would benefit
government had not decided
on whether to take a fresh lo-
an or generate more revenue
ers early Monday, killing one standing among Scheduled addressed UNGA in 2002 the oppn does not or Advaniji could have 10.25 lakh farmers. Some 8.75 for the purpose.
person and injuring 10 in the Castes. The party also believes Is married and has a field any Dalit been made candidate lakh farmers have farms of
fourth terror strike to hit son and daughter ITS A DUTY. LETS TAKE IT AS SUCH R N KOVIND MAYAWATI MAMATA BANERJEE up to five acres. The waiver Continued on P 10
FULL COVERAGE: P 12, 13, 18
Britain in four months. P 20
his social background will

Tatas in JV for
fetch him support from quar-
ters outside NDA, besides ma-
king things difficult for the op-
Cant spare anyone
from Cabinet: Modi
Oppn refuses to
throw in towel
NDA confident of
61% votes for Kovind
Wasnt allowed into
Prezs Shimla home Extend window to
India-made F-16s position. So is the fact that he
comes from UP, which sends 80 A ll those in PMs Cabinet
nursing a desire to become E ven as important regional
players started drifting R N Kovind is expected to
have an easy passage to L ess than a month ago,
security personnel didnt verify CBSE marks
L ockheed Martin has in-
ked a pact with Tata Ad-
vanced Systems to produce
MPs to Lok Sabha.
The confidence that he will
be a copybook President, spa-
the next President or the Vice-
President were left disappoint-
ed with the PM making it clear
towards BJP, the opposition
led by Congress and the
Left refused to abandon
Rashtrapati Bhavan. The NDA
has the committed support of
60.83% of the electoral college,
allow R N Kovind and his family
to enter the Presidents
residence in Shimla, saying he
Manash.Gohain YOU READ IT HERE
the latest version of its F-16 ring the government any hea- that he couldnt spare any efforts to put up a fight amid with TRS, AIADMK, YSR did not have permission from CBSE shocker: Big errors in totalling
Up To 400% Difference In Original And Corrected Marks Raises Questions
fighter jets in India, provi- dache in the run-up to the 2019 senior minister. Sources said indications that its choice Congress and BJD backing the Presidents office, reports New Delhi: A TOI front-page Manash.Gohain

New Delhi: Sonali, a Delhi

Original Revised Change There are cases
TOI mailed and texted a
questionnaire to CBSEs
chairperson and spokesper-
son on Saturday but there

ded the JV bags a multi-bil- Lok Sabha polls, was, sources he cited Manohar Parrikars might narrow down to Kovind. Nitish Kumar has spo- Anand Bodh. In a twist of fate, report on Sunday, pointing student, was horrified to SUBJECT 0 MARKS 33 100 of students was no official response until
learn, on May 29, that she had the filing of this report. How-
scored a mere 68 in mathe-
Mathematics 42 90 114% with over 60% ever, a senior CBSE official
matics in her Class XII exam. Economics 16 61 281% marks having admitted that the number of
With 99 in economics, 95 in ac- been failed applications for verification
9 45 400% due to error in

lion dollar IAF contract. P 16 said, another consideration in exit from the defence ministry Congresss Dalit leader and ken well of him and BSP might Kovind is now the frontrunner out differences of up to 400%
countancy and 96 in business Economics of marks has been unprece-
studies, the maths marks just dented, although he didnt re-
didnt add up. Samiksha
English Core 30 66 120% totalling veal the exact number.
Sharmas dream of making it History 48 98 104% FULL TABLE: P 8
This raises two important
to a North Campus college questions. First, what is

play. A non-controversial per- and environment minister former LS Speaker Meira not oppose him. Even if the op- to spend the next summer at in original and corrected to-
was almost shattered when tral Board of Secondary Edu- 68 to a respectable 95. his subjects, scored just 50 in wrong with the totaling proc-
she scored 42 in maths, after cation (CBSE) for verifica- These are not stray cases. maths. After verification, his ess and how fair is it for the
scoring well in English, Busi- tion retotaling of marks Documents accessed by TOI marks were revised to 90. An- CBSE to do away with re-eval-
ness Studies and Fine Arts. that Samikshas 42 more than revealed how Mohammad Af- other economics student who uation altogether?
It was only after the two doubled to 90. As for Sonali, fan, a Mumbai student who was failed with 9 marks fi-
students applied to the Cen- her maths score went up from scored 80% and above in all nally ended up with 45. Move anti-student, P 8

son and a respecter of proto- Anil Daves sudden death to Kumar and Mahatma Gandhis position fields a candidate, the the 150-year-old retreat in TOI, June 18
Was forced to fly col, Kovind, who was praised
by Bihar CM Nitish Kumar for
bolster his point. P 12 grandson Gopalkrishna. P 12 contest will be academic.. P 12 Mashobra. P 12
tals in CBSE Class XII exams, wer scripts without any rider.
TDP MP: IndiGo playing by the book, is expec-
ted to have a good relationship
BJP, along with its NDA part-
ners, is a fraction short of the
ta Dal and AIADMK has put it
in an unassailable position.
up a symbolic fight against
the BJP candidate.
ong voice for the poor, down-
trodden and marginalised. Wi-
has triggered an outcry amo-
ng parents and students.
Technically, the deadline
to file online applications for

I ndiGo has said governm-

ent officials forced it to fly
TDP MP Diwakar Reddy af-
with the government.
Though Congress, Left,
Trinamool and some others re-
majority mark in the electoral
college comprising elected
members of the two Houses of
There are indications that
the NDA might garner furt-
her support in the build-up to
Soon after Kovinds name
was announced by party chief
Amit Shah, Modi took to Twit-
th his illustrious background
in the legal arena, Kovinds
knowledge and understan-
They not only want the
window for verification of
marks extended, but are also
obtaining photocopies of the
evaluated answer scripts en-
ded on Monday. However, ma-
ter he created a ruckus in Vi- fused to endorse him and are Parliament and state assem- the poll scheduled for July 17 ter to praise the NDAs pick. I ding of the Constitution will demanding that CBSE should ny said CBSE should extend
zag airport. But the AAI said planning not to give BJP a wal- blies. But the support of regio- with players like NCP not ap- am sure Ram Nath Kovind will benefit the nation, he said. reopen the re-evaluation pro- the provision.
IndiGo complied after the kover, Kovinds selection looks nal parties like TRS of Teleng- pearing as enthusiastic as make an exceptional Presi- cess and make available pho-
MP asked it to let him fly. P 9 like a foregone conclusion. ana, YSR Congress, Biju Jana- Congress, Left and RJD to put dent and continue to be a str- Continued on P 12 tocopies of the evaluated ans- Continued on P 2
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CAPDEL User: affanul.haque Time: 06-19-2017 23:42 Color: C


15 & 20

How error-free is CBSE evaluation: HC


37.4 24
Refers To TOI Report On Totalling Of Marks Why they are losing faith in system
TIMESOFINDIA.COM POLL Continued from P1 step of obtaining the photo-
Tuesday forecast: Partly cloudy Possibility of human error in tabulation
New Delhi: Referring to a copy and instead filing RTIs
made huge errors in totalling marks of class
sky, thunderstorm and rain likely.
despite best efforts, says board
TOI report, the Delhi high co- hanthi Anil Kumar's to get it. We have not applied
Min and Maxi temperature will be urt on Monday wondered if 12 students, a TOI report has found. In your opinion: daughter scored 95 in En- for the photocopy because
between 26 C & 35 C there were errors in the total-
ling of marks in CBSEs
glish, 92 in Chemistry
and Physics, but only 67 in I n response to TOIs report on verification errors, CBSE stated
that in spite of the best efforts made by experienced subject
CBSE is taking an affidavit
stating that the 'evaluated an-
Fire scare at Class XII exams, how many
errors would be there in the
Mathematics. However, her
daughter did not apply for
teachers, there may be a possibility of human error in
transferring the marks to the title page of the answer scripts,
swer book shall also not be
challenged by any examinee
Metro station evaluation.
A bench of Justices Sanje-
ANSWER SHEETS RE-EVALUATION WITH STUDENTS verification on a teacher's ad-
vice. We didn't go for verifi-
summation of marks and manually posting them on the computer
system. The board further stated that it has made provision for
in the court of law or make
any claim on this account in

A short-circuit in one of the

ACs at Mandi House metro
station caused panic on Monday
ev Sachdeva and A K Chawla
referred to the report while
hearing a plea filed by stu-
8% 18% 71%
cation, fearing it would hold
up her admission prospects.
Now, after we got to know of
verification to help students avail rechecking of answer scripts
where the totalling of marks is done again. The posting of marks
on the cover page of answer scripts is rechecked and intactness
any forum. My daughter
scored 95 in Psychology, 93 in
Economics and 91 in English.
night after smoke was seen dents challenging the scrap- Total respondents: 5,600 the goof-ups, we think we of supplementary answer scripts and unanswered question, if But her Political Science
coming out from the vents at the ping of the re-evaluation poli- should have applied. I hope in any, is assessed afresh. The system of verification of marks aims score is 68 and remained un-
platform. Metro services had to cy by Central Board of Secon- urt order and not declared any from 68 to 95. the interest of students, to bring more transparency and confidence in the evaluation of changed after verification.
be slowed down because of the dary Education (CBSE). re-evaluated result in the sta- The report also stated that CBSE reopens the window answer scripts. On the scrapping of re-evaluation, the board However, she is sure of
incident. Fire officials said the The court directed CBSE te till now. Mohammad Affan, a Mumbai for verification, said Shan- stated that CBSE has done away with the process of scoring above 80, so we filed
incident occurred at 10pm. Due to place before it the decision According to the TOI re- student who scored 80% and thi Anil Kumar. re-evaluation on the basis of decision taken by its Examination an RTI. The process of ob-
to technical fault in the air of its governing body and ex- port, students were taken above in all other subjects, Sharan (he declined to Committee and the Governing Body in June 2016 mainly on taining a photocopy is totally
conditioning system, smoke amination committee over aback to learn that there was had scored just 50 in maths. give his surname) said his account of the following reasons: a) The data suggests that there opaque and they (CBSE)
spread at platform level and it scrapping the policy. The bo- an error in totalling the board After verification, his marks brother scored in single di- is no change in marks after re-evaluation in more than 99.98% dont want to us to apply. Had
cleared up after 15 minutes, ard has also been asked to pla- exam marks. While Sonali, a were revised to 90. Another gits in Economics, Business cases. b) The option of verification of marks and photocopies is it been transparent, they
said a CISF official. TNN ce its marking schemes for dif- Delhi resident, learnt that she student who had failed in Studies and Accounts. already available to the students as per procedure notified by would not have taken the un-
ferent subjects in Class XII. had scored a mere 68 in mathe- economics by nine marks Going by past experi- CBSE on May 5, 2017. TNN dertaking, said Manoj June-
Nod likely for The petitioners, who re-
cently took the Class XII bo-
matics and above 90 in econo-
mics, accountancy and busi-
finally got 45.
Sonali, whose marks incre-
ence we thought there would
be no changes post-verifica- Vinit Nitin Kopurwar of the chance for verification,
ja from Delhi.
Interestingly, in response
cams in buses ard exams, have also sought
parity with students from
ness studies, Samiksha found
on the result day that she had
ased by 27 68 to 95 after ve-
rification, pointed out that ma-
tion, but now we have got to
know that students who had
Bengaluru, who scored 92 in
Physics, but 68 in mathemat-
but after seeing the TOI re-
port, I realised that I made a
to a TOI online poll, 71% of
respondents said that not on-

T he Delhi cabinet is likely to

approve the transport
departments proposal to install
Odisha whose answersheets
were ordered to be re-evalua-
ted by the Orissa high court.
scored only 42 in maths. After
both the students applied to
CBSE for verification re-to-
ny students who were not very
confident didnt even opt for
the verification process.
got 9 marks saw them in-
creased to 45 after verifica-
tion. Now we have doubts
ics and 67 in English, said, I
needed to upload the CBSE
marks for an engineering
mistake. I hope CBSE will al-
low one more chance as our
careers are at stake.
ly CBSE, all boards make er-
rors in evaluation of answer
sheets and that all students
CCTV cameras in all DTC buses CBSE, however, informed the talling of marks Samikshas The high court will go thro- over the entire process of course. Therefore, I did not There are many who ap- should have the right to seek
when its meets on Tuesday, a Delhi high court that it had so- 42 more than doubled to 90. So- ugh CBSEs reply and hear the evaluation by CBSE, said take a chance in case the re- plied for the verification revaluation and examine
government source said. DTC has ught a review of the Orissa co- nalis maths score went up matter again on June 21. Sharan. sults get withheld. I missed process, but are skipping the their answer sheets.
already installed CCTV cameras in Indranil Das
200 buses of its fleet. Presently, it
runs around 3,800 buses. Besides,
there are also 1,200 cluster buses
operated by the Delhi Integrated
Multi Modal System. PTI
More showers No response from
STAT & THE CITY likely today, to 100, cops react to
16.3% keep city cool tweet after 5 hrs
TIMES NEWS NETWORK TIMES NEWS NETWORK fled from the spot. However,
Of the capitals total population HC seeks status the engineers managed to ta-
was living in the south Delhi
district in 2011
New Delhi: Early morning
showers in several parts of
on desilting Noida: Two engineers travel-
ling on a Pulsar bike thwar-
ke the photos of the duo
using their phone.
Delhi Economic Survey the city on Monday kept the
mercury level below normal D elhi high court on Monday
directed all civic bodies
ted an attempt to loot their bi-
ke by two robbers in near Sec-
The two engineers imme-
diately tried to call police on
Minor fire in with Delhiites getting a tem-
porary respite from the heat-
and Delhi government to
indicate whether drains in
tor 104 on Saturday, but failed
to get any police help despite
100. However, they did not get
any response, they said.
Air Force office wave which had seen tempe-
ratures touch 43 Celsius last
the city have been desilted or
not. The court took suo motu
repeatedly dialling 100. The
police, though reacted to a
I made one call which
got no response, while the

A minor fire broke out on

Monday in the Vayu Sena
Bhawan located in Lutyens Delhi,
week. Met officials say that si-
milar rainfall activity is ex-
pected on Tuesday with pre-
note of a TOI report, which
stated that several sewage
water drains had not been
NOT A SWIMMING POOL: The Tau Devi Lal stadium in Gurgaon was flooded after Mondays showers
Twitter complaint, finally re-
ached the victims nearly four
hours after the crime.
other could not get connec-
ted. My friend Vijay Pal, who
was riding pillion, tried the

This is just a trailer for Ggn

but no one was injured, fire monsoon showers continu- desilted. The report also said According to the Noida- number twice but he too re-
officials said. A call was received ing in the region. that in areas where desilting based engineers, who work ceived no response from the
at 12.38pm about a fire in Delhis maximum tempe- had taken place, the waste in Delhi and Gurgaon-based police, said Brajendra, a re-
electrical panel in the Vayu Sena rature on Monday at Safdar- collected remained at the private companies, they we- sident of Sector 93.
Bhawans storeroom, located on jung, the base observatory for same spot. HC has sought a TIMES NEWS NETWORK managed to flush the water Unlike Friday, when the re travelling on a Pulsar bike As they could not receive
the fifth floor, said a senior Delhi Delhis weather was recorded reply from the departments out before it could unleash a jam originated from Rajiv when two youths on a Disco- any police help, they tweeted
Fire Services official said. Five fire at 37.4 Celsius, one degree concerned by June 28. TNN Gurgaon: Monday showed bigger chaos, they were fortu- Chowk, Hero Honda Chowk ver bike overtook them from their plight to the UP Poli-
tenders were rushed to the spot below normal for the season. why keeping Gurgaon mov- nate that the rain stopped at a was the main problem on behind near Maharishi ces official Twitter handle
to douse the flames. The minimum temperature ing during monsoon will be moderate 32mm. Monday because, according School in Sector 104. and tagged the photo of the
for Monday was 24 Celsius, After rap, work one of the Manohar Lal Khat- But for commuters, it was to officials, a private contrac- The one riding pillion assailants. The @Uppolice
7-yr-old raped by four notches below normal.
Safdarjung received
on drain starts tar governments biggest
challenges as a short spell of
another day of alarm on city
roads after Fridays scare as
tor engaged by the National
Highways Authority of India
tried to snatch my bikes key.
At first, we could not under-
replied saying that the mat-
ter has been forwarded to
auto driver in Ggn 24.8mm of rainfall till 5.30pm
on Monday with humidity W ork to clean the Kushak
nallah near South
rain inundated several parts
of the city and choked traffic
fears of a repeat of the may-
hem caused last July after a
(NHAI) to operate the pumps
there did not switch them on
stand what they were trying
to do. When they slowed
Sector 39 police station.
However, there was still

A 7-year-old girl was brutally

raped by a 20-year-old auto
driver in Dundahera village in
hovering between 56% to
95%, IMD officials said. Loca-
tions like Lodhi Road and Ay-
Extension-II has begun, PWD
said on Monday, three days
after the Delhi HCs warning
on the Manesar side for sever-
al hours in the morning, the
second time in four days that
heavy downpour caused
large-scale waterlogging and
brought the city to a standstill
for unknown reasons.
The pumps have been in-
stalled here to pump out wa-
down their bike the second
time, I realised that they we-
re trying to snatch the bike.
no response from the local
police. Finally, they received
a call from Sector 39 police
Gurgaon. While cops arrested anagar also received heavy that non-removal of rubble the city has was brought to its for 20 hours (now infamous as ter into the Badshapur drain. They also asked me to hand station around 11 pm. The
the accused swiftly, the victim rainfall, recording 16.9mm from the channel could lead to knees by rainfall. Gurujam) were rekindled. I But the operator did not start over the key to them. One of policeman concerned asked
is battling for her life at and 11.6mm of rainfall re- jail for the department officials. Last Friday, traffic had was expecting another mas- the pump, and therefore, them hit my right hand with me for the photos but there
Safdurjung Hospital. The spectively till 8.30am on Mon- PWD submitted a status report frozen on the expressway, sive jam in the evening but there was waterlogging right the beer can he was holding. was no headway in the mat-
accused, Kamal Singh, lured the day. Officials from the Regio- with photographs before the Sohna Road, MG Road and the roads were cleared and po- at the chowk. But beyond We resisted and hit them ter so far, said Brajendra.
girl and her brother with a gift nal Weather Forecasting court which noted that while other parts of the city for sev- lice personnel were present at that, there was no waterlog- back, Brajendra Singh, one Had the police helped us
of bananas, to win their Centre in Delhi forecast the the department has started eral hours. The second warn- important junctions, said ging, said MCG commis- of the engineers told TOI. earlier, the assailants could
confidence. He then took the rains to continue on Tuesday clearing the rubble, substantial ing came on Monday morn- Pradeep Pachauri, who got sioner V Umashankar. NHAI He said that as the pas- have been caught, said Vi-
girl to a secluded spot nearby with cloudy skies expected in work remains to be done. PTI ing. And though the adminis- stuck at Hero Honda Chowk project director AK Sharma sersby gathered on noticing jay Pal, the second engineer
and raped her. TNN parts of the capital. tration reacted promptly and on Monday morning. could not be contacted. the commotion, the bikers who stays in Sector 82.

Seven held as
cops bust three
betting rackets
TIMES NEWS NETWORK every ball that was bow-
led, said Verma.
New Delhi: Police on Mon- The men revealed that
day busted three betting they placed bets during
rackets in different parts both domestic and interna-
of the city and arrested se- tional cricket matches.
ven people. In the first case, The punter would be provi-
the crime branch arrested ded with rates of the match
three people for allegedly by a dabba (live mobile
placing bets on Sundays phone line that transmits
India-Pakistan final match the rate and which fluctua-
of the ICC Champions tes from ball to ball). Deta-
Trophy. ils of bets placed by people
Acting on a tipoff, they would be keyed into the
raided a guesthouse at Ali- laptop and, after the
pur road in north Delhi's Ci- match, the accused would
vil Lines and nabbed Rajesh
Kumar (46), Nitin Arora (38) IND VS PAK
and Nitin Grover (28) du-
ring the match, said Mad- calculate the total bets and
hur Verma, DCP (crime). profit and loss incurred by
During the matches, every punter, police said.
the bookies would book ro- The accused would ke-
oms at guesthouses to set ep changing their location
up shop and receive bets to avoid detection.
from punters. Bets worth The raids at the other
Rs 1 crore were already two locations Roshana-
placed when the raid was ra Road and Subzi Mandi
conducted. led to a seizure of Rs 4.5
A team raided the gu- lakh. We have apprehen-
esthouse and seized 26 fix- ded four people with seven
ed mobile phones in brief- mobile phones, said Jatin
cases, three laptops and Narwhal, DCP, north.
two LCD televisions. Police said three of
It was found that they them were booked under
were in touch with punters sections of the public
who were placing bets on gambling Act.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDDEL1 User: affanul.haque Time: 06-20-2017 00:08 Color: C



SC rejects DMRC plea Najeeb case: CBI team visits JNU

New Delhi: A CBI team on Mon- cumstances that may have led to disappeared from his hostel.

against `60cr payment

day visited Jawaharlal Nehru it as well as other events that pre- With Delhi Police failing to
University to probe the disappe- ceded his disappearance. It is lik- find her son, Fatima approached
arance of Najeeb Ahmed, a stu- ely to meet the suspects and peo- the Delhi high court demanding
dent who had gone missing from ple whose names have cropped a CBI probe.
his hostel on October 16, 2016. up in the matter, sources said. On May 16, a bench of Justi-

Court Slams Centre For Repeated Litigations The team is looking into alle-
gations of a scuffle between Ah-
med and ABVP students in JNUs
Najeebs mother Fatima Na-
fees recently met CBI officers in-
vestigating the case. She gave de-
ces G S Sistani and Rekha Palli
handed over the investigation to
the CBI. The matter has been
Dhananjay Mahapatra & The bench said, On one Mahi-Mandvi hostel and the cir- tails of the events before her son posted for hearing on July 17. PTI
Amit Anand Choudhary TNN hand, the Niti Aayog holds
conference in Vigyan Bhavan
New Delhi: The Supreme Co- to make India the hub of arbit-
urt criticised the Union go- ration by providing speedy re-
vernment on Monday for ma- medy to financial disputes
king tall claims about making between companies through
India the hub of arbitration but arbitration. On the other
attempting to frustrate arbitra- hand, the DMRC, a business
tion awards by challenging it partner of the government,
repeatedly in various courts. cannot be seen to be making
A vacation bench of Justi- an arbitration award subject
ces D Y Chandrachud and COSTLY DEAL: HC had directed of litigational luxury.
Sanjay Kishan Kaul dismis- DMRC to release the amount The court dismissed
sed an appeal filed by Delhi payable as interest to DAMEPL DMRCs petition without
Metro Rail Corporation chal- even calling upon senior advo-
lenging a May 30 order of Del- 75% of the award amount cates P Chidambaram and Go-
hi HC, which had directed even if the PSU challenged the pal Jain to answer the ques-
DMRC to release Rs 60 crore award in court. tions raised by DMRC in its
payable as interest to Delhi Appearing for DMRC, ad- challenge to HCs interim or-
Airport Metro Express Priva- ditional solicitor general P S der asking the public sector
te Ltd (DAMEPL), a subsidia- Narasimha said the award co- undertaking to pay Rs 60 crore
ry of Anil Ambani groups Re- uld not be a fait accompli for interest pending its challenge
liance Infrastructure Ltd. the PSU which under law was to the arbitration award.
The HC order was passed permitted to hold on to the On June 7, a division
on a petition filed by DA- amount for 90 days from the bench of Delhi HC had rejec-
MEPL, which had sought ear- date on which it challenged ted DMRCs appeal against
ly payment of the arbitration the award in court. the May 30 order of a single
award of Rs 2,950 crore it had This argument did not im- judge bench. The HC had also
won on May 11 against DMRC press the bench. It said, We noted that the single judge
for termination of concession cannot be reading down the had protected DMRCs inter-
agreements for the Airport provision for commercially ef- ests by directing DAMEPL to
Metro Express project. ficacious remedy and foreclo- furnish a bank guarantee of
The Reliance Infra subsi- se the decree passed by arbit- Rs 65 crore.
diary had invoked Section 9 of rators. Narasimha said, Ni- The single judge had direc-
Arbitration and Conciliation ti Aayogs decision is a mere ted DMRC to deposit Rs 60 cro-
Act, 1996, which under recent office memorandum and it re within 10 days directly into
guidelines issued by Niti Aay- cannot override the legal pro- DAMEPLs loan account with
og mandates PSUs to pay up vision in the Arbitration Act. Axis Bank the main lender.

Snatchers target scribe

outside police HQ
TIMES NEWS NETWORK didnt realise who they were but
when I saw them speeding, I as-
New Delhi: Snatchers targeted ked the auto driver to chase the
a mediaperson outside the Del- scooter, said Tiwari. They follo-
hi Police headquarters at ITO wed the scooter for nearly a kilo-
while he was going home in an metre, but the youths disappea-
autorickshaw on Sunday night. red, taking advantage of a large
At 11.20pm on Sunday, the volume of traffic on the stretch.
victim, Anand Tiwari, and his Tiwari said that the scooter
collague hired an autoricks- did not have a numberplate
haw to go home. They boarded and the youth riding pillion
the three-wheeler just outside was not wearing a helmet.
the police headquarters and Later, Tiwari filed a comp-
were moving towards Laxmi laint and case was registered.
Nagar. The auto stopped at the Interestingly, CCTVs installed
traffic signal below the ITO fly- near the police headquarters
over. Tiwari started checking failed to record this incident
messages on his smartphone. due to some focus problem.
Two youths on a black scoo- Police suspect the role of
ter stopped beside the autoricks- the same group of criminals,
haw and gently took away the which had targeted pedestri-
phone from Tiwari. First, I ans at ITO last year.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDDEL2 User: mishra.richa Time: 06-20-2017 00:06 Color: C


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Gun-making unit busted in E Delhi
Three Nabbed; 16 Countrymade Pistols & Cartridges Seized
Kattas made by Kasmu


New Delhi: Police have bus-
ted a weapon manufacturing
unit near Delhi-Ghaziabad
border and arrested three
Illegal gun factory made
never misfired, cops told
men, including the master- pistols of 315, 32, 12 bore Rajshekhar.Jha
mind, Kasmuddin.
Good Moderate Hazardous MODUS OPERANDI
The cops have seized 16
Source: CPCB

countrymade pistols and se- Various parts of pistols such New Delhi: Prior to Sundays
aled the factory. The arres-
PRICE TAG police operation, almost every
as iron pipe/barrel, thick iron
AQI LEVELS IN NCR ted men are being interroga- sheets and body plates, one-foot- Factory price: other criminal caught in east and
ted to trace their customers. northeast Delhi had made a uni-
The module was selling
long springs bought from Meerut 3,000-4,500 que confessionthey used Kas-
NSIT Dwarka
the pistols for Rs 7,000-
8,000 each.
They used to supply these
2 Iron sheets and plates
cut out to make the butt
and support structures
Sale price:
Pistol Bullet price:
Cost price
mu ke kattte. While all of them
spoke about Kasmu aka Kas-
muddin, nobody had ever seen
Punjabi Bagh
218 weapons to snatchers, rob- under the barrel this elusive weapon maker.
Anand Vihar bers and contract killers in 2-3 pistols Pistol and 5 Police said Kasmuddin had

RK Puram
382 Delhi, UP (Noida Ghaziabad,
Meerut, Muzaffarnagar) 3 Using simple tools, triggers,
levers, fire pin and its caps
carved out from the sheets
Picture for
a day
Sale price
been making weapons for the
past two decades. He had learnt
214 and Haryana, said police. this trade from his brother-in-
Shadipur Besides Kasmuddin, we law in Muzaffarnagar and
100 have arrested the main supp- Tools used Welding machine, driller, iron cutter KEY CUSTOMERS Criminals of Delhi, Noida, supplied weapons to criminals
Mandir Marg lier of this gang, Ajay Kumar blades, axe, hammers and other tools used by masons Ghaziabad, Meerut and western UP of western UP. After his death, DEATH FACTORY: The men used to supply these weapons to
237 (41), and his aide Hashim Kasmuddin shifted to Baghpat snatchers, robbers and contract killers in Delhi, UP and Haryana
Siri Fort alias Sonu (19) from Ghazia- taking a U-turn. They were Delhi-Haryana border in and ran his illegal business. He
In 2011, Delhi Police
bad. A total of 16 country- chased by the police team and 2011. It was set up by Indian was caught almost 10 years ago mu. Most of his former clients like the firing pin, trigger and
Noida made pistols and 38 live car- arrested. had unearthed a Mujahideen chief Yasin and sent to jail. Upon his relea- said kattas produced in Kas- lever on his own.
265 tridges have been seized The two had 15 firearms similar makeshift Bhatkal. se, he did odd jobs like running muddins factory never misfi- Kattas often misfire due to
from them, said Ravindra with them, including 13 desi factory in Mir Vihar Busting an illicit fire- a welding shop but could not red as was the case with nor- manufacturing defects, cau-
Yadav, joint commissioner kattas and two pistols. arms factory so close to Del- make both ends meet. He then mal countrymade pistols. sing injuries to the users
Readings taken at 6:30pm |
on Delhi-Haryana
(eastern range). They led the cops to their hi is a big achievement and took to manufacturing wea- Most importantly, these hands. But Kasmuddin told po-
Source: SAFAR
According to Yadav, a team third accomplice. He was border in 2011. It was would go a long way in check- pons, again. He took loans and pistols were cheaper than the lice that he had mastered the
led by additional DCP Deven- caught with a firearm. set up by Indian ing criminal activities in bought some machinery to set ones made in Munger and art of making pistol parts and
Man jumps in der Arya and inspector Aish-
vir Singh had tracked down
The three were interro-
gated at length, Finally, they
Mujahideen chief
Yasin Bhatkal
Delhi and the rest of NCR.
We are also trying to locate
up a makeshift factory.
Unlike last time, he chose
Khargone, which cost anywhe-
re between Rs 20,000 and 25,000
this was the reason why his we-
apons were in great demand.
front of Metro the illegal weapon suppliers.
On Sunday, the police team re-
led the cops to their factory,
which was run in the garb of
other suppliers of cartrid-
ges, Yadav added.
not to have an accomplice this
time. He also created a wall bet-
each. Moreover, these were ea-
sily accessible since the factory
Police said Kasmuddin seldom
spoke about business over the

A 26-year-old man allegedly

committed suicide by
jumping in front a metro train at
ceived a tip-off that two noto-
rious arms suppliers would
come near Seelampur on a mo-
a welding shop, in Ashok Vi-
har of Loni, Ghaziabad. Poli-
ce seized a huge quantity of
from one Rajneesh for Rs 200
per piece. He would then sell
the arms and ammunition at
Police commissioner
Amulya Patnaik is likely to
sanction a reward for the te-
ween him and the customers so
that his identity remained a se-
cret. The idea worked well and
was on Delhi-Ghaziabad bor-
der, said joint commissioner
of police (east) Ravindra Yadav.
phone. Neither did he take bulk
orders. This was to ensure that
alarge quantity of material did
Qutub Minar station on Monday. torcycle. Accordingly, the cops gun-making materials. a higher price to his custo- am for its efforts. DCP (nort- he never got caught in his se- Kasmuddin used to make not pile up at the workshop.
Police said that the man , laid a trap and flagged down Ajay told police that he mers. heast) Ajit Singla has been cond stint in Loni. 2-3 pistols a day. He would buy New customers were never en-
Hemant, was crushed between the bikers. However, the crimi- had purchased the pistols In 2011, Delhi Police had asked to move a requisition He managed to produce ze- the raw material from a Mee- tertained and anyone interes-
the train coach and the platform nal duoKasmuddin and from Kasmuddin for Rs unearthed a similar makes- to the police headquarters in ro-error pistols. Criminals we- rut-based supplier, Mehboob ted in buying his pistols had to
even after the train driver had Ajaytried to flee the spot by 3,500-4,000 each and bullets hift factory in Mir Vihar on this connection. re in awe of guns made by Kas- and then manufacture parts come through Ajay or Hashim.
slammed the brakes. The
incident was reported around

No one knows whos responsible for this Letter to Big B:

9.10pm when the train towards
Jahangirpuri was entering the
station. Police and CISF officials
said that the man was seen
lurking near the edge of the

GST on items for

Sanjeev Rastogi
platform. No suicide note was TIMES NEWS NETWORK Nagar resident.
recovered, however, cops have Dinesh, who sells mobile
seized his mobile phone to find New Delhi: A vacant plot on equipment at the signal, said
out whether he had recorded a Ring Road near Captain the waste came from nearby
video or an audio mentioning
about the cause of suicide. TNN
Gaur Marg in East of Kai-
lash has become a dump yard
of construction waste, not
construction sites.
The area comes under the
jurisdiction of PWD. Offici- disabled absurd
Student shot at only proving an eyesore but
also posing a health hazard.
als have failed to get the de-
bris cleared. Manash.Gohain ready has an additional cost to
by drunk man Authorities, however, appe-
ar to have no clue about the
PWD officials said they
got the waste removed at re- bear in order to live his life in-
dependently and with dignity!

