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Chava Shelhav Method

a developmental monitoring training program
Following the success of the Child'Space training
program in Europe, Israel, and the United States,
Dr. Chava Shelhav is back by popular demand to
offer a second training program in the Chicago area.

Why is Developmental Monitoring Important?

Contemporary research indicates that cognitive and
psychological development begins before birth, and is
influenced profoundly by early experiences.The ways
infants perceive, organize and process information directly
affect the development of their movement skills and the
ways they relate to their environment.
Through 40 years of experience working with adults,
children and babies, Dr. Shelhav has concluded that many
difficulties in later years have their origin in this early period.
Early intervention and stimulation of children's primary

Child'Space method
developmental pathways can help prevent or alleviate later
manifestations of impaired development. Monitoring and
emphasizes the importance of supporting infants and their parents on this critical journey
stimulating all the biological systems influences infants' physical, social, emotional and cultural
adjustments throughout their life span.
in the critical developmental period of
the newborn up to independent Who Can Benefit From Child’Space Training?
walking. Involving the parents in the This program offers a variety of learning opportunities, skills,
process is at the heart of the and information resources for professionals working with
method and an essential children, or expanding their practice to include children, and
anyone interested in a new career direction.
component of its success.
The program is suitable for Feldenkrais® Practitioners,
Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Caregivers,
Early Intervention Specialists, Speech Therapists, Child
Therapists,Teachers, Social Workers and Psychologists.
The training can be of value to anyone interested in gaining
an understanding of developmental processes on both
experiential and theoretical levels.
Feldenkrais® is a service mark of
The Training Program About Dr. Chava Shelhav
The 50 days program is held over a two-year period Israeli-born Chava Shelhav was one of the first
(300 hours,) and prepares participants for a role as students of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais – the founder of
"development educators" working with parents to the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education. She
support the developmental stages of their infants is widely recognized for her exceptional skills with
from birth until they achieve independent walking. clients, and as a trainer.
The Child'Space offers two models for working She holds a Master’s degree from Boston
with babies and their caregivers: University (1985) and a Ph.D. from the University
• Individual lessons where the Child'Space of Heidelberg in the Departments of Sociology and
educator works with one infant and his Life Sciences (1998).
primary caregivers Her Master's thesis, "Working with Brain Damaged
Children Using the Feldenkrais Method," and her
• Group sessions, where several babies and
Ph.D. thesis, "Movement as a Learning Model", reflect
their caregivers participate together.
her interest in children's learning.
You will learn to work with: Dr. Shelhav has been Educational Director for
• Healthy babies Feldenkrais professional training programs world-
• Babies experiencing developmental delays wide. She has represented her work at internation-
• Babies with special needs al conferences and collaborated at Professor Esther
You will also learn how to communicate with Curriculum Thelan’s Center for Infant Motor Development.
parents, teach them to observe, appreciate Developmental explorations
and support their babies through each Developed by Dr. Shelhav and unique to In my 25-year career as a pediatric physical therapist, I
have studied many treatment techniques in an effort to
developmental stage. Child'Space, these daily movement lessons give
better help the children I work with. In my opinion, the
participants a direct experience of infants' best overall technique for working with babies is Child'Space.
Observing Chava work with a mother and baby, I was struck developmental stages, allowing future educators
that in a short time she changed so much in that mother, her to hone their observational skills and to better Carol R. Bettendorf, PT, MS, PCS (Chicago)
Birth to Three & Beyond Pediatric Therapies, LLC
child and in her confidence to bond with her child. understand the challenges facing babies.
Hands-on experience
Child’Space Certification Program
Fred Ettner, M.D., Chicago, 32 years in practice
Teacher of Family Medicine at Evanston Hospital Hands-on experience is an essential component
of the training program. Students will work November 12 to 21, 2010,
with each other daily toward developing a July 20 to 28, 2011,
suitable quality of touch for communicating November 11 to 20, 2011,
developmental movement patterns. June 15 to 24, 2012, and
Supervision November 8 to18, 2012
Each training segment, students will be supervised
in conducting sessions with babies and parents. Program price is $1,750 per segment.
For more information please visit our
Lectures by experts in the fields of fetal develop- website
ment, neural development, child psychology,
nutrition and other related topics are an integral To apply, please send your resume, a statement of your
part of the curriculum. vision for what you will do with the training, and personal
interests with a check for $100 to Susan Alberts,
Internet based 200 Dempster Street,Evanston , Illinois, 60202, USA.
Internet based discussion, audio and videotapes Contact Susan with any questions at
of movement lessons and demonstrations with or phone 847-328-8817
children and parents. Home study deepens your
learning on your own schedule.

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