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IT WAS DECIDED, for the activities distinctions given may, by comparison,
of -the Committee this year, to define appeal to the individual.
the terms used in sewerage and sewage A scheme, somewhat similar to that of
disposal practice. the former report, is herewith presented
A similar committee report in 1917 in outline only, while the definitions are
presented a valuable compilation of defi- given in dictionary form for ready
nitions in schematic form. These defini- reference.
tions have been highly commended and Generous quotations from the former
very useful. Therein it was recommended report above mentioned, and from the
"that in reports, contracts and agree- tentative definitions prepared by Pro-
ments prepared by engineers and health fessor Geo. C. Whipple, Chairman of the
officers the terms defined in this report be Committee on Definitions of the Sanitary
used and be given the meanings desig- Engineering Division of the American
nated herein." Society of Civil Engineers, have been
The present committee has taken a made, and valuable ideas received by cor-
respondence from interested members of
somewhat different position, in that vari- the Association have been incorporated in
ous definitions and local usages are men- the definitions.
tioned and no attempt is made to control Respectfully submitted,
or direct future use of terms except as the JOHN F. SKINNER, Chairman
* Report of the Committee on Sewerage and Sewage GEo. B. GASCOIGNE
Disposal of the Sanitary Engineering Section, American JOHN H. GREGORY
Public Health Association, presented at a Joint Session T. CHALKLEY HATTON
with the Sanitary Engineering Division, American
Society of Civil Engineers, at the Fifty-third Annual F. W. MOHLMAN
Meeting of the A.P.H.A. at Detroit, Michigan, October
22, 1924. W. L. STEVENSON

A AIR LIFT. A means of raising sewage or other liquid
by injecting air in and near the bottom of an open
A.B.C. PROCESS. (Alum, Blood, Clay.) A method discharge pipe submerged in a well of the liquid to
of deodorizing and precipitating sludge by the addi- be raised.
tion of alum, charcoal or some other material, and ALIGNMENT. The direction of the axis of a sewer
clay, to the raw sewage. One of the earliest satis- in plan.
factory methods of clarification, by chemical pre- ALTERNATING DEVICE. Any arrangement whereby
cipitation. sewage may be automatically diverted from one dos-
ACTIVATED SEWAGE. Sewage oxidized by the' ing device to another in a cycle following a pre-
activated sludge process. determined sequence.
ACTIVATED SLUDGE. (1) Sludge settled out of ANTI-RATTLER MANHOLE COVER. One filled
sewage previously agitated in the presence of abun- with asphalt for use in an asphalt paved street. It
dant atmospheric oxygen. (2) Sludge produced by is deep and usually quiet under traffic.
the " Activated Sludge Process " of sewage disposal. APPURTENANCES. " Sewer Appurtenances."
ACTIVATED-SLUDGE METHOD. "Activated ARCH. The curved or arched top of a masonry sewer.
Sludge Process."
ment in which sewage standing in or flowing through
a tank is brought into intimate contact with air and BACK-WATER TRAP. A check valve.
with biologically active sludge, previously produced BAFFLES. Partitions usually vertical extending part
by the same process. The effluent is subsequently way or all the way across a tank or basinto direct
clarified by sedimentation. or diffuse the flow. In a rapid stream they are em-
AERATION. The process or method of bringing about ployed to assist in agitating or mixing.
intimate contact between air and a liquid by allowing BAND SCREEN. One consisting of an endless band
finely divided air to pass through the liquid or the or belt of wire mesh or other screening material
finely divided liquid to pass through air. which passes around upper and lower rollers.

BAR SCREEN. One composed of parallel COLLOIDS. (1) Substances which are

BASIN. A shallow tank through which sewage judged by ordinary physical tests, but will not pass
or is detained for treatment. through a parchment membrane. (2) Matter in a
Flaring Mouthpiece." finely divided state, apparently soluble,

BIO-AERATION. A modification of will not pass through a parchment membrane and

sludge process in which the sewage and which may be coagulated or flocculated to form
agitated and aerated by mechanical means insoluble particles. (3) Matter so finely divided and
paddle wheels or turbines. dispersed in a liquid that it is apparently in solution.
ing from the growth of living matter. both storm water and domestic or industrial sewage.
BIOLYTIC TANK. A continuous flow (2) One which carries both sanitary sewage and
hopper bottom, with inlet arranged so as storm water.
the sludge at each entry of sewage at the COMBINED SYSTEM. A system of combined sewers,

the hopper shaped bottom. This first agitation or one in which sanitary sewage and storm water
is followed by a settling tank in which the are carried in the same sewers.
is detained until removed. COMMERCIALLY DRY SLUDGE. Sludge

BLEACH. Calcium hypochloride. (Bleaching ing not more than 10 per cent water.

BLOW OFF. A waste gate or device for COMMON SEWER. One in which all abutters

accumulated solids or for emptying equal rights.

sewer. CONCENTRATED SEWAGE. A relative

BRANCHES. Special forms of vitrified (1) Sewage containing a relatively small proportion
iron pipe for making connections to the street of water and much organic waste. (2) A sewage
They are called Tee, Tee-Y, Double-Y containing a relatively large amount of organic
their shapes. matter.
BRANCH SEWER. One which receives CONDITIONING. Sludge Conditioning."
lateral sewers or tributaries and which CONTACT BED. An artificial bed of coarse
into a main or trunk sewer. such as broken stone or clinkers in a water tight
basin provided with controlled inlet and outlet. It
is operated in cycles of filling with sewage, standing
C full in contact, emptying and resting empty, in order
to remove some of the suspended matter and oxidize
CAGE SCREEN. One consisting of a
organic matter by bio-chemical agencies.
with bottom and three vertical sides,
CONTAMINATED WATER. Water unfit for domes-
formed of bars or rods, so arranged that tic use due to the presence of sewage.
lowered into the flowing sewage and
CONTAMINATION. The introduction into

emptying. potable water of bacteria or sewage which makes it

CAPILLARY WATER. Water in the interstices
unfit for use.
the soil or a sand filter which is not lost COVER. See Manhole Head."

