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UMT Gno-Vigne

Catalogue of vines grown in France

99 Richter INRA - IFV - Montpellier SupAgro edited on 08/09/2016

Name of vine variety in France (and common name)

99 Richter (99 R)

Breeder and year of obtention

Franz Richter, 1902

Genetic origin

This is a variety made from the crossbreeding between Vitis berlandieri cv. Las Sorres and Vitis rupestris cv. Lot.

Evolution of areas under rootstock nurseries

1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2011

Rank 7 6 4 10 15 23 22 26
ha 55 223 430 179 23 3 3 0.05

Estimated surface area of French vineyards grafted with this rootstock and the main areas
5 000 ha. Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Cte dAzur, Rhne-Alpes, Corsica

Ampelographic description
Identification signs include:
- the tips of the young shoot are semi-open and have a sparse coat of flat-lying hairs,
- the young leaves are red,
- the shoots are bushy with an upright growth, corrugated contour with a semi circular or lightly elliptical section; heavy
anthocyanin coloring and an absence of flat-lying or upright hairs,
- adult leaves are small, kidney shaped, full, upturned or rugged, dissymetrical with an open U-shaped petiolar sinus, heavy
nathocyanin coloring of veins, teeth with straigh sides, light green leaf blade, dull and the underside with an absence of or very
sllight coat of flat-lying and upright hairs,
- male flowers,
- brownish-gray, striped vine shoots.
Genetic profile


Allel 1 135 234 231 236 196 252 236 218 259
Allel 2 147 234 260 246 210 264 246 235 259

Resistance to soil parasites

99 R offers a high tolerance level to radicicolae phylloxera. Its resistance to Meloidogyne hapla nematodes is good but is only
average with regard to Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne arenaria nematodes.

Adapt to environment

99 R resists up to 25% of total limestone, 14% of active limestone and a CPI of 20. Its resistance to drought is moderate to
strong. It appears to be sensitive to soil acidity and excess chlorides.

Interaction with grafts and production objectives

99 R presents a good affinity to grafts. The vigor osf this root stock is strong. It tends to delay the plant cycle of the grafts and
sometimes promotes coulure. Th first plant development is rather slow. In addition, the risk of degeneration is increased with
Syrah N.

Aptitudes for plant propagation

99 R inter-nodes are of avergae length and the diameter is average to large. The growth of accesory buds is wide apread.
Wood production is moderate (30 000 to 40 000 m/ha) and 99 R has moderate propagation by cuttings recovery and to grafting.

Resistance to aerial parasites

This root stock is very sensitive to gall phylloxera. It is likewise sensitive to anthracnosis but has a high resistance level to
downy mildew.

Clonal selection in France

The 7 approved 99 R clones carry the numbers: 96, 150, 162, 178, 179, 223 and 754.

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