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Extended Life Cycle

Assessment of Southern Pink
Shrimp Products Originating
in Senegalese Artisanal and
Industrial Fisheries for Export
to Europe
Friederike Ziegler, Andreas Emanuelsson, John Lucas Eichelsheim,
Anna Flysjo, Vaque Ndiaye, and Mikkel Thrane

energy use Southern pink shrimp (Penaeus notialis) are an important Sene-
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions galese export commodity. Artisanal fisheries in rivers produce
seafloor 60%. Forty percent are landed in trawl fisheries at sea. The
seafood shrimp from both fisheries result in a frozen, consumer-packed
product that is exported to Europe. We applied attributional
life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare the environmental
Supporting information is available impact of the two supply chains and identify improvement
on the JIE Web site options. In addition to standard LCA impact categories, bio-
logical impacts of each fishery were quantified with regard to
landed by-catch, discard, seafloor impact, and size of target
catch. Results for typical LCA categories include that artisanal
fisheries have much lower inputs and emissions in the fishing
phase than does the industrial fishery. For the product from
artisanal fisheries, the main part of the impact in the standard
LCA categories occurs during processing on land, mainly due
to the use of heavy fuel oil and refrigerants with high global
warming and ozone depletion potentials. From a biological
point of view, each fishery has advantages and drawbacks,
Address correspondence to: and a number of improvement options were identified. If de-
Friederike Ziegler veloping countries can ensure biological sustainability of their
SIK, The Swedish Institute for Food and fisheries and design the chain on land in a resource-efficient
PO Box 5401, SE-402 29 way, long distance to markets is not an obstacle to sustainable
Goteborg, Sweden trading of seafood products originating in artisanal fisheries.

c 2011 by Yale University
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2011.00344.x

Volume 15, Number 4 Journal of Industrial Ecology 527


seafood products originating in capture fisheries

have been performed since the late 1990s and
Sustainability of seafood production is of in- have exclusively analysed industrialized fisheries
creasing importance to consumers at all lev- (e.g., Ziegler et al. 2003; Thrane 2004a, 2004b,
els, given the increasing awareness about de- 2006; Hospido and Tyedmers 2005; Ellingsen
pletion of many of the worlds commercially and Aanondsen 2006; Ziegler and Valentinsson
fished stocks. The United Nations (UN) Food 2008). Two major conclusions from the seafood
and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates LCAs undertaken to date are that the fishing
that around 85% of the worlds major commer- phase is the most important phase in all cate-
cially fished stocks are fully or overexploited gories of environmental impact and that there
(FAO 2011). Shrimp fisheries in general but are major differences between different methods
especially in tropical waters are known to be used to fish the same species.
problematic for a range of reasons, including by- During the last decade, eco-labeling has been
catch and discard ratios, seafloor impact, con- introduced in the seafood sector and has grown
flict with small-scale fisheries, overcapacity, and rapidly, mainly as a result of environmental goals
overexploitation (FAO 2009). The development set by large wholesale and retail chains in Europe
and impact of the shrimp industry are also de- and in the United States, to sell, often within
scribed by Ackefors (2009). In addition to con- 2 to 3 years, only products from certified fisheries.
cerns about the biological sustainability of fishing Current seafood eco-labels deal exclusively with
activities, interest in the contribution of food pro- the biological aspects of fishingthat is, impacts
duction to global environmental impacts, espe- on target and nontarget stocks, fisheries man-
cially global warming, has increased rapidly in agement, and ecosystem effects. Certification re-
recent years. Seafood is one of the most traded quires availability of detailed data on a number
commodities in the world, and food transporta- of matters that spring from, for example, rigor-
tion has been widely debated in terms of food ous stock assessment and discard monitoring pro-
miles, especially in Europe and in the United grams. Demand for eco-labeled seafood products
States (Tyedmers 2010). has increased rapidly in many developed coun-
The FAO also foresees a continued increase in tries for the reasons mentioned above. In devel-
demand for seafood due to a growing world popu- oping countries, conditions often differ regarding
lation and to economic growth in both developed availability of the necessary data, and therefore
and developing countries, which will change food many seafood producers feel that demand for eco-
consumption patterns, including seafood (FAO labels is a trade barrier that stops them from ex-
2009). In this perspective, systematic environ- porting their products (Wessells et al. 2001).
mental assessment of seafood production chains Senegalese southern pink shrimp (Penaeus no-
from the sea to the table is more needed than ever. tialis) fisheries produce almost exclusively for ex-
It can be used to guide consumers, managers, and port to Europe. Shrimp are fished in FAO Catch
companies in decisions about what to purchase as Zone 32 (Central Eastern Atlantic) by a num-
well as how to improve the environmental per- ber of fishing methods, then washed, frozen and
formance of their own activities (Baumann and packed either on land or on the boat, and stored
Tillman 2004). before being shipped to Europe. Much of the fish-
Life cycle assessment (LCA) provides a stan- ing is done by a trawl fleet based in Dakar, Sene-
dardized methodology to quantify and evaluate gal, consisting of around 30 vessels that go both
the environmental impact of products with re- north and south to fish off-shore (figure 1). In
gard to a number of environmental impact cate- 2007, these trawlers landed around 40% of the
gories (ISO 2006a, 2006b). Generally, biological total pink shrimp landings in Senegal (in total
aspects are not included in the LCA methodol- around 3000 tonnes). The other 60% are landed
ogy, but attempts have been made to broaden in artisanal fisheries for the same species in rivers,
the methodology to also encompass local eco- mainly the Gambia and the Casamance Rivers.
logical and socioeconomic impacts (Ziegler and The species spawns at sea, and juveniles migrate
Valentinsson 2008; Kruse et al. 2009). LCAs for upstream along river shores to feed and grow for