CATCH BASIN." A chamber or well beneath CROWN. The inside top of a sewer.
ceiving basin or inlet, designed to
CRUDE SEWAGE. Sewage which has
admission of grit and detritus into the
CATCHMENT AREA. Area of watershed CURB. See Manhole
to a lake, stream or sewer.
CATCH PIT. Grit Catcher."
CESSPOOL. A pit into which household

other liquid waste is discharged and out

liquid leaches inito the surrounding soil

wise removed. DE-GREASING. The removal of fats

CHAMBER. A general term for a space from sewage, waste or sludge.

walls. Often prefixed by a descriptive DEGREE OF PURIFICATION. A

Grit Chamber" or "
Screen Chamber," removal and oxidation of the objectionable
its contents, or "Discharge Chamber putrescible contents of sewage.
ing Chamber," indicating its office. DEPRESSED SEWER. A sewer often

CHEMICAL PRECIPITATION. (1) neath a valley or a water course which

accelerated by the use of a coagulating under greater than atmospheric pressure
(2) Clarification and sedimentation profile is depressed below the hydraulic
addition of lime and iron, alum, acids DETRITUS CHAMBER. Grit Chamber."
chemicals which react with the soluble often used in England.)
sewage. DIGESTION. The biochemical decomposition
CHLORINATED SEWAGE. Sewage plex organic matter resulting in liquefaction
chlorine or bleaching powder for the liberation of gases, and the formation
disinfection. and simpler organic compounds.

periphery of a circular tank. taining a large proportion of water.

CLARIFICATION. The partial or complete DILUTION. (1) A method of disposal
of suspended and colloidal matter from effluent by discharge into a stream or other

liquid. water. (2) The ratio of the quantity of

CLARIFIED SEWAGE. (1) The product stream to the quantity of sewage or effluent

disposal plant from which the effluent appears

charged into it.
(2) Sewage from which suspended matter
partially or completely removed. treatment in which sewage previously
COAGULATION. The flocculation lime is passed through closed tanks
suspended matter brouight about by the electrodes through which electric current
some chemical to the liquid, by contact or
while the liquid is agitated by rotating pAddles,
COARSE GRAINED FILTER. General theory being that nascent oxygen produced
tact bed or sprinkling filter. trolysis of the liquid will immediately
COARSE RACKS. A relative term, but
organic matter and attack the bacteria.
when the clear space between bars is
DISC SCREEN. One in the form of

more. rotating about an axis perpendicular

COARSE SCREEN. A relative term, DISCHARGE SEWER. Outlet Pipe."
used when openinigs are greater than
least dimension, except in the case
which has been treated with a disinfecting
Coarse Racks.")
commonly chlorine or "bleach" resulting
COEFFICIENT OF IMPERVIOUSNESS. ratio, partial destruction of bacteria sufficient
expressed decimally, of effectively reduce the danger of infection.
face to the total catchment area. DISINFECTION. The partial destruction,
COLLECTING SYSTEM. All sewers by the use of some chemical, of micro-organisms
to the outfall. spores likely to cause infection and
containing, DISPERSION. A method of disposal of

largely, colloids or colloidal in characteristics

solids in sewage or effluent by scattering

action. widely in a str-eam or other body of water.

DISTRIBUTOR. A distributor is a device used to FINE RACKS. A relative term, but generally used
apply sewage to the surface of a filter. They are when the clear space between bars is one inch or
of two general types fixed and miovable. The fixed less.
may be perforated pipes or notched troughs, sloping FINE SCREEN. A relative term, but generally used
boards or sprinkler nozzles. The movable may be for a mechanically operated screen with openings
rotary or reciprocating perforated pipes or ti-oughs one-quarter inch or less in least dimension.
applying spray or a thin sheet of sewage. FLARING MOUTHPIECE. A funnel shaped en-
DIVERSION CHAMBER. A chamber which contains trance to facilitate flow into a pipe or conduit.
a regulating device. FLOWING-TROUGH CHAMBER. The upper story
DIVERSION MANHOLE. " Diversion Chamber." of an Imhoff tank.
DOMESTIC SEWAGE. Sewage from dwellings, busi- FLUSHING CHAMBER. See "
Flush Tank " and
ness buildings, factories or institutions. It may also "
Flushing Manhole."
contain a small proportion of industrial waste. Dur- FLUSHING MANHOLE. A manhole provided with
ing dry weather the source of its liquid is the a gate so that sewage or water may be accumulated
water supply; in wet weather it may or may not and then discharged rapidly for flushing the sewer.
receive ground, surface or storm water, depending FLUSH TANK. A chamber in which water or sewage
on whether the system is " separate" or " com- is accumulated and discharged at intervals for flush-
bined." ing the sewer. Various automatic mechanical,
DORTMUND TANK. A deep, vertical-flow sedimenta- hydraulic and pneumatic devices are provided for
tion tank with cone or hopper bottom. The sewage, the purpose.
introduced near the bottom, rises and overflows at FRESH SEWAGE. Sewage recently produced, gen-
the surface and the sludge may be removed from erally less than four hours old.
the bottom without dewatering and before it becomes
DOSING CHAMBER. " Dosing Tank." G
DOSING SIPHON. An automatic siphon for dis-
GAS SLOT. "Gas Vent."
charging a dosing tank. GAS VENT. An opening which allows gas, liberated
DOSING TANK. A tank into which sewage is intro-
in an Imhoff sludge digestion chamber, to reach the
duced and held until the desired quantity has been
accumulated and then discharged at such rate as is atmosphere without passing up through the sewage
in the settling chamber.
necessary for the distribution essential to the subse-
quent treatment. GRADE. The elevation of the invert of a sewer above
DRAIN. A conduit or pipe, usually underground, for datum.
carrying off, by gravity, liquids other than sewage GRADIENT. Slope."

