100 Military Leaders Who Changed The World

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Who Changed
the world

Samuel Willard Crompton

World Almanac Library

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Crompton, Samuel Willard.

100 military leaders who changed the world / Samuel Willard Crompcon.
p. cm. (People who changed the world)
Includes index.
Summary: Brief biographies of 100 men and women who attained greatness
through military force, strategy, and/or the ability to command, relating the often

harsh conditions and incredible odds each faced.

ISBN 0-8368-5470-5 (lib. bdg.)
1. Generals Biography Juvenile literature. 2. Admirals Biography Juvenile
literature. 3. Military history ^Juvenile literature. 4.
Naval history ^Juvenile

literature. [1. Generals. 2. Admirals. 3. Military history. 4. Naval history.]

I. Title: One hundred military leaders who changed the world. II. Crompton,
Samuel Willard. 1 00 military leaders who shaped world history. III. Title.

IV. Series.

U51.C743 2003
(B) 2002034335

This North American edition first published in 2003 by

World Almanac Library
330 West Olive Street, Suite 100
Milwaukee, WI 53212 USA

This U.S. edition 2003 by World Almanac Library Original edition 1999 by Bluewood
Books. First published by Bluewood Books, A Division of The Siyeh Group, Inc., P.O. Box 689,
San Mateo, CA 94401.

Editors: Lee A. Schoenbart and Heidi Marschner

Copy editor: Greg Aaron
Designer: David Price
World Almanac Library editor: Jim Mezzanotte
World Almanac Library art direction and cover design: Tammy Gruenewald

Cover images from top to bottom: George Washington, Bernard Montgomer)-, and Joan of Arc.

Photo credits: Bluewood Archives: all pages except: British Museum: 40, 54; Imperial War
Museum: 90, 91, 100; Israel Information Agency: 35, 106; Library of Congress: 76, 77, 87, 103,
104; National Archives: 78, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 92, 93, 98, 99, 101, 105, NYPL: 25, 30, 36,
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About the Author: Samuel Willard Crompton teaches American and European history at Holyoke Community
College. Crompton's other books include; 100 Americans Who Shaped American History (Bluewood, 1998), 100
Battles That Shaped World History (Bluewood, 1997), 100 Wars That Shaped World History {h\uewood, 1997), Cods
and Goddesses of Classical Mythology (Barnes and Noble, 1998) and Presidents of the United States (Smithmark, 1992).
Crompton holds degrees from Framingham State College and Duke University. He grew up and lives in western

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/\L.t,yVnJN UtK 1 rit VjKtAi U ^HAKLh-MALj N h Z/

\J J U J^J R
D .
V_ .
I, O8141

7. Hannibal 14 71 /VLrRhU 1 Hh VjRhAl ZC5

(c. 247-183 B.C.) (r R4Q R001

8. PuBLius Cornelius Scipio i/ J< 1 1 LJ I Mh. VjKr.Al Zy
(c. 233-183 B.C.)


(c. 106-48 B.C.) 041 10141

10. Julius Caesar 77 AMIUITC

V_, AIN 1. 1
1 1
Jj 1

(100^4 B.C.) (C^ Q04 10^^1

11. CONSTANTINE THE GREAT I o Robert Guiscard and Sichelgaita
(c. 280-337) iC. lUO IU09J cx iUzj lUvUj 32
12. Alaric the Goth 19 26. William the Conqueror 33
(c. 370-410) (c. 1027-1087)
13. AtTILA THE HUN 20 27. "El Cid" (RoDRiGO Dl^z de Vivar)3^
(c. 406-453) (c. 1043-1099)
14. Clovis of THE Franks 21 28. Saladin 35
(c. 466-511) (1 137-1193)


9. 16.

3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 17. 20.

14. 18.


ft Y Y y Y

my nil ii >
B.C. A.D. 750

29. Richard the Lion-Hearted 36 42. Zahiruddin Mohammed Babar 49

(1157-1199) (1483-1530)
30. Genghis Khan 37 43. HernAn Cortz 50
(c. 1167-1227) (c. 1485-1547)
31. Subotai 38 44. Suleiman I, the Magnificent 51
(c. 1176-1248) (1494-1566)
32. KuBLAi Khan 39 45. The Duke of Alva 52
(c. 1215-1294) (1508-1582)
33. Edward I 40 46. Oda Nobunaga 53
(1239-1307) (1534-1582)
34. Robert Bruce 41 47. Francis Drake 54
(1274-1329) (c. 1539-1596)
35. Edward the Black Prince 42 48. Maurice of Nassau 55
(1330-1376) (1567-1625)
36. Tamerlane 43 49. Albrecht von Wallenstein 56
(1336-1405) (1583-1634)
37. Bayezid I 44 50. GusTAVUs Adolphus 57
(1354-1403) (1594-1632)
38. Jan Ziska 45 51. Maarten von Tromp 58
(c. 1358-1424) (1597-1653)
39. Joan of Arc 46 52. Oliver Cromwell 59
(c. 1412-1431) (1599-1658)
40. Mehmed II, the Conqueror 47 53. Louis II de Bourbon 60
(1432-1481) (1621-1686)
41. Francisco Pizarro 48 54. Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban 61
(c. 1475-1541) (1633-1707)

24. 32- 37.

21. 22. 23. 25. 27. 28. 29. 31. 34. 35. 38. 40. 44.

26. 30.
33. 36. 39. 43.

y y V V y V ytty|ttttttt| t

rm ym rm >
A.D. 751 1500


55. John Churchill 62 68. Arthur Wellesley 75

(1650-1722) (1769-1852)
56. Peter the Great 63 69. Karl von Clausewitz 76
(1672-1725) (1780-1831
57. Charles XJI 64 70. SimOn Bolivar 77
(1682-1718) (1783-1830)
58. Frederick the great 65 71. Winfield Scott 78
(1712-1786) (1786-1866)
59. John Burgoyne 66 72. Helmuth von Moltke 79
(1722-1792) (1800-1891)
60. James Wolfe 67 73. David Farragut 80
(1727-1759) (1801-1870)
61. Aleksandr Suvorov 68 74. Giuseppe Garjbaldi 81
(1729-1800) (1807-1882)
62. George Washington 69 75. Robert E. Lee 82
(1732-1799) (1807-1870)
63. Nathanael Greene 70 76. Ulysses S. Grant 83
(1742-1786) (1822-1885)
64. ToussAiNT L'Oltverture 71 77. William T. Sherman 8'

65. Lazare Nicolas Marguerite 72 78. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson 85
Carnot (1753-1823) (1824-1863)
66. Horatio Nelson 73 79. Geronimo 86
(1758-1805) (1829-1909)
67. Napoleon Bonaparte 74 80. Chief Joseph 87
(1769-1821) (1840-1904)

60. 63. 72.
45. 46. 49. 51. 53. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 61. 64. 66. 70.

52. 54. 62. 65. 71.


> 1800
81. Paul VON HiNDF.NBURG 88 92. Chiang Kai-shek 99
(1847-1934) (1887-1975)
82. Heihachiro Togo 89 93. Heinz Guderian 100
(1848-1934) (1888-1954)
83. Ferdinand Foch 90 94. Erwin Rommel 101

(1851-1929) (1891-1944)
84. Henri Philippe PEtain 91 95. MaoTse-Tung 102
(1856-1951) (1893-1976)
85. John Pershing 92 96. Georgi Zhukov 103
(1860-1948) (1896-1974)
86. Bernard Montgomery 93 97. Vo Nguyen Glap 104
(1887-1976) (1912-)
87. Douglas MacArthur 94 98. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. 105
(1880-1964) (1912-2002)
88. William Halsey, Jr. 95 99. MosHE Dayan 106
(1882-1959) (1915-1981)
89. IsoRUKU Yamamoto 96 100. Norman Schwarzkopf 107
(1884-1943) (1934-)
90. Chester Nimitz 97
(1885-1966) TRIVIA QUIZ 108
91. George Patton 98 SUGGESTED PROJECTS 108
(1885-1945) INDEX 109

74. 76. 91.
73. 75. 77. 78. 80. 81. 82. 83. 85. 86. 88. 94. 96. 99 100.
79. 84. 87. 93. 95

nil ym > 1950

Adolphus, Gustavus, II Foch, Ferdinand (83) p. 90 Pershing, John (85) p. 92

(50) p. 57 Frederick II (58) p. 65 Petain, Henri Philippe

AJaric the Goth (12) p. 19 Garibaldi, Giuseppe (74). ..p. 81 (84) p. 91

Alcibiades (3) p. 10 Genghis Khan (30) p. 37 Peter the Great (56) p. 63
Alexander the Great (6) p. 13 Geronimo (79) p. 86 Philip II (5) p. 12
Alfred the Great (21) p. 28 Giap, Vo Nguyen (97) p. 104 Pizarro, Francisco (41) p. 48
Alva, the Duke of (45) p. 52 Grant, Ulysses S. (76) p. 83 Pompey the Great (9) p. 16
Attila the Hun (13) p. 20 Greene, Nathanael (63) p. 70 Richard the Lion-Hearted

Babar, Zahiruddin Mohammed Guderian, Heinz (93) p. 100 (29) p. i6

(42) p. 49 Guiscard, Robert and Rommel, Erwin (94) p. 101

Bayezid I (37) p. 44 Sichelgaita (25) p. 32 Saladin (28) p. 35

BeUsarius (15) p. 22 Halsey, William, Jr. (88).. ..p. 95 Schwarzkopf Norman
Boh'var, Simon (70) p. 77 Hannibal (7) p. 14 (100) p. 107
Bonaparte, Napoleon (67). p. 74 Hindenburg, Paul von Scipio, Publius Cornelius

Brian Boru (23) p. 30 (81) p. 88 (8) p. 15

Bruce, Robert (34) p. 41 Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall" Scott, Winfield (71) p. 7S
Burgoyne, John (59) p. 66 (78) p. 85 Sherman, William T. (77). .p. 84
Caesar, Julius (10) p. 77 Joseph, Chief (80) p. 87 Sichelgaita and Robert
Canute II (24) p. 31 Joan of Arc (39) p. 46 Guiscard (25) p. 32
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Khalid ibn al-Walid (16) ...p. 23 Subotai (31) p. JS
Marguerite (65) p. 72 Kublai Khan (32) p. 39 Suleiman I, the Magnificent

Charlemagne (20) p. 27 Lee, Robert E. (75) p. 82 (44) p. 51

Charles XII (57) p. 64 L'Ouverture, Toussaint Suvorov, Aleksandr (61) p. 68
Chiang Kai-shek (92) p. 99 (64) p. 71 Tamerlane (36) p. 43
Churchill, John (55) p. 62 Louis II de Bourbon (53) ..p. 60 Tariq ibn Ziyad (17) p. 24
Clausewitz, Karl von (69). .p. 76 Leo III, the Isaurian (18). ..p. 25 Themistocles (2) p. 9
Clevis of the Franks (14) ...p. 21 MacArthur, Douglas (87) ..p. 94 Togo, Heihachiro (82) p. 89
Constantine the Great (1 l)p. 18 MaoTse-Tung (95) p. 102 Tromp, Maarten (51) p. 58
Cortez, Hernan (43) p. 50 Martel, Charles (19) p. 26 Vauban, Sebastien le

Cromwell, Oliver (52) p. 59 Maurice of Nassau (48) p. 55 Prestre de (54) p. 61

Cyrus the Great (1) p. 8 Mehmed II, the Conqueror Wallenstein, Albrecht von

Davis, Benjamin O., Jr. (40) p. 47 (49) p. 56

(98) p. 105 Moltke, Helmuth von Washington, George (62) ..p. 69
Dayan, Moshe (99) p. 106 (72) p. 79 Wellesley, Arthur (68) p. 75
Drake, Francis (47) p. 54 Montgomery, Bernard William the Conqueror
Edward I (33) p. 40 (86) p. 93 (26) p. 33
Edward the Nelson, Horatio (66) p. 73 Wolfe, James (60) p. 67
Black Prince (35) p. 42 Nimitz, Chester (90) p. 97 Xenophon (4) p. 11
"El Cid" (Rodrigo Diaz Oda Nobunaga (46) p. 53 Yamamoto, Isoruku (89). ...p. 96
de Vivar) (27) p. 34 Otto the Great (22) p. 29 Ziska, Jan (38) p. 45
Farragut, David (73) p. 80 Patton, George (91) p. 98 Zhukov, Georgi (96) p. 103

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Cyrus the Great
(c. 600-530 B.C.)

One of history's greatest warlords, Cyrus

was born in the southern part of present-day
Iran. Many stories have circulated regarding his
parentage, but it seems most likely he
was the son and grandson of men who ruled
a region known as Anshan. Cyrus inherited
the throne of Anshan and gathered the other
tribes of Persis, located in the province of Fars
in modern-day Iran. He led a revolt against his
overlord, Astyages, king ol the Medes. Joined
by forces from the city of Babylon, Cyrus and
his Persian warriors defeated the Medes in 550
B.C. Cyrus entered the Median capital of
Ecbatana (modern-day Hamadan) and took
the throne as king of Persia.
Two years after entering Ecbatana, Cyrus
went to war against Croesus, the king of Lydia,
in modern-day Turkey. Lydia had established
the first known coinage system, and Croesus
was reputed to be fabulously wealthy (the
expression "rich as Croesus" comes from this
Lydian king). Croesus consulted the Greek
oracle at Delphi, which prophesied that if he Cyrus the Great
attacked the Persians, a great empire would be
destroyed. Never thinking that the empire the empire stretching from the Indus River to
oracle spoke of might well be his own, Croesus the eastern shores of Asia Minor. Cyrus
fought Cyrus. The Persians prevailed. Cyrus then cast an eager eye toward Egypt, but he
made Croesus a prisoner and took the king- was prevented from marching eastward by
dom of Lydia and all its wealth for himself In attacks on the northern section of his empire.

546 B.C., the Ionian cities on the eastern coast Instead of marching toward Egypt, Cyrus
of Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) revolted went north and met the nomadic Massagetai
against the Persians. Cyrus swiftly captured the tribes in central Asia, where he was defeated
cities, allowing the Persian king to further and killed.

expand his empire. Cyrus the Great's concept of a world state

In 545 B.C., Cyrus turned eastward, lasted long after his death. The Persian cities of
taking his hard-riding Persian warriors all Susa and Persepolis stood at the center
the way to the Indus River and the foothills of of the empire. The lands were connected
the Hindu Kush Mountains. He returned to by express riders who traveled on well-paved
Ecbatana and moved against the city of roads to carry news throughout the empire.
Babylon, which had remained independent Cyrus was buried at Pasargadae in a relatively

of his control. C^yrus captured the city, simple tomb. A fierce warrior but a wise and
ending the Babylonian dynasty. benevolent ruler, he was called "Father" by
The Persian king now controlled a vast the Persians.

(c. 524-459 B.C.)

Heroic patriot or double-dealing scoundrel? his fellow Athenians to fight in the narrow bay,

The debate continues about Themistocles where the larger number of Persian ships
(thehm-is-TOE-cleez). A native of Athens, would pose less of a threat. Following the lead
Themistocles rose to become a champion of of Themistocles, the Greeks fought and won an
the lower classes in this Greek city, which came all-day naval battle that ended with the ruin ol
close to developing a true democracy in the the Persian fleet. Lacking supplies (which
sixth century B.C. In 493 B.C., he became an could only be brought in by ship), Xerxes soon
archon, or magistrate, and at once began forti- led his army in retreat, leaving the Greek city-

fying Piraeus, a naval port that was located states with their freedom.
2 miles (3.2 km) from the main city of Athens. For some time, Themistocles was the great-
He was one of ten generals who led the est hero in Greece, but in 476 B.C., he was tried
Athenians at the Battle of Marathon (490 for cooperating with the Persians. Acquitted,

B.C.), where the first major threat from Persia he was nonetheless ostracized in 473 B.C. and
was defeated on a rocky beach. had no choice but to flee Athens. Themistocles

After the death ol Miltiades, who had been crossed the Aegean Sea to Ephesus in Asia
first in command at Marathon, Themistocles Minor and presented himself to Artaxerxes, the
became the dominant leader in Athens. He new Persian king. He became a trusted advisor,
used the process of ostracism political ban- and the Persian leader gave him the town of
ishment to rid the city of many of his politi- Magnesia-on-the-Meadows to rule.

cal rivals. In 483 B.C., he persuaded the Themistocles, the Athenian politician and
Athenians to build between one hundred and general who had changed sides in the last years

two hundred warships. Believing that Persia of his life, had always covered his bases. It was
would strike again, Themistocles convinced later discovered he sent information to the
the Athenians to cooperate with other Greek Persians, even while he led the Athenian forces
city-states in preparation for another war. against them.
In 480 B.C., Xerxes I

(ZERKS-eez), the Persian

"King of Kings," led an
enormous army and fleet

to Greece. After winning

the Battle of Thermopylae,
Xerxes's troops entered
Athens and found to their

surprise that no one was

there. The population had
fled. Trusting Themistoc-
les (who trusted in the ora-

cle at Delphi), the Athen-

ians fled to nearby towns,

while Athenian sailors

stood ready with their fleet

at the Bay of Salamis.

Themistocles covinced Battle of Salamis

3, (c. 450-404 B.C.)

Alcibiades (al-sih-BY-ah-dees) was born long-time enemies. Intrigued by the offer,

in Athens, nephew to the great statesman the Spartan king allowed Alcibiades to remain.
Pericles and briefly a disciple of the great Alcibiades was soon allowed to present himself
philosopher Socrates, whose admonitions to to the king as a Spartan who valued only mili-
seek balance and harmony were apparently tary skill and who spoke the truth. Still, traitors

wasted on the young man. Alcibiades became are generally viewed with distrust, and
known for disregarding any moral code. Alcibiades made the situation worse by seduc-
After serving with distinction in the ing the king's wife. Discovered, he fled from
Athenian army (he saved Socrates' life at the Sparta and crossed the Aegean Sea to Asia
Batde of Delium in 424 B.C.), Alcibiades Minor, where he offered his services to

was elected one of the ten generals of Athens in Tissaphernes, the Persian satrap, or governor.
420 B.C. Pericles was dead, and the Still hoping to return to Athens, Alcibiades

Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta made overtures that were rejected at first. Then
was in its twelfth year. In favor of continuing a group of Athenian generals gave him com-
the war, Alcibiades convinced his fellow mili- mand of an Athenian fleet based on the island
tary leaders to send a large fleet to attack the of Samos. Departing quickly from the Persian
city of Syracuse, a Spartan ally in Sicily. court, Alcibiades took command and won sev-

Alcibiades was named one of the fleet's com- eral victories, notably at Cyzicus, where sixty
manders. The night before his departure, how- Spartan ships were destroyed or captured. In
ever, images of the god Hermes were mutilat- 407 B.C., Alcibiades returned to Athens and
ed. His political enemies persuaded the gov- was welcomed as a hero.

ernment that Alcibiades was responsible, and Alcibiades went into voluntary exile in

an escort was sent to bring him home. Thrace, and the exile was soon made perma-
Alerted to this danger, Alcibiades left the nent by the end of the war. Sparta
fleet and sailed to Argos. He then marched won a complete victory over Athens in 404
to Sparta, where he offered his services to his B.C., and the Spartan commander, Lysander,
demanded the surrender
of the man who had
turned coat a total of three
times. Alcibiades fled to

Asia Minor, where the

Persian satrap Pharnabazus
agreed to allow him safe
residence. Pressured by
Lysander, Pharnabazus
had Alcibiades slain by a

group of armed men at his

residence in Phrygia in the

same year. Handsome,
persuasive, and unscrupu-
lous, Alcibiades was
brought down by his own
Death of Alcibiades double-dealing ways.

(c. 430-355 B.C.)

A soldier and an author,

Xenophon (ZEN-uh-ton) was born
in Athens. He grew up in the tumult
of the Peloponnesian War, and by the
time of Athens's defeat in 404 B.C., he
was disillusioned by the politics of his
home city. In 401 B.C., he accepted
an offer to join the army oi Cyrus the
Younger (c. 424-401), a Persian
prince who recruited thirteen thou-
sand Greek mercenaries to fight with
him against his older brother, King
Artaxerxes II (ART-ah-ZERKS-eez).
These Persian-Greek troops
marched from Lydia in Asia Minor
to Babylonia, a land between the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is

now Iraq. Cyrus the Younger met no

serious opposition until he met his

brother's army on the plain at Cunaxa, 60 concluded when the vanguard of the Greeks
miles (97 km) north of Babylon. The battle called out "The sea! The sea!" They had
went well for the Greco-Persian forces until reached Chrysopolis on the Sea of Marmara,
Cyrus led a cavalry charge against his brother directly across from Byzantium. To this day,

and was killed. Defeated and leaderless, the the leadership and tactics of Xenophon have
Greek mercenaries retreated from the field to been used as a model. In fact, he is considered
consider their options. the inventor of the pattern of strategic retreat.
Xenophon stepped into the debate and On his return to Greece, Xenophon learned
urged his fellow soldiers not to consider sur- that Athens had banished him. He therefore
render. Why yield to the mercy of the enemy, served with the Spartan army (399-394 B.C.)

he asked, if they had a chance to make their in its war with the Persian satrap (governor)
way back to Greece? Becoming the leader of of Asia Minor. Returning to Greece,
the mercenaries, he guided them on their per- Xenophon was given an estate by King
ilous retreat through 1,300 miles (2,092 km) Agesilaus II of Sparta.
of hostile territory. The eight-month march During the next twenty years, Xenophon
involved many perils. The mercenaries did not wrote fourteen works. His best known are
know the terrain, and they were the first large Hellenika (seven volumes), a history of Greece
group of Greeks to travel so deep into Asia. with a pro-Spartan bias, and Cyrus' Anabasis
Xenophon led the Greeks past the ruins of (seven volumes) and Cyrus Education (eight
Nineveh, which had been the capital of the volumes), an idealized biography of Cyrus the
Assyrian empire. Although only two hundred Great (see no. 1), founder of the Persian
years had passed since the city's fall, Xenophon empire. He moved to Corinth in 371 B.C.,

and his men had never heard of the city or its and his Athenian citizenship was restored in

once-great people. The arduous journey was 369 B.C.

Philip II

5. (382-336 B.C.)

A younger son of King Amyntas III,

Philip did not expect to attain the throne of

Macedonia. Sent at an early age as a hostage to

the Greek city-state of Thebes, Philip observed

firsthand the military deployments of
Epaminondas, the Greek general
of the time. Philip was returned to Macedonia
by 359 B.C., and following the death of his

older brother, Perdiccas III, he became king

of Macedonia in his own right.

Philip turned the hard-riding, hard-drink-

ing Macedonians into a formidable fighting
force. He arrayed his farmer-soldiers in a pha-
lanx, a tight, rectangular battle formation.
Soldiers in front held out long pikes, while sol-
diers within the phalanx held shields over their
heads to protect the phalanx from arrows. To
this tank-like formation, he added a corps of
elite cavalry known as the Companions. These
horsemen were used to terrify and overwhelm
the enemy. Adding technology to the battle-
field, Philip also employed catapults and siege Philip II being shot in the right eye
towers. Philip fought side by side with his men,
and he lost his right eye in an early encounter Athenian and Theban forces on the field at

against the Greek republic of Methone. Chaeronea in Boeotia. Prince Alexander led a
Skillful in diplomacy as well as war, Philip charge of the Companions that won the day
first made sure that his throne was secure. for Macedonia. Philip left garrisons in both
He accomplished this goal by defeating the Thebes and Corinth, but he declined to do so
Illyrians (358 B.C.) in what later became in Athens. Master of northern Greece, Philip
Yugoslavia and by taking the towns on the east forced all the Greek city-states except Sparta to
coast of Macedonia. After expanding eastward join the League of Corinth, with himself as
into Thrace, Philip turned south and declared the leader.
a "sacred war" against Thessaly. The only thing Philip intended to attack the Persian
sacred to Philip, however, was the gaining of province of Asia Minor (Turkey). The
territory and prestige. Athenian orator and teacher Isocrates,
Seeing the menace Macedonia posed to who saw in Philip the leader Greece needed,
Greek freedom, the Athenian orator supported the plan. Family circumstances,
Demosthenes tried feverishly to stir public sen- however, prevented Philip from carrying out
timent against Philip, but his efforts came too the plan.
late. Athens declared war on Philip in The greatest soldier of his day and a true

340 B.C. without having made adequate prepa- state-builder, Philip was succeeded by his

rations. In 338 B.C., Philip and his eighteen- son, Alexander, who ultimately surpassed
year-old son Alexander (see no. 6) met the his father's formidable achievements.

6 Alexander the Great
(356-323 B.C.)

Born in Pella, Macedonia, Alexander was hands of one of his own generals.
the son of King Philip II (see no. 5) and Alexander then devised a plan for
Olympias, an Epirean princess. He studied "homonoia," bringing Macedonians, Greeks,
under the Greek philosopher Aristotle and and Persians together into one ethnic group. In
from an early age showed both mind
a keen a one-day wedding ceremony, Alexander mar-
and a talent for leadership. Alexander came ried ten thousand of his soldiers to ten thou-

of age at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 B.C.), sand Persian women.

where he led the Macedonian cavalry in a He brought his men all the way to the Indus
charge that swept the Athenians and Thebans River and fought a battle against Indian troops
from the field. Alexander became king of and their elephants (it was the first time the
Macedonia after the death of his father in Greeks had faced such animals). Finally, in

336 B.C. 326 B.C., Alexander's Macedonian soldiers

In the spring of 334 B.C., Alexander and demanded he lead them back to Persia. Angry,
thirty-five thousand battle-hardened troops Alexander led them back by way of the harsh
crossed the Dardanelles into Asia Minor. He Gedrosian Desert, where many lives were lost

won his first engagement against the Persians to hunger and thirst.

at the Granicus River and proceeded to the city Alexander made his capital at Babylon,
of Gordium, where he cut the famous Gordian where he died after a fever that was probably
Knot. The Gordian Knot was a knot of caused by drink. Since Alexander left no
cornel bark tied around the yoke of a chariot. male heir to succeed him, his vast empire was
A legend had developed that the man who divided among his top generals. Greek became
could untie the knot would become the ruler the common language throughout much ol the

of all Asia. Alexander simply pulled out his Middle East, and Hellenistic culture became
sword and cut through the knot that had per- dominant from Greece to the Tigris and
plexed countless men before him. Euphrates rivers.

Marching south, Alexander met the assem-

bled army of Darius III, the "King of Kings"
and the ruler of the Persian Empire. At the
Battle of Issus (333 B.C.), Alexander used the
mobility of his troops to confuse and defeat the
much larger Persian army.

Alexander led his men into Lebanon and

spent seven months reducing the Phoenician
city of Tyre (TY-ree). He finally conquered
that island city by building a causeway of earth
and stones, which still exists. He then went to
Egypt, where high priests acclaimed him as a

god. The Macedonian army left Egypt and

marched into Persia proper, where Alexander
fought and won a second great battle with
Darius, this time at a site called Arabela (331
B.C.). Darius escaped from the field, was pur-
sued with a vengeance, and finally fell at the Aristotle and his pupil Alexander

7 Hannibal
(c. 247-183 B.C.)

Son of Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal was born

in Carthage, tlie great Phoenician city on the
coast of North Africa, during the First Punic

War (264-241 B.C.). In the war, Rome defeat-

ed Carthage. After Rome took Sicily, Sardinia,

and Corsica away from Carthage, Hamilcar

Barca made his nine-year-old son swear his eter-

nal hatred for Rome.

Hannibal and his father went to Spain to

establish a new Carthaginian empire. Following

the death of his father and then of his brother-
in-law, Hannibal became supreme commander
in Spain and leader of the Barcids (the Barca
family). Nervous about the rise of a new rival,

Rome declared war on Carthage in 218 B.C.,

starting the Second Punic War.

Hannibal led thirty-five thousand troops
and a number of elephants over the Pyrenees
and Alps. He lost nearly all the elephants and Hannibal
many of his troops to the frigid conditions in Hasdrubal's head was thrown into his camp.
the Alps, but he recruited Gallic tribespeople to In 203 B.C., Hannibal was recalled by
join his attack on Rome. Carthage to defend the city against the
Having defeated Carthage in the First Punic Roman army, led by Scipio. The Battle of Zama

War, the Romans were supremely confident. To (202 B.C.) showed that Scipio and the Romans
their astonishment, Hannibal defeated them at had successftilly copied Hannibal's style of war-
the Ticinus River (218 B.C.) and the Trebia fare. This time it was Hannibal and the
River (218 B.C.) and won a major victory at Carthaginians who were caught in a vise

Lake Trasimene (217 B.C.). The Battle of between Roman infantry and cavalry.
Cannae (216 B.C.) was Hannibal's masterpiece. Hannibal escaped from the field and per-
He lured the Roman infantrymen to the center suaded the leaders of Carthage to seek peace.
of his own lines, then caught them completely He retired to private life at the end of the war
unprepared when his cavalry swept around the and served as a magistrate for the ciry in 196
wings and trapped them. Fifty thousand B.C. His political foes in Carthage persuaded
Romans perished that day. Rome that Hannibal was ready to fight once
Roman armies led by Publius Cornelius more. Rome demanded that Carthage surren-
Scipio (see no. 8), meanwhile, conquered der Hannibal, but he fled to the court of
Carthaginian Spain. Hannibal's brother Antiochus III of Syria. Hannibal encouraged
Hasdrubal escaped from Spain with ten thou- Antiochus to fight Rome, and the resulting
sand men and reached northern Italy, having Roman-Syrian War (192-189 B.C.) ended in

followed Hannibal's route over the Alps. complete victory for the Romans. Hannibal
However, Hasdrubal was caught by two Roman then fled to the court of Prusias of Bithynia,
armies, and his force was destroyed. Hannibal where he took poison rather than be taken pris-

learned of his brother's efforts only when oner by the Romans.


BPublius Cornelius Scipio

(c. 233-183 B.C.)

Scipio (SHEEP-ee-oh) came from one of Carthage, then returned to Rome. He was
Rome's most distinguished noble families. His honored with a triumphal march through
father, who had the same name, was a Roman Rome and received the surname "Africanus.
consul who fought against Hannibal (see no. Many years later, he would be called Scipio
7) in northern Italy at the start of the Second Africanus Major to distinguish him from his

Punic War. Scipio saved his father's life at the grandson, who destroyed Carthage in the
Battle of Ticinus River (218 B.C.) and rallied Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.) and
the remnants of the Roman army after the was named Scipio Africanus Minor.
Battle of Cannae (216 B.C.). In 190 B.C., Scipio served as legate to his
Scipio admired Hannibal's success in battle. brother Lucius Scipio, who won a crushing vic-

Studying the Carthaginian leader's battle tac- tory over Antiochus III of Syria in the Roman-
tics, he realized that the deployment of fast, Syrian War. Returning to Rome, Scipio found
light cavalry was the key to Hannibal's victo- himself and his brother accused of accepting
ries. During the Second Punic War, Scipio per- bribes from Antiochus. The brothers were
suaded the Roman Senate to let him open a acquitted in a memorable trial, and Scipio
second front, in Carthaginian Spain. He went retired to his villa at Liternum in Campania.
to Spain as proconsul in 210 B.C. and captured Bitter over the trial and angry that his name
Cartagena (New Carthage). Scipio revised tra- had come under suspicion, Scipio ordered that
ditional Roman He lightened the
tactics. his remains be interred at Liternum and not
equipment of his men and trained them to brought to Rome. The city's greatest soldier felt

maneuver quickly in a way similar to that of dishonored by an ungrateful public.

the Carthaginians. Using this new style of war-
fare, Scipio consistently defeated the
Carthaginians in Spain. By 206 B.C., Scipio
had won control of nearly the entire peninsula.

Scipio returned to Rome in 205 B.C.

After long debate, he obtained the Senate's

permission to take the war to Hannibal's
homeland in North Africa. He took a Roman
army across the Mediterranean in 204 B.C. and
swiftly defeated two Carthaginian armies
brought against him. He also earned the good
will and alliance of Masinissa, a Numidian
who brought
prince additional cavalry to the
Roman camp.
In 202 B.C., Scipio met Hannibal on the
plains of Zama. The battle was hard-fought,
but Scipio defused the power of the
Carthaginian lines by stampeding their ele-

phants and catching them in a vise with

Masinissa's cavalry behind them. The student
had met the master and won.
Scipio and Hannibal at Zama
Scipio dictated harsh terms of peace to

gPompey the Great
(c. 106-48 B.C.)

remnants of an army of former slaves who had

rebelled under the leadership of partacus. In
point of fact, Marcus Licinius Crassus (c.

115-53 B.C.) had done most of the work of

defeating the rebels; it was Pompey's good for-

tune to arrive at the moment when the rebel-

lion's force had been spent.
In 67 B.C., the Senate gave Pompey supreme
power at sea in order to deal with pirates in the
Mediterranean, who commanded a total of one
thousand ships and four hundred towns. A
masterful organizer, Pompey defeated the
pirates in four months by capturing their bases.

This great success was followed by his cam-

paign in Asia Minor against Mithridates VI,
the king of Pontus. Pompey defeated
Mithridates, then besieged and captured the
Jewish capital of Jerusalem. When he returned
to Rome in 62 B.C., Pompey was beyond doubt
the greatest military leader in the
Mediterranean world.
Pompey formed a triumvirate, or three-man
government, with Crassus and Julius Caesar. In
54 B.C., Crassus was killed on a military expe-
Pompey the Great
dition against the Parthians. Pompey became
It was Pompey's misfortune that his great sole consul in 52 B.C., and he ordered Caesar to
military victories were eclipsed by those of return to Rome without his army.
Julius Caesar (see no. 10). Born in Rome, Caesar refused and instead invaded Italy.

the son of Pompeius Strabo, Pompey came Pompey fled to Greece to assemble his forces
from the aristocracy In 83 B.C., he became a there. The stage was set for a climactic show-

follower of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, a patrician down between the two greatest generals of the
who became the unofficial dictator of Rome. day. Pompey rebuffed Caesar's troops at the
During the Social Wars between the followers port of Dyrrhachium (modern-day Durres,
of Sulla and those of Caius (KAI-us) Marius, Albania) and then pursued his foe. The two
Pompey won several victories in Italy and then armies clashed again at Pharsalus in 48 B.c:.

crossed to Sicily and North Africa, where he Pompey, who had the larger army, gambled
defeated Marian forces. On his return to everything on a massive cavalry attack against
Rome, Pompey was honored with a triumph Caesar's right flank. When the assault failed,
and awarded the title of Magnus (Great). Caesar's troops, backed by German mercenar-
Following Sulla's death in 78 B.C., the ies on horseback, scattered Pompey's forces.

Roman Senate sent Pompey to Spain. He Pompey escaped from Greece and went to

fought and defeated Marian rebels there, and Egypt, where he was treacherously murdered
he returned to Italy just in time to defeat the by followers of King Ptolemy XII 1.

