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&FNI9^I^R From the Ramayana

YYFJ^ZUNWF3Y!XRWJNH3Y^FN8\YR 1, 2. Beholding Sri Rama, standing

absorbed in thought on the battlefield,
WF[@!HFeYFJV[F^ZF^XRZUN8\YR exhausted by the fight, and Ravana
facing Him, duly prepared for an
encounter, and approaching Sri Rama,
I*[Y*XRFL2^ZRD^FLYFJW@R the glorious sage Agastya, who had
come in the company of gods to

UFL2^F[.FRRL89^FJL[FSAN # witness the encounter now spoke as


WFRWFRRMFGFMFJ_ @ZLZ!XSFYSR 3, 4, 5. Rama, O mighty-armed Sri

Rama, hearken to the following
^JSX[F7SW.S[9XXRWJN[ON^^NX eternal secret, in the form of a holy,
eternal, immortal and supremely
blessed and excellent encomium,
&FNI9^I^!UZ`^!X[7_ZN[SF_SR entitled the Aditya Hridaya, the
blessing of all blessings, by means of
O^F[M!OUJN9^R&B>^!UWR!N_[R which, my child, You will conquer
once for all Your adversaries on the
battlefield, and which is calculated to
X[7R|QRF|1^!X[7UFU@F_SR bring victory, root out all sins, allay
all anxiety and grief once for all and
NH3YF_FJP_RSR&F^Z[7]7SRZRR prolong life.

WN?RR3Y!XRZ3Y!IJ[FXZWSR8PnYR 6. Worship the Sun-God, the ruler of

the worlds, who is crowned with rays,
U:O^8[N[[8[3Y!F8PW!Z[SJWR who appears at the horizon, who is
greeted by gods and demons, and
brings light.
X[7IJ[F9RPFJJ YJO8[.WN?RF[S# 7. Indeed, He is the embodiment of
all gods and full of glory and creates
% IJ[FXZWL@FcFJPFSUFNYLN8YN# and sustains the gods and the demons
as well as their worlds by His rays.
8, 9, 10. Indeed, He is the same as
% FHN[@ZN_[#8P3I#OFUNY# Brahma as well as Vishnu, Lord Shiva,
Skanda, Prajapati, the mighty Indra,
RMJ3FJ]SI#PFQFJ^R#XFJRFJUF!UNY# Kubera, Kala, Yama, Soma, Varuna, the
Pitris, the Vasus, the Sadhyas, the
Ashwins, the Maruts, Manu, Vayu, and
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the god of Fire. He constitutes created
NUYWFJ[X[#XF=^FNSF*RYFJRSZ# beings, He is the life-breath, the source
of the seasons, the store-house of light,
[F^Z[7N#OFF@AYZPYF7FPW# an offspring of Aditi, the progenitor, the
Sun-God, the courser in the heavens, the
nourisher, the possessor of rays, the
&FNI9^#XN[YFX:^7#TL#U: FLN8YRFS golden, the brilliant, the One whose
energy constitutes the seed of the
XZ[@7X_FJFSZNM7W`^WJYFNI[FPW# universe and the maker of day.

MNWI#XMFNH7#XXNR7W.NHRFS 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. He has seven green

horses, is myriad-rayed, full of rays, the
NYNRWFJ3R\S#_2Z89[FRFYF7`K&!_ZRFS destroyer of darkness, the source of
happiness, the mitigator of suffering of His
devotees, the infuser of life in the lifeless
NMW`^L7#N_N_W8YUSFJF8PWFJWN[# cosmic egg, all-pervading and the cause of
the creation, preservation and destruction
of the universe. He is blissful by nature,
&NwLFJ7"NIYJ#UZ#_#N_N_WSF_S# the ruler of all, the bringer of day and the
Teacher. A son of Aditi, He bears the fire
of dissolution in His womb, is bliss
;^FJRSF\8YRFJJI.A,^OZ#XFRUFWL# personified and all-enveloping, the
destroyer of cold, the lord of the heavens,
S[ NWUF!NRFJN[3=^[.\.5Q[|R# the disperser of darkness, a master of the
three Vedas, the sender of thick showers
and the friend of water. He courses swiftly
&FYU.R`KQ.R 9^Z#NU|Q#X[7YFUS# along His own orbit, carries in Him the
resolve to evolve the universe and is
adorned with a circle of rays. He is death,
PN[N[7FJRMFYJOF#Wu#X[7[FJ[# tawny and the destroyer of all. He is
omniscient, all-formed, endowed with
extraordinary brilliance, coppery, the
SBeMYFWF@FRN]UFJN[F[S# source of all evolutes, the controller of
lunar mansions, planets and stars, the
YJOXFRNUYJO8[.FI_F9RSSRFJ"8YZYJ creator of all, the resplendent among the
splendid. O God, appearing in twelve
forms, hail to You!