and industrial wastes, and including ground or sub- GRATING. A screen consisting of two sets of parallel
soil water, surface water and storm water. bars transverse to each other in the same plane.
DRAINAGE. A general term for gravity flow of GRAVITY SYSTEM. One in which all sewage runs
liquids in conduits partially filled. Commonly on descending gradients from source to outlet, or
where no pumping is required.
applied to surface and ground water. GREASE TRAP. A device connected with a house
DRAINAGE SYSTEM. A connected system of drains sewer by means of which the grease content of the
for serving a given territory. is cooled and congealed so that it may be
DRAINAGE WATER. Water flowing in a drain de- sewage
rived from ground, surface or storm water. later skimmed from the surface.
GRIT. The heavy mineral matter deposited from
DROP MANHOLE. A shaft in which the sewage
falls from a sewer to a lower level. sewage in grit chambers.
DRUM SCREEN. One in the form of a cylinder or GRIT CATCHER. A chamber usually placed at the
upper end of an inverted siphon or at other points
cone rotating on its axis.
of protection on combined or storm-water sewers, of
such shape and dimensions as to reduce the velocity
E of flow and thus permit the settling out of rela-
tively heavy suspended matter.
EFFLUENT. Sewage, partially or completely treated, GRIT CHAMBER. An enlarged channel or long basin
flowing out of any sewage treatment device. near the beginning of a treatment plant in which the
EFFLUENT DISCHARGE CONDUIT. "Outlet cross section is designed to reduce the velocity of
Pipe." the flowing sewage and only enough to cause the
EJECTOR. See " Pneumotic Ejector." deposition of heavy solids such as grit, sand and
END MANHOLE. One at the upstream end of a gravel.
sewer. GROUND WATER. Water derived from beneath the
ENTRANCE WELL. " Inlet Well." surface of the ground.
EVAPORATION. Vaporization of moisture from a GROUND-WATER DRAIN. One which carries away
wet surface. ground water.

FILTERED SEWAGE. (1) Sewage which has passed
through fine porous material, as a sand bed, at a HORIZONTAL FLOW TANK. A sedimentation tank
rate slow enough to remove suspended solids and or basin, with or without baffles, in which the direc-
produce clarification. (2) Sewage which has passed tion of flow is generally horizontal and lengthwise
the tank.
through a coarse grained filter. HOUSE CONNECTION. House Sewer."
FILTERING MEDIUM. The material through which
the sewage applied to a filter bed must pass and in HOUSE LATERAL. (Rochester, N. Y.) The portion
of the house connection from the street sewer to the
which is contained the means of effecting treatment.
FILTRATION. (1) The removal of solids and liquid street line laid by the municipality.
organic matter by straining, contact andoroxidation. HOUSE SEWAGE. (1) Sewage from dwellings. (2)
(2) The process of removing suspended colloided Loosely used for Domestic Sewage."
matter f rom a liquid by causing it to flow through HOUSE SEWER. (1) One which carries house
sewage to the street or common sewer. (2) (Wis-
a relatively fine porous medium. (The liquid
consin) Sewer between house and curb, built by the
usually fills the pores of the medium.) (3) By pas-
owner. (3) (Rochester, N. Y.) Sewer between
sage through a coarse grained filter with or without house and street line, built by the owner.
completely filling the voids.
HUMUS SLUDGE. (1) Digested sludge deposited in
FILTROS. An artificial porous stone made of care- final or secondary settling tanks, following sp-ink-
fully graded silicious by moulding,
sand pressing,
ling filters. (2) Sludge resembling humus in
firing, annealing and grinding. It is used as a
filtering element and for diffusing air in the acti-
HUMUS TANK. (1) A tank for collecting humus
vated sludge process.
FINAL SETTLING BASIN. A shallow continuous sludge. (2) Final Settling Basin."

HYDRAULIC GRADE. The inclination of the profile

flow tank into which the effluent of a sprinkling
filter passes for the purpose of removing the settle- of the liquid surface in a sewer. Generally taken

able solids before its final discharge. parallel to the invert.