1 n Julius Caesar
lU. (100-44 B.C.)

Possibly the greatest military commander oi

all time, Julius Caesar thrived on war.
Born into an ancient patrician family,
Caesar was nonetheless affiliated with the ple-
beian (commoner) followers of Caius (KAI-us)
Marius in his youth. He rose swiftly in civil
and religious authority, becoming Pontifex
Maximus (high priest) in 63 B.C. His military
skill, unknown until 59
however, was virtually
B.C., when he obtained he proconsulship of
Cisalpine Gaul (the southern part of modern-
day France).
Caesar quickly astonished those who
thought they had known the extent of his tal-

ents. He conducted a campaign (58 B.C.)

against the Helvetii in present-day Switzerland

and nearly annihilated the tribe. Asked by
some of the chieftains of southern Gaul to
repel German invaders, Caesar marched
against Ariovistus and destroyed his army, pur-

suing the survivors to the Rhine River. Having

involved himself in Gaul, Caesar slowly began
to constrict the area of free Gaul in an enor-
Julius Caesar
mous circular vise grip. He campaigned against
the Beglai (in modern-day Belgium) and sailed Said to have wept at the sight.

across the channel to Britain, where he carried Caesar then joined forces with the Egyptian
out the first Roman invasion of that land. By princess, Cleopatra, and they defeated her
52 B.C., Caesar had most of Gaul within his brother. Leaving Cleopatra on the throne of
grasp. That same year, the Arverni chief, Egypt, Caesar went to Asia Minor, where he
Vercingetorix, organized a tribal confederacy defeated Pharnaces, the son of Mithridates of
and carried out a massive war against the Pontus, in five days. Caesar then stated the
Romans. Caesar escaped from several tight now-famous words, "Veni, Vidi, Vici," or, "I

spots before he ended the war and captured came, I saw, I conquered."
Vercingetorix at the Siege of Alesia. Caesar returned to Rome and was greeted
Summoned by his former political ally, with tremendous acclaim. He revised the
Pompey (see no. 9), Caesar returned to Rome Roman calendar (based on the calendar of
in January 49 B.C., but he did so at the head of Egypt) and reorganized the government. He
his army. Pompey fled to Greece, where Caesar seemed nearly ready to make himself emperor
pursued him, and in 48 B.C., Caesar won a of Rome when he was struck down by a group
crushing victory over Pompey at the Battle of of assassins on the floor of the Senate in 44 B.C.
Pharsalus. Caesar pursued his foe to Egypt, The Roman Republic had come to an end, and
where the followers of King Ptolemy XIII pre- Caesar's nephew Octavian became the first true
sented him with the head of Pompey. Caesar is emperor of Rome.

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nconstantine the Great
(c. 280-337)

cal tumult led to a civil war by A.D. 308.

Constantine married Fausta, the daughter of a
former augusti named Maximian. He later had
to fight his brother-in-law Maxentius, the son

of Maximian and brother of Fausta, for the

throne. Prior to meeting Maxentius, he experi-
enced a vision in which he was told he would
conquer under the sign of the Christian cross.

Constantine won the Battle of Milvian

Bridge (A.D. 312). He entered the imperial city
of Rome in triumph. He took care to
disband the elite Praetorian Guard, which for
centuries had made and unmade emperors
before him.
As ruler of the Western Roman Empire,
Constantine came into conflict with Licinius,
who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire. The
two men finally came to blows in A.D. 323;
Constantine won a battle near Adrianople
(modern-day Greece) and became sole ruler of
the empire.
The man who made Christianity acceptable After Constantine became emperor, he reor-

to Rome was born in Naissus in what later ganized the Roman army, recruiting more cav-
became Yugoslavia. Flavius Valerius Aurelius alry troops and turning the army into more of
Constantinus was the son of Constantius and a field force than a fortification-based one. The
Helena (who later became a saint of the mobile troops he created allowed the empire to
Catholic Church). Constantine grew up amid survive longer than it would have otherwise.
the turmoil caused by the division of leader- Constantine also changed the imperial capital,

ship within the Roman Empire; there were two building the city of Constantinople (on the
augusti (rulers), each with a caesar (governor) border of present-day Greece and Turkey).
who ruled the Eastern and Western Roman Most importantly, Constantine changed
Empires. Since his father was one of the two imperial policy toward the Christian minority
Caesars, Constantine was sent as a hostage to within the empire. The Edict of Milan (A.D.
the court of the other caesar, Galerius, a prac- 313) abolished the official persecution of
tice meant to ensure peace. Christians. Constantine presided over the
Constantine served ably against the Persians Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) which established
in Galerius's army. He then escaped from the official Nicaean Creed of the Church; it

Galerius and joined his father in Gaul; the two declared that God the Father, God the Son,
went to Britain to fight the Picts. While they and the Holy Spirit were inseparable from one
were there his father died, and Constantine another. All Christians who failed to follow

was recognized as a new caesar. this doctrine were labeled heretics.

Galerius accepted Constantine as caesar of Constantine fully accepted Christianity him-

the lands north of the Alps, but further politi- self, just prior to his death.

1 n Alaric the Goth
\i, (c. 370-410)

Alaric, the warlord who captured Rome, opened, and the Goths poured into the city,

was born on the island of Peuce, at the mouth ravaging the buildings and monuments for
of the Danube River in present-day Romania. three days. When news of this attack spread to
In A.D. 390, he led a group of Visigothic tribes- other parts of the empire, many people were
people south against the Eastern Roman stunned. Rome, which had held itself in power
Empire, centered at Constantinople. Alaric's and grandeur, had not been taken for more
advance was stopped by Roman troops under than eight hundred years, since the Gauls had
the command of Flavins Stilicho, who was done so in 390 B.C.

from the Vandal tribe. Alaric marched south from Rome. He want-
Alaric attacked Greece in A.D. 395. His ed to move his tribe to North Africa, but his

Gothic soldiers ravaged the major cities fleet was driven back to port by a major storm.
and destroyed the Temple of Demeter. He died suddenly, just months after the assault
Only bribes offered by the Eastern Roman on Rome, and was buried at a secret location

emperor placated Alaric, who then withdrew. on the Busento River in southern Italy. His
The emperor gave Alaric the title of magister men killed the slaves who had buried him so
militum (master ok the soldiers) and allowed that no one would find and desecrate the grave.
him to control Illyricum in what later became
Yugoslavia. This concession proved to be a mis-
take, since Alaric soon used Illyricum
as a base from which to harass the Western
Roman Empire, which was centered in the city

of Rome. Alaric invaded Italy in A.D.

401 and again in A.D. 402-403. Both times he
was repulsed by Stilicho, who forced him to

retreat to Illyricum.

Stilicho was murdered in A.D. 408. Lacking

his skillful leadership, Italy lay open to future
invasions. Alaric invaded Italy again and twice
laid siege to Rome. Both times, he accepted
tribute payments from the city and withdrew
his troops, although he forced the Romans
to elect a puppet emperor who then named
Alaric commander-in-chief of the Roman
forces. This confusing situation was typical
of the Roman Empire during its last fifty years,
as Romans and barbarians commingled
throughout the empire.
In A.D. 410, the Roman emperor sanctioned
a surprise attack on Alaric's camp. Furious by
this betrayal, Alaric moved on Rome and com-
menced his third siege of the city. After three
weeks of inconclusive fighting, treachery deliv-
Alaric the Goth
ered the city to Alaric. The Salarian Gate was

1 n AtCila the Hun
I J. (c. 406-453)

No military name conjures up

as much sheer terror as that of Attila
the Hun. The Huns were a waHike,
nomadic people from Central Asia
who swept into the Black Sea and
Danube River regions around A.D.
370. The violent arrival of the Huns
displaced many of the Visigothic
and Ostrogothic tribespeople, who
were less of a threat to Rome than
the Huns.
In A.D. 433, Attila and his broth-

er Bleda jointly inherited leadership

of the tribe from their uncle. The
Huns, who had already experienced
success, were receiving an annual
tribute payment of seven hundred Attila battles the Visigoths
pounds of gold from the Eastern
Roman Empire in Constantinople. and Alan tribespeople. In A.D. 451, he led

Attila was occupied at first with cementing his them west into Gaul, where they clashed with
control over the area around the Danube. forces led by Roman general Aetius and
Then he turned his attention to the Eastern Visigothic king Theodoric. The two armies
Roman Empire. collided at the Battle of Chalons. King
Attila led an invasion of the eastern Theodoric was killed in the fighting, but the

Balkan provinces in A.D. 441. Because many of Huns and their allies suffered heavy losses.

the Roman soldiers were away in Sicily, he In A.D. 452, Attila invaded northern Italy.

advanced rapidly and won concessions from The Huns pillaged several northern Italian

the emperor. Attila raised the annual tribute to cities and seemed poised to march on Rome
twenty-one hundred pounds of gold and with- itself when Attila received a diplomatic visit

drew to the Danube. He had his brother Bleda from Pope Leo I. The substance of their con-
killed around A.D. 445 and became sole leader versation remains a mystery, but it is an indis-
of the Hunnish people. putable feet that afterward, Attila ceased his
The Huns returned to the offensive in march and, with his army, left Italy. The great

A.D. 447. Attila led his mounted troops question remains did Pope Leo persuade
in a campaign that was stopped only at Attila to do so, or did the lack of food for his
Thermopylae in Greece. Attila then turned east horses convince Attila to retire?
and went all the way to Constantinople, where Attila died in A.D. 453. Popular legend
he was halted. Even the ferocity of his men claims he burst a blood vessel on the night
could not overwhelm the Romans, safe behind of his wedding to the Gothic maiden, Hilda.
the great walls of the city. Deprived of his leadership, the Huns broke
Deciding to attack the Western Roman into smaller groups and never regained the
Empire, Attila raised an enormous army com- prominence they had held luidcr Attila, the
posed of Huns, Ostrogoths, Gepids, Heruli, terror of the western world.

Clovis of the nranks
H .
(c. 466-511)

Roman Gaul disintegrated into sets of small aged him to make war on the Ostrogothic
barbarian kingdoms around A.D. 400, but one kingdom of Italy, led by King Theodoric.
man reunited them, a Gaulish leader named Clovis did just that, but his campaign (a.d.
Clovis of the Franks. Little is known of Clovis's 509-510) yielded him little glory and no
youth. His father was Childeric, leader of the expansion of his territory.

Salic Franks in northeastern Gaul. Childeric Clovis died in Paris on November 27, A.D.
died in A.D. 481, and Clovis took his position. 5 1 1 . At that time, Gaul was largely united, due
Clovis wanted to expand his tribal lands. to his ceaseless efforts. His achievement, how-
First, he turned east and defeated the ever, was soon blunted; his four sons divided
Thuringian tribe in A.D. 491. Then, he looked the kingdom amongst themselves. Clovis left

south and married Clotilda, niece of two three important legacies to the future kingdom
brothers who were joint kings of Burgundy. of France: he created the Merovingian dynasty,
The marriage had an unexpected effect because which lasted imtil A.D. 751; he made
Clotilda was a Christian. Slowly, she worked to Orthodox Christianity the official religion of
convert Clovis. He allowed their children to be his people; and he created an alliance with the

baptized as Christians, but held off himself papacy in Rome that would outlast even his

until A.D. 496. In that year, Clovis fought the own dynasty.
Swabian tribe in an important battle at

Tolbiac. Prior to the battle, Clovis prayed to

the Christian god and promised he would con-
vert to Christianity if he won. Clovis did tri-

umph, and he became a Christian. He also

required some three thousand of his followers
to do the same.
After repeatedly hearing the story of the
crucifixion of Christ, his feelings were said to
be a combination of barbarian vengeance and
Christian pathos. "Had I been present with my
valiant Franks," Clovis was alleged to exclaim,

"Iwould have revenged his injuries."

Around A.D. 506, Clovis had permanently
subdued the Swabians. He then turned his
attention south once more and launched a
series of campaigns against the Visigothic
tribes that held power in southern France. He
won a major battle against them at Vouille in

A.D. 507, and soon all of southern Gaul (with

the exception of the region that is present-day
Provence) was in his hands.
Clovis's victories brought him widespread
attention. The Byzantine emperor in

Constantinople, Anastasius I, gave him the

honorary title of Roman consul and encour-

15 (c. 505-565)

Belisarius, the greatest soldier of

the Byzantine Empire, was born in
Germane, Ilyria (il-IR-ee-ah), in

what later became Yugoslavia. He

served in the imperial bodyguard
in Constantinople and developed a
lifelong loyalty to Emperor Justinian I.

Belisarius was given command of the

Byzantine army in the Byzantine-
Persian War. He defeated the Persians
at Daras in A.D. 530, but was himself
defeated at Calhnicum, Syria, in A.D.
53 1 This defeat was the only outright

loss of his career.

Belisarius was then recalled to

Constantinople, where he put down
the Nika Revolt (a.D. 532), which
would otherwise have cost Justinian
his throne. In A.D. 533, Justinian sent

Belisarius to North Africa to begin a

series of campaigns that both men

hoped would restore lands the empire Belisarius
had lost to the tribes there.

He conducted a brilliant campaign captured Ravenna, the Ostrogothic capital.

in Africa. With only sixteen thousand soldiers, Belisarius was recalled to Constantinople
he cleared all of North Africa of the Vandal and quickly sent eastward to fight against
tribe and brought King Gelimer to the Persians. He repulsed their attack on Asia
Constantinople as a prisoner. Thrilled by this Minor in A.D. 542 and was transferred again to

success, Justinian sent his trusted soldier to Italy. On this, his second mission to the Italian

fight in Sicily and Italy. Commanding only peninsula, Belisarius made only slow progress,

eight thousand men, Belisarius recovered Sicily and in A.D. 548 he asked to be recalled to

and southern Italy. His greatest single success Constantinople.

came in A.D. 536, when he entered the city of Belisarius came out of retirement to

Rome. The greatest city of the ancient world repel the Bulgar tribe, which threatened
had fallen to numerous attacks since A.D. 410, Constantinople in A.D. 559. In A.D. 563, he
but Belisarius had now reclaimed it. A new era was accused of conspiring against the emperor.
now appeared to be dawning, one in which the The great Byzantine commander died, proba-

Eastern and Western Roman Empires would bly in Constantinople, in A.D. 565. Belisarius'
be reunited. conquests were soon undone by other inva-
Within weeks of his entry into Rome, sions, but his achievements had been substan-
Belisarius was besieged by a large Ostrogothic tial during his lifetime. He was, beyond doubt,
army. He withstood the siege, which lasted the most effective commander to ever lead the

until A.D. 538, then he marched north ami Bvzaiuine armies.

Khalid ibn al-walid
16 (?-642)

One of the greatest military leaders to fol- River to wage war against Persian forces. To his

low Islam, KJialid ibn al-Walid was actually a surprise (and even the surprise of scholars
foe ot the religions founder, the prophet today), the Persians gave way rapidly before his
Mohammed, at the start of Mohammed's min- assaults. Within one year, he was master of the
istry. Born into a noble family in Mecca, entire Euphrates area. Khalid had few diver-
Khalid won the Battle of Uhud tor the enemies sions or amusements; he lived to fight.
of Mohammed through a series of surprise Ordered to further his conquests, Khalid
attacks. By A.D. 628 or 629, Khalid had pushed northwest to Syria and made rapid
switched sides and become a fervent believer in headway against the Byzantine armies there.
Mohammed and the Islamic faith. The reasons His greatest triumph came in A.D. 634, when
for his turnaround are unknown; he might he entered the venerable city of Damascus,
have been swept up by the religious fervor having spread Islam far more rapidly than any-
that attended the last three years of one expected. His fortunes changed, however,
Mohammed's life. when Abu Bekr died that same year. The new
Khalid led an unsuccessful attack on caliph immediately removed Khalid from over-
the Byzantine frontier in A.D. 630; upon his all command of the Arab forces. Instead, he
return, Mohammed named him "Sword of was given a subordinate position in the Syrian
God" for his steadfastness in the difficult campaign, in which he captured the city of
retreat. Khalid entered Mecca in triumph with Homs.
Mohammed, and in A.D. 631, the prophet sent Khalid later served as governor of part
him to convert other Bedouin tribespeople on of Syria, but never regained his former promi-
the Arabian peninsula. nence. He died in A.D. 642, either in Medina
Mohammed died in June A.D. 632, and a or Homs, and his tomb was consecrated
power struggle immediately broke out among in Homs.
rival leaders. Many Arabs choose to follow the
"false prophet," Miisailima. The
true successor to Mohammed was
the caliph king, Abu Bekr. He sent
Khalid on a military mission to

quell the followers of Musailima.

Khalid followed his orders with a

vengeance. He directed the Battle

of Akraba, where Musailima and
most of his followers were killed.
Khalid waged a pitiless campaign
that totally overwhelmed the rebel

tribes of Asad, Tamin, Ghatafani,

and Hanifa. By the middle of A.D.
633, the entire Arabian peninsula
lay at the feet of Abu Bekr and the
followers of Mohammed.
Khalid paused only briefly
before pushing on to the Euphrates View of Damascus

UTnria ibn Ziyad

this weakness to Tariq. The Berber leader

decided to see for himself, and on April 27,
A.D. 711, he crossed the Pillars of Hercules
with seven thousand soldiers, nearly ail of them
Berber tribespeople rather than Arabs. Tariq
landed near a large rock that jutted out from
the coast of Spain; the rock was named "Jebel
Tariq" ("Tariq's Rock"). The Spanish later
changed those words to "Gibraltar."
The Berber leader soon discovered that his
scouts had been correct. Visigothic Spain was
divided and offered little resistance to the
invaders. Tariq rapidly advanced northward,
and on July 19, A.D. 711, he fought the Battle
of La Janda against the army of King Roderick,
the last Christian king of Visigothic Spain.
Tariq won the battle and moved on to occupy
the Visigothic capital of Toledo.
Learning of his lieutenant's success, Musa
crossed the Pillars ot Hercules with eighteen
thousand troops (most of them Arabs) in June
A.D. 712. He met Tariq at Talavera and scolded
his subordinate for having traveled so far and
conquered so much without orders to do so.

By this time, the last Visigothic nobles had fled

to the mountain region of Asturias in northern

Spain, the area that would later become the
center of the Christian kingdoms of Leon,
Castile, and Navarre. Tariq and Musa had
pushed the Christians out of southern and cen-
The man for whom Gibraltar is named was tral Spain, further expanding the area of the
a Berber, probably born in North Africa. world under the sway of Islam.
Nothing is known of Tariq's early years. He Musa was summoned by the caliph of
first appeared in the historical record as Damascus to return east and report on the con-
a Berber and former slave who was appointed a quest. Musa and Tariq went to Damascus to-
subordinate by Musa ibn Nusayr, the Arab gether, bringing a large convoy of prisoners.
governor of Morocco. Tariq was left in charge They reached Syria in February A.D. 715.
of the city of Tangier. Caliph al-Walid lay dying, and his successor
In A.D. 710, an Arab reconnaissance party showed no gratitude to either Musa or Tariq

crossed the narrow body of water between for their conquests. The two men ended their
North Africa and Spain, called the "Pillars of lives in complete obscurity. Thc\' never
Hercules" by the Greeks and Romans. The returned to Spain, most ol which the\' had
Arabs found Spain to be weak and reported conquered under the banner ol Mohammed.


the isaurian
18. (c. 675-741

Destined to be the leader who sustained the Leo also employed his knowledge of the terrain

Byzantine empire, Leo III was born in and geography to outmaneuver and confuse his

Germanicia in northern Syria to a noble fami- foes. Still, the Arabs came close to victory, and
ly. He moved with his family to Thrace, on the only the severe winter of A.D. 717718 pre-
eastern side of the Sea of Marmara, where vented the fall of the city. When Maslama and
Europe and Asia come together. As a young his fleet departed in the summer, minus thou-
man, Leo assisted Byzantine emperor Justinian sands of men and hundreds of ships,
II in his attempt to recover the throne from a the Islamic armies lost their best chance to
usurper. Not only was the Byzantine empire destroy the Byzantine Empire.
divided internally, but it faced an enormous Leo celebrated the victory and kept his peo-

threat from the Arab forces that had recently ple busy building even stronger defenses
conquered most of the Middle East, including around Constantinople. He need not have
Leo's homeland in Syria. worried; the Arabs did not return to the
Justinian rewarded Leo with the title city in his lifetime, and the future sieges

of spartharius and sent him on a diplomatic of Constantinople would be carried out

mission to the Caucasus Mountains, but the by Seljuk Turks and Ottoman Turks, not
mission was frustrating and accomplished lit- by Arabs.
tle. Following the death of Justinian II, Famous in his later years, Leo carried
Leo was made governor of the Anatolikonm out a campaign against icon worship within
province, the largest in Asia Minor (present- the empire. He died in A.D. 741, confident
day Turkey) that his victories had enabled the Byzantine
Leo led the opposition to Theodosius III empire to withstand many foes, both internal
and was crowned emperor in his own right in and external. The dynasty Leo founded lasted

A.D. 717. It was fortunate for the Byzantine until A.D. 802. Although it has often been
Empire that its new leader had a military back- referred to as the Isaurian dynasty, it should
ground, since the Arabs descended on properly be called the Syrian dynasty.
the empire's capital city, Constantinople,
that very summer.
The Arab leader,
Maslama, brought
an enormous fleet

and army to the area

and placed the city

under siege.

The year-long
siege (A.D. 717-718)
was a fiercely fought
contest. Leo battled
back with the use
of "Greek fire, "

combination of sul-

fur and lime that set

Use of "Greek fire"
fire to enemy ships.

Charles Martel
19 (689-741)

Known as "Charles the

Hammer," Charles Martel is famous
for his defeat of the Arabs at the
Battle of Poitiers in A.D. 732. Martel

was born out of wedlock to Pepin

mayor of the palace

of Heristal,
of the Merovingian kingdom of
the Franks (in present-day France).
Following his father's death, Martel
was imprisoned by his father's

widow, who did not want any rivals

to her family line.

Martel escaped from prison,

raised an army of Austrasians, and
defeated the Neustrian army. He
became the sole mayor of the palace
in A.D. 723. By this time, the
Charles Martel at Poitiers
Merovingian dynasty had declined
through intermarriage, and the or the Battle of Tours).
mayor of the palace conducted the true busi- After seven days of maneuvering, the Arabs
ness of the kingdom, though he lacked the title made their attack on the Franks. The all-day
of king. battle resulted in a standoff The Arabs could
Martel led campaigns against the Frisians, not break the steady lines of Frankish infantry
Saxons (A.D. 719-738), Swabians (A.D. 730), and cavalry; the Franks could not pursue the
and Bavarians (a.d. 725-728). A diplomat as Arabs quickly enough to strike a serious blow
well as fighter, Martel sent Christian mission- against them. Martel expected the battle to
aries to the defeated tribes. Led by remarkable resume the next day, but daybreak found
church leaders such as St. Boniface, the Apostle the enemy's camp deserted; the Arabs had
of the Germans, the missionaries converted fled during the night. This victory has been
many of the tribespeople to Christianity. Those celebrated in European history as the decisive
who converted generally accepted Mattel's turning point in Europe's wars against the
leadership in northern and central France. Arabs, hi Moslem chronicles, however, the
The most dramatic moment of Mattel's Battle of Poitiers figures as a small skirmish
life and career came in A.D. 732, when he that had little overall importance.

responded to a request for help from Eudes, Martel then became known as "Charles
the Duke of Aquitaine, in southern France. the Hammer "
for this victory. He and his

Eudes found his land overrun by an invasion of Frankish mounted soldiers were probably
Arabs from across the Pyrenees. Martel recruit- the first European military force to use
ed a large army of Prankish warriors and led stirrups on their horses. Martel died in

them south to seek the Arabs. The two armies A.D. 741, having halted Arab expansion
collided at Moussais-la-Bataille, 12 miles north of Spain and having founded a new
(19 km) northeast of the city of Poitiers dynasty that eventually was led by his grandson
(the battle is called either the Battle of Poitiers Charlemagne (see no. 20).

on Charlemagne
ZU. (742-814)

Charlemagne (SHAR-leh-main) was the The riches found in the Avar capital of
greatest European warrior and king of the Khagan made Charlemagne an incredibly
Middle Ages. Born in Aachen (AH-ken), in wealthy ruler.

present-day Germany, he was a grandson of Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne "King
Charles Martel (see no. 19) and the son of of the Romans "
on Christmas Day, A.D. 800.
Pippin the Short. Prior to his death in A.D. No European leader since the fall of the
768, Pippin gave the northern half of his lands Roman Empire had controlled as much land
to Charlemagne and the southern half to and as many people.
Charlemagne's brother Carloman. Charlemagne devoted much of the last ten
Carloman died in A.D. 771. Charlemagne years of his life to cultural enrichment. He
seized his brother's lands and declared brought Alcuin of York to his court at Aachen
himself sole king of the Franks. In A.D. 772, he and gathered a team of other scholars who
responded to a call for help from Pope Adrian helped create the "Carolingian Renaissance."
I. Charlemagne took his army into Lombardy Books and manuscripts were copied; knowl-
(northeast Italy). By A.D. 774, Charlemagne edge of Latin was renewed, and a new type of
was king of the Lombards as well as the Franks. writing, known as Carolingian minuscule,
Charlemagne invaded Italy a total of five came into use. The present-day use of capital
times between 772 and A.D. 778.
A.D. and lowercase letters, punctuation, and word
He also invaded Moslem Spain in A.D. 778. He spaces dates from the Carolingian era.
fought the Moslems to a draw, but on his return Charlemagne died in A.D. 814, leaving a
home, his rear guard, led by Count Roland, was troubled empire to his son, Louis the Pious.
ambushed and destroyed by Christian Basques Tremendously successful during his lifetime,

at Roncevalles. Charlemagne's grief over the loss Charlemagne was unable to prevent a storm of
of Roland and his knights was later memorial- barbarian invaders Viking, Magyar, and
ized in the great epic poem "Le Chanson de Moslem from wreaking havoc on empire the
Roland' ("The Song of Roland "), written in the after his death. He did, however, leave behind
thirteenth century. a rich cultural heritage and the idea of a truly

The Prankish king put down revolts in united Europe.

Brittany, but the greatest danger lay to the
East, where the Saxon, Bavarian, and Avar
both his rule and the Christian
tribes resisted

faith. Charlemagne fought a number of

grueling battles against the Saxons, which
finally ended when Wittekind, the Saxon lead-

er, accepted Christianity in A.D. 785.

Charlemagne defeated the Bavarians along the
Danube River in A.D. 787, but he was forced to
retreat from the Avar lands in A.D. 791. A cen-
tral Asian tribe which had migrated to central
Europe, the Avars had gained great wealth by
extorting payments from the Byzantine
emperor in Constantinople. The Prankish war-
riors finally defeated the Avars in A.D. 795. Charlemagm


Alfred the Great

21 (849-899) 4
Founder of the English navy, Alfred the eventual offense against the Danes. Believing
Great was born at Wantage in Berkshire, the that the Danish raids were a punishment from
son of King Aethelwulft of Wessex. The boy God, he embarked on a program of religious
prince was sent to Rome, the "Eternal City," at education. He recruited important scholars
the age of four; there he met Pope Leo IV and from the continent and began a series of text
was impressed by the glory of Roman translations from Latin into Anglo-Saxon. The
Christianity. He went on a second trip to king himself translated Pastoral Care by Saint
Rome, this time with his father, in A.D. 855. Gregory the Great.
Alfred's father died, and his three older The peace ended in A.D. 876. Guthrum,
brothers all had short lives and a Danish leader, brought an army
reigns. To Alfred's surprise, he into Wessex and captured
came to occupy the throne of many of its important
Wessex at the age of twen- towns. Alfred fled to a
ty-four. Alfred became small fort in the
king at a time of crisis Somerset marshes.
for Wessex and for From there, he
Anglo-Saxon England harassed the Danes
as a whole. Danish with small raids. He
invaders were close gathered his forces
to overrunning the and emerged from
entire land. Four the swamps to win
Anglo-Saxon king- a remarkable victory

doms Mercia, over the Danes at

Northumberland, East Edington in A.D.

Anglia, and Wessex 878. Following the
remained, but all of them battle, those Danes who
faced dire peril. had surrendered were
Alfred had first fought the baptized as Christians. The
Danes under his older brother Danes then withdrew from
Aethelred's leadership. In A.D. Wessex. Guthrum and his fol-

871, the year he came to the Alfred the Great lowers respected the peace
throne, Alfred fought nine gener- until his death in A.D. 891.
al engagements against the In A.D. 892, some 250
invaders. After losing the Battle of Wilton, Danish ships brought the "great heathen army"
Alfred made an unsatisfactory peace with the to England. Alfred met and defeated the Danes
Danes to give himself and his kingdom room in battle after battle. His guerrilla warfare tac-

to breathe. tics, combined with the use of his ships,

Alfred married Eaihswith, a descendant of allowed him to gain the upper hand quickly.
Mercian kings, and cultivated good relations By A.D. 897, the Danes had fled to East Anglia
with both Mercia and Wales. He built new and Northumberland.
forts in Wessex and strengthened older ones At the time of Alfred's death, in A.D. 899,

that had fallen into decay. He also built the Wessex remained free and became the center of
first English ships, trying to prepare for an Anglo-Saxon law and tradition.

OCto the Great

The first true imperial ruler of Germany,

Otto the Great was the son ot King Henry I,

known as Henry the Fowler. Though Henry

was called "king of Germany, he was actually

first among equals of the five German dukes of

Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, Bavaria and
Lorraine. Otto married Edgitha, the daughter
of Anglo-Saxon King Edward the Elder, in A.D.
929. King Henry died in A.D. 936,
and the dukes elected Otto to succeed his
father. He was crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle,
in present-day France.

From the start, Otto was determined to cre-

ate an empire. He ruled Saxony by right

of inheritance, and he did away with the inde-

pendent duchy oi Franconia, reserving that
area for himself His most successful endeavors
came through cooperation with the Christian
Church. He treated German bishops as it they
were counts or dukes, giving them land and
titles. In return, they owed allegiance to Otto
and provided him with knights and soldiers in
Otto the Great
times of war.
Otto fought to maintain the German title "Otto the Great" and ended the raids from
hold on Lorraine, an area that was disputed by the east.

the Franks to the west. He led a campaign Triumphant in central Europe, Otto turned
deep into Prankish territory and brought the his attention to the south. He cultivated good
French kingdom of Burgundy under German relations with the papacy, and on February 2,

influence (A.D. 940). Having secured his west- A.D. 962, Pope John XII crowned him Holy
ward flank, Otto turned to the east and started Roman Emperor, a title that had previously
to expand the German domains. He gained gone to the descendants of Charlemagne (see

dominance over the Slavic Wends and no. 20). Pope John turned against Otto when
obtained recognition of German sovereignty in he saw that the German ruler wanted Italian

Bohemia by A.D. 950. lands. Otto used his influence in Italy to have
The greatest foe of Otto's Germany was the the pope deposed and went so far as to nomi-
Magyar tribe. Located in present-day Hungary, nate his own candidate, who became Pope
the Magyars were a fierce warrior tribe that had Leo VIII.
migrated from central Asia around A.D. 895. Though he was secure in his lifetime. Otto's

The Magyars attacked Germany, France, pre- ambitions led to great troubles for his succes-
sent-day Switzerland, and Italy in numerous sors, who would fight both in Germany and
raids. In A.D. 955, Otto met the Magyars in Italy to hold their positions. Having formed a
battle at Lechfeld, near Augsburg, and utterly united German empire. Otto died in May A.D.
defeated them. This victory earned him the 973 and was buried in Magdeburg Cathedral.

on Brian Boru
Zu. (c. 941-1014)

Brian Boru was born near

Killaloe, in present-day County
Clare, Ireland. He came from
the family of Dal Cais, which
ruled over a small principality of
the same name. His father died
in A.D. 951, and Brian and his

older brother Mathgamain

began a struggle against the
Danes who held Limerick. For a
time, Brian and only fifteen

men were completely on their

own, living as guerrilla warriors

with no home base. The broth-

ers gathered their forces, howev-
er, and defeated the Danes at

the Batde of Sulcot (a.D. 967).

Mathgamain became king of
Danish Warriors
Brian was catapulted to greater responsibili- Brian consciously sought to imitate the
ty when his brother was seized and murdered kingly ways of Alfred the Great (see no. 21)
in A.D. 976. Brian defeated the Danes at the and Otto the Great (see no. 22). He made a
Battle of Belach Lechta and defeated the men progression through the island and subdued
of Desmond. Crowned king of Munster, Brian Ulster in 1005. Brian's very success brought
was in a position to challenge the high king, more foes against him; the Irish were not
Mael Sechnaill II. used to having a king who truly exercised the
During the next decade, the two kings sent prerogatives of his title. The men of Leinster
raids against each others' lands. Brian had three and Dublin revolted against Brian in 1014,
hundred boats built on the River Shannon and they received promises of assistance
(a.D. 984). He and his men sailed up to Loch from the Danes.
Ree and ravaged much of the territory of One of the greatest battles in Ireland's histo-

Meath. Each side attacked the other many ry was fought on Good Friday, April 23, 1014.
times, and in A.D. 997, Brian and the high king Brian, who was seventy-three years old,
agreed to meet on the shore of Loch Ree. They remained in his tent, praying, while his soldiers
divided Ireland between them, with Brian fought the Battle of Clontarf outside of
assuming control of the southern half of the Dublin. His son, Murchad, led the Irish in the

island. battle. Althouhg Brian's troops won the day,

Both the Danes and many native Irish killing some six thousand of the Leinstermen
resisted his rule. Brian routed the Danes of and their allies, Brian was himself killed in the

Dublin and the Leinstermen at the Battle of last moments of the battle by Brodir, chief of
Glen Mama (A.D. 999). In 1002, Brian the Manx Vikings. Brian's son was also killed,
replaced Mael Sechnaill as high king, ending so the Irish victory led to further confusion of
a two-hundred-year family dynasty. leadership.

M .
(c. 994-1035)

Who was this remarkable man? Canute II in 1027 to improve his relations with the papa-
was from Denmark. His father was Sweyn cy. Canute won the trust of many of his

Haroldson, king of Denmark. During a cam- English subjects by sending the main body of
paign against Anglo-Saxon England, Sweyn his army home to Denmark; he kept only three
died, and the Danish sailors acclaimed Canute thousand "housecarls, ' or bodyguards.
as their new king, even though he had an older Through warfare, diplomacy, and tact, he had
brother back in the home country. Finding he gained a widespread empire that ranged over
could not defeat the Anglo-Saxons, Canute thousands of miles (km). Canutes fame and
returned to Denmark and gathered his forces. reputation spread.
He returned to England in 1015 and made war Canute died of illness at Shaftesbury,
on the Anglo-Saxon ruler Ethelred the England in 1035. His empire did not long sur-
Unready. vive him, but he had shown how a military
Ethelred died in 1016 and was replaced leader could gain the respect and perhaps
by his son, Edmund II Ironside. The Danes even affection of his subjects.

won the Battle of Ashingdon in October and

regained the "Danelaw" (northeast England)
by the end of the year. Seeing the futility ot

war, King Edmund struck a bargain with

Canute, the Compact of Olney. Canute
received Mercia, London, and Northumbria,
while Edmund kept Wessex. Edmund died just
weeks later, and by 1017, Canute had been
acclaimed king of all England. He
was the first ruler since the fall of Rome
to accomplish this feat.