528 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 1 Location of Ziguinchor along the Casamance River in southern Senegal.

a period of around 3 months, after which they plus their families (IDEE Casamance 2007). The
migrate out in the deepest part of the river again industrial fishery, which lands around 40% of the
to spawn in the open sea. Various fishing meth- shrimp, supports around 300 crew members and
ods make use of this biological resource; fele-fele, their families.
mujas, and xuus (figure 2). Fele-fele is a type of The present study quantifies and evaluates
drift net operated by three men in a canoe; mu- the environmental impact of Senegalese shrimp
jas are trawl-like nets set on the bottom of the products using LCA methodology. The aim is
river, so that the tide brings the shrimp into the not only to evaluate environmental impacts in
nets. Mujas are operated by one man while the traditional LCA categories but also to expand
canoe is anchored. Xuus are land seines used from the framework and quantify relevant biological
the beach by two to three men; they represent a aspects of these fisheries in relation to the func-
much smaller portion of the landings than the tional unit chosen. Due to the highly different na-
other two methods, which are used to similar ex- ture of the two main fisheries involved, industrial
tents. Artisanal fisheries only in the Casamance and artisanal fisheries, the study also compares
region sustain 6,000 to 8,000 fishermen as well the environmental and biological performance
as around 100 employees at the processing plant of the two ways of fishing.

Figure 2 Artisanal fishing methods: Fele-fele is left, and mujas is right. Illustrations by A. Emanuelsson.

Ziegler et al., Extended Life Cycle Assessment of Senegalese Shrimp for Expor t to Europe 529

background system

Production of foreground system

diesel Fl-fl/Mujas fishery Trawl fishery *

heavy fuel oil

Trader ( trp port to processing )

Processing * Truck trp port to storage

cooling agents

Truck trp Ziguinchor to M bour

emissions to
anti fouling agent
Storage in M bbour/Dakar
water soil

ice Truck trp Mbour to Dakar Truck trp storage to port

Container trp Dakar to Vigo

FU: 1 kg of shrimps in package

Figure 3 Flow charts for the studied chains (grey boxes are transport). The shaded area represents the
foreground system, and the white area represents the background system. = including packaging and
freezing. Trp = transport; F U = functional unit; kg = kilogram.