FINAL SETTLING TANK. Same as final settling HYDRAULIC SLOPE. Hydraulic Grade."
basin but deeper and of less area.
HYDROLYSIS. A change in the molecular composi- LATERAL SEWER. One which discharges into a
tion of matter by the addition of water. branch or other sewer and has no other common
HYDROLYTIC TANK. General term for any sedi- sewer tributarr to it. Its contents are received
mentation tank in whith, by biochemical processes from individual buildings or surface sewer con-
a portion of the suspended organic matter is liqueficd nections.
and gassified. LEACHING CESSPOOL. One out of which the
I liquid leaches into the surrounding soil.
LEAKAGE. Water which is lost from a sewer
IMHOFF TANK. A deep two-storied tank invented through joints.
by Dr. Karl Imhoff, consisting of an upper or con- LINE MANHOLE. One in the line of the sewer at a
tinuous sedimentation chamber and a lower or sludge point where no other sewers connect. It may be at
digestion chamber. The floor of the upper chamber a point where the sewer changes direction, either in
slopes steeply to trapped slots-through which solids line, slope or grade.
may settle into the lower chamber. The lower cham- LIQUID SLUDGE. Sludge which flows by gravity,
ber receives no fresh sewage but is provided with generally 75 to 99 per cent water.
gas vents and with means for drawing digested
sludge from near the bottom.
INCREASER. A tapered section of pipe or conduit
used when passing from a smaller to a larger M
section. LACHLAN PROCESS. A method of condition-
INDUSTRIAL. SEWAGE. (1) Sewage in which in- MAC ing liquid sludge preparatory to dewatering by the
dustrial wastes predominate. (See " Domestic application of sulfur dioxide gas produced in rotary
Sewage " and " Industrial Wastes.") (2) A com- sulfur burners from crude sulfur.
bination 'of the liquid wastes of the industry and MAIN SEWER. (1) One which receives one or more
the operatives. branch sewers as tributaries. (2) (Rochester, N. Y.)
INDUSTRIAL SEWER. (California) One which Street, common or public sewer as distinguished
carries industrial waste and no sanitary sewage or from surface sewer, house connection or lateral.
sto-m water. (3) " Trunk Sewer."
INDUSTRIAL WASTbES. Liquid wastes from indus- MANHOLE. A shaft or chamber from the surface of
trial processes. the ground large enough to admit a man for inspec-
.INFECTED WATER. Water which contains disease tion or cleaning of the sewer. It is preferably so
germs. placed as to give a clear line of sight through the
INFECTION OF WATER. The introduction of sewer from manhole to manhole.
pathogenic bacteria into water in sufficient quanti- MANHOLE HEAD. A cast iron fixture surmounting
ties to produce disease. the manhole shaft with its top flush with the pave-
INFILTRATION. Water which leaches through the ment. It is made up of two parts, the " Curb " or
ground and enters a sewer through joints. "Frame" which rests on the masonry of the shaft
INFLUENT. Sewage' raw or paeftially treated,l flow- and the removable " Cover." Curbs are either
ing intp any sewage treatment device. "fixed" or " adjustable " in height. Covers are
, ,LET. h A connection between the surface of the "tight," ventilated and " Anti-Rattler."
" "
- ground and a combined or storm-water sewer for the MEDIUM SCREEN. One with ope,nings betWeen
admission of surface or storm-water. It includes coarse screen and fine screen.
the inlet well and surface sewetr onnection. MESH SCREEN. One composed of twilled or woven
INLET WELL. A well or opening at the surface of fabric usually of wire.
the ground to receive surface water which is thence MILES ACID PROCESS. A method of treatment
conducted to the sewer. invented by Geo. W. Miles, in which sewage is
INSTITUTIONAL SEWAGE. Domestic sewage acidified by sulfuric acid, or better, by sulfurous
from institutions such as hospitals, sanitariums, acid fumes obtained by burning sulfur or roasting
penal and charitable establishments. pyrite. The fumes are absorbed by a portion of the
INTERCEPTING SEWER. (1) One which receives sewage. This portion is then mixed with the re-
the dry-weather flow from a number of, transverse mainder of the sewage. Subsequent precipitation of
sewers or outlets with or without a determined solids results in clarification and a measure of dis-
amount 'of ''storm water from a combined system. infection. The bulk of the sludge produced is less
(2) (Ohio;and Michigan) Refers only to a combined than by any other means of precipitation. The
system. method is best adapted to sewage of low alkalinity.
INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER. A natural or MOUTH PIECE. " Flaring Mouthpiece."
artificial bed of sand or other fine-grained material
to which sewage is applied in intermittent doses and
through which it flows. During alternate intervals
'the interstices are partly filled with air. The result 0
X is a clarified and oxidized effluent due to the strain- OUTFALL SEWER. One which receives the sewage
ing out of solids, the absorption of colloids and the from the collecting system and conducts it to a
oxidation of organic matter by biochemical agencies. point of final discharge or to a disposal plant.
INVERT. Originally: the inverted arch of a masonry 'OUTLET PIPE. Pipe which conveys the effluent
lined sewer. By derivation: the floor, bottom or from a treatment plant to its final place of disposal.
lowest point in the cross section of a sewer. OXIDATION. Sewage oxidation is the process
INVERT BLOCK. A 'sub-drain of voussoir-shaped whereby, through the agency of living organisms in
hollow tile built into the invert of a masonry sewer. the presence of air, the organic matter is converted
INVERTED SIPHON SEWER. " Depressed Sewer." into a more stable form or into mineral
IRRIGATION. The process of sewage treatment in OXIDIZED SEWAGE. Sewage in which matter. atmospheric
which the sewage is applied to land growing crops. or other oxygen has acted upon the putrescible
organic matter and rendered it stable.