Canute came fully into power when his

older brother Harold died in 1019. Now

Canute was king of Denmark and England. To
consolidate his gains, he married Elfgifu, the
widow of King Ethelred, in 1017. He
also maintained a consort of the same name,
Elfgifu of Northampton.
The death of King Olaf II of Norway
opened the way for Canute to expand even fur-
ther. He fought against the Norwegians and
placed that country under the rule of his mis-
tress Elfgifu and their son Sweyn. Canute
maintained control of England, Denmark, and
Norway, making him one of the most powerful
monarchs of his day.
Canute sought to build alliances. He mar-
ried his sister, Estrith, to Robert I, the duke of
Canute II
Normandy. He went to Rome on a pilgrimage

Robert Cuiscard & Sichelgaita
25 (c. 1015-1085) &(c. 1025-1090)

This warrior couple led their soldiers on possessions in western Greece. They captured
some of the most daring raids and battles of the the cities of Corfia and Durazzo. Sichelgaita
early Middle Ages. Born in Normandy, Robert, played an important role in the latter battle.

who was known as Guiscard (which means Seeing some of the Normans fleeing, she gal-

"astute"), was the son of Tancred de Hauteville, loped after them and shouted, "How far will

a minor noble. Guiscard came of age at a time you flee! Stand, and quit you like men!" Shamed
when the Norman warriors, only three genera- by her words, the Normans turned, fought and
tions removed from their Viking ancestors, were won the batde.
the fiercest in Europe. While William the Guiscard returned to Italy and rescued Pope
Conqueror led the Norman conquest of Gregory from a siege by the troops of Emperor
England (see no. 26), Guiscard carried out inva- Henry IV. Guiscard went back to Greece and
sions in Italy and the central Mediterranean. was ready to expand his conquests when he suc-
Guiscard was first married to Alberada of cumbed to an epidemic at Cephalonia on July
Buonalbergo, but he had the marriage annulled 17, 1085. Sichelgaita was with him at his death.

so he could marry Sichelgaita, Lombard a The warrior princess played an important polit-
princess, in 1058. Like the Normans, the ical role for the remaining five years of her life.

Lombards were a warrior people and

Sichelgaita was foremost among them. She was

a towering woman, imposing, muscular, and

extremely courageous. She and Guiscard
became true warrior partners.
Guiscard met Pope Nicholas II at Melfi,
Italy, in 1059. Guiscard bowed to the pope's

authority and swore to protect papal interests.

Pope Nicholas invested him with the lands of
southern Italy and urged him to root out the
Byzantines, who held important towns there.
Guiscard and Sichelgaita took ten years to push
their way down to the bottom of Italy; they
expelled the last Byzantines from Bari in 1071.
They also paved the way for a Norman invasion
of Muslim Sicily, which would be carried out
by Guiscard's brother, Roger the Great.
Guiscard and Sichelgaita threatened the
papal fiefdom of Benevento in 1074; in return,
they were excommunicated by the pope. The
couple regained favor when Pope Gregory VII
decided he needed their assistance to fight
against Emperor Henry IV of the Holy Roman
Guiscard, Sichelgaita, and Bohemund (who Pope Gregory VII
was Guiscard's son by his first marriage),
crossed the Adriatic Sea to attack Byzantine

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on William the Conatieror
ZD. (c- 1027-1087)

The man who changed the history of

England was born in Falaise, Normandy.
William the Conqueror was the son of Duke
Robert of Normandy. Though born out of
wedlock, William became duke of Normandy
in 1035 upon the death of his father. He was
placed in the care of guardians for the next
twelve years and was not able to assert his
power until 1047, when King Henry I of
France defeated rebellious vassals of William
that were in Normandy.
William cast an eager eye across the English
Channel to Anglo-Saxon England, a country
that had fallen into confusion after the death of
King Canute (see no. 24). King Edward the
Confessor admired the Normans, and he
promised his kingdom to William upon his

death, although the two men were only cousins

by marriage. Edward died in 1066, and the
Anglo-Saxon witan (high council) gave the
throne to Harold Godwinsson, who was more
closely related to the king than William.

Furious over this rejection, William collect-

ed an army of Norman knights at the channel
and waited for the right winds to cross to
William the Conqueror
England. He landed at Pevensey, England with
seven thousand soldiers. William was fortunate Norman Conquest was not yet complete.
that Harold was diverted to the north fighting William had to work for five years to subdue
an invasion of Danes. After defeating the England. Resistance was strongest in the north,
Danes at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Harold and in 1069 to 1070, he led a systematic rav-
marched south to confront William. The two aging of that area. By 1072, he was indeed
armies collided at Hastings. master of England.
After an exhausting contest, William's com- The third and final phase of William's career
bination of cavalry and foot soldiers involved holding on to the vast areas he con-
won the day. Harold was killed by an arrow. trolled. New rulers of France and Anjou chal-
Following the victory, William marched to lenged his rights, and he suffered setbacks at
Dover, then led his men on a destructive march Dol (1076) and Gerberoi (1079) on the
to London. As his troops destroyed homes and Norman border. He managed to keep what he
ransacked villages, the Anglo-Saxon resistance had acquired. At the time of his death, William
that remained began to fade. William was ruled over Normandy and England, a vast area
crowned king of England on Christmas Day, that would later be the focus of much dissen-

1066. sion between the monarchy in France and the

The battle and crown were won, but the kings of England.

"El Cid" (Roclrigo Diaz de Vivar)
2] (c. 1043-1099)

of Moslem Zamora, and Alfonso returned

from exile to claim the thrones of Leon and
Castile as Alfonso VI. El Cid had no choice but
to become a leading knight in the forces of his

former enemy.
For the next nine years. El Cid remained
at court, surrounded by knights who had been
his former foes. In 1081, he angered
the king by capturing Garcia Ordonez, one
of Alfonso's favorites. King Alfonso banished
El Cid from the kingdom of Castile.
El Cid's life for the next nine years resem-

bled that of Robin Hood. Leading a band of

perhaps three hundred men, he was an outlaw,
living in the contested borderlands between
El Cid
the Christian kingdoms and Moslem areas. He
The greatest hero of the reconquista was offered his services to two Christian princes.
born in Vivar, a small town near Burgos. Son After being rejected, he went to the Moslem
of a minor landowner, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar city of Saragossa and led its forces for two
grew up in the court of King Ferdinand I of the years.

Christian kingdom of Castile. Spain was divid- An invasion of Moslem Spain by the new
ed between several Christian kingdoms and the Almoravid dynasty in 1086 led King Alfonso
Moorish (Spanish Moslem) caliphate of to reconcile with El Cid. The Moslem city of
Cordoba. The Moors had invaded Spain in Valencia revolted against its ruler, al-Kadir, and
A.D. 711 under the leadership of Tariq ibn killedhim in 1092.
Ziyad (see no. 17), and a religious war between The inhabitants awaited a takeover by a new
the Moslems and Christians had flared in Moslem leadership, but El Cid immediately
Spain ever since placed the city under siege with his private
Diaz grew up as a ward of Sancho, the eldest army. His twenty-month siege ended on June
son of King Ferdinand. Upon Ferdinand's 17, 1094, when the starving inhabitants of the
death in 1065, his territories were divided city surrendered.

among his three sons: Sancho received Castile, El Cid governed Valencia for the rest of
Alfonso took Leon, and Garcia received his life. He allowed freedom of worship and
Galicia. Serving under Sancho, Diaz became confirmed city dwellers in their property own-
the foremost knight in Castile; he was now ership, subject to tribute payments, and he
called "El Cid" (eil-SID; sidi is Arabic for turned the great mosque of the city into a
"lord"). Christian church. He repulsed the Almoravid
Sancho and El Cid expanded their holdings invaders on the plain of Cuarte west of the city
on the eastern section of Castile and then in October 1094, and defeated them again at

turned against the two younger brothers. By the Battle of Bairen in 1097.
1071, they had defeated Garcia, and Alfonso The "Cantar de mio Cid,'' one of the great

had been exiled. Their triumph was short- epic poems of the Middle Ages, was written
lived. Sancho was assassinated during the siege approximately fifty years after El Cid's death.


on Saladin
/O. (1137-1193)

The greatest military hero of the Arab King Guy of Jerusalem with dignity but had all

world, Saladin was a Kurd, born in Tikrit, the Christian Knights Templar executed.
Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). He came Saladin pressed his advantage and entered
from a prominent family; his father and uncle Jerusalem in triumph.
were advisers and soldiers of Nur ad-Din, who Acting with unusual benevolence, Saladin
led the armies of the Moslem caliphate of allowed the Christian population to ransom
Baghdad. Saladin, whose name in Arabic itself with payments of gold. His triumph was
means "the bounty of religion," interrupted his incomplete, however, because three Christian
theological studies to join his uncle, Shirkuh, cities on the shore of the Mediterranean
on a campaign against Egypt. That country Antioch, Tripoli, and Tyre held out against
was ruled by the Fatmid caliphate, which him. Christian Europe rallied to oppose the
orthodox Moslems such as Saladin considered new Arab takeover of the Holy Land, and in
heretical. 1191, King Richard of England (see no. 29)
Saladin led a heroic defense of the city and King Philip Augustus of France arrived
of Alexandria, Egypt, against a joint force oi at Acre to fight Saladin.

Egyptians and Christian crusaders in 1167. Saladin could not overcome the battle

His uncle died in 1169, and Saladin was skills of "Richard the Lion-Hearted." The
immediately named commander of the English king, however, was unable to capture
Syrian troops in Egypt. He finished the Jerusalem. The two kings therefore agreed to
work his uncle had begun by ending the a three-year truce, signed September 2, 1192.
Fatmid caliphate and establishing himself as It left Jerusalem in Arab hands but guaranteed
the Moslem leader of Egypt. Grateful for his Christian pilgrims the right to visit the city.

work in eliminating the Fatmid heresy, the Worn out from his battles and campaigns,
Abbasid caliph in Damascus approved his Saladin went to Damascus for a rest. He died
new position. there of a fever. His greatest accomplishment
Nur ad-Din died in 1174, and Saladin was his unification of the Arab world in the
stretched himself and his resources in order face of the Crusader threat.

to take over Syria. By 1176, he was sultan

of both Egypt and Syria and was able to con-

template an attack on the Christian-held land
that lay between his two domains: Palestine,

which Christians had conquered during the

First Crusade (1095-1099).
Saladin called for a jihad (holy war) against
the Christians in 1187. He gathered an army
of twelve thousand cavalry and the same num-
ber of retainers and foot soldiers. Maneuvering
with skill, Saladin lured his Christian foes out
of the safety of the city of Jerusalem and onto
an arid stretch of land by the Sea of Galilee.
The Battle of the Horns of Hattin (two large

hills by the water) was fought on July 4, 1 187.

Saladin won a complete victory. He treated Horns of Hattin

on Richard the Lion-Hearted

Richard was essentially a Norman knight, and

he spoke French far more readily than English.
A true warrior-king, in 1 1 87, Richard heed-
ed the call of the Third Crusade, a

war intended to recapture Jerusalem from

the Arab leader Saladin (see no. 28). Richard
allied with other Christian rulers, including
King Philip Augustus of France and Emperor
Frederick Barbarossa ("Frederick the Red
Beard") of Germany. The three kings planned
the joint crusade together. Philip and Richard
sailed to the Holy Land while Barbarossa
marched overland. Barbarossa drowned in

a stream in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey),

and most of his army turned back.

After the Christians captured Acre
in the Holy Land, Richard ordered the slaugh-
ter ol 2,600 prisoners whom he could not
afford to feed. Philip Augustus pled illness and
returned to France, where he immediately
began to chip away at Richard's lands in

Aquitaine and Normandy. Richard outfought

Saladin in two important battles, but he was
unable to capture Jerusalem itself Feeling pres-
Richard the Lion-Hearted
sure from Philip's incursions on his homelands,
The greatest Christian warrior of the he signed a truce with Saladin and returned
Middle Ages was born in 1 157, the third child home.
of King Henry II of England and Queen Richard made the mistake of going through
Eleanor of Aquitaine (southeast France). Germany. He was spotted, captured, and held
Richard grew up in a stormy household envi- prisoner by the duke of Austria, who was an
ronment that was vividly recreated in the ally of Philip Augustus. England was forced to
movie The Lion in Winter (released in 1968). raise 150,000 marks of silver to ransom
From an early age, Richard was the favorite Richard. Released in 1 194, he went to England
child of his mother, but he also fought with his only briefly, then went to Normandy and spent
father on numerous occasions. the next five years fighting against Philip.

As duke of Aquitaine, Richard revolted Richard won nearly every battle and retook all

1173-1174 and again in

against his father in the land and castles that had been lost in his
1 1881 189. He was close to success on the sec- absence. He was struck in the left shoulder by
ond occasion when his father died, leaving a crossbow arrow while trying to capture the
Richard king of England as well as duke of castle of Chains in Limoges. The wound
Aquitaine and Normandy. He was crowned in became infected, and he died ten days later. He

England on September 3, 1189. Though had spent only six months of his ten-year reign

acclaimed as a national hero by the English, in England itself

Genghis Khan
(c. 1167-1227)

Possibly no world leader has ever inspired Kharismian leader who had died. Subotai pur-
more fear and dread as Temujin, better known sued, but did not catch the prince. He was,
as Genghis Khan. Born near the Onon River in however, drawn north to Russia, where he
present-day Mongolia, Temujin was the son of defeated a large army led by the princes
Yesugei, chief of the Borjigin tribe of Mongols. of Kiev. The result was that southern Russia
His father was poisoned by Tatar tribespeople would be under the "Mongol yoke" for three

when Temujin was nine, and he grew up on his centuries and therelore would miss the effects

own in the fierce environment of the compet- of the Renaissance in Europe.

ing Mongol tribes. Early on, he set a pattern of Genghis conducted another successful cam-
skillful leadership both in diplomacy and in paign in northern India. He ravaged Moslem
battle. In 1206, the huraltai (great assembly) of cities there belore returning to Mongolia in

Mongols named him "Genghis Khan," or 1224. Genghis then turned his attention to
supreme leader. China once more. He attacked the Hsi Hsia
Genghis united the Tatar, Kereit, Naiman, empire, located in north-central China. As the
and Merkit tribes into one fearsome band of campaign began, he fell from his horse while

Mongol warriors. The Mongols had long been on a hunting expedition. He suffered internal
renowned as warriors, but Genghis molded injuries and a fever and died rather suddenly, at

them more disciplined force that allowed

into a the height of his power and prestige.

them to win greater victories. Genghis devel- His Mongol warriors buried his body on a
oped a system of mobile horse columns which hill in the Kentei Mountains of present-day
would encircle and entrap enemy forces and Mongolia. The hill was known as the sacred

then kill them using armor-piercing arrows. mountain of Burdan-kaldun, and several of
Genghis began his campaign for world mas- Genghis Khan's descendants would later be
tery by attacking the Chin empire of northern buried beside him. Trees then grew, obscuring
China. The Chin people had long withstood the spot where he was buried. Today, no one
invasions behind their Great Wall of China, can identify the grave of one of the world's
but the Mongols outflanked the defenders and greatest conquerors.

attacked the heartland of northern China. The

Mongols captured the city of Peking in 1215,
showing that they could employ sophisticated
strategies in siege warfare as well as in combat
on the open plains.

Genghis Khan then turned his wrath

upon the Kharismian empire of present-day
Afghanistan and Iran. After the Kharismian
ruler killed Genghis's envoys, the Mongols
attacked with a speed and ferocity that scarce-
ly seemed possible. Genghis besieged and cap-
tured Samarkand, the center of the empire; the
sack that followed was the worst of the many
conducted by the Mongols.
Genghis sent his best general, Subotai Genghis Khan
(see no. 31), north to pursue the son of the

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Subotai became one of

Genghis Khan's (see no. 30) most
trusted generals during the war
against the Chin empire. After
Khan destroyed the Kharismian
empire in Persia, Subotai went
north in pursuit of the son of the
former Kharismian shah. They
crushed Christian Georgia and
entered the land of the Kiptchak
Turks in southern Russia.
Subotai ravaged the area
before wintering on the Black Sea
in 1223. He returned to central
Asia and completed the conquest
Battle of Liegnitz
of the Chin empire.
In 1237, Subotai was made co-commander Led by King Bela, the Hungarian army was
(with Batu Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan) of camped on the west bank of the river. Seeing the
the Mongol forces in southern Russia. With strength of his foe, Subotai retreated one hun-
Subotai acting as the military genius, and Batu dred miles northeast and positioned himself on
representing the power and importance of the the east bank of the Sajo River. Bela followed
Genghisid line, the Mongols captured the him, and on April 10, the Hungarians estab-
Moscow area. In December 1240, they lished a small bridgehead on the eastern bank.

destroyed the Russian principality of Kiev. Early in the morning of April 1 1 , Bela's troops

In the sixteen years that had passed since he were hit by a massive Mongol attack on the
had been on the Black Sea, Subotai developed an bridgehead. The Mongols fought their way
extensive network of spies in eastern Europe. His across and attacked the main Hungarian camp.
goal was to subdue the Christian kingdom of The batde was evenly matched until Subotai
Hungary. Subotai was especially anxious to do came seemingly out of nowhere with thirty-

this since the Hungarians were the only peoples thousand men; they had crossed the river south
of Mongol-Turkic descent who had yet to of the Hungarians the night before. The hard-
acknowledge the overlordship of the Genghisid fought battle turned into a tremendous rout. By
family in central Asia. noon, the Hungarian army was destroyed,
Four "flying columns," or army groups, car- and between forty thousand and seventy thou-
ried out the invasion. Prince Kaidu led the first sand Hungarians on
lost their lives the field.

group northeast into Poland; he defeated the In December 1241, Subotai learned that

Poles and their allies at Szydlow and Liegnitz Ogedi Khan, son of Genghis Khan, had died.

(near Krakow). With his right flank covered, Mindftil of his duty to the Mongol law code,
Subotai plunged into Hungary with the three Subotai sent the princes he had widi him home
other columns. Following Mongol strategy to to participate in the vote that would name a new
perfection, the three army groups rode by difi^er- great khan. Subotai himself took leave of the

ent routes, but all converged on the Danube Mongol court and retired to die alone in

River by April 4, 1241. his tent on the steppes of northern Asia.


on Kublai Khan
jZ. (1215-1294)

through 1,000 miles (1,600 km) ol ice-capped

mountains on the eastern border of present-
day Tibet. Only twenty thousand of the men
survived the journey. He led another army
south against the Sung empire, while his veter-
ans in Yunnan traveled by a different route to
join him. By the time Mangu Khan died in
1259, Kublai had become a seasoned military
leader. He emerged as the new khagan, or uni-

versal ruler, in June of 1260.

Kublai Khan turned southward and
concentrated his force on the Sung empire
of southern China. While the northern Chin
and Hsi Hsia empires had been peopled by
mixed ethnic backgrounds, the Sung empire
was fully and truly Chinese. Kublai showed the
care and thorough preparation for which he
had become known as he slowly conquered
China. He captured the Sung capital of
Hangchow in 1276, and the last Sung resis-

tance ended in 1279. Kublai thereby reunified

China for the first time since the T ang
dynasty had fallen in the tenth century.

Kublai Khan
He also ruled over 80 percent of the entire
Eurasian landmass, perhaps the largest empire
Although he is generally associated with in all of human history.

trade, prosperity, and the visit of Marco Kublai led his troops even further south. He
Polo, Kublai Khan was indeed a warrior. His invaded Annam (present-day northern
mother, Sorghagtani Beki, groomed all four Vietnam) and defeated the Pagon king of
of her sons as prospective heirs to the Mongol Burma. In these southern invasions, the
empire. Her husband Tolui had been passed Mongols faced elephants in battle for the first

over in the succession, and she was determined time. After winning their victories, they
that the same thing would not happen to her brought many elephants north to China,
sons. A fervent Nestorian Christian, Beki won where they became a fixture in Kublai's court.

influence and the respect of much of the Kublai sent an invasion fleet to the island of
Mongol elite. She died in 1252, having had the Java in 1293, but the mission was defeated
satisfaction of seeing Mangu, Kublai's older when his Javanese allies turned against the
brother, take the throne of the empire in 125 1 Mongols.
Kublai began his military career during the Kublai died in 1294, having brought China
1250s. He led an epic expedition that took to unity. His body was brought to the sacred

control of the kingdom of Ta-li (present-day mountain in Mongolia called Burdan-kaldun,

Yunnan province in southwest China) in where he was laid to rest next to his grandfa-
1252-1254. Kublai led his 100,000 troops ther, Genghis Khan (see no. 30).

on Edward i

J J. (1239-1307)

The most skillful and ruthless ruler of his rated in the 1995 movie, Braveheart, resisted
age, Edward "Longshanks" expanded the size Edward's attempts to rule Scotland indirectly.

of England at the expense of its neighboring Edward marched north in 1298. Through the
peoples. Born at Westminster, Edward was the skillful use of archers and cavalrymen, Edward
son of King Henry III and Eleanor of completely vanquished Wallace's army at the

Provence. He married Eleanor of Castile Battle of Falkirk, but remarkably, the Scottish
in 1254. independence movement did not collapse.

Edward's early years were plagued by Even the capture and execution of Wallace in

the "Baron's War "

that pitted King Henry III 1305 did not bring Scotland's acceptance of
against the most ambitious of his lords. English rule.
Edward won the culminating victory in the Edward marched to Scotland one more
war in 1266. Then he followed his admired time. He died near Carlisle, leaving a much
uncle. King Louis IX of France, on a crusade to expanded kingdom to his son, Edward III.

North Africa. Following the death of Louis, He had inaugurated some crucial English tra-

Edward went to Syria, then returned to ditions that remain important today: the status
Europe. His father had died during the cru- of the prince of Wales, the calling of
sade;Edward put down a revolt in Aquitaine Parliament to raise funds, and the sovereignty
and made his way to London, where he was of England over Wales and Scotland.
crowned in 1274.

Edward faced an immediate challenge

in the person of Llewelyn ap Gruffudd,
the leading prince of Wales, who refused to
acknowledge the English king as his overlord.

Edward waged a series of fierce campaigns in

the Welsh Wars (1277-1284), which ended
with Gruffudd's death and the execution of his
brother. Edward incorporated Wales fully into

the kingdom, bringing English common law to

Wales. In 1301, his son became the prince of
Wales, a title still traditionally held by the heir
apparent to the British throne.
France and Scotland posed even greater
threats to Edward's status as the great king of
his day. A succession crisis in Scotland, follow-
ing the death of King Alexander III, played
into Edward's hands. He declared his prefer-
ence for John de Baliol in the struggle for the
Scottish throne. In 1296, Edward invaded
Scotland, defeated the assembled clans, and
brought the Stone of Scone, the symbol of
Scottish power, to England. (It sits today in

London's Westminster Abbey.) The Parliament of Edward I

Sir William Wallace, who was commemo-

01 Robert Bruce
j4. (1274-1329)

A tenacious and resourceful fighter, Robert "schiltrons "

(groups of pikemen) won the
Bruce braved many dark hours to free Scotland Battle of Bannockburn. Edward II was routed
from English rule. Probably born in Turnberry and nearly captured. Robert then carried the
Castle in Scotland, he was the son of Robert de war to northern England.

Bruce VII, the earl of Carrick. Robert Bruce In 1323, the pope recognized Robert
followed his father's lead in foreign policy for the Bruces title as king of Scotland. Robert
many years. Both the Bruces paid homage to successfully resisted another English invasion
English King Edward I (see no. 33) in 1296. in 1322, and, in 1327, he purposefully broke
Robert Bruce actually took up arms to serve another truce, f^is military success gave the
with Edward at the Battle of Falkirk, where English no choice they recognized his title

English forces crushed the Scottish freedom and Scotland's independence in the Treaty
fighters led by Sir William Wallace. of Northampton, signed in March 1328.
Until his father's death in 1304, Robert Robert had only one year in which to enjoy

Bruce sought to exercise some type of rule in his victory. He died in 1329 of a wasting dis-

Scotland under the dominion of King Edward ease that may have been leprosy. He was the
I. After 1305, Robert collected his forces and subject of a romantic poem, "The Bruce,"
planned a master stroke against the English. written by John Barbour in the 1370s.
Seeing what happened to Wallace, who was
drawn and quartered, Robert still took the
leadership of the Scottish independence move-
ment. In April 1306, he quarreled with and
murdered John Comyn, a competitor for the
throne, at a church in Dumfries. Robert was
crowned king of Scotland at Scone on March
27, 1306.
Robert's first efforts were failures. Defeated
at the Battle of Methven on June 19, 1306, he
became a fugitive. Only the death of Edward I

in 1307 brought some hope to Robert's cause.

An old Scottish legend has it that during this

time, Robert watched a spider try seven times
to connect a web. Seeing the spider finally suc-
ceed, Robert resolved that he too would con-
tinue the fight.
After 1307, Robert led a slow, concerted
effort to capture the English fortresses and cas-

tles within Scotland. He took Dundee and

Perth (1312-1313) and Edinburgh and
Roxburgh (1314) and was close to success
when Edward II approached with an English
army three times the size of the Scottish forces.
On June 24, 1314, Robert's inspired leadership
Robert Bruce and William Wallace
and the sheer determination of the Scottish

or Edward the Black Prince C^ffl
J J, (1330-1376) Vy_}^3
motto, "/<rA dien," or "I serve." It remains the
motto of the prince of Wales to this day.

In 1355, Edward was given command

of the English troops in Aquitaine (southern
France), leading them in a resounding victory
over the French at the Battle of Poitiers. King
John the Good of France was taken prisoner, as
were two thousand other Frenchmen. The vic-

tory was attributed to Edward's skill.

He married Joan, the countess of Kent,

in 1361. The royal couple moved to France
together and stayed there for eight years.

Edward showed himself to be a poor adminis-

trator; he alienated the local nobles and infuri-
ated them with high taxes. In 1367, he led an
invasion across the Pyrenees Mountains into
Spain, and he defeated the Spanish at the
Battle of Najera, near Burgos. Still, the
increased expenses led to further taxes, which
enraged his subjects in Aquitaine even more.
Edward put down a major rebellion of his
subjects by sacking Limoges in 1370. Around
this time he was summoned by the king of
France to appear in Paris and explain his con-
duct. Edward's reply was that he would appear,
helmeted and with sixty thousand men. This
statement was a bluff, for the prince was slow-
ly dying from dysentery and dropsy he had
Capture of John II at Poitiers
acquired during the Spanish campaign.
Known as the "Black Prince" because Following the death of his oldest son, he
of the color of his armor, Edward was the old- resigned his position and went to

est son of King Edward III and Philippa Berkhampstead, England, to live his last

of Hainault. Born at the royal manor of years as a semi-invalid. He made one major
Woodstock in Oxfordshire, he became prince appearance before the English parliament, in
of Wales in 1343 and was schooled in both 1376, to ensure that the throne would pass to
diplomacy and war. his second-oldest son. Edward died that same
At the early age of sixteen, Edward led the year, one year before his father.

vanguard of the English army at the Battle Known as the most chivalrous knight in
of Crecy (1346). The crushing English victory Europe, Edward evoked great fear among his

was partly attributed to his leadership. The foes, and he never lost a battle. His shield and
blind king of Bohemia, who fought and died armor were hung above his tomb at

with the French that day, earned Edwards Canterbury, replicas of which tourists can
admiration, and he took for himself the king's see today.

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on Tamerlane
jD. (1336-1405)

The great conqueror of central Asia was neighbors in central Asia. He then turned
born near Kesh, in present-day Uzbekistan. He south and attacked the Delhi sultanate in
was of the Barulas, a tribe with a mixed Turkish northern India. Tamerlane captured Delhi,
and Mongol heritage. Wounded by an arrow and he conducted an enormous massacre of
early in life, he was called Timur-i Lang," prisoners.
meaning "Timur the Lame," which westerners Once again, his interest and direction shift-

changed over time to Tamerlane. ed. Tamerlane attacked the Christian states in

Tamerlane grew up hearing tales of the Middle East and was drawn into a tremen-
the glorious conquests of Genghis Khan dous confrontation with Bayezid, leader of the
(see no. 30) in the golden city of Samarkand. Ottoman Turks. After exchanging insults by
Intensely ambitious, he defeated all his local messenger, the two leaders clashed at the Battle
rivals to become the regional governor of of Angora (1402). Tamerlane won and kept
Transoxiana, of which Samarkand was the cap- Bayezid as a personal prisoner until Bayezid's

ital. Still, he needed to establish himself death.

as a worthy successor to the khan. Therefore, In 1404, Tamerlane laid out plans for a
he married Saray Mulk Khanum, a princess campaign against China. He set out from
of the Genghisid line. Although she bore Samarkand late in the year with an enormous
him no children, she remained his chief army. Tamerlane's health finally gave out, how-
wife throughout his life. ever, and he died at Otrar, in present-day
Once he felt secure in his home province, Kazahkstan.
Tamerlane turned southwest and made war The greatest military leader of his century,

against the kingdom of Khurasan (1381) in Tamerlane was the last of the great conquerors
present-day Iran. He penetrated even further from the steppes, the great plains of southeast
west and reached occupied Sistan. Europe and Asia.

At about the age of forty, Tamerlane began

a series of spectacular campaigns that estab-
lished him as the greatest conqueror of his day.
He made savage attacks on Christian Armenia
and Georgia in the late 1380s. Then, he was
caught by surprise when Tokhtamish (a former
protege and leader of the Golden Horde in

southern Russia) made war against him.

Tamerlane went north with an army of
200,000 men. His Mongol foes withdrew for

hundreds of miles (km) before finally giving

battle at the confluence of the Kama and Volga

Rivers. After an overwhelming victory,

Tamerlane took revenge for Tokhtamish's dis-

loyalty by changing the trade routes so

that caravans went south of the Caspian
Sea and through his territory.

During the Five Years' Campaign, in

1392-1397, he terrorized virtually all his-

nn Bayezid i

j/, (1354-1403)

Nicknamed "The Thunderbolt" for the

lightning speed of his maneuvers, Bayezid was
the son of Sultan Murad I of the Ottoman
empire. Bayezid began his career as governor of
Anatolia (part of Turkey) and gained the
throne in 1389 upon the death of his father.
In the forty years prior to Bayezid's ascen-
sion to the throne, the Ottoman Turks had
crossed the Sea of Marmara and acquired large
sections of land in eastern Europe, though they
had not conquered Constantinople. Bayezid
first dealt with revolts in both Anatolia and the
Balkans. The remarkable swiftness with which
he moved across the Sea of Marmara to direct
these operations earned him his nickname.
Bayezid waged a war of extermination
in Thrace (the European region of the
Byzantine empire). In 1394, he was called
to Anatolia, where he put down more
revolts against his rule. Bayezid's blockade
of Constantinople led Byzantine emperor
Manuel II to plead for help from Christian
Europe. After Pope Boniface IX called for a
crusade. King Sigismund of Hungary and the
dukes of the French provinces of Burgundy
Bayezid I captured at Angora
and Nevers led an army of 50,000-100,000
men to eastern Europe. Orthodox Christian Byzantines was not lost on
Bayezid met the crusaders at Nicopolis on Bayezid. He refused the summons and sent

September 28, 1396. He routed the European back an insolent reply, which led to an all-out
army, ending any chance for western Europe to confrontation between the two greatest

relieve the pressure on Constantinople. From Turkish leaders of the day.

that time forward, the Ottoman possession of Bayezid marched into eastern Anatolia;

the Balkans region was secure. Tamerlane marched east and met him at

Following this victory, Bayezid focused on Angora. The two armies maneuvered for

reducing Constantinople. He continued the some time before Tamerlane forced Bayezid
blockade and seemed nearly ready to launch an into battle by cutting off the Ottoman
all-out assault when he was summoned forces from their water supply. The battle-
in a letter from Tamerlane (see no. 36). was hard-fought, but Tamerlane prevailed
Tamerlane was irritated by Bayezid's actions in and Bayezid was brought as a prisoner before

eastern Turkey and Syria. He commanded him. Tamerlane treated his prisoner as a slave,

Bayezid to return all land he had taken from and Bayezid is reputed to have undergone
the Byzantines. The irony of one Moslem Turk numerous humiliations prior to his death
commanding another to be good to the in Baghdad one year later.

on Jan ziska
dO. (c- 1358-1424)

Known "The One-Eyed," Jan Ziska

as rout the enemy. Ziska also pioneered in the
and patriotic
led the Hussites in a rehgious development of earthwork fortifications.

war against the Holy Roman Empire. Born Using these new tactics, Ziska defeated
in Trocnov, Bohemia (present-day the emperor's soldiers at Plzen (1421),
Czechoslovakia), Ziska lost an eye in child- Kutna Hora, and Nemecky Brod (1422). Ziska
hood. He served in the military bands lost his remaining sight at the siege
of several Bohemian lords and went to of the castle at Rabi but continued to direct his
Poland to fight against the Teutonic Knights, troops. In 1423, there was a serious
an order of German knights. He particularly breach between the radical Taborites and a
distinguished himself at the Battle of more moderate Bohemian group called the
Tannenberg in 1410. He became an adherent Utraquists. A Hussite civil war ensued, in

of the church reforms advocated by Jan Hus, which Ziska led the Taborites to victory at
which many scholars see as the start of the Horid and Strachor.
Protestant Reformation. Ziska took command of another sect of rad-
Following the death of Bohemian king ical Hussites in eastern Bohemia based around
Wenceslas IV in 1419, the kings half the mountain fort of Hradec Kraloue (better
brother, Emperor Sigismund of the Holy known as Horeb). He continued to win victo-
Roman Empire, claimed the throne of ries over the moderate Hussite elements,
Bohemia. Sigismund announced his intention notably at Malesov in June 1424.
to root out all heresy from his new kingdom. Ziska contracted the bubonic plague
Learning of the emperor's plan, Ziska formed a and died at the castle of Pribyslav. He was
band of four hundred men who called them- buried at Horeb, but his remains were later
selves the "armed brotherhood of Taborites" transferred to Caslav. Ziska remains one of the
(Tabor was a city in south-central Bohemia). national heroes of Bohemia, a land that
The Taborites occupied the Vitkov heights over has known many conquerors since Ziska's

the city of Prague. When Sigismund's troops time period.

arrived in 1420, they saw Ziska's

defenses and withdrew from the

area without trying to capture the
city. (Since that time, the heights
have been called Zizkov in his
Ziska developed a fighting sys-
tem that was completely new. He
mounted cannons on farm wag-
ons, which could be drawn
together at a moment's notice to
form a prodigious defense. The
Hussite battle plan almost always
called for a resolute defense from
the wagons, followed at a crucial
moment by an attack from
Jan Ziska
behind the wagons that would

on Joan of Arc
Jj. (c. 1412-1431)

armed men. Traveling by night, with muffled

hooves, the party evaded the English scouts and
reached the dauphin's court at Chinon on the

Charles VII was naturally surprised that

a peasant girl should ride a horse, much less

tell him she intended to save his throne.

