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H@e U@U ooo ?

Write the words to complete the questions.

I Hove uou ever........9919n........ with

4 Hove gou ever .,... q........... competition?

Moke sentences obout gour group.

All of us hove
Evergone hos
Most of us hqve
Hotf of us hove
Ontg o few of us
No one hos
Reqd qbout skiing. Choose the right words qnd Reoding &
write them on the [ines. Port 6


Exomple Hove gou .....h.99n..... skiing? lt's on exciting sport but it isnt o
I new one.There ore verg old pictures of people ore skiing
2 in rock drowings inside cqves. Some of ....... cove pointings ore
5,000 geors otd!

People coll Sondre Norheim'the fother of skiing'. ln 1870, Sondre used

3 wood to mqke .................. skis.These were the first skis thot could
4 on soft snow.

5 Sondre wore .................. in on importont skiing competition which

5 he won. But skiing isnt onlg o sport. ln countries .................. there
7 is olwogs lots of snow, skiing is often the best wog .................. move
from one ploce to onother.

8 About fiftg geors qgo, lots of fomilies stqrted going ..................

skiing hotidogs in the mountoins ond in obout 1980, peopte storted
9 snowboording too. Mong mountoin villoges olreodg ski tifts
t0 for skiers to use.Trg this sport now .....,............ gou con. lt's greot fun!

Exomple be were been

I whot who when 5 how whg where
2 these this thot 7 for of to
3 some qn9 eqch I on ot bg
4 turns turn turned 9 hoving hos hqve
5tt them him l0 if or but
' Jsrnf Look ot the mountqin picture in Unit 35.
Listen ond write ges or no.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 I
Let's tolk obout things we've done!

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