Methods fishermen took what they would sell or eat. In

this way, discard and landed by-catch were quan-
The studied system starts with the production
tified in relation to the landings of shrimp. Local,
of fuel and refrigerant used in the fisheries and fol-
regional, and national fisheries authorities were
lows the shrimp products through fishing, trading,
involved and provided available data on the fish-
and processing as well as truck and ship trans-
eries and stocks. The more typical LCA data on
portation to the port of Vigo, Spain (figure 3).
Both fisheries result in a consumer-packed prod- material and energy use were collected through
uct of 2 kilograms (kg)1 of frozen, whole shrimp interviews with fishermen on the same landing
in a cardboard package. The functional unit in sites; by visits to two shrimp processing plants
this study is defined as 1 kg of shrimp and the in Ziguinchor, Senegal, and the local electricity
accompanying packaging material at the point of plant; as well as through interviews with shrimp
import to Europe. traders. All the data for the Dakar-based trawl
Data for the foreground system were collected fishery were gathered by interviews with vessel
from numerous official and unofficial sources. owners, crew members, and other workers in the
By-catch and discard data were collected during fishing port of Dakar; these interviews gave access
November and December 2007 from two landing to both export statistics and company-specific
sites along the Casamance river through sampling data that covered a considerable part of the fleet
of around 30 landings. The fishermen were asked (19 out of 30 vessels).
in advance by a local contact to land all they We modeled the LCA in SimaPro Software
caughtthat is, not to discard. Species of fish Version 7.1.6 using impact assessment method
and invertebrates in the entire catch were then CML baseline 2 2002, adjusted with 2007 Inter-
identified, weighed, and measured, and later the governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

530 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 1 Landed small shrimp, landed by-catch (other species), discard, and seafloor impact per kilogram of
large shrimp landed
Fishery Landed small shrimp (kg) Landed by-catch (kg/kg) Discard (kg) Seafloor impact (m2 )
Fele-fele 1.3 0.25 0.13 0
Mujas 0.38 1.2 0.55 0
Trawl 0.09 7.0 5.4 10,100
Note: kg = kilogram; m2 = square meter.

indicators for global warming potential (GWP). and the mujas fisheries. The discard in the ar-
Impact categories included were GWP, eutroph- tisanal fisheries to a considerable part consists
ication potential (EP), acidification potential of swimming crabs, as opposed to the discard
(AP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), photo- in the trawl fishery, which, according to inter-
chemical ozone creation potential (POCP), en- views with trawl skippers and crew, largely con-
ergy use, and toxicity (human, terrestrial, ma- sists of undersized specimens of commercial fish
rine aquatic, and marine sediment). In addition species, many of which are considered to be in
to these categories, which are commonly found a highly overexploited condition (UNEP 2002).
in LCA studies, biological aspects, such as im- Swimming crabs are not known to be overex-
pact on fished shrimp stocks, by-catch, discard, ploited. The results of relating the four biologi-
and seafloor impact, were evaluated and, as far as cal indicatorssmall size ratio, landed by-catch,
possible, quantified. Background data (e.g., pro- discarded by-catch, and sea floor impactto the
duction of fuel and various transport modes) were functional unit are shown in table 1. More detail
taken from the LCA database ecoinvent Version on both methodology used and results of the bi-
2.0. Refrigeration during transportation was mod- ological part of this work can be found in work
eled by the addition of 30% extra fuel use for the by Emanuelsson (2008), provided as Supporting
transport, on the basis of literature data (Garnett Information S2 available on the Journals Web
2007). site.
The results of the more typical categories ana-
lyzed in LCAs are shown in figure 4, from which it
Results is clear that there are major differences between
The three fisheries have highly different catch the two fishing methods (figure 4a). Fishing is the
profiles, due to both the technique and the loca- most important phase in all impact categories for
tion of each fishery. The trawl fishery catches the the product originating in the trawl fishery and
smallest proportion of shrimp, but the shrimp it processing is the most important phase in all im-
catches are of a larger mean size. Shrimp repre- pact categories for the product originating in the
sent 12% of the landings in mass but 46% of artisanal fisheries (figure 4b), with some excep-
the economic value. The fish by-catch hence tions. The exceptions are ODP for the artisanal
represents 88% of the mass of the landed catch chain, for which storage contributes more than
and 54% of the economic value. The proportion processing, and terrestrial toxicity for the arti-
of fish landed in the artisanal fisheries is much sanal chain, for which fishing is responsible for
smaller in terms of weight and even lower in most emissions (which is due to the deposition
terms of value (fish are 5% and shrimp are 95% of mercury batteries on the shore). Transporta-
of the value of landings). The difference is re- tion and production of packaging materials to-
lated to both the species and the sizes caught. In gether typically represent about 10% of total im-
the river, small individuals of commercial species pacts. In the POCP and EP categories for the
are caught that have a lower value compared to artisanal chain, these activities make their high-
the by-catch in trawl fishing. With regard to dis- est contributions: 20% to 25% of total emissions
card, high levels are found both in the trawl (figure 4b).

