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I wilflghc be o fumaous sp@rts sCId

Whot ore theg thinking?

ffi1 Choose gour onswers.Tick (r') the boxes.

ln ten geors ... 4 I'tt be l.l singte.

I I'tt be l=_l ot school. l-_l morried.
f_l ot universitg. 5 I mog hove f l q cqstle.
[__-l ot work. f_l o motorbike.
2 I'tttive fl here. f_l o swimming poo[.
f_l in onother citg. f_l'o horse.
f_l in onother f_l on istond.
countru. fl o piono.
f ] on onother 6 I might be f_l o businessmon/womqn.
plonet. f-l o doctor.
3 lwont hove f_l ong homework. l-_l on engineer.
f_l ong friends. f__l o nurse.
[__l ong moneg. f_l o fqrmer.
f_l ong problems. f l q fomous sports stor!
# @lWhot did Mrs Kind give ro eqch of her friends? Port 3

Listen ond write o letter in eoch box.There is one exomple.

Kotg Ric hord Em


Micho Sqrqh

Answer me!

|r@ ffi\7
I Witl gou remember oll the new words on these
two poges?
2 Witt gou phone gour best friend this evening?
3 Witt gou hove o pqrtg on gour next birthdog?
4 Will gou be o fomous tennis ploger one dog?

Our predictions.

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