A Class XII student was

allegedly shot at by a drunk
man during an argument after
The debris have encroa-
ched upon the pavement and
gular intervals, but people
kept dumping more.
The land belongs to Delhi
New Delhi: A rights group has
written to Amitabh Bachchan,
seeking his intervention on
And, if any additional taxes
are levied, it will negatively
impact the disabled people in
the accused made an indecent are gradually falling on to Jal Board and PWD officials the move to bring articles es- India, including the ageing po-
comment directed at his mother the road. Commuters on the claimed that they would so- sential for people with disabili- pulation with increasing sup-
in Barola, Noidas Sector 49, on route complain of increa- on put a barricade around ties under the GST regime. port and medical needs (sic).
Monday. The boy was later sing dust pollution. the area to ensure no Bachchan is the brand ambas- Abidi added that the additio-
admitted to a Noida hospital. The I take this route daily one dumped construction sador for the promotion of the nal expense might also deter edu-
accused, Vinod Baisoya allegedly and construction waste has waste there. goods and services tax, cational institutions, potential
picked up a fight with the been lying here for a long ti- We have to clear the de- prompting the National Cent- employers and organizations
student, Dheeraj, who had gone me. We have to stop our vehi- bris as they create a problem re for Promotion of Employ- working with the disabled, thus
out to fetch water for his relatives cles because of the traffic for pedestrians. We are now ment for Disabled People to pe-
who were having lunch in a signal and need to keep our putting a railing to stop peo- tition him. Hit where it hurts
roadside restaurant bang mouths covered as dust is ple from illegally dumping Under GST which will be
opposite the house of the rising from there, said Pra- construction waste, said a implemented from July 1
Braille Typewriters 18%
accused. Baisoya shot Dheeraj in veen Kaushik, a Lajpat THIS IS ACTUALLY A BUSY SOUTH DELHI ROAD: The debris has encroached upon the pavement PWD official. across India taxes ranging Braille Paper 12%
the chest outside his house with from 5-18% on goods used by
his licenced revolver following an people with disabilities have Braille Watches 12%

Cab drivers protest CM writes to Naidu for relief

argument over a trivial issue, been approved.
eyewitnesses said.
Braillers 5%
TNN When contacted by TOI, Ja-
ved Abidi, honorary director, Carriages for
disabled people 5%
Man stabbed for NCPEDP, said: With 70-100

denying free food Haryana tax hike to Sarojini Nagar residents million disabled people in In-
dia, this decision is not only
shocking as these items are
motorised or not
Cars for physically
disabled persons 18%
A 42-year-old eatery owner
was stabbed to death near
NH-58 in Ghaziabad allegedly

New Delhi: Taxi drivers

Representatives from
other unions agreed.
Our protest was
TIMES NEWS NETWORK from nearby areas in the past
three years but since no new
of Type-III flats are not avai-
lable in Kidwai Nagar, the re-
of absolute necessity for peo-
ple with disabilities rather
than a choice but also viola-
taking people with disabilities
back by two decades.
for refusing free food to two from different unions staged against the hike in road tax New Delhi: Chief minister flat has been constructed sidents under compulsory tive of provisions of the newly He extended his request to
visitors on Sunday night. Police a protest against the Harya- in Haryana. Apart from Arvind Kejriwal has reques- since then, there is not eno- shifting should be allowed to passed Rights of Persons with FM Arun Jaitley and finance
said the victim, Jagpal Singh na government on Monday shelling out so much tax, ted Union urban develop- ugh government accommo- opt for the flats as per their Disabilities Act, 2016. ministers of other states: We
Bhadana, was allegedly over the increase in road tax. drivers also spend a lot of ment minister M Venkaiah dation. Within a period of entitlement, the RWA said. These items have traditio- were quite hopeful that the
stabbed using a kitchen knife The Haryana govern- time just waiting to pay, Naidu to let residents of Sa- a couple of years, they are It also mentioned that nally been exempt from VAT. GST council would heed to pe-
around 12:30am. Jagpals ment has hiked taxes massive- said Kamaljit Gill, presi- rojini Nagar stay in their ho- again being asked to vacate their allotments would Claiming that the basis on titions and roll back, or signifi-
friends managed to get hold of ly and drivers spend three to dent, Sarvodaya Drivers As- mes till the flats under the the (Sarojini Nagar) flats, stand cancelled from Sep- which these new tax rates were cantly reduce, the proposed
one of the attackers, Venupriya four hours waiting in queues sociation of Delhi. East Kidwai Nagar redeve- he has said. tember 1 in the middle of the fixed was beyond comprehen- GST during their meeting on
Nakul Saini. His brother-in-law, at the Delhi-Haryana border to The protesters had gath- lopment plan are ready. The RWA has also asked academic year and would af- sion, Abidi said, statistically, Sunday. However, this didn't
Vishal Gupta, the other pay these taxes because the ered at Mata Sundri Gurud- The Sarojini Nagar RWA for a compensation of a fect children enrolled in people with disabilities were happen!
accused, is absconding after servers remain jammed, said wara in central Delhi and had written to the CM, say- minimum of Rs 30,000 for schools in and around Saro- more likely to experience po- Abidi wrote: The council
the crime. Police said Saini used Sanjay Samrat, president, Del- marched towards Haryana ing that evacuation of their each flat. jini Nagar. verty, which, in turn, increa- deliberated on the tax rate for
to work in a Delhi-based private hi Taxi Tourist Transporters Bhawan from there. How- current accommodations for Sarojini Nagar consists Instead of this looming sed the incidence of disability. restaurants in five-star hotels
firm while Gupta is a stringer Association. Many times, ever, we were stopped at the redeveloping the area had of mainly Type-III quarters uncertainty for search of an The letter stated: Sir, this but did not reduce (leave alone
with a local newspaper. TNN there are not enough staff Ranjit Singh flyover by Del- been ordered and they would and around 150 Type-IV qu- accommodation at different link between poverty and dis- abolish) the tax on disability
members at the toll booths to hi Police, Gill said. be forced to move to faraway arters. At the moment, there places, the fair course of ac- ability cannot be ignored! It is, aids and appliances. What is
collect the taxes. We have re- They were later given locations. are only a handful of Type- tion should be to link the va- therefore, important for the even more absurd is that the

quested the Haryana govern-
ment to rollback the taxes and
permission to proceed and
they submitted a memoran-
In his letter to Naidu, Kej-
riwal has said the directora-
te of estates has evacuated
III quarters available nearby
and the rest are in far-flung
areas like Timarpur, Dev Na-
cation to relocation at the ho-
uses being constructed at
East Kidwai Nagar, the
GST council to understand
that these items are already be-
yond the reach of a common
council decided to levy a 18%
tax on restaurants in five-star
hotels the same as the tax fix-
also make its online services dum to the resident com-
I Maha Maya Flyover to
Kalindi Kunj at 7.30pm
efficient, he said. missioner of Haryana. five government colonies gar. If the sufficient number RWA has said. person with disability who al- ed for Braille typewriters.

II Delhi Gate - ITO

at 5pm
IDPL Township to Fun
n Food Village via Old
Delhi Gurgaon Road at 9am
Posing as cops, snatchers Frogs with burrowing skills found
get real officers thrashed
Manash.Gohain rala for his service and conser- vation efforts; Kadar
IV Laxmi Nagar to Karkari
Mod at 7pm
New Delhi: A Delhi University
burrowing frog from Vazachal
forest of Kerala, which is na-

V Hauz Khas-Savitri
Cinema at 9.30am
Arsh Behal &
Pankhuri Yadav TNN
The snatchers are unemploy-
ed and commit petty crimes
to sustain themselves.
Parmanand Singh, Circle
Officer, Loni, said, It was a
case of mistaken identity.
student has found four new spe-
cies of burrowing frogs from
the Western Ghats biodiversity
med after the Kadar tribe that li-
ves in the region; CEPF burro-
wing frog discovered in the Ma-
SPEED (Km per hour)
9 Ghaziabad: In a case of mis- Although sub-inspector Both the police officers were hotspot. harashtras Amboli and named
8 8 taken identity, two Ghazia- Manish Chauhan and cons- there to catch some criminals A student of professor SD after the Critical Ecosystem
7 7 bad policemen were thras- table Kiranpal Rathi from and were holding their revol- Biju, who is known as the frog- Partnership Fund (USA) to re-
hed by a group of seven peo- Loni police station who vers in their hands while roa- man of India, Sonali Garg, ma- cognise its role in protecting
ple in Sonia Vihar area of were in civilian clothes ming in the area. All of a sud- de the discovery after five years global biodiversity hotspots;
New Delhi, where they had tried their best to reveal the- den the two snatchers preten- of research. Unlike other mem- and Neil Coxs burrowing frog
gone chasing some miscre- ded to be cops and started be- bers of the genus, the new frogs found in Parambikulam Tiger
ants on Monday morning.
Two snatchers, Arvind
MISTAKEN ID ating them up. The mob
joined in the madness and
have burrowing skills.
Garg, who conducted this
Reserve and named after Dr Ne-
il Cox in recognition of his role
and Satish, who were being ir identity, the mob refused started assaulting the cops in- study as part of her PhD rese- WILD WEST: A DU student has found four species from Western Ghats in the International Union for
I II III IV V chased by two officers, hood- to take them seriously. They stead of the snatchers. arch at DU, said more extensive Conservation of Nature Red
winked people around them even snatched their service However, officers said studies are required to identify supervised the PhD student and properly. More extensive studi- List assessment of global amp-
Worst time
to be on road 7:00 pm by projecting themselves as
cops and the real officers as
revolvers and continued to
beat them up. They retur-
that the snatchers were arres-
ted from the spot, after one of
and describe the Western Ghats
frogs that are already facing ex-
led this study.
The frogs were confirmed as
es are required to scientifically
identify and describe the Wes-
hibian species.
The past decade has witnes-
List is drawn from 42 worst miscreants. Calling them cri- ned the revolvers only after the two cops managed to call tinction because of human acti- new species in a DU lab by using tern Ghats frogs that are alrea- sed an exponential increase in
traffic spots in Delhi, minals, the snatchers started officers from the Loni poli- Loni police station and narra- vities. The new findings will an integrated taxonomic appro- dy facing extinction threats, the number of amphibian spe-
Gurgaon, Noida and thrashing the policemen. An ce station came and revea- ted the sequence of events. help in saving these frogs as ach that included DNA studies, said Garg. cies found in the Western Ghats
Ghaziabad that are tracked officer from the Sonia Vihar led the policemens identity. We have registered a case, now it is clear that five different detailed morphological compa- The four species are Mano- region. Of the total new species
for congestion between 7am police station told TOI, The two officers were la- said a senior officer. He said species with different conserva- risons and bioacoustics. Our harans burrowing frog, found of amphibians (1,581) described
and 9pm on Google Maps. When they saw the snat- ter admitted to the Civil Li- that people who thrashed the tion requirements exist, said Bi- study highlights a fairly com- in Agasthyamala Hills of Kera- globally between 2006 and 2015,
Traffic jams outside these 42 chers thrash the cops, pas- nes Trauma Centre in New cops have not been identified ju. We need to conduct further mon group of frogs that is usu- la and named after T M Mano- the highest number of species
spots arent captured sersby believed the criminals Delhi, where they are un- so far as there was no CCTV studies to reassess their conser- ally found closer to human habi- haran, the former principal chi- (182) was found in the Brazilian
and joined in the thrashing. dergoing treatment. camera installed in the area. vation status, said Biju, who tations but still not documented ef conservator of forests of Ke- Atlantic Forest.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDDEL3 User: mishra.richa Time: 06-19-2017 22:14 Color: C



2 constables hurt as
bus rams their vehicle
2nd Such Incident Near Janpath In A Month
TIMES NEWS NETWORK The constables, Chankhu truck that had slowed down
Konyak and Heralal Ram, ahead of him.
New Delhi: Two constables told police that they were dri- A case of causing hurt due
were injured when their vehi- ving from Tis Hazari to Parli- to negligence and rash dri-
cle was rammed by a speeding ament Street to supply food to ving has been registered aga-
cluster bus near Janpath on their colleagues posted on du- inst Chauhan.
Sunday afternoon. The truck ty near Reserve Bank of In- Some of the passengers in
turned turtle and was drag- dia. When they reached Tol- the bus also received minor
ged for a few metres before co- stoy Marg, the bus coming injuries. They too were trea-
ming to halt. The bus driver, from Janpath Metro station ted at the hospital and were
Kapil Chauhan, was later ar- rammed their vehicle. Kony- later discharged.
rested, police said. ak said the bus driver then got This is the second such in-
Passersby pulled out the off the vehicle and started cident on this stretch in a
policemen both from Naga- abusing them. month. Short signalling span
land Armed Police and rus- During interrogation, coupled with heavy traffic
hed them to RML hospital Chauhan told the cops that he flow lead drivers to speed to
with head injuries. They have had lost control of the bus and save time. Police officers said
been kept under observation in a bid to avoid hitting anot- that the accidents might be a
but are conscious, police said. her vehicle, he rammed the fallout of this haste.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CAPPG6 User: ipsita.mazumdar Time: 06-19-2017 22:24 Color: C


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Unattended open drain

a health hazard
invisible traffic signal
Declared dead a day earlier,
newborn breathes his last
Born With Damaged Kidney, Couples Third Kid Also Critical
Durgesh Nandan Jha &
Somreet Bhattacharya TNN Ups and downs of a babys 34 hours in this world
New Delhi: A newborn at 5.30am, Sunday The COULD HE HAVE
Safdarjung Hospital, who baby is born BEEN SAVED?
had surprised all by showing
signs of life when doctors had
declared him dead already,
declare BIRTH TO SAY
him dead, WEIGHT: There are a few
breathed his last at 4.15pm on
send him 460 gm examples globally
Monday. He was on oxygen
home in a of babies born at 21
support for over 24 hours, the
hospital said.
polythene bag weeks of pregnancy
The open drain that runs through Kalkaji Extension from Govindpuri is in urgent while hes still breathing
Globally, there are no ex- with low birth weight
need of attention. The drain hasnt been cleaned in a long time, making it a
amples of babies born in the Baby shows surviving...
major health hazard for the residents nearby. The drain is a breeding ground for
20th week of pregnancy and movement while being But such
mosquitoes and the smell emanating from it is unbearable. taken for burial
weighing less than 500 grams babies have poorly
Citizen Reporter Sanu Nair surviving, claimed doctors. 10.30am They rush him developed organs
They, however, failed to expla- to hospital again and run high risk
Authorities wait in how they missed that the 4.15pm, Monday Baby of neurological and
child was still alive when development disorder
for a mishap they packed him and handed
breathes his last
We spotted that he In 2015, Mumbais Santacruz In UK, a report by the Ofce for National Statistics in
was gasping for breath when Hospital managed to save a baby 2011 showed 80% of babies born prematurely survived.
a relative insisted on seeing born merely at 23 weeks and Most of them were born at 27, 28 and 29 weeks of
BE A SMART TOI the babys face one last time
weighing 460 grams pregnancy, though
before the burial, Rohit Ton-
CITIZEN REPORTER don, the deceaseds father,
Keep mobile phones told TOI. He added that doc- Tondons wife was suffering then, said Tondon. He hired tions, but later realized that
GPS on while clicking tors at the hospital have assu- from weakness ever since she a cab and went home. mistakes do happen, he said.
and sending pictures red him they wouldnt lose conceived their fourth child. However, as per tradition, I would rest only if they can
Describe exactly another child. Tondon, who She used to faint frequently. the women in the family re- hand me my second child who
where and when works at a garment factory in On Sunday morning, she moved the plastic wrapping is at their mercy. I am told that
picture was taken, south Delhi, said he has three started bleeding and we tho- from the childs face when the best doctors are being
giving street names children and the deceased ba- ught that the baby was co- it cried out and started consulted for his treatment
by was their fourth. My ming and rushed her to hospi- wriggling. I did not believe it now, says Tondon.
and other locators
third child, Chintu, has a da- tal. Things would have been in the first place. I felt God Safdarjung doctors said
More photos, videos maged kidney since birth. different if the doctors had does exist somewhere and the matter was being inqui-
on He, too, is in a critical condi- ensured that she was given did not want my fourth child red into. This was technical-
After the laying of sewers, the roads of Freedom tion, he said. proper attention, said Kalu- to die. I rushed to hospital ly a case of abortion. A
Fighter Enclave have been left in this terrible state Tondons wife, Shanti De- ram, Tondons father. to prove the doctors wrong, child born before 22 weeks
for the past two months, making difficult to walk or vi, remains in hospital. She Around 7.30am on Sunday said Tondon. of pregnancy and weighing
drive. The new MCD councillor, when informed about was inconsolable and morning, Tondon was han- He asked his brother to less than 500 grams cannot
the problem, said it wasnt his job and the area MLA incoherent since delivery, sa- ded over a packet, saying that call the police and inform survive, said Dr A K Rai, me-
has to get it fixed. id family members. Hailing his wife had a stillborn child. them about the incident whi- dical superintendent. He,
from Chhattisgarh, the Ton- It was still trembling and tri- le he decided to confront the however, conceded that the
Citizen Reporter Vipin Kumar dons have been staying in a ed to convince the doctors to doctors himself. How could doctors involved in delivery
JJ colony near Molarbandh check once more but they in- they be so callous? When the should have waited for 30-40
This traffic light on the main road of for 30 years. sisted that I cremate the body. TV media arrived in the eve- minutes before declaring
Shankar Road at the crossing of Sir Family members said I did not tell my wife about it ning, I vented out my emo- the baby dead.
Ganga Ram Hospital Marg has been
dysfunctional since a long time. The
traffic light pole across the crossing is
hidden behind a tree and barely visible.
Citizen Reporter Chand Wattal
Newborn twins found buried in pit
TIMES NEWS NETWORK paper, from the pit. 318 (concealment of birth by secret dis-
The residents of BFH block, Shalimar Police said the newborns suspec- posal of dead body) of the IPC has been
New Delhi: Two bodies of newborn girls ted to be lying in the park for over a day registered and teams have been formed
Bagh, have reserved car parking space
were found buried inside a pit at a park in appeared to be premature. to identify the parents.
Encroachment on public by installing illegal iron posts on the Keshawpuram on Monday morning. The identity of the girls will be The park remains open till 7pm, after
main road, which not only obstructs
space by residents A morning walker noticed a foul ascertained only when we are able to tra- which the security guard also leaves.
traffic, but is also a safety hazard. Are smell coming out of the pit that was cove- ce their parents or the hospital where There are a few entrances to the park,
the authorities watching? red with a heap of leaves. He informed they were born, said a senior officer. which remain unmanned even during
Citizen Reporter Ankur Sharma police at 7.35 am. Soon, a team reached There were slight bruise marks on the operating hours. Police are scanning
the spot and discovered a pair of twins, the bodies of both the girls, he added. CCTV footage of the area to ascertain
both naked and wrapped in a pink chart Police said that a case under section the sequence of events.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDIND User: ipsita.mazumdar Time: 06-20-2017 00:05 Color: C



CBI questions Jains wife, AAP fumes Govt portal to

help job seekers
Party Claims Ministers Men Said To Have Transacted With Hawala Operators Do Not Exist
TIMES NEWS NETWORK said party spokesperson Saurabh es normally make witnesses con- TIMES NEWS NETWORK ded that on-the-spot mee-
Bharadwaj. He said CBI had been front the accused. After much insis- tings like job fairs were to-
New Delhi: Three days after a team claiming that the two men it had ac- tence, they made him meet one wit- New Delhi: Delhi govern- ugh to conduct due to the ex-
from CBI reached deputy chief mi- cused of working on behalf of Jain ness, Bablu Pathak. In the first 10 ment on Monday launched cess number of people that
nister Manish Sisodias residence had been with him since 2010 and minutes of the meeting, Pathak sa- its online job portal and will queued up. To address the is-
to question him in a case related had been using a particular landli- id that he did not know Jain. Now be organising a job fair from sue, Rai said: We have deci-
to the programme, Talk 2 AK, it ne number to transact with hawala the department has given in writing July 11 - 15 to help people find ded to launch the portal whe-
was PWD minister Satyendar Jains operators based in Kolkata. that they will not make him meet jobs in the private sector. re it will be easier to filter
turn on Monday. The CBI on These men dont exist. Jain the other three, Bharadwaj said. Labour minister Gopal out the person a company
Monday questioned Jains wife, Po- has been asking CBI to produce Rai said that the web portal would like to interview or al-
onam Jain, in connection with a these two men before him but they would make it easier for ternately, a company where
probe into alleged money launde- have failed to do so. This is because Sisodia said the raids against both job seekers and employ- someone would like to
ring against him. there are no such persons. The AAP ministers were being ers to identify companies work.
CBI sources said a team had go- landline number, from which CBI and people based on an onli- The minister said that
ne to Jains house to seek some clari- claims these two have been in carried out only to shift ne search. both those seeking jobs and
fications from Poonam as she was touch with hawala operators in Kol- attention from issues like Under an initiative by those wanting to hire emplo-
reportedly a director in one of the CBI sources said a team had gone to Jains house to seek some clarifications from kata, has not been working since Vijay Mallya, Panama papers, the employment depart- yees would have to register
companies run by him. They clai- 2014. Interestingly, this number ment, the government had on the governments websi-
med that the agency had sought ti-
Poonam as she was reportedly a director in one of the companies run by him
never had an STD facility and only Vyapam scam and DDCA taken a decision to provide te. Based on the skill set quo-
me from her before visiting Jains come. Initially, some of the compa- puppet in the Centres hands. In local calls could be made from it. employment to people in the ted by a particular candida-
residence. CBI had recently registe- nies linked to him were being pro- fact, the party claimed that two Can they explain how calls are be- The party has alleged that private sector. Two job fairs te, they would be shortlisted
red a preliminary enquiry (PE) in bed and Jain had been summoned men, Sanjay and Suresh, whom CBI ing made to an STD number from a such raids against its ministers is were organised for this. Sub- and a round of interviews
the case. It has been alleged that Ja- by the authorities, which he said has accused of transacting with ha- number that is not even working, a ploy by the Centre to not just sequently, several names we- would be held to ensure that
in turned his black money into whi- was in his capacity as a witness. wala operators on behalf of Jain, do asked Bharadwaj. harass it but also divert attention re registered in the employ- the candidate is suitable.
te using these companies and Kol- Subsequently , he was issued noti- not even exist. He also slammed the income-tax from genuine issues. Sisodia said ment exchange. This is a rea- The government will also
kata-based hawala operators. Jain ces in his personal capacity. CBI has been propagating a sto- department which has been investi- the raids against AAP ministers dy pool of information for request industry bodies like
had denied all the charges. Aam Aadmi Party, which has ac- ry which is entirely fictional. We be- gating Jain. The IT department, al- were being carried out only to shift private companies, looking ASSOCHAM, CII to partici-
The minister is being separately cused the BJP-led Centre of harass- lieve that in the chargesheet to- so a puppet in the Centres hands, attention from issues like Vijay for certain skill require- pate in the event to provide
investigated under the Income Tax ment, said that the raid at Jains wards which CBI is progressing, all has said that four persons testified Mallya, Panama papers, Vyapam ments, Rai said. more opportunities to job se-
Act for allegedly concealing his in- residence proved that CBI was a persons and stories are imaginary, against Jain. In such cases, agenci- scam and DDCA. The labour minister ad- ekers, Rai added.

Speakers iftar an all-AAP affair AAP MLAs demand

New Delhi: Chief minister

Anindya Chattopadhyay

probe into land scam

Arvind Kejriwal and deputy TIMES NEWS NETWORK cheated by these politici-
CM Manish Sisodia travelled ans in a big way. By registe-
in the same car to reach the if- New Delhi: As the land po- ring land in the name of fa-
tar hosted by speaker Ram Ni- oling policy is set to be imp- ke companies, they have
was Goel on the assembly lemented in the capital, two evaded a substantial amo-
lawns on Monday. Aam Aadmi Party MLAs unt of stamp duty.
The CM walked into the have alleged that over the Goyal later said he had
lawn greeting guests with fol- past 10 years, politicians shared some details and
ded hands and smiled as the from leading parties had evidence with the CM and
cameramen tried to capture duped farmers by buying wont like to comment furt-
the moment. I pray that the- their land in the name of fa- her as we would want a
re be an atmosphere of peace ke companies at throwa- proper investigation to
in the country. An attempt is way prices. bring out the truth.
being made to create hatred In a letter to chief mini- On June 16, lieutenant
among people. I pray that ster Arvind Kejriwal, Rit- governor Anil Baijal appro-
such forces never succeed, hala legislator Mohinder ved the notification decla-
Kejriwal said later. Goyal and Adarsh Nagars ring 95 villages in Delhi as
All four BJP legislators we- Pawan Kumar Sharma ha- development areas under
re, however, not seen in the if- ve sought an investigation DDA. The decision is likely
tar. Around 10 invitation cards into the land scam. They to create affordable housing
were sent to each MLA so that claimed, The black money units by harnessing private
they can attend with their gu- of these politicians was in- potential. It is estimated
ests, said Goel. Opposition lea- volved in these dealings. that DDA would help in pro-
der Vijender Gupta said he had ITS A FEAST: Satyendar Jain, Manish Sisodia, Arvind Kejriwal and Ram Niwas Goel at the iftar The CM later re-tweeted a viding up to 25 lakh houses
to attend another iftar. post about the letter. in these planned areas.
Lieutenant governor Anil only Atishi Marlena turned senior functionary Kumar will host a separate iftar on According to the letter, DDA will be responsible
Baijal was also not present. up for the event. Vishwas of being an RSS-BJP June 23. Some people alleged Those politicians knew for physical and social in-
Goel said the LG had infor- Health minister Satyender agent, maintained distance that the canopy where the CM that after the land pooling frastructure development
med him that he wont be able Jain, who has been at the cent- from Kejriwal. He sat with fri- was supposed to sit with his policy is implemented, this such as sewerage, water
to attend the function becau- re of allegations of corruption ends far away from the main cabinet colleagues and speci- land will sell like gold. It supply, electricity supply
se of a pre-occupation. levelled by Mishra, arrived qu- canopy. Vishwas didnt at- al guests was out of bounds added, Not only have the and bus terminals while
AAPs rebel MLA Kapil ite late. He sat next to Sisodia tend the function. for common guests even befo- farmers been duped but housing units would be bu-
Mishra did not attend the and was seen talking to the CM While the ministers had re Kejriwal reached the ve- even the state has also been ilt by private players.
iftar either. The invitation as Sisodia listened. vegetarian food from three nue. Young guests, however,
was sent to him too, Goel Okhla MLA Amanatullah stalls, there were six stalls for did not lose any opportunity
said. Although AAP functio- Khan, who was suspended non-veg foods. to click selfies with the CM
naries were also invited, from the party after accusing The Delhi government even from outside the canopy.

