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Cree ett aon eo pa en in sig amnthng anda tha bai, secure ghen tatoo tobe tae Anwar the uaston Bai te imation ted "Tenctes "geet thar teats es th “eens et petra ‘BIC eves nat y © Bie © cHBsA, ecw © Brae @ sexe pt ctntanine en tena payee stands So yar aay ory" nine West He mons 10 yrds rag aware Soh aden une Ease gong 050 yc, we "250 cones dom Solshuars and nets Xa the same port How fs som oaia poston? © soya © 40 yaree © 20 yar coronene ta ot er te seen eet ene “Ta company ercouages ts maracos ower regulary, Bou pest agenda, tm ascurs Sscoweming he cry nae Soxety The ‘ea as been Proved om he andes nan cncet of eis orgegan, ae sesang Desrans ae goten aun hese eth, ene tis otunconmonntese mestnge 9 ras aagenen rans guesonrg we aay Drororon se Corpor ply oe Tromsage feu. {© The company i concemes sot ptaton wn fs epoyes (© The company belevesin foster he srt aque miout egereaing tno a postonngtesce Sate (© Tre compan naa some re-peronel cles me Fas ae to Whe ened or ese cope SITS © Alctte stove © oes ne ten guint an (© zezo01 0 zea 0 zea 9 zezon1 clr a ghin place. ne sop teat, the stove THe Boube wh efiene Rat wns oe ora aswel as cu war wont Decomenttoragnin ne sn. 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Ts Inea nas been trod om be acer an concep of ebgousConresaion, cad sazangDeshatons ate lrgoencurng ese metas ence flsnof commen m mse mech fa amenagemont aie questing the Managng Ofer on Some arparate POY oF NS Incwedge of customes (© "he company is concemed shouts repuaton mths empoyees (© ‘Tne congay beevesfosieng the spc loge mine degeneratn ino 3 postoning bases ovate {© ‘me company nad some me personel protions inthe Fas due to wrich tt me ned orth corporate stsangs © Atortne zoe hh atin mg fur mat ening Th rn ri aa ae es cig © as25 © s2an4 © 2 wre ces teen este Sates a Fd ai en v stt) Ace ra e Prom ueson rosaries lng se ony Son of Sargeoas er InRents Mane tae (© Stet one's sunt © Bath stemens puttopsther ae scent (© samme staenent cre pttogemer ae nat suet ‘putnam pn qu aly tsa Fa ran ttt gt e ‘solution tothe problem Pere swer (© sistent sons eae (© staonest anne suet om snners pt tgaer re ue (© Bom io stoners even put topo are ot sutCert © see: ageepen tot an tmaes ns. e74- 760-7 oon ese om ees 10,7,12,70.48, on os ow @ se 80 ote tomthe gen tents aanale ang Soue Se tums 195" ne anloekwseavezon ana hen 45° ine cocks deeton Wie econ f She ang NOW? © west © soun © ast @ see meno am ne gen stern © Pour Pun © Pex © PwR ° © sere in tome gen stenaies Pain ay. aman sid, “She the le of ry ars cn Sm” Hows hema el to the dy? © oer © eaisin © musoane © oer intan © cvs ee opt etentom ne gan atone ‘aman and Murat go ging ram ne sane pin Staanarh goes tna e es! covering hm Mul proceeds tons the west fo 3 Am Seana ns fo an covers on ad ral tums tothe io cover 4m. Now wat wl be he Gace between Segara Neal? © tae © oem © Ten ‘A payer sana 0 yrs aay rom nthe est He Moves 10 yas ae orate Stn an then Us East gr UPI 0 yas, we "YRee cones com Soutware anaes X athe sane pon Horan Mi eal poston? ‘oya0s @ ste w/e 9 eS Fone @ senc nero zon ton ve pen trees =I) ‘Sorat stararg a port A acng East She was 30 meters torres Per rg and aes eum to Wak AO meters, en se takes anor et {umand ate £0 mate nw avecton ane Hand tom pat A? ont Ze,petin coin dation gin ey stra Faire te ene) ite onan gute vnen sense? Insane born aer 19 ma metce 26 sepemer Ibe was bomin leap yew" © Staten alone eueen © ‘at statements pul ogeter ae sunt (© Bone statements even pu opener ae no suk © coor ic ane extn odd man out FHKO ° oo zee i @ sexe: