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Nicolas Odame

Unit 26
Assignment 1


Enthalpy is the energy involved in either chemical process or chemical reaction. Many of
these chemical reactions are accompanied by enthalpy change which can be exothermic or

The difference between endothermic and exothermic is that exothermic reaction releases
heat, instead endothermic reaction absorbs the heat.

Enthalpy change of combustion is the energy change when one mole of a substance burns
completely in oxygen under standard conditions.

The symbol for this enthalpy change is Hc

Enthalpy change of solution is the energy change when one mole of an ionic compound
dissolves completely in water to finally give out a solution of infinite dilution.

The symbol for this enthalpy change is Hsol.

Enthalpy change of neutralisation is the energy change when an acid and an excess alkaline
react with each other to form 1 mole of water under standard conditions.

The symbol for this enthalpy change is Hneut.

Enthalpy change of formation is the energy change when 1 mole of substance is formed
from its elements in their standard states under standard conditions.

The symbol for this enthalpy change is Hf.

Practical 1 of 2: finding enthalpy change of neutralisation


Chemical reaction (neutralisation reaction):

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O (l) + heat (Hneut)

hydrochloric acid sodium hydroxide sodium chloride water

Heat released from this chemical reaction into water can be measured as follow:
Heat transferred to water Q=m.c.T

With Q= heat transferred (unit : joules)

m= mass of water used (in grams)
c= specific heat capacity of water=4.18 JK-1g-1
T= change in temperature
Nicolas Odame
Unit 26
Assignment 1

Enthalpy change of neutralisation , Hneut (unit: KJmol-1) is the heat transferred per mole of
acid used in this chemical reaction.

Chemicals and Glassware

1 M HCl solution 2 measuring cylinders

1.1 M (a bit higher than 1M) NaOH solution Thermometer
Distilled water 2 small beakers


26 cm3 of 1 M HCl solution were measured in one measuring cylinder. The small acid
was poured into a beaker. A thermometer was put in that beaker.
27 cm3 of 1.1 M NaOH solution were measured in another measuring cylinder.
There was a waiting until the temperature on the thermometer didnt change, the
temperature was recorded onto the table.
The NaOH solution was poured into the beaker containing the acid and the
thermometer was used to mix.
The highest temperature was recorded onto the table.

Table 1: results and working out enthalpy change if neutralisation

Volume of water Initial Highest Change in Endothermic or

temperature temperature temperature Exothermic?
T1 T2 T
27 cm3 NaOH added 21 28 T= T2-T1 Exothermic
to 26 cm3 HCl. 28-21=7
Total volume= 53
Mass of water= 53g
Heat transferred to Heat transferred to water: Q= m.c. T
water. C= 4.18
(unit: Joules) Q= 534.187= 1550.78
Q= 1550.78 J
1550.78/1000= 1.55078 KJ
Number of moles of n(of HCl) = C(of HCl) V(total volume)
hydrochloric acid 10.0026= 0.026 mol
(unit: moles)
Enthalpy change of ( )
Hneut= = ( )

neutralisation Hneut
(unit: KJ/mol)
= 59.65 /
=-59.65 kJ/mol
Nicolas Odame
Unit 26
Assignment 1

Looking at the results, because of neutralisation reaction is exothermic,

chemical reaction releases heat therefore neutralisation is negative by
conversion. So Hneut will be -59.65 KJ/mol.


The amount of the heat transferred to water was 1.55078 and the enthalpy change of
neutralisation was 59.65 KJ/mol.

Practical 2 of 2: Finding enthalpy change of combustion


Ethanol can be used as an alternative fuel for care either alone or blended with petrol. A
simple method can be used to measure the enthalpy change of combustion of ethanol.
Ethanol is burned in this practical. Energy transferred from fuel burned in water can be
worked out:

Heat transferred Q = m.c. T

With Q= heat transferred (unit : joules)

m= mass of water used (in grams)
c= specific heat capacity of water=4.18 JK-1g-1
T= change in temperature

Enthalpy change of combustion, Hc (unit: KJmol-1) is the heat transferred per 1 mole of fuel

Chemicals and Glassware

water 100 cm3
Copper calorimeter

Practical procedure

Exactly 100 cm3 of distilled water were measured and were put in a copper
calorimeter, a thermometer was out in and left there for 5 minutes. The
temperature of the water was recorded.
The spirit burner was weighed. The mass was recorded onto the table.
The calorimeter was kept just above a spirit burner and the wick was lighted.
Hands were used to keep the calorimeter in the middle of water.
It was kept heating until the temperature was risen to 40C on thermometer.
The burner was extinguished. The burner was left to cool down.
Nicolas Odame
Unit 26
Assignment 1

The burner was weighed again. Its mass was recorded onto the table.

Table 3 (burning a fuel)

Name and formula of the fuel Ethanol C2H5OH
Relative molecular mass of fuel RMM= (122) + (15)+ 16+1 C=12
24+5+16+1=46 H=1
Mass of fuel burned M= 179.38-178.11= 1.27 grams
Number of moles of fuel burned in n= m/RMM
experiment n= 1.27/46= 0.0276087 mol
(unit: moles)
Energy transferred from burning fuel to Heat transferred Q= m.c. T
water T= 45-22= 24C
(unit: Joules) C=4.18
1004.1824= 10032 J
10032/1000=10.032 KJ
Enthalpy change of combustion ( )
Hc = =

(unit: KJ/mol)
= 363.36 /
= -363.36
Since combustion reaction is exothermic,
therefore Hc is negative by conversion.
So, Hc= -363.36 KJ/mol.


The mass of the fuel burned was 1.27 g and -363.36 KJ/mol of enthalpy change of
combustion was released.

Comparison of calculated enthalpy changes from practicals with theoretical standard

enthalpy changes.

For enthalpy change of neutralisation the result I had was -59.65 KJ/mol. The theoretical
result was -57 KJ/mol. The difference between these two figures is 2.65. This shows that the
two numbers are not far from each other but they are very closed which consequently mean
that the result had was accepted.

For enthalpy change of combustion the result had in practical was -363.36 KJ/mol. The
theoretical value was -1370.7 KJ/mol. The difference between these two numbers is
1007.34 which is quite a huge number. The reason of this is that in reality you can never
Nicolas Odame
Unit 26
Assignment 1

have this number -1370.7 as a result because its impossible. That number is a theoretical
number which was calculated by scientist but in reality no one gets that number, especially
when the experiment is done in a class laboratory.

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