Minister visits poet

with pension promise
TIMES NEWS NETWORK vernment and current AAP
government on numerous oc-
New Delhi: Social welfare mi- casions, but to no avail.
nister Rajendra Pal Gautam Firoz Bakht Ahmed, Ja-
has ordered an inquiry into the mayees friend, said that he
case of Urdu poet Asrar Jama- had even visited the local
yee, whose old age pension was MLAs office where he was gi-
stopped in 2013 after the social ven a cheque of Rs 1,000 but it
welfare department declared was not honoured.
him dead. Shortly after Jamayees
story went public, chief mini-
DECLARED DEAD ster Arvind Kejriwal directed
the social welfare minister to
Gautam visited the 80-ye- visit his home and provide
ar-old poet at his residence in every possible help.
Batla House on Monday and I have asked Jamayee for
assured him that his case wo- all relevant documents and as
uld be reviewed immediately soon as he submits these we
and the pension would be res- will start processing his app-
tarted as soon as possible. lication. From what I could
Jamayee said that he was gather after speaking to him,
declared dead by the social there was a call for verifica-
welfare department in 2013, tion of details for which he ne-
after which his pension of Rs ver went. At that time, names
1,500 per month was stopped. of about 40,000 people were
He subsequently approached struck off the list, including
the previous Congress go- his, Gautam said.

Uphaar victims
meet CM over
mercy petition
of Gopal Ansal
New Delhi: Chief minister Ar-
vind Kejriwal has been learnt
to have told The Association of
the Victims of Uphaar Tragedy
(AVUT) that if a mercy petition
for Gopal Ansal, one of the two
accused in the Uphaar Cinema
fire, reaches Delhi govern-
ment, it will not be approved.
Neelam Krishnamoorthy,
president of AVUT, said that
they had approached the govern-
ment after learning through RTI
that a mercy petition has been fi-
led on behalf of Ansal by senior
advocate Ram Jethmalani, re-
questing clemency and a waiver
of the jail sentence awarded by
the Supreme Court. Krishna-
moorthy said, This plea has be-
en received by the MHA and we
have been given to understand
that the mercy plea has been for-
warded to the Delhi government
and the LG for their opinion. We
requested the CM to not consider
this petition and he has assured
us that he will not. TNN
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CAPPG8 User: meghna.dhulia Time: 06-20-2017 00:08 Color: C


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Ramjas College may Evening shift has TOMORROW IS YOGA DAY. ARE YOU READY?
NDMC is celebrating the 3rd International Yoga Day on Wednesday in collaboration with

roll back 25% fee hike Dyal Singh in knots the ministry of AYUSH. Read on to know all about the events as well as trafc detours

File photo

Mohammad.Ibrar However, evening college tea- Connaught Place chers dont agree. According to Six radials, Inner
Students Upset With `1k Extra Per Semester New Delhi: Dyal Singh College
teachers are at loggerheads over
Bhawna Pandey, who teaches in
Dyal Singh Evening College,
The team that came to the colle-
Circle, Central Park

TIMES NEWS NETWORK so much, said Akshay Lak- tion is planning to cut the fee the evening colleges plan to con- ge on February 14 interacted with
ra, NSUI Delhi president. hike from 25% to 14%, and vert into a morning one and use the staff members, the principals
Nehru Park
New Delhi: Delhi Universi- A fee hike among colleges will be finalised before the the facilities of the existing mor- of both the morning and evening
tys Ramjas College may roll usually happens once every day of the first cut-off. ning college. colleges, the chairperson and the Lodhi Garden
back the 25% fee hike it has few years, keeping in mind Lakra has also alleged Morning college teachers are governing body. It recommended
floated this year, after stu- the rising costs of expenditu- that there was massive cor- against the plan. There is alrea- that the evening college should
dents group National Stu- re and living. Several DU col- ruption in the Ramjas Colle- dy not enough space for us to be converted into a morning col-
dent Union of India (NSUI) leges have also decided to in- ge centennial celebration. function, said a teacher. Delhi lege on the same campus from ACTIVITIES
met the acting principal and crease their annual fees this Several students and staff Universitys inspection commit- academic session 2017-18. She sa-
lodged their protest against year, though they have all li- members have alleged that at tee will place its report and sug- id that bifurcation is required be-
the massive increase in fee. mited the hike to under Rs least Rs 25 crore was misused. gestions on the bifurcation issue cause at present, their college has
This hike is of Rs 3,500 for 1,500 annually. We were told that the medical in the DU Academic Council mee- no access to many facilities. 1 Common 2 Band 3 Odissi dance
science courses and Rs 2,500 room was built for Rs 35 lakh, ting on Tuesday. A letter signed Principal of the morning col- protocol and dance by divyaang
for arts and commerce cour-
ses. This means that each stu-
CAMPUS CHAOS but does not have basic medi-
cines, he said.
by 86 faculty members was sent to
the VC. It claims the move will ha-
lege, IS Bakshi, said that he had
informed the inspection team
yoga performance students
dent will have to pay under Rs Speaking to TOI, PC Tul- NSUI has demanded for a ve a serious negative impact on about the lack of infrastructure.
4 Yoga on wheelchair STRETCHES TO AVOID
1,000 per semester on average. sian, Ramjas College acting neutral committee to audit the colleges health. The principal of Dyal Singh eve- The main event will start from 6am at Baba Kharak Singh Marg-GPO
In a letter to the college prin- principal, said, Even after the centennial celebration ex- The morning college teachers ning, PK Sharma, pointed out it Connaught Place and common protocol Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg-Gole Market
cipal, NSUI, which called it the hike, the fee of our college penses. alleged the inspection committee was passed after the support of
yoga will be held at all venues from Panchkuian Road-RK Ashram crossing
unfair, has requested a roll- is very less. I showed the pro- Tulsian accepted that a did not take their views while ma- the morning college principal.
back of the fee hike, claiming testers that other colleges ask notice had been served by DU king the report and have reques- Some morning college tea- 7am to 7.45am Chelmsford Road-Munje Chowk
it to be the highest among for a lot more. We need funds around a week ago, asking the ted the Academic Council to re- chers were concerned about the Minto Road-DDU Marg crossing
DU colleges. to maintain all the facilities. college to furnish an account ject it. The chairman procured plight of working professionals
Trafc will not be allowed between Barakhamba Road-Tolstoy crossing
We met the principal and However, Tulsian said he of its expenditure during the the report from two-three com- who take admission in evening
11pm on June 19 and 11am on
the student adviser and told will respect the demands of celebrations. The principal mittee members that did not in- colleges. However, Pandey said, Kasturba Gandhi Marg-Tolstoy crossing
them our concern. It will be the protestors and will look said that the the data is being clude our principal or a teacher, In the last 20 years, no working June 21 in Inner Circle, Middle Circle
and radial roads within Outer Circle of Janpath-Tolstoy crossing
difficult for students to study into their requests. Sources, collected, and will be submit- said Premendra Kumar Parihar, professional has taken admis-
here if they increase the fee too, said that the administra- ted once completed. Dyal Singh morning teacher. sion here. Connaught Place Parliament Street-Patel Chowk

Delhi, Noida to
clean Shahdara
drain jointly
Meenakshi Sinha & Vandana Keelor TNN

Noida: Delhi Jal Board and the Noida Authori-

ty on Monday decided to initiate joint steps to
treat the sewage that flows from Delhi to Noida
through the Shahdara drain and ensure supp-
ly of clean water in Noida. The drain, which
carries effluents from Delhi, flows to Noidas
sectors 14 & 15, before merging with Yamuna.
The gases emanating from the drain have
affected the health of many Noida residents
and have damaged electronic goods in the past
three decades. The drain has also polluted the
groundwater in the area.
In a conclave held on Monday at the club ho-
use in Sector 14, elhi Jal Board agreed to treat
the sewage using bacterial enzymes apart
from making several treatment plants functio-
nal in Delhi. The board will also make the Ka-
lyanpuri sewage plant functional by Sector
30, said Prashant Bhushan, eminent lawyer,
who attended the conclave. The Noida Autho-
rity, on the other hand, will ensure that the par-
ticulate matter in drinking water is treated be-
fore supply, officials said.
The meeting was also attended by Environ-
ment Pollution Control Authority chairman
Bhure Lal, Delhi Jal Board executive engineer
M C Ram, Noida Authority CEO Amit Mohan
Prasad, Noida MLA Pankaj Singh, RWA mem-
bers from sectors 14, 15 & 15A. Sushil Agarwal,
who had filed a PIL on the issue in 1996, was al-
so present. The Supreme Court had issued se-
veral directives on the Shahdara drain on the
basis of a PIL filed by me in December 1996. But
none of it was implemented, leading to the si-
tuation today, Sushil Agarwal told TOI.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDIND2 User: sunanda.ranjan Time: 06-20-2017 00:05 Color: C




Body of man
who died after Babus forced us to fly Reddy: IndiGo
clinical trial AAI Report To Govt Purportedly Makes It Seem Like A Consensual Decision
PLACE TO GET HIGH ON exhumed Saurabh.Sinha on 6E 608. The AAI report tells DGCA in its report.
CANNABIS & OPIUM DRUGS makes it look like a consen-
sual decision, where IndiGo
It goes on to add that Reddy
continued to verbally abuse
According to UNODCs World Drug report 2016, the retail New Delhi: The government gladly accepted the MP. IndiGo staff from the security
prices of cannabis- and opium-based drugs are Hyderabad: Days after the received on Monday two The airline has offered a check to the boarding gate. It
sudden death of a man who diametrically opposed ac- completely different ac- informs the DGCA about the
lowest in India. In advanced economies, it is
underwent a clinical trial at a counts of how TDP MP Diwa- count. Watchdog Directorate MP barging into the airlines
in the US that hashish and marijuana, Bengaluru lab, police exhu- kar Reddy managed to General of Civil Aviation, office, pushing the staff and
both derived from cannabis, med his body for an autopsy to board an IndiGo flight to which comes under the min- picking up a printer in the of-
cost the least, while it establish the cause. Vangara Hyderabad last week after he istry of civil aviation (Mo- fice. Giving this account, the
TDP MP Diwakar Reddy allegedly
Nagaraju died at his house in was initially barred follow- CA), asked IndiGo on Mon- airline has told the DGCA that
is the most expensive Nagampet on June 2. Shocked ing a face-off with the air-
misbehaved with IndiGo staff
day to submit a factual equi- IndiGo and some other air-
in Japan last week after being denied
at the suddenness, fellow vil- lines officials at the Visak- ty report of the episode. The lines have decided to ban Red-
boarding for reporting late
lagers, including his son V hapatnam airport. IndiGo report, sources said, dy from their flights in the in-
Marijuana is over 400 times cheaper Srinivas, approached police. The report by the Air- Ashok Gajapathi Raju, who says the airline received in- terest of safety of passen-
in India than in Japan An FIR for suspicious death
was subsequently filed.
ports Authority of Indias
(AAI) airport director (APD) haviour continued even after
happened to be at the airport
at the time.
structions from the AAI chief
security officer (CSO) of Vizag
gers and staff.
In a similar recent epi-
Retail price of cannabis drugs ($ per gram) Nagaraju was buried, in ke- says IndiGo staff agreed to let he was allowed to board, the A source privy to the AAI to accept the MP on 6E 608. The sode involving an unruly MP,
Marijuana (herb) Hashish (resin) eping with the traditions of the Reddy fly after the APD asked airline added. report said: When the MP AAI staff told IndiGo to do so police have taken no action
Padmashali community, to them to. But the airline, offer- Reddy was denied board- spoke to minister Raju, the lat- at the behest of MoCA offi- against Shiv Sena MP Ravin-
South Africa 0.1 11 which he belongs, near a lake ing a blow-by-blow account of ing last Thursday after he re- ter asked the APD to see what cials present at the airport. dra Gaikwad for assaulting
India 0.1 0.2 on the outskirts of the village. the episode, said that it was ported late for IndiGos flight the issue is. Raju, who always We had no opportunity an Air India staffer despite
Police made arrangements for regrettably forced to let the 6E 608. He then misbehaved goes by the book, did not ask to verify the instructions of the airline and the employee
Brazil 0.2 2 the autopsy in a tent nearby. MP board at the behest of gov- with airline officials, and the APD to help Reddy. The the CSO with any of the Mo- filing complaints. No police
USA 0.5 to 63.5 5.3 to 12.4 The autopsy was initially ernment officials present at sought the help of aviation APD spoke to IndiGo staffers, CA officials present at that complaint has been filed so
planned for June 17, but his fa- the airport. Reddys rude be- minister and party colleague who said they will fly the MP time in the airport, IndiGo far in the Reddy case.
UK 4.4 4.4 mily insisted that local doc-
6.2 7.3
From July 1, flyers wont 1cr in a month: New
Spain tors not perform it. Following
this, forensic experts from
Italy 10.5 13.8 Warangal were roped in.
Russia 11 27
10.7 30-yr-old walks have to fill departure forms high in home traffic
41.4 66.3
out of hospital, TIMES NEWS NETWORK
on their return from abroad
Airport charges
declared dead New Delhi: Indian flyers
was done away with in 2014.
These steps are among
New Delhi: Indians are trav-
elling like never before this
cut, to lower fares
While opium costs 118 times less
Retail price of opioids (US $ per gram) TIMES NEWS NETWORK
headed for foreign destina-
tions will not be required to
fill up departure cards start-
several taken of late to facili-
tate both international and
domestic travel. Last year,
summer holiday season. May
2017 has, for the first time,
seen one crore passengers fly-
D omestic air passengers will
have to pay lower fares,
particularly from non-major
Opium Heroin Agra: A man who was dis- ing from July 1, which means the customs department did ing within the country in a airports, come July, with DGCA
82.9 charged from a hospital here one fewer formality before away with the need for Indi- month. Summer holidays be- slashing certain airport
Japan after treatment for a snakebi- boarding the aircraft. an passengers to fill up a dec- gin around mid-May, which is charges, including air
te was later declared dead However, those travelling laration form while coming when the surge began. Ac- navigational charges at all
8.6 to 12.9 497.2
by a doctor. Kush Chaurasia, out of the country via rail, to India if they were not car- cording to DGCA data, May airports, and the passenger
0.7 to 1.7 30, was bitten by a snake and sea ports and land immigra- rying dutiable goods. Howev- 2017, the month registered a service fee and landing fee at all
taken to SN Medical College tion check-posts will have to er, those carrying prohibited 17.4% increase in domestic non-major ones, to the level of
35 USA on Sunday. He was discharged fill the embarkation card, ac- and dutiable goods are still flyers over 2016, which record- last December, when a hike was
144 34 two hours later. On Monday, a cording to an order issued by The departure card contains required to fill up an Indian ed 86.7 lakh domestic flyers. effected. Non-major airports
France policeman turned up at his ho- the home ministry. customs declaration form. The surge has come despite are those serving less than 12
46.1 me to inform his family that It has been decided to dis-
passenger details such as name,
The Central Industrial the increase in airfares since lakh passengers. PTI
date of birth, and boarding date
80.3 China he had passed away. continue the practice of fill- Security Force (CISF), man- early this year on account of
50 It was a funny situation, ing up of the departure card boarding. The same infor- dated to secure airports in rising crude oil prices. ings for June are also very ro-
1.8 said Chaurasia. After the inci- by Indians at all international mation (about the passen- the country, has also started Low-cost carriers rule the bust. The lean season will be-
50.5 80 dent, the principal of the me- airports with effect from July gers) is available in the sys- doing away with the practice skies, with IndiGo, SpiceJet, gin from next month, but will
Italy 79.6 dical college, Dr Saroj Singh, 1, 2017, the home ministry tem from other sources, the of tagging and stamping of GoAir and others accounting be fortunately short this year
56.8 77.6 38.1 has ordered an investigation has said in the order. home ministry order said, domestic passengers hand for almost two-thirds of all do- as the festive season is start-
74.9 Russia
UK into the matter. The doctor The departure card con- explaining the rationale be- baggage. The practice has al- mestic flyers. IndiGo alone ing in September, said an air-
Germany might have wrongly written tains passenger details such hind the discontinuation of ready been done away with at has 41.2% of the market share line official. The January to
9.3 Spain
15.5 to 23.3 (Charasias) name instead of as name, date of birth, pass- departure cards. Delhi, Mumbai, Kochi, Ben- for domestic air travel, fol- May 2017 period has seen 4.6
Source : World Drug Report 2016; Research: Atul Thakur; Graphic: Anil Dinod the actual deceased persons, port number, address in In- The requirement for Indi- galuru, Hyderabad, Kolkata lowed by Jet (17.6%) at a very crore domestic flyers, up
Singh added. dia, flight number and date of ans to fill up arrival cards up- and Ahmedabad. distant second. The book- 17.6% from last year.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDENTG User: indrajit.tarafdar Time: 06-19-2017 23:31 Color: C


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Punjab CM was under pressure after UPs farm sop

Continued from P 1 er that the UPA-I government on the interim report of the Rs 3 lakh. He proposed that back their loans. additional Rs 31,000 crore to
2 MP farmers commit suicide
TIMES NEWS NETWORK hanging from a ceiling fan in
his house. Five farmers from
had announced in 2008. Effec- expert group headed by well- the Speaker constitute a five- Capt Singh claimed the benefit farmers, he added. Bhopal: Two farmers com- Sehore have taken their lives

he CM refused to say tively, this is the first major known economist T Haque. member committee of the as- previous government, head- The Punjab CM said there mitted suicide, while a third so far. Banshilals family said
how much the state debt waiver for the state. Capt Singh added his govern- sembly to visit families of su- ed by Parkash Singh Badal, are about 18.5 lakh farming attempted to kill himself in he was in depression for the
would need to raise to The Punjab CM had been ment had decided to take icide victims, ascertain the had accepted a loan of Rs families in the state, and three different districts of last two months as he had not
meet the waiver require- under pressure to announce over the outstanding crop reasons for suicide and sug- 31,000 crore to cover the about 65% of them are small Madhya Pradesh. With this, been able to repay his loan.
ments. These are all figures a loan waiver after UP CM Yo- loans (from institutional gest steps to check the prob- shortfall in the cash credit and marginal; of these, about the number of farmer suici- Another farmer Jeevan
which will be given in the gi Aditya Nath had waived sources) of all families of lem. He informed the House limit for procurement of 70% have access to institu- des in the state rose to 15 in the Singh Meena of Sayarbamo-
state budget, he told report- loans of up to Rs 1 lakh on farmers who committed sui- his government had already food grains, for which his tional finance. last 10 days. ra village in Vidisha commit-
ers after announcing the April 4. Capt Singh, however, cide in the state. decided to repeal Section 67 A government has to pay Rs 270 He said a state agricul- Banshilal Meena, 54, a re- ted suicide because of rising
waiver. The state budget is to insisted his waiver would The government has also of the Punjab Cooperative So- crore every month and Rs ture policy focusing on in- sident of the Jamoniakhurdh debt on Sunday night. Murlid-
be tabled on Tuesday. provide double the relief an- decided to raise the ex gratia cieties Act, 1961, which pro- 3,240 crore annually. Had this crease in farmers incomes village under CM Shivraj har from Harda district at-
Punjab had got just 0.8% of nounced by UP and Maha- for suicide-affected families vides for auction of the lands not been done, his govern- on a sustainable basis would Singh Chouhans native dis- tempted suicide by consu-
the Rs 52,520 crore loan waiv- rashtra. The decision is based to Rs 5 lakh from the existing of farmers who cant pay ment would have utilised the be formulated soon. trict of Sehore, was found ming celphos pills on Monday.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDCLAS User: soumyajit.majumder Time: 06-20-2017 00:12 Color: C

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Why PM Chose Kovind Over Senior Mantris

After Parrikar, in the deliberations but failed

Modi Felt He
to find traction with BJPs top
decision-making body.
Jharkhand governor Drau-
padi Murmu, seen as a prob-
Naveen, southern parties
Couldnt Spare
able in certain quarters, was
discussed along with former
deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
give NDA winning edge
Heavyweights Karia Munda. Murmu and
Munda, tribals from Odisha TIMES NEWS NETWORK
TIMES NEWS NETWORK and Jharkhand respectively,
were seen as possibilities in New Delhi: Ram Nath Kovind, the NDAs pres-
New Delhi: PM Narendra view of the partys desire to idential candidate, should have an easy pas- NDA needs a majority of the full electoral
Modi on Monday refused to expand its constituency. sage to Rashtrapati Bhavan with the ruling al- college votes for their nominee to
relieve any member of his Significantly, UP gover- liance already having the committed support
become President
Cabinet as NDAs presidential nor Ram Naik was also on of 57.85% of the electoral college which will
candidate, tilting the scales in the short list BJP chief Amit elect the next President. NDA* till June 19: Short by
favour of Bihar governor Ram Shah put up before the parlia- Even if the opposition decides to field a can- 5,37,683 11,769 votes
Nath Kovind. mentary board, sources said. didate, the contest will be largely academic.
Sources said Modi told But while he failed to get the The NDAs current strength in the electoral 48.9%
the BJPs parliamentary nod, his counterpart in Bihar, college is 5,37,683, which is 48.93% of the total
board that sparing members Kovind, emerged as the choice votes. This goes up to 57.85% votes with TRS
of the Cabinet home min- in keeping with the focus of (2%), AIADMK (5.39%) and YSR Congress
ister Rajnath Singh, foreign Modi and Shah to woo Dalits. (1.53%) already pledging support to the NDA ELECTORAL
minister Sushma Swaraj The outreach has seen candidate. Late on Monday, BJD chief and COLLEGE
or social justice minister BJP trying to identify itself Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik came out in sup- 10,98,903 votes
Thaawarchand Gehlot with the legacy of Dalit icon port of Kovind, adding 2.99% more votes to the
would weaken him. B R Ambedkar and align itself NDAs kitty. A former BJP Dalit Morcha chief,
The PM is learnt to have with Dalit players like Ramvi- Kovind may not be acceptable to several oppo- After June 19 announcement & backing
mentioned the departure of las Paswan, Ramdas Athavale sition parties but the two key regional parties of TRS, YSR (Cong), BJD & AIADMK
Manohar Parrikar, who quit and former Bihar chief minis- from his home state, Uttar Pradesh, may find it
as defence minister to take
over as chief minister of
ter Jitan Ram Manjhi.
No wonder, Shah empha-
Ram Nath Kovind | 71 difficult to oppose him.
Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj
AIADMK 5.39% 59,224

Goa, as well as the death of sised Kovinds caste back- Party have hinted about possible support to
BJD 2.99% 32,892
The lawyer-turned-neta was born on Oct 1, PERSONAL LIFE
environment minister Anil ground as he announced 1945, in Kanpur (rural) UP to farming family Married Savita in
the NDA nominee. Bihar chief minister and TRS 2.00% 22,048
Madhav Dave, to argue that the parliamentary boards JD(U) chief Nitish Kumar has spoken posi-
he needed to hold on to sen- decision. I&B minister Ven- A lawyer, he practised in Delhi high court and 1974; has a son tively about Kovind as the two shared a good YSR(Cong) 1.53% 16,848
ior members of his team. kaiah Naidu also spoke along the Supreme Court for about 16 years until 1993 and a daughter rapport after the latter took over as governor
Finance minister Arun
Jaitley has been holding ad-
similar lines.
He (Kovind) is from a
Elected to Rajya Sabha MP in 1994, served as
UP MP for two terms till March 2006
of Bihar three years ago.
Kumar though refused to commit support
ditional charge of the defence weaker section and belongs to NOT THE FIRST to the NDA candidate and said it would not be
ministry, while the environ- a family of farmers. He has a The Dalit RSS ideologue was DALIT PRESIDENT appropriate to comment on the issue.
ment ministry is being looked legal background, and twice president of BJP Dalit Morcha and All- KR Narayanan holds He claimed that he has already conveyed
after by science and technol- served as member of Rajya India Koli Samaj that distinction. his opinion to Congress president Sonia Gan-
ogy minister Harsh Vardhan. Sabha. He understands social, Has been on the board of Nominated by dhi, hinting at the possibility of supporting
Members of the parlia- political and constitutional governors of IIM, Kolkata Congress, he became Kovind even though he claimed his party
mentary board also discussed issues. He is humble and non- & board of BR Ambedkar the President in 1997 would reach a final decision after the meet- BJP may also be backed by:
party veterans L K Advani and controversial, Naidu said as ing of opposition parties. If JD(U) (1.91%), SP
University, Lucknow
Murli Manohar Joshi, who he appealed to all political par- (2.37%) and BSP (0.86%) too come on board, SP 2.37% 20,935
were speculated in certain cir- ties to support Kovind for the Joined a stir by SC/ST DO YOU RECALL? As Bihar governor, the NDA will have the support of 65.98% of the
cles as probables for the presi- top constitutional office. employees in 1997 against the the Centre Kovind had asked RJD chief Lalu Prasad electoral college. JD(U) 1.91% 20,935
dency, but the twin names did Paswan too welcomed Bihar governor since August 2015 Yadavs son Tej Pratap to repeat the Support for Kovind could swell further as
not generate enough conver- Kovinds candidature. He is oath of ofce during his swearing-in as parties would be loath to be seen opposing a BSP 0.86% 9,399
sation. Lok Sabha Speaker the best choice. Its a brilliant If Kovind becomes Indias 14th President a minister in 2015 for mispronouncing Dalit candidate for the top constitutional post, *NDA includes BJP, TDP, Shiv Sena, SAD, LJP, PDP,
Sumitra Mahajan, another move by the PM. All parties after the July election, hell be the rst from the Hindi word apekshit (expected) as more so with preparations for the next Lok RLSP, RPI, SBSP, MGP, BPF, NPF, AGP, SRF, AD, NPP,
speculated probable, figured should support him, he said. Uttar Pradesh after 9 PMs from the state upekshit (neglected) Sabha polls in 2019 set to start in right earnest. AJSU and SWP. Numbers assume support of all