The dauphin turned her over to a group of reli-
gious scholars. They examined Joan and pro-
claimed she was of sound mind and was not
The great crisis hanging over France was the
English siege of the key city of Orleans. Further
resistance seemed hopeless if Orleans fell. The
dauphin gave command of four thousand men
to Joan and bade her do her best.

Arriving at Orleans at the end of April, she

directed the French movements in an inspired
counterattack that forced the English to lift the
siege. She pushed northward, invading territory

held by the English for nearly ten years. She led

Joan of Arc at Orleans
the French cavalry in an attack that the
A peasant girl who became a warrior and Battle of Patay, the first major defeat for the

saved a monarchy, Joan of Arc was born in the English in many years. Joined by the dauphin,
village of Domremy in northeast France. Joan Joan pressed on to Rheims Cathedral, where,
grew up amidst the turmoil of the Hundred on July 17, 1429, Charles was anointed and
Years' War between France and England. crowned King Charles VII. In less than three
England's King Henry V had smashed the months, Joan had won major victories and
French army at Agincourt in 1415 and set his ensured the survival of the Valois monarchy.
son up as the new king in Paris. Charles VII On May 23, 1430, Joan was captured by
of France, the uncrowned dauphin (doe-FAN) Burgundian soldiers (Frenchmen allied with
(crown prince) fled to the Loire River valley. the English). She was sold to the English for
Around the age of thirteen, Joan began to 1 6,000 francs and brought to the city of Rouen,
have religious visions and hear voices. She where she was tried for heresy. The trial was an
claimed that saints Michael, Margaret, and ecclesiastical (church) trial, but the English had
Catherine came to her and told her that she was engineered matters so she would be found
destined to save France from the English. As she guilty of wearing men's clothing and claiming
grew older, the visions increased in intensity, she heard the voices of saints. Joan was convict-
and at the age of seventeen, she presented her- ed, sentenced, and burned at the stake at Rouen
self to the local fort commander and asked for on May 30, 1431.
safe passage to see the dauphin. Joan was turned A court trial in 1456 found that Joan had
away twice, but on her third request, Robert de been sentenced improperly. She was canonized
Baudricourt gave her a horse and an escort of (made a saint) in 1920.

iin Mehmed ll, the Conqueror
4U. (1432-1481)

The Ottoman leader who captured One area withstood Ottoman conquest.
Constantinople was born in Edirne, Turkey. Prince Vlad III of Walachia (known as "Vlad
Mehmed was the son of Murad II, sultan of the the Impaler") fended off a major assault by
Ottoman Empire. Murad II gave his Ottoman forces in 1462. Seeing hundreds of
son the Ottoman throne in 1444 in order their fellow soldiers impaled on high stakes

to avoid the customary succession struggles, along a roadway persuaded even the fierce
but internal political problems forced him Ottoman troops to turn around.
to take the leadership back from 1446 until Mehmed expanded eastward as well. He
1451. Upon the death of Murad II in 1451, finally subdued the Karaman-oglu, a rival

Mehmed II became sultan. Turkish tribe in eastern Anatolia (Turkey).

Mehmed faced opposition from both He increased the size and strength ot the elite

his grand vizier, Halil Pasha Candarli, and a Janissary corps and made the Janissaries loyal

"peace party" within the empire. He telt the to the sultan, rather than to the empire as a

only way to guarantee his position as sultan whole. Mehmed died in 1481. He left a vigor-

was to capture Constantinople, the capital ous empire built on a combination of religious
of the Byzantine Empire. fanaticism and tribal allegiances. At the peak of
Mehmed brought an enormous Ottoman power he considered himself to be the khan
army to the walls of Constantinople in the (emperor of the Turkic nomads), ghazi (fighter

spring of 1453. He brought forth huge can- for the religion of Islam), and basileus (succes-

nons; the largest required fifty teams sor to the Byzantine emperors).

of oxen to pull and two hundred men to hold

in balance. The Ottoman artillery knocked

down large sections of the walls that had with-
stood so many would-be conquerors in the
past. On May 29, the Ottomans entered the
city, killed the last Byzantine emperor, and
ended thirteen hundred years of Christian rule.

Mehmed entered the city later that day.

Impressed with the architecture of the Hagia
Sophia, the city's beautiful church, he renamed
it Aya Sofya (pride of the sultan) and turned it

into a mosque. From that day on, he was

known as Fatih, meaning "the Conqueror."
Mehmed expanded his empire westward,
conquering Serbia (but not the city of
Belgrade) in 1459. He took all of Greece and
conquered Moldavia (1462), and he incorpo-
rated Bosnia and Herzegovina into the
Ottoman Empire. He used the Ottoman fleet

to cut vital trade routes that Venetian and

Genoan ships depended upon, and, after a

long war (1465-1479), received annual pay-

ments of tribute from Venice. Mehmed II, the Conqueror

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li 1 Francisco Pizarro
41. (c. 1475-1541)

Francisco Pizarro was born in

Trujillo, Estremadura, Spain. He
entered the Spanish army at an
early age. Shaped by leaders such
as Gonzalo Fernanadez de
Cordoba, the Spanish military
was the most advanced in Europe.

Pizarro went to Santo

Domingo in the Caribbean in

1502 and served on the unsuccess-

ful colonizing adventure of Alonso
de Ojeda in 1509. He made the
first crossing of Panama with the
great explorer Balboa (1513) and
settled there. Hearing of an Indian
empire of enormous wealth, he
formed a partnership with Diego
de Almagro, a soldier, and Francisco Pizarro at Cajamarca
Hernando de Luque, a priest.

Pizarro and Almagro explored along the Pacific prevailed, only to learn ol a new threat: Pizarro

coast of present-day Colombia (1524-1525 and his band ol intrepid followers. Atahualpa

and 1526-1528). On their second voyage, allowed the Spaniards to come inland to the

they reached a prosperous Indian town in pre- town of Cajamarca. There, the Spaniards lured
sent-day Ecuador and returned with gold, lla- the Inca leader into an ambush. The two hun-
mas, and Indians who spoke of the wealth of dred Spaniards, with their swords, guns, hors-
the Inca Empire. es, and dogs, terrified and defeated several

Pizarro went to Spain in 1528, where the thousand Incas. The Battle of Cajamarca
Council of the Indies made him captain-gener- (November 16, 1532) gave Pizarro custody of
al and governor of any lands he might conquer. Atahualpa and leadership of the Inca Empire.
The Council provided no funds, however, and Although Atahualpa raised an enormous ran-

Almagro resented the lesser titles he received som some records say it was a huge room
from Spain. filled to the ceiling with gold Pizarro had the
Pizarro returned to Panama, and in January Inca leader executed on August 19, 1533.

1531, set out with 180 men, 27 horses, and Pizarrofounded Lima as the capital of
two small cannons. Traveling both by land and his new domain. Almagro became his bitter
water, he reached the town of San Miguel de rival. Almagro, after failing to capture Chile,

Piura, which he used as a base. In September returned to Peru and seized the city of Cuzco.

1532, he entered the Andes mountain range Pizarro's brother captured and killed Almagro,

with no more than two hundred men, a tiny whose followers were deprived of their land

force with which to confront the Incas. and estates. Bitter over their losses, Almagro's

In the Inca Empire, a civil war had just followers and friends formed a conspiracy, and
ended between two brothers: Atahualpa they killed Pizarro at his palace in Lima on

(at-ah-WHALP-ah) and Huascar. Atahualpa June 26, 1541.

yi n zahiruddin Mohammed Babar
4Z. (1483-1530)

Zahiruddin Mohammed Babar, whose

name means "tiger" in the Mongol tongue, was
a Chugtai Turk, born in present-day Turkestan.
On his father's side, he was a fifth-generation
descendant of Tamerlane (see no. 36) and on
his mother's side, he was fourteen generations
removed from Genghis Khan (see no. 30).
Babar was the son of Omar Shaikh, who ruled
the small central Asian principality of Fergana.
Babar inherited the throne from his father

at the age of twelve. He wanted to conquer and

hold the city of Samarkand, which had been
the city of Tamerlane and the Timurid dynasty.
Seeking to fulfill that goal, Babar fought relent-
lessly, and futilely, against Shaibani Khan, lead-

er of the Uzbek Turks. Babar entered

Samarkand three times, in 1497, 1501, and
1511. Each time he was driven off by the Zahiruddin Mohammed Babar
Khan's troops after a short occupation. After
his second failure, in 1501, Babar turned after attack. Then, using their few firearms for
south, yielding his kingdom of Farghana. He shock value, Babar's men trenches and
left their

led his followers across the Hindu Kush attacked. The sultan's army was routed and
Mountains and arrived in Kabul (present-day Ibrahim himself was killed.

Afghanistan) in 1504. Following a last entry to Babar went on to defeat the forces of eight
Samarkand and quick defeat by the Uzbek Rajput princes collected against him on the
Turks, he returned to Kabul and spent five battlefield of Kanwaha (March 16, 1527).

years pondering his next move. Then and there he broke the power of the
Having studied paintings of Tamerlane's Rajput confederacy. Having already subdued
campaign against Delhi in 1398, Babar decid- Delhi, he marched on to the confluence
ed to move into northern India. By 1520, of the Gore and Ganges Rivers, where he
he had acquired some European matchlock defeated the Afghan rulers of Bihart and
shoulder muskets and a few pieces of artillery. Bengal in May 1529. By the end of that year,

Babar had the only cannons east of the Caspian Babar ruled the entire area from the highlands
Sea region. of Badakhishan to the Ganges River (much of
Babar and his troops entered the Khyber present-day northern India).

Pass in December 1525. They entered the area Having acquired Persian tastes during his

known as Hindustan (the Ganges plain of years in Kabul, Babar ordered a new capital

northern India) and soon were confronted by built at Agra and imported Persian architects to

the forces of Ibrahim Lodi, the sultan of Delhi. design the city. Babar died at Agra on
The two armies met on the plain of Panipat on December 26, 1530. His autobiography,

April 20, 1526. The sultan had forty thousand Tuzuk, reveals him to be an intelligent and
men to Babar's twenty-five thousand, but humorous man given to literary pursuits and
Babar's entrenched infantry beat back attack philosophy as well as the art of conquest.

Herndii Cortex
(c. 1485-1547)

Hernan Cortez was born in Medellin, Spanish reports of that day describe it as a

Spain. In 1504, he crossed the Atlantic and stunningly beautiful city more than equal to
became a notary and gentleman farmer on the the great European cities of that time.
island of Hispaniola (present-day Haiti and The Aztec ruler Montezuma greeted the
Dominican Republic). Cortez participated Spaniards in friendship. He was overawed
in the Spanish conquest of Cuba (1511) and by the Spaniards' firearms, swords, and
married Catalina Xuarez, the sister-in-law of horses, none of which he had ever seen before.

Cuba'snew governor. In 1518, he was named Seeing that the Aztecs feared his force, Cortez
commander of an expedition intended to veri- abducted Montezuma and held him as a

fy or disprove rumors of an immensely wealthy hostage to guarantee the good behavior of the
Indian civilization on the mainland of Mexico. Aztecs. Cortez had to leave the city early in

Leaving Cuba with eleven ships and six 1 520 to meet and defeat a Spanish force sent to

hundred men, Cortez landed at present-day arrest him (the governor of Cuba had become
Veracruz on Good Friday in 1519. He suspicious of Cortez's ambition). Cortez hur-
marched inland and met and defeated the ried back to Tenochtitlan, where he discovered
Tlaxacan tribe. Many of the Tlaxacans then open warfare had broken out between his men
joined Cortez because of their hatred of the and the Aztec warriors. The Spaniards evacuat-
Aztec tribe. Cortez and his Spanish-Indian ed the city on the noche triste (night of sad-
army arrived at the Aztec capital of ness), June 30, 1520, during which many sol-

Tenochtitlan on November 8, 1519. All the diers on both sides were killed.

Cortez recruited more Indian allies and

besieged the city from May to August 1521.
The Spaniards and their allies won the final
battles and conquered the city. Cortez then set

up the government of New Spain, and

Tenochtitlan was renamed Mexico City. Cortez
built a great house at Cuernavaca and had
some twent)' thousand Indians serve him as


Cortez went to Spain in 1528 and returned

with the title of Marquis, but not Viceroy as he
had hoped. He made an abortive attempt to
colonize in present-day California before he
returned to Spain for good in 1 540. Though he
had received many honors since his conquests,

Cortez never gained satisfaction from King

Charles V. It is said that the desperate old sol-

dier hung on to the resplendent coach ot the

king and begged him for recognition of his ser-
vices. Cortez died near Seville. His remains
were later shipped to Mexico and buried in the
land of New Spain, which he had done so
Hernan Cortez
much to create.

Suleiman I, the Magnificent
44, (1494-1566)

The greatest ruler, lawgiver, and warrior

of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the
Magnificent was born in Trebizond on the
Black Sea. His father, a provincial governor,
was elevated to become Sultan Selim I.

Suleiman served as governor of Feodosia,

in the Crimea (1509-1512), and the province
of Magnesia, in western Turkey (15121520).
After learning of his father's death,
Suleiman hurried to Istanbul (formerly
Constantinople), where he was installed
as sultan in 1520. Extremely ambitious for
himself, the empire, and the Moslem cause, he
began at once to make war on Christian
Europe. Suleiman saw Charles V, emperor
of the Holy Roman Empire, as his great rival in
the quest to become the "ruler of the age.
Suleiman captured Belgrade Irom the
Hungarians in 1521 and drove the Knights
of St. John from the island of Rhodes in 1522.
Both victories were tremendously important,
since Suleiman's grandfather, Mehmed II, the
Conqueror (see no. 40), had been unable to
accomplish them.
Suleiman defeated the Hungarians at the
Battle ofMohacs (August 29, 1526), where
Suleiman I, the Magnificent
King Louis II of Hungary and many of his
nobles lost their lives. Feeling his strength, ed eastward by land. He led his army all the
Suleiman pushed his army all the way to way to Baghdad in 1534 and fought a long
Vienna in 1529. The siege of the city, from series of campaigns in the east before coming
September 23 to October 16, was hard-fought to peace terms with the Persian forces in 1555.

on both sides, but some sixteen thousand Turning his attention once more to

Christian troops were able to repel the eighty- Christian Europe, Suleiman sent his entire fleet
thousand-man Turkish army. Furious over the west to attack the Knights of St. John
defeat, Suleiman marched back to Istanbul. on Malta in 1566. Lacking the inspired leader-
Suleiman turned his attention to naval war- ship of Barbarossa, who had died in 1 546, the
fare in the Mediterranean. His formidable Turks came close to success but time and again
admiral, Barbarossa (Khair ed-Din), harassed were thwarted by the desperate bravery of the
Christian ships from Turkey to Italy but knights and the rocky defenses of the island.
was prevented from entering the western The campaign ended in disaster, with twenty-
Mediterranean by the noble Knights of St. thousand men and many ships lost. Suleiman
John, who had established a new base on the vowed to avenge the defeat, but he died later in

island of Malta. Suleiman, meanwhile, expand- the same year.


/I The Dulce of Alva
4u. (1508-1582)

sovereign. King Philip II, and the pope, Alva

marched his men up to the gates of Rome,
menacing the papal city until the pope and the
king came to terms.
King Philip II was a committed Catholic;
he hated the new Protestant sects. He sent Alva
as captain-general to the Netherlands (1567)
with orders to put down a revolt there. Given
the additional titles of governor and regent,
Alva embarked on a rigorous oppression
of the Calvinists in Holland. He founded the
Council of Troubles (which the Calvinists
called the "Council of Blood" ) and thousands
of persons were condemned to death by it

without any hope of appeal.

Alva defeated the Protestant leader Louis
of Nassau at Jemmingen in 1 568 and forced
William the Silent to take refuge in Germany.
Alva seemed on the verge of success when
the Dutch formed an independence movement
The Duke of Alva known as the Sea Beggars. These coastal
privateers harassed Alva's supply lines and pro-
moted further rebellions in the Netherlands.
Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, "The Duke Alva marched against his toes on
of Alva," was born in Piedrahita in Avila, a land and defeated the Calvinists at Mons,
province in Spain. Known as "Alva," he came Zutphen, Naarden, and Haarlem (all in 1572),

from a family of distinguished warriors. Alva's but the overall effect of his campaign
father was killed in battle when he was only was only to stiffen the resolve of the Protestant
three years old, and he was raised by his revolutionaries.
grandfather. Seeing the failure of Alva's policy, Philip II

Alva entered the Spanish army and fought recalled his general to Spain in 1573. Alva
the French at the siege of Fuenterrabia (1524). received a cool reception at Philip's palace, the
Alva won the attention of King Charles I of Escorial, and he was exiled to his estates.

Spain, with whom he served in Italy and He was recalled to service in 1 580, when Philip
Hungary against the Ottoman Turks. Alva led invaded Portugal. Alva was victorious at the
the king's troops at the siege of Tunis in 1535 Battle of the Bridge of Alcantara, which won
and led the abortive campaign against Moslem Portugal for Philip, but he received scant
Algeria in 1541. reward for his efforts. Before he died at Lisbon,
Alva was named commander-in-chief of the in 1582, Alva made a statement about the rela-

Spanish armies fighting in Germany and tionship between soldiers and rulers that has a
defeated John Frederick, the Protestant elector ring of truth: "Kings treat men like oranges.

of Saxony, at the Battle of Muhlberg (1547). They go for the juice, and once they have
During a conflict between Alba's new sucked them dry they throw them aside.

/in Oda Nobunaga
4D. (1534-1582)

Japan in the sixteenth century was a land of sand troops met the fifteen-thousand-man
small feudal principalities ruled by daimyos army of Takeda Katsuyri. Nobunaga's oppo-
(lords) and a shogun in Kyoto who held much nent had by far the larger number of samurai
more power than the figurehead emperor. It cavalry. Nobunaga defeated Katsuyri, however,

was a period of unrestrained warfare in Japan. by placing three thousand of his best arquebus-
Into this mix stepped Oda Nobunaga. iers (musketmen) behind palisades. The gun-
Nobunaga's father was a minor daimyo fire from these musketmen caused great losses

in the province of Owari, east of Kyoto. mounted forces.

to Katsuyri's
Nobunaga succeeded to his father's position By 1582, more than 150,000 Japanese had
at the age of sixteen. He defeated his rival accepted Christianity, a situation Nobunaga
daimyo, Imagawa Yoshimoto, when the latter had encouraged. At the time of his death, he
tried to enter the capital city of Kyoto in 1 560. controlled thirty-two of the sixty-eight
Nobunaga then entered an alliance with provinces of Japan. He was assassinated by the
Tokugawa lyeyasu. He expanded his power same Buddhist retainer whom he had ordered
base through marriages and defeated other to destroy Mount Hiei.

daimyos or won their allegiance.

Nobunaga conquered the large province of

Mino in 1562 to 1564 and made an alliance
with Yoshiaki, the younger brother of the
recently assassinated shogun. Nobunaga occu-
pied the city of Kyoto in 1568 under
the pretext that it was in danger. He took
the title of vice-shogun for himself and
when Yoshiaki tried to build an alliance of
equals with him, Nobunaga drove him from
the city. Nobunaga did not replace Yoshiaki,
thereby ending the Ashikaga shogunate that
had ruled Japan since 1338.
Having removed the last formal barrier to
his own power,Nobunaga proceeded to build
a castle on Lake Biwa. He welcomed Jesuit
priests from Europe and traded with Portugal
to import firearms, which made his power

all the more unassailable. Nobunaga then

turned against the Buddhist priests of his

own country. His forces destroyed the vast

Buddhist monastery at Enryaku, near Kyoto,
and killed most of the monks there. He also

captured the castle-monastery of Osaka; the

True Pure Land Buddhist sect never recovered

from the blows Nobunaga directed against it.

Nobunaga's greatest victory came at the Oda Nobunaga

Batde of Nagashino in 1 573. His thirty thou-

y|~7 n^ancis Drake
H-/ . (c. 1539-1596)

Pacific Ocean. This first major success led to

the greatest endeavor of his life the circum-

navigation of the globe. Drake sailed from
England in December 1 577 with two hundred
men aboard five ships. The expedition spent
the winter in Patagonia, and Drake led his fleet

through the hazardous Strait of Magellan from

August 21 to September 6, 1578. Having nav-
igated the strait, Drake and his men became
the first Englishmen ever to sail on the Pacific.

Drake pillaged town after town on the west

coast of South America. He sailed north and
refitted his ships on the coast of what he called
New Albion (present-day California), and he
went home by way of the Moluccan Islands,

the Indian Ocean, and Cape of Good Hope.

Drake reached Plymouth, England, on
Francis Drake September 26, 1580. He was celebrated for his
England's greatest Elizabethan military lead- victories, and the Queen knighted him aboard
er was born at Crowndale in Devon county. his flagship, the Golden Hind, as a reward for
His father was a tenant farmer and lay preach- his voyage and victories.

er of the reformed Protestant faith. Sir Frances In 1587, Drake led an English force into the
Drake grew up amid the turbulence of reli- Spanish harbor of Cadiz. He sacked and
gious dissension. At the age of thirteen, he was burned as many as twenty ships, thereby delay-
apprenticed to the master oi a coastal vessel. ing the sailing of the great Spanish Armada by
Drake took to the sea as if born to it, and his a full year. He called this action "singeing the

aged master left the ship to him in his will. At king of Spain's beard."
twenty-three, Drake enlisted in the fleet of the Drake was vice-admiral of the English
Hawkins family of Plymouth. He sailed on two fleet in 1588, second in command to Lord
voyages to the Spanish West Indies Howard of Effingham. It was Drake who
(Caribbean). When the second trip ended in led the dauntless English attacks against the
disaster in 1572, Drake began a lifelong hatred huge galleons of the Armada. Drake also pro-

of the Spaniards. He believed they were treach- posed the use of "fire ships" (ships filled with
erous, as well as heretics. explosives, set afire, and floated into the
Drake received a privateer's commission enemy) against the Spanish at their harbor

from Queen Elizabeth I in 1572, which in Calais.

allowed him to attack enemy ships and keep Sadly, his career did not end with success.

their cargoes. He and hiscompany of seventy- Drake and John Hawkins sailed to the West
three men sailed to the West Indies in two Indies in 1595-1596. The English fleet lost
small ships. Drake plundered the important men and morale due to an epidemic of fever.

Spanish town of Nombre de Dios in Panama. Drake himself succumbed on January 28,
Crossing the Isthmus of Panama on foot, he 1596, and he was buried at sea off" Puerto
was probably the first Englishman to see the Bello, Panama.

/in Maurice of Nassau
40. (1567-1625)

Maurice of Nassau, the Prince of Orange the Siege of Nijmegan in six days. These victo-
and second son of William I (the Silent), ries led up to the largest pitched battle
was born the same year as the start of the ol the war, the Battle of Nieuport, which
Netherlands' struggle for independence f^rom Nassau won in 1600.

Spain. His father was assassinated by agents From 1609 to 1621, the Twelve Years' Truce
of King Philip II of Spain in 1584; Philip's halted the war between the Netherlands and
troops proceeded to capture the Dutch Spain. During this period ot peace, Nassau
provinces of Flanders and Brabant. maintained a standing Dutch army of thirty
Nassau was named stadholder (hereditary thousand infantry and thirty-six hundred
magistrate) of the Dutch Republic's seven mounted soldiers.
allied northern provinces, sharing power with By 1617, Nassau, an Orthodox Calvinist, came
Johan Oldenbarneveldt, the Landsadvocaat into open conflict with Oldenbarneveldt, who
of Holland, the wealthiest and most powerful represented the burghers. The burghers' power
of the provinces. After an English attempt to was formidable. An impending religious civil

intervene on behalf of the Dutch failed, Nassau war was averted when Nassau had
became the central hope for Dutch indepen- Oldenbarnevelt executed in 1619.
dence from Spain. He was named captain-gen- Nassau became prince of Orange after the

eral of the army of the United Provinces of the death of his older brother in 1618. When war
Netherlands in 1590. with Spain resumed, his younger half-brother,
Nassau's education at the University of Frederick Henry, liberated more Dutch cities

Leiden served him well: he developed a new (1625-1647), while Admiral Maarten von
type of army. Basing his approach on classic Tromp (see no. 51) dominated Spain on the
Roman treatises, Nassau made drill and orga- seas. The United Provinces would win their full

nization the centerpieces of Dutch army train- independence from Spain twenty-three years
ing. The Dutch troops were formed into shal- after Nassau's death; they would do so more by
low units, ten ranks deep, which allowed for their strength on water than on land.

mobility and precise maneuvers. Under the

leadership of the Nassau family, the Dutch sol-

diers became renowned for their ability to

break ranks and then reform at twice the

speed of other armies. Nassau also incorporat-
ed scientific principles of engineering, relying
on trench warfare, long-range siege gunnery
and mines.
Nassau fought a series of campaigns against
the Spanish armies led by the Duke of Parma
and Ambrogio di Spinola. Although the
Spanish formations had been the terror of
Europe, Nassau with an army of ten thou-
sand men liberated Breda (his family seat) in
1590. The following year, Nassau defeated
the Spanish at the Siege of Zutphen in seven
Maurice of Nassau
days, the Siege of Deventer in eleven days, and


nn Albrecht von wallenstein
4u. (1583-1634)

Albrecht Wensel Eusebius von Wallenstein

was born in Hermanic, Bohemia (now the
Czech Republic). Son of a noble Bohemian
family, he was orphaned at the age of thirteen.
He converted from Lutheranism to
Catholicism in 1606, but his true belief was in

astrology. He treasured an astrological horo-

scope compiled for him by the famous
astronomer Johannes Kepler. The start of the
Bohemian revolt against the Holy Roman
Empire (1618-1623) gave him the chance to
fully develop his military talents.

The Bohemia spread to much of

fighting in
Europe and became known as the Thirty Years'
War (1618-1648). Wallenstein recruited thou-
sands of soldiers to fight under his command
and also made loans to Holy Roman emperor
Ferdinand By 1623, Wallenstein was the

wealthiest man in Bohemia and had confiscat-

ed the lands and estates of many Protestant

nobles. He consolidated his position by marry-
ing, in 1623, a daughter of Count von
Harrackh, one of the emperor's closest advisers. Battle of Dessau Bridge
The Thirty Years' War entered its second
phase in 1625, when Protestant Denmark teen thousand men and twenty-one heavy can-
joined the fray. Wallenstein won the Battle non, but three thousand of his men were not
of Dessau Bridge and advanced all the way present for the early part of the fighting.
to the Baltic Sea. Granted the title of General Adolphus led sixteen thousand men and
of the North and Baltic Seas, he was at the very approximately sixty cannon, as well as new
height of his power when the established fighting formations not familiar to

German nobles forced Ferdinand II to dismiss Wallenstein. The battle was a near draw and
him in 1630; they were envious ol his power was governed by chance in its later stages. The
and success. Swedes won the day, but Adolphus was killed

Wallenstein immediately began to corre- in the fighting.

spond with Gustavus Adolphus (see no. 50), Wallenstein planned a revolt against
the Lutheran king of Sweden, who had joined Ferdinand II during 1633. Learning of these
the war on the Protestant side. Aciolphus plans, the emperor ordered the scheming com-
spurned his offer of service, and Wallenstein mander brought to him, dead or alive.

was lucky to be recalled by Ferdinand 11 in Wallenstein was assassinated at Eger, Bohemia,

1631. by Wdter Devereux, an English captain, on
The two great leaders of the war February 25, 1634. His life and career were
Wallenstein and Adolphus met at the Battle commemorated in a dramatic trilogy by
of Lutzen in 1632. Wallenstein had almost fil- Johann von Schiller, a German poet.

rn Custavus Adoiphus
UU. (1594-1632)

Gustavus Adoiphus was born in Stockholm devout Lutheran, he entered the Thirty Years'

in 1594, the son of King Charles IX of War to aid the Protestant cause. The Swedes
Sweden. He became king in his own right in took up a strong position in northern
1611. Due to his youth he was only seven- Germany but were attacked by the imperial
teen he had to make a number of concessions Catholic forces at Breitenfeld in 1631. The
to the Swedish nobles. He thereby won their Swedes won, and Adolphus's victory there won
loyalty, something he needed since Sweden him the nicknames "Lion of the North" and
would be at war during nearly the entire peri- "Savior of Protestantism."
od he was on the throne. He campaigned in southern Germany in

Adoiphus fought against Denmark the spring of 1632 and captured Munich in

(16111613) and lost, and he also fought May. On November 6, 1632, Adoiphus led
against Russia (16131617). He succeeded in 16,000 men in the First Battle of Lutzen
excluding Russia from the Baltic Sea area, against the Catholic^ troops of Albrecht von
which had implications for future Swedish- W;illenstein (see no. 49), who had perfected
Russian relations. Adoiphus fought between the use of mercenary soldiers. The Swedes won
1621 and 1629. He captured the important the battle, but Adoiphus was killed in the fight-
city of Riga (the capital of present-day Latvia) ing with shots through his head, side, arm, and
and concluded a truce with his enemies. back. Wallenstein left three thousand men
During his wars with Denmark, Russia, and dead on the field in what was his first major
Poland, Adoiphus thoroughly reformed his setback of the war.
army. By compiling a roster of all Swedish men
over the age of fifteen and using a draft (men
were "drafted" into military service), he created
the first national army in modern Europe.

Most armies of the time were composed of

mercenaries (hired soldiers without loyalty to
the leaders they served).
Adoiphus studied the Spanish tercio and
improved upon it, establishing squadrons of
216 pikemen and 192 musketeers formed in

ranks that were only six men deep. Two or

three squadrons joined together made a

battle group or brigade. Adoiphus formed

his cavalry in groups that were only three ranks
deep; the cavalry trained to charge at

a trot and to use swords and pistols at close

quarters. In addition, Adoiphus changed the

artillery, making it much lighter and faster; his

troops were probably the first Europeans to

employ the three-pounder cannon.

In June 1630,Adoiphus brought this effec-
tive combination of infantry, cavalry and
artillery across the Baltic Sea to Germany. A Gustavus Adoiphus' death at Lutzen

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Maarten n'omp
51 (1597-1653)

The greatest admiral ol the seventeenth-

century Dutch navy was Maarten
Harpertszoon Tromp. He was born in Breille,

Holland, the son of the captain of a small

Dutch ship. The United Provinces of the
Netherlands (to which Holland belonged)
were fighting for their freedom from Spain.
Tromp accompanied his father on a voyage,
during which his father was killed in an
encounter with an English pirate ship; Tromp
swore vengeance on all the enemies ot
After sailing in the Dutch merchant marine,
Tromp entered the Dutch navy in 1624 as cap-
tain of a frigate. He showed great resolve in the
face of danger and rose rapidly through the
ranks to become a lieutenant admiral in 1637.
Tromp fought against the Spanish and, on
February 18, 1639, defeated their fleet in the
North Sea off the Dutch coast at Gravelines. Maarten Tromp
Later in the year, Spain sent an enormous fleet winter of 1652. The two-day naval battle gave
against the Dutch. Tromp had thirty-one ships the Dutch temporary control of the English
to send against sixty-seven Spanish vessels, one Channel.
of which, the Mater Theresa, was the largest Early in 1653, The English and Dutch
warship in the world at that time. waged two more battles at sea. The Battle of

Urged by his lieutenants to exercise pru- North Foreland 1 was fought to a draw and the
dence, Tromp declared, "There is room Battle of Portland was won by England.
enough at the bottom of the sea for all those In the summer of 1653, English admiral
Spanish ships, and the sooner we start sending George Monck engaged Tromp off the
them there, the better." As good as his word, Dutch island of Textel near the coast of
Tromp led a midnight attack and threw the Scheveningen. Both sides had approximately
Spanish fleet into confusion. After taking 120 ships positioned in rough line-ahead for-

refuge behind a sandbar on the English coast, mations across 16 miles (26 km) ot the North
the Spanish tried to make a run for the port of Sea. This Battle of Textel I was the greatest
Dunkirk, approximately 15 miles (24 km) naval battle fought to date. The two navies
northeast of Gravelines. Tromp then delivered fought with no clear winner until the following
a death blow to Spanish sea power, capturing day, when Monck, reinforced by fresh ships,
or sinking all but eighteen ships in the Spanish resumed the attack and defeated the Dutch.
fleet in the Battle of the Downs. During the battle, Tromp was killed by
Tromp fought against the English in the musket fire to the chest. The fleet lost twenty
First English-Dutch War (1652-1654). He of its one hundred ships through capture or
won a major victory over English admiral sinking, as the heart went out of the Dutch
Robert Blake at the Battle of Dungeness in the navy with the death of its greatest commander.

rn Oliver Cromwell
U/. (1599-1658)

The only true dictator in England's history where he defeated the Catholic forces.

was born in Huntingdon in 1599. Oliver Cromwell's soldiers carried out two horren-
Cromwell attended Sydney Sussex College at dous massacres of Irish soldiers and civilians at

Cambridge. Influenced by his university years Drogheda and Wexford.

and by a deep personal depression in his late Cromwell dominated the parliamentary
twenties, Cromwell became a devout Puritan. trial that condemned King Charles I to death

At the time, Puritanism was the minority faith in 1649. He marched north in 1650 and won
in England, where the official national church an overwhelming victory against the Scots at

was Anglican. the Batde of Dunbar (September 3, 1650).

Cromwell was elected to Parliament Cromwell followed this victory with
in 1640. Following the lead of his rela- another one at the Battle of Worcester

John Hampden, who had resisted

tive, :ptember 3, 1651), which ended the
King Charles Is "ship money" tax, he Second Civil War.

joined the Parliamentary party. .^^

Having attained peace
When the English Civil War but not unity, Cromwell became
broke out in 1643, Cromwell dictator of the British Isles. He
became a colonel and then a expelled the "Rump" Parliament
lieutenant-general in the round- in 1653 and was installed as

head (Parliamentary) cavalry. Lord Protector." In 1655, he cre-

For a man who never saw ated eleven military districts

military service until after he throughout England, each one

was forty, Cromwell evolved into governed by a major-general
a remarkable military leader. from his forces.

He smashed the Cavalier Extremely ambitious in

(Royalist) cavalry at the Battle his foreign policy, Cromwell

of Marston Moor in northern fought both the Spanish and
England in 1644. Returning to the Dutch during the 1650s.