stein om gh statis om om © 10K @ select the right opin om the given atematves, DBO. EHFG -ILiK > ° Neon ° a 6 ° Kuo. 20,22, 26,90. em ew 098 os © ssexin st ooo gan arn DWE: FRE: KP © pout © Psu © POER o pun cect anne @ ses 0 stoping ators Suang Breks~ ower i fi Peta © ser: t0 ss ent te pen (one day. jt ra a yl Sn Sous, une et acca 2 wn an ure ie ag anced 9 km Then, eae gh an ‘Sed on Hownaryhorelers ile have ey foreach here sgh? © square eetotss © square rector st © square ot ot55 © Square oot ot 56 From he given chokes Sle he od one out © Fok ora) © cop © seve nptopentontn gon wanes Sopa as ang oats ste moter ows ons Jae yao gander rete SHp rd Hh re see, en wo cessive abuts of ecu in kr wake. 2850aea wih cera pes of nesta potion hve been shom o cause Hobson's seas Ing Unas an economy aasedenbrey on subastone lev agrcutue adem ray of hd uninoun The BBs fA | NN ‘musa ign noenee oF Hoos sexe (© Mercury im rneng water acuty pene ste © Mercury in eng ater mst have sources cher tan ndustia poten (© Hoos’ dase mst nave caus oer an marcy cing er © Bop (1) 262) © Bath opons (3) 2 2) unpean as nave wadtonaly een sna an ae et na eat Anica oss, ul cet a ey Sess eco. trandose Fo earom, est Gran elton ae iakeo aon 0 Coe ereson wm he wet tn tf 16 pe ete et pe eee ‘eres ong esta S65 gre ana fang by 9 pera fess om ease CO rls (© Tren ae unconcmed stout envonnen an des hve be Mpore pon en mean can evant (© Teleserne it pce fcr, fe eae lec and soles tron (© Tertore he ent a vet, te more eco ey be © Fue tency nes at neces covet wn eo tenses © 22 bet ton tte en stones Pontng oa boy m a potopaph, 2 gt sal. HeIs the son ote daughter: ot my moths mothe’ Hows he gt eae to the Dy? © smn © Neppen se en ote om temas Sas waks 10 mes east ana tats argh un oma 50 mets en aes 2am angus O eters ant en aes ag a and ‘ale 20 aes munch cretion the stag no tom me Sang pat? © Scaitet © sec mit enone ge steer tours rvs 10m ovate Esta tans gt a hes 0 anthem He hen cvs ator km ona West (ug tg). He then urs ole and was another 2m. Atenas Meus ora ane raves 7 kn How andin whe econ whe Be Fem hs staring pom © tormeset © Sino © Bimwost © Simson @ ssc meng cpontante penser ‘Amant Noth, He tas 20° me atcockise deen an en 45 n he ccs deton an hen ae 15° he ances ‘Gracton mah draton aco aw? © Nm © Nctast © eco gen psn nd st ete ong amt cn tad Yom ati al overs has cate become a rest cause of cncem im all oganzatons. We hav eathe a tae were our eral hats conta us. We are hsesoa ih checking ou" mas evry now and en. Nef! Bore of working apa we gnc ot matbox hoping fo hae rested sme ‘Snag’ mal Obvious Tao ges us an Wicnary mpresso hal wea wing Not sang any ma and repro each one em has become gusta Ou aden to hs also our gnorance of eadines, mec, personal cht cht wh low enpoyees. 2 share that We ve lncled a hab of ean mals bul nol af aig teats on the nals Eployes nd veasing nas tobe mre neestng han waking epi each ad every mals not goat hai ‘Asacton ot esang and repiyng to every mal may neve savers ect nou prance ‘Amat ae sei onthe premise natty atone tenon tem eco ° rnc seasans ety shous beng erat ev Non he ewes fess Shou as areasea Vewesip ad parton a ele TY Snows sms nde cmon Metso" tae ane money. The shows Castor conan people no ae ferme cbt es nurena nares Af sucesshiy mansuer ers sr th fam to arom ceeorees Werf Seay Nene reap nage ane "eater as nets eating lage nacets anyog sec I ely Ka an eve er nneos aus olen people © Realty sts ove ter poplar tthe a! that al er parcipants become chan famous (© There are more realty shows on TV an req Rows 3 WevEsNp oe hows Mer © The partpatn morey reat stows sige te bearreness