SR#U:[F7^NLW^JUNRF^F^JSR# 16. Hail to the eastern mountain and

hail to the western mountain. Hail to
/^FJNYL7@FSF!UY^JNISFN]UY^JSR# the lord of hosts of luminaries, the
lord of the day.

O^F^O^F^M^7F^SRFJSR# 17. Hail to the giver of victory, hail

to the joy born of victory! Hail to the
SRFJSR#XMF!_FJ&FNI9^F^SRFJSR# God having green horses. Hail, hail to
You with thousands of rays! Hail, hail
to You, son of Aditi!
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18. Hail to the subduer of the senses,
eF^[.WF^XFW|F^SRFJSR# the valiant one! Hail to You as
denoted by the mystic syllable OM!
SR#UGFJ]F^RFYF7`KF^SRFJSR# Hail to the awakener of the lotus! Hail
to You, the fierce one!
J_FSF(^ZYJ_F^X:^F7^FNI9^[H7XJ 19. Hail to the ruler of Brahma, Lord
Shiva and Lord Vishnu! Hail to the
F8[YJX[7BF^WF*F^[UZ JSR# Sun-God, the light indwelling the solar
orb, the resplendent one, the devourer
of all, appearing in the form of Rudra.
YRFJyF^NMRyF^_ZyF^FNRYF9RSJ 20. Hail to the dispeller of darkness, the
destroyer of cold, the exterminator of
PnYyyF^IJ[F^/^FJNY F!UY^JSR# foes, the One whose extent is immeasur-
able, the destroyer of the ungrateful, the
God who is the ruler of lights!
YHFR.PWFF^[^JN[PR7@J 21. Hail to You, possessing the luster
of refined gold, the dispeller of
SR8YRFJ"NNSyF^H^JQFJPXFNB@J ignorance, the architect of the universe,
the uprooter of darkness, splendor
incarnate, the onlooker of the world!
SF_^9^J [*:Y!YIJ[X ONYZ# 22. The aforesaid Lord alone actually
destroys, brings into existence and
UF^9^J YU9^J [ 79^J LN8YN# sustains all that has come into being.
He radiates heat by His rays and sends
% XZJ ZOFLNY7:YJ ZUNWNSNY# 23. Planted in created beings, he remains
awake when they have fallen asleep. Nay,
% %[FNwMFJ!HQ!H*[FNwMFJN@FR He Himself is the act of pouring oblations
into the sacred fire as well as the fruit
attained by those who pour such oblations.
[JIFtY[*[tY:SF!QRJ[H 24. Nay, He comprises the gods as
well as the sacrifices as also the fruit
^FNSPn9^FNSQFJPJ ZX[7% WN[#Z# of sacrifices. Again, He is the
Supreme Controller of activities
which are found in all living beings.

%SRFU9XZPn(J ZPF3YFWJ Z^J ZH 25. No individual celebrating the
aforesaid Lord in strait, in difficulties,
P.Y7^SUZ #PNF[X.INYWF[ in the woos as well as in times of peril
comes to grief, O scion of Raghu!

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26, 27. Worship the aforesaid Lord of
U:O^8[*SRJPFeFJIJ[IJ[!OLYUNYR the universe, the adored of gods, with
a concentrated mind. Muttering this
%YYNLZN@Y!O[F^ZJ ZN[ON^^NX praise three times, one will come out
victorious in combats. You will make
&N8RSB@JRMFGFMFJWF[@!9[![N]^NX short work of Ravana this moment, O
mighty-armed one! Saying so, the
%[RZp[FYIFL89^FJOLFRH^\FLYR celebrated Sage Agastya thereupon
left in the same way as he had come.
28. Hearing this advice, Sri Rama, who
%Y(9[FRMFYJOFS_FJPFJ"[IF was endowed with extraordinary
energy and had a subdued mind, found
]FW^FRFXXZ.YFJWF[#^YF9R[FS His grief immediately dissipated. Nay,
feeling greatly delighted, He retained
the alleluia in His memory.
&FNI9^!J^O[FYZUW!M 7R[F[FS 29, 30. Sipping water thrice and
getting purified, looking intently on the
NWFH2^_ZNH:79[F]SZWFIF^[.^7[FS Sun and repeating this prayer, the
Valiant One experienced supreme
felicity. Seizing hold of His bow and
WF[@!J^F9RF^ZF^XRZUFLRY fixing his eyes on Ravana, the hero
advanced with a view to attaining
X[7^JSRMYF[]JY8^] YFJ"[Y victory. He stood vowed to kill Ravana
with an intense and all-sided effort.

&\WN[W[INW.^WFR! 31. Delighted in mind to gaze on Sri

Rama, feeling supremely exhilarated
RZNIYRSF#UWR!^RF@# on perceiving the destruction of
Ravana at hand, the Sun-God,
NSN_HWUNYX!B^!N[NI9[F standing in the midst of a host of
gods, exclaimed: "Make haste!"


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