JUNCTION MANHOLE. One at the junction of two p

or more sewers.
K has received incomplete treatment at a sewage dis-
posal plant.
KITCHEN WASTE. Culinary wastes from a kitchen. PERCOLATING FILTER. " Trickling Filter."
PERCOLATION. The flow or trickling of a liquid
L downward through a relatively coarse porous
medium. The liquid usually does not fill the pores
LAMP HOLE. A small vertical pipe or shaft leading of the medium.
from the surface of the ground to the sewer, for PLATE SCREEN. One composed of perforated plate.
admitting a lantern or reflected light for purposes PNEUMATIC EJECTOR. A means of raising sewage
of inspection. or other liquid by alternately admitting it through a
LAND DRAIN. (1) A conduit for draining land. check valve into the bottom of a pot and then eject-
(2) " Ground-Water Drain." ing it through another check valve into the dischar-ge
LATERAL. (Rochester, N. Y.) A house or surface pipe by admitting compressed air to the pot above
sewer connection. the liquid.
POLLUTED WATER. Water which has been fouled SCREENING. The removal of relatively coarse float-
by sewage or other liquid and thus rendered offensive ing and suspended solids by straining through
to sight or smell and unfit for culinary or industrial racks or screens made of bars, gratings, wires or
uses. perforated plates.
POLLUTION. The fouling of an inoffensive water by SCREENINGS. The material removed from sewage
sewage or other liquid, thus rendering it offensive by screens and racks.
to sight and smell and unfit for culinary or indus- SCUM. A mass of sewage solids, buoyed up by en-
trial uses. trained gas, grease or other substances which float
POTABLE WATER. Water used for beverage and at the surface of sewage.
culinary purposes. SCUM BOARD. A vertical baffle dipping below the
PRECIPITATIOiN. (1) " Cbemical Precipitation." surface of sewage in a tank to prevent the passage
(2) Rain and snowfall expressed in inches depth. of floating matter.
PRIVATE SEWER. One privately owned and used SCUM COMPARTMENT. In an Imhoff tank, the
by one or more properties. connecting space below the gas vent and above the
PUBLIC SEWER. A commnon sewer controlled by sludge compartment.
public authority. SECONDARY SETTLING TANK. " Final Settling
PUTREFACTION. Decomposition of organic matter Tank."
under conditions of oxygen deficiency. SEDIMENTATION. The subsidence and deposition
PUTRESCIBILITY. (1) The susceptibility of waste of suspended matter in a liquid by gravity.
waters, sewage, effluent or sludge to putrefaction SEDIMENTATION TANK. One in which sewage
under the conditions to which it is subjected. (2) or effluent is retained long enough or in which the
The relative tendency of organic matter to undergo velocity is low enough to allow partial deposition of
decomposition in the absence of oxygen. suspended matter but without intended anaerobic
SEDIMENTED SEWAGE. Sewage from which some
R of the solids have been removed by sedimentation.
RACK. A screen composed of parallel bars, either ver- " Settled
tical or inclined, from which the screenings are SEMI-CIRCUMFERENTIAL FLOW. Flows parallel
raked. to the semi-circumferences of a circular tank,
RADIAL FLOW. Direction of flow across a circular divided at the entrance and meeting again at the
tank, from center to periphery or vice versa. common outlet.
RADIAL INWARD FLOW. Inlet at periphery and SEPARATE SEWER. (1) One which excludes storm
outflow at the center of a circular tank. water, thus distinguished from combined sewer.
RADIAL OUTWARD FLOW. Inlet at center and (2) A sanitary sewer.
outflow at. the periphery of a circular tank. SEPARATE SLUDGE DIGESTION. A method by
RAINFALL RATE. Precipitation in inches per hour. which digestion occurs subsequent to removal of the
RATE OF PRECIPITATION. "Rainfall Rate." sludge from the tank in which it accumulated upon
RAW SEWAGE. " Crude Sewage." sedimentation.
RECEIVING BASIN. (Rochester, N. Y.) " Inlet SEPARATE SYSTEM. A system of separate sewers,
Well." or one in which sanitary sewage and storm water
are carried in separate conduits.
REDUCER. A tapered section of pipe or conduit used SEPT-AER-SED METHOD. Sewage treatment in
when passing from a larger to a smaller section. which septic tank effluent is aerated and passed into
REGULATOR. A device for controlling the quantity a sedimentation tank. This secondary sludge is
admitted to an intercepting sewer or unit of a dis- then pumped back into the septic tank and the
posal plant. effluent is discharged relatively stable.
RELATIVE STABILITY. The ratio, expressed in SEPTIC SEWAGE. (1) Sewage over eight or twelve
per cent, of available oxygen in waste waters, hours old which is in a septic condition indicated
sewage, effluent or diluted sewage to that required
to prevent putrefaction. by odor and the emission of bubbles. (2) Sewage
RELIEF SEWER. One constructed to supplement undergoing putrefaction in the absence of oxygen.
another in the same territory. It generally has no SEPTIC TANK. An open or covered continuous
house or surface sewer connections, but receives its horizontal flow tank in which sewage and the de-
sewage from the street sewers. posited sludge are retained long enough to allow con-
RESERVOIR. A tank or basin primarily for storage siderable anaerobic decomposition. The period of
of a liquid. detention of sewage is usually from eight to twelve
ROOF WATER. Storm water from roofs. hours.
RUN OFF. The portion of the precipitation inches
which SETTLEABLE SOLIDS. Suspended solids which
reaches a lake, stream or sewer expressed in will subside in quiescent sewage in a reasonable
depth. period. (Two hours is a common arbitrary standard.)
RUN OFF COEFFICIENT. The ratio, expressed SETTLED SEWAGE. Sewage from which some of
decimally, of run off to precipitation. the solids have settled out in a tank during quies-
RUN OFF RATE. Run off in inches per unit of cence or slow flow.
time (per year or per month). SETTLING CHAMBER. (1) ".Sedimentation Tank."
(2) The second or final element of the so-called bio-
lytic tank.
S SETTLING SOLIDS. "Settleable Solids."
SETTLING TANK. Sedimentation Tank."