fhe acon he so (© Ret TV fone ofthe bet ngs nat has happens evson neon aang ie (© Thema atracon bene vewosip fall shows ee UreNOM peopl BECOME 2nd INDUS © soe ot senso sien stasis © Bpcson © oe © 9 96 mote gn ein DEED is coded a 4554, ten DICE ede as © ss © ws0 © m2 © 35 (ose ase opon tat ang th gin ct of nasi te ost marin vr The nove won pt node ha make clos acaig ftaee qty. many. etme sbaone aoe sppance earn, poe ihe Sema” © 5423 © 51423 © 54n32 © 51432 cea anon tern tng wae sot ih cane al goin have ben oe cate Hs dese "Sine has eran bse ese on tbe re ape: mossn ms als nam. Terao eare ROE (Sema riacnres orton coe, 1 rary naming wate aca pers © tee dining Wer musthnesazter cher an a pon © nese asease mst nave aves mer Ran MEY kn Har 1 Semen} an8 2) 1 80m epers2)an8 (2) One Ippo, wethae cones ene Inthe aeraye te. dane ESE se awed tn sasen al Fo inenstan gan the tne enn © Statement sone cere © Stone anes sent {© Bom satenens pattogener we suit (© fom me statements eve pu ngete afer suet ‘he ueon consist of pom meson ilo aes an Find che rman hen th tetera i ct ind te Sune ater Protiem question How many augers does Ave? Siren DAS we nas wursons Pa. Rena. Shasonesster (© Statenere alone s suicent © Satonent | tones sient © Bot statomortsputtopener are sutoent (© ot ne stalements even pul ogee ae ot sunt @ crete tne {choose tne 08a an ou ° i PeNTACON once eos (© cetera genni gun {RESULT coed as SFTW, en EXAM i coved a: © FHE0 © Fan © oa se ooo © ooh wee ten genie pen OETERIME is coded a8 EMMIRETED, hen OECIDE i cred a: © Fears © 250 iptopien tome gen temas a oxen fone gen temas © oes Ea Looting ata mars potat Harsh sat, “MS nether the we oy far Son, Bote aa sisters nave ne A whose pa as Harsh ‘ong? © Hs sons poait © scours penrat © Hues porrat © Ms nepnens porrat © none ot nese © cesses tt omen sonnei aaa se tig to oi Se aa oe West en ead a Ne a RES AH IO He © 34m soum © oven sss seg an oa, ss gan stat et Aur t ain a mon oe Sond Sage “ete et snr ta? senor nt ler ta! ec enc © sien opin sont on tenses | payer» tana 60 yar anay om “" ine est He moves 10 Yards sight owardsSounand ten tums Eastward going upt SO yar, le "aso comes dam Soutara and meets Xt fe same port How fs fe Ns gral poste” © eoyaas © doyaus © zoyaus © t0yaus ‘Septies argue at ying seers and UPO® tat te Reeve be ude by ernest Benge a ales ate exes ot haman mapeaton ‘They have dorenstatea at ante of potegraps hat appar show Ng sauces af aber pony Fae meres mages ea oF natura obecs sun as aerooianes of eles Howes ete ae sce wo have a0 eorrowedpey of evaence and assed tat len 00 © Lk of reo of potoranhie evince shoud be ken as prot of Non exsenee aes © nie ne eence of hig sauces ard UFOs nes been denied he possi an Blogs larly (© UFOs tying saucers, 2 reat, are the same shape and Sze as Scop © The tc mata rumber of photograps ying saucers re ake cannot osprove te existence of lens and UFOS © bss nan steed a eh ton stars cant need ome esa ‘Sci sclentss nave ound at people wo mary young ae Seldom prepared for marta oes. Aso the men and Women who mary as ou au Ivelenge than hese whenever mary Aecorang oa sty. young aul who ate about fo geimaed hae ews eat habs, ie slg ‘and unconoed ankng of como, 35 compare wi he omer peop ofthe sane age (© The rstuton or marrage faces young men and women to Qt smoking an drinking © Those wno may at an ler age Wea shorter fe han ose wha get mame ta younger 292 (© Poop wo mary at an oxo age are wel prepares ake up maa os. © Young aduts ho are ro about to mary re mere key to have nheaty hats han hose who are about o ary Chante newer sr that arg the gine st fein hemo merger The wa ian an rr sald nal ese ace (eben goa satty cccarerce sonia ue sppemmee tae posers 2heppn9 Soy ° ansaa © s4si2 35142 © 2353, © gsi cits pen eesti oe to tna an Fido iran nie stan sen age tess rob queston ow s sangosta eat to ano? arte ony son of Sangeet’ ater "Rants ang aber (© Statement atone suet © Sinlement alone sient (© mn stamens put gener are scent © ain ne sateen even put opener ae not sunt © mer otine satemen sunt © Be gesin cin ate pei oy Fh nao int eee Ae na Peon et Hon ta? 