Ziegler et al., Extended Life Cycle Assessment of Senegalese Shrimp for Expor t to Europe 531

Figure 4 Relative results of impact assessment for each impact category (top figure a) in total with artisanal
or industrial set to 100% depending on which of them gave the highest impacts in each category and
(bottom figure b) per life cycle phase. (I = industrial; A = artisanal). The impact categories studied are global
warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), photochemical ozone
creation potential (POCP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), human toxicity (TOX H), terrestrial ecotoxicity
(TOX T), marine aquatic ecotoxicity (TOX MA), marine sediment ecotoxicity (TOX MS), and energy use (E).

The difference in GWP between artisanal sanal fisheries (figure 4a). Around 6% of the on-
and industrial fisheries is overwhelmingly due board fuel use in the trawl fishery is allocated to
to the use of 9.8 liters (L)2 of diesel fuel and the onboard processing activities (Schau et al.
2.7 grams (g)3 of refrigerant R22 in the trawl 2009); still almost 29 kg of carbon dioxide equiv-
fishery, as opposed to 0.05 L of fuel and no use alents (CO2 e) per kilogram of shrimp landed are
of refrigerants in the fishing phase in the arti- due to the fishing activity itself. In the fele-fele

532 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 5 Global warming potential caused by (a) a kilogram (kg) of shrimp landed by the three fishing
methods, (b) a kilogram of shrimp product delivered to Vigo and fished either in artisanal fisheries or in the
trawl fishery. The contributions of different life cycle phases are indicated. CO2 = carbon dioxide; CO2 e =
carbon dioxide equivalent; incl. = including.

fishery, this figure is 0.2 kg CO2 e, and in the mu- artisanal fisheries in developing countries have
jas fishery it is zero. When we include processing not previously been studied using LCA metho-
to make the figures more comparable, the arti- dology.
sanal fishery causes emissions of 4.4 kg CO2 e, In the acidification category, the impact of the
versus 35 kg CO2 e for the industrial fishery (fig- industrially fished product is three times higher
ure 5a).When the life cycle after landing is added, than the artisanal one. This is despite the fact
the artisanal product causes emissions of 7.8 kg that the diesel fuel (used to process industrial
CO2 e per kilogram of product, and the industri- shrimps) has a much lower content of sulfur than
ally fished product causes 38 kg CO2 e per kilo- the heavy fuel oil used to the produce electricity
gram. The major contributions to global warming with which artisanal shrimps are processed. The
emissions from the artisanal product are caused combustion and production of these fuels explain
by energy-related and refrigeration-related emis- the main part of the acidification caused through-
sions in processing and storage. To our knowl- out the chains. Shipment also plays a role. The
edge, this is the only seafood LCA in which difference with regard to eutrophication is con-
processing and storage have led to larger green- siderably larger, and this category is dominated
house gas contributions than fishing, which per- by emissions of nitrous oxides from combustion
haps reflects that seafood production chains from of fossil fuels in both chains.

Ziegler et al., Extended Life Cycle Assessment of Senegalese Shrimp for Expor t to Europe 533