London, he was instrumental English forces took Jamaica

in creating the "New Model from Spain and intervened in

Army:" twelve infantry regi- the long-standing war between

ments, ten cavalry regiments, France and Spain. Cromwell's
Oliver Cromwell foreign policy roused the
and one of dragoons.
Cromwell was second in com- British fighting spirit in a way
mand to Sir Thomas Fairfax. that had not been seen since the days of Sir

Cromwell's New Model cavalry regiments Francis Drake (see no. 47).

won the crucial Battle of Naseby on June 14, Cromwell died at Whitehall on September
1645. Although the English Civil War had 3, 1658, the anniversary of two of his greatest
ended. King Charles I continued to conspire victories. He was buried in King Henry VII's
with Scotland to regain his throne. Cromwell chapel at Westminster Abbey with all due cer-

initiated the action of the Second Civil War emony, but when King Charles II ascended the
(1648-1651) by marching north and defeating throne in 1660 (an event known as the

the Scots at the Batde of Preston. Then he "Restoration"), his bones were dug up and
crossed the Irish Sea and landed in Ireland, hung on a gallows at Tyburn.

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rn Louis II de Bourbon
UJ. (1621-1686)

Louis II of the House of Bourbon was

born in Paris. He became the leader of his
family, a junior branch of the royal house
of Bourbon. The Conde (a title that
means "prince") was educated by Jesuit
teachers, and he married Mademoiselle de
Maille-Breze in 1641; she was a niece oi
Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister to
King Louis XIII.
Due to his family standing and mar-
riage, the Conde was given command of
the royal army of France in 1643. In that

critical year, late in the Thirty Years' War,

he won an overwhelming victory against
the Spanish at the Battle oi Rocroi. Louis
combined the use of cavalry and muske-
teers to defeat the famed Spanish tercios,

who had been nearly unbeaten on the

battlefield since the early sixteenth centu-

ry. In one day of fighting, the Conde

ended Spanish power in northern Europe
and elevated France to the rank of first
Louis II de Bourbon, the Great Conde
power in Europe.
Following the deaths of both King Louis campaign into the area of Franche-Comte. His
XIII and Cardinal Richelieu, the Conde served performance was good enough to earn him a

King Louis XIV and Cardinal Jules Mazarin. promotion.

He led a brilliant campaign in the Netherlands In 1672, the Conde led the French army in

in 1646 and won a great victory at Lens in its famous crossing of the Rliine at the start of
1648. the French-Dutch War (1672-1676). He was
The Conde took the side of aristocratic wounded in the crossing, and his battle actions
rebels during the Fronde of the Princes caused him to lose the confidence of the king.
(1651 1652). This rebellion collapsed in The Conde was more cautious than in his early
1652, and he fled the country to join the forces years; he missed a chance to defeat the Dutch
of King Philip IV of Spain in the Netherlands. at the Battle of Seneffe (1674). His last days in

Condemned as a traitor and sentenced to death battle were spent in a campaign to defend the
in his absence, the Conde fought with the province of Alsace from attack (1675).
Spanish until the Treaty of the Pyrenees ended The great commander then retired to

the Franco-Spanish War in 1659. his estate at Chantilly and lived the life of
Remarkably, the Conde was restored to his a country gentleman. The great conde died
lands, states, and titles, and the condemnation at Fountain-bleau, after having sent a letter
and sentence were removed. King Louis XIV to King Louis XIV asking the monarch to for-

was reluctant to entrust a great command to give his actions during the period of the
the former rebel, but in 1668, the Conde led a Fronde.

MSebastien le Prestre de ifauban

Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban was born Netherlands and was wounded at the Siege of
at St. Legerde-Fougeret in the province of Ath (1697). His construction of fortifications
Burgundy, France. Educated by the CarmeHte enabled France to fight the combined powers
order of nuns, he became a cadet in the regi- of England, the Netherlands, and Austria to a
ment of Louis II de Bourbon, the Great Conde draw.
(see no. 53). During the Fronde of the Princes, The beginning of the War of Spanish
a rebellion of French nobles, Vauban fought Succession in 1702 found France in a weaker
with the Conde for two years against the position. Vauban asked for, and received, pro-

troops of King Louis XIV. After Vauban was motion to marshal of France (1703). He
captured in 1653 and was well-treated by his directed the Siege of Alt-Breisach in 1703 and
captors, he switched sides. He joined King organized an entrenched camp at Dunkerque
Louis XIV's army, where he would spend most (1706), but otherwise Vauban's services were
of the rest of his life. not called upon in a war that strayed from the
Vauban's entire generation was appalled by principles of enlightened combat. Casualties in

the high casualties suffered during the Thirty this war were shockingly high because of the
Years' War (1618-1648). Seeking an enlight- change from the matchlock to flintlock mus-
ened alternative to field warfare, Vauban ket.

became the foremost proponent of siege war- Vauban was a tireless worker. He wrote On
fare, which involved the building and taking of Siege and Fortification, which was published
large-scale fortresses. He became a royal engi- many years after his death, and he also wrote
neer (1655) and then commissary general of the controversial Project for a Royal Tythe, or
fortifications (1667) and, in 1672, persuaded General Tax (1707). During his fifty-four years
the king to create a special engineering branch in the service of the king, he had erected or
of the French royal army. designed 160 fortresses and participated in the
The French-Dutch War began that sieges of fifty enemy fortresses.

same year. Vauban captured the Dutch fortress

of Maastricht in 1673 by laying out a complete .-.^ft".

set of siege parallels, earthworks that

approached the fort by angles and turns. After

the war ended, he built the fortress that guard-

ed Strasbourg (1684) and directed the siege of
Luxembourg (1684).
Already the acknowledged master of his art,

in 1688 Vauban went on to introduce the use

of ricochet gunfire, which were cannonballs

that bounced over parapets and hit several

parts of the enemy's defenses. He also advocat-

ed the use of the socket bayonet, which could

remain on the barrel of a musket while the gun
was fired.

The War of the League of Augsburg

brought Vauban fully into his element. He cap-
tured Mons (1691) and Namur (1692) in the Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban

" * (^^^
55. (1650-1722)

Queen Anne in 1702. (By this time, Sarah

Churchill had become chief lady-in-waiting to
the queen.)
Queen Anne made Churchill master-gener-
al of ordnance (artillery) and captain-general of
the English army in 1702. She also elevated his

title from earl Duke of Marlborough.


Churchill took command of the allied English-

Dutch army in the Netherlands, and he initiat-

ed a series of campaigns that led to brilliant

victories: Blenheim, in 1704; Ramillies, in

1706; and Oudenaarde, in 1708. In 1708,

Churchill also captured the great citadel at
Lille by constructing an outside series of forti-

fications so intricate it could not be penetrated

by the relieving French army.
Churchill won his battles through a combi-
nation of technology and maneuvers. His
Duke of Marlborough troops were armed with the new flintlock mus-
John Churchill was born at Ashe in ket. He saw that the innovation gave the

Devonshire. His father had supported King advantage to the offense, and he led his men in

Charles I during the English Civil War. daring attacks that threw the enemy into con-

Churchill took advantage of his sister's affair fusion. He was also a master of siege warfare

with James, Duke of York, to advance his early and defensive fighting, tactics he had probably
career. He became a page to the duke, was learned during his years in the French service.

commissioned in the English army in 1668, During his years as leader of the allied armies,

and served in Tangier, Africa (16691670). Churchill won five battles and conducted
Churchill served in the army of France's twenty-six sieges, all successful. He was proba-

King Louis XIV during a time of peace bly the greatest military genius in the history of

between the two countries in the 1670s. modern England.

Having gained valuable experience, he Churchill and his wife fell out of Queen
returned to England and married Sarah Anne's favor, and he was dismissed in 1711. He
Jennings, a seventeen-year-old attendant to went to Europe and sought to persuade
Princess Anne (one of James' daughters). After George, the Elector of Hanover, to invade
the duke of York became King James II in England and establish a new monarchy.
1685, Churchill rose rapidly through the George crossed the channel peacefully and was
ranks. soon installed as King George I of England.
Churchill changed sides in 1688. He desert- The new king restored Churchill to all his titles

ed James II for William of Orange during the and honors, but a stroke in 1716 forced his
Glorious Revolution. When William became retirement. Churchill died at Windsor. His

King William III in 1689, he made Churchill wife survived him by twenty-three years and
the Earl of Marlborough in gratitude. When occupied the palace of Blenheim, built to
William died, he was replaced on the throne by honor Churchill's greatest victory.

rn Peter tHe Great
00. (1672-1725)

Pyotr Alekseyevich was born in Moscow the Russian army, employing architects and
in 1672, the son of Czar Alexis. The rivalry engineers to bring in artillery and train his
between the Miloslavsky and Naryshkin men. Peter then captured Narva in a siege
clans, led by the czar's first and second wives (1704) and won the Batde of Lesnaya (1708).
respectively, shaped Peters childhood and Peter's most important victories came at

youth. After the death of his father, Peter was Poltava (1709) and the naval Battle of Gangut,
made co-czar with his half-brother, Ivan, but where the Swedish monopoly of the Baltic Sea
the real power went to his half sister, Sophia, was broken. The Treaty of Nystad (1721) gave
who ruled as regent. Peter lived in fear of the the eastern shores of the Baltic to Russia, which
streltsy, the royal bodyguards who served his had what Peter referred to as the "window to
half sister. the West. ' The city of Saint Petersburg was
In 1689, Peter took advantage of a revolt by built to complete his success on Russia's north-

the streltsy to remove his sister from power, western front.

and he banished her to a convent. After the Peter changed his title from czar to
death ol Ivan in 1696, Peter took the throne as imperator (emperor) of all the Russias in 1721.
sole czar and proceeded to change Russia. He died in 1725, leaving a far stronger
Peter wanted to modernize his country. Russia than he had found when he came to

Russia had no navy, no ports, and no trade or the throne.

exchange with other European countries.
Seeking to change this state of affairs, Peter ini-

tiated a war with the Ottoman Turks for con-

trol of the region north of the Black Sea. His

campaign won control of the Don River, giv-

ing him a route to the Mediterranean Sea.

Wanting to know more about western
Europe, Peter went incognito to visit most of
the major European nations during 1696 and
1697. The towering he was
czar six feet seven
inches tall looked out of place as he went to

Austria, France, the Netherlands, and England.

Peter worked as a ship's carpenter in Holland
and saw the great advantages held by the
European nations in arms and armaments.
Peter returned to Russia in 1 698 and began
a war against Sweden, which held Karelia,

Ingria, Estonia, and Livonia, all the lands Peter

wanted Russia to possess on the edge
of the Baltic Sea.
The Great Northern War (1700-1721)
began badly for Russia. The Swedish leader.

King Charles XII (see no. 57), was a military

genius who defeated the Russians at Narva
Peter the Great
(1700). Peter had to change the very model of

Charles XII
57, (1682-1718)

Then he marched eastward and

attacked the Russian army of Peter the
Great (see no. 56) that was besieging
Narva. Swedish forces attacked in a

snowstorm at night and thoroughly

defeated the Russians. The Swedes had
two thousand casualties; the Russians
suffered eight thousand to ten thousand

Having deterred the Russian threat

temporarily, Charles turned his atten-
tion to Poland, which he believed was
the key to eastern Europe. He marched
through Poland and ousted King
Augustus from power. Charles then set

his sights again on Russia, where Czar

Peter the Great had reformed his army
and was threatening Swedish control of
the Baltic Sea.
Charles invaded the Russian Ukraine.
He marched as far as Poltava, where he
was met by a larger Russian army led by
the czar. Charles lost the critical Battle
of Poltava (1709). He fled south from

Charles XII the battlefield and took up a residence in exile

under the protection of the Ottoman Turks.

A brilliant and impulsive man, Charles XII Most of the men he had brought into Russia
led his Swedish troops to many victories but surrendered after the defeat.
was unable to stem the tide of Russia's growing Three times, he persuaded the Ottoman sul-

power. Born in Stockholm in 1682, Charles tan to declare war on Russia, and three times
received an excellent education prior to his the ensuing warfare did little good for the
ascension to the throne at the age of fifteen. He Swedish cause. Seeing this failure, Charles rode
enjoyed two short years of peace before Russia, incognito across Europe and reached Sweden
Saxony-Poland, and Denmark jointly declared in 1714. Charles gathered eighty thousand
war on his country. men his largest
army to date and set out to
Sweden had been the dominant country on regain the borders Sweden had lost. He was
the shores of the Baltic Sea since the time of killed by a bullet through the head while
Gustavus Adolphus (see no. 50), and Charles besieging the Norwegian fortress ol
did not intend to relinquish this position. He Frederiksten in December 1718.
mustered the small but professional Swedish The "boy king" had fought ferociously ior
army and started the war by invading his kingdom. Had he gathered more allies to

Denmark. He swiftly overcame the Danes and his cause, he might well have prevailed, given
won peace through the Treaty of Travendal. his strategic insights and personal charisma.

rn n'edericlc the Great
Do. (1712-1786)

The third Hohenzollern king of Prussia was occupied by the Russian cavalry, but Frederick
born in Berhn in 1712. Son of King Frederick fought on until all the opposing powers were
WilHam I and Princess Sophia of Hanover, exhausted. He and Prussia were saved by
Frederick the Great grew up in a tense and the death of Czarina Elizabeth in 1762. Her
combative household. His father suffered from successor, Czar Peter III, took Russia out of the
illness and berated his son publicly while in a war and gave Frederick much-needed breath-
rage. Frederick once ran away from home with ing room. The Treaty of Hubertusburg (1763)
his best friend. The two were apprehended, confirmed the gains Prussia had made in

and Frederick had the misfortune of seeing his 1740-1748

friend publicly executed. Frederick never went to war again. The effi-

After his father died, Frederick ascended ciency of the Prussian war machine stood as an
to the throne in 1740. That same year, the effective deterrent to war during his lifetime.

emperor Charles VI of Austria died, leaving the He died after having caught a chill while
throne to his daughter, Maria Theresa. reviewing his troops in a pouring rain.
Frederick sensed that Europe would soon burst
into general war, and he seized the initiative

and declared war on Austria. His crack

Prussian army quickly seized the wealthy
Austrian province ot Silesia.

The resulting War of the Austrian

Succession (1740-1748) tilted back and forth.
Frederick changed allies and enemies with ease,

thereby winning a reputation lor fraud. When

the war ended in 1748, Frederick still held
Silesia, but he had won the undying hatred of
Maria Theresa, who gathered Czarina
Elizabeth of Russia and Madame de
Pompadour of France as future allies.

Frederick flirted with the ambitious new

ideas of the Enlightenment. He brought
the French satirist Voltaire to Berlin and
even wrote poetry. It would be difficult for the

other European leaders to reconcile this cul-

tured individual with the ruthless military
leader they confronted in the Seven Years' War
Attacked on land by France, Russia, and
Austria, Frederick had only Britain, a naval
power, for an ally. He fought relentlessly and
well, winning great victories at Leuthen and
Rossbach (both in 1757). He also came back
from resounding defeats at Kolin (1757) and
Kunersdorf (1759). Berlin itself was briefly Frederick the Great

MJohn Burgoyne

of Bunker Hill (1775) and came

stirring Battle

away convinced he could beat the Americans.

After a frustrating campaign in Canada (1776),
Burgoyne obtained permission to lead a major
invasion to capture Albany and the Hudson
River Valley in New York, which he believed
was the key to winning the war.
Burgoyne led more than seven thousand
British and Hessian troops south from
Canada in June 1777. He positioned can-
non on Mount Defiance and thereby cap-
tured Fort Ticonderoga on Lake
Champlain. Rather than marching swiftly

to Albany, Burgoyne pursued a slow route

through the New York wilderness; his men
averaged only one mile a day during July.

When he did reach the Hudson River, he sent

a large detachment of Hessian troops to find

cattle and supplies. These men were nearly

wiped out in August at the Battle of
Bennington in Vermont.
Burgoyne should have retreated to Canada
John Burgoyne
when he learned that General William Howe
John Burgoyne was born in London, had gone south to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

the son of a captain in the British army. He rather than advance north along the Hudson
studied at the prestigious Westminster School. River to Albany. Instead, Burgoyne gambled
Burgoyne joined the army in 1740; he was andmarched south, straight into a trap laid by
given command of one of the new regiments of twenty thousand U. S. militiamen led by
hght cavalry commissioned in 1759. He made Generals Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold.
his military reputation during the British cam- Outnumbered and outfought at the battles of
paign in Portugal and Spain (1762-1763), Freeman's Farm and Bemis Heights, Burgoyne
leading his light cavalrymen on daring raids tried to retreat but was surrounded. On
that brought him promotion to brigadier gen- October 17, 1777, Burgoyne and more than
eral. six thousand soldiers laid down their arms to

Returning home again, Burgoyne ran for the Americans in the Convention of Saratoga.
and won a seat in Parliament representing It was a stunning blow to the British side.

Midhurst in Sussex. He ran for election repre- France saw the opportunity to take revenge on
senting Preston, Lancashire, in 1768. He won Britain and entered the war as an ally of the
the race and held that seat for the rest of his Americans. Burgoyne himself was sent
life. to England in 1778. He was widely criticized
In 1775, Burgoyne was sent to North for his surrender, but he retained his seat in

America during the Revolutionary War. Parliament. Burgoyne died in London and was
Promoted to major general, he witnessed the buried in Westminster Abbey.

James Wolfe

James Wolfe was born in Westerham, September, he discovered that the Plains of
in Kent, England. He joined the British Abraham, only one mile (1.6 km) south
army as a commissioned officer in 1741. of the city, were guarded by just one hundred
It was a difficult time for the British, who were men. During the night of September 1213,
contending with the Jacobite rebellion. Wolfe's 1759, Wolfe brought five thousand troops by
career only began to blossom after the cam- boat to a cove at the river's edge called Anse de
paign that ended with the Battle of Culloden Foulon. The British forces climbed the heights
(1746). In the wake of Bonnie Prince Charlie's in darkness, overpowered the tiny garrison, and
failed effort to retake the throne, Wolfe fought had five thousand men and even some small
remorselessly against the remnants of the artillery pieces on the plains by early morning.
Scottish clans, hunting down all the Jacobite Montcalm was both amazed and distressed

supporters he could find. Ruthlessness by the British move. Rather than coordinate
remained an integral aspect of Wolfe's career movements with French troops just 10 miles
and his character. (16 km) to the south, Montcalm chose to
When the Seven Years' War began, attack immediately. The British forces waited

William Pitt (who became Britain's foreign until the French soldiers were within 40 yards
minister) was convinced that the way to defeat (37 m) and then released two devastating vol-

France was by winning the war at sea and by leys of gunfire. The British troops routed
capturing French colonies in North America Montcalm's men. Wolfe, however, fell with
and the Caribbean. Pitt sent an enormous fleet three bullet wounds. His death on the plains
and sixteen-thousand men under Lord Jeffrey was commemorated in a famous painting by
Amherst to capture the French fortress of Benjamin West. The victory won Canada for

Louisbourg, on the eastern coast of Cape the British crown.

Breton Island. Wolfe was sent as second in
Wolfe asserted himsell boldly during
the siege. He personally led a daring landing
under full fire from French cannons and mus-
kets at Kennington Cove. The British estab-

lished a virtual city of their own to

house and feed the troops during the seven-

week siege of Louisbourg. WTien the enemy
capitulated on July 20, it was a vindication

of Wolfe and his stubbornness. Hearing from

one of his ministers that Wolfe must be mad.
King George II replied "Mad, is he? Then I

hope he some of my other generals."

will bite

In June 1759, Wolfe and nine thousand

troops were brought up the St. Lawrence River
to Quebec City by Admiral Charles Saunders.
Wolfe spent weeks studying the French
(who were led by the Marquis de Montcalm)
to find a chink in their defenses. In early James Wolfe

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Aleksandr Suvorov
61 (1729-1800)

Elizabeth), Suvorov fought the Poles as colonel

of the Astrakhan infantry regiment.
Switching miltary fronts, Suvorov then
fought with Russia's Danubian army against
the Turks (1768-1774). Russia had Httie suc-
cess against the Turks until Suvorov arrived
and took command. He won great victories
at Hirsov and Kozludji, and at last the
Turks sued for peace on terms acceptable
to Czarina Catherine the Great, who had
replaced Czar Peter III in 1762.
Even more important was Suvorov's cam-
paign within Russia itself Emeleyan
Pugachev, a disaffected Cossack, led a
full-scale revolt against Czarina
Catherine, and it was Suvorov who
brought the rebel back to Moscow in an
iron cage. (Pugachev was tortured and
killed at the czarina's order.)

To the Poles of his day, Suvorov was nothing

less than a conqueror. When Poland fought
against Russia, Suvorov captured Krakow
(1772). He returned later and captured
Warsaw (1794), thereby putting down the rev-
olutionary and patriotic movement led by
Thaddeus Kosciuszko.
Aleksandr Suvorov
Suvorov served with distinction in the sec-

ond Russo-Turkish War. He won great victo-

Russia's great eighteenth-century comman- ries at Focsani and Rymnik and captured the
der was born in Moscow, four years after the key Turkish fortress of Izmail, located on the
death of Czar Peter the Great (see no. 56). Danube River. By this time, he was the most
Aleksandr Suvorov enrolled in the Semenovskii experienced and successful military comman-
Life Guards in 1742 as a private. He worked der in all Europe. During a brief period of
his way up to sergeant (1751) and was com- peace, Suvorov wrote The Science of Victory.
missioned an officer in 1754 at the age of Suvorov served four Russian rulers
twenty-four. (Elizabeth, Peter III, Catherine the Great, and
Suvorov became a captain at the start of the Paul I) during his remarkable career. He longed
Seven Years' War (1756) and rose to lieutenant to meet Napoleon on the battlefield but died
colonel by 1758. He played a prominent role in 1800. His fame in Russia was later used tor
in the dramatic capture of Berlin in 1760 and propaganda by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

distinguished himself in small cavahy actions During World War II, images of Suvorov
the following year. After Russia changed sides appeared on recruitment posters, inciting
in 1762 (following the death of Czarina Russians to strike at their foes once more.

no George Washington
OZ. (1732-1799)

The "father of his country," George presence prevented a rout. Seeing the manner
Washington was born in rural Virginia. From in which Washington conducted himself on
an early age, he yearned to distinguish himself the field that day, his French ally Marquis de
in the British military service. His older half Lafayette declared he had never beheld so
brother, Lawrence Washington, served with the splendid a man.
British-American expedition against Cartagena Washington's tenacity and firmness of pur-
(1742) and named the family plantation pose enabled the Continental Army to weather
Mount Vernon in honor of British admiral the harsh winters at Valley Forge and Morris-
Edward Vernon. town and even survive the defection of
George Washington became the adjutant of Benedict Arnold, an American general, to the
the Virginia colonial militia in 1752. British side in 1780. Washington experienced

He led Virginian troops in the ambush of the great satisfaction when the American and
French ensign Jumonville that touched off the French armies, supported by the French navy,
French and Indian War of 1754. The ambi- boxed in British general Charles Cornwallis at

tiousyoung British-American served as aide- Yorktown and compelled him to surrender

de-camp to Britain's General Braddock (1755) (1781).
and then worked to guard the Virginia frontier In 1783, Washington resigned as comman-
against Indian raids (17551758). der-in-chief. He retired briefly to Mount
The start of the Revolutionary War altered Vernon but was soon elected the first president
his life forever. He was named commander-in- of the United States. He served two terms,
chief of the Continental Army in 1775 because from 1789 to 1797. At the time of his death,

he had more military experience than anyone in 1799, Washington was perhaps the most
in the colonies. The former British subject admired man in Europe and America. He pos-
became a true American and went to Boston to sessed a rare combination of personal self-con-

assume command of the new army in July of trol, military audacity, and diplomatic finesse.
that year. He would return to Mount Vernon
only once during the entire course of the war.
Washington sent Colonel Henry Knox
on a mission to take cannons from Fort
Ticonderoga to Massachusetts. Using this

artillery, Washington forced the British to evac-

March 1776.
uate Boston in
December 1776, Washington crossed the
Delaware River and surprised the Hessians
(German mercenaries paid by the British)
at Trenton. He proceeded to win again at

Princeton in 1777, saving the colonial cause.

He trained the amateur colonial forces well and
shaped them into a disciplined army.
Washington endured notable losses at

Brandywine and Germantown (both in 1777);

the Battle at Monmouth (1778) was a frustrat- George Washington
ing draw. During this batde, Washington's

no Nathanael Greene
UJ. (1742-1786)

Confronted by a nearly impossible situation,

Greene disregarded every textbook on warfare.

He chose to divide his already outnumbered
army and march north to the Dan River in two
columns. He led one column, and the other
was led by General Daniel Morgan. Cornwallis
pursued Greene while British colonel Banastre
Tarleton went after Morgan and his men.
Greenes planning paid off handsomely at

the Battle of Cowpens, where Morgan fought a

defensive battle and routed Tarleton. Reeling
from this blow, Cornwallis had his men burn
their baggage and set off in hot pursuit of
Greene. On hearing this news, Greene rejoiced
"Then he is ours!" Knowing the speed with
which his lightly equipped American troops
moved, Greene stayed just out of reach of the
British, and crossed the Dan River a few hours
prior to the arrival of the British. He took all
Nathanael Greene
the boats with him, and Cornwallis could only
Born in Warwick, Rhode Island, Nathanael stare and wonder at the escape of the
Greene came from a family of Quakers. He was Americans.
expelled from the Quakers, who stressed peace, After receiving supplies and reinforcements,
because he held an overweening interest in mil- Greene again crossed the Dan River and
itary studies. When the Revolutionary War marched to attack Cornwallis. The two armies
began, in 1775, he was one of the first men fought bruising battles at Hobrik's Hill and
named a brigadier general in the Continental Guilford Courthouse (1781). Each time
Army. Greene rose to major-general in 1776. Greene withdrew, leaving Cornwallis in posses-

Greene went on to serve as quartermaster of sion of the field with little to show for it but
the Continental Army (1778-1780). His great- large casualty lists. Explaining his military
est and most important assignment came in strategy in a letter, Greene wrote, "We fight, get

1780,when George Washington (see no. 62) beat, rise and fight again." No one has better
named him commander of the southern forces expressed the simple method of guerrilla war-

of the army. fare that Greene employed in the southern cam-

Greene traveled south in the wake of a paigns.
resounding British victory at Camden, South By the time the war ended, Greene had
Carolina. His predecessor, General Horatio chased the British out of all the south except the
Gates, had been utterly defeated and the south- coastal towns of Charleston and Savannah. His
ern forces were in complete disarray at the time maneuvers forced Cornwallis to march north to

of Greene's arrival.To make matters worse, Virginia, where the British general ultimately

British general Cornwallis was about to march surrendered to George Washington. Greene
into North Carolina and disperse the last rem- retired to an estate near Savannah, Georgia, and
nant of colonial resistance there. he died soon after the war.


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nyi Toussai
Oh-. (1743-1803)

Toussaint L'Ouverture was born Pierre First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte of the
Dominique Toussaint in the French colony French army (see no. 67), who initially con-
of St. Dominique, the western third of the firmed L'Ouverture's position as major general
island of Hispaniola. (Today, the island is and ruler of the island.
divided between Haiti and the Dominican Napoleon changed his mind in 1802. He
Republic.) Though he was born and brought dispatched 35,000 French troops and eighty
up as a slave, L'Ouverture experienced a fairly warships to subdue Haiti the largest expedi-
benevolent upbringing. His master, Bayon de tionary lorce that France ever sent across the
Libertad, educated him in French, Latin, Atlantic Ocean.
geometry, and religion. French forces met with disaster in Haiti.

Despite this good treatment, L'Ouverture The dreaded yellow fever struck and killed at
eagerly joined the massive slave revolt that least half the French soldiers within one year.

broke out in August 1791 and devastated the L'Ouverture and the free blacks resisted fierce-

sugar plantations of the island. By 1793, ly, but in June 1802, L'Ouverture was abduct-
L'Ouverture had become the foremost leader of ed during a negotiation. Still wearing the uni-
the revolt and was known as "Father Toussaint form ol a French general, L'Ouverture was
by his followers. The name L'Ouverture (mean- taken to France on the ship Heros. He was
ing "opening") was given to him at this time; it brought first to Paris, then to the remote Fort

signified his astute diplomacy in the battles Joux in the Jura mountain range. L'Ouverture's
that developed between slaves and British, health had already been broken by years of
French, and Spanish troops. guerrilla warfare, but it seems likely that his

France declared war on both Britain and spirit was broken by his circumstances and the
Spain in 1793. L'Ouverture first joined the apparent failure of his people to win their free-

Spanish army in Santo Domingo; he learned dom. He died and was buried within the walls
much of his guerrilla warfare tactics from the of Fort Joux.
Spanish. In 1794, when revolutionary France L'Ouverture had inspired and led the first

outlawed the further practice of slavery, truly successful slave revolution in history.

L'Ouverture switched sides and joined the

French. He soon recaptured much of the area
the Spanish had gained. In recognition of his
services, L'Ouverture was named brigadier gen-
eral. He later rose to lieutenant-governor and
major general.
After France and Spain made peace in 1795,

L'Ouverture fought the British. He forced the

surrender of the main body of British troops in
1798. L'Ouverture reached the pinnacle of suc-
cess in 1800, when peace was declared between
France, Britain, and Spain. He entered Santo
Domingo on January 24, 1801, proclaimed
himself "First of the Blacks," and with the help
of nine compatriots, drafted the first constitu-

tion for Haiti. L'Ouverture corresponded with Toussaint L'Ouverture

Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot
61). (1753-1823)

the equivalent of both the secretary of defense

and the minister of propaganda.
Carnot spared no effort to win the war.
He called for the levee en masse. Issued on
August 23, 1793, this new law required all

French citizens to contribute to the war effort.

By year's end, Carnot's troops were winning

battles (known as the Wars of the French
Revolution) on all fronts. Carnot won three of
the four major campaigns he waged that year:
the Battle of Hondschoote, the Battle
of Wattignies, and the Third Battle of Toulon.
The latter, which followed defeat at the Battle

of Neerwinden, lasted from mid-March until

The French forces went on the offensive
in 1794 and conquered the Netherlands. One
Lazare Carnot
reason for their success was Carnot's strategy.
Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot, the He called for the French forces to move in divi-

"Organizer of Victory" for the French sions rather than as an entire army. The French
Revolution, became a lieutenant in the French troops traveled more quickly than their foes

engineering corps in 1774. He rose to captain but could fight together as one when the situ-
and joined the Academy ok. Arras in 1787. ation called for it.

There he studied military science and engi- When the Committee of Public Safety fell

neering. Having a special interest in fortifica- from power because of its extreme methods,
tions, he devoured the writings of Sebastien le Carnot escaped punishment; he pointed to his

Prestre de Vauban (see no. 54). record, which showed he had been the indis-

Carnot became an ardent patriot at the start pensable leader needed to save the Revolution
of the French Revolution. He was elected to from its foreign foes. He served as one of
the Legislative Assembly in 1791 and then to the five directors in the Directory government
the more radical National Convention in (1795-1799) and then occupied the post of
1792. In January 1793, he was one minister of war for Napoleon (see no. 67).
of the delegates who voted to put French king Carnot quarreled with Napoleon and resigned
Louis YN\ to death. the position. (Napoleon was the young artillery

Austrian and Prussian forces entered the captain credited for France's victory at Toulon.)
country and came close to capturing the heart France was threatened by invasion in

of France during the summer of 1793. 1814. Carnot volunteered to serve and led
Responding to the emergency, the Committee the defense of the city of Antwerp. When
of Public Safety was formed. Although best Napoleon was finally defeated in 1815, Carnot
known for its indiscriminate use of the guillo- was exiled from the country because of his sta-

tine, the committee also ran the war effort. tus as a regicide ("king killer"). He died in
Carnot held a prominent place on the com- Magdeburg, Prussia, one of the forgotten
mittee; by the end of the year he had become heroes of revolutionary France.

on Horatio Nelson
UD. (1758-1805)

England's greatest naval leader, Horatio fleet had thirty-three ships, including the
Nelson, was born at Burnham-Thorpe, in Santissima Trinidad, the largest ship in the
Norfolk. He went to sea as a midshipman at world. Nonetheless, the French and Spanish
the age of twelve and rose to lieutenant in the were demoralized from the start, because they
Royal Navy by the age of nineteen. Promoted knew that Nelson led the British. For his part,
to post-captain (1779), Nelson served in the Nelson was confident of victory. His last signal

Caribbean to enforce the Navigation Laws dur- to the fleet read "England expects every man
ing a time of relative peace (1784-1787). will do his duty."

The start of the French Revolution provid- Nelson broke the Franco-Spanish line and
ed action for Nelson. His first command was battered theenemy with carronades (short-bar-
that of the sixt)'-four-gun warship gamemnon. reled cannons known as "smashers") and dou-

He participated in the capture of the island of ble-shotted cannon firing at close range. The
Corsica (1794) and lost the use of his right eye French and Spanish fought with great courage,
in combat there. but the British gunners were superior. Nelson
Nelson had tudied and absorbed the lessons was wounded on the deck of HMS Victory by
of the great eithteenth-century British com- a bullet from a sharpshooter during the action.
manders Sir George Rooke, Admiral George He died on board and was brought to St. Paul's

Anson, Admiral Edward Hawke, and Admiral Cathedral in London for burial.
George Rodney. From them, he created his

simple but revolutionary plan of battle: depart

from the traditional formation of a line of ships

(a formation that had been prevalent for over

one hundred years) and break the enemy's line.

This plan was risky, but it had the potential to

win great victories.

The strategy was first evident at the Battle
of Cape Saint Vincent. Nelson sailed directly
into the Spanish line of ships and captured two
ships that were both larger than his own. He
was knighted and promoted to rear admiral.

Nelson went on to meet and completely defeat

the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile
(1798), after which he was elevated to the level
of peer of the realm.
Nelson fought the Danish navy at the Battle

of Copenhagen (1802). When the battle action

was hanging in the balance, he received a signal
from his superior officer to retire. Nelson pre-
tended not to see the sign, fought on, and won
a complete victory.
Nelson's last battle came at Cape Trafalgar,

off the coast of Spain, in 1805. He had rwen-

ty-seven ships; the combined Franco-Spanish Horatio Nelson

Napoleon Bonaparte
6] (1769-1821) 4
The greatest militarygenius of modern marshals became brilliant, independent field

French history, Napoleon Bonaparte was commanders. Napoleon used a mass of

born on the island of Corsica, which was con- artillery, infantry, and cavalry to break his foe's

quered by France in the year of his line at its weakest point.

birth. He arrived in France in 1778 to study His greatest victories were Marengo (1800),
language and attend a military preparatory Austerlitz (1805), Jena and Auerstadt (1806),
school.The onset of the French Revolution and Friedland (1807). He could snatch victory
provided him with the opportunity to exert his from defeat by his presence on the battlefield,

keen mind and tremendous will. and he had a personal impact upon the veter-
Napoleon commanded the artillery that ans who formed his Imperial Guard, the core
forced the British fleet to evacuate of the Napoleonic armies.
Toulon (1794) and fired cannon Napoleon's intervention in Spain
shot to disperse the rebellious and Russia, however, were his

Parisian crowds in 1795. The downfall. His marshals were

new Directory government consistently defeated in Spain
sent him to Italy, where by the Duke of Wellington
prior commanders had (see no. 68). Napoleon per-
failed to oust the Austrian sonally took 600,000 men
army. He astounded every- into Russia in 1812, but he

one by defeating the returned with only 50,000.