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Te eacon for uch charles ape oe haan areata west can perrags, not ‘wong be mnbted te formate end of act Suny andthe oral merence © ia routes 2 neh mare or unscupous ane deatrs © Most nan aes have neooms nich canbe staat gh pesto Europeans ana Ameren © Oniyingians ae not rows of thr cura erage ano are nua or foregn eureney Mats easy aval mretun of acts (©The enonnent rate by he ant sunt and lcalindeenceis the reason fr antique dealers a stive nina © one gen png lich oi nr ce ad oie {nat oyroad as otal Beene agree cuse of once nal oanaans ic have eee lage where ou analhabisconotus We fe ‘tess uh checkng our mts every row nd en eet bore toring a we ance me Or allot opr ate eee sone “sna Obs tase ges wan sense pression at We te MONT) Nel Sh a3 reo eaeh ee ot em as ‘teres ssn ration tte acs ar nese ofcenanes eine panel eh cha win in copes asta ane Rove meee shunt fren met ne ae ane one mae © tpyees nt eating nats e more mereshg nan wn, © Raping tenn are every mato ood nat © acon emg ae eng over matmay have ave eect nur peremar, (© Almas re sen'on ne prenée a ny cn Been ch nen © overs sor nt sans a tons me mint Te on sade nd su acne Sie Saggy an a ons nc ey 2000 ‘Room Supteon @ severe eenton pen stores © vex © ban © weHK © acm @ sesosrpt qn anne gan ates loon awn a mans, her nutans ony son nyo won eteato ema? © sue © Mone © bovater © we east neon rage gst angle Th as a ped a ged ane cng tence gait ory, seween oe, prone mts ese istrapcactany © 2498 © 24531 © 24ais ©2453 © Pe pein ota engin ey ote ote foto gn sees Sage en. 1 Less percents gen © staeneet done ssn! (© 6am stamens pltpemer are sumer © athe saenents ven pu ogeer eat sent © eect satenonts i stent © ee ett tn ay es Problem question How many daughters does Awe? Slatonents (pS me has our sons P, 0, Rand 8. 1) Shas one ster semen) saci ining the ° ‘Bot statements put together are sent ‘Both ne statements even pt gener are not sucent © oes ne ten guint an (© zezo01 0 zea 0 zea 9 zezon1 © sro © co01% © srauz © coon © vw) poten a ne ion eDceD © FoEKFG © EDIE © Fons @ exten wrap gan ne gun fore bat cote lngtoge > - © orarar © erorat @ aruteT © urerer © 22:8 open tome ponte © sume (© Sum omnes © cr 00 9 os © wr © oF. © scorn eto ih dt ston tind ont ne essveanounts cf merery nik wae, assed uP cena ypes onus pon have een She cause Hobsons doea52 Isang unas an economy onset sitastonce lee! agutie. meen ny ay ss unneam. The means ond Lave {mapuaty nigh newore oeoearsaseae (© Mercuy meng ater aca prety ste 1 Mercuy n enng water must nave sours oer nan natal poten (© Horan deat met hve causes ahr than mercy dng mater © om opto an (2) © om optons an (2) @« Es “ne word produto sunarhas been poi fo be ey Sare a compare othe gla sale oor yas. The demand ox sg eemety igh tne sop nas ban lor x gute some tne no. Ti ould be because o teat weather and ako because some chet uaa rene ave sncteato man grees jue. The pce of sage has soared response one penanena of te ean sup apart. The pe fur row eu at oa. sugar pocucon protiabe omy wren he pce oF sips a hgh as at ato Ae © The sugar growers uno