A lawyer who cracked

Matter of happiness
for me personally. As
Cong, Left ready to fight and lose,
civils but lost 2 elections
for support, its
too early to
say. As Bihar
governor, hes
been impartial
look to Meira Kumar, Gopal Gandhi
TIMES NEWS NETWORK From joining BJP to lost again. But the party did TIMES NEWS NETWORK lam Nabi Azad refused to meet on June 22. Saharanpur in UP and in Har-
recognise Kovinds organi- and maintained even comment on whether Sources in Congress and yana where Dalits protesting
Bihars Raj Bhawan an ideal relationship with
New Delhi: His appoint- sational and administra- New Delhi: Important region- the opposition would field a Left parties indicated that against the government have
ment as Bihar governor two his has been a story of tive skills. Perhaps it was the state govt al players may have started candidate, saying the decision Meira Kumar is a likely choice been booked for treason.
years ago was as surprising dedication and tireless because of his administra- NITISH KUMAR | JD(U) drifting towards BJP, but the would be taken in the meeting. if the opposition decides to Dubbing it a farce, CPI
as his selection as the next work. He even donated tive skills that he hardly Unilaterally, BJP took opposition refused to give up However, his criticism of the make it an all-Dalit contest. secretary D Raja called it yet
probable President. Thats had any confrontation with a decision... we have efforts to put up a fight amid government for not taking the The idea to pick an SC leader another attempt by the NDA
probably because he was not
his ancestral house Bihar chief minister Nitish indications that its choice opposition into confidence and would be dictated by the de- to appropriate Ambedkars
in Paraunkh village in nothing to say.
very well known in political Kumar, who had said he had We dont want could narrow down to Dalit his making light of the choice sire to stanch the possible legacy even when BJP had al-
circles. But Ram Nath Ko- Derapur to the RSS not been consulted before to comment leader Meira Kumar to coun- of a Dalit as tokenism sug- BJP charge that rivals were lowed atrocities on Dalits to
vind was one of the first lot Kovinds appointment as Bi- on merits or ter Ram Nath Kovind and the gested that a fight is on. opposing a representative grow unabated in states like
of Dalit leaders to join the tant Parliamentary Commit- har governor. celebrated Gandhi surname, The Left has made it plain of the marginalised section UP, Haryana and MP.
demerits of
saffron party. tees. After pursuing degrees His political journey Gopalkrishna Gandhi. that the presidential poll has for political reasons. On the However, sources said the
the candidate
He was the central gov- in commerce and law from was mainly centred around On a day when Biju Janata almost always witnessed a contrary, the decision to field final decision would depend
ernments advocate in the Kanpur University, he start- the rights and uplift of the Dal joined Telangana Rashtra contest and the opposition Kumar would be used to make on the sentiment that oppo-
Supreme Court during the ed preparing for the civil weaker sections of the so- This is straight- Samithi and YSR Congress to should field a candidate a an ideological point about rep- sition parties express in on
Janata Party government services in Delhi. He cracked ciety. Apart from being the forward a political support Kovind and when Bi- line that many resenting the June 22. Gopal Gandhi is seen
and finally joined BJP in the examination in 1975 but chief of the BJPs SC/ST confrontation. har CM Nitish Kumar chose feel could in- secular, inclu- as a strong name to direct the
1991 after 16 years of prac- didnt join as he was selected wing, Kovind had joined CPM and the to praise the BJP nominee in fluence the MEET ON JUNE 22 sive camp. debate around secular ethos
tice. From there to the Raj for the allied services. the SC/ST employees move- opposition his personal capacity, Con- parties likely There was and for tageting the RSS. His
Bhawan of Bihar and now a After that, he started ment against the central are meeting gress and Left appeared to be to be swayed by BJPs choice a recognition that Kovinds background as well as his
likely journey to Rashtrapati full-time practice in Delhi government in 1997 to pro- on June 22nd. firm on their plan to turn the of a Dalit for the top job but nomination has created com- humanitarian approach in
Bhawan it has been a sto- high court and the Supreme test against some govern- Only once in presidential poll into what which are also strong propo- plications by making it easier Raj Bhavan is seen as reflec-
ry of dedication and tireless Court and came in contact ment orders. Later, the or- history of India has they call an ideological battle nents of a grand opposition for regional players to support tive of his pro-poor concerns,
work for the organisation. He with political leaders. He ders were termed null and the prez been elected against the RSS. The opposi- alliance for the 2019 Lok Sab- BJPs choice of a Dalit candi- which can be used as a strong
even donated his ancestral also served as the personal void by the passage of three uncontested tion decided to meet on June ha elections. It just may make date. There was also a wari- campaign plank. Sources said
house in Paraunkh village assistant of Morarji De- amendments to the Consti- SITARAM YECHURY | CPM 22 to select its candidate for them rethink any bid to bolt. ness of what other regional the opposition is unlikely to
in Derapur to the RSS. Ko- sai in 1977-78 when he was tution during the first NDA a battle it is reconciled to los- CPM general secretary players like Sharad Pawar and win over new parties with
vind was a BJP Rajya Sabha Prime Minister. regime. In Bihar, he was Theres an attempt to ing but which it wants to use Sitaram Yechury said, The Bihar CM might do its choice of candidate, but
member for two consecutive Just after he joined BJP, widely acclaimed for con- play politics over a to make a political statement. presidential nominee is not But leaders of opposition it could help stop some netas
terms from 1994 to 2006. the party fielded him from stituting a judicial commis- Dalit prez The meeting will be chaired determined by the character did not let the disappointment from drifting towards BJP.
In between, he was also Ghatampur in UP but he sion to check irregularities nominee. In by Congress chief Sonia Gan- of the person, but by the poli- and anxiety show through. The opposition also
the BJP Dalit Morcha presi- lost. His next attempt at in promotion of undeserv- that case, dhi and is likely to be attended tics that is behind the selec- Ghulam Nabi Azad rub- slammed the BJP for not tak-
dent between 1998 and 2002. electoral politics was in ing teachers, bungling of were not by all 18 opposition parties tion of the candidate. There bished the Dalit empower- ing it into confidence despite
He served as the national 2007, when he was fielded funds and appointment of interested in which have earlier been part are some names under con- ment spin, saying BJPs soft commitments from ministers
spokesperson for the party from the Bhognipur assem- undeserving candidates in backing him of brainstorming sessions. sideration and we will decide corner for SCs was evident in Rajnath Singh and Venkaiah
and also on several impor- bly constituency in UP. He universities. UDDHAV THACKERAY | SHIV SENA Top Congress leader Ghu- when all opposition leaders attacks on the community in Naidu last week.

Another BJP gambit to When Kovind was There was no discussion

reach out to Dalits turned back from on Veep candidate: Shah
Prezs Shimla home
TIMES NEWS NETWORK votes suggested that it had Continued from P 1
managed to pull in votes

New Delhi: Three months from the Dalit tent. ovind, a farmers son,
after it reduced the mighty While SCs are far from a It was on May 30 comes from a humble
Bahujan Samaj Party to rub- monolith and constitute a het- background. He devot-
ble in Uttar Pradesh elec- erogeneous collection of Shimla: Less than a month that Kovind, along ed his life to public service
tions, BJPs decision to cata- castes, it is a fact that the ad- back, Bihar governor Ram with his family, and worked for the poor and
pult a Dalit from the state, vent of BSP as a self-respect Nath Kovind was not allowed to had to return from marginalised, the PM add-
Ram Nath Kovind, to Rash- movement had knocked them enter the Retreat, the official re- ed. If he didnt focus on Ko-
trapati Bhavan is part of a into a voting unit. While the sidence of the President of In- the gates of the vinds Dalit identity, it was
calculated plan to consoli- unity started fraying with dia in Shimla. Security person- Retreat in Mashobra very much on the table.
date the gains in the north- time, the leadership core of nel had told him that he did not hikant Sharma, advisor to Hi- Speaking to reporters af-
ern region besides throwing Jatavs in BSP ensured that a have the requisite permissions machal Pradesh governor ter the meeting of the parlia-
a symbolic net to the commu- big chunk of them moved to- from the Presidents office. had suggested that he visit the mentary board, Shah said Ko-
nity across the country. BJP workers celebrating in Patna gether politically. And today, Kovind is the BJP- Siog reserve forest and had al- vind had always espoused the
The significance of Ko- after Ram Nath Kovind was The BJPs strategy focuss- led NDAs nominee to become so told him about the Retreat. cause of underprivileged sec- Governor Ram Nath Kovind greets PM Narendra Modi in New Delhi on
vind, governor of Bihar and picked as NDAs presidential ing on non-Jatavs is seen as a President of India. I had asked him to visit tions of society, and had a long Monday after he was announced NDAs presidential nominee
a former Rajya Sabha MP, candidate on Monday rare direct attempt to disman- It was on May 30 that Ko- Siog forest area thinking he wo- career working for Dalits and
was evident in the immedi- tle the Dalit consolidation in a vind along with his family had uld not have the time to visit the oppressed groups. Dalit aur Hyderabad University stu-
ate aftermath of the announ- Dalit in a high position can bid to weaken the political returned from the gates of the Retreat but later he went there picchhde vargon ke liye ha-
Kovind is viewed dent Rohith Vemula, the as-
cement of his candidature. further consolidate the polit- muscle of Dalit organisations. Retreat. The day also happened on his own only to return from mesha sangharsh karte rahe favourably by RSS sault on Dalits at Una in Guja-
JD(U) chief Nitish Kumar ical gains. The ruling party will use to be his marriage anniversary. the gates, Sharma said. He sa- hain Ram Nath Kovindji, a factor that is rat by cow vigilantes and,
and Dalit czarina Mayawati Where Kovind emerges as the unveiling of Kovind, a Kovind had reached Shim- id that the security personnel Shah said. He also sought to more recently, the violent con-
welcomed the choice while part of BJPs Dalit outreach is staunch BJP loyalist who has la on May 28 and had stayed at could not have known that the counter the criticism that
learnt to have frontation between Thakurs
reserving their final deci- the fact that he hails from the served in various positions in the Raj Bhawan as Himachal person they denied entry to BJP had made the choice uni- weighed with the and Dalits under the freshly-
sion on supporting his can- weaker segments of Sched- the organisation, in Rashtra- Pradesh governor Acharya now has the distinct possibility laterally. The PM himself PM and Shah elected government of Yogi
didature. The opposition uled Castes the non-Jatavs. pati Bhavan to further its Devvrat is his good friend and of returning to the same Retre- has spoken to Sonia Gandhi Adityanath in UP.
leaders may turn either way Realising that Jatavs are message among the target both were appointed as gover- at as the President of India. and Manmohan Singh. Ev- elevation is expected to be a However, it has paid divi-
but their initial caution be- aligned with non-BJP par- group. It is not a mere coinci- nors on the same day. He was The Retreat, located on the eryone has been informed of statement of good intent to- dends too, with the BJP nib-
trayed their anxiety. ties like BSP, and are fierce dence that the party has there for Devvrats marriage hilltop at Mashobra, was built this decision, he said. wards Dalits, especially the bling at, as its victory in UP
A Dalit from UP appeals Ambedkarites who are less launched a sort of package anniversary on May 29 and in 1850 and taken over by the The BJP chief, however, categories that may be more showed, at the Dalit base of
to a vast community across susceptible to the Hindutva whereby the UP chief minis- Kovind had brought him box British viceroy in 1895. The clarified that there was no susceptible to the Sangh Pari- opponents like Mayawati.
the cow belt and central In- bait, the saffron party has set ter, a saffron-robed, un- of mangoes from Bihar as gift. President visits the Retreat at discussion on a vice-presi- vars relentless efforts to Kovind is a Kori, a commu-
dia regions that make for a its gaze on non-Jatavs, a key abashed Hindutva votary, is The next day, Kovind cele- least once a year and his core dential candidate. broaden its appeal. nity present in significant
vast component of Lok Sab- strand of its successful strat- hawking Kovinds candida- brated his own marriage an- office shifts here during the Kovind is viewed favoura- The efforts at reaching out numbers in the area extend-
ha. For a party enjoying a egy in the UP elections. The ture, framing the upcoming niversary. As Kovind did not stay. Its a wooden structure bly by RSS a factor that is have not been an unqualified ing from Kanpur to Bundelk-
dream run electorally, the BJPs sweep of districts with vote as a test of a political par- know what places to visit du- with dhajji wall (stone-inlaid learnt to have weighed with success, running into rough hand and, unlike the pro-BSP
symbolism of propping up a a good chunk of non-Jatav tys commitment to Dalits. ring his stay, professor Shas- quake resistant) construction. the PM and Shah and his weather over the suicide of Jatavs, not hostile to BJP.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDENT User: soumyajit.majumder Time: 06-20-2017 00:09 Color: C



Sena: Dalit pick BJPs Diwali arrives early in Those against him will be
seen as anti-Dalit: Paswan
vote-bank politics Kovinds UP village TOI
New Delhi: Anyone opposing
Ram Nath Kovinds candidatu-
re will be seen as anti-Dalit,
Paswan said Kovinds se-
lection came as a tight slap
for those who branded the Mo-
Abhinav Malhotra & cestral house to the village Union minister and Lok Jans- di government as anti-Dalit.

Final Decision TWISTS AND TURNS Faiz Rahman Siddiqui TNN which is now being used as a
community hall to hold
hakti Party (LJP) chief Ram
Vilas Paswan said as he mock-
I appeal to all political parties
to extend their support. They
Paraukh(Kanpur Dehat): small functions, he said. ed claims of opposition parties must prove how concerned
On Prez Poll h After BJP boss Amit Shah meets Shiv Sena chief Uddhav
Thackeray on Sunday, a BJP minister says that the Shiv Sena will
Diwali has arrived much in
advance for this small village
Kovinds distant nephew
Anil Kumar said nobody
putting up a candidate. Peene
wale ko peene ka bahana chahi-
they are for uplift of Dalits. We
have always maintained that
back the NDA in the presidential elections in Derapur tehsil of Kanpur from his immediate family li- ye, Paswan said, indicating the PMs decision will be final
Today: Uddhav h Shah reportedly h The decision to name
Dehat district. Paraukh, the
native village of Ramnath
ves here now. Pushpa Devi,
an aanganwadi worker who-
that the rivals were just loo-
king for an excuse to oppose.
and we will support any deci-
sion, he said. Dipak Dash TNN
assured Uddhav Bihar governor Ram Nath
Ambarish.Mishra Kovind, erupted in joy and se father was Kovinds class-
that the BJP Kovind as the NDAs celebration as news spread mate, said that in 2002 when
parliamentary nominee leaves many in that NDA had declared him Kovinds distant nephew Anil he became a Rajya Sabha
Mumbai: Shiv Sena chief board will consult the Sena surprised. A as its presidential nominee. Kumar and his daughter Nikki member, the village started
Uddhav Thackeray has taken all NDA constituents leader says the party Sweets were distributed Devi in UPs Paraukh village witnessing development.
exception to Bihar governor before finalizing the was not taken into amid the chanting of songs Despite reaching such sta-
Ram Nath Kovind being na- nominee confidence in praise of PM Narendra vind was very sharp in studi- ture, he does not have a single
med as the NDA candidate for Modi, BJP president Amit es. We used to go to school to- property in his name in Pa-
the presidential election. wats name because we belie- Farmers are boiling with ire Shah and Kovind. Overjoyed gether which was some 6 km raukh village, she said.
The Shiv Sena is not in- ve in Hindu Rashtra, he ad- over remunerative prices and villagers rushed out of their from our village. Those days, Vinod Singh Chauhan,
terested in the presidential ded. Uddhav said scientist M loan waiver...The Sena is rea- houses with harmoniums the teachers were very strict who lives next to Kovinds
election if you are going to fi- S Swaminathan too was a go- dy for the polls, he added. and dholaks and started and often students were be- ancestral house, said the lat-
eld a candidate only because od choice as he is held in este- Uddhav will have to back singing from a podium next aten up for not paying atten- ters father Maiku Lal was a
he belongs to the Dalit com- em for his contribution to the Kovind for the presidential to Kovinds ancestral house. tion. But Ramnath was never priest in an ancient temple in
munity. This means that you Green Revolution. polls as the Sena is NDAs ally Our villages son has be- scolded as he was a meritorio- the village. There was a ti-
have set your eyes on the Dalit Uddhav said he would ta- and shares power with the en chosen as a nominee for us student, said Jaswant. me when his father could not
votebank, he said. ke the final decision on Ko- BJP in the state and at the the presidential elections. Rajkishore Singh, who afford even his school fee, but
Uddhav was addressing vinds candidature after con- Centre, said observers. BJP The prayers and celebrations was a year senior to Kovind he toiled hard to fulfil the de-
the Senas conclave at Shan- sultations with his colleagu- chief Amit Shah hurled some will continue till the results in the village school, said sire of his youngest son to go
mukhananda auditorium to es on Tuesday. He also dared harsh truths at Uddhav when are out and he is declared Pre- that despite his stature, Ko- for higher studies, said a vil-
mark the partys 51st anniver- the BJP to hold midterm elec- the two met at Matoshree on sident of India, Kovinds vind is easily accessible, lager elder. He used to study
sary. The choice of the presi- tions in Maharashtra. Sunday. During his hour-long childhood friend Jaswant simple, humble and straight- using oil lamps as there was
dential nominee should be in No political party should talks with Shah, the Sena pre- Singh told TOI, adding, Our forward. After becoming no power, he added.
the larger interest of the enti- think that it is going to win sident didnt utter a word on small village will now find a the governor, he came to the
re country. Sena had put for- every election...The situation the farmers stir in Maha- place on the world map. village once and met all of
ward RSS chief Mohan Bhag- in the state is fast changing. rashtra, it is learnt. Jaswant recalled that Ko- us. He has even gifted his an-

BJPs choice of President

nominee stumps SP, BSP Mayawati said.
(But) now that the NDA has no-
Lucknow: BJPs move to name Bihar minated him as their candidate, we
governor Ram Nath Kovind, a Dalit, as will not have a negative approach to-
the NDAs presidential candidate, has wards him primarily because he is
stumped both the Bahujan Samaj Par- Dalit and will support him, she said,
ty (BSP) and Samajawadi Party (SP) adding, Unless the opposition parti-
which have made electoral ca- es put up a Dalit candidate
pital out of empowerment of who is more popular.
backwards classes for more Mayawatis statement is
than 25 years. being seen as an indication
Their circumspection that the Opposition too could
was evident from the fact nominate a Dalit as a coun-
that neither party could out- ter. Political observers, ho-
right dis BJPs choice in wever, said the possibility of
fact, BSP dropped hints that all UPA members agreeing
it was not opposed to Ko- BSP chief Mayawati on a single candidate, even a
vinds candidature in absen- Dalit, in one meeting appea-
ce of a more suitable Dalit candidate, red bleak.
while maintaining that the party op- SPs Naresh Agarwal said, Sonia
poses the RSS. Gandhi has called a meeting of the
Mayawati said Kovind did not re- UPA in Delhi on June 22 and we will
present Dalits as a whole as he be- take a final call on the issue. But, he
longed to Kori caste, a very small sec- refused to comment on Kovinds can-
tion of Dalits across the country. didature. Lets see what happens at
I dont approve of his political the meeting, Agarwal said, adding
background as he has been mainly that SP will only talk on the issue af-
associated with the BJP and RSS, ter the UPA meeting.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDCLS User: indrajit.tarafdar Time: 06-20-2017 00:04 Color: C

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

2L people pay last respects to

Ramakrishna Mission head
TIMES NEWS NETWORK Several Bengal ministers
India wants to be a trade, transit hub ral arrangements as guaran- MVA lacks any guarantee-

Kolkata: Nearly two lakh

and dignitaries attended the
funeral. Bengal Governor
Inks UN Pact In tors are covered by the global
guarantee chain.
ing mechanism to protect
customs revenue in the
people on Monday paid their
last respects to Ramakrish-
Keshari Nath Tripathi said
it was a great loss which Bid To Counter One of the persistent pro-
blems for Indias connectivity
event of goods getting diver-
ted to the national territory
na Mission president Swami cant be compensated. projects has been the discon- of the state through which it
Atmasthanandaji, who pas-
sed away on Sunday. The
Among those present on
Monday were Tripura go-
Chinas OBOR nect between transport and
customs systems with diffe-
is passing. Without such me-
chanism, the MVA could not
mortal remains of the 98-ye- vernor Tathagata Ray, TMC Indrani.Bagchi rent countries. Once the sy- be operational, he said.
ar-old monk were kept at Be- MP Prasun Banerjee and stems are integrated with glo- Joining the convention
lur Math before the last ri- Bengal ministers Arup Ray bal norms, India reckons it would be a major economic
tes, which were held at the and Lakshmi Ratan Shukla. New Delhi: India became will become easier to service boost to South Asia, eventual-
Ramakrishna Mission head- Howrah DM Chaitali Chak- the 71st country on Monday to African and Asian markets ly connecting the region to
quarters on Monday eve- rabarti carried a wreath join the United Nations TIR when the DMIC (Delhi-Mum- the rest of the world. It could
The TIR system, once in effect, will breathe life into the International
ning following a gun salute. sent by PM Narendra Modi. Convention, the internatio- bai Industrial Corridor) co- become a key link between So-
North-South Transport Corridor and the Chahbahar project that India
nal customs transit system, mes online. It will breathe life uth and South-East Asia, par-
has been working on for some time
to position itself as a regio- into the International North- ticularly as China is already a
nal trading and transit hub. cy element. In a world where va that Indias accession wo- South Transport Corridor TIR member, and connects
The TIR system is the in- Chinas One Belt One Road uld have a big impact on re- and the Chahbahar project transit routes east to Myan-
ternational customs transit (OBOR) is the dominating gional connectivity. TIR that India has been working mar, Thailand, Laos, Cambo-
system with the widest geog- project straddling economics can help implement the on for some time. dia and beyond. He added it
raphical coverage. As other and geopolitics, India has no Bangladesh-Bhutan-India- China joined the TIR in can link India to maritime
customs transit procedures, option but to play a better ga- Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehi- 2016 when its giant inter-re- transport routes across the
the TIR procedure enables me if it wants to be counted as cles Agreement by addres- gional connectivity projects entire Asia-Pacific region.
goods to move under customs a serious rising power. sing policy incompatibility began to take off. As India A statement from IRU (In-
control across international Welcoming India into the among the BBIN group. For ramps up its connectivity ternational Roads Union) sa-
borders without the payment global transport arrange- example, Bangladesh does ambitions this is a necessary id this was part of Indias
of the duties and taxes. ment, Umberto de Pretto, the not recognise insurance po- step. For instance, the BBIN multi-modal transport strate-
TIR Convention is more secretary general of IRU licies made in India, Nepal motor vehicles agreement gy that aims to integrate the
than a transport agreement which manages the TIR Con- or Bhutan. With TIR, there needs this convention to ma- economy with global and re-
and has a strong foreign poli- vention, told TOI from Gene- would be no need for bilate- ke it operational. BBIN gional production networks.

India-Af air India at BRICS

freight corridor meet: Theres no
now operational good terrorist
TIMES NEWS NETWORK (mainly pharmaceuticals, Saibal Dasgupta TNN uthern China in September.
water purifiers, medical equ- Pointing out that there
New Delhi: India and Afgha- ipment) on June 18, 2017 from Beijing: India has sent out was a need to expedite the
nistan established a direct air Delhi to Kabul. a clear message to the adoption of the Compre-
freight corridor with the first The arrival of the cargo BRICS countries, including hensive Convention on In-
flight from Kabul to Delhi re- flight from Kabul to Delhi China, that they should not ternational Terrorism at
ceived on Monday by foreign marked the inauguration of believe in the Pakistani the United Nations, Singh
minister Sushma Swaraj. the dedicated air freight cor- narrative about making a said all the BRICS countri-
The flight, which carried ridor. The decision to estab- distinction between good es are supporting this mo-
60 tonnes of cargo (mainly lish an air freight corridor and bad terrorists. Pakis- ve. The BRICS agenda has
PTI between Afghanis- tani leaders have been try- witnessed steady expan-
tan and India was ing to propagate this theory sion, Singh said. The jo-
taken in the mee- to protect a section of extre- int working group on coun-
ting between PM mists, and China has shown ter-terror concluded its
Narendra Modi and no signs of discomfort abo- meeting in May. Our NSAs
President Ghani in ut this narrative. are scheduled to meet next
September 2016 du- I have pointed out that month. In their meeting
ring the Presidents terrorism remains the most last year, they reached sig-
visit to India, said potent global menace and nificant understanding to
the ministry of ex- threatens global peace... enhance BRICS coopera-
ternal affairs in a And terrorists cannot be dif- tion in security and coun-
Sushma Swaraj (R) during the arrival of the statement. The con- ferentiated by calling them ter-terrorism.
first flight of the India-Afghanistan air corridor nectivity establis- good or bad, V K Singh, mi- India has been unhappy
project, at IGI Airport in New Delhi on Monday hed through the air nister of state for external about Chinas continued
freight corridor affairs, said at a joint press efforts to defend Pakistan
asafoetida) from Afghanis- will provide Afghanistan gre- conference after the mee- on the issue of terrorism.
tan, was flagged off in Kabul ater access to markets in In- ting of BRICS foreign mini- Chinese foreign mini-
by President Ashraf Ghani. dia, and will allow Afghan bu- sters in Beijing on Monday. ster Wang Yi said, China
A similar cargo flight sinessmen to leverage Indias The press conference was al- and India are both major
from Delhi to Kabul had earli- economic growth and trade so attended by foreign mini- countries with great influ-
er carried 100 tonnes of cargo networks for its benefit. sters of all BRICS countries ence, and that they should
(Brazil, Russia, India, China boost cooperation in the
and South Africa). BRICS, the Shanghai Coo-
The meeting comes ahe- peration Organization
ad of the BRICS summit of (SCO) and all other multila-
the heads of governments, teral frameworks to make a
which will be attended by contribution to peace and
Prime Minister Narendra stability in the region and
Modi in Xiamen city of so- the world at large.

Minister of state for external affairs VK Singh (L) with Chinese

foreign minister Wang Yi in Beijing

Notice to NCW for

inaction in sexual
harassment plaint

New Delhi: The Central Information

Commission has issued a show cause noti-
ce to the National Commission of Women
for its alleged inaction on the complaint of
sexual harassment of a woman staffer as
also for breach of RTI.
The CIC order came on a second appeal
filed by the former NCW staffer, who had fi-
led an RTI with the commission for informa-
tion on the extension of her contract as well
as details of the inquiry report on her comp-
laint of sexual harassment against a senior
NCW official. The information was denied.
The order by M Sridhar Acharyulu is
scathing about the role of NCW as well as
the conduct of the internal complaints
committee of the NCW. It also points to the
incongruity of NCW forwarding the requ-
est for information to the person (as first ap-
pellate authority) against whom the comp-
laint had been filed by its former staffer.
Acharyulu points to breach of statuto-
ry obligations by the first appellate autho-
rity, saying, It is clear that the officer was
accused of sexual harassment, and he was
the same officer supposed to decide the
first appeal as designated FA authority un-
der the RTI Act. It is evidently a case of
conflict of interest and yet he was facilita-
ted to continue ... The first appellate autho-
rity has not followed the principles of na-
tural justice. The order also directs the of-
ficer concerned and the chief information
officer of NCW to show cause as to why
they should not be penalised. The CIC or-
der also comes down on the member secre-
tary of the NCW, asking it to explain why
the panel should not be ordered to pay com-
pensation to the complainant.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDSPO7 User: tsj-lubhawani.yadav Time: 06-20-2017 00:03 Color: C



Gambhir slams Kerala IS man killed in Af FIR filed in TN

separatist for Believed To Shajeer M Abdulla,
an engineering
formed the people in Padne
about the death of three other
persons from the state who
He is believed to be behind the
radicalization of a section of
Muslim youth through the
bribery case: CM
TIMES NEWS NETWORK documents during bypoll. A
Be Behind graduate from the had joined the IS. Hafeesude- blog Al Muhajiraun, which case has been registered after

lauding Pak Recruitment National Institute of

was working in
en and Murshid from Kasara-
god and Yahya from Palakkad
were killed in US strikes in
Afghanistan, according to
contained IS publicity materi-
al in Malayalam. His name
cropped up during the inter-
rogation of IS cadres arrested
Chennai: The Tamil Nadu go-
vernment on Monday infor-
med the legislative assembly
that police had filed a case on
getting sanction from the met-
ropolitan magistrate. An in-
vestigation is under way, he
said. The CM did not go into the
New Delhi: Slamming Prashanth.MP TNN the UAE before Ashfaq. Police sources, howe- from Kanakamala in Kannur distribution of money to vo- details of the documents.
Kashmiri separatist leader ver, declined to confirm the last year. The arrested per- ters in RK Nagar where a by- Palaniswami made a state-
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq for Kozhikode: Shajeer Manga-
joining the IS news saying that the face of sons had confessed that Shaje- poll was to be held on April 13. ment after DMK working pre-
congratulatory tweet on Pa- lasseri Abdulla, who is belie- was sent by Ashfaq, a youth the person was not clear in the er was giving instructions to The Election Commission had sident M K Stalin and Cong-
kistans maiden ICC Cham- ved to be behind the recruit- from Padne who has joined picture. They, however, admit- them through a group created cancelled the bypoll in the wa- ress floor leader K Ramasamy
pions Trophy triumph over ment of a number of Malaya- the IS. I had asked him abo- ted that they also reveived in- in Telegram app. ke of charges of voter bribing. raised the issue of the com-
India, seasoned cricketer li youths to the Islamic State ut the veracity of the news formation three months ago Shajeers death will be a Chief minister Edappadi K missions directive, which
Gautam Gambhir has sug- (IS), is believed to have been related to the death of IS chi- that Shajeer might have been major blow for the IS in Kerala Palaniswami said the Election went viral on social media fol-
gested that he celebrate the killed in military operations ef Abu-Bakr Al Bagdadi. In killed. The Facebook account as he was instrumental in re- Commission has directed the lowing an RTI reply to a Chen-
win in Pakistan rather than in Afghanistan. reply I got this message, used by Shajeer has been in- cruiting cadres and planning returning officer of RK Nagar nai-based advocate, M P Vai-
in Kashmir. B C Abdul Rehman, a so- which reads Shajeer - May operative since March. attacks. He had consulted the constituency to file an FIR, ba- rakkannan. Dissatisfied with
Gambhirs strong reac- TWITTER WAR cial activist in Padne in Ka- Allah accept him with a pho- Shajeer, an engineering group members in Kerala to sed on an I-T department re- the reply, the DMK and allies
tion came after the Hurriyat saragod, received a What- tograph of the body, said graduate from the National identify the potential targets port on the seizure of certain walked out.
leader on his Twitter handle sApp message with a photo of Rehman. The message did Institute of Technology-Cali- that included some Sangh Pa-
expressed his joy at Pakistan Pak army mocks the body of Shajeer on Mon- not have any other details. cut (NITC), was working in rivar leaders and rationalist
beating India by 180 runs in day morning. The message It was Ashfaq who had in- the UAE before joining the IS. thinkers like E A Jabbar.
the Champions Trophy final India after ICC win
at The Oval in London on
P akistan Army has mocked
India after the countrys
resounding victory in the
Sunday. Fireworks all Champions Trophy cricket
around, feels like an early Eid final, sharing photos of
here. Better team took the day. celebrations in restive
Congratulations team #Pa- Balochistan with a caption
kistan, Farooq tweeted. To whom it may concern.
To this, the famed Indian Lay off. After posting
opening batsman not only photos of Army chief
slammed Farooq, but also in- General Qamar Javed Bajwa
directly took a dig at Chinas with victory (V) sign and
increasing colonisation of soldiers dancing over
Pakistan. A suggestion Pakistani triumph over India
@MirwaizKashmir why at the Oval, military
dont u cross the border? U spokesman Major General
will get better fireworks (Chi- Asif Ghafoor shared pictures
nese?), Eid celebs there. I can from Balochistan where
help u wid packing, Gamb- people were celebrating the
hir wrote in his tweet. IANS victory. PTI

meets kin of
slain J&K cop
Srinagar: J&K chief minis-
ter Mehbooba Mufti on Mon-
day visited the family of
slain police officer Feroz Ah-
mad Dar at Sangam and con-
veyed her sympathies to the
bereaved family.
The CM spent time with
the parents, wife and two kids
of the slain officer. Mufti di-
rected the concerned officers


to complete the procedures re-

garding a compassionate ap-
pointment in favour of the
next of kin of the slain cop in
the shortest possible time.
Mufti assured the kin that she
would look into the demand
for restructuring a housing
loan which the deceased had
taken. Dar and five other cops
were killed in the June 16 am-
bush in Anantnag by suspect-
ed LeT militants. PTI

