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By Suulola Benjamin

Homosexuality which is different from Heterosexuality is a form

of sexual perversity that is spreading fast like a wildfire around the world
and it has become a canker worm eating into every stratum of the
society and also affecting the church. Fascinatingly, the Church is
trapped in sequence of opposing controversies, diverse opinions which
has injured the unity of the church that suppose to produce one voice
from the Biblical stand as regards the subject matter. Consequently, the
issue of homosexuality has become a melanoma that is gradually
weakening the Christian faith and practices because of the ineffective
leadership approach as a panacea to this cankerworm.

Origin of the Word Homosexuality

The word homosexuality may be etymologically traced to the Greek and
Latin hybrid with homos deriving from the Greek word for same;
thus connoting sexual acts and affections between members of the same
sex, including lesbianism (Wikipedia, 2010).
Gay generally refers to male homosexuals, but is sometimes used
in broader sense to refer to all homosexuals. In the context of sexuality,
lesbianism denotes female homosexuals. Contrary to popular opinion,
the word homosexuality was coined not by psychiatrists or scientist,
but by a person who was fighting for the homosexual rights.
It was first seen in public print in 1869 when it appeared in two
anonymous pamphlets. Those pamphlets were published as a method of
fighting against the criminalization of homosexual sex in the newly
formed Federation of the Northern German States. Journalists in the
first part of the twentieth century readily adopted the term and made it
available for use in everyday while psychiatry circles continued to use the
term sexual perversion" (Wikipedia, 2010).
Strategic Approach to Homosexuality Issue
Homosexuality allows any two consenting individuals of the same
biological sex to form an intimate relationship. The issue of same sex
intercourse is a matter to be dealt with strategically, and not just by
praying, but through an effective Christian leadership approach. The
various dimensions of the discourses on the subject of homosexuality
show that leaders in various aspects of life both religion and secular
determine the curb or spread of this menace.

What is Leadership?
Leadership is the ability to influence individuals or groups towards the
achievement of goals. Leadership is primarily a practice of influence. In
other words, the effectiveness of leadership approach when applied
rightly shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behaviour
toward the achievement of those goals, and helps define the way of life
of the church and society.

It is on this premise of leadership approach that we will discover the

panacea to homosexuality issue ravaging the church and the society. The
problem of homosexuality is becoming unsolvable by the day. Some
Christian denominations around the world and even in Africa have been
slowly warming to the idea of homosexuality. Those who are standing
on the truth that homosexuality act is sinful and should not be accepted
by the society are confronted with persecutions, threat and diverse
demeaning challenges.

Recently, gay groups decided to attack churches who dare believe that
homosexuality is wrong. The largest gay group in one Western state
demanded that Churches who follow the Bible be shut down by the
government. Jeran Artery, Chairman of Wyoming Equality argued that
churches that do not support same sex marriage should lose their tax
exempt status. In all of these and many more, Christian leaders are to
remain guiding lights and agents of transformation no matter the threats
and persecutions.
Not minding the chaos which the approval of same sex marriage by the
Americans is causing and which has led to many people wondering what
the Christian leaders are saying to their congregations. The question to
us in Nigeria is: what role is effective leadership approach contributing
to the issue of homosexuality?

Impact of Effective Leadership Approach on Homosexuality Issue

So far, it has been noted that Nigeria leaders both in the church
and society have not accepted homosexuality regardless of the
international pressures. The leadership approach of the former President
of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Jonathan stifled the subtle attempt to give
homosexuality a breathing space. On 18th January 2007, the cabinet of
Nigeria approved the same sex marriage prohibition act 2006 and sent it
to National Assembly for urgent action. The bill however did not pass.

On 29 November 2011, the Senate of Nigeria passed the "Same Sex

Marriage (Prohibition) Bill, 2011". The bill was passed on 30 May 2013
by the House of Representatives of Nigeria. If signed into law by
President Goodluck Jonathan, the bill would:

make a marriage contract or civil union entered into between

persons of the same sex "invalid and illegal and ... not recognized
as entitled to the benefits of a valid marriage"
make void and unenforceable in Nigeria a marriage contract or
civil union entered into between persons of the same sex by virtue
of a certificate issued by a foreign country
prohibit the solemnization of any marriage or civil union entered
into between persons of the same sex "in any place of worship
either Church or Mosque or any other place or whatsoever called
in Nigeria"
prohibit the registration of "gay clubs, societies and organisations,
their sustenance, processions and meetings"
prohibit the "public show of same sex amorous relationship
directly or indirectly"
make a person who enters into a same sex marriage contract or
civil union liable for 14 years' imprisonment
make a person who "registers, operates or participates in gay clubs,
societies and organisation, or directly or indirectly make public
show of same sex amorous relationship in Nigeria" liable for 10
years' imprisonment
make a person or group of persons that "witness, abet and aids the
solemnization of a same sex marriage or civil union, or supports
the registration, operation and sustenance of gay clubs, societies,
organisations, processions or meetings in Nigeria" liable for 10
years' imprisonment
Define "civil union" for purposes of this law to mean "any
arrangement between persons of the same sex to live together as
sex partners, and ... include such descriptions as adult independent
relationships, caring partnerships, civil partnerships, civil solidarity
pacts, domestic partnerships, reciprocal beneficiary relationships,
registered partnerships, significant relationships, stable unions,

On 13 January 2014, The president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan

signed into law the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, which
parliament passed in May 2013. The law follows a similar one passed in
Uganda in December 2013, which imposes life imprisonment for some
types of homosexual acts (Wikipedia, 2015).

Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari during his 4-day official visit

to United State categorically ruled out any chance of Nigerian being
pressured by the America into legalising homosexuality in the country.
This was the same firmness demonstrated by President Kenyatta during
the visit of President Obama to Kenya. The Kenyan president publicly
disagreed with Obama. There are some things that we must admit we
dont share, Kenyatta said, insisting that gay rights is not really an
issue on the foremost mind of Kenyans
Moreover, The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN)
rejected the notion that sodomy or same-sex "marriage" ought to be
normalized in any way. These things, they maintain, are sinful.
According to the spokesman for the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria in an
article for the Nigerian bishops news service quoted the bishops real
position saying, We reiterate our unreserved condemnation of all acts
of homosexuality as sinful and opposed to the natural law of creation.
We call on our government to continue to resist the attempt by some
external governments and agencies to impose an acceptance of same-sex
unions. Nevertheless, we maintain that persons with these orientations
should be assisted pastorally, spiritually and psychologically, with respect
for their dignity as human persons created in the image and likeness of

It is quite obvious that the stand, firmness and approach of leaders

towards a thing matters. Thats why Leadership expert, John Maxwell
once said, Everything rises and falls on leadership. The wide and
general acceptance of any belief whether good or evil by the people

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