had shinee the niger paces ew now move back promieng sugar © bamang ize nas niger than me demande suger when made spar gones SNA ek peoduton rere contrues be a shoal the resuton of sugar, te pice or sugar may even exceed hat ue © cesiyranuy eames tn nh eng nT en as a ic gt 8 annss © 2anss © 20a. The estan capitol gestern yt ster andl Fn tte ining the ate) suck n Prclen question Whats Mohan rank nthe cass? I} Tare ae ty students nmeciass 1) Thar re sgt we nave scores nan Monan (© stetomet! alone suet nanseerng ne protien queston (© Sse ane escent in aenesng he prolem uestin © Boston put ogter ae suet manevenng he probla queston (© sh he statements een put ogee are nol siento ansneng Me prclem question © Ether cfthesateents sunt answering the rable cuesbon hts sin iste Png ie sen san ne e olin othe probe. Probe queso: Fd ne ara of topo cra tthe )Gteuerence ofthe op ofthe le gen Ii Permete one cubods tex tats pea one tae 14cm (© stsemant an suarclntinenavrng ne problem cues (© Semen! Lane 5 sutentinanoerng te protien question (© om satements pr togener ae sure answering te precem quston (© am me stamens even put tage a nt uel narsueorg ne poem queston © Sher of he statements sucentn ansresng te problem qesion © cr cont ren From the given enoices sect the ood one ou © AP © on © KR © ces orc ner From he gen chares ste! he oa man out © aseor © gator © eens spcopon tare ge tense. ‘Aman waves 3 so the wes, nse an goes 3 ms us fh and goes hn. aga uns ht and goes 3 ms How ars he Rome stxtng pane? © 6m: © ome © sm © ent en tonte pen ates retook ran tu na wasn "0 mses ans on aberch Rae neh echo aes eben ie Yom Pgs sang pa? © nom © de wt /pton nt acten Eva code as EYER, en TEST is coded as: © nv ouw oss © orns © oe te wa) ete gente son Inaertain cage JO iriten as LS How RIARK wrt that coe? © coovsti cont nse From ne ave coies sete the 068 ane out enc8 em © as © sec. in ert natant © Aunt © Fatterinian © ett pin tote nein aby cats fet vars west an then © fect ouards nah In noes 14 et oats eHow ar anc hn retin se ay om the state pnt © tectowarcs cast © ore owas son cast @ see ot enen some oan sensi [lst ony chia gtA Alana are he een of BD ee aranemotner of How is related to 9? (© Granamother © taser © Mater © son © seea0 sot esiontomtne gen senses © Aunt © Granaaavgiter © siser ‘seca Scertssnave oun appl ne mary your te dom prepared marta Abo a mene umn wna mary 5 yung BAS Ieloge nan noe ne never nay Accord ba uty. your au wo af eno el ma ave ene’ uaeaty ake sang ‘Stounsonbees dona of aot se cre wh eos pepe ce sane age (© Tre mssuten of marrage foes young men an omen gut sk ae rng (© Tasewnomary at ano age Wea sar ie an nase wo get mare ata younger age © Peep mo mary at an ler ge ae we roared ake up marl les © Young aut no art abut o mary are mre to hae ean NaIs han Mase wo af sat may © cove Ee Fram Chenaito Heal rates, he na cutie nutes ave tang doun aes nga arena eases Arce oan are oon tetoed own 3 ow runes ries fran eigitey caved door enn, se nes ty ames at mach om oo dels. 8 et noe tromine craving shop sonatas ote Westen Coates The eas such shanlase ape of he naan areca wealth cn permap ok ‘wong De attest ousarinat end of cs sunt ap th otal msPeretce ape 58990 fu wich tho stort can ena othe passes © tna provides ch market or unscruplousanie dealers (© Nostra as have nerooms nich can be soma igh pees 1 EUOpEaS na AMEN (© Ont nas a not rou of er cutie bestage and ave nngy fo Fregnerrency hal easly ovate eum tacts © The envonmentceatac by We stv Suny ana nal nderence ee reason fo antique deur tive a la © cece no rah aver. 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