Desi assault
rifle set for
Mhow test

Ichhapore (West Bengal):

The indigenously developed
7.62mm x 51mm assault rifle
has met the expectations of
the project management te-
am, comprising representati-
ves from the Indian Army and
defence agencies, in round
one of its trials. The team fo-
und the rifle satisfactory on
all aspects, barring one ad-
justment that it has sought be-
fore the next round of trials.
P K Agarwal, additional
general manager of Rifle Fac-
tory Ishapore (RFI), confir-
med that the trial was comple-
te. The RFI team is gearing up
to make the adjustment befo-
re offering the rifle for the
next round of trials at the In-
fantry School, Mhow (MP),
which is the testing agency of
the Indian Army.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CAPPG16 User: mohit.mathur2 Time: 06-20-2017 00:15 Color: C

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Ahead of D-day, UN HQ Made-in-India F-16? Lockheed inks

adopts yoga posture JV with Tatas in fight for Indian skies

Will Vie With line is still a long way off will square with US President

head of International since the process for the selec- Donald Trumps hard-nosed
Yoga Day, the govern- ting the Indian private sector policy to not allow jobs and fac-
ment is again using yo-
ga to project Indias soft power Saab-Made firm as the strategic part-
ner for production of figh-
tories to be shifted out of Ame-
rica. Lockheed and Tata, on
abroad. The UN building in ters will itself take several their part, said moving the
New York has been lit up with
the word yoga projected on it.
Gripen-E Jet months, which will be follo-
wed by the extensive bidding
F-16 production base from Fort
Worth in Texas to India would
Actor Anupam Kher in- and negotiation process. Un- still retain jobs in the US.
augurated the lighting. Kher der the SP policy, foreign origi- F-16 production in India
on Twitter thanked Syed Ak- nal equipment manufactu- supports thousands of Lock-
baruddin, Indias ambassa- New Delhi: The dogfight rers (OEMs) will be selected in heed Martin and F-16 supplier
dor and permanent repre- among global aviation majors a parallel process. jobs in the US, creates new
sentative to the UN, for the over Indian skies is once aga- But the Lockheed-Tata manufacturing jobs in India,
opportunity. in set to take off. Ahead of PM venture, announced at the and positions Indian indust-
Great honour to illumi- Narendra Modis visit to the Paris Air Show on Monday, ry at the centre of the most ex-
nate the United Nations buil- US early next week, the has made its intention clear tensive fighter aircraft supp-
ding, New York in prepara- worlds largest armament The defence ministry wants a second single-engine fighter production to produce, operate and ex- ly ecosystem in the world, sa-
tion of International Day of company Lockheed Martin on line in India to supplement the long-delayed indigenous Tejas fighter port the F-16 Block 70 air- id their joint statement.
Yoga. Thank you Akbarud- Monday signed a pact with Ta- craft (the latest technologi- This unprecedented F-16
din sir, Kher tweeted. ta Advanced Systems to pro- the only single-engine jets layed indigenous Tejas fighter cally-advanced version of production partnership bet-
The 61-year-old actor later duce the latest version of its (less expensive than twin-eng- in the backdrop of IAF grapp- the jet that first made its de- ween the worlds largest de-
shared a string of photog- F-16 fighter jets in India if the ine ones) among the six con- ling with just 32 fighter squad- but almost four decades ago) fence contractor and Indias
raphs in front of the building joint venture actually bags the tenders in Indias original rons when it needs 42-44 squ- under the Make in India premier industrial house pro-
along with Akbaruddin. multi-billion dollar project. MMRCA (medium multi-role adrons for the collusive Chi- framework if selected. vides India the opportunity to
Officials said that a num- With India last month fi- combat aircraft) project to ac- na-Pakistan threat. The US itself has not orde- produce, operate and export
COMING TO LIGHT: UN will issue stamps commemorating Yoga Day
ber of events are being orga- nalising the new strategic quire 126 jets, in which the As reported earlier by red F-16s since 1999, shifting to F-16 Block 70 aircraft, the ne-
nised to commemorate Yoga WHO will also sponsor a wer and Swami Sivadasanan- partnership (SP) policy in French Rafale fighter had TOI, the F-16 and Gripen-E the advanced fifth-generation west and most advanced ver-
Day which falls on June 21. Conversation on Yoga for He- da. This year, the UN will also defence production, which en- eventually emerged the win- fighters are the main conten- F-35s, but has exported them to sion of the worlds most suc-
These include a yoga session alth which is being organised issue special stamps comme- visages joint ventures betwe- ner. But the Modi government ders for this second line, un- other countries. Of the over cessful, combat-proven multi-
at the UN which will be led by by Indias permanent mission. morating Yoga Day. The UN en global armament majors had gone in for the direct pur- der which at least 100 fighters 4,500 F-16s manufactured over role fighter, it added.
Swami Chidananda Saras- Speakers at the event will postal agency, UN Postal Admi- and Indian private sector chase of only 36 Rafales for Rs will be produced and the or- the years, with production li- Tata, incidentally, alrea-
wati and Sadhvi Bhagwati of include Kher, World Health nistration (UNPA) will issue companies under the Make 59,000 crore after scrapping der could go up to over 200 nes in Europe and other count- dy builds airframe compo-
Rishikesh. Organisation executive direc- the new special event sheet to in India framework, the the deadlocked and exorbitant jets, since the F-18s, Rafales, ries like Turkey and South Ko- nents for Lockheeds C-130
Chef de cabinet to UN se- tor Nata Menabde, Swami Chi- commemorate the day that has Lockheed-Tata tie-up now MMRCA project in 2015. Eurofighter Typhoon and rea apart from the US, around military transport aircraft.
cretary general Maria Luiza danand Saraswati and Sadhvi been marked annually since firmly pitches the F-16 against The defence ministry now MiG-35s are all twin-engine. 3,200 are still flown by 26 count- India has inducted six (one
Ribeiro and president of the Bhagawati Saraswati, former 2015. The special sheet consists the Swedish Gripen-E fighter wants a second single-engine MoD sources on Monday ries, including Pakistan. has crashed) of the 13 C-130J
general assembly ambassa- NFL athlete turned yogi Keith of stamps with images of the manufactured by Saab. fighter production line in In- said the actual deal or cont- But it is still not clear how Super Hercules contracted
dor Peter Thomson are special Mitchell, Bluechip Marketing sacred Indian sound Om and Both F-16 and Gripen were dia to supplement the long-de- ract for the second assembly Modis Make in India drive for $2.1 billion.
guests on the occasion. Worldwide CEO Stanton Ka- various yogic asanas.

Truck, with driver Adivasi woman Jaitley to lead military delegation to Russia
activists pics
sal) for the project will be is-

inside, set ablaze on Yogi FB fan New Delhi: Defence mini-

ster Arun Jaitley will be lea-
ding a high-powered military
Russia has been Indias
largest arms supplier, with
submarines, Talwar-class
frigates & aircraft
sued soon. The JV will then
submit its techno-commerci-
al proposal, said a source.
Similarly, negotiations on
Bengal govt sends page stir row delegation to Novosibirsk
and Moscow this week, at a ti-
military-technical contracts
worth $65 billion since 1960
carrier INS Vikramaditya
Russia now facing stiff
Lease of 2nd nuclear-powered
submarine (India currently
the $5.5 billion acquisition of
five S-400 Triumf systems,
operates INS Chakra)
Darjeeling: The violent stir
in the Darjeeling hills took a
Darjeeling report me when Russia is desperate
to wrest back from the US its
Around 60% of
equipment with Indian
challenge from the US,
which has bagged Indian for $1.5 billion
which can destroy hostile air-
craft, stealth fighters, missiles
Purchase of ve S-400 Triumf air
macabre turn on Monday, the
12th day of the indefinite agi-
tation, with Gorkha Janmuk-
T he West Bengal
government has sent an
update on the ongoing violence
Guwahati: Ten years after
she was stripped on the streets
of Guwahati during a protest
long-standing numero uno
position in the lucrative Indi-
an arms market.
armed forces
of Russian-
origin, from MiG
arms deals worth
$15 billion since 2007 defence systems for $5.5 billion
Acquisition of 4 Grigorivich-
and drones at ranges up to 400-
km, are now in the final sta-
ges. The deal should be finali-
ti Morcha cadres setting a in Darjeeling to the Centre, rally, adivasi women activist Jaitley is slated to hold wi- & Sukhoi-30MKI ghters class stealth frigates (two to zed within this year. Three of
Sikkim-bound truck on fire even as it dispatched around Laxmi Orangs old photog- de-ranging discussions with to T-90S tanks, kilo-class be built in India) for $4 billion the S-400 systems are meant
along with its driver. Aniket 100 women security personnel raphs have once again stirred the Russian deputy PM Dmit- Joint production of 200 Kamov- for the west (read Pakistan)
Chetri, the driver, suffered from the CRPF to help the state a fresh controversy after an al- ry Rogozin and defence mini- SOME ONGOING PROJECTS 226T light utility and two for the east (China) to
70% burn injuries and is police restore peace in the hills. leged Facebook fan page of UP ster General Sergey Shoygu WITH RUSSIA: helicopters (140 to plug gaps in our air defence co-
fighting for life in hospital. The state governments CM Yogi Adiya Nath having during the first India-Russia be built in India) verage, said the source.
As GJM members went report is under examination of over one lakh followers posted science technology commis- IAF has inducted 240 of 272 Sukhoi jets India, of course, is also on
contracted for over $12 billion, with bulk of them being for over $1 billion
on the rampage blocking ar- the ministry, a home ministry the same pictures. sion and the 17th inter-govern- course to acquire the second
terial roads from daybreak, spokesperson said. The post on the fan page mental commission on mili- licensed produced by HAL nuclear-powered submarine
tourist heading from Gang- Home secretary Rajiv claimed that a Hindu woman tary-technical cooperation Army has inducted 1,000 of 1,657 T-90S main- on lease from Russia. Indian
tok to Siliguri were forced to Mehrishi on Monday spoke to was stripped by Congress wor- during his visit from June 20 battle tanks being contracted for over Navy had inducted the first
turn back and state trans- the West Bengal chief kers for allegedly raising slo- to 23. It comes just before PM $4.5 billion, with 1,000 of them being Akula-II submarine, christe-
port buses from Siliguri to secretary, who requested for gans in support of BJP and PM Narendra Modi travels to the licensed produced by OFB ned INS Chakra, on a 10-year le-
Darjeeling were held up for two companies of women Modi in West Bengal. US on June 25-26 for his first ase from Russia in April 2012,
nearly 12 hours on the way. para-military personnel for the Laxmi has decided to file a meeting with President Do- missile systems, four Grigori- tion fighter aircraft (FGFA) lop its own advanced medium under a secret $900 million de-
Around 1.30 pm, Chetris state. One of the two companies criminal defamation case aga- nald Trump. vich-class frigates and 200 Ka- called the Sukhoi T-50 or combat aircraft (AMCA). al inked way back in January
truck, ferrying bricks from has already reached the inst the UP CM along with BJP Though India has increa- mov-226T light helicopters as PAK-FA with Russia. The cost-benefit analysis is 2004. Jaitley is being accompa-
the plains to Sikkim, was stop- troubled region. TNN MP from Assam RP Sarmah, singly turned to the US for me- well as the lease of a second As reported by TOI earlier, still under way, said a source. nied by defence secretary San-
ped at Kalijhora on National who allegedly shared the post. ga arms deals in recent years, nuclear-powered submarine India will ink the long-pen- But the news is much bet- jay Mitra, defence production
Highway 10. Chetri, a resident had dared to ply the truck de- Im going to move court on Russia can take solace from after INS Chakra. ding final R&D contract for ter on other fronts. With the secretary A K Gupta, DRDO
of Teesta Bazaar, was prevent- fying the bandh, a local said. Tuesday, Laxmi told TOI. the fact that defence projects But India is yet to be con- the FGFA it will require an joint venture on the $1 billion chief S Christopher, BrahMos
ed from alighting while the Chetri was pulled out of All Adivasi Students As- worth around $10.5 billion are vinced about the economic estimated $25 billion to induct project to manufacture 200 chief Sudhir Mishra as well as
GJM activists poured petrol the vehicle and rushed to Sili- sociation of Assam (Aasaa) now on the verge of being fina- and technical viability of go- 127 such single-seat jets only Russian Kamov Ka-226T light top military officials like Lt-
and then set light to the truck. guri district hospital in a po- has already lodged an FIR lised with it. These range from ing in for the multi-billion if there is extensive transfer utility helicopters in India fi- Gen S K Patyal, Air Marshal R
It was only when locals lice ambulance. As his condi- with Moranhat police station the acquisition of five S-400 dollar joint development and of technology and benefits nally firming up, sources said Nambiar and Vice Admiral G
stepped in that the GJM work- tion deteriorated, doctors re- in Upper Assams Charaideo Triumfadvanced air defence production of a fifth-genera- for the indigenous plan deve- the RFP (request for propo- S Pabby, among others.
ers relented. But by then, Che- ferred him to North Bengal district against the UP CM, sa-
tri had suffered severe burns. Medical College. Tourism ying that the post not only ad-

Irony of Jharkhand:
The attack was without minister Gautam Deb, who ded salt to the old wounds in-
provocation. The GJM work-
ers were livid that the driver
visited Chetri at the hospital,
called it a barbaric attack.
flicted on the community but
could also jeopardise Laxmis
1993 blasts: INDIA DIGEST
happy family life.
Laxmi said: PM Modi ke-
Prosecution to
eps talking about beti ba-
chao and his party leaders ha-
ve treated a woman like me as
a tool for their political advan-
seek death for
all 4 convicts
Its rich in resources
tage. I was stripped during the
Congress regime in the state
in 2007 and 10 years later, I ha-
ve been stripped once again
Rebecca.Samervel but still poorest state
by BJP. Its a shame. Mumbai: The prosecution told Half way into his five-year term, How do you propose to empower
the special court on Monday that it the youth, women and tribals?
will seek the maximum sentence Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das is The government allocated a budget
against all four men held guilty heading the states first stable of Rs 700cr for youth and women in 2016-
last week for plotting the 1993 government in the 14 years since 17. Both tribal and non-tribal women are
Mumbai serial bomb blasts that engaged in lac and tusser silk trade, acco-
claimed 257 lives and seriously in- its creation. Das is ambitious unting for 60% and 82% of the countrys
jured 713. Special counsel for Cen- about the state and says he plans total produce, but dont earn much due to
tral Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to make it one of the most middlemen. To boost lac trade, weve set
Deepak Salvi submitted that he up the Mukhyamantri Udyami Board
will seek the death sentence for developed in the country. He that selects 15 women from each village
gangster Mustafa Dossa (60), Fero- speaks to TOIs Sonali Das in an and imparts skill training to them. The
ze Khan (47), Karimullah Khan exclusive interview. Excerpts: products are then sold through the bo-
(55) and Taher Merchant (55). ard. For widows, the state has introdu-
The quantum of sentence the What have been your achieve- ced pension and housing facilities. Lion cub chased by car
CBI will seek against Abu Salem ments since you took over as CM? Being a non-tribal CM, you hurt
(48) is yet to be decided in light of Weve restored peoples confidence tribal sentiments by amending the in Guj, video goes viral
the undertaking given to Portu- in governance which had eroded over Chhotanagpur and Santhal Parga- A video of a car chasing an Asiatic
gal at the time of his extradition the preceding decade. Apart from emer- na Tenancy Acts. Recent lynchings lion cub outside the sanctuary limits,
in 2005. The defence had said he ging as a transparent and corruption- related to cattle trade too sullied probably in Gujarats Amreli district,
cannot be sentenced to more than free government, weve also won the the governments image. has gone viral. The occupants of the
25 years in jail. The maximum confidence of investors by developing This is not the first time that the te- car, who speak Gujarati, chase the
sentence against Riyaz Siddqui infrastructure and a sound industrial nancy Acts have been amended in the cub till it escapes from its tormentors.
(67), convicted under the lesser policy. This, in turn, has crea- state. Tribals are being mis- On Monday, the video was posted on
charge of abetting and aiding ter- ted jobs. Weve laid a network guided by anti-development a Facebook group called Gujarat
rorism, is life imprisonment and of roads and plan to bring forces. The lynchings, too, Forest, which is run by an NGO.
the minimum is five years in jail. electricity to every household were instigated by anti-na-
The judge adjourned the argu- by March 2018. Well provide tional elements who timed 70-yr-old woman dies, toll in
ments for quantum of sentence on solar power in villages lack- the attacks just before the lynching cases rises to 10: A
Tuesday. The defence will first ma- ing power grids by December country celebrated three ye- 70-year-old woman, who was as-
ke submissions on the mitigating 2017 and piped drinking water ars of NDA government at saulted in Jharkhands Nagadih on
circumstances which they hope to every household by 2022. the Centre. May 18 on the suspicion of being a
will help get a less severe sentence How did investors Raghubar Das To what extent is Left- child lifter, succumbed to her in-
for the convicts, after which the respond to your road wing extremism hampe- juries at a hospital on Monday. With
prosecution will commence its ar- shows in Kolkata and Mumbai? ring development projects? the recent death, the toll in the
guments. The proceedings are ex- During Momentum Jharkhand in Most left-wing extremists have eit- Jharkhand lynching rose to 10.
pected to take a few days. After February, the state signed MoUs worth her been arrested, or have surrende-
both sides complete their submis- Rs 3L cr in various sectors like steel, po- red under the governments rehabili- Army rescues 200 stranded in
sions, the court will pronounce the wer, IT, agriculture, food processing tation policy Nayee Disha. Those re- Arunachal landslides: The Army
sentence against the six accused. and tourism. Out of these, work has be- maining lack ideology or intent and rescued 200 people from a landslide
On Friday, the special Terro- gun on projects worth Rs 700cr. In July, will be overpowered soon. site near Bhalukpong in Arunachal
rist and Disruptive Activities Act we expect an investment of Rs 16,000cr Youve gone from being a labou- Pradeshs West Kameng district on
judge Govind A Sanap convicted from Vedanta for setting up a steel plant rers son to a CM. Where do you Monday. Those rescued include 70
six accused for their part in the in Manoharpur (West Singbhum). The want to see yourself next? women and 50 children.
blasts. This is the second leg of the state ranks fifth in the country in terms My father used to say Id end up as a
trial against the accused nabbed of receiving foreign direct investments labourer if I didnt study. I entered po- Four injured as car falls into
after a substantial part of the first (FDI), especially in mining. In educa- litics during the Mandal stir and beca- gorge in Rohtang pass: Three
trial was over. The main trial of 123 tion and health, private universities me an MLA in 1995, but never saw my- tourists and a driver were injured
accused ended in 2006 with the and hospitals, including a cancer hospi- self as CM. I would never leave the sta- when the car they were travelling in
conviction of 100. Twelve among tal by Tata Trusts and an AIIMS in De- te for the Centre. My only mission is fell into a gorge near Rohtang pass
them got the death penalty. oghar, are on the anvil. development. in Himachal on Monday morning.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDINT User: raghuvansh.mathur Time: 06-19-2017 21:35 Color: C


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

A thought for today

It is said that the present is pregnant with the future Look Beyond Waivers For Kisan 2.0
VOLTAIRE Agri policy must set market mechanisms free to work effectively

Macron Marches On estimated that over 90% of Indias

farmers do not get the MSP price and
When Lal Bahadur are dependent on markets, which are
Shastri first shouted Jai circumscribed by arbitrary government
Jawan, Jai Kisan at over-regulation and the shortage of
His newbie party wins parliamentary majority, Delhis Ram Lila Mai- godowns and mandis.
sets stage for a new French revolution dan in 1965, he fleshed
out a cardinal truth
A good example of policy as a problem
is the case of pulses farmers. After a

n what has truly been a grand slam of electoral success, French about Indias political imaginary: the bumper harvest, in February 2017, the
President Emmanuel Macrons party En Marche! has won a idea of the brave soldier and the hard- India Pulses and Grain Association
working farmer as bulwarks of the petitioned the Union commerce secretary
commanding majority in parliamentary polls. Just a month
nation. BJP, in the past three years, has to remove an old 2006 export ban since
after Macron won the French presidency on a centrist, pro-reform adroitly managed to hook its political market prices in India had slipped below
and business-friendly platform, En Marche! and its allies have messaging to the martial constituency MSP. Tur dal was being sold at the time
picked up around 350 out of 577 seats in the National Assembly. with its uncompromising nationalist between Rs 35,000 and Rs 47,000 per tonne
True, that En Marche! was only formed 15 months ago and Macron rhetoric and chest-thumping machismo. in MP, Karnataka and Maharashtra,
himself fought his first election at the presidential polls means The question is whether growing kisan against the MSP of Rs 50,500. Yet, inexpli-
unrest from Madhya Pradesh to Rajasthan cably, the ban remains in place, along with
that the French political leadership today is dominated by upstarts.
will prove to be an unexpected political limits on stocks, making it impossible for
But it also means that Macron has the requisite mandate to push googly as we head towards 2019. farmers to even recover their costs.
through reforms to overhaul the burdensome French welfare state After all, the imagery of the hard- Artificially choking the market and not
to actually revamp the ancien rgime. pressed exploited farmer running the letting it play out is a recipe for disaster.
The only thing that somewhat dims the En Marche! victory is a engines of the nation deified from the Second, farmer loan waivers only
record low voter turnout. But this beginning of the republic in films like push the can further down the road.
Mother India and Do Bigha Zamin They dont solve the problem. After

Uday Deb
can also be put down to the disillu-
remains an unshakeable shibboleth of BJP came good on its UP loan waiver
sionment with traditional parties, the Indian political imagination. So, will poll promise, Maharashtra caved in to a
both on the right and left. In fact, the the kisan agitations prove to be an similar demand and Haryana, Karnataka
parliamentary polls dealt a heavy effective political lever for a desperate mist Ashok Gulati and his colleagues point and Tamil Nadu are all facing the same
blow to Marine Le Pens far-right opposition looking for evocative handles out, the states agricultural GDP grew at a music. In Punjab, Congress came to
National Front even though her to block BJPs electoral juggernaut or staggering 14.2% over the past five years After a bumper harvest, tur dal power promising exactly this.
party was seen to be dominant only a will this crisis taper off ? and over thrice the national average over was being sold at much below States simply dont have the money
At the political level, BJP has, of the last decade. This is unprecedented in for such largesse. The combined debt-to-
few months ago. course, been acutely focussed on the the annals of Indias agricultural history. MSP while an export ban state GDP ratio of all states taken together
Meanwhile, the Socialist Party power of the farmer vote. Prime Minister Even Punjab did not grow at this rate remained in place, inexplicably. hit an alarming 3.6% in 2015-16, breach-
that dominated the outgoing assembly Narendra Modi publicly declared his during the green revolution period. Markets are circumscribed by ing the mandated 3% ceiling under fiscal
has been hammered down to less governments intent to double farmers Yet, despite this, average earnings of prudence rules. It will go through the roof
than 50 seats. Overall France is charting a positive political path income by 2022 and BJPs 2014 manifesto agricultural households in MP continue arbitrary government with new waivers. A similar waiver by
even as the Anglo-Saxon world looks for comfort in nostalgia-driven promised to ensure a minimum of 50% to lag far behind the national average. over-regulation, plus shortage UPA in 2008 had no discernible long-term
profits over the costs of production in This is basically because while farmers impact on improving agriculture.
populist politics. All of this really sets the stage for a transformative agriculture. Yet, at the policy level, it have been producing more, their input
of godowns and mandis As TV pictures of the kisan agita-
Macron presidency. He has promised to overhaul labour rules, ease has been confounded by the fact that costs water, diesel, fertilisers, etc have farm production in 2016-17 would lead to tions show, the blue jeans and T-shirt
hiring and firing, cut public-sector overhang, and invest heavily the toolkit that our governments have increased substantially while prices for a glut in the market, prices would collapse clad farmers of 2017 are very different
in jobs training. These measures are meant to impart fresh energy traditionally used for managing agricul- their products went down. A TOI analysis and farmer incomes would consequently from the downtrodden peasants of our
to the French economy and rein in the unemployment rate which ture is outdated and faulty. It is essentially shows that between 2004-05 and 2014-15 in go down is Economics 101. Yet, the collective national imagination. They
trying to fix the wrong questions with MP, the cost per hectare of fertilisers and problem is that most of our policies ask why only big corporates should get
hovers just below 10%. seeds for wheat doubled while irrigation have been fixated on giving farmers a
the wrong answers. loan waivers. It is a fair question.
An open, economically stronger France will be a huge asset for The irony of MPs predicament is costs also increased substantially. minimum support price (MSP) and not Yet, instead of temporary sops each
EU, especially now when Brexit talks have begun. In fact, if German instructive. Chief minister Shivraj This is of piece with the national enough on creating conditions for market year, government must do a fundamental
Chancellor Angela Merkel is successful in securing another term Singh Chouhan farcically went on a fast agriculture story where after two years mechanisms to play out effectively. rethink and address this Kisan 2.0 with a
later this year, she and Macron can partner to make Germany and after his own police fired at farmers but of drought, Indian farmers finally deli- Government fixes MSP for 23 new deal on market pricing and a
France the load pillars of a new Europe. But for that to happen, agriculture is the one thing he has vered a good crop for most commodities commodities but official procurement comprehensive deregulation of policy
focussed consistently on since taking but saw their net margins going down is limited to only two wheat and rice instead of old mai-baap sarkar type
Macron and En Marche! need to move fast. They have successfully in many cases into the red. That greater and that too in only a few states. It is
power in 2005. As the agricultural econo- solutions that are past their use-by date.
navigated the anti-establishment wave in France and offered a
message of hope. They must now capitalise on the opportunities
and execute their vision of a dynamic, strong and liberal France.
That would truly be akin to a new French revolution. Hope over anger: Emmanuel Macron has won a mandate
More Dalit Politics to overhaul Eurozones second largest economy
Andrew Hammond has seen the country suffer years Now En Marche! has handsomely
of double digit unemployment beaten both parties in the legis-
BJP announces the politically correct French Presi- but also low growth. lative ballots in a way that many
candidacy of Ram Nath Kovind for president dent Emmanuel
Macrons up-
Given the very high expecta-
tions now surrounding his
people thought most unlikely
even a few weeks ago given that
start party En presidency, Macron will be the party was only founded in

rime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah
sprang a big surprise, again, by announcing Bihar governor Marche! (For- acutely aware that, despite early April 2016 and only had a
ward!) won a optimism over the election of the relatively small number of can-
Ram Nath Kovind as NDA nominee for president. Perhaps stunning victory in Sundays last two incumbents Nicholas didates in place before Macrons
this surprise is not as high-octane as Modi-Shahs decision to anoint legislative elections. With this Sarkozy and Francois Hollande presidential victory last month.
a relatively inexperienced Yogi Adityanath as UP chief minister latest big boost, the youngest both ultimately became unpopu- Previously, many had
in March. But, born in UPs Kanpur, Kovinds name hadnt found president in the six decade-long lar one-term heads of state, thought the most likely out-
mention in the various lists of possible candidates. He is likely to Fifth Republic has transformed despite also enjoying legislative come on Sunday would be En
file his nomination on July 23 as President Pranab Mukherjees the countrys political landscape majorities. Indeed, Hollande Marche! emerging as the largest
in a matter of weeks and has who became the least popular single party, but without a
term ends on July 24. potential to become one of the majority, which could have
A Supreme Court lawyer, Kovind has served BJP as national countrys most successful ever left much of Macrons agenda
spokesperson, two-time Rajya Sabha MP and political leaders. stymied. He has instead won
most importantly as former president of its Yet, his ultimate success in His opponents remain, Melenchon, who finished second his agenda as hard as he can in one a sizeable majority. This
SC/ST morcha its his Dalit credentials that coming years is still by no at least temporarily, and fourth respectively in last his first 100 days not just so he could now help realign French
appear to have tilted the scales decisively. He is means guaranteed. This is not disorientated by months presidential elections. can secure as many successes as politics, especially given that
least because new legislators Le Pen is young enough to run possible during his extended key figures from both the Socia-
expected to win the presidential poll comfort- representing En Marche! are his remarkable potentially in several more political honeymoon. In addition, lists and Republicans have now
ably after getting the backing of AIADMK and drawn from a broad spectrum of accomplishments French presidential elections. he knows his opponents remain, rallied behind En Marche!
TRS within hours of the announcement. Shah political views and the cohesive- In this context, Macron is at least temporarily, disorienta- Taken overall, Sundays elec-
has aimed to break opposition unity, putting in ness of the bloc is uncertain. president since records began now likely to try to push as fast ted by his remarkable accomp- tions have significantly increased
a bind not just SP and BSP in UP but also JDU Frances political mood decided last year not to even seek as possible with his reformist lish-ments over the last few the prospects of Macrons agenda
and RJD in Bihar. Congress finds itself in a catch-22 situation: it remains volatile and one indica- re-election, the first incumbent agenda to overhaul the countrys weeks which have upended the being enacted and he will now
tor of remaining voter unease is not to try for a second term in politics and economy. This traditional two party-politics press ahead as fast as he can with
would be accused of being anti-Dalit if it opposes Kovind while the exceptionally low turnout in the Fifth Republic. includes proposed labour laws status quo of centre-left Socialists his reforms. Yet, given sky high
supporting him would effectively mean giving a walkover to BJP. the legislative elections estima- The new president knows to try to reduce the unemploy- and centre-right Republicans. expectations and the volatile
Modi has clearly set his eyes on 2019 in describing Kovinds ted at 43%. Although the electo- only too well that, if he fails with ment rate of around 10% and Not only did last months public mood, there remains a
nomination as empowering a Dalit farmers son who will be a voice rate has decided to favour hope his programme, the primary also reindustrialise France final round presidential election danger that he will be unable to
for the poor and downtrodden. Though BJP had managed to break over anger in this ballot, the tide beneficiaries of any discontent through innovation-led policies. put the country into unchar- realise the hopes that are held
BSPs stranglehold over the Dalit vote in UP assembly elections, the could still turn against Macron may well be other anti-establish- Collectively, this could provide tered territory by being the first about his new presidency.
if he fails to address widespread ment figures such as National a major fillip to the Eurozones in the countrys modern history The writer is an Associate at
increasing friction between upper and lower castes in states like anti-establishment discontent Front leader Marine Le Pen and/ second largest economy. that neither the Republicans nor LSE IDEAS at the London School
Gujarat, Maharashtra and UP has led to the rise of a young and fuelled by economic pain which or hard left veteran Jean-Luc Macron wants to try to push Socialists managed to qualify. of Economics
oppositional Dalit leadership. Modi-Shah have sought to regain
advantage in this equation with a Dalit presidential candidate. dilbert Sacredspace
The Witness