The formation of ozone is largely correlated can be found in work by Ziegler and colleagues
with the use of gasoline and with the produc- (2009a, 2009b).4 Interesting results include that
tion of fossil fuels: gasoline, diesel, and heavy fuel if 100% of fele-fele fishermen were using outboard
oil. Use of gasoline only occurs in the fele-fele engines (instead of 5% as today), that would
fishery, stemming from the use of outboard en- translate into a 10% increase in GWP at the prod-
gines. Diesel oil is used on the trawler and for uct level. Likewise, changing the energy source
transports, and heavy fuel oil is used for electric- of the processing plant from the heavy-fuel-oil-
ity production. Transports score highest in this based electricity production in the Casamance
category (almost 20% of the artisanal products to solar energy, in combination with replacing
emissions). the refrigerant used today with a climate-neutral
A refrigerant with a high ODP, R22, is used one, would decrease global warming emissions by
both onboard the trawlers and in the processing 50%. All in all, uncertainty in the data is consid-
plant on land. At the processing plant, two re- ered to be high, and the sensitivity analysis shows
frigerants are used, one for ice making (R22), of several issues that can make results fluctuate con-
which only the very low amount used for shrimp siderably, but the large difference between the
is allocated to the products, and one for freezing artisanal and industrial production systems seems
and maintenance (R404a), which is entirely al- to be consistent. Hence, the absolute levels of
located to the shrimp. R22 has a high ODP and emissions in each category are subject to con-
GWP, whereas R404a has zero ODP but an even siderable uncertainty, but the difference between
higher GWP than R22. Therefore, R22 domi- the systems evaluated is robust, as is the analysis of
nates this category, whereas R404a is important which life cycle phases and activities contribute
in the GWP category. most to the results.
Artisanal fisheries score 50% to 60% lower in
all toxicity categories, with the exception of ter-
restrial toxicity, which is higher for the artisanal
product. This is due to the emission of mercury The product originating in the trawl fishery
to soil from the batteries used. Many of the toxic led to higher impacts in all categories investi-
emissions also originate from the production of gated except terrestrial toxicity, which was due
fossil fuels. For the trawlers, the aquatic emis- to the disposal of mercury-containing batteries
sions of copper ions from the antifouling paint on the beach by artisanal fishermen. This prac-
account for a considerable part of the aquatic tice ceased after the results of this study were
toxicity results. first presented. It is hence not difficult to decide
The GWP of the trawled product is about which product to recommend from an environ-
five times higher than that of the artisanal prod- mental point of view. Today it is difficult for
uct, which still is considerable. The relation be- consumers to know how and where their seafood
tween the fisheries regarding energy use is similar products were produced, however. The informa-
to their relation regarding global warming. The tion mandatory within the European Union that
production chain from artisanal fisheries requires shrimp were fished in FAO Zone 32 does not
about 15% of the energy of the industrial prod- help much. Rather, major players in the seafood
uct chain. This similarity in result in the GWP industry do not source seafood from this area at
and energy use categories reflects the fact that the all due to the lack of knowledge regarding ex-
energy use throughout the two chains to a large ploitation of stocks. This definitely represents the
extent is fossil fuel based. Had the energy used for largest challenge to the fisheries in the region: To
processing, for example, to a higher degree been make sure that the fisheries are being conducted
based on hydropower or nuclear power, then the in a more sustainable manner that ensures viable
GWP result of the artisanal chain would have stocks now and in the future. Increased traceabil-
been lower, while the energy result would have ity is one way to give the consumer a chance to
been the same. make an informed choice; in some cases, such
We conducted a number of sensitivity analy- as the present one, that choice can make a
ses to explore the robustness of the results. Details difference.