SAND CATCHER. " Grit Catcher." SEWAGE. (1) Wash water and water-carried animal,
SAND FILTER. " Intermittent Sand Filter." -culinary and in some cases industrial wastes. (2i
SANITARY SEWAGE. (1) Domestic sewage with Liquid waste containing human excreta, ordinarily
storm water excluded by design. (2) Sewage
originating in the sanitary conveniences of a dwell- flowing in or from a house drainage system or
sewer. " Excreta " includes feces, urine, secretions
ing, business building, factory or institution. (3) from the skin, expectoration, etc. (3) Liquid
The water supply of a community after it has been wastes from dwellings and institutions, stables and
used and discharged into a sewer. business buildings. It may also contain liquid
SANITARY SEWER. One which carries sanitary wastes from industries. (4) A combination of (a)
sewage and excludes storm, surface and ground the liquid wastes conducted away from residences,
water. business buildings and institutions and (b) from
SATURATION. The condition of a liquid when it industrial establishments, with (c) such ground,
has taken into solution the maximum possible amount surface and storm water as may be admitted to or
of a given substance at the given temperature and find its way into the sewers. (5) The ordinary
pressure, as water saturated with oxygen.
SCREEN. A device with openings generally of uni- liquid contents of a sewer containing organic wastes,
which may or may not include street wash.
form size used to retain coarse sewage solids. The SEWAGE DISPOSAL. General term. The act of
screening element may consist of parallel bars, rods disposing of sewage by any method.
or wires, grating wire mesh or perforated plate, and
the openings may be of any shape, circular, rectangu- SEWAGE LIFT. Pumping equipment appurtenant to
lar or long slits. a collecting system where necessary to raise sewage
SCREENED SEWAGE. (1) Sewage which has passed to a higher level sewer.
through racks or screens. (2) Sewage which has SEWAGE PURIFICATION. Loosely used for

passed through fine screens. "