Austrians and their allies. In The fierce Russian defense,
1798, he sailed with a large grinding battles such as

fleet that brought his army to Borodino, and the harsh win-
Egypt. He defeated the ter of 1812-1813 all made
Mamelukes at the Battle of the Napoleon's Russian campaign a ter-

Pyramids, but then had to rible disaster.

return to France after his fleet Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon abdicated his throne
was destroyed by the British at in 1814 and was exiled to the

the Battle of the Nile. small island ol Elba in the Mediterranean. A

Returning to France in 1799, Napoleon year later, he escaped, returned to France, and
overthrew the Directory and set up the new became emperor again for the brief period of
Consulate government, with himself as first one hundred days. He marched north into the
consul. He soon changed his title to first con- Netherlands to meet the British-Prussian
sul for life, and then, in 1804, to emperor of armies under the Duke of Wellington. A
France. younger, sharper Napoleon might well have
Napoleon devised a military system that was overcome Wellington at Waterloo, but the
both simple and profound. Building emperor had fought his last battle.

on the methods developed by Lazare Nicolas After abdicating a second time. Napoleon
Marguerite Carnot (see no. 65) during the was confined by the British to the tiny island

French Revolution, Napoleon divided the of St. Helena in the middle of the Atlantic
French armies into independent corps that for- Ocean. Napoleon died in 1821, the victim ol a
aged for food, lived off the land, and converged stomach ailment. Rumors that the British had
suddenly in the heartland of the enemy. His poisoned him lingered for years.


nn Arthur wellesley
OO. (1769-1852)

Born in Ireland, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of to hold out until Marshal Bluchers Prussian
Wellington (he was known as "Wellington"), troops arrived. Positioning his men on a
joined the British infantry as a lieutenant ridge crested by Mount St. Jean, he wore the
colonel in 1794. Wellington went with his reg- French down over the course of the day.
iment to India in 1796. In India, Wellington After Napoleon's Imperial Guard made a final,

learned the advantages oi knowing the land- failed assault, Wellington ordered a general
scape and recruiting allies, which he did among charge that soon routed Napoleon's last army.
the Indian leaders. He won notable victories at Wellington's own comment on the battle was,
Assaye (1803) and Argaum (1803). He was "It has been a damned nice thing. By God! I
then called back to England and given com- don't think it would have been done if I had
mand of a small expeditionary force that land- not been there.
ed in Portugal in 1808. Wellington later served as a diplomat
On land, it was the worst of times for the (1815-1828) and prime minister of Great
British and their allies. The French emperor. Britain (1828-1830). His famous nickname,
Napoleon (see no. 67), had consistently beaten the "Iron Duke," referred not to his military
the Austrians, Prussians, and Russians and had capabilities but to the fact that he had iron bars
recently placed his brother Joseph on the placed over his windows to prevent stones from
Spanish throne in Madrid. The success or fail- shattering them during his time as prime min-
ure of Wellington's operations, theretore, were ister. Until the time of his death, Wellington
of great importance to the British cause. was revered as the most astute and farseeing
Perhaps no commander, before or since, has adviser to Queen Victoria.

understood landscape and topography

as clearly as did Wellington. He correctly per-

ceived that the French armies were used

to fighting in countries with good road systems
and compliant peasant populations.
Wellington arranged to have the French cut off
from their supply lines and brought many
Portuguese over to his side.

The results of Wellington's planning were

remarkable. He outmaneuvered and defeated
Massena, one of the best French marshals,
in 1810. He followed with an invasion ot
French-held Spain and won impressive victo-
Salamanca (1812) and Vitoria (1814).
ries at

As Napoleon's empire collapsed around him,

Wellington invaded France itself and won the
Battle of Toulouse (1814). After Napoleon
escaped from Elba and returned to Paris in
1815, the two most experienced military com-
manders of their period collided at Waterloo
on June 18, 1815.
Sir Arthur Wellesley
Wellington fought defensively, seeking

nn Karl von Clausewitz
Do. (1780-1831)

military tutor to the crown prince of Prussia.

During this productive time, he also wrote and

lectured at the Kriegsakadamie.
In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia. He
had taken care to make a treaty with Prussia
first, but even so, Clausewitz was outraged by
the French emperor's actions. He left Prussia,

entered Russia, and volunteered for service in

the army of Czar Alexander I. He served as a
staff officer in Russia and was instrumental in

the Treaty of Kalisch (1813) between Russia

and Prussia, which brought Prussia back
into the coalition alliance against Napoleon.
During the Waterloo campaign, he served as

chief of staff for one of the four Prussian field

corps. The Napoleonic Wars ended in 1815.
In 1818, Clausewitz was made major gener-
al and given the position of director of the
Kriegsakadamie. There he thrived, writing and
Karl von Clausewitz
lecturing for most of the remainder of
Karl von Clausewitz was born in Burg, his life. His work shaped the careers of many
Prussia, 70 miles (113 km) from Berlin. students there, most notably that of Helmuth
His father was a retired Prussian lieutenant. von Moltke (see no. 72).

Clausewitz joined the Prussian army at the Clausewitz wrote many tracts, the most
age of twelve and was made a lance corporal important of which was Vom Kriege {On War)
during Prussia's war against France. He rose to in 1832. In this seminal work, he surveyed the
the level of subaltern in 1795, and in 1801 he field of military strategy. Aside from describing
entered the new Kriegsakadamie (Prussian War military history, he delved into the philosophy

Academy) in Berlin. of warfare and declared that war was "a mere
At the Kriegsakadamie, Clausewitz studied continuation of policy by other means." In
military science and philosophy. He thrilled other words, political goals were primary, while

to the theoretical aspects of military studies, but military events were secondary. He also dis-

was also drawn to his work by a patriotic desire cussed the varieties of military tactics and
to see Prussia flourish. When France, led by strategies that had evolved during the days
Napoleon (see no. 67) invaded Prussia in 1 806, of Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban (see no. 54).

Clausewitz volunteered to fight. He was cap- While it was always clear that Clausewitz

tured during the Battle of Prenzlau favored Prussia and the traditions ot King
and held prisoner for a year in France, where he Frederick the Great (see no. 58), he took

observed first-hand the most successful time to examine the contributions made by
war machine of his day. military innovators such as Napoleon.

After returning to Prussia in 1808, Clausewitz returned to active service in

Clausewitz became a major on the Prussian 1830. While stationed on the Prussian border

general staff (1810) and received the post of with Poland, he contracted cholera and died.

"rn Simon Bolivar
/U. 11783-1830)

Simon Bolivar is often referred to as The two leaders had a misunderstanding that
the "George Washington of South America" has never been fully explained. San Martin
for his undying determination to win the free- retired from the scene, and Boh'var and his

dom of his people from European rule. right-hand lieutenant, Jose de Sucre, decided
Boii'var was born in Caracas, Venezuela, to complete the war for Peruvian indepen-
then part of the Spanish empire of South dence.
America. A rich Creole by birth, he traveled in Boh'var had to remain in Gran Colombia
Europe, where he observed the end of the during most of the campaign that followed.
French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon In 1824, De Sucre won the crucial battles of

(see no. 67). Deeply moved by what he saw, on Junin and Ayacucho that ended the war.
August 15, 1805, Boh'var made a solemn vow Bolivar's military actions expelled the

in Rome never to rest until he had freed his Spanish presence from South America for

people from Spanish rule. good. In addition to his military achievements,

Returning home by way of the United he wrote the Cartagena Memorial (1812) and
States in 1807, Boh'var became the leader of the Jamaica Letter (1815), both of which called

a revolutionary movement that deposed the for independence from colonialism.

viceroy of Caracas in 1810 in the fight for Having attained nearly all of his goals,
Venezuelan independence. Ejected from Boh'var found it impossible to hold together

Caracas, he fled to Cartagena in present-day what he had created. His "Great Convention"
Colombia. Boh'var led a reconquering of of South American states in 1826 was a failure;

Caracas in 1813 but was forced out by in 1830, first Venezuela and then Quito seced-
Venezuelan horsemen (who supported the ed from the Republic of Gran Colombia.
royal cause) in 1814. Boh'var again went to Boh'var resigned as president of the now-
Cartagena, then to British-held Jamaica, and defiinct nation, and he retired in great sadness.
finally to independent Haiti. In 1816, Boh'var Later that same year, Bolivar died from
launched a seaborne attack on Venezuela that tuberculosis.


Truly at a low point. Bolivar established a

base at Angostura on the Orinoco River. He

led his men in an epic crossing of the Andes
mountain range 1819 and won the
in July

decisive Battle of Boyaca on August 7. Soon

afterward, Boh'var had the satisfaction of seeing
Venezuela, New Granada (present-day
Colombia), and Quito (present-day Ecuador)
combine into the new Republic of Gran
Colombia. Boh'var served as the republic's

first president.
Continuing the fight against Spanish impe-
rialism, he won the Battle of Carabobo on June
24, 1821. He traveled to Guayaquil, Ecuador,

in 1822 to meet with Jose de San Martin, who Simon Boh'var

had won the war of Chilean independence.

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-11 Winfield Scott
/ I. (1786-1866)

Winfield Scott attended the College of

William and Mary and practiced law for

a time before turning to military service.

He joined the U.S. Army in 1808. At the

beginning of the War of 1812, Scott was made
a lieutenant colonel.
Given the task of turning raw recruits

into true soldiers, Scott marched and drilled

his troops under tried and true European

methods of discipline. His reward came at
the battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane
(1814), where his men held their own against
the best British regulars, some of whom had
served under Arthur Wellesley, Duke of
Wellington in Spain (see no. 68). Scott
ended the war as a brevet major general.
Scott wrote the first set of U.S. Army drill

regulations. Well-versed in European history,

he sought to create an aristocratic officer corps

that would be the equal of England's. Scott was
made general-in-chief of the army in 1841 and
was promoted to lieutenant general in 1844.

In 1 846, Scott received word from President Winfield Scott

James Polk that he would lead the proposed
invasion of central Mexico and, if necessary, and west of the city and won key battles at

would prosecute the war all the way to the Contreras, Churubusco, and Molino del Reyo.
Mexican capital. Scott took twelve thousand By September 12, the U.S. forces controlled all

troops by ship to Mexico, landed, and besieged the outlying areas, but the fortified citadel of

the key port city of Veracruz. After capturing Chapultepec (the name means "Hill of the
the city, he made a dangerous decision to Grasshoppers") remained.
advance inland, following almost exactly the Scott's troops captured Chapultepec and
invasion route Hernan Cortez (see no. 43) had entered Mexico City on September 13; the war
taken in 1521. Scott's choice to invade quickly was effectively over. Scott was a model of effi-
was necessitated by the fact that the deadly dis- ciency in his role as conqueror and administra-
ease yellow fever would soon hit the coastal tor; some Mexicans reportedly begged him to

lowlands, as it did every summer. serve as their national leader. He returned to

The U.S. forces marched into Mexico the United States (1848) and ran for president

and won important battles at Cerro Gordo on the Whig party ticket in 1852, but was
on the way to Mexico City. Scott and his defeated by one of his former military subordi-
troops arrived outside the Mexican capital and nates. Franklin Pierce. Prior to his retirement

marveled at both the city and the defenses set in 1861, Scott devised the Anaconda Plan,
up by Mexican general Santa Anna. Never which involved strangling the Confederacy
daunted,Scott maneuvered to the south through a naval blockade.

"70 Helmutli von Moltlce
//. (1800-1891)

Called the "Bismarck of the battlefield," formidable that no other Prussian leader would
Helmuth von Moltke was born in Parchim, contest his viev/s openly. Rather than attempt to
in Mecklenburg, Prussia, in 1800. Moltke grad- repeat his earlier plans, Moltke devised and exe-
uated from the royal military academy at cuted a concentrated attack. His vision worked
Copenhagen and served briefly in the Danish to perfection; the bulk ol the French army, as

army before joining the Prussian army in 1 822. well as Emperor Napoleon 111, surrendered at
He studied at the Kriegsakadatnie (Prussian War Sedan.
Academy) and absorbed the lessons offered by Moltke was made a count in 1870 and was
Karl von Clausewitz (see no. 69), who was the promoted to field marshal in 1871, the year the
director. German Empire was formed. The creation of
Moltke served as a military adviser the new empire was largely due to the efforts
to the sultan of the Ottoman Empire from and vision of Otto von Bismarck and Moltke.
1835 to 1839. He was named first adjutant to In the last years of his life, Moltke became
Crown Prince Frederick William in 1855 and distressed by the attitudes of the military clique
was promoted to major general in 1856. The that surroimded the new Prussian emperor,
crucial turning point in his career as well Wilhelm II. He spoke out against the narrow-
as the Prussian army's development came mindedness of the military leaders at the
when he was named chief of the Prussian gen- Reichstag (German legislature) in 1 890. Moltke
eral staff in 1857. died while on a visit to Berlin a year later.

Having studied the campaigns of Frederick

the Great of Prussia (see no. 58) and Napoleon
(see no. 67), Moltke applied their lessons to the

changes brought by new military technology.

Planning for future wars, he intended to use the
railroad, the telegraph, and the industrial pro-

duction of weapons to achieve a decentralized

command structure and a greater concentration
of forces at the front. He thereby brought the
essence of Napoleonic warfare mobility up
to date with modern technology. Moltke devel-
oped Prussia's war machine to strike hard, fast,

and decisively.

The first test of his tactics came in the

Prussian-Danish War of 1864. Prussia's solid
victory enhanced his stature, and Moltke pre-

pared for the coming break with Austria. In

1 866, Prussia and Austria collided in the Seven
Weeks' War. Using Moltke's plans, three large,

disconnected columns of troops entered

Austrian territory. They suddenly converged
and attacked the shocked Austrians at the Battle

of Koniggratz, which won the war.

Helmuth von Moltke
By 1 870, Moltke's reputation had grown so

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"in David FarraguC
/j. (1801-1870)

David Farragut was born in Stony Point,

Tennessee. His father was George Farragut,
a Spanish sea captain who fought for the
colonists in the Revolutionary War and
settled in Tennessee. After his mother died, the
young Farragut was adopted by David Porter, a

U.S. naval officer who obtained a midship-

man's warrant for Farragut in 1810.
Farragut served under Porter on board
the USS Essex during the War of 1812.
He was promoted to lieutenant (1825), com-
mander (1841), and captain (1855). He estab-
lished the Mare Island Naval Ship Yard (in pre-
sent-day Vallejo, California) in 1854 .

The beginning of the Civil War gave

momentum to his career. When Virginia opted
for secession from the Union in April 1861,

Farragut immediately moved north and pro-

claimed himself a Union man. He was named David Farragut
commander of the West Gulf Blockading and four ironclad monitors into the channel
Squadron in 1861. on August 5, 1864. The leading monitor,
The Anaconda Plan designed by General the USS Tecumseh, hit a mine and sank imme-
Winfield Scott (see no. 71) called for a block- diately; the second monitor, the USS Brooklyn,

ade of the South and a takeover of began to back its way out of the channel,
the Mississippi River. Following orders threatening to pile up the ships behind it.

from Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, Assessing the situation from aboard the USS
Farragut led seventeen wooden ships past the Hartford (right in line after the Brooklyn),
Confederate forts of Jackson and Philip Farragut made a famous split-second decision.
on the lower Mississippi during the night "Damn the torpedoes," he shouted. "Full

of April 23, 1862. Darkness, fog, and smoke speed ahead!"

helped to keep the casualties low as the Union His ship and the rest of the fleet passed over
ships made their way past the forts. Helpless the mines without incident. Farragut entered
before the guns of Farragut's ships, the city the harbor, defeated the Confederate ironclad
of New Orleans surrendered the next day. ship Tennessee, and captured all the harbor

Farragut was made rear admiral, the first in defenses within the following week. The victo-

the navy's history, and assisted in the capture of ry and his battle cry made Farragut famous

Vicksburg (1863). throughout the North.

In 1864, he received a mission he had long Promoted to vice admiral (1864) and
hungered for the capture of the defenses of then to full admiral (1866), Farragut made a
Mobile Bay, Alabama. The bay was protected goodwill tour of Europe as commander of
by torpedo mines. The only operable entry the Mediterranean fleet from 1867 to 1868.

channel was protected by the guns of Fort Farragut died while visiting the naval yard

Morgan. Farragut took fourtenn wooden ships at Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

"71 Giuseppe Garibaldi
/4. (1807-1882)

Never before or since has there been a lead- maneuver and defeat the 25,000-man army of
er such as Giuseppe Garibaldi, who stirred the Naples. Garibaldi crossed the Strait of Messina
noble, patriotic sentiments of so many people on September 7 and fought on the Italian

and united them in one cause. Born in Nice, mainland, once again driving the enemy forces
France, Garibaldi came from a family of sailors away through maneuver and deception.
and sea captains. He went to sea in 1822 and By the fall of I860, Garibaldi had become
became master of his own ship by 1832. Two the virtual dictator of southern Italy and Sicily.

years later, he embarked on what would He yielded this position, and all claim to a
become his lifelong cause, the struggle for free- reward, to King Victor Emmanuel II of
dom and Italian unity. Sardinia-Piedmont, who thereby became king
In 1834, Italy consisted of small dukedoms of an Italy that was united except for
and principalities, most of which were domi- the cities of Venice and Rome. Garibaldi
nated to some extent by Austria. Seeking to then returned to his home island, the hero
change this situation, Garibaldi joined the rev- of millions. He fought to take Venice away
olutionary movement led by Giuseppe from Austria in 1866.
Mazzini. After the revolt failed, Garibaldi From 1874 to 1876, Garibaldi served in the

was condemned to death in absentia (Latin for Italian parliament, where he found his liberal

"in absence") by the government of Sardinia- ideas constantly on the fringes. He was strong-
Piedmont. ly anti-clerical and mildly socialist and believed
Garibaldi fled to South America. He fought in both racial and sexual equality. Garibaldi

for the state of Rio Grande do Sul against died at Caprera in 1882.
Brazil and for Uruguay in its war with
The turmoil of the European revolutions of
1848 brought Garibaldi back to Italy. He led

the troops of Mazzini's Roman Republic and

helped Milan fight against Austria. In 1849, he
held out heroically in Rome for weeks against
the French, Austrian, and Neapolitan armies
sent against him. Realizing he could no longer
hold the city, he escaped with several thousand
of his men in a daring march that caught the
imagination ol millions of Europeans.
Once again in exile. Garibaldi lived

briefly in the United States. Allowed to

return to Italy in 1854, he settled on Caprera,

a barren island off Sardinia. In 1859, he fought
for Sardinia-Piedmont against Austria. On
May 6, 1860, he sailed from Genoa with just
over 1,000 men, his famous "Redshirts."
Landing on the island of Sicily, Garibaldi
and his men used guerrilla tactics that he had
learned in South America to completely out- Giuseppe Garibaldi

-IF Robert E. Lee
/U. (1807-1870)

Robert E. Lee was born at his family

estate of Stratford in Westmoreland County,
Virginia. His father was Henry "Light-Horse
Harry" Lee, a well-known Revolutionary War
soldier. Lee graduated second in his class from
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Glory first came to Lee during his service in

the Mexican War. Serving as a scout, an engi-

neer, and a builder of bridges, he made the
American march from Veracruz to Mexico City
possible. He received the highest possible com-
mendation from General Winfield Scott (see

no. 71) for his services.

The start of the Civil War found Lee in per-

sonal conflict. He believed in the Union and

was in tact offered the supreme command of
the Union armies by President Abraham
Lincoln's chief of staff, Winfield Scott. After
his home state of Virginia seceded from Robert E. Lee
the Union on April 17, 1861, however, with Union armies at Gettysburg,
he resigned his commission and joined the Pennsylvania. Confident that his men would
Confederate army. follow him anywhere and carry the day, Lee
Lee became a full general in the sent them forward on the disastrous attack
Confederate armies, and at the end of May known as Pickett's Charge. Seven thousand
1862, he replaced General Joe Johnston
men were lost in a half hour men whom the
as commander of the Army of Northern South could not replace.
Virginia. In his new capacity, Lee immediately After Gettysburg, Lee was permanently
showed the breathtaking audacity that would on the defensive. He fought a grinding set

become his trademark. He attacked a Union of battles against General Ulysses S. Grant (see

contingent that outnumbered his own by two- no. 76), but the high Union casualties at The
to-one and drove it back during the Battle of Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and
Seven Days. Lee's actions saved the city of Cold Harbor did not dissuade the Union gen-
Richmond. eral. Lee was soon surrounded and besieged in

Using his quiet charisma, personal daring, a 20-mile (32-km) ring from Richmond to

and the services of talented subordinates such Petersburg. In this confined setting. Lee's tacti-
as Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson (see no. 78), cal brilliance had little effect.

Lee won impressive victories at the Second Lee and his men broke out from the siege in

Battle of Bull Run (1862), Fredericksburg the spring of 1865 but were quickly run down
(1862), and Chancellorsvilie (1863). by the Union forces. Lee surrendered to Grant
Knowing that he needed to win a victory on at the Appomattox Courthouse on April 9,
northern soil, Lee pushed north twice. He was effectively ending the war. Paroled on his

fought to a standstill at Antietam (1862). In honor, Lee later served as president of

June 1863, he moved north again and collided Washington College in Virginia.

"70 Ulysses S. Grant
/U. (1822-1885)

Ulysses S. Grant was born in Point Pleasant, the war. Grant gave generous terms to the
Ohio. His early schooling was limited, but his Confederates and returned home the hero
fine horsemanship helped him win entrance to of the war.
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He His military success led to political success.
graduated and was commissioned a lieutenant. Grant ran for and easily won the presidency for
When the Civil War began, Grant became a two terms. As U.S. president from 1869 to
brigadier general of volunteers in 1861. He 1877, Grant oft:en lacked the diplomacy and
showed both strategic brilliance and personal subtlety that the office required. Grant
resolve by capturing Confederate forts also was deceived by many of his political
Donelson and Henry (1862), thereby opening favorites, who indulged themselves in corrup-
Tennessee to Union forces. This first major tion and scandal.
Union victory of the Civil War catapulted After his second term ended, Grant
"Unconditional Surrender" Grant to national fell on such hard financial times that he actual-
recognition. ly sold his swords and souvenirs from the Civil
That same year. Grant went on to fight War. Learning he had throat cancer, Grant
the Confederates to a standstill at Shiloh, and rushed to write his Personal Memoirs, which
he led a remarkable campaign to capture the were published posthumously by the writer
Confederate fortress of Vicksburg, located Mark Twain. Grant finished the book just in

on the eastern side of the Mississippi River. time; it earned over $400,000 in royalties, pro-

The surrender of Vicksburg on July 4, 1863, viding for his family after his death.
brought about great rejoicing in the North.
Grant was promoted to lieutenant general, and
he was given command of all the Union
In the spring of 1864, Grant marched south
from Washington, D.C., seeking to capture the

Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia.

He fought a set of grueling battles against
General Robert E. Lee (see no. 75) at The
Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and
Cold Harbor. Having lost 17,666 men, Grant
continued to press southward, leading news
reporters in the North to call him "Butcher
Grant." Knowing he had the confidence of
President Abraham Lincoln, Grant continued
to apply vise-like pressure to the Confederate

Grant besieged Lee in a circle around

the cities of Richmond and Petersburg for
10 months (June 1864-April 1865). When
Lee escaped from Richmond, Grant pursued
him relentlessly. Lee finally surrendered to

Grant at the Appomattox Courthouse, ending Ulysses S. Grant

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11 William T. Sherman
/ /. (1820-1891)

William Tecumseh Sherman was born in

Lancaster, Ohio. His birth father had named

him "Tecumseh" in honor of the Indian chief,

but his foster parents later gave him the first

name William. Sherman went to the U.S.

Military Academy at West Point, where he
graduated sixth in a class of forty-two. He was
commissioned a lieutenant of artillery, and he
served at Fort Moultrie in the harbor of
Charleston, South Carolina.
Sherman saw no active service during the
Mexican War. Bored by peacetime army life,

he resigned his commission in 1853 and

worked briefly as both a banker and a lawyer.
From 1859 to 1861, he was superintendent
of a military academy in Louisiana.
At the start of the Civil War, Sherman was
commissioned a colonel and led a brigade at

the First Battle of Bull Run (1861). Sherman

became a devoted friend of General Ulysses S.
Grant (see no. 76), and he planned Grant's
campaign against forts Henry and Donelson in

1 862. Sherman went on to play a major role in

Grant's campaign against Vicksburg in 1863.
When Grant was named lieutenant general of
William T. Sherman
all Union Armies in 1864, Sherman suc-
ceeded him as commander of the forces in the infamous "March to the Sea" (November
West. The two planned a simple campaign: 16-December 22, 1864) ended with Sherman
Grant would drive south against Robert E. Lee in Savannah. He then marched north and, as

(see no. 75) and capture Richmond, while the Confederacy crumbled, accepted the sur-

Sherman would drive east against General Joe render of General Johnston near Durham,
Johnston and seize the city of Atlanta. North Carolina in April 1865.
Sherman executed a brilliant campaign. Sherman rose to lieutenant general (1866),

He captured Atlanta on September 2, 1864 then full general (1869), and he served as gen-

through a series of intricate maneuvers rather eral in chief of the army (1869-1883).
than head-on fighting. He then decided on He retired and went to live in St. Louis and
a brutal approach to end the war. Sherman then New York City. He vigorously refused a

telegraphed Grant on October 9, 1864, saying, Republican nomination for president in 1884.

"I can make the march, and make Georgia A complex man, Sherman is remembered
howl." He was true to his word. Sherman led for his high temper, generous nature, and
sixty thousand men in a broad, 50-mile (80- fimous statement that "war is hell, " which he
km) wide swath southeast to the sea, burning made to the graduating class of the Michigan
or destroying everything of value in sight. This Military Academy in 1879.

"in Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
/O. (1824-1863)

Both in his Ufetime and afterward, General Thomas Shields on June 9. These
Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson had Confederate victories drew 60,000 troops into
been a source of pride and the making oi a the Shenandoah Valley region and relieved the
myth. He was born in Clarksburg, Virginia, in pressure on the Confederate capital of
what is now West Virginia. He received little Richmond that spring.
early education and was fortunate to Jackson was instrumental in the
be admitted to the U.S. Military Academy Confederate victory at the Second Battle of
at West Point when space opened up after Bull Run. He captured Harper's Ferry in
another applicant declined to enter. Jackson September 1862. Promoted to lieutenant gen-

graduated in 1846, and he immediately eral, he took part in the defensive victory at

entered the Mexican War as a second Fredericksburg (1862).

lieutenant. The Batde of Chancellorsville in May 1863
Jackson served in all the important battles was Jackson's and Robert E. Lee's (see
from Veracruz to Mexico City in 1847. no. 75) masterpiece. Outnumbered two-to-one
Returning to the United States, he resigned his by Union general Joseph Hooker, Lee held
commission in 1851 after an altercation with Hooker at bay with a mere shadow force while
his superior officer at Fort Meade, Florida. Jackson swooped around Hooker's right flank
Jackson then obtained a position teaching phi- and hit him with a devastating counterattack.
losophy and military tactics at the Virginia The Union flank reeled, and the Confederates
Military Institute. were on their way to a decisive victory when
During the Civil War, Jackson remained a Jackson was hit by bullets from his own troops.
firm believer in the Union until Virginia seced- They had mistaken him for a Union officer as
ed on April 17, 1861. He then cast his lot with he rode back to his own lines. His left arm
the Confederacy and became a colonel of shattered, Jackson sought to recuperate, but
the Virginia state forces. At the First Battle of pneumonia set in and he died on May 10,

Bull Run, Confederate General Bernard E. Bee 1863.

rallied his men at a critical moment by point-
ing to Jackson's fortitude on the battlefield and
crying out, "There is Jackson, standing like a
stone wall! Let us determine to die here, and
we will conquer." The nickname "Stonewall"
Jackson stuck, but the irony was that Jackson
became far better known for the lightning
speed of his maneuvers than for standing fast

in position.

Promoted to the rank of Confederate major

general, Jackson created the "Stonewall
Brigade." Between April and June of 1862,
he won a remarkable string of victories in his

famous Shenandoah Valley campaign. Jackson

defeated General Robert Milroy on May 8,

General Nathaniel Banks on May 23 and 25,

"Stonewall" Jackson
General John C. Fremont on June 8, and

-in Geronimo
/y. (1829-1909)

His Indian name was Goyathlay, meaning

"he who yawns." Geronimo was born in
No-Doyohn Canyon, in present-day New
Mexico. His people, the Chiricahua Apache,
had a long tradition of fighting Spanish and
Mexican troops from the south.
Geronimo was admitted to his tribe's

Council of Warriors in 1846. The turning

point in his life came in 1858, when his moth-
er, wife, and children were killed in a surprise

attack near Janos, Chihuahua. Swearing eternal

vengeance, Geronimo led a number of raids in

Mexico. The ferocity of his attacks caused the

Mexicans to call upon St. Jerome for protec-
tion. Their utterances of "Jerome, Jerome" led
to the Indian warrior's name "Geronimo."
U.S. settlers, meanwhile, had encroached
on Apache land from the north and east.

A reservation was established in the eastern

part of the Arizona territory for the Apache

nation. Finding himself confined to a small
locality, Geronimo broke the peace. In 1876,
he and the majority of his people were moved
to the San Carlos Reservation on the Gila
River. The Apaches detested this barren waste- Geronimo
land, and Geronimo led guerrilla attacks
against U.S. settlements in the territory. was replaced by General Nelson Miles.
Hundreds of Apaches chose to leave the reser- Miles led 5,000 U.S. soldiers and some 500
vation with him and conduct a war against the Indian auxiliary troops in a year-long search for
U.S. settlers. Geronimo. The U.S. forces finally tracked the

Geronimo surrendered to U.S. general Apache leader to his camp in the Sonora
George Crook in January 1884. After being mountains. There, Miles persuaded Geronimo
returned to the San Carlos reservation, he fled to surrender on September 3, 1886, promising
with 35 men, 8 boys, and 101 women in May that he would eventually be allowed to return
1885. Again he conducted raids, against both to his Arizona homeland.
U.S. and Mexican settlements. Geronimo The pledge was broken. Geronimo and
was finally cornered by General Crook and sur- his fellow warriors were taken to Florida and
rendered at Canon de Los Embudos in Sonora, forced to do hard labor. They were transferred
Mexico, on March 27, 1886. As the U.S. to Fort Sill in the Oklahoma Territory in 1894.
troops took their prisoners on a march to the Geronimo dictated his autobiography before
United States, Geronimo and a few others he died of pneumonia in 1909. The Apache
bolted as they neared the U.S. border. warrior had never been allowed to return to
As a result of this escape. General Crook Arizona.

Chief Joseph

Born in the Wallowa Valley (present-day the Bear Paw Mountains in Montana; they
Oregon), Chief Joseph's Native American were a mere 40 miles (64 km) south of the
name was Hinmaton Yalaktit ("thunder Canadian border.
rolling in the heights"). The son of a Unbeknownst to Joseph, another U.S. cav-
Nez Perce (NAY-per-SAY) Indian chief alry group had entered Montana from
he became a chief after his father died. the east. General Nelson A. Miles and 350
U.S. settlers flocked to the Pacific troopers found the Nez Perce and attacked
Northwest region in the 1840s and 1850s. them. Joseph arranged his men in trenches
In 1863, the U.S. government negotiated so cleverly that they foiled all attacks, but
a treaty that confined the Nez Perce to the the Nez Perce had been stopped. More U.S.
Lapwai Reservation (in present-day Idaho), soldiers arrived over the next five days, and
removing them from their lands near the on October 5, 1877, Chief Joseph made
shores of the Pacific Ocean. From that day for- his surrender.

ward, the Nez Perce were divided into A total of 431 Nez Perce were taken as pris-

two groups: the "treaty" and "non-treaty." oners to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, includ-
Chief Joseph became the leader of the "non- ing 87 Indian warriors. A well-known figure in

treaty" population, which refused to be con- his later years, Joseph survived his time in
fined to any reservation area. prison, and he sent numerous petitions to

U.S. General Oliver Howard went to Washington, D.C., asking to return to his trib-

meet with the Nez Perce at the council at Fort al homeland. They were refused. He died at

Lapwai in the spring of 1877. He and Joseph Nespelim on the Colville Reservation, in

commenced negotiations when a small band of Washington state.

Nez Perce murdered four white settlers. The

negotiations ended, and the Nez Perce War
began, despite the best efforts of Howard and
the chief
Joseph led his band of three hundred war-
riors to a victory at White Bird Canyon. Far
from exultant over the win, Joseph persuaded
his fellow chiefs to begin a march to elude the

U.S. troops and reach the safety of Canada.

He led approximately 750 men, women, and
children in a grueling march over the Rocky
Mountains and across the Missouri River,

seeking the safety of "Grandmother Victoria's"

Canada the land ruled by Queen Victoria
of England.
Along the march, Joseph defeated
General John Gibbon at the Battle of Big Hole
(Wisdom River, Montana) and also won
encounters such as the Cottonwood skirmish
and the Battle of Canyon Creek. By late

September, Joseph and his people reached Chief Joseph

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ni Paul von Hindenburg
0 I. (1847-1934)

Born in Posen, Prussia (present-

day Poznan, Poland), Paul von

Hindenburg's family traced its

German roots to the era of the

Teutonic Knights. Hindenburg
entered the Prussian cadet corps in
1858 and fought as a lieutenant at

the important Battle of Sadowa

against Austria in 1866. He won
the Iron Cross for bravery in the
Franco-Prussian War and repre-
sented his regiment at the signing
of the Treaty of Versailles (1871).
Elevated to the Prussian general
staff in 1878, Hindenburg served
with merit. In 1903, he was promoted to lieu-
Paul von Hindenburg {left)
tenant general. Hindenburg retired from the
army in 1911 and went to Hanover. the Allies against Germany. When the tide

When World War I began in 1914, went against Germany in 1918, Ludendorff
Hindenburg asked for and received an impor- resigned, leaving Hindenburg in authority. The
tant field command, defending East Prussia field marshal presided quietly over the end of
against the invasion of two Russian armies. the war in 1919 and retired to his estate, still

Hindenburg teamed with Erich von highly regarded by the German people.

Ludendorff, his chief of staff The two were a In 1925, he accepted an effort to draft his

remarkable military duo. Hindenburg was cau- services and ran for president of the Weimar
tious and methodical, while Ludendorff was Republic. He was elected and served as a mod-
lightning-quick and sometimes rash. The two erate and judicious head of state from 1926 to

men masterminded brilliant victories over the 1934.