Pregnancy is confusing Look at the events come, pass

and go. According to their own
law of karma, both pleasant and
Its relationship to sex seems to have unpleasant events come and
confused the Ayush ministry in particular pass through you. When you see
Radhika Vaz
events as just happenings,
rather than as doings, you are
As a comedian life is almost too easy. Just as i think i am liberated right away.
running out of material our politicians, bureaucrats and
high court judges leap to my rescue. Of course it would be a lot Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
funnier if this display of mediocrity were not being bought
and paid for with taxpayer money but for a good joke i suppose i

Preliminaries On The Path Of Yoga

can let that go.
This week i give thanks for and to the Ministry of Ayush. I had absolutely
no idea that such a thing even existed and so i went on their website to better
understand what it is they do. The landing page states that the Ministrys
focus is on development of Education and Research in Ayurveda, Yoga and Anandmurti Gurumaa the precepts, the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, good health would be like using an ment, the choiceless acceptance of
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy. And if the Ministry stuck to compiled almost 2,500 years ago, airplane to go shopping. all that is happening in ones life. Not

this mandate i would have nothing to laugh about. uch before the human mind emphasises this when it says: Atha yoga Yama and niyama are the basic hankering for anything or being a
Luckily someone in there seems to have attended a hippy-dippy workshop learnt language skills, or start- anushasanam indicating yoga as a set guidelines for aspirants. Yama entails five grudge-box. Third is tapah, austerity, to
where they tell you to step outside your comfort zone and do something new. ed writing, sages understood of disciplined practices. moral codes of conduct for interacting bear anything and everything on
Which is how i assume a group of people who know as much as i do about knowledge about the deeper recesses of And when it comes to following the with others. The foremost is satya, truth- the spiritual path and with complete
pregnancies came to design and distribute an entire booklet instructing the mind. Body, mind, senses, intellect, path of yoga, it is not about how much fulness, not only at the level of thought, dedication to spiritual practices.
expectant mothers how to think, act and feel during gestation. There the essence of being, and Supreme you know, but how much you practice, speech and action but also in being com- Next comes swadhyaya, self-learning
was some confusion on whether or not these ladies can engage in Consciousness these were all concepts and how much you are in disci- mitted on the journey to truth. and also learning about ones Self. Reading
sexual activity but Minister of the Ministry, Mr Shripad Naik, made that were thoroughly understood by pline. Aiming to integrate body, Next comes ahimsa, non- books about yoga and contemplation on
it very clear that nowhere in the booklet does it say pregnant women them. Scientifically, they meticulously mind, intellect and breath, the violence, towards others and also what is read is also swadhyaya. The fifth is
should abstain from sex. explored and precisely understood discipline of yoga entails eight towards oneself. Then comes Ishwara pranidhana, surrendering comp-
Great! The problem however is that the Ministry has clearly endorsed that profound intricacies of the inner world. steps in progression, that is, asteya, non-stealing not cove- letely to the will of the Almighty with great
pregnant women should detach themselves from desire and lust. Now i Lets say that there is this conscious- maturity of each leading to the ting that which does not belong devotion. Not being egotistical but being
have no details on the sex lives of the men and women of the Ministry but with ness in us and then, there is this conscious- next: yama, niyama, asana, to oneself. Next is aparigraha, humble, always remembering the Lord.
most human beings lust and/or desire need to make an appearance before sexy ness in every cell, every atom and every pranayama, pratyahara, dhara- non-hoarding, and the fifth is In this way, yama and niyama are the
time can even commence. Instructing women to feel no desire but to still have molecule of the universe. Conjoining of na, dhyana and culminating in brahmacharya that, at the physi- foundations of the yogic path. When
sex is the very definition of non-consensual sex which, put another way, is this micro-consciousness with the macro- the highest point of samadhi. the cal level, refers to celibacy and for these are faithfully and diligently
what we people outside this Ministry of Ayush would call rape.
In closing i respectfully ask pregnant ladies everywhere to ignore the
consciousness is yoga. And attaining to
this state of awareness and consciousness
Yoga is not a panacea for
diseases, as is being interpreted speaking householders, it implies fidelity.
Niyama, the second limb of
practised under the guidance of the
master, only then will the five rungs on
Ministry of Ayush completely and instead read What to expect when you are is the higher goal of the path of yoga. by some and touted by prac- tree Ashtanga Yoga, lays down the the ladder sequentially unfold and bear
expecting, a bestseller based on facts, anecdotal data and experience. I havent Yoga is not just the pinnacle of inner titioners at large, although it is a fact five restraints for self-discipline. The fruit, culminating in the transcendental
read it obviously because i havent ever needed to but hey! If the Ministry of evolution; it is also the path of discipline that a healthy body and mind are first is shauch, cleanliness; not only experience of samadhi.
Ayush can tell you what to do why not the Ministry of Vaz? to holistic progress. The opening sutra of byproducts of its dedicated practice. But outer cleanliness but also purity of Follow Anandmurti Gurumaa at
The writer is a comedian the most celebrated yoga text delineating confining its practice to merely gaining mind. Then comes santosha, content-
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDINT3 User: sunanda.ranjan Time: 06-19-2017 21:57 Color: C




Want to go viral? Heres Our Sun may
have had a
a university to help you twin star
Los Angeles: Our Sun likely
had a twin when it came into

Major Includes Lessons On Make-Up, Cam Performance existence 4.5 billion years ago,
say scientists who found that
AFP every star in the universe is

21-year-old student walked website collectively raked in $70.5 born with a companion.
around her campus in Chi- million in 12 months, with comedi- Many stars have compan-
na using invaluable skills an and gamer PewDiePie alone ions, including our nearest
she learned in class: Holding a getting $15 million. neighbour, Alpha Centauri, a
selfie stick aloft, she live- Internet consultancy Analy- triplet system. Astronomers
People perform yoga in a park ahead of streamed her random thoughts sys International estimated Chi- have even searched for a com-
International Yoga Day, in Brussels, Belgium and blew kisses at her phone. nas wanghong industry was panion to our Sun, a star

Changing meal
Jiang Mengna is majoring in worth $7.7 billion last year and dubbed Nemesis because it
modelling and etiquette at Yiwu would double by 2018. New incu- was supposed to have kicked
Coconut oil as unhealthy as Industrial & Commercial College bator companies, formed to find an asteroid into Earths orbit
butter, animal fat: Experts near Shanghai, aspiring to join the
BIG BUSINESS: Student Jiang Mengna
and groom wanghong, are cash- that collided with our planet

times could help

growing ranks of millennials ing in, such as Ruhan Holdings, and exterminated the dino-
uses a break at Yiwu Industrial and
Coconut oil, which is commonly touted as a cashing in on internet stardom. which last year drew 300 million saurs. It has never been found.
Commercial College to livestream her
health food, may be as unhealthy as animal fat In China, they are known as yuan ($44 million) in investment Researchers, including
thoughts to her social media followers
and butter, US experts warn. Experts at the wanghong literally hot on from e-commerce leader Alibaba. those from University of Cali-

us beat jet lag

American Heart Association (AHA) claim coconut the web and they now repre- Wang Houhou returned from fornia (UC) Berkeley in the
oil is packed with saturated fats, which can raise sent an industry worth billions really pretty and take pictures. I studying English literature at a US US, have conducted a radio
bad cholesterol. According to the AHA, 82% of and so big it even has its own uni- feel like this major really suits university last year to discover survey of a giant molecular
the fat in coconut oil is saturated, which is more versity curriculum. me, Jiang said. that attractive fashions she saw cloud filled with recently

than in butter (63%) and pork lard (39%). At Yiwu Industrial & Commer- The requests and demands overseas were hard to find formed stars in the constella- eating the dreaded jet vided 30 minutes after wak-
cial College, the classrooms for for our major are rising because at home. Young women lapped up tion Perseus. They also creat- lag could be as simple as ing, with later meals at sub-
People who are phubbed at greater risk of Jiang and the other 33 mostly fe- the e-commerce industry is devel- her playful posts about navigating ed a mathematical model that changing the time you sequent five-hour intervals,
stress: People who are phone-snubbed or male students are typically dance oping rapidly, said Hou Xiao- Taobao, Chinas Amazon, and oth- can explain the Perseus obser- eat, a new study suggests. whilst in the second phase
phubbed face higher levels of stress and studios, catwalks strafed by flash- nan, a dance teacher. er e-commerce platforms, and vations only if all sunlike stars And the results could al- each meal was delayed by
depression, and turn to smartphones and social ing lights, and bustling makeup Social media platforms have of- clothing brands began paying her are born with a companion. so help people who struggle five hours after waking up.
media to find acceptance, a study has found. rooms. The skills taught include fered youngsters around the world and her friend Wang Ruhan to Based on this model, the Suns with the adverse effects of Immediately after each
Researchers from Baylor University, US, found that dressing fashionably, applying a window to not just fame, but also showcase their items. We have to sibling most likely escaped shiftwork. In the first hu- phase, sequential blood sam-
the circle nearly completes itself as the offended make-up, performing on camera, big money. In 2016, for example, the do this without much experience and mixed with all the other man trial of its kind, re- ples and fat biopsies were
parties frequently seek affirmation in likes, shares and knowing various luxury 12 YouTube stars heading the high- and just figure out the right way to stars in our region of the searchers discovered that taken from each volunteer
and positive comments on social media. brands. I like dressing myself up est-earning 10 channels on the do it, Wang (24) said. AFP Milky Way, they said. PTI delaying meal times also de- in specialised lab conditions
Source: AFP lays the circadian rhythm of that allow measurement of
sugar in the blood. internal circadian rhythms.
Survey to track calls, card data
They say their findings, The researchers discov-
published in the jour- Thinkstock
A study by the University of Oxford and Yale University, published earlier this month, said machines nal Current Biology,
are predicted to be better than human beings at surgery by 2053. Thats far off, but AI is already could prove to be a

for 20 yrs, and its all for science AP

increasingly being used to diagnose and respond to a raft of conditions

SOME RECENT EXAMPLES AI is also seen as a means for

breakthrough in alle-
viating symptoms of
jet lag and shift work,

New York: Wanted: 10,000 ers. Participants will get $500 S researchers detected detecting depression by spotting the latter especially
New Yorkers interested in ad- (approx. Rs 32,200) per family cardiac arrhythmia with 97% not-so-obvious patterns crucial as more offices
vancing science by sharing a for enrolling. Researchers accuracy on wearers of an Apple are encouraged to have
trove of personal informa- hope the results will illumi- A tool made by staggered working
Watch with the AI-based Harvard and
tion, from cellphone loca- nate the interplay between Cariogram application hours in order to de-
tions and credit-card swipes health, behaviour and circum- University of Vermont congest roads as well as
to blood samples and life-
changing events. For 20 years.
stances, potentially shedding
light on conditions ranging R esearchers from
University of
Nottingham made an
experts help to better
identify depression
public transport sys- ALL ABOUT THE BODY CLOCK
tems. During the study,
Researchers are gearing from asthma to Alzheimers. by studying Dr Jonathan Johnston and Dr ered that postponing meal
up to start recruiting partici- Aware of the privacy con- algorithm that predicts Instagram posts Sophie Wehrens of the Uni- times by five hours delayed
pants next year for a study so cerns, researchers are offer- heart attacks better than doctors versity of Surrey, UK, exam- rhythms of blood sugar by the

sweeping its called The Hu- ing several protections, in- via conventional guidelines acebook Ss Woebot Labs ined the impact of altering same time-frame. They said
man Project. It aims to chan- THE HUMAN PROJECT cluding multiple rounds of uses AI as debuted on FB meal times on the circadian the findings show that meal-
nel different data streams in- encryption and firewalls. Googles part of a test Messenger a chatbot rhythms of 10 volunteers. times synchronise internal
to a river of insight on health, tive group. Theyll start with Outside researchers DeepMind division project to offering cognitive Circadian rhythms are clocks that control rhythms of
aging, education and many tests of everything from wont be able to see any raw is using AI to help prevent behavioral therapy, approximate 24-hour chang- blood sugar concentration.
other aspects of human life. blood to genetics to IQ. data, just anonymised sub- doctors analyse suicides by for people wary of es governed by the bodys in- The researchers indicated
Thats what were all Participants will be asked sets limited to the informa- tissue samples to analysing social the stigma of seeking ternal clock, and determine that people who struggle with
about: putting the holistic pic- for access to medical, financial tion they need. Theyll take determine the network posts mental healthcare many processes in the body. circadian rhythm disorders,
ture together, says project di- and educational records, as nothing with them but their likelihood that Volunteers were provid- including shift workers and
rector Dr Paul Glimcher. well as cellphone data such as analyses by hand, since the breast and For rare diseases: US startup FDNA uses facial recognition tech matched ed with three meals: break- those on long-haul flights,
Researchers are tapping location and the numbers they analysing computers arent other cancers against a database associated with over 8,000 rare diseases & genetic fast, lunch and dinner. might consider timed meals
survey science to create a de- call and text. Theyll also be connected to the internet, will spread disorders, sharing insights with medical centres in 129 countries In the first phase of the to help resynchronise their
mographically representa- given wearable activity track- Glimcher said. AP study, the first meal was pro- body clocks. DAILY MIRROR
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDEDIT User: Time: 06-20-2017 00:06 Color: C



Will target US jets over Syria: Russia Man rams van into crowd
Warning Comes A Day After American Military Shot Down A Syrian Airforce Jet
Moscow: Warplanes of the
pared the downing to helping troops and the SDF would
at UK mosque, 10 injured AFP
US-led coalition operating
over Syrian government-cont-
rolled areas west of the Euph-
the terrorists that the US is
fighting against.
Viktor Ozerov, chairman of
escalate tensions and open a
new front line in the many
complex battlefields of the ci-
Attacker A
rates River would be tracked
as potential targets, Russia sa-
the defence committee in Rus-
sian parliament, described the
vil war. Clashes between the
Kurdish-led SDF and Syrian White, Acted
id on Monday, a day after the defense ministrys statement forces have been rare and so-
US military shot down a Syri-
an airforce jet.
as a warning. Im sure that
because of this neither the US
me rebel groups have even ac-
cused them of coordinating on
Alone: Police
Moscow condemned the nor anyone else will take any the battlefield. London: Avan ploughed into
downing of the Syrian jet after actions to threaten our air- Both sides are battling the worshippers near a London
it dropped bombs near the US- craft, he said. Thats why Islamic State group, with SDF mosque on Monday, killing
backed Syrian Democratic theres no threat of direct con- fighters focusing on their one and injuring 10 people in
Forces that are fighting the Is- frontation between Russia and march into Raqqa, which the what PM Theresa May said
lamic State terror group. American aircraft. extremist group has declared was a sickening, terrorist at-
The downing of the war- Ozerov insisted that Rus- to be its capital. On Monday, go- tack on Muslims.
The US said one of its F-18 Super Hornets shot down a Syrian Su-22 jet
plane the first time in the se- sia would be tracking the coa- vernment forces captured the Shortly after midnight,
that had dropped bombs near the base of Syrian Democratic Forces
ven-year conflict that the US litions jets, not shooting town of Rasafa. the vehicle swerved into a gro-
has shot down a Syrian jet agreed to the missile overf- prevent midair incidents with them down, but he added that SDF spokesman Talal Sillo up of people leaving Ramzan
came as Iran fired several bal- light after coordination with the US over Syria after the a threat for those jets may said the government wanted prayers at the Muslim Welfa-
listic missiles at IS positions in Iran, Russia and Syria. American military fired 59 appear only if they take ac- to thwart their offensive to re House and the nearby Fins-
eastern Syria in retaliation for Russia, a key ally of Syrian missiles at a Syrian airbase tion that pose a threat to Rus- capture Raqqa. He said go- bury Park Mosque, one of the A woman lays flowers outside Finsbury Park Mosque in London; (inset)
two attacks by the extremists President Bashar Assad that following a chemical attack sian aircraft. vernment forces began attack- biggest in the country. Howe- the attacker Darren Osborne has been taken into custody
in Tehran earlier this month has been providing air cover to that Washington blamed on Meanwhile, the US-backed ing SDF on Saturday, using ver, it was not clear it the sing-
that killed 17 people. Syrian op- the governments offensive the Assad government. opposition fighters said As- warplanes, artillery and tanks le casualty was linked to the that left eight people dead. harmed.
position activist Omar Abu since 2015, also called on the US US confirmed that one of sads forces have been attack- in areas SDF had liberated attack as the deseased was re- This was an attack on all This morning, our count-
Laila said two missiles fell ne- military to provide a full acco- its F-18 Super Hornets shot ing them in the northern pro- from IS. Sillo also warned if ceiving first aid from the lo- Londoners and we should all ry woke to news of another
ar Mayadeen, an IS stronghold unting of why it decided to down a Syrian Su-22 that had vince of Raqqa and warned the regime continues in its of- cals in an unrelated incident. stand together against extre- terrorist attack, the second
and claimed there were casu- shoot down the Syrian Su-22. dropped bombs near the SDF that if such attacks continue, fensive against our positions The 48-year-old driver, a mists, said Neil Basu, coun- this month and every bit as
alties.Iraqi lawmaker Abdul- In April, Russia briefly su- base. Russian deputy foreign the fighters would take action. in Raqqa , this will force us to white man believed to have ac- ter-terrorism officer. He ad- sickening as those which ha-
Bari Zebari said his country spended a hotline intended to minister Sergei Ryabkov com- Clashes between Syrian retaliate with force. AP ted alone, was grabbed at the ded that it had all the hall- ve come before, PM May said
scene by locals and pinned marks of a terrorist attack. to repporters. The attack is
down until police arrived. Ten people were hurt, all the fourth since March in Bri-

London fire toll

Indian, 3 others
At 223, France elects record
BBC reported that the attack- of them Muslims, with two of tain and the third to involve a
er was Darren Osborne from them in a very serious condi- vehicle deliberately driven at
Cardiff and has four children. tion. A witness, Abdiqadir pedestrians.
dig way out now 79, likely Security minister Ben Walla-
ce said the suspect was not
Warra, said that the van dro-
ve at people and that some of
The Finsbury Park Mos-
que was once a notorious
of Bali prison
Bali: An Indian is among four
foreign inmates who escaped
39% women to parliament
Paris: France voted a record
to go up: Police
London: London police said
on Monday that 79 people were
known to security services.
The Finsbury Park Mos-
que, frequented by worship-
pers from North and west afri-
the victims were carried for
several metres along the road.
Another witness Abdulrah-
man Aidroos said, The at-
hub for radical Islamists but
has changed in recent years
under new management.
Its former imam, Abu Ham-
from a prison on the Indonesi- number of women into parlia- Macron to reshuffle government now believed to have died in ca, said the van deliberately tacker was saying I wanna za, was jailed for life in
an resort island of Bali on Mon-
day, police said.
Prison officers became
ment, election results showed
on Monday, after President
Emmanuel Macrons victo-
rench President Emmanuel Macron is poised to rearrange his
cabinet after his new centrist party engineered a landslide in
the parliamentary election. PM Edouard Philippe
the Grenfell Tower blaze.
Police Commander Stuart
Cundy said the new figure in-
mowed down Muslim men
and women leaving late eve-
ning prayers. Others linked
kill more people, I wanna kill
more Muslims. He said he
had helped tackle and detain
New York on terrorism char-
ges in 2015.
Despite The mosque re-
aware of the escape while con- rious Republic on the Move will resign in the coming hours and a new cluded both people who were the attack to an increase in an- the driver while other witnes- ported that it had received a
ducting a morning check of in- party (LREM) fielded a gen- government will be named in the next few days, confirmed dead and others ti-Muslim hate crimes, parti- ses said the imam, Moham- string of threatening emails
mates at the Kerobokan peni- der-balanced candidate list. government spokesman Christophe Castaner who were missing and presu- cularly since the London med Mahmoud, had stepped and letters in wake of the ter-
tentiary in Balis capital, Den- Of the 577 elected lawma- said on RTL radio. Since Macrons new party, med dead. Its an increase Bridge rampage on June 3 in to ensure the man was not ror attacks in Paris. AGENCIES
pasar, said Putu Ika Prabawa, kers, 223 were female, beating Republic on the Move!, won an absolute majority from the previous number of
an officer at Balis Kuta Utara the previous record of 155 set in the 577-seat National Assembly, Castaner said 58. The new total may change

Man drives into Muslim teen

police station. Prabawa said after the last election. That se- the government reshuffling would be technical and not as investigation continued,
the four men were believed to nt France leapfrogging from far-reaching. He refused to say whether ministers who have Cundy said.
have escaped through a 50- 64th to 17th in world rankings come under corruption suspicions would keep their jobs. AP Britain held a moment of
by-70-centimetre (20-by-28- of female parliamentary re- silence for the victims on
assaulted in
inch) hole found in a wall that
connects to a 15-metre-long (49-
foot-long) water tunnel hea-
presentation and to 6th place sen steadily, from 12.3% at the winning seats to women, sa-
in Europe, overtaking UK and 2002 election to 38.6% this ti- id 34-year-old Brune Poirson,
Germany, according to Inter- me. But most parties still put who beat the far-right Natio-
Monday, with emergency ser-
vice workers bowing their he-
ads in respect.
police car in Paris US found dead
ding toward a main street. parliamentary Union data. up more men for election, de- nal Front to be elected in the Cundy told reporters the Paris: A man on the radar of ty law is needed and the
He identified the four as Sa- LREM, which won a majo- spite France having a system Vaucluse district. Poirson, awful reality was that it French authorities died on measure would maintain a Virginia: A17-year-old Ameri-
yed Mohammed Said, 31, of In- rity in Sundays ballot, had the in which a partys funding is who has a masters degree in might not be possible to iden- Monday after ramming a car high security level. can-Muslim girl was beaten up
dia; Shaun Edward Davidson, highest proportion of women restricted if women do not political science from Har- tify all the victims. He said carrying explosives into a Two police officials said and abducted from near a mos-
33, of Australia; Dimitar Niko- elected, at 47%. For the first make up 49% of candidates. vard, decided to become a can- that authorities were continu- police vehicle in the a handgun was found on the que in Virginia on Sunday by a
lov Iliev, 43, of Bulgaria; and time under the (postwar) Fifth Female candidates have didate in January when Ma- ing to investigate whether any Champs-Elysees shopping driver, who they said was man who was later held on su-
Tee Koko King bin Tee Kim Sai, Republic, the National Assem- also tended to stand in consti- cron sent a video to LREM crimes had been committed in district, prompting a fiery badly burned after the vehi- spicion of murder after her bo-
50, of Malaysia. Said is serving bly will be deeply renewed tuencies they are unlikely to members urging more wom- the inferno. blast, officials said. cle exploded. A man could be dy was found in a pond.
14 years for drug offences. more diverse, younger, the win, keeping the numbers of en to put themselves forward. The Metropolitan Police No police officers or civi- seen lying on his stomach on The girl, identified as Nabra
Jailbreaks are common in partys acting president, Cat- women who make it to the Pa- Britain set its own record released three photos from in- lians were hurt, police said. the ground after the inci- Hussein, was walking back
Indonesia where overcrowding herine Barbaroux, said. lais-Bourbon low. (Ma- in elections on June 8, with side the tower, which showed It is unclear why the attacker dent, wearing a white shirt with friends after having a
prisons are struggling to cope Female representation in crons) En Marche (party)... 30% of parliamentary seats in close detail how the fire drove into police, though of- and dark shorts. They identi- Ramzan meal at a restaurant
with poor funding. AP the National Assembly has ri- proactively decided to give going to women. REUTERS charred the building. AP ficials said the incident was fied him as a 31-year-old from when a motorist started shou-
apparently deliberate. the Paris suburb of Argente- ting insults at them. Husseins
Interior minister Gerard uil who had an S file, mea- friends ran to the All Dulles

FB shares users WhatsApp & Britain, EU begin

Collomb said the attack sho- ning he was flagged for links Area Muslim Society mosque
wed the threat was still very to extremism. for safety but soon realised that
high in the country. He said Visitors to a nearby Au- their friend was missing.
he would present a bill on guste Rodin exhibit were Police found Husseins re-

Instagram data to nab terrorists Brexit negotiations Reuters

Wednesday to extend the sta-
te of emergency from July 15
to November 1. He asserted
confined inside the Grand
Palais exhibit hall for an ho-
ur as police cordoned off a
mains in a pond in Sterling.
The suspect, Darwin Torres,
was seen driving suspiciously
Aatif Sulleyman Brussels: Britains negotia- That financial issue is al- that the current situation in broad swath of the Champs- in the area and was held. A ba-
Google to tackle tors came to Brussels seeking a ready a bone of contention, as France showed a new securi- Elysees. AP seball bat was recovered. PTI
YouTube terror clips
acebook has revealed new, deep and special partner- is Brussels refusal to discuss a
that it was sharing Insta- ship with the European Union new free trade deal until after it
gram and WhatsApp us- lphabet Incs Google will on Monday as talks on Brexit fi- is resolved. May has insisted
ers data. The firm has pub- implement more nally got under way. that trade talks start immedi-
lished a blog post detailing measures to identify and Brexit secretary David Da- ately and run in parallel. Getty Images
some of the ways in which it remove terrorist or violent vis told Michel Barnier, the While Barnier insists on In US, a bystander
plans to keep content related extremist content from EUs chief negotiator, that his the sequencing of talks, so
to terrorism off the site. How- YouTube, it said in a blog post team aimed to maintain a pos- that trade negotiations cannot live-streams
ever, one of the tactics is like-
ly to prove controversial. BREACHING PRIVACY?
on Sunday. Google said it would
take a tougher position on
itive and constructive tone
during challenging talks
start until January, finding a
way to avoid a hard customs shooting on FB
Facebook says one of its videos containing supremacist ahead in the hope of reaching a border for troubled Northern
current focuses is cross-plat-
form collaboration, where it
sometimes use encrypted
messaging to communicate,
or inflammatory religious
content by issuing a warning
deal in the interests of both
sides. We must first tackle the
Ireland may well involve some
earlier discussions.
P olice were rushed to a US
vacation resort after a
bystander livestreamed a
also collects and analyses us- the post says. Because of the and not monetising them, even uncertainties caused by Brex- Barnier said a divorce deal
shooting incident on Facebook
ers data from Instagram and way end-to-end encryption if they do not clearly violate its it, said Barnier. Those were, should be ready by October 2018
Live in which several people
WhatsApp. Given the limit- works, we cant read the con- policies. The company will also he said, the rights of expatriate to give time for parliamentary
were injured. The injured were
ed data some of our apps col- tents of individual encrypted employ more engineering citizens and problems of a new approval. With or without a
being treated at South Carolina
lect as part of their service, messages but we do pro- resources and increase its use EU-UK border, notably cutting deal, UK will be out of the EU
hospitals after a gunman
the ability to share data vide the information we can of technology to help identify across Ireland. He did not men- on March 30, 2019. A document
opened fire at Myrtle Beach,
across the whole family is in- in response to valid law en- extremist videos, in addition to tion a third EU priority that agreed by the negotiators said
CBS News reported on Sunday.
dispensable to our efforts to forcement requests, consis- training new content classifiers Britain settle a bill of tens of further talks will be held in the
According to Myrtle Beach
keep all our platforms safe. tent with applicable law and to quickly identify and remove billions of euros before it leav- weeks starting on July 17, Aug
Police, a fight broke out and one
We know terrorists our policies. THE INDEPENDENT such content. REUTERS es in 21months. 28, Sept 18 and Oct 9. AP
of the belligerents pulled a gun
and fired. Meanwhile, a bysta-
Ajit Ninan
nder livestreamed the incident

16.4m Americans think brown that alerted the police. The po-
lice later arrested the attacker.