534 Journal of Industrial Ecology


We have not found any other data on the of intensive farming systems and the fact that
energy efficiency of Penaeid shrimp fisheries for economic allocation is used to divide resource
comparison. Nonetheless, fuel use in North At- use between target and by-catch, used for food
lantic shrimp (Pandalus borealis) trawl fisheries and feed, respectively, caught in the same fish-
have been reported to be in the range of 0.7 ery, which places much less environmental bur-
to 2.3 L/kg (Tyedmers 2001) and 1.2 L/kg den on the shrimp feed than would other alloca-
(Thrane 2004a), compared to the 9.8 L/kg tion methods. The same method of allocation is
in Senegalese trawl fishery. Those findings are used in the present study in the shrimp fishery to
more in keeping with the results regarding Nor- separate the environmental burden between fish
way lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fished out- and shrimp, and it places a higher impact on the
side Sweden (8.7 L/kg; Ziegler and Valentinsson shrimp compared to the fish landed in parallel
2008). Thranes (2004a) shrimp study and the than would other methods.
Nephrops study used economic allocation, the Due to the low amount of inputs to artisanal
same method used in the present study, whereas fisheries, their products represent a unique case
Tyedmers (2001) used mass allocation. The fuel among seafood products in that the main part of
use reported by Tyedmers (2001) would have the impact occurs after the fishery. To our knowl-
been higher if the difference in value between edge, this is the first case where this has been
shrimp and fish catch had been taken into ac- observed for a seafood supply chain. Artisanal
count. Shrimp trawl fisheries in general seem to fisheries have stayed relatively low-tech during a
be energy-intensive (Thrane 2004a, Tyedmers number of decades in which the bulk of commer-
et al. 2005), and the studied shrimp trawl fishery cial fisheries have become more and more high-
in Senegal is no exception. The use of fuel per tech with regard to gear and engine technology,
kilogram of shrimp landed is very high indepen- on-board processing, electronic equipment and,
dent of which method of allocation is used. With above all, highly dependent on the availability
regard to climate change, the total impact of the of cheap fossil fuels. This may turn out to be a
trawled Norway lobsters, with a short distance great advantage for artisanal fisheries, for which
between the fishing location and consumption, the greatest challenge is to ensure that the stocks
was in the same range as the trawled Senegalese are used in a sustainable way.
shrimp being shipped to Spain (32 versus 38 kg Many questioned whether we would be able to
CO2 e/kg). Given that the edible part of a kilo- find the relevant data to do this study, assuming
gram of whole shrimp and lobsters is only around it would be much more difficult to do an LCA
30% to 40%, these emission levels are very high. of a Senegalese product than, for example, of a
Conversely, crayfish normally represent a tiny European one. This is not our experience. Suc-
part of our diet, so they are perhaps not the most cessfully performing an LCA in Senegal requires
crucial target in efforts to decrease the climate collaboration with local organizations and indi-
impact of food consumption in general. From viduals. We could not inventory data by e-mail
a fisheries management perspective, however, it and phone correspondence to the same extent as
should be important to minimize environmental we do when we conduct an LCA study in Europe.
impact of all kinds. It is quite evident from both Once we were in the country, it was not more
this study and previous seafood LCAs (Thrane difficult to convince Senegalese companies and
2006; Ziegler and Valentinsson 2008) that a great authorities to share data than, from our previous
improvement potential is represented by the use experience, it is to collect data in Europe.
of more resource-efficient fishing methods.
Both the trawled and the artisanal shrimp are
much higher with regard to global warming emis-
sions than tropical farmed shrimp (less than 5 kg The product from artisanal fisheries causes
CO2 e/kg over the whole chain from feed pro- lower environmental impact in almost all
duction to the consumer, reported by Mungkung categories.
2005, 2006), due to several factors, which are ex- The product from artisanal fisheries is
plained below. These include high productivity the only seafood product studied by LCA

Ziegler et al., Extended Life Cycle Assessment of Senegalese Shrimp for Expor t to Europe 535