Russians at Tannenberg and the Masurian Hindenburg met the final challenge
Lakes. of his life Adolf Hitler when he was too old

By 1915, Hindenburg was a field marshal to shape events. The Nazi leader ran against

and commander-in-chief on the German east- Hindenburg in the 1932 presidential elections.

ern front. He won another impressive victory Even though Hindenburg won, he had to

at Lodz, and in August 1916 he replaced Erich accept Hitler as chancellc)r of the Reich in

von Falkenhayn as chief of the Prussian gener- January 1933.

al staff Von Hindenburg and Ludendorff Hitler ran the nation during the last year of

joined forces again. Kaiser Wilhelm II became Hindenburg's life. He used Hindenburg's
something of a figurehead as the two military name and reputation to lend credence to the

men masterminded Germany's moves from Nazi movement, acting as if the old Prussian

1916 to 1918. values espoused by men such as Hindenburg

The two soldiers made at least one clear stood behind the Nazi regime. In fact, they did

blunder: their decision to use unrestricted sub- not, but Hindenburg was unable to demon-
marine warfare caused the United States to join strate this reality prior to his death in 1934.

nn Heihachiro Togo
O/. (1848-1934)

The greatest Japanese naval leader of mod- Togo's greatest triumph came August 27
ern times was born in Kyushu, Japan. Raised and 28, 1905, at the Battle of Tshushima
amidst the turmoil created by U.S. com- Straits. A large Russian fleet had sailed from
modore Oliver H. Perry's "opening up" the Baltic Sea to the Sea of Japan. The smaller
of Japan to the West, Heihachiro Togo but better-armed Japanese fleet completely
joined the Satsuma provincial navy in 1866. outmaneuvered and defeated the Russians.
Four years later, he entered the new imperial Togo lost only 117 men and three torpedo
Japanese navy as a cadet and went to England boats, while killing 4,830 enemy soldiers
for seven years ol training in naval tactics and capturing the entire Russian fleet.

(1871-1878). He greatly admired Admiral The hero of the war, Togo was made a count
Horatio Nelson (see no. 66) and made it a (1907) and given the title admiral of the fleet

point to travel to Cape Trafalgar to see the (1913); he was also made a marquis (1934).
site of his hero's greatest victory. He did not serve in World War I, but the men
Togo supervised the building of the Yamoto, who did had been his pupils. Made a perma-
one of Japan's first modern warships, and he nent member ol the Imperial General Staff,
served as its first commander. He created an Togo remained one of the most revered leaders

international stir by firing upon and sinking a in Japan until his death in 1934. He was the
British steamer during the start of the first Japanese man not of the royal lineage to be
Japanese-Chinese War in 1894. The British honored with a national funeral.

ship was found to be carrying Chinese troops;

therefore, Togo was not reprimanded for his

Togo began heading the Advanced Naval
College in 1896 and was made commander
of the new naval base at Sasebo in 1899. In
1900, he observed the Russian ships during the
police actions ot the Boxer Rebellion in China
and concluded they were less efficient than was
generally believed. When war between Russia
and Japan became imminent in 1903, Togo
was made commander-in-chief of the Imperial
Navy, flying his flag aboard the ship Mikasa.
Following orders from his high command,
Togo fired the first shots of the Russo-Japanese
War, sending torpedo boats into the harbor of
Port Arthur to attack the Russian ships there
on February 6, 1904. Foreshadowing Pearl

Harbor, this sneak attack gave the initiative to

the Japanese, who never relinquished it during

the war. Togo's naval blockade of Port Arthur
and Vladivostok secured communications
between the Japanese home islands and the war
Heihachiro Togo
efforts in Korea and Manchuria.

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no Ferdinand Foch
Od. (1851-1929)

Known for his audacity and belief in a

relendess offense, Ferdinand Foch was born
in Tarbes, Hautes-Pyrenees, France. He studied
at the Ecole Pol)T:echnique and became a lieu-
tenant of artillery in 1873. Foch believed in the
rules of war established by Napoleon (see no.

67), but he failed to appreciate the difference

that machine guns and trench warfare would
make on the batdefield in the future.
Foch was already a general when World War
I began. He led his men in an inspired defense
of the St. Gond area during the critical Battle
of the Marne (September 6-9, 1914). During
the "race to the sea" that followed the Marne,
he won the admiration of General Joseph Joffre
of France, who became his patron. Joffre sent
Foch north to coordinate movements of the
French, British, and Belgian armies, no small
task given their differences in language and
Foch commanded the northern army group
during 1915 and 1916. He was criticized by
his allies for his troop allotments during the
German gas attack at Ypres, and he failed to
Ferdinand Foch
make any noticeable gains during the Somme
campaign (1916). The lowest point of Foch's to establish his dominance in the relationship,
career came when Joffre was removed from but he had to accept the fact that the two mil-
overall command, but Foch bounced back to lion American soldiers were essential to the war
prominence when Joffre's replacement was effort. Foch planned and coordinated the
himself replaced by General Henri Petain (see tremendous allied offensives that broke the
no. 84). Foch became chief of the general staff Siegfried Line on the German border and
in 1917. brought the German diplomats to the peace
Germany made an enormous effort to break table. Foch himself dictated the terms of the
the deadlock early in 1918. During a collapse armistice to the Germans in a railway car
in the allied line, French and British leaders at Compiegne on November 11, 1918. It

agreed to name Foch "generalissimo" of the was sweet satisfaction for the man who had
combined forces. Belgium and the United witnessed his nation's defeat in the Franco-
States followed suit, making Foch the supreme Prussian War 48 years earlier.
allied commander for the rest of the war. Foch was disappointed by the Treaty of
The German attacks faltered in June, and by Versailles; he believed it was too soft on the
July Foch was on the offensive everywhere. He Germans. He made a tour of the United States
disagreed frequently with General John in 1921 and received numerous honors from
Pershing of the United States. Foch wanted various countries prior to his death.

n/| Henri Philippe Petain
04. (1856-1951)

First a great hero and then a tragic collabo- retirement and was named premier of France
rator, Henri Petain came to symbolize much of on June 16. Rather than flee to an allied coun-
what was both noble and perverse in France try or urge a fight to the death, Petain signed

during the two world wars. an armistice, and then a peace treaty, with the
He graduated from the military academy at Germans. He was allowed to govern the unoc-
St. Cyr in 1887. The French army was demor- cupied zone of France.
alized by its defeat in the Franco-Prussian War Petain earned the contempt, and even
of 1870; the French people wanted revenge, hatred, of many people during his time as chief
and military thinking at the time emphasized a of the Vichy government (1940-1944). He
vigorous offense by infantrymen. Petain dis- urged his countrymen to quietly endure the
agreed with this notion, which was one reason Nazi occupation at a time when many French
he had risen only to colonel by the time World people yearned to join the Resistance move-
War I began in 1914. ment. Petain and his fellow collaborators
French offensives stumbled badly in 1914, helped the Germans find labor conscripts in
and, as a new emphasis on careful planning France, and thousands of French Jews were
and defensive fighting gained favor, Petain rose turned over to the Nazis.
in leadership. He became a full general in 1916 After the Allies won World War II, Petain
and then commander of the Second Army. In was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.

February 1916, Petain was named commander President Charles De Gaulle commuted the
of the French forces defending the fortress of sentence to life imprisonment.
Verdun against the Germans. Petain told his
troops, "/A ne passeront pas" ("They shall not
pass"), and he was as good as his word. Both
sides suffered tremendous losses during the
six-month battle, but the French held their

In May 1917, Petain became commander-

in-chief of the French army. He was passed
over by General Ferdinand Foch (see no. 83)
for supreme allied commander in 1918, but he
remained in charge of the French army until
the end of the war.
A hero to his countrymen, Petain served
briefly as a minister of war and then as an
ambassador to Spain between World War I and
World War II. He urged the construction of
the Maginot Line to defend France; the line
was never completed, leaving France vulnera-
ble to an attack through Belgium.
In May 1940, Adolf Hitler's forces

struck at France. The speed of their offense

(especially their tanks) won the battle over

Henri Phillipe Petain
France within the month. Petain came out of

nr John Pershing
OU. (1860-1948)

America's military leader in World War I

came from the prairie hamlet of Laclede,

Missouri. John Pershing worked on his father's

farm and taught at a country school while still

in his teens. He went to the U.S. Military

Academy at West Point, and he graduated as

senior cadet captain in 1 886.

Pershing became a cavalry lieutenant. He
fought against Geronimo (see no. 79) of the
Apache nation and also fought against the
Sioux nation during his early military years.
Pershing then taught military tactics at

the University of Nebraska (1893-1897).

He demonstrated his valor in the Spanish-
American War and won a Silver Star for gal-

lantry in combat.
Pershing served in the Philippines
(1901-1903) and as an official U.S. observer
during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905).
Deeply impressed by Pershing's reports, U.S.

president Theodore Roosevelt promoted him

from captain to brigadier general in 1906,
bypassing 862 senior officers. Pershing served
three more years in the Philippines and then
was sent to the Mexican border in 1915.

He pursued the Mexican revolutionary John Pershing

Francisco "Pancho" Villa into Mexican territo- Made a full general in 1917, Pershing over-

ry. Returning from the foray, Pershing was saw the creation and deployment of a two-mil-
named commander of the American lion-person U.S. Army. His men won the cru-
Expeditionary Force, which the United cial battles of Belleau Wood and Chateau
States sent to the European battlefields in Thierry, stopping the last German offensive.

World War I. Pershing coordinated a huge U.S. offensive in

Pershing arrived in France in June 1917, the Meuse-Argonne area in the last weeks of

and his presence allowed Charles E. Stanton to the war.

visit the grave of the Marquis de Lafayette and Named general of the armies in 1919,
declare, "Lafayette, we are here," on July 4, Pershing returned home to tremendous praise

1917. Determined to keep U.S. troops togeth- from the U.S. public and government. He
er as a separate army, Pershing clashed loudly hoped to be asked to run for the prcsidenc}' in

and often with both British and French leaders. 1920 but was not, so he retired horn the army
Their calls for him to be replaced went in 1924 and served as chairperson oi the Battle
unheeded; the grim, effective Pershing Monuments Commission for the rest of his

remained the leader of his nation's forces in life. Pershing died in Washington, D.C., and
Europe. was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

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nn Bernard Montgomery
OD. (1887-1976)

Known as "Monty" to his soldiers, Bernard Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States.
Law Montgomery compiled a long list of The British, U.S., Canadian, and Australian
accomplishments during half a century in the units that landed in Normandy on D-Day
Montgomery graduated from the
British army. (June 6, 1944) made slow progress at first.

Royal Military Academy in 1908 and was Feelings of resentment grew between
commissioned as an infantry lieutenant. He Montgomery and some of the allied comman-
served in France and Belgium during World ders, notably U.S. general George Patton (see
War I and received the Distinguished Service no. 91). Montgomery's planning went awry at
Order after he was wounded. the Battle ol Arnhem in September, where six

Montgomery rose to major general and was thousand airborne troops were lost. Having
in command of a division in British-held been criticized for this loss, Montgomery
Palestine at the start of World War II. He spared no opportunity to chastise the
was immediately transferred to France, Americans for their initial defeats in the Battle
where he evacuated the Third Division out of the Bulge (December 1944).
of Dunkirk in 1940. He began a program Montgomery was raised to field marshal
of intensive training for his men, aimed at (1944), and when the war ended he became
turning them into troops that could meet chief of the Imperial General Staff He later

and defeat their German counterparts. served as deputy to Eisenhower at the North
In August 1942, Prime Minister Winston Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). What
Churchill selected Montgomery to take com- had begun as a friendly rivalry between the two
mand of the British troops in Africa. Taking men escalated over the years into a bitter rela-
charge after Britain's loss of Tobruk to General tionship, as each lambasted the other in his
Erwin Rommel of Germany (see no. 94), memoirs of the war years. Certainly the great-

Montgomery remained on the defensive at est British general of the twentieth century,
first. He built up a formidable strike force in Montgomery lacked the tact and subtlety
Egypt. After Rommel's attacks failed to pene- for positions that required close coordination
trate the British perimeter, Montgomery went with allied forces.

on the offensive. The resulting Battle of El

Alamein (October 1942) was
the first major loss in the field

inflicted on the Germans dur-

ing the war. Montgomery's
meticulous preparation and
execution in North Africa
earned him a knighthood
and promotion to lull general.

Montgomery led the British

troops in the Allied invasion ol

Sicily in 1943. He was selected
as the ground commander of
the European invasion force,
but the position of supreme
commander went to General Bernard Montgomery

n~i Douglas Ma
0 /. (1880-1964)

Douglas MacArthur was born in an the attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7,

army barracks in Little Rock, Arkansas. His 1941). After a futile effort to defend the
father was a general, and MacArthur never left, vowing "I shall return."
archipelago, he
considered any career other than the military. MacArthur became supreme commander of
He graduated first in his class at the U.S. the southwest Pacific ground forces in April
Military Academy at West Point in 1903 and 1942. After taking steps to protect Australia
entered the army corps of engineers. A major from invasion, he led U.S. troops in the "island
when World War I began, he led the famous hopping" campaigns that brought him back to
42nd "Rainbow" Division and was twice the Philippines in 1944, as promised. Had the
wounded. Promoted to brigadier general war continued after the use of the atomic
by the end of the war, he then served as the bomb, he would have led Operation Downfall,
youngest superintendent ever of West Point the projected invasion of the Japanese main-
(1919-1923). land. He had the satisfaction of accepting the
MacArthur's life and career were inextrica- Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri
bly intertwined with the Philippine Islands, (September 2, 1945).

where his father had served before him. As supreme commander of the Allied occu-
MacArthur came to love the islands during a pation of Japan from 1945 to 1951,
tour of duty there in the 1920s. He then served MacArthur held vast power, which he used
as chief of staff of the U.S. Army. He officially with judgment and skill. MacArthur estab-

retired from the army in 1937 and went to the lished a liberal democracy, abolished the nobil-
Philippines as a military adviser. ity, and revived Japanese industry, starting the

The start of World War II saw MacArthur recovery process that would make Japan into
back on active duty on the islands. His air force an economic superpower by the 1980s.
was stricken by the Japanese only hours after When the Korean War broke out, he was
given command of the U.S. and United
Nations forces that were defending South
Korea. MacArthur planned and executed a
brilliant and daring amphibious landing at

Inchon behind the lines of the North Korean

troops. Hismovement led to a wholesale rout,

and he vowed to chase the North Koreans into

China itself

MacArthur's belief in final victory proved

premature. China intervened in the war
and hurled the U.S. forces back southward.

MacArthur called on President Harry Truman

to use nuclear weapons if necessary; Truman
refused. After MacArthur proceeded to make
his feelings about the war public, Truman
removed him from command on April 11,

1951. MacArthur then returned to the United

States, which he had not seen since the start of
Douglas MacArthur
World War II.

nn William Halsey, Jr.
00. (1882-1959)

attacked the Japanese at Wake Island early in

1942. Even more important for U.S. morale,
he brought the USS Hornet within 800 miles
(1,287 km) of Japan. Lieutenant Colonel
James Doolittle launched his B-25 bombers
from the aircraft carrier's deck and led the first

aerial bombing of Tokyo on April 18, 1942. As

the United States rallied from the destruction
ol Pearl Harbor, Halsey became a household
word; newspapers began to him "Bull." call

In October 1942, Halsey was named com-

mander of the South Pacific Force and pro-
moted to full admiral that November. He
defeated the Japanese in key naval battles off
the island of Guadalcanal. His victories there
gave the momentum in the Pacific to the
United States.

Halsey rose to commander of the Third

Fleet and the Western Pacific Task Forces in
1944. He directed the first carrier attack
against an inland enemy flight station in

the Philippines and supported the invasion

William Halsey, Jr.
of the islands by General Douglas MacArthur
William "Bull" Halsey, Jr. led the U.S. Navy (see no. 87).

in many of the most important battles of His most controversial battle was in Leyte
World War II. Halsey was the son of a naval Gulf (1944). Halsey was lured away fiom the
officer. He graduated from the U.S. Naval battle area by a decoy Japanese force. This

Academy at Annapolis (1904) and sailed board allowed the main Japanese fleet to enter the
the "Great White Fleet" as a midshipman. gulf and attack U.S. ships there. Despite being
Halsey commanded destroyers in convoy drawn away, Halsey directed his planes in the

escort duty across the North Atlantic in World attack and they sank four Japanese carriers.
War I and was awarded the Navy Cross. After After this rocky start to the battle, the United
becoming a specialist in torpedo warfare, he States won the most impressive naval victory of
commanded groups of destroyers, and then the war.
groups of aircraft carriers, during the 1920s Halsey directed his fleet in the carrier attack
and 1930s. He also attended flight school, on Okinawa, and his planes struck again and
earning the wings of a naval aviator at the age again at the Japanese mainland, including
of fifty-two. Tokyo. The Japanese surrender was conducted
When World War II began, Halsey was aboard his flagship, the USS Missouri, although
a vice-admiral in command of the aircraft car- it was General MacArthur who led the U.S.

rier USS Enterprise. Away from Pearl Harbor, delegation.

he escaped the Japanese attack of December 7, Promoted to fleet admiral in 1945, Halsey

1941. Not content to defend in the Pacific, he retired from the navy in 1947.

nn isoruku Yamamoto
00. (1884-1943)

The sixth son of a school principal, Isoruku

Yamamoto was born in Nagoaka, Honshu,
Japan. He graduated from the Imperial Naval
Academy in 1904 and entered the navy in time
for the Russo-Japanese War. He was wounded
in the critical Battle of Tsushima Straits

Yamamoto spent four years in the United
States (1919-1921 and 19251927) as a

naval attache. He recognized the awesome

potential of American industry, but he believed
that in a conflict, the moral superiority ot the

Japanese would prevail. Yamamoto command-

ed the carrier Akagi (1928-1929) and was
given command of Carrier Division One in
1933. He served as navy minister (1936-1938)
and became chief of the Combined Fleet in

As war with the United States became more
likely, Yamamoto pressed his fellow members
of the Japanese high command to consider a

preemptive strike. Believing that one swift

blow would disable the U.S. fleet and devastate
American morale, Yamamoto developed the
plans for the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.
Isoruku Yamamoto

His policy seemed vindicated at first. The a crucial moment, U.S. fighters caught
attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) hundreds of Japanese planes refueling on the
was followed by the capture of the Philippines decks of their carriers. Four Japanese carriers

and the Japanese conquest of much of south- were lost that day, ending Japans domination
east Asia. Yamamoto was nervous, however, of the seas.

bombardment of
over the possibility of a U.S. his cause was now hope-
Although he knew
the Japanese mainland, and he decided on a less,Yamamoto continued the fight.
second great attack that would eliminate the He made a mistake in allowing Japan to
U.S. Navy from the Pacific Ocean. be dragged into the fight for the island of
Yamamoto left Japanese waters with the Guadalcanal; precious Japanese resources
bulk of the navy in May 1942. Unaware were soon consumed by the battle. Yamamoto
that the U.S. military had just succeeded in flew to the area to inspect the fight for the
breaking the Japanese communications code, Solomon Islands, but he died when his

Yamamoto steamed toward Midway Island to plane was shot down by U.S. fighters over
disperse the U.S. there. Instead, he was met the Shortland Islands. Brilliant and devoted to
and attacked by two groups of U.S. carriers his nation's cause, Yamamoto had nevertheless

sent to intercept him. The Battle of Midway made strategic errors that brought Japan to the

(June 1942) could have gone either way, but at brink of disaster by the time ot his death.

nn Chester Nimitz
uU. (1885-1966)

Born in Fredericksburg, Texas, Chester naval forces went on to capture Iwo Jima and
Nimitz worked from the age of eight and want- Okinawa in 1945. Nimitz chose his subordi-
ed to attend the U.S. Military Academy at nates with great care and then gave them as
West Point. Faihng to reaHze that goal, he went much latitude as he could. He chose to allow
to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis and his fleet commanders, William Halsey and
graduated seventh in his class in 1905. Raymond Spruance, to conduct the battles. He
After two years of routine duty, Nimitz did not want his presence to hinder their
went to the Philippines and commanded choices or initiative during the battles. Keeping
the destroyer USS Decatur. Nimitz's ship watch over the fray, he stayed at his command
ran aground, and he was court-martialed stations, first at Pearl Harbor, and later on
and found guilty. Remarkably, Nimitz was Guam.
let off with a reprimand, and the career Nimitz served as chief of naval operations
of the future leader of the U.S. Navy was there- from 1945 to 1947, and he was later a good-
by saved. will ambassador for the United Nations
After 1908, Nimitz specialized in the devel- (1949-1952), but he never formally retired

opment and use of diesel engines. Nimitz was from the navy. He died at the naval station
chief of staff to the Command Submarine on Verba Buena Island in San Francisco Bay.
Force of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet throughout
World War I. During the long period between
the two world wars, he became a rear admiral,

commanded a battleship division, and became

chief of the Naval Bureau of Navigation.
WTien World War II began, Nimitz was
called to the office of the secretary of the navy.

After consulting Nimitz on navigation matters.

Secretary Knox was so impressed that he sent
Nimitz to the Pacific as admiral of the Pacific
Fleet. In 1942, Nimitz rose to the rank of com-
mander-in-chief of the Pacific Ocean areas. As
such, he was the equal of two other high com-
manders in the war Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Douglas MacArthur (see no. 87).

Nimitz positioned his carrier fleet to take

advantage of the Japanese attack at Midway

in 1942. He won that desperate battle, sinking
or disabling four Japanese carriers. In

November 1943, he directed a new, shorter

line of attack across the Pacific that caught the
Japanese defenders flat-footed. Fie supported
General MacArthur's invasion of the
Philippines (1944) and was in overall com-
mand during the battles of Pacific Sea (June Chester Nimitz
1944) and Leyte Gulf (October 1944). His

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ni George Patton
0 1 .

Born in San Gabriel, California, George S.

Patton, Jr., was the grandson of Confederate

military leaders. He attended Virginia Military
Institute before going to the U.S. Military
Academy at West Point. He graduated in 1909
and was commissioned as a cavalry lieutenant.

Patton's first chance to obtain recognition

came when he served as aide to General John
Pershing (see no. 85) in the chase after

Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. Patton

personally cornered and killed one of Villa's
Patton went with Pershing to Europe in
1917 and served as the commanding officer of
the general's headquarters. He also was one of
the first officers named to enter the new tanks
corps created late in World War I. Patton was
wounded in the Meuse-Argonne offensive
As World War II approached, he was pro-
moted to two-star general (1941). Patton was

given command of the First Armored Corps.

He played a prominent role in the Allied
landings in North Africa in 1942. George Patton
After the Battle of Kasserine Pass, he was made his tanks and troops all the way to Nancy and
commander of the Second Armored Corps. Metz, bypassing Paris, before running out of
Ordered to find a solution to the mobile war- gas and supplies.

fare practiced by German general Erwin During the Battle of the Bulge (December
Rommel (see no. 94), Patton became a practi- 1944), Patton raced northward with the Third
tioner of the same art. Army, relieved the key city ol Bastogne, and
He led the Allied invasion that cleared the doomed the German offensive. Patton's troops

Germans from Sicily in thirty-eight days, and crossed the Rhine River in March 1945, and he
he was near the height of his career when he entered Czechoslovakia by the time the war
brought criticism to himself aft:er he slapped a ended.
U.S. soldier in a hospital. The man was recov- Named military governor of Bavaria, Patton
ering from shell shock; Patton claimed the sol- proved completely unsuited to such an admin-
dier was malingering but later issued an apolo- istrative post. He openly preferred the

gy for his action. Germans to the Soviets and hinted he would

Patton became commander of the Third like to campaign against Russia in the future.

Army in England (March 1944). He landed Due to these intemperate statements, Patton
with his men at Normandy and led the famous was removed from command of the Third
"breakout" that equaled any of the German Army that October. Patton died in Heidelberg,

blitzkrieg campaigns in its audacity. Patton led Germany, after an auto accident later that year.

no Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-shek, the man who finally the Communists so effectively that they gave
lost China to the Communists, was born in up their positions and undertook the "Long
Chikou, the son of a salt merchant who had March" to safety in the north.

built a modest fortune. He was educated at the Chiang soon faced another threat, this one
government military college at Paoting. from Japan. The Japanese invaded China in
Chiang spent the years from 1907 to 1911 1937 and overran large sections of territory
in Japan, training with the efficient Japanese along the coast. Chiang and the Nationalists
military that had established its reputation held out during the long period of Japanese
in the Russo-Japanese War. ascendancy. Only the entry of the United
In 1911, Chiang joined the forces ol revo- States into World War II brought effective
lution and reform in China. He fought relief and the prospect of final success.

in Shanghai during the conflict that led to Chiang remained commander-in-chief of

the end of the Manchu Dynasty. Chiang sup- the Nationalists throughout the war.
ported the new republican government lound- After World War II ended, Chiang again
ed in 1911, and in 1918, he joined the went to war with the Chinese Communists.
Kuomintang, the revolutionary government He lost the battle in the countryside, where
led by Sun Yat-Sen. millions of peasants heard more hope in the

Chiang studied military tactics in messages of Mao Tse-Tung (see no. 95) than in
Russia during 1923 and returned to China Chiang's. He resigned as president in 1949 and
determined to reform the Nationalist army fled to the island of Taiwan. Soon resuming his

along the lines of the Soviet army. He directed presidency, Chiang became head of the
the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924, and Chinese national government in exile. The
after the death of Sun Yat-Sen in 1925, he United Nations recognition of mainland
became commander of the northern expedi- China in 1972 was a bitter blow to Chiang and
tionary forces. Chiang's assignment was to sub- the Nationalists he led. He died in Taipei.
due the five major warlords who
dominated northern China.
Chiang carried out a military
coup on March 20, 1926, against the
Chinese Communists who had pre-
viously cooperated with the
Kuomintang. He then went north
and captured Peking in 1928.
In 1930, Chiang undertook hero-
ic efforts to destroy what he-

saw as the greatest threat to China

the Communists within. Five times
he tried to encircle them in their
strongholds in the Jin Giang
Mountains of southern China. In
late 1933, he assembled a 700,000-
man army. Using methods learned
Chiang Kai-shek {left)
from a German advisor, he harried

no Heinz Cuderian
OJ. (1888-1954)

Little is known of the early years of

Germany's foremost advocate of blitzkrieg war-
fare. Heinz Guderian was born in Kulm,
Germany (present-day Chelmno, Poland).
He was commissioned into a Hanoverian
rifle battalion in 1908 and then transferred
to become a communications officer. During
World War I, he commanded a radio station.
After the war ended, Guderian became
deeply involved in the rebuilding of the
German military. Convinced that motorized
vehicles would bring about great changes
in warfare, he called for changes in tactics.

Guderian especially believed that the static

trench warfare of World War I would soon
be obsolete.
In 1931, Guderian was given command of a
motorized battalion. When threeGerman
panzer (tank) divisions were created in 1935,
Guderian was named to command one. He Heinz Guderian
also found time to write a book, Achtung! ated from the continent. By this time,
Panzer!, during 1936 and 1937. Guderian Guderian was called "father of the Panzer divi-
became chief of all mobile German troops sions."
in 1938. In 1941, Guderian commanded the Second
At the start of World War II, most Panzerarmee (tank army) in its thrust into
European planners anticipated a long, drawn- Russia; he gained immense victories
out war. Instead, the lightning speed of the by isolating and enveloping Russian forces.

German armored units stunned the Poles, Guderian, however, had reached his high-water
and Germany conquered Poland in only six mark; Hitler replaced him in December 1941
weeks. This success proved Guderian's military for withdrawing without confirmation of his

philosophy, and he was given the task of plan- intentions from Berlin.
ning the coming campaign against France. It Guderian passed an uneventful two and
also confirmed his key motto: "Klotzern, nicht a half years before he was summoned to
^/iT^f-m" ("Smash, don't tap"). serve as chief of the army general staff

Guderian himself led an army corps into (July 1944-March 1945). In the melee
France in the spring of 1940. The stunning chat followed the breakdown of the German
German successes there were even greater than eastern front, Guderian was again summarily
he had hoped for, and his nervous superiors replaced by Hitler.
back in Berlin became anxious that he might Although Guderian was complicit in the
exceed his directives. Hitler himself called a arrest and shooting of many Soviet Red Army
halt to the offensive a short distance from prisoners, contrary to the Geneva agreements,
Dunkirk, where the Germans might have he was never brought to trial. He died near
destroyed the British army before it was evacu- Fussen, Bavaria.

n/i Erwin Rommel

Erwin Rommel personified chivalry came in Normandy on June 6, 1944, Rommel

and courage in an age of warfare that was gen- had two armored units close at hand. He was
erally characterized by brutality. He was born unable to use them, however, until four o'clock
in Heidenheim, Wurttemberg, and joined the in the afternoon, when they were given per-
German infantry as an officer cadet in 1910. mission by Hitler's phone call. By then it was
Commissioned a second lieutenant in 1912, he too late; the Allies had come ashore to stay.

served in France, Romania, and Italy during Hoping against hope, Rommel fought on
World War I. for a month before he was wounded by Allied
Rommel was a military instructor at the aircraft fire while in his automobile. Taken
Dresden Infantry School (1929-1933) and to Berlin, he was implicated in the effort to

Potsdam War Academy (1935-1938). Still remove Hitler from power. On October 14,

a junior officer, he first came to prominence 1944, he was visited at his home by two gener-
when he was given responsibility for Adolf als who offered him a choice: he could either
Hitler's safety during Hitler's triumphal ride take poison and remain a great hero,
through Prague in 1938. Rommel held this or he could take his chance with a "people's
duty again during the German invasion of trial. " Rommel made his choice and took poi-
Poland in 1939. son, dying to protect his family. The
Promoted to major general on the eve of Nazi government pretended he had died
World War II, Rommel commanded the 7th from his woimds, and Hitler announced a
Panzer Division in the invasion of France in day of national mourning for the fallen hero.
1940. His brilliance as a battlefield leader was
recognized by Hitler, and in 1941, Rommel
was sent to Libya to command the German-
Italian forces there.

During two years in North Africa

(1941-1943), Rommel fought against numer-
ically superior forces, dealt with his inadequate
supply lines (especially after the British used
Malta as an air base), and received conflicting
orders from Berlin. Using his personal mag-
netism to infuse his troops with hope and
drive, he outmaneuvered and defeated the
British several times, finally capturing Tobruk
in 1942. His string of successes came to an end
at El Alamein, where he was defeated by
General Bernard Montgomery (see no. 86) of
Recalled to Germany in 1943, Rommel was
given command of all German forces from the
Netherlands to the Loire River. He worked
ceaselessly to fortify the French coast against an
Allied invasion but knew the tremendous odds
Erwin Rommel
against him. When the Allied D-Day invasion

nr Mao Tse-Tung
OU. (1893-1976)

The leader of the Chinese Communist

Party, Mao Tse-Tung won the Chinese Civil
War. His truly drastic policies decisively
shaped China during the twentieth century.
During Mao's youth and adolescence, China
had thrown off the rule of the Manchu
(Ch'ing) Dynasty and created a republic.
Mao joined the Chinese Marxist Party in
1920. He and 11 others founded the Chinese
Communist Party in 1921. For several years,
Mao and his followers cooperated with the
Chinese Nationalists, led by General Chiang
Kai-shek (see no. 92). In 1927, Chiang carried
out a sudden coup against the communists.
Mao quickly became a military leader out of
necessity. For the next twenty-two years, Mao
would focus on rural China and the common
peasants as the bulwark of the Communist

Mao commanded perhaps 10,000 men in

1928, but by the early 1930s, that figure had Mao stayed on the sidelines during the
risen to nearly 300,000. Mao and his followers, Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). He perceived
however, were under constant attack from Chiang and the Nationalists as his true enemy.
Chiang's Nationalist forces. After the conclusion of World War II and the
Mao's response was to initiate and lead the eviction ol the Japanese from China, the com-
"Long March." Commencing on October 16, munists and Nationalists continued their con-
1934, Mao led 86,000 Chinese communists flict. Chiang and the Nationalists held on to
on a daring, apparently suicidal, retreat from the cities, but Mao and the communists gained
the JinGiang Mountains north through the control of the entire countryside. Chiang fled

Hunan, Kweichow, and Szechwan provinces. to Taiwan, and in 1949, Mao marched into
The communists crossed eighteen mountain Peking as the leader of a new communist
ranges six of them snow-covered twenty- nation.
four rivers, and vast swamps on their march Mao led China through the Cold War.
north. They also eluded Chiang's forces. It is He signed a treaty with the Soviet Union in

believed that only 4,000 of the original 86,000 1950 and sent his troops across the Y;ilu

troops reached their destination in northern River into the Korean War later that year.

Shensai province in October 1935; many oth- Mao directed the start of the "Great Leap
ers dropped out along the way. The march, Forward "
(1958) and the Cultural Revolution
however, brought national and international (1966-1969). He reversed an old policy in
attention to the communists, and their num- 1971 and welcomed President Richard Nixon
bers were soon swollen by recruits. The epic of the United States to China. At the time ot
journey also made Mao Tse-Tung the indelible his death, Mao was the most revered leader in

leader of Chinese communism. the communist world.

nn Georgi Zhukov
OD. (1896-1974)

Georgi Zhukov was born in a village at Stalingrad in 1942, and he was prominent in
in Kaluga Province, southwest of Moscow. the relief of Leningrad. Made a full marshal of
He joined the Novgorad dragoons in 1915, the Soviet Union, Zhukov led the troops that

rose to sergeant, and twice received the St. captured Berlin in April 1945, ending the war.
George's Cross. Zhukov served as deputy minister of
After learning military tactics in the Czar's defense in 1946 but was relieved suddenly by
army, Zhukov joined the new Red Army when Stalin. Sent to an obscure post at Odessa, he
the Bolshevik Revolution brought down the languished in semi-retirement until he was
czar. He advanced rapidly in the communist reinstated in 1952. He played an important
forces, rising to squadron commander by part in ensuring that Nikita Kruschev came
1922.Zhukov attended the Frunze Military to power in 1955, but he was ousted by the
Academy from 1928 to 1931, commanded a premier in October 1957. The greatest Russian

division of troops by 1934, and advanced to leader during the Great Patrioic War (the

corps commander in 1936. Russian name for World War II), Zhukov
Zhukov managed to avoid the terrible showed how a humble peasant could rise and
purges carried out by Joseph Stalin during the fall under the Soviet system.
late 1930s. He was sent east in 1939 to meet a
threat from Japan. Zhukov planned and car-

ried out a brilliant battle strategy that cost the

Japanese sixty thousand casualties in the

Khalkin-Gol campaign, thereby ensuring that
Russia's eastern front would remain quiet
throughout most of World War II. He became
chief of staff of the Soviet Army in 1940 and
was made a full general the same year.