Oregon adds third gender

cows give chocolate milk option to drivers licences:

Oregon became the first US
state on Thursday to allow
Thinkstock residents to identify as neither

bout 7% of American doesnt help either. In the
male nor female on state
adults roughly 16.4 grocery store, meat, dairy,
drivers licences, a decision
million people think greens, and grains are pack-
that transgender advocates
that chocolate milk comes aged in plastic wrap, car-
called a victory for civil rights.
from brown cows, according tons, and boxes. It doesnt
Residents can choose to have
to a new nationally represen- look much like the original
an X, for non-specified,
tative survey by the Innova- plant or animal.
displayed on their drivers Pamela Anderson has shared a love-filled post for Julian Assange,
tion Centre for US Dairy. It It is a bit surprising, a
licence or identification cards whom she is rumoured to be dating, on her official blog. Titled Why
means the equivalent of the spokeswoman for the dairy
rather than an M or F. My Heart Stands With Julian, she called on world leaders to help
population of Pennsylvania campaign told CNN. We re-
does not know that chocolate ally dont have a suggestion free the WikiLeaks boss. She blasted Theresa May, calling her the
milk is milk, cocoa and sugar. as to why people would draw
People urinating in lift is US worst PM in living memory, for keeping Assange imprisoned when
The organisation con- HOLY COW! that conclusion regarding
courthouses No. 1problem: Sweden has dropped its case against him. She also called on French
Trump claims his approval rating is ducted their survey in 50 it. To be fair, some milk
Officials in an Arkansas have a President Emmanuel Macron to grant assylum to Assange
plea for courthouse visitors:
more than Obamas, but its not true states about peoples use and
knowledge of dairy prod-
ure is not higher. Many Amer-
icans are essentially agricul-
questions and myths may
make us smile, the centre
Please stop urinating in our Bird causes power outage Oz man charged after cops
elevator. Officials hope new across Texas: A bird caused seize Nazi machine gun: A
D onald Trump claimed on Monday his approval rating was
higher than that of Barack Obama despite the data he
referred to suggested the opposite. The new Rasmussen Poll, one
ucts. About 48% of respon-
dents also didnt know how
chocolate milk is made.
turally illiterate, especially if
they do not grow up in agri-
cultural communities. They
wrote on its website to clar-
ify the age-old cow conun-
drum. Unless consumers
security cameras will deter the
stream of culprits who have
power outage across Texas
after it got into the equipment
40-year-old Australian man has
been charged with possessing
been relieving themselves in of a substation leaving thou- a Nazi machine gun, used by
of the most accurate in the 2016 election, just out with a Trump 50% The percentage of misin- may not understand how food Google the information or
the courthouse elevator in sands of residents without the German army during World
approval rating. Thats higher than Os #s! he tweeted. However, formed adults about choco- is grown and what it takes to learn it in a classroom, it can
Jonesboro. Workers said the electricity. According to the War II. Police found the MP40
data from the same firm showed Obama entered office on 20 late milk may seen high, but get to grocery stores. be easy to disassociate be-
problem has persisted for years Texas New Mexico Power submachine gun, a prohibited
January 2009 with an approval rating of 67%. At this same stage of as The Washington Posts The way that most agri- tween the milk in their glass-
even though the restrooms are Company, around 9,000 cus- firearm, after they pulled over
his presidency, his rating had slipped to 55%, five points higher Caitlin Dewey notes, it may be cultural products today are es and the cows it took to pro-
only 8 metres from the elevator. tomers were affected. a car on Sunday.
than that of Trump. THE INDEPENDENT more surprising that this fig- marketed to shoppers duce it. AGENCIES
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDBTFP User: alok.sharma2 Time: 06-19-2017 23:56 Color: C




Time-bound NPA resolution Sensex hits

new peak
Crooks make a killing
tough under bankruptcy code of 31,312 on from life insurance
GST rollout Policies Bought In Name Of Terminally-Ill
Debt Cases To Crawl On Legal Hassles, Lack Of Infra: Experts Mumbai: The sensex made a
smart recovery of 255 points to
close at a new peak of 31,312 on
Patients With Promise Of Cut To Their Kin
Mumbai: The RBIs big bang
BORROWER STRESS ON STREET Monday and the Nifty reclaimed
the key 9,600 level, riding piggy-
of Rs 1-2 lakh sum assured.
For Rs 1 crore and above,
us seeing no sign of grief
among those present. The
announcement directing
banks to proceed against 12
T he RBI has asked banks to begin insolvency proceedings against 12 cos which account for 25% of
all bad loans. While the RBI has not revealed the names, Lanco Infratech has confirmed that banks
have initiated the insolvency process. The other 11 cos are mostly in the steel sector, say reports
back on GST headway and ex-
pectations of reforms by Sebi. Chennai: The Rs 1-crore life
there is a higher level of scru-
tiny, said V Vishwanand,
claim was rejected. In Anga-
di Raichur, Telangana, an in-
borrowers under the Insolven- The markets saw a flurry of insurance policies launched COO, Max Life Insurance. surance agent bought a life
cy and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) STOCKS OF DEBT-LADEN COS... debt (` cr)* % chg# ...AND BANKS ENDED MONDAY ON A MIXED NOTE buying as investors sensed six-to-seven years ago with Medical and financial cover of Rs 12 lakh for a man
has raised expectations of an -16.2 NPA resolution gaining trac- fanfare have become a lucrati- checks before underwriting who had died a month earlier,
Bhushan Steel 44,478
early resolution. But experts -20 Gainers % change Losers tion after the RBI asked lenders ve target for cheats. Although
Lanco Infra 44,365
say the new law is unlikely to
be a magic wand to immediate-
Essar Steel 37,284 Delisted
to initiate bankruptcy procee-
dings against large defaulters.
the premium for these policies
is high, investing in a few ter-
Bhusan Power and Steel 37,248 Unlisted J&K Bank 4.6 -3.4 BoM
ly cleanse balance sheets of Positive global cues emer- minally-ill clients can quickly Syndicates in Gujarat,
Alok Industries 22,075 -11.6
Maharashtra and Telangana
banks, adding that legal tang- Amtek Auto 14,074 -20 Axis Bank 1.9 -3.1 IDBI ging from other Asian markets bag a jackpot. For fraudsters
les and lack of infrastructure that ended higher in tune with it is an investment. If even one behind many cases of fraud
Monnet Ispat 12,115 -12.4 Dhanlaxmi
for executing bankruptcies -4.9 1.5 -2.4 IOB a weekend record closing on in 12 applications clicks, their Deals struck with
Electrosteel Steels 10,274 Bank
may emerge as impediments to the Wall Street propped up the investment of Rs 1.2 lakh in terminally-ill patients to scam
Era Infra 10,065 Not traded since Sept 2016
early resolution of bad debts. 1.4 -1.7 Uco Bank markets here. A firm opening premium pays off with a Rs 1- insurers
Jaypee Infratech 9,635 -6.1 HDFC Bank
Borrowers have already be- at European shares in reaction crore bonus, said Srinivasan Even unclaimed bodies
ABG Shipyard 6,953 3.6 -1.3 Federal
en able to stymie lenders in the Jyoti Structures 5,165 20 ICICI Bank 1.3 to a strong victory for president Parthasarthy, chief and appo- used to claim policy amount
National Company Law Appel- *Source: PTI 0 10 20 30 40 50 #
BSE 0 1 2 3 4 5 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0
Emmanuel Macrons centrist inted actuary at HDFC Life. All policies from Jeevan
late Tribunal (NCLAT). Also, party in French parliamentary Insurers like HDFC Life Jyoti Bima to Rs 1-crore Most fraudulent claims
in one of the early cases filed by Chhawchharia, partner at delaying the process. ICICI fore, stress resolution will need elections, as Britain begins for- say syndicates in Gujarat, covers targeted led soon after buying policy
ICICI Bank, the National Com- Grant Thornton Advisory. Gi- Bank had registered the mai- additional provisioning and mal Brexit talks, buoyed tra- Maharashtra and Telangana
pany Law Tribunal (NCLT) fi- ven the strict timelines under den case with the IBC in mid- capital. ICICI Bank is the only ding sentiments here. are behind the scam. In one the policy also make it diffi- and filed a claim few months
ned the lender Rs 50,000 for in- the code, it will take conside- January against Innoventive corporate lender that appears The markets saw a case, the insurer got 12 death cult to pull off a fraud with a later. It has become easy to
flating the claim against the de- rable efforts from all stakehol- Industries, which has approa- comfortable on capital, said claims from a cancer hospi- high-value policy. get fraudulent certificates.
faulter. In another case, the ap- ders to reach desirable solu- ched both the Bombay high co- Ashish Gupta and Kush Shah flurry of buying as tal on the Jaipur-Agra high- The syndicates know insu- Anyone can purchase a poli-
pellate body overturned a tions, he added. urt and NCALT on grounds of Credit Suisse in a research investors sensed way. Our investigation sho- rers cannot verify the medi- cy on someone elses behalf
ruling by the NCLT and decla- Insolvency professionals that the principles of natural report. NPA resolution wed the fraudsters identified cals of every applicant, so and then claim the person di-
red the appointment of an inte- step in after bankruptcy is justice were violated since the While banks now have the individuals with terminal they try networking with a ed a few months later, said
rim resolution professional as initiated and manage the pro- company was not given adequ- power to sell off assets, offloa-
gaining traction illnesses, promised their fa- large group of people to file Suresh Badrinath, forensics
illegal. In light of this experi- cess until resolution. Accor- ate notice. The outcome of the ding several steel plants at the after the RBI asked milies a cut, paid the premi- applications, said Vishwa- investigator, Chennai.
ence, industry watchers say ding to bankers, there are not first case filed under IBC can same time might lead to a lenders to initiate um of Rs 10,000 on their be- nand. Max Life rejects around Even Pradhan Mantri Je-
that prospects for either a reso- enough insolvency professio- be expected later this month or crash in valuations. If there is bankruptcy half and did all the paper- 2% of its claims for fraud. evan Jyoti Bima Yojana
lution in 180 days (extendable nals in the country to keep up early next month, which will alarge number of assets put up work, said Parthasarthy. In one case, a syndicate (PMJJBY) has been scam-
by 90 days) or recovery through with defaults. The RBI has also provide clarity on kind of immediately for liquidation, proceedings Such fraudulent claims usu- obtained an unclaimed body med. It offers life cover of Rs
liquidation looks challenging. not made the list of 12 borro- resolution agreements rea- mostly in the next one year, on- The buoyed sentiment is ally arise within one to two from a city mortuary in Be- 2 lakh for a premium of Rs
One needs to evaluate if wers public, but the names ched between different coun- ly a few may get closer to a rea- back due to relaxation in re- years of taking the policy. gur near Bengaluru to hold a 330 a year. Insurance compa-
the necessary infrastructure are already doing the rounds ter-parties, said Srinivasan. lisable value while the rest turn filing timeline to minimi- Max Life Insurance, ho- sham funeral. The insurance nies say claims ratio is high
for executing such a mandate in banking circles and news The other concern is the re- may have to be liquidated at ve- se the impact of transition to wever, has seen more cases officer sent to settle the Rs 2- and about a third of claims
is available and prepared to reports (see graphic). lief that needs to be provided to ry high discounts, said M B GST. On the other hand, the of fraud in low-value policies lakh claim became suspicio- are filed within first month.
manage these 12 cases. The en- According to Karthik Sri- businesses to make them viab- Mahesh of Kotak Institutional RBIs insistence that the banks
tire ecosystem, including in- nivasan, group head (financial le enough to be sold. Even the Equities Research in a report. start the bankruptcy procee-
solvency professionals, tribu-
nals, banking and investors, is
still building capacity and ca-
sector ratings), ICRA, a key im-
ponderable is the extent to
which these decisions could be
large stressed companies need
a 30-80% reduction in interest
burden to fully cover interest
The option available to
banks would be to temporari-
ly take over the company by
dings which will improve
banks asset quality and streng-
then the balance sheet, led the
Cash crunch at Religare: India Ratings
pabilities, said Ashish challenged in the courts, thus at current profitability. There- converting debt to equity. index to climb by 1%, said Vi- TIMES NEWS NETWORK deal to sell off its health insu- pany. Theres no change in its
nod Nair, head of research, Ge- rance subsidiary is still to co- ratings. A company official
ojit Financial Services. Mumbai: India Ratings has me. In the meanwhile, Reli- confirmed that Religare En-

SpiceJet gives
Cairn tax: I-T dept seizes
After a strong opening, the flagged market players about gare Enterprise is likely to terprise was evaluating such
BSE 30-share index hit a high of a temporary cash crunch at meet its debt repayment obli- options. In April, Religare
31,362, before closing at a new re- Religare Enterprises which gations through some short- Enterprises agreed to sell its
40-plane order cord high of 31,312, up 255 points,
or 0.82%, breaking its previous
was scheduled to pay about
Rs 155 crore to its bond hol-
term borrowings or issuan-
ce of commercial papers, In-
entire 80% stake in its health
insurance subsidiary for

for $4.7bn
`2k-cr dividend, refund
New Delhi: The income tax fund that was due to Cairn dend, is due to the company,
record closing of 31,309 on June
5. The 50-share Nifty too scaled a
high of 9,673 before ending 70 po-
ints up, or 0.72%, at 9,658. AGENCIES
ders by June 30.
The cash crunch is tem-
porary since the inflows
from the companys recent
dia Ratings said in a release.
Currently India Ratings
has a AA-/Stable rating on
the financial services com-
about Rs 1,040 crore.
The Religare Enterprises
stock closed nearly unchang-
ed at Rs 183 on Monday.
department has ordered Energy Plc, against the prin- the source said, adding that
New Delhi: Low-cost carrier coercive action against Ca- cipal amount. it was likely to be transfer-
(LCC) SpiceJet on Monday sig- irn Energy of UK, including On June 16, it sent a noti- red to the exchequer on Mon-
ned an MoU with taking away over Rs 2,000- ce under section 226(3) of the day or by Tuesday.
Boeing for 40 B737 crore dividend and tax re- Income Tax Act to the com- Next, the department
MAX aircraft. Va- fund, to recover part of panys erstwhile subsidiary, will move to take 9.8% resi-
lued at about $4.7 the Rs 10,247-crore retrospec- Cairn India (now Vedanta In- dual stake that Cairn Energy
billion at current tive tax. retains in Cairn India even
list prices, the ag- This follows the British ` 10K-CR CASE after selling the erstwhile
reement is split between 20 new oil firm losing in an interna- subsidiary to Vedanta. The
orders for the 737 MAX 10 and tional arbitration tribunal dia), saying whatever is due source said the tribunal refu-
conversions of 20 of the LCCs its challenge against Indias to the British firm in the sed to entertain Cairn Ener-
737 MAX 8 airplanes to 737 I-T department taking coer- form of dividend should be gys pleas for restraining the
MAX 10s. cive action to recover the tax transferred to the govern- I-T department from taking
SpiceJet CMD Ajay Singh dues. A top source said the ment. As much as $104 mil- any coercive action and or-
said, As a Boeing 737 operator department has already ad- lion or about Rs 650 crore, dering Cairn India to release
and current customer of the 737 justed Rs 1,500 crore of tax re- in past and current divi- dividend due to it. AGENCIES
MAX, we are proud to be part of
the launch of the 737 MAX 10 and

Fashion sale: Amazon to open

to be the first airline in India to
order the newest version of the
737, which will enable us to max-
imise revenue on our dense rou-
tes, while having a lower unit se-
at cost. With the introduction of
737 MAXs next year, we will be
temporary physical stores
able to further expand our net- biggest tech parks in the co- fashion subsidiaries Myntra
work, while keeping costs low untry and these will act as ac- and Jabong. The latter two
for customers. Bengaluru: Amazon will tivation and promotion for are also running end-of-sea-
SpiceJet had signed a deal open 12 temporary physical our sale. For our young con- son sales this weekend.
to buy up to 205 Boeing planes stores in the countrys biggest sumers at these parks, this Fashion including ap-
worth $22 billion this January. tech parks in Bengaluru, NCR will be a good opportunity to parel, shoes, jewellery, wat-
The LCC had then enhanced its and Mumbai to popularise its step out and experience fas- ches, handbags and luggage
then existing order of 55 single- fashion sale event coming up hion at physical outlets, is the second biggest
aisle B737-8 by 100 to 155. An ad- this weekend. While the com- Arun Sirdeshmukh, head of segment in online commerce
ditional 50 planes a mix of pany calls it an end-of-season Amazons fashion business, after electronics. But it rema-
wide-bodied and B737s have sale, it acknowledged that the told TOI. ins constrained by issues re-
been placed as an optional or- brands and sellers on the plat- Amazon will offer 50-80% lated to size, style and colour.
der, taking the total to 205. form are also looking to sell a discount on 3 lakh units Hence, the initiative to open
SpiceJet currently has a lot of their existing inventory across 1,500 brands, apart the temporary physical out-
fleet of 35 B737s and 19 Bombar- before GST kicks in. With from lots of goodies as gifts lets. GST is encouraging sa-
dier Q400s. The carrier plans GST, the taxation structure and cashbacks. Rival Flip- les by retailers because past
to grow its operational fleet to and prices will change. kart currently has a lead in stocks are already taxed on
100 by 2020. We have tied up with the this segment, with its two the basis of sales tax and VAT.

Jeep triggers price war in premium SUVs lion for Jeep at Ranjangaon,

New Delhi: Get set to drive the

FUELLING COMPETITION Flynn said. The company has
started production of Com-
iconic American SUV brand Jeep started India sales pass and is beginning with a
Jeep that hits Indian roads in last year, but through healthy localisation of nearly
August with a locally-made imported Wrangler and Grand 65%. This is like the first
model, which is likely to carry Cherokee SUVs that cost chapter in a book, and it is im-
an entry price of around upwards of 70 lakh portant for us to get it right.
Rs 15-16 lakh (ex-showroom Compass will be the The good thing for us is that
Delhi). The Compass off-roa- rst locally-made model we are now part of the global
der (1400cc petrol engine and and may cost 15-23 lakh Compass will compete manufacturing team of Jeep
2,000cc diesel) will be made at (ex-showroom Delhi) with Hyundai Creta at lower and can pull resources from
the companys plant at Ran- end while on upper end, it will across the globe.
Compass will sport 1,400cc
jangaon in Pune, and will be take on Mercedes GLA, Audi As the company builds up
petrol and 2,000cc diesel
followed up with a smaller Q3 and BMW X1 local supplier competencies, a
SUV Renegade, which is likely relatively-small retail network
to cost nearly Rs 10 lakh. which has been Fiats long- a length of 4,395 mm and has a remains as a key area for con-
The new models are part of standing manufacturing part- maximum power of 170 BHP cern, a large part of which
Jeeps aggressive push into ner in India. with the diesel engine will may be not prepared to tackle a
high-potential markets like In- Kevin Flynn, president come with manual and auto- huge sales rush or after-sales
dia, Brazil and China. A part of and MD of FCA India, said the matic transmissions, 4X4 ver- issues. Jeep rides on a poorly-
Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles company has made India a ma- sions, and likely have a price performing Fiat network in
(FCA) group, the Jeep is one of nufacturing hub for right- range between Rs 15 lakh and the country and will start with
the most exciting SUV brands hand drive markets, which in- Rs 23 lakh (for the top-end). It 50 dealers when sales begin in
the world over and its entry in clude South Africa, the UK and will compete with models such August. A very small percenta-
India is set to fire up fresh com- Australia. It was a strategic as Hyundais Creta and Tuc- ge of this will be dedicated Je-
petition in the fast-growing decision to bring the Compass son, VWs Tiguan, BMW X1, ep dealers, while the rest will
SUV segment. The Pune plant to India, Flynn told TOI. Audi Q3 and Mercedes GLA. be Fiat dealers doubling up as
is shared with Tata Motors, The Compass which has We have invested $280 mil- Jeep retailers.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDST User: alok.sharma2 Time: 06-19-2017 23:24 Color: C


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

Sahara gets
time till July 5 M&M to roll out e-rickshaws NGOs, social sector cos
to deposit
`710 crore
by year-end, buses to follow bank on innovation
To Ensure Transformative Results In Edu, Health
Dhananjay Mahapatra &
Amit Anand Choudhary TNN
To Invest `600Cr | Restructures Electric Mobility Division Rupali.Mukherjee and cross-subsidises others in touching lives of millions.
Nandini.Sengupta will also be used by Ssangy- who cannot pay. The foundation is fun-
New Delhi: Condoning Sahara The overall e-vehicle focus in- ong for its e-vehicle range, Innovative hiring aims to ding Sampark Smart Shala,
groups failure to deposit Rs1,500 he added. The engine will be Mumbai: Innovation per- solve the challenges of scarce which uses an audio-based
crore into the Sebi- Chennai: The $17 billion Ma-
cludes plans to set up a 60,000 ready in two years. haps the most-discussed C-sui- talent with strategies such as learning platform as its core
Sahara refund acco- hindra Group is accelera- units electric vehicle production Among the products due te topic for global businesses use of volunteering and deve- innovation to reach over 70
unt by June 15, the ting its focus on electric mo- plant in Chakan, near Pune, to for immediate launch is a 9- has till now largely been asso- loping own non-traditional ta- lakh children in 76,000 scho-
Supreme Court on bility with another Rs 600 cro- build vehicles and assemble metre bus to be launched in a ciated with IT, finance, manu- lent supply. For example, Ara- ols to drive transformation
Monday permitted it re investment in e-vehicles year and a full range of e- facturing and various consu- vind Eye Care trains local wo- in primary education at an
to make good a short- taking its cumulative invest- lithium ion batteries rickshaws to be rolled out by mer-led businesses. But as sca- men to act as mid-level oph- annual cost of just $1 per
fall of Rs 710 crore by July 5 but ment to Rs 1,200 crore that this year end. le takes a vantage seat, even thalmic personnel, while child. Sampark Founda-
with a warning, If money does will see the company rolling MD Pawan Goenka. ning stake, Mahindra Reva Currently the e-ricks- non-profits and companies in Educate Girls hires local yo- tions frugal innovation-led
not come, Subrata Roy goes out an electric buses in a ye- We will put in another Rs has now become Mahindra haws are powered by lead the social sectors are driving uth, Team Balika, who form a large-scale change will soon
back to jail. ars time and e-rickshaws by 600 crore in the next couple of Electric which will focus on acid batteries but we are wor- change and impact through in- key element of its community be a case study at Harvard
On April 27, Sahara group this year-end. years to take the cumulative becoming a supplier of elec- king on lithium ion and swap- novation. The primary touch connections. Business School. Sampark
and Roy had promised through It is also working on hig- total to Rs 1200 crore not in- tric powertrains to M&M as pable batteries too, said Go- points of social sector like he-
senior advocate Kapil Sibal that her voltage powertrains to be cluding product development well as outside OEMs, said enka. The e-rickshaws will alth, education and livelihood ACCOMPLISHING MISSION
they would pay Rs 1,500 crore by used by its proposed luxury spend and the investment in Goenka. have a primarily India focus. are slowly but surely incorpo-
June 15 and another Rs 552 crore vehicle designed by Italian the high-end luxury electric Mahindra Electric cur- Pininfarina will also be in- rating measures to drive re-
highly-efficient IT | Using process
by July 15. As per the SCs Au- design firm Pininfarina (ac- vehicle being developed by rently produces the 48 and 72 volved in the design of future sults that can be transformati-
operations and innovation, Sankar
gust 31, 2012 judgment, the out- quired by Mahindra in 2015) Pininfarina, he added. The V engines that go into M&Ms electric vehicles from the Ma- ve. Disruption has spread
distribution logistics, Eye Foundation has
standing in the name of Sahara as well as a range of Ssangy- company has already rest- current electric vehicles. hindra stable, said Goenka. across several levels to address
Akshaya Patra has conducted zero-defect 1m free
groups two companies Real ong vehicles. To that end, the ructured its electric mobility We are working on increa- The overall e-vehicle focus in- challenges of cost, hiring, sca-
established a successful eye surgeries in their pursuit to
Estate and Housing is still company has also restructu- division by turning its Ma- sing productivity and laun- cludes plans to set up a 60,000 le of operations and the issue
template in serving wholesome cure blindness by focusing on
over Rs 10,000 crore despite the red its entire electric vehicle hindra Reva plant in Benga- ching a new 360-600 V power- units electric vehicle produc- being addressed. Strategic cost
group paying nearly Rs 14,000 business using its the earlier luru into an exclusively po- train that will go into the Pi- tion plant in Chakan, near management can help NGOs mid-day meals to 1.6m school quality, process and cost while
crore into the Sebi-Sahara acco- Mahindra Reva plant in wertrain production unit. ninfarina badged luxury Pune which will build elec- access new sources of revenue, children daily across 11 states delivering at scale
unt for refund to nearly three Bengaluru to make electric With the Reva founders Mai- electric car, small buses and tric vehicles and assemble lit- expand their service footprint CREATING SELF-HELP GROUPS | Utilising community
crore investors from whom it powertrains only, said M&M nis selling off their remai- other high-end vehicles. It hium ion batteries. dramatically, and reduce reso- mobilisation, PRADAN works with 4L rural poor women
had illegally raised money by urce hurdles to growth. and has generated total savings of Rs 10L. Over 400
floating one-time fully conver- For example, one of worlds PRADAN professionals today work in 6,700 villages in 39

Oil mkt needs time to Shashi Shanker

tible debentures (OFCDs). largest eye care provider of Indias poorest districts across 7 states
non-profit Madurai-based Ara-
vind Eye Care has reduced Many large and ambitious Smart Shala is a learning
If money does not
come, Subrata Roy goes
set to become the cost of cataract surgery by NGOs stay focused on the size outcome-focused interven-
applying a host of strategies in- of the need and emphasise po- tion that uses an innovative
back to jail, warns SC
Sibal explained the difficulty
faced by the group in arranging
rebalance: S Arabia ONGC chairman
cluding better utilisation of
surgeons time, cost reduction
of consumables, and setting up
amanufacturing facility for in-
pulation-level change. Deno-
minator thinkers believe that
untangling even one more part
of a large, knotty problem crea-
audio box the mascot Sam-
park Didi.
Katie Smith Milway, part-
ner and head of philanthro-

the money to a bench of Justices audi energy minister term factors ... as well as the million barrels from floating New Delhi: Shashi Shanker, tra-ocular lens and drugs at tes a lot more value than per- py advisory, Bridgespan Gro-
Deepak Misra and Ranjan Go- Khalid al-Falih said the role of speculators in stock storage and a drop in industri- the man responsible for ensu- Aurolabs. Aravinds cost of in- fecting a solution that serves ups Knowledge Practice, sa-
goi. However he promised, We oil market is heading in markets that increase market alised nations' onshore stora- ring latest tech- tra-ocular lens is $2, as against relatively few, says Soumitra ys, Indias social sector lea-
are here to honour the judg- the right direction but still ne- volatility. ge of 65 million barrels com- nical and field a global price of $80-100. Aro- Pandey, partner - India, The ders seek to address needs by
ments of the court. We are not eds time to rebalance, the Lon- Oil prices dipped on Mon- pared to July last year. The services for sta- und 60% of the 4.5 lakh cata- Bridgespan Group. Simply the hundreds of thousands,
running away. We will pay it up don-based newspaper Asharq day, weighed down by a conti- market often tends to ignore te-run ONGC, ract surgeries done yearly are put, they focus on the size of even millions, in the very de-
fully and discharge our liabiliti- al-Awsat reported on Monday. nuing expansion in US dril- these criteria and focus on the has been chosen free, of which 1,00,000 are done the need to derive results. For sign of programmes, assu-
es determined by the court. The- In my opinion, market ling that has helped to mainta- drop in US inventories that ca- to succeed Di- through 3,000-odd camps example, Agastya uses both ming cost constraints. As a
re is no lack of intent. We just ne- fundamentals are going in the nesh Kumar across Tamil Nadu through town-based experiential scien- result, there may be no better
ed 10 working days to pay up the right direction, but in light of Market fundamentals are going in the Sarraf as the head of Indias the hospitals innovative outre- ce centres and mobile science laboratory than India for
balance Rs 710 crore. The group the large surplus in stockpiles largest oil producer. ach programme, Dr P Nampe- labs, including labs in vans and studying the challenges that
had earlier deposited Rs 790 cro- over the past years, the cut ne- right direction, but in light of the large Government head hunter rumalsamy, chairman emeri- on motorcycles, to reach stu- social innovators face in try-
re in the Sebi-Sahara account. eds time to take effect, he told surplus in stock, the cut needs time to Public Enterprise Selection tus, Aravind Eyecare System, dents in city and countryside ing to scale up when resour-
Sibal also informed the court the newspaper, referring to a take effect, says Khalid al-Falih Board selected Shanker from told TOI. to provide hands-on science le- ces are scarce. And there
that the group had sold its stakes global deal to curb oil produc- among nine candidates, who A surgeon in Aravind per- arning. might be no better guide
in Grosvenor House, London, to tion. Current expectations in high global supplies despite me below expectations, he sa- appeared for the interview on forms over 2,000 cataract sur- Vineet Nayar, founder of than Indian social sector or-
GH Equity UK Private Ltd and indicate the market will reba- an Opec-led initiative to tigh- id. Compliance in April and Monday. He is currently direc- geries a year, which is five ti- Sampark Foundation and for- ganisations for overcoming
talks were on to sell two more lance in the fourth quarter of ten the market by cutting pro- May with the Opec-led output tor (technical and field servi- mes the number performed by mer CEO of HCL Technologi- those challenges as effective
overseas properties The Plaza this year, taking into account duction. The price of oil is deal was above 100%, he said. ces) at the company. an average Indian ophthalmo- es, says, Innovation is all abo- agents of change.
Hotel and Dream Downtown Ho- an increase in shale oil pro- down around 14% since late Falih also said he expects According to procedure, logist. Again, this is an indica- ut thinking outside the box to Further, another disrup-
tel in New York. duction, he said. May, when producers led by Libyas production to return the oil ministry will now have tor of optimum utilisation achieve what others consider tion is community mobilisa-
Sibal also informed the court Asked about recent drop the Organization of the Petro- to normal levels. Opec mem- to accept PESBs choice and with trained paramedical staff impossible. The most critical tion through formation of self-
that land owned by the group in in oil prices, Falih said: Mar- leum Exporting Countries ex- bers Libya and Nigeria were get Shankers name vetted by carrying out routine tasks, lea- aspect in successful innova- help groups to solve problems.
villages in Haridwar, with an es- kets determine prices but tended their pledge to cut out- exempted from the supply anti-corruption watchdogs ving doctors to handle surgeri- tion is finding a new axis. The- Manas Satpathy ED of PRA-
timated value of Rs 285 crore cal- are themselves driven by un- put by 1.8 million barrels per cuts because unrest had cur- before recommending him to es. The cost of cataract surgeri- se innovators are focused on DAN, says that, in the past, no
culated using the circle rate, was predictable variables beyond day (bpd) by an extra nine bed their output. It is inapp- the Appointments Committee es ranges from Rs 6,000 to Rs the same problem as others entity had attempted to syste-
fetching only Rs 109 crore. He so- the control of producing na- months. ropriate to pressure Libya to of the Cabinet headed by the 25,000, depending on the length are. However, they are solving matically induct, train and
ught permission to go ahead tions. Short-term volatility is Falih said there was a rela- slow the recovery in its pro- Prime Minister, who will have and nature of hospital stay, for it by looking at a different axis nurture highly educated yo-
with the sale. mostly a reaction to short- tively big draw of around 50 duction. REUTERS the final word. those who are willing to pay and thus being very successful ung Indians to work in villages.