Sewage Treatment."
SEWAGE TREATMENT. Any artificial process to SPADABLE SLUDGE. Sludge dry enough to be
which sewage is subjected in order to partially re- shoveled or forked from the drying bed (30 to 60
move or so alter its impurities as to render it less per cent moisture).
offensive or dangerous and more fit to discharge. SPRAY NOZZLE. " Sprinkler Nozzle."
SEWAGE WORKS. Main pumping station, treatment SPRAYING NOZZLE. " Sprinkler Nozzle-."
plant and means of disposal. SPRINKLER. " Sprinkler Nozzle."
SEWER. A conduit for carrying sewage. SPRINKLER NOZZLE. A nozzle used for applying
SEWER APPURTENANCES. Constructions, de- sewage to a sprinkling filter.
vices and appliances other than the pipe or conduit
which are appurtenant to a sewer, such as man- SPRINKLING FILTER. A trickling filter in which
holes, flush tanks, surface inlets, etc. the sewage is applied by spray (the usual type and
SEWER-SERVICE LATERAL. (Wisconsin) The hence the name most used).
portion of the house connection from the street SQUEEGEE. A hand propelled device used for dis-
sewer to the curb, laid by the municipality. lodging and removing deposited sewage solids from
SEWER SYSTEM. The collecting system of sewers the walls and bottoms of settling tanks.
and appurtenances including sewage lifts where STABLE EFFLUENT. A treated sewage which con-
required. tains enough oxygen to satisfy its complete oxygen
SEWER TERRITORY. The area deemed benefited demand.
and assessed for the cost of a sewer. STABLE SEWAGE. Wash water from stables con-
SEWERAGE SYSTEM. Comprehensive term includ-
ing all constructions for collection, transportation, taining considerable quantities of animal wastes.
pumping, treatment and final disposition of sewage. (Barn Sewage.)
SEWERAGE WORKS. " Sewage Works." STABILITY. The capability of waste water, sewage,
SIDEWALLS. The vertical, curved or inclined walls effluent or sludge to resist putrefaction under the
which support the arch or top of a masonry sewer. conditions to which it is subjected.
SINK WASTE. Liquid waste from a sink. STALE SEWAGE. (1) Sewage which has not yet
SKIMMING ,TANK. A chamber so arranged that become septic as exhibited by the emission of
floating matter rises and remains on the surface of bubbles. (2) Sewage containing little or no oxygen
the sewage until removed while the liquid flows out but as yet free from putrefaction.
continuously under partitions, curtain walls or deep STENCH TRAP. A flap valve in a frame which
.scum boards. opens to admit cellar drainage to a sewer and then
SLANT. A branch inserted in the side of a brick, con- closes to prevent sewer air from entering the house.
crete or other masonry sewer for the purpose of The complete destruction of
making connection thereto. STERILIZATION.
SLEEK. The thin oily film usually present which gives micro-organisms and their spores ordinarily through
characteristic appearance to the water surface at the agency of heat or of some chemical.
and near a sewer outlet. STERILIZED SEWAGE. A sewage effluent in which
SLOPE. The inclination of the profile of the invert all micro-organisms and their spores have been
of a sewer expressed in per cent of length, or as destroyed.
one foot fall in a given length in feet. STORM DRAIN. " Storm-Water Sewers."
SLOT. A narrow opening. The trapped opening for STORM OVERFLOW. A weir, orifice or other de-
the passage of settled solids from the flowing vice for discharging from a main, trunk or inter-
through chamber to the sludge digestion chamber cepting sewer, excess of combined sewage or storm
of an Imhoff tank. water over that which the sewer or interceptor is
SLUDGE. Semi-liquid and largely organic suspended designed to carry.
sewage solids as deposited in tanks or as subse- STORM-OVERFLOW SEWER. " Storm-Water Over-
quently treated. flow Sewer."
SLUDGE BED. An enclosed natural or artificial area STORM WATER. Excess water during rainfall or
of porous material (sand) upon which sludge is continuously following and resulting therefrom.
partially dried by draining and evaporation. STORM-WATER DRAIN. " Storm-Water Sewer."
SLUDGE CAKE. A mass resulting from sludge press- STORM-WATER OVERFLOW. " Storm Overflow."
ing. The cake does not contain eqough water to fill STORM-WATER OVERFLOW SEWER. One which
its voids. carries excess flow from a storm-water overflow to
SLUDGE CHAMBER. " Sludge Digestion Chamber." an independent outlet.
SLUDGE COMPARTMENT. "Sludge Digestion STORM-WATER SEWAGE. The ordinary liquid con-
SLUDGE CONDITIONING. Treatment of undigested tents of a storm-water sewer, including street wash
liquid sludge preliminary and in order to make it and roof water.
amenable to de-watering. STORM-WATER SEWER. One which carries storm
SLUDGE CONCENTRATION. (1) The process of and surface water, street wash and some other wash
reducing the volume of water content of sludge by waters or drainage but excludes domestic and sani-
sedimentation and decantation, or by mechanically tary sewage and industrial wastes.
thickening by scraping to a sump, it still remains STREET SEWER. "Common Sewer" or "Public
liquid. (2) Any method of sludge treatment Sewer " in a street.
whereby the moisture content is reduced, while the STRONG SEWAGE. "Concentrated Sewage."
sludge still remains liquid. SUBSIDING BASIN. "Sedimentation Tank."
SLUDGE DE-WATERING. A general term for the SUB-DRAIN. A conduit constructed beneath a sewer
removal of a portion of the water in sludge by any to carry ground water.
process such as draining, pressing, centrifuging, SUB-MAIN SEWER. " Branch Sewer."
exhausting, wringing between rollers or acid flota- SUB-SOIL DRAIN. A ground-water drain deep
tion, with or without heat. It involves reducing enough to take water from the sub-soil.
from a liquid to a spadable condition rather than SUB-SURFACE IRRIGATION. The process of
merely changing the density of the liquid (concen- sewage treatment in which the sewage or effluent is
tration) on the one hand or drying (as in a kiln) applied to land by distributing it beneath the surface
by -high heat on the other. through open jointed pipes.
SLUDGE DIGESTION. The biochemical process by SURFACE INLET. " Inlet Well."
which organic matter in sludge is gasified, liquefied, SURFACE IRRIGATION. The process of sewage
mineralized or converted into more stable organic treatment in which the sewage is applied to land
SLUDGE DIGESTION CHAMBER. The lower growing crops by distributing it aver the surface.
story of an Imhoff tank or Travis tank. SURFACE SEWER. (Rochester, N. Y.) " Surface-
SLUDGE DRYING. The process of (1) drying sludge Sewer Connection."
by draining and evaporation on sludge beds, and SURFACE-SEWER CONNECTION. The pipe which
(2) drying in kilns by artificial heat. connects a surface sewer or " Inlet Well " with the
SLUDGE-DRYING BED. " Sludge Bed." street sewer.
SLUDGE PASTE. Sludge with voids filled with water SURFACE-SEWER LATERAL. (Rochester, N. Y.)
but which will not flow. There is a wide range of " Surface-Sewer Connection."
moisture (35 to 75 per cent). SURFACE WATER. Water derived from the surface
SLUDGE PRESSING. The process of de-watering by of the ground.
pressure, the solids being retained by and the water SURFACE-WATER DRAIN. One which carries sur-
passing out through a fabric. face water.
SUSPENDED SOLIDS. Solids physically suspended TREATED SEWAGE. Sewage which has received
in sewage or effluent, determinable in amount by treatment more or less complete at a sewage dis-
standard laboratory methods of filtration. posal plant.
SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE. " Sewerage System." TRICKLING FILTER. An artificial bed of coarse
SYSTEM OF SEWERS. " Sewer System." material such as broken stone, clinkers, slate, slats
or brush over which sewage is distributed and
T applied in drops, films or spray from troughs or
drippers, moving distributors or fixed nozzles and
TANK. Any chamber, vat or basin through which through which it trickles to the underdrains giving
sewage passes or in which it is detained during its opportunity for organic matter to be oxidized by
collection or treatment. bio-chemical agencies.
TANKAGE. Detention in a tank during treatment. TRUNK SEWER. (1) " Main Sewer." (2) One
TANK TREATMENT. Treatment of sewage, effluent which receives many tributary branches and serves
or sludge in a tank either in a state of quiescence as an outlet for a large territory. (3) " Intercept-
or slow flow. The treatment may consist of coagu- ing Sewer."
lation, agitation aeration, sedimentation, precipita- TWIN OR MULTIPLE DOSING TANKS. Twin
tion or digestion. or multiple tanks of equal capacity, each equipped
TIGHT CESSPOOL. " Water-Tight Cesspool." with a dosing device, so interconnected that they fill
TIGHT MANHOLE COVER. One without openings. and discharge alternately or in rotation.
TRADE WASTES. " Industrial Wastes."
TRANSPORTATION. Vaporization of water taken U
up by vegetation.
TRAP. A device to prevent foul air in a sewer from UNDER DRAIN. (1) A land drain laid below ground.
backing up and following a connection. When made (2) " Sub-Drain."
of cast iron or vitrified tile, it may be of various
forms defined as running trap, P-trap, S-trap, etc. V
They are generally used in connection with combined VENTILATED MANHOLE COVER. One with
systems. openings.
TRASH. The material removed from combined and VERTICAL-FLOW TANK. A sedimentation tank in
storm water sewers by coarse racks. which the sewage enters near the bottom, rises ver-
TRAVIS TANK. A two story hydrolytic tank in- tically and flows out at the top.
vented by Dr. Travis consisting of an upper sedi-
mentation chamber with steeply sloping bottom
terminating in slots through which the deposited w
solids pass into the lower or sludge digesting cham- WATER-TIGHT CESSPOOL. One with tight walls
ber through which latter a predetermined portion of to prevent leaching and from which the contents are
the sewage is allowed to pass for the purpose of removed at intervals. *
seeding and maintaining bacterial life in the sludge WEAK SEWAGE. ". Dilute Sewage."
and carrying away decomposition products. This is WING SCREEN. One in which the screening ele-
for the purpose of inducing digestion of the sludge ments are radial planes or curved vanes rotating
attended by its reduction in volume. on a horizontal axis.