methodology that has been shown to have Ellingsen, H. and S. A. Aanondsen. 2006. Environ-
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Acknowledgements Hospido, A. and P. Tyedmers. 2005. Life cycle environ-
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We are most grateful to artisanal fishermen, Research 76(2): 174186.
owners and crew of trawlers, shrimp traders in IDEE (Intervenir pour le Developpment Ecologique et
the Ziguinchor area, employees of shrimp pro- de lEnvironnement en Casamance) Casamance.
cessing and the local power plant, and the fish- 2007. Eco-labelling and value chain promotion of
eries administrations both in Ziguinchor and in the Casamance shrimp fishery: Achieving sustain-
Dakar for all their help with data collection. ability through fisheries co-management and mar-
We are also grateful to the international con- ket incentives. Funding proposal. Zurich, Switzer-
sultancy group of the Swedish Board of Fisheries, land: Blueyou, and Ziguinchor, Senegal: IDEE
Swedmar, and the Swedish International Devel-
ISO (International Organization for Standardiza-
opment Cooperation Agency, Sida, for funding
tion). 2006a. ISO 14040:2006(E): Environmental
the work and, not the least, to the FAO Fisheries managementLife cycle assessmentPrinciples and
and Aquaculture Department in Rome, Italy, framework. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO.
for interest, help, and guidance throughout the ISO. 2006b. ISO 14044:2006(E): Environmental man-
project. agementLife cycle assessmentRequirements and
guidelines. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO.
Kruse, S. A, A. Flysjo, N. Kasperczyk, and A. J. Scholz.
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dustrial Ecology 8(12): 223239. Ziegler, F., J. L. Eichelsheim, A. Emanuelsson,
Thrane, M. 2004b. Environmental impacts from Danish A. Flysjo, V. Ndiaye, and M. Thrane. 2009a. Life
fish products. Ph.D. dissertation, Aalborg Univer- cycle assessment of southern pink shrimp products
sity, Aalborg, Denmark. from Senegal: An environmental comparison be-
Thrane, M. 2006. LCA of Danish fish products: New tween artisanal fisheries in the Casamance region
methods and insights. International Journal of Life and a trawl fishery based in Dakar. SIK report 789.
Cycle Assessment 11(1): 6674. Goteborg, Sweden: SIK.
Tyedmers, P. 2001. Energy consumed by North Ziegler, F., J. L. Eichelsheim, A. Emanuelsson,
Atlantic fisheries. In Fisheries impacts on North A. Flysjo, V. Ndiaye, and M. Thrane. 2009b. Life
Atlantic ecosystems: Catch, effort and national/ cycle assessment of southern pink shrimp products
regional data sets, edited by D. Zeller, R. Watson, from Senegal: An environmental comparison be-
and D. Pauly. Fisheries Centre Research Reports tween artisanal fisheries in the Casamance region
9(3). Downloadable at and a trawl fishery based in Dakar. FAO Fisheries
researcher/dpauly/PDF/2001/Books&Chapters/ Circular No. 1044 FIE/C1044. Available at
EffortNationalRe.pdf. Accessed 8 April 2011.
Tyedmers, P. 2010. Keynote speech at the Energy
Use in Fisheries conference, Seattle, WA, USA,
16 November 2010. About the Authors
Tyedmers, P., R. Watson, and D. Pauly. 2005. Fueling
global fishing fleets. Ambio 34(8): 619622.
Friederike Ziegler and Andreas Emanuels-
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) son are researchers at the Swedish Institute for
2002. Support policies to Senegalese fisheries. In Food and Biotechnology (SIK) in Goteborg, Swe-
Policy implementations and fisheries resource man- den. John Lucas Eichelsheim is the founder of
agement: Lesson from Senegal, edited by K. Da- IDEE Casamance in Ziguinchor, Senegal. Anna
hou, E. Tiers Monde, and M. Deme. Geneva, Flysjo is an LCA consultant on leave from the
Switzerland: UNEP. Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
Wessells, C. R., K. Cochrane, C. Deere, P. Wallis, (SIK) in Goteborg, Sweden. She is currently pur-
and R. Willmann. 2001. Product certification and suing her Ph.D. at Aarhus University, Denmark,
eco-labeling for fisheries sustainability. FAO Fish-
and is employed by Arla Foods. Vaque Ndiaye
eries Technical Paper 422. Rome, Italy: United
was a researcher for the Centre de Recherches
Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Oceanographiques de Dakar Thiaroye (CRODT)
Ziegler, F. and D. Valentinsson. 2008. Environ-
mental life cycle assessment of Norway lobster
in Dakar, Senegal, at the time the study was con-
(Nephrops norvegicus) caught along the Swedish ducted. He is now working with USAID in Sene-
west coast by creels and conventional trawls: gal. Mikkel Thrane was an associate professor at
LCA methodology with case study. International the Department of Development and Planning in
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(6): 487 Aalborg University in Denmark at the time the
497. study was performed. He is now an LCA expert
Ziegler, F., P. Nilsson, B. Mattsson, and Y. Walther. with Danisco.

Ziegler et al., Extended Life Cycle Assessment of Senegalese Shrimp for Expor t to Europe 537

Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article:
Supporting Information S1: This supplement contains SIK Report 789, which provides addi-
tional detail on the environmental comparison between artisanal fisheries in the Casamance
region and a conventional trawl fishery in Dakar in Senegal.
Supporting Information S2: This supplement contains SIK Report 774, a report that pro-
vides additional detail regarding the quantification of the bycatch and discard situation in the
Sengalese artisanal shrimp fishery.
Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting
information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
directed to the corresponding author for the article.

538 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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