Plans to celebrate Mines & Geology and Renewable Energy, also RSDC-NBCFDC: With a view to bolster the to a maximum Rs.10,00,000 by investing
addressed the gathering. The event saw drive to bring backward classes in the skilling maximum permissible amount of Rs.50 lakh in
International Yoga Day dignitaries of the state, senior officers from ecosystem, Rubber Skill Development Council these bonds. As per DPE Survey of March, PFC
DDA: Delhi Development Authority is NHPC along with a large number of local (RSDC) has signed a Memorandum of is the seventh highest profit making PSU
celebrating International Yoga Day by people. Agreement (MoA) with National Backward among 320 PSUs and has consistent track
organising mega yoga sessions at District record of borrowing Rs.4.5 lakh crore till
Park, Sector-11, Dwarka; Swarn Jayanti Park, March ending. PFC intends to launch its
Rohini; and Yamuna Sports Complex with the EPFO issues new maiden 54EC bond issue shortly which will
supporting agencies, namely, Patanjali Yoga
Samiti, Art of Living and Vivekanand
instructions carry highest domestic credit ratings of AAA
from CRISIL, ICRA and CARE. As there is no
Yogashram Hospital, respectively. For the benefit of international workers, new cap on the amount that can be raised by the
Participation of about 3000 citizens is expected instructions have been issued to all field issuer, full allotment is assured to the investors As part of its continuous efforts to remain
at each of the above locations. Ministry of functionaries regarding Certificate of up to the amount permitted u/s 54EC. market-driven, the Central Marketing
Ayush, Government of India, has designated Coverage (COC). The employer is advised to Organisation (CMO) of Steel Authority of
its senior officers as nodal officers and submit the application form one month in India Limited (SAIL) organised an
nominated supporting agencies. In addition to advance and COC has to be issued prior to the NTPC makes Indias first interactive meet with the companys major
customers in the Eastern region, which
above, DDA will also hold yoga sessions at departure of the employee from India. Also,
other centres, including all sports complexes new software has been launched to further Canal Top Solar PV system was graced by Union Steel Minister
of DDA and parks. DDA appeals to all the streamline the monitoring and supervision of Classes Finance & Development Corporation NTPC has energised 150 kWp Canal Top Solar Birender Singh and Union Minister of
residents of nearby localities to join in the the performance of exempted Trusts under (NBCFDC). Under the terms of MoA, RSDC PV system on cooling water (CW) channel at its State for Steel Vishnu Deo Sai. Joint
yoga day celebrations. EPF & MP Act, 1952. EPFO has also decided to will implement Skill Development Training 2320 MW Mouda Thermal Power Project near Secretary (Steel) Sunil Barthwal, SAIL
make Aadhar mandatory and has to be Programme (project) in rubber and tyre sector Nagpur in Maharashtra. This novel Solar PV Director (Commercial) Soma Mondal, and
BSF: The Border Security Force (BSF) has furnished by the employer in respect to all new as sponsored by NBCFDC from time to time. system makes use of side walls of CW channels other senior SAIL officials also
adopted yoga as an integral part of their members who join the EPS, 1995, with effect The MoA has been entered into considering the participated in the meet. Singh said that
training. Every year the International Yoga from July1. immense potential for training youth, India would more than double its steel
Day is celebrated across all BSF areas. belonging to the backward sections with production capacity to 300 million tons by
Including the attendance of 350 in New Delhi, employable skills, for the rubber sector, said 2030-31.
approximately 40,000 men and women of BSF MoUs signed Meghna Mishra, CEO, RSDC.
will practice yoga kriya between 7 and 8 am, on CWC-CRWC: Harpreet Singh, Managing
the frontiers and training institutions of BSF. Director, CWC, and K.U. Thankachen, Central
Till date BSF has trained 3630 yoga instructors Railside Warehouse Company Ltd., signed a Toll free helpline by CRPF
and will also hold yoga demonstrations in four Governor of J&K N.N. Vohra formally
cities of Kolkata, Agartala, Ahmedabad and launched the toll free helpline 14411 Madadgaar
Bangalore. to be manned by CRPF for the citizens of
Kashmir residing in the state or any part of the
CISF: CISF will be celebrating International country. Central Reserve Police Force, which
Yoga Day from 7 am to 7.45 am in all the 336 has a large presence in the Valley, believes that
units, training institutions, reserve battalions, as load bearing structure thereby significantly
zonal, sectoral and Force headquarters across decreasing cost of civil and mounting
the country. Mass yoga demonstration is being structure. The system also has other unique
organised at Lucknow, UP, wherein CISF advantages such as land conservation, water Supporting Prime Minister Narendra
personnel will also be participating along with conservation due to reduced evaporation, Modis ambitious skill development goal,
other fellow CAPF personnel. Apart from increased PV generation due to cooling and renowned singer Mohit Chauhan joins
these, CISF has been designated as Nodal MoU for the year 2017-18 detailing physical and reduction in dirt, leaves thereby reducing hands with National Skill Development
Force to conduct yoga demonstrations in financial targets for CRWC Ltd., as approved chemicals for water treatment. Corporation (NSDC) to motivate young
Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. In Delhi the by DPE and Department of Food & Public people to come forward and acquire new
yoga demonstration will be organised at inner Distribution, Government of India. skills. Mohit Chauhan, a celebrated name
circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi, in co- OBC conducts state level in Indian film industry, is widely
ordination with NDMC and around 1000 EIL-MoP&NG: Engineers India Limited (EIL)
personnel from all the CAPFs will participate. signed the Memorandum of Understanding its spatial spread in areas which are otherwise meeting recognised for his passion towards singing,
which helps him connect with people
(MoU) for 2017-18 with the Ministry of far and beyond gives them this unique Oriental Bank of Commerce, Convenor, State across all demographics.
Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoP&NG). The advantage to be the interface between the Level Bankers Committee, NCT Delhi,
Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas MoU was signed by K.D Tripathi, Secretary, public and the agency of the state, who can conducted its 87th meeting recently. The
Sammelan by NHPC address the issue, whenever a citizen calls the
helpline. Issues could range from disruption in
meeting was addressed by Himanshu Joshi,
ED, Oriental Bank of Commerce. Other
Minister of State of Petroleum & Natural Gas
(i/c). Congratulating IndianOil, Chief Minister
NHPC Faridabad organised Sabka Saath civic amenities, womens security, medical dignitaries who addressed the meeting were Virbhadra Singh said that the setting up of a
Sabka Vikas Sammelan at Netaji Subhash emergency, drug counselling, tourist assistance N.T. Krishna, Jt. Director, Education, GNCTD; POL terminal in Himachal Pradesh will usher
Chandra Bose Stadium, Palwal, Haryana, to pilgrims visiting shrines in Jammu and Abhishek Singh, IAS, Dy. Commissioner (HQ),
showcasing various schemes of the Kashmir, providing information on GNCTD; Isha Khosla, Jt. Secretary (Finance)
Government of India directed for the welfare recruitment in the Forces, disaster relief, etc. GNCTD; Sindhu Pillai, IPS, Director, DFS, MoF,
of public. Minister of State for Social Justice The event was marked by the presence of the GoI; K.K. Saraf, Regional Director, RBI; Anand
Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal Singh, and Prakash, GM (FIDD), RBI; B.S. Jaitawat, DGM;
Minister for Education Syed Mohammad Altaf K.K. Acharya, GM & Convenor, SLBC-Delhi;
Bukhari, apart from the Chief Secretary, J&K, and P. Sreedhar, GM, Oriental Bank of
GOC, 15 Corps, DG JKP, and many senior Commerce.
functionaries of the state administration and
MoP&NG, and Sanjay Gupta, CMD, EIL, in the police.
presence of functional directors of EIL and CM lays foundation stone of
senior officials. The MoU targets to evaluate in a new era for the energy sector in the state.
and Empowerment, Krishan Pal Gurjar, the performance, including parameters on PFC to raise bonds POL terminal It will not only improve fuel supply in
chief guest of the sammelan, spoke on the turnover, operating profit, new business Power Finance Corporation Ltd. (PFC) has Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, Himachal Himachal Pradesh, but will also generate
benefits of the schemes launched by the secured, research & development, etc., thus, been allowed by government to raise bonds Pradesh, laid the foundation stone of opportunities for indirect employment by way
central government. Nayab Singh Saini, focusing on profitability and sustainable eligible for capital gain tax exemption u/s 54EC IndianOils state-of-the-art POL terminal at of handling, loading, and unloading personnel
Minister of State, Government of Haryana for growth. of the Income Tax Act. An investor can save up Una in the presence of Dharmendra Pradhan, and transport crew, he added.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 20-06-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDSPFP User: arani.basu Time: 06-19-2017 23:19 Color: C



India Made The Champions Trophy Kohli must share

WHAT NEXT? Yuvraj Singh walks away
Final Again But How Can They Improve On
the blame to bat
as Pakistan players celebrate

This Showing In The 2019 World Cup?

second in final
Geoffrey Boycott

espite all that has been said and written

about Indias embarrassing no show
against Pakistan at the Oval, I still have

that one overriding question: why, for the
love of God, would you offer the opposition first
use of Englands best batting pitch, on a day when
the sun was shining and there wasnt a
speck of cloud anywhere?
No matter who he may have con-
sulted before the toss, the ultimate
It was a complete perfor- on-field decision is taken by the cap-
mance against South Africa and tain, and it is he who must take the
TIMES IN I didnt see the need to change blame. By putting Pakistan in to bat,
ENGLAND anything, said Kohli. Maybe
now he will have to think twice,
Virat Kohli allowed them to get on top,
and dug Indias grave.
Partha.Bhaduri since modern One-day cricket All said and done, its a batsmans is all about tweaking the XI ir- game, and because Pakistan batted without
respective of performance in pressure, they could freewheel, and with some luck
London: India let themselves the previous game. Persisting and talent, they scored quickly. Once they had mo-
be surprised by Pakistan in the with a winning combination is mentum, confidence rose, self-belief zoomed, and
Champions Trophy final, leav- getting increasingly pass. the juggernaut was impossible to stop.
ing them grappling with the Pakistan have always played on emotion. They
problems of being second best. THE BOWLING are talented and dangerous, but they only have
While Virat Kohli & Co. did ex- India came into the tourna- highs and lows, theres no middle ground. When
ceedingly well to make their ment with their bowling look- theyre good, theyre very good, but when theyre

Amirs act
second successive Champions ing like the stronger suit, but bad, theyre awful. At the Oval on Sunday, they
Trophy final, some key areas of two of their main wicket-takers Ostracized by fellow cricketers upon return from a were smiling, relaxed, and comfortable you
concern remain. who thrive on pace, Umesh Ya- could see it in their body language and they bat-
This is a good time to take dav and Mohammad Shami, fixing ban, the Pak pacer finally shows he belongs ted like a stone rolling down a hill.
stock of whether the team is on were made to sit out of crunch Anyone who has done a little bit of research will
the right track towards the 2019
World Cup, also to be played in
England on similar flat pitches.
Sustained debate on whether
the team appears intransient
games. The continuing resur-
gence of Bhuvneshwar Kumar,
however, will be one of the
positives. India will hope he
does similar duty in 2019.
of contrition
Life used to be very tough. There
were times when I thought I
might not be able to play. It
was very depressing for me. If
know that the Oval has always produced some of
the highest scores in England, and is a graveyard
for bowlers. As far back as 1938, England posted 903
in the first innings of a Test against Australia, when
Len Hutton got his 364. More recently, Kumar San-
on certain issues is also the While the team seems to you cant even touch the ball, gakkara scored five consecutive centuries there for
need of the hour. have pinpointed its bowling re- London: The signs were not good for what are you going to do then? It is a Surrey. In between, I could show you loads of other
There is the prickly issue of sources, India took 26 wickets in Mohammad Amir coming into the final. miracle I am back. examples, but the point is that in such ideal batting
whether some veterans in the this tournament, third behind Of course, he had set the tone when the tour- Mohammad Amir conditions, you bat as much as you can!
middle-order can deliver the champions Pakistan (37) and nament began for both India and Pakistan, Indias botched decision pumped up the best
goods consistently enough to semifinalist England (27), who with the group-stage duel at Edgbaston. His scion to the likes of Wasim Akram, the kind bowling attack in the tournament, so that they came
persuade India to persist with played a game less. How can first two balls in the tournament were beau- who can conjure up memories of Pakistans out firing, and lethal, bowling faster, straighter, and
them. On the bowling front too, they aim for more? The spinners ties, both going on with the angle and beating glory days with a single spell. The kind that with intent. Once Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan
the team appeared guilty of took only 8 wickets compared to Rohit Shamas bat. The fourth ball, he showed can dismiss Virat Kohli twice in two balls. and Kohli were out, India were staring at the abyss.
some stagnant strategizing. 18 by the pacers. Would the pres- a tiny glimpse of magic, inducing Rohit to In the final, with India already under Regardless of the fact that the Indian middle and
Then there is laffaire Kumble, ence of Kuldeep Yadav or an- drive, except it wasnt driving length. the cosh of a 339-run target, Amir settled late order have had little batting in the tournament,
which is hogging mindspace in other leggie have made a differ- Amir bowled a maiden over, serving up the debate in the space of a few balls. Be- how many times has a team chased over 300? Two
the team as much as it is hogging ence? Ashwin, incidentally, a tiny warning for India of what was to come fore the final, Shikhar Dhawan, Rohit out of 10, tops. And no matter how well India chase,
headlines in newspapers. conceded 167 runs from 29 overs a few weeks down the line. Instead, by the Sharma and Virat Kohli had scored 81.38% its much harder chasing a big total than posting
The sooner these issues are for one wicket, his third-worst time the game ended, that over lay forgotten, of Indias runs one. I have always believed that you should study
sorted out, the faster India can ODI bowling performance in a buried within the warm comfort of another Here, with his third ball, he found the playing conditions you are given. If its a great
build a template for success in series/tournament. India win. Amir had, after all, retired with inswing at scary pace, and Rohit was ac- batting pitch, bat the opposition out of the game. If
the next World Cup. cramps, putting his big-game fitness and counted for. Off his ninth ball, Azhar Ali you get better bowling conditions, bowl first. Dont
THE MIDDLE ORDER temperament in doubt all over again. at first slip dropped Kohli. Off the very outsmart yourself, keep it simple, dont over think.
THE COMBINATION Indias rampaging top three He missed the semifinal against Eng- Auckland. He seemed eager to placate next, Kohli, shaken, instinctively played Add to that Kohlis batting flaw: when they bowl
First up, was captain Virat will hopefully be active in two land, too, the one which he desperately those in the Pakistani cricket establish- bread-and-butter shot, the flick to the on- quick on a length, at his fourth and fifth stumps
Kohli wrong in sticking to a years time, but their success should have been a part of, the one which ment who couldnt come to terms with his side, except in his eagerness he played it a outside his off stump, he struggles. England
fixed lineup following the loss (they scored 874 of the 104 runs brought Pakistan together as one. His re- return, including some in the dressing bit early, and managed only the leading edge pitched it up and bowled at his fourth and fifth
to Sri Lanka? Flexibility is the India had scored before the fi- placement, Rumman Raees, bagged the room. It was clear Amir was struggling to to point. Dhawan tried the counter-attack, stumps when India were here, and they had him
key in modern One-day cricket nal) has meant less scrutiny on wickets of Alex Hales and Liam Punkett. shake off the guilt. Did some part of him clobbering him for two fours, adroitly pick- figured out. In India, the ball doesnt do much so
but India went the other route: the middle and lower-middle By the time Amir recovered from back feel he was here merely because interna- ing the slower one, before Amir took re- he works it to the leg side, but you cant do that in
they settled on a lineup and as- order, where Yuvraj Singh and spasms, Pakistans bowling coach Azhar tional cricket had been charitable to him? course to the cross-seam and bounce in the England. So thats one big weakness he needs to
signed fixed roles, never ac- MS Dhoni still preside with Mahmood declared, Amir is fit. We have Was Amir holding himself back? He corridor, and got his man. take care of in an otherwise superb arsenal.
counting for failure should their waning powers. told him if he has any doubt he should let averages 19.14 with the ball in ODIs which After seven years, in the same city of
someone have an off day. While Yuvraj played well us know. It was only Mickey Arthur, the Pakistan win with him in the team. When London where he fell from grace, Amir had
That day came in the final, against Pakistan in the group coach, who unequivocally declared a day they lose, he averages 35.39. In wins, his made Pakistan world champions again. It
when Jasprit Bumrah, Ravi- game, can he consistently deliver before the game, Amir is fit and will play. strike rate is 25.6, in losses 41.9. Clearly, his was an act of contrition he would have
chandran Ashwin and Ravindra the goods in crunch games? And Why had Amir not shaken up the cricket- presence is vital. Instead, after the game dreamed of. It was the sort of giant-killing,
Jadeja all came a cropper. Bum- will it be wise to retain Dhoni till ing firmament since his return from the against Sri Lanka in which he starred with miracle-working, grandiose individual
rah is a young player and seemed the 2019 World Cup? Both Yuvraj ignominious spot-fixing ban last year? Why both bat and ball, Amir sagely declared, I heroism which was needed to redeem him
to suffer a big case of nerves in and Dhoni had the perfect plat- were the magic spells so few and far between believe you need luck in cricket. After in the eyes of a nation. It was Amir show-
the game against Pakistan, bowl- form in the final to show they following the three-month jail term and sub- emerging from the ban, he had said, Life ing why cricket made the right choice in
ing THAT no-ball to Zaman, can still turn games. Both failed, sequent five-year long ban? Why had he, like used to be very tough. There were times giving him a second chance.
apart from two others, and five as did Kedar Jadhav, who spot the other mere mortals playing the Champi- when I thought I might not be able to play. Most of the Pakistan team turned up
wides on top of those. His line should also be up for scrutiny. ons Trophy, struggled to find swing? It was very depressing for me. It is a mira- in the mixed zone where players interact
was all over the place, much like Waiting in the wings are exciting Was he, perish the thought, over-rated? cle I am back. after the game. Hasan Ali and Junaid Khan ON A ROLL: Sarfraz and his
Ashwins, who bowled four talents like Manish Pandey and Was he mentally up to par? Amir appeared Amir would call it a miracle. What we couldnt stop gushing about Amir, who boys celebrate Ashwins
wides as Pakistan couldnt be Rishabh Pant. Ajinkya Rahane to be repeatedly seeking atonement. Re- saw on Sunday was a skilled practitioner of himself was nowhere to be seen. He had dismissal on Sunday
contained and panic set in. too is sitting out. member, he was booed upon return in the black art of left-arm seam bowling, the already made his statement.
What was the need in the
first place to play Ashwin
against Pakistan, who are good
players of spin, especially on a
In hindsight, Pakistan coach
Mickey Arthurs strategies Hard when slogged PAK PRESSURE DESTINYS CHILD Hope teams will
flat Oval track? In the first
match-up between the two sides
at Edgbaston, Ashwin was not
seemed more on the money. If
we can get them with the new
ball, we can expose the middle- across the line: Virat Kohli said the pressure created by
Pakistans bowlers proved too
AT THE RIGHT TIME now come and play
played and India won. order, and that hasnt batted
much here. Thats pretty much London: Senior off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin
much for his title-holders.
They made us make those
London: Former Australia batsman
Michael Hussey feels underdogs
in Pakistan: Sarfraz
our only aim and focus, he had has been on a downward spiral in One-day mistakes with the way they were Pakistan peaked at the right time and
said before the game. cricket but India skipper Virat Kohli feels bowling, creating that pressure, played their best cricket in the final London: Not just today, not just tomorrow, this
Sorting out some of these its unfair to be critical of him. Kohli told reporters. against India to lift the ICC Champions day will be remembered in Pakistan for years to
issues can be emotive affairs, Asked if Ashwin needs to revisit his When players like that get Trophy. come, said a beaming Pakistan captain Sarfraz
like deciding what to do with plans due to poor his ODI record in going on their day, it becomes Pakistan was the underdog coming Ahmed as he made a passionate plea to other na-
players of the stature of Yuvraj recent times, Kohli was ready to bat really difficult to stop them into the final but there was a feeling of tions to come and play international cricket in
and Dhoni. Some issues can be for his senior-most spinner. because I think 80 percent of destiny about it. Tournament play is all their country.
prickly, like deciding on a new Every spinner has challenges on his shots were high-risk, and about peaking at the right time and after No major cricketing nation has toured Paki-
coach. Consistently surprising flat decks and every spinner could go they were all coming off, he said. a poor start to the tournament, most stan since the terrorist attack on Sri Lanka team
the opposition on the bowling for runs. Especially on wickets like Meanwhile, reflecting on pundits gave it no chance of winning, back in 2009. It was a great achievement by the
front, meanwhile, will need these, where if a batsman gets going, it really Indias tournament as a whole, Hussey wrote in his column for ICC. boys and full credit to them. Everyone will remem-
some lateral thinking. becomes difficult for the spinner and people are Kohli insisted: We can (still) be However, by the time it lifted the ber this achievement, not just for today or tomor-
The team now travels from slogging across the line and getting away with it, very proud ... and we leave here ICC Champions Trophy 2017 at The Oval, row but for a long, long time in Pakistan cricket.
here to the West Indies, where Kohli reasoned. with our heads held high. Credit it was undoubtedly playing its best The boys were really motivated today. We came
they play the first One-day In- You cant really do much as a spinner because you to everyone for standing up and cricket. Huge congratulations need to go here as a number eight ranked team and won the
ternational in Trinidad on Fri- are making them play where you want to play, but still, reaching the finals. In the end ... to Mickey Arthur, Sarfraz Ahmed, the tournament. Hope all nations now come and play
day. Maybe that series will pro- they are executing those shots, Kohli tried to explain you have to accept and admire support staff and players for showing cricket in Pakistan, Sarfraz said at the post-
vide more clarity on some of the helpless feeling that his tweaker went through sometimes the skill of the great character and turning the teams match press conference.
the problem areas. bowling to a marauding Zaman. opposition, Kohli added. fortunes around. AGENCIES It is an unbelievable feeling which I cant de-
scribe at the moment though. I dedicate this win
to the people of Pakistan.

Indias cricket needs a healthy Pakistan to thrive Arthur eager for World XI visit to Pakistan
Pakistan coach Mickey Arthur said he hoped a
proposed World XI visit to the country later this
year went ahead after his side served notice of their ly niggle somewhere that in all bel poets rolled into one. Some- us and themselves of a similar enduring talent with a stunning Champions Tro-

Indias stroke-making and run- where, along the way, they for- belief and what they can be. It felt phy final win over India.
atching Moham- accumulating, little of it has got who they are and we, as warm and old-world nice. With the exception of Zimbabwes tour two
mad Amirs first come against the quality and moneyed masters of unequal On Sunday, every Pakistani years ago, Pakistan have had to play all of their
three overs Sun- challenge provided by our orig- sporting world, were only too cricketer spoken to by the com- home matches outside of the country since a
day night which inal cricketing rivals. happy to shelve them. mentators after their win, re- 2009 terror attack on Sri Lankas team bus
lopped off the Joined at the hip, Indian In 2004, a much-troubled West membered, in the euphoria of in Lahore.
cream of the Indian batting, cricket is so much poorer with- Indies carved out a similar tri- victory, to remind the world how However, the International Cricket Council are
somehow you werent struck so out Pakistan as is world cricket umph in the same tournament. there was no inter national set to send a World XI to Pakistan in September.
much by the emerging big-match without a substantial West In- It was completely un-West Indi- cricket at home and how this That team could find themselves acting as a path-
failure of the Indians than the dies. That is something the pow- an in that they grafted their way isolation was proving so damag- finder for the resumption of tours of Pakistan by
fact that a rare talents spell- ers need to understand. to the title, perhaps mirroring ing. Mighty India may have only major cricket nations.
binding potency was something If scorelines so simply re- the long-running depletion of suffered a minor blip in their Were scheduled to have a World XI in Pakistan
we should regularly demand as deemed past hurts, then there depth in the islands. Yet, it was awesome ICC record, but the in September for three Twenty20 games, he said.
Indian fans of the game. would be no meaning in sport and seen as big enough to spark off significance of this Pakistan So hopefully that starts paving the way for future
Because somewhere, India, the myths it gives birth to the a cricketing re-revolution. Near- triumph far outweighs over all tours. We can only hope.
for all its limited-overs prowess gritty victory, the great upset, or ly, a decade and half later, we all those grand numbers India has
of the recent decade, is still not like happened on Sunday, a breezy know how it all went down. diligently notched up of late.
complete without a Pakistan phase of sporting brilliance that The once-mighty West Indies, With this Champions Trophy Pakistan NEEDED It , India
regularly in the mix. Its some- simply took everyones breaths ROMANCING CRICKET: Pakistan team with the Champions Trophy having lost its ethos to lack of victory, they seem to have finally
thing that even our cricketers, away. That it was Pakistan, doing money and the growing idea of found a voice and with it, that
WANTED it. Congratulations to
current and past (despite the what only they can do on their day, in cricket. rhythm of a contest. When on the cricketing mercenary, was not much-needed credibility. They the better team on the day !
largely poor-taste tweets) know greatly revived that rapidly-erod- Some teams and individuals song, Pakistan were crickets even missed this time. Pakistan, need to be heard now. Its time, the Abhinav Bindra
fully too well. It must constant- ing idea of joy, craft and romance can effortlessly enhance the original music makers and re- after long, on Sunday, were telling world of cricket stopped to listen.

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