d. Stable
1. Defined as to source e. Institutional
a. Rain water f. Sanitary
b. Ground-Sub-surface g. Storm water
c. Surface h. Separate
d. Storm i. Combined
e. Roof
f. Drainage 2. Defined as to condition
a. Fresh
2. Defined as to condition b. Stale
a. Fresh c. Septic
b. Salt d. Dilute-weak
c. Saturated with oxygen e. Concentrated-strong
d. Deficient in oxygen f. Crude-raw
e. Clear g. Partially treated
f. Turbid h. Treated
g. Colorless i. Screened
h. Stained j. Sedimented-settled
i. Potable k. Precipitated
j. Contaminated 1. Oxodized
k. Polluted
m. Activated
1. Infected n. Filtered
B. SEWAGE o. Clarified
1. Defined as to source p. Chlorinated
a. Domestic q. Disinfected
b. Industrial r. Sterilized


A. DRAINS 3. Private
1. Ground 4. Street
2. Surface 5. Lateral
3. Storm water 6. Branch or sub-main
4. Land 7. Main
5. Under drain 8. Trunk
6. Sub-drains 9. Interceptor
B. SEWERS 10. Outf all
1. Common 11. Outlet pipe
2. Public 12. Relief
13. Overflow 4. Flushing chamber
14. Storm water S. Catch basin
15. Sanitary 6. Surface inlet well
16. Combined 7. Diversion chamber
17. Separate 8. Regulator
18. Industrial 9. Grit catcher
C. CONNECTIONS 10. Storm overflow weir
1. Lateral 11. Depressed Sewer-inverted siphon
2. House 12. Blow off
3. Surface sewer 13. Sidewall
4. Traps 14. Arch
5. Branches 15. Invert
16. Crown
D. APPURTENANCES 17. Drop manhole
1. Manhole 18. Sewage lift
2. Lamphole 19. Air lift
3. Flush tank 20. Pneumatic ejector
1. Irrigation (1) Removed undigested as liquid
(a) Covered in furrows
2. Dilution (b) Lagooned
B. WITH TREATMENT (c) Dumped at sea
1. Separation of solids and liquids (2) Digested
a. Coarse solids by racks (a) In full stream of sewage, septic
b. Floating and coarse suspended solids by tank, biolytic tank.
screens, scum boards or skimming cham- (b) In small amount-. of sewage,
bers Travis tank
c. Grit, by grit chamber (c) Without sewage,: I.mhoff tank,
d. Settleable solids, by tanks separate digstion
e. Suspended solids, by (3) Removed, digeste asAliquid
(1) Sedimentation (a) Covered in furrows
(2) Chemical precipitation (b) Sprayed as fertilizer
(3) Flotation (c) Lagooned
(4 Centrifuging (d) Dumped at sea
.(5 Sand filtration (4) Concentrated (either digested or undi-
f. Colloids by precipitation or filtration gested)
2. Treatment of liquid (a) Sedimentation and decantation
a. Oxidation (b) Mechanical thickeners
(1) Dilution (5) Removed, concentrated as a liquid,
(2) Irrigation then
(3) Sand filtration (a) If undigested, treated as (1) or
(4) Contact bed digested separately as in (2)-
(5) Sprinkling filter (c) above
(6) Activation (b) If digested, treated as in (3)
(7) Direct oxidation with lime above or dewatered as in (6)
(8) Miles acid process below
b. Disinfection (6) De-watered to spadable condition
(1) Liquid chlorine (a) Sand beds, draining and evap-
(2) Bleach oration
c. Sterilization (b) Pressing
(1) Heat (c) Centrifuging
(2) Chemicals (d) Exhausting, Oliver filter
3. Disposal of effluent (e) Wringing, between rollers
a. Irrigation
(7) Removed as cake or in spadable con-
b. Dilution dition
(a) Dumped at sea
4. Treatment of solids- (b) Used as filling
a. Screenings and scum (c) Used as fertilizer
(1) Burying (d) Mixed with fuel and burned
(2) Burning (8) Dred in a kiln by heat
(3) Composting (a) Used as fertilizer
b. Grit-used as filling (b) Used as fertilizer base

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