Zhukov played an active role in retraining

and reshaping the Soviet Army after its defi-

ciencies were shown in the Russo-Finnish War

of 1939 and 1940. Like Stalin, Zhukov was
lulled to sleep as far as the Germans were con-
cerned; the Nazi invasion of Russia in June
1941 took him thoroughly by surprise.
As Russia fought for survival against the

German invaders, Zhukov played increasingly

larger roles. He commanded the defense of the

central and Leningrad fronts in 1941 and orga-
nized the reserve units that stopped the
Germans just short of Moscow in December
1941. Zhukov received the title of first deputy
commissar for defense, meaning that after
Premier Stalin, he was the overall commander
of the Soviet war effort. Zhukov organized,
Georgi Zhuki
though he did not carry out the counterattack

n~7 ifo Nguyen Giap
0/. (1912-)

Vo Nguyen Giap was born in An Xa village

in Quanbinh Province, Vietnam. Coming
from an impoverished Mandarin family, he
studied at a French school and earned a law
degree from Hanoi University.
He joined the communist-nationalist group
led by Ho Chi Minh around 1930 and became
one of its "inner circle" members. Giap joined
Ho Chi Minh in China during World War II.

Giap then returned Vietnam and orga-


nized a revolutionary army in the northern

highlands. Determined to push out the
French, he called for a massive insurrection.
The Vietnamese revolution was partially
successful. The communists held the highland
areas, but the French clung to at least half the

country. As leader of the Vietnamese army, and

later as defense minister from 1954 to 1980,
Giap refined the principles of guerrilla warfare
he had learned in China.
Giap directed major attacks against the
French in 1950. The communists gained con-
siderable ground, but in 1951, the French
regained most of the lost areas in counterat-

Giap then set a trap. It took three years

for him to lure the French into committing the
Vo Nguyen Giap
best of theirarmy to an exposed region, the
fortress of Dien Bien Phu. Giap directed reputation as a soldier stood behind it.

100,000 peasants in movements that brought Although the North Vietnamese lost thou-
howitzers and mortars to the area. He assem- sands of lives throwing themselves against
bled a massive Vietnamese army and com- South Vietnamese and U.S. installations, the

menced the siege on March 12, 1954. The sur- overall effect was to lower the willingness of
render of Dien Bien Phu broke the back of many Americans to continue the war.

French resistance. By the time the Vietnam Wxr ended in

The hero of the revolution against the 1975, with U.S. troops in flight, much of
French, Giap soon had to confront the demo- the direction of the war had passed to General
cratic government in South Vietnam, one that Van Tien Dung. Giap remained the grand old
was supported by the power of the United man of the Vietnam military. He had good rea-
States. Giap directed the North Vietnamese son to be proud. His poorly equipped guerrilla
troops during the long war, from 1963 to warriors had defeated France, South Vietnam,
1975. It is unclear whether the idea for the Tet and the United States in a protracted struggle

offensive in 1968 was initially his own, but his of more than thirty years.

nn Benjamin o. Davis, Jr.
UO. (1912-2002)

Born in Washington, D.C., Benjamin O. Davis became the first African-American

Davis, Jr. was the son of a mihtary officer. In promoted to lieutenant general (1965), and he
1940, Davis became the first African-American served as chief of staff ol the U.S. forces in
to achieve the rank of general. Korea from 1965 to 1968. At the time of his

Davis attended the University of retirement from the service in 1970, he was the
Chicago before going to the U.S. Military senior African-American officer in the U.S.
Academy at West Point. Because he suffered armed forces. He later served as assistant secre-
the "silent treatment" there, none of his class- tary of transportation (1971-1975) and argued
mates roomed or ate with him, and he was passionately for the 55-mile- (88-km-) per-
never spoken to unless it was an order. Davis hour speed limit on interstate highways
graduated 35 out of a class of 276 in 1936. His to save both lives and fuel.

high placement allowed him to select the ser- Davis was a remarkable individual who
vice of his choice, and he chose the air force. chose to ignore the prejudice and insults

He was told, however, that African-Americans directed against him. He strongly objected to
could not serve as fighter pilots. being classified as "African-American," since he
Commissioned in the infantry, Davis taught believed that "we are all simply American."
military science at the Tuskegee Institute. He
endured segregation in the bases he was
assigned to: Fort Benning, Georgia and Fort
Riley, Kansas. In 1941, Davis was a member of
the first group of African-Americans admitted
to the U.S. Army Air Corps and pilot training.

Davis organized the all-black 99th Pursuit

Squadron in 1942 and flew missions over
North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. They became
known as the "Tuskegee Airmen."
Davis went on to organize the 332nd
Fighter Group in 1943, composed of four
black squadrons. Promoted to full colonel,

Davis flew missions over Germany.

Davis followed his distinguished World War
II service by commanding fighter fields in the

United States. The desegregation of

the armed forces removed his last stumbling
block, and he surged ahead, graduating from
the Air War College in 1950. As chief of
the fighter branch, he commanded the
51st Fighter Interceptor Wing in Korea
(1953-1954). Raised to brigadier general in

1954 and to major general in 1959, Davis

served for two years in Europe before returning
to the United States for a tour of duty in
Benjamin C). Davis, Jr.
Washington, D.C. (1961-1965).

nn Moshe Dayan
00. (1915-1981)

One of the true military geniuses

of tfie twentieth century, Moshe
Dayan was born in Daganyah A, the
first Jewish collaborative settlement in
Palestine (present-day Israel). At the
age of fourteen, he joined the
Haganah, the Jewish militia that oper-

ated in British-administered Palestine.

During the Palestine-Arab Revolt of
1936 to 1939, Dayan led special night

squadrons to protect British military

installations and Jewish settlements.
The Haganah went underground
in 1939 after British policy appeared
to favor Arab control of Palestine.

Dayan was caught by the British and

sentenced to a five-year prison term,
but he was released in 1941. He then
joined British and Free French troops Moshe Dayan {right) with David Ben-Gurion
in their campaign to liberate Syria and
Lebanon from the control of Vichy France, politics before he won a seat in the Knesset,
which had joined the Nazis in 1940. Dayan Israel's parliament. A member of the Labor
lost his right eye in this conflict; he soon took Party, he served as minister of agriculture
to wearing the large, black eye patch that (1959-1964). When the Israeli government
became his personal trademark. organized a united coalition cabinet just prior
When the Israeli war for independence to war in 1967, he was made minister of
began in 1948, Dayan commanded a battalion defense.
on the Syrian front. By the end of the war in The Six Day War in June 1967 vindicated
1949, he had risen to command of the everything Dayan had worked toward for more
Jerusalem front, thereby gaining an intimate than 30 years. The Israeli air force destroyed
knowledge of the vital geographic points of the Arab planes on the ground; Israeli soldiers
new Jewish state. seized the Golan Heights, liberated Jerusalem,
Dayan received military training in and captured the Sinai peninsula. The stun-
Britain after the war. He returned to Israel and ning victory was attributed to Israeli prepared-
became chief of the general staff in ness, which in no small measure was due to

1953. He was supreme commander of the Dayan's vigilance and forethought.

Israeli Defense Forces during the 1956 war Dayan was replaced as defense minister in
against Egypt and fought in the Sinai Desert. 1974. He suffered criticism over Israel's lack of

By this time, the Israelis had gained an edge preparedness for the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

over the Arabs in both skill and weaponry. He returned to politics to serve as foreign min-
Dayan's victory in the war confirmed Israel's ister from 1977 to 1979, an exciting time dur-
position as a new military power. ing which Israeli and Egyptian leaders laid the
Dayan left the army in 1958 and studied basis for peace between their two countries.

nn Norman Schwarzkopf

Norman Schwarzkopf was born in Trenton, a position to push all the way to Baghdad and
New Jersey. His father was a brigadier general remove Saddam Hussein from power.
and had headed the investigation of the famous Stich a scenario was not to be the case. U.S.

Lindbergh kidnapping case. Young president George Bush and head of the Joint
Schwarzkopf graduated 43rd out of his class of Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell declared them-
480 at the U.S. Military Academy at West selves satisfied that the United Nations' objec-
Point and served for two years with the 101st tives had been attained. The war ended with
Airborne Division. Kuwait freed and Hussein corralled but still in

Schwarzkopf served in Berlin for two power in Iraq.

years before returning to West Point as an Schwarzkopf returned home a hero. He

instructor. The start of the Vietnam War addressed both houses of the U.S. Congress
changed his plans; he went to serve as a task- and led a ticker-tape parade in New York City.

force advisor to a South Vietnamese airborne He received an honorary knighthood from

division in 1965. In all, Schwarzkopf served Queen Elizabeth II of England. Mentioned by
two tours of duty in Vietnam and won three some as a possible candidate for president in

Silver Stars. His most famous incident came on 1992, Schwarzkopf dismissed such talk as

May 28, 1970, when he chose to be landed in rumors. Instead, he embarked on a promotion-
a mine field and lead a group of his men to al tour for his best-selling book. It Doesn't Take

safety. His devotion to his men, as well as his a Hero (1992).

high temper and self-assurance, led many sol-

diers to call him "Stormin Norman."

As commander-in-chief of the U.S.
Central Command, Schwarzkopf was the nat-
ural choice to lead the war against Iraq
(1990-1991). After Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein invaded and seized oil-rich Kuwait,
Schwarzkopf was sent to Saudi Arabia to com-
mand Operation Desert Shield.
Welding together a coalition of allied forces
from European, Middle Eastern, and North
American countries, Schwarzkopf laid the
groundwork for the invasion of Kuwait and the
ejection of Iraqi troops. After a month of fierce
aerial bombardment that failed to persuade
Hussein to withdraw, Schwarzkopf was given
the green light to unleash Operation Desert
Storm. The campaign lasted approximately
100 hours, from February 23 to February 27,
1991. Schwarzkopf's meticulous preparation
paid off as his coalition forces outflanked, out- 8>
fought, and routed the Iraqi army.
When a cease-fire was called on February 27,
Norman Schwarzkopf
Schwarzkopf had liberated Kuwait and was in

Test your knowledge and challenge your 10. Who introduced the use of ricochet gunfire?
friends with the following questions. The Describe that method of batde. (see no. 54)
answers are on the biographies noted.
1 1 . One freedom fighter is known as the
1. What is the difference between Yoshimotto, "father of his country"and another is called
Yamoto, and Yamamoto? (see nos. 46, 82, 89) the "George Washington of South America."
Name these leaders, (see nos. 62 and 70)
2. Which feared warrior developed a disci-
plined system of force that used mobile horse 12. Whose death on the Plains of Abraham
columns to encircle and entrap enemies who was commemorated in a painting by
were then killed using armor-piercing arrows? Benjamin West? (see no. 60)

(see no. 30)

13. How did "Stonewall" Jackson get his

3. What did legend say about the man nickname? Why is ironic? (see no. 78)

who could untie the Gordian Knot? Who suc-

ceeded in this task and how? (see no. 6) 14. Which famous military leader and presi-
dent of the United States sold his swords and
4. Who removed his half-sister from power souvenirs for money during the poverty-
by banishing her to a convent in order to stricken later years of his life? (see no. 76)
become czar of Russia? (see no. 56)
15. Describe the "Long March." Who
5. Who was the peasant became a
girl that was its leader and what effect did it have
warrior and saved the French monarchy on communism? (see no. 95)

from England after she had visions of such

a destiny? (see no. 39) SUGGESTED PROJECTS
6. Which military leaderwas not only a great 1 . Niccolo Machiavelli once declared,
European warrior but was also a promoter of "[W]ar and its organization and discipline . . .

cultural enrichment, helping to bring about is the only art that is necessary to one who
the "Carolingian Renaissance"? (see no. 20) commands." Which wars strike you as having
been particularly well organized? Make a list

7. Who was the first African-American pro- of the wars and then name the military lead-
moted to the rank of lieutenant general? (see ers involved.

no. 98)
2. Some of the military leaders in this
S.What was the Committee of Public book have been memorialized in poems. For
Safety most notorious for during the example, a great epic poem was written about
French Revolution? (see no. 65) El Cid, Charlemagne's grief over the loss of
Roland and his knights was described in
9. Several military leaders fought for land "The Song of Roland," and Robert Bruce was
from which they were later banished. Can the subject of a poem by John Barbour. Select
you name them and their homelands? one of the leaders in this book and write your
(see nos. 64, 65, 67, 79, 80, 92) own poem about his or her adventiues.

Abu Bekr 23 Augustus, of Poland 64 Calllnicum, Battle of 22 Compact of OIney 31
ad-Din, Nur 35 Austerlitz, Battle of 74 Candarii, Halil Pasha 47 Companions 12
Adolphus, Gustavus 56. Ayacucho, Battle of 77 Cannae, Battle of 14, 15 Compiegne 90
64 Canute II 31, 33 Comyn, John 41
Adrian I, Pope 27 B-25 bombers 95 Canyon Creek, Battle of Conde, The 60
Aethelred 28 Babar, Zahiruddin 87 Confederacy 78, 84, 85
Aethelwulft, of Wessex 28 IVlohammed 49 Cape Saint Vincent, Battle Constantine the Great 18
Aetius 20 Bairen, Battle of 34 of 73 Continental Army (U.S.)
Agamemnon 73 Banks, Nathaniel 85 Carabobo, Battle of 77 69. 70
Air War College (U.S.) 105 Bannockburn, Battle of 41 Cardinal Jules Mazarin 60 Contreras, Battle of 78
Akraba, Battle of 23 Barbarossa (Khair ed-Din) Cardinal Richelieu 60 Convention Saratoga 66
Alaric the Goth 19 51 Carloman 27 Copenhagen, 73 Battle of
Alcantara, Battle of the Barbour, John 41 Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Cornwallis, Charles 69, 70
Bridge of 52 Barca, Hamilcar 14 Marguerite 72, 74 Cortez, Hernan 50, 78
Alcibiades 10 "Baron's War" 40 Carolingian Renaissance Council of Blood 52
Alcuin of York 27 Batu Khan 38 27 Council of Troubles 52
Alesia, Siege of 17 Baudricourt, Robert de 46 Cartagena Memorial 77 Council of Warriors 86
Alexander (Russia) 76
I Bayezid 43, 44
I Catherine the Great 68 Cowpens, Battle of 70
Alexander III (Scotland) 40 Bee, Bernard E. 85 Cerro Gordo, Battles at 78 Crecy, Battle of 42
Alexander the Great 12, Bela, of Hungary 38 Chaeronea, Battle of 13 Cromwell, Oliver 59
13 Belach Lechta, Battle of Chalons, Battle of 20 Crook, George 86
Alexis, of Russia 63 30 Chancellorsville, Battle of Culloden, Battle of 67
Alfonso VI (Castile) 34 Belisarius 22 82, 85 Cyrus the Great 8, 11
Alfred the Great 28, 30 Belleau Wood, Battle of 92 Chapultepec 78 Cyzicus, Battle of 10
Alt-Breisach, Siege of 61 Bemis Heights, Battle of Charlemagne 26, 27, 29
Alva, Duke of 52 66 Charles (England) 59, 62
I D-Day 93, 101
American Expeditionary Bennington, Battle of 66 Charles (Spain) 52
I "Damn the torpedoes. Full
Force 92 Big Hole, Battle of 87 Charles (England) 59
II speed ahead!" 80
Amherst, Jeffrey 67 Bismarck, Otto von 79 Charles IX (Sweden) 57 Daras, Battle of 22
Amyntas III 12 Black Prince, Edward the Charles the Hammer 26 Danus III 13
Anaconda Plan 78, 80 42 Charles V (Spain) 50 Davis, Benjamin O.

Anastasius 21 I Blake, Robert 58 Charles V (Rome) 51 105

Angora. Battle of 43 Blenheim, Battle of 62 Charles VI (Austna) 65 Dayan. Moshe 106
Annapolis 95, 97 blitzkneg 98, 100 Charles VII (France) 46 de Almagro, Diego 48
Anne, of England 62 Bolivar, Simon 77 Charles XII (Sweden) 63, de Baliol, John 40
Anson, George 73 Bolshevik Revolution 103 64 de Cordoba, Gonzalo
Antietam, Battle of 82 Bonaparte. Napoleon 68, Chateau Thierry, Battle of Fernandez 48
Antiochus III 14, 15 71 72, 74-77, 79, 90
92 de Luque, Hernando 48
ap Gruffudd, Llewelyn, Boniface IX, Pope 44 Chiang Kai-shek 99, 102 de Sucre, Jose 77
Prince of Wales 40 Bonnie Prince Charlie 67 Chinese Civil War 102 de Toledo, Fernando
Apache nation 86, 92 Borodino, Battle of 74 Chippewa, Battle of 78 Alvarez 52
Appomattox Courthouse Boxer Rebellion 89 Chiricahua Apache 86 de Vivar, Rodrigo Diaz 34
82, 83 Boyaca, Battle of 77 Christian Knights Templar Delium, Battle of 10
Aquitaine, Duke of 26 Braddock, General 69 35 Demosthenes 12
Arabela, Battle of 13 Brandywine, Battle of 69 Churchill, John, of Dessau Bridge, Battle of
Argaum, Battle of 75 Breda, Siege of 55 Marlborough 62 56
Ariovistus 17 Breitenfeld, Battle of 57 Churchill, Winston 93 Devereux, Walter 56
Aristotle 13 Brian, Boru 30 Churubusco, Battle of 78 Dien Bien Phu 104
Arnhem, Battle of 93 Brodir, (Manx Vikings) 30 Civil War (U.S.) 80, 82-85 Directory government
Arnold, Benedict 66, 69 Bruce, Robert 41 Clausewitz, Karl von 76, (France) 72, 74
arquebusiers 53 Bulge, Battle of the 93, 98 79 di Ambrogio 55
Artaxerxes 9 Bull Run, Battles of 82, 84, Cleopatra 17 Dol, Battle of33
Artaxerxes 1111 85 Clontarf, Battle of 30 Donelson, Fort 83, 84
Ashingdon, Battle of 31 Bunker Hill, Battle of 66 Clovis of the Franks 21 Doolittle, James 95

Assaye, Battle of 75 Burgoyne, John 66 Cold Harbor, Battle of 83 Downs, Battle of the 58
Astyages 8 Bush, George 107 Cold War 102 Drake, Francis 54, 59
Atahualpa 48 "Butcher Grant" 83 Colville Reservation 87 Dresden Infantry School
Ath, Siege of 61 Byzantine-Persian War 22 Command Submarine (German) 101
Atlantic Fleet 97 Force (U.S.) 97 Drogheda Massacre 59
atomic bomb 94 Caesar, Julius 16, 17 Committee of Public Dunbar, Battle of 59
Attila the Hun 20 Caius Marius 16, 17 Safety 72 Dundee, Battle of 41
Auerstadt, Battle of 74 Cajamarca, Battle of 48 Communists 99, 103, 104 Dungeness, Battle of 58

Eastern Roman Empire Frederick the Red Beard Greek oracle 8 "I shall return," 94
18, 19, 20, 22 36 Greene, Nathanael 70 ibn Nusayr, Musa 24
ecclesiastical trial 46 Frederick William, Crown Gregory VII, Pope 32 "ich dien" ("I serve") 42

Ecole Polytechnique Prince 79 Guadalcanal, Battle of 95, "lis ne passeront pas"

(France) 90 Frederick William I 65 96 ("They shall not pass")
Edict of Milan 18 Fredericksburg, Battle of Guderian, Heinz 100 91
Edinburgh, Battle of 41 82, 85 guerrilla warfare 28, 70, Imperial Naval Academy
Edington, Battle of 28 Frederiksten, Fortress of 71, 86, 104 (Japanese) 96
Edmund II, Ironside 31 64 Guilford Courthouse, Inca Empire 48
Edward (England) 41
I Freeman's Farm, Battle of Battle of 70 Indies, Council of the 48
Edward (England) 41
II 66 guillotine 72 "Iron Duke" 75
Edward (England) 40,
III Fremont, John C. 85 Guiscard, Robert 32 Isaurian Dynasty 25
42 French and Indian War 69 Guthrum 28 Island of Rhodes 51
Edward "Longsfianks" 40 French-Dutch War 60, 61 Guy of Jerusalem 35 Isocrates 12
Edward tfie Confessor 33 French Revolution 71-74, Issus, Battle of 13
Edward tfie Elder 29 76. 77 Halsey, Jr., William 95, 97 Iwo Jima, Battle of 97
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 93, Friedland, Battle of 74 Hampden, John 59 Izmail, Fortress of 68
97 Fronde of the Princes 60, Hannibal 14, 15
El Alamein 101 61 Haroldson, Sweyn 31 Jackson. Fort 80
El Alamein Battle of 93 Frunze Military Academy Harper's Ferry 85 Jackson. Thomas
El Cid 34 (Russia) 103 Harrackh, Count von 56 "Stonewall" 82. 85
Eleanor (Aquitaine) 36 Fuenterrabia, Siege of 52 Hasdrubal 14 Jacobite Rebellion 67
Eleanor (Castile) 40 Hawke, Edward 73 Jamaica Letter 77
Eleanor (Provence) 40 Galenus 18 Hawkins, John 54 James, of York 62
Elizabeth (Czarina) 65, 68 Gangut, Battle of 63 Henry, Fort 83, 84 Janissary corps 47
Elizabeth I (England) 54 Garibaldi, Giuseppe 81 Henry the Fowler 29
I, Japanese-Chinese War 89
Elizabeth II (England) 107 Gates, Horatio 66, 70 Henry (England) 36
II Jena, Battle of 74
English Channel 58 Gelimer 22 Henry III (England) 40 jihad 35
English Civil War 59, 62 Geneva agreements 100 Henry IV (Holy Roman Joan of Arc 46
Enlightenment 65 Genghis Khan (Temujin) Empire) 32 Joan, of Kent 42
Eternal City 19, 28, 81 37, 38, 43. 49 Hessians 66, 69 Joffre, Joseph 90
Ethelred the Unready 31 Genghisid line 38, 43 Hindenburg, Paul von 88 John the Good 42
George, Elector of Hinmaton Yalaktit (Chief John XII, Pope 29
Fairfax, Thomas 59 Hanover 62 Joseph) 87 Johnston, Joe 82, 84
Falkenhayn, Erich von 88 George (England) 62
I Hirsov, Battle of 68 Joseph, Chief 87
Falkirk, Battle of 40, 41 George (England) 67
II Hitler, Adolf 88, 91, 100, Joux, Fort 71
Farragut, David 80 "George Washington of 101 Junin, Battle of 77
"father of his country" 69 South America" 77 Ho Chi Minh 104 Justinian I 22
"Father of the Panzer Gerberoi, Battle of 33 Hobrik's Hill, Battle of 70 Justinian II 25
Divisions" 100 Germantown, Battle of 69 Holy Land 35, 36
"Father Toussaint" 71 Geronimo 86. 92 Holy Roman Emperor/ Kaidu 38
Ferdinand 34 I (Castile) Giap, Vo Nguyen 104 Empire 29, 45, 56 Kanwaha. Battles of 49
Ferdinand (Rome) 56 II Gibbon, John 87 Holy Spirit 18 Kasserine Pass, Battle of

"fire ships" 54 Gibraltar ("Tariq's Rock") "homonoia" 13 98

First Crusade 35 24 Hondschoote, Battle of 72 Katsuyri, Takeda 53
First English-Dutch War 58 Glen Mama, Battle 30 of Hooker, Joseph 85 Kepler, Johannes 56
"First of the Blacks" 71 "Glorious Revolution" 62 Hora, Battle of 45 Khalid ibn al-Walid. 23, 24
First Punic War 14 Godwinsson, Harold 33 Horid 45 Khalkin-Gol campaign 103
Five Years' Campaign 43 Golden Hind 54 Horns of Hattin, Battle of Khanum, Saray Mulk 43
Flavius Stilicho 19 Gordian Knot 13 the 35 Romans" 27
"King of the
Flavius Valerius Aurelius Gordium 13 House of Bourbon 60 "Klotzern, nicht kleckern"
Constantinus 18 Goyathlay 86 housecarls 31 (Smash, don't tap) 100
"flying columns" 38 "Grandmother Victoria" 87 Howard, Oliver 87 Knights of St, John 51

Foch, Ferdinand 90, 91 Grant, Ulysses S. 82-84 Howe, William 66 Knox, Henry 69
Focsani, Battle of 68 Great Convention 77 Hsi Hsia Empire 37. 39 Kolin. Battle of 65
Franco-Prussian War 88, Great Heathen Army 28 Huascar 48 Konlggratz. Battle of 79
90, 91 "Great Leap Forward" 102 Hubertsberg, Treaty of 65 Korean War 94, 102
Franco-Spanish War 60 Great Northern War 63 Hundred Years' War 46 Kosciuszko, Thaddeus 68
Frederick Barbarossa 36 Great Patrioic War 103 Huns 20 Kozludji, Battle of 68
Frederick, John 52 Great Wall of China 37 Hus, Jan 45 Kriegsakadamie (Prussian
Frederick II (Prussia) 65, Great White Fleet 95 Hussein, Saddam 107 War Academy) 76, 79
76, 79 Greek fire 25 Hussite civil war 45 Kruschev, Nikita 103

1 10
Kublai Khan 39 Marathon, Battle of 9 Naarden, Battle of 52 Pearl Harbor 89, 94-97
Kunersdorf, Battle of 65 "March to the Sea" 84 Nagashino, Battle of 53 Peloponnesian War 10, 11
Kuomlntang 99 Marcus Licinius Crassus Najera, Battle of 42 "People's Trial" 101
Kutna, Battle of 45 16, 18 Namur, Battle of 61 Pepin of Heristal 26
Marengo, Battle of 74 Narva, Battle of 63 Perdiccas III 12
L'Ouverture, Toussaint 71 Maria Theresa (Austria) 65 Naseby, Battle of 59 Pericles 10
La Janda, Battle of 24 Marlborough, Earl of 62 Nationalist army (China) Perry, Oliver H. 89
Lafayette, Marquis de 69, Marne, Battle of the 90 99, 102 Pershing, John 90, 92, 98
92 Marston Moor, Battle of 59 NATO 93 Retain, Henri Phillipe 90,
Lake Trasimene, Battle 14 Martel, Charles 26, 27 Naval Bureau of 91
Lapwai, Fort 87 Masinissa 15 Navigation (U S.) 97 Peter the Great 63-65, 68
Lapwal Reservation 87 Maslama 25 Navigation Laws (England) Pharnabazus 10
League of Corintfi 12 Masurian Lakes, Battle at 73 Pharnaces 17
Leavenworth), Fort 87 88 Nazi government 88, 91, Pharsalus, Battle of 17
Lecfifeld, Battle of 29 matchlock musket 61, 62 101, 103 Philip Augustus 35, 36
Lee, Robert E. 82, 83, 84, Mater Theresa 58 Neerwinden, Battle 72 of Philip, Fort 80
85 Mathgamain 30 Nelson, Horatio 73, 89 Philip II55
Lens, Battle of 60 Maurice of Nassau 55 Nemecky Brod, Battle of Philip II(Macedonia) 12,
Leo I, Pope 20 Maxentius 18 45 13
Leo III, Pope 27 Maximian 18 New Model Army 59 Philip IV (Spain) 60
Leo III, ttie Isaurian 25 Mazzini, Giuseppe 81 New Orleans, Battle of 80 Philippa of Hainault 42
Leo IV, Pope 28 Mediterranean fleet 80 Nez Perce Indians 87 Pickett's Charge 82
Leo VIII, Pope 29 Mehmed II 47, 51 Nicaea, Council of 18 Pierce, Franklin 78
Lesnaya, Battle of 63 Methven, Battle of 41 Nicholas II, Pope 32 pikemen 57
Leutfien, Battle of Meuse-Argonne offensive Nieuport, Battle of 55 "Pillars of Hercules" 24
Levee en masse 72 92, 98 Nijmegen, Siege of 55 Pippin the Short 27
Leyte Gulf, Battle of 95, 97 Mexican War 82, 84, 85 Nika Revolt 22 Pitt, William 67
Lincoln, Abraham 82, 83 Middle Ages 27, 34, 36 Nile, Battle of the 73, 74 Pizarro, Francisco 48
"Lion of the North" 57 Midway, Battle of 96, 97 Nimitz, Chester 97 Plains of Abraham 67
Lodi, Ibrahim 49 Miles, Nelson A. 86, 87 Nixon, Richard M. 102 PIzen, Battle of 45
Lodz, Battle of 88 Milroy, Robert 85 Nobunaga, Oda 53 Poitiers, Battle of 26, 42
"Long March," The 99, 102 Miltiades 9 noche triste (night of sad- Polk, James 78
Louis de Bourbon, the
II Milvian Bridge, Battle of 18 ness) 50 Poltava, Battle of 64
Great Conde 60, 61 Mithridates VI 16, 17 Norman Conquest 33 Pompadour, Madame de
Louis (Hungary) 51
II Mohacs, Battle of 51 Northampton, Treaty of 41 65
Louis IX (France) 40 Molino del Reyo, Battle of Novgorad dragoons 103 Pompeius Strabo 16
Louis of Nassau 52 78 Nystad, Treaty of 63 Pompey the Great 16, 17
Louis the Pious 27 Moltke, Helmuth von 76, PontifexMaximus 17
Louis XIII 79 Octavian 17 Potsdam War Academy
Louis XIV 60, 61, 62 Monck, George 58 Ogedi Khan 38 (German) 101
Louis XVI (France) 72 Monmouth, Battle at 69 Okinawa, Battle of 95, 97 Powell, Colin 107
Louisbourg, Fortress of 67 Mons, Battle of 52, 61 Olaf II 31 Praetorian Guard 18
Lucius Cornelius Sulla 16 Montcalm, Marquis de 67 Oldenbarnevelt, Johan 55 Prenzlau, Battle of 76
Lucius Scipio 15 Montezuma 50 On Siege and Fortification Preston, Battle of 59
Ludendorff, Erich von 88 Montgomery, Bernard Law 61 Prince of Wales, Edward I

Lundy's Lane, Battle of 78 93, 101 On War 76 40, 42

Lutzen, Battle of 56 Morgan, Daniel 70 Operation Desert Shield/ Princeton, Battle of 69
Lysander 10 Morgan, Fort 80 Storm 107 Protestant Reformation 45
Morristown, Battle of 69 Operation Downfall 94 Prusias of Bithynia 14
Maastricht 61 Moultrie, Fort 84 Ordonez, Garcia 34 Prussian-Danish War 79
MacArthur, Douglas 95, 97 Mount Defiance 66 Organizer of Victory 72 Ptolemy XIII 16, 17
Mael Sechnaill II 30 Mount Hiei 53 Orleans, Siege of 46 Publius Cornelius Scipio
Magdeburg Cathedral 29 Mount Vernon 69 Otto the Great 29, 30 14
Maginot Line 91 Moussais-la-Bataille, Oudenaarde, Battle of 62 Pugachev, Emeleyan 68
"Magnus" 16 Battle of 26 Pyramids, Battle of the 74
Maille-Breze, Muhlberg, Battle of 52 Pacific Sea, Battle of 97 Pyrenees, Treaty of the 60
Mademoiselle de 60 Murad 44
I Palestine-Arab Revolt 106
Malesov, Battle of 45 Murad 47
II panzer/Panzerarmee 100, Rabi 45
Mangu Khan 39 Murchad 30 101 "Race to the Sea" 90
Manuel 44 II Musailima ("false prophet") Patay, Battle of 46 Ramillies, Battle of 62
Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong) 23 Patton George S. 93. 98 "Redshirts" 81
99, 102 musketeers 57, 60 Paul I 68 regicide ("king killer") 72


Renaissance 37 Second Punic War 14, 15 Temple of Demeter 19 Wensel Eusebius von 56
Resistance movement Selim I 51 Tenochtitlan 50 "war is hell" 84

(France) 91 Semenovskii Life Guards Tet offensive 1 04 War of 1812 78, 80

Restoration 59 68 Teutonic Knights 45, 88 War of Spanish
Revolutionary War (U.S.) Seneffe, Battle of 60 Textel, First Battle of 58 Succession 61
66, 69, 70, 80 Seven Days, Battle of 82 Themistocles 9 War of the Austrian
"rich as Croesus" 8 Seven Weeks' War 79 Theodoric 20, 21 Succession 65
Richard the Lion-Hearted Seven Years' War 65, 67, Theodosius III 25 War of the League of
35, 36 68 Thermopylae, Battle of 9 Augsburg 61
ricochet gunfire 61 Shaibani Khan 49 Third Crusade 36 Washington, George 69,
Robert de Bruce VII 41 Shaikh, Omar 49 Third Punic War 15 70
Robert (Normandy) 31
I Sherman, William Thirty Years' War 56, 57, Waterloo, Battle of 74-76
33 Tecumseh 84 60, 61 Wattignies, Battle of 72
Robert I, the Bruce 41 Shields, Thomas 85 three-pounder cannon 57 "We fight, get beat, rise
Rocroi, Battle of 60 Shiloh, Battle of 83 Ticinus River, Battle of 15 and fight again" 70
Roderick, of Spain 24 Sichelgaita 32 Ticonderoga, Fort 66, 69 Welles, Gideon 80
Rodney, George 73 Siegfried Line 90 Tissaphernes 10 Wellesley. Arthur, Duke of
Roger the Great 32 Sigismund 44, 45 Tobruk 93, 101 Wellington 74, 75, 78
Roman-Syrian War 14, 15 Sill, Fort 86 Togo, Heihachiro 89 Welsh Wars 40
Rommel, Erwin 93, 98, "singeing the king of Tolbiac, Battle of 21 Wenceslas IV 45
101 Spain's beard " 54 Toulon, Third Battle of 72 West. Benjamin 67
Rooke, George 73 Sino- Japanese War 102 Toulouse, Battle of 75 West Point 82, 83, 84, 85,
Roosevelt, Theodore 92 Sioux nation 92 Toussaint, Pierre 92, 94, 97, 98, 105, 107
Rossbach, Battle of 65 Six Day War 106 Dominique 71 Western Pacific Task
"Roundhead" cavalry 59 slave revolution 71 Travendal, Treaty of 64 Forces 95
Royal Military Academy smashers 73 tribute payment 20, 34, 47 Western Roman Empire
(British) 93 "Social Wars" 16 Tromp, Maarten 55, 58 18. 19, 20
"Royalist" cavalry 59 socket bayonet 61 Tshushima Straits, Battle Wexford Massacre 59
"Rump" Parliament 59 Socrates 10 of 89, 96 Whampoa Military
Russo-Finnish War 103 Sophia, of Hanover 65 Tunis, Siege of 52 Academy (China) 99
Russo-Japanese War 89, Sorghagtani Beki 39 White Bird Canyon. Battle
92, 96, 99 South Pacific Force 95 Uhud, Battle of 23 of 87
Russo-Turkish War 68 Soviet Red Army 100, 103 United Nations 94, 97, 99, Wilderness, Battle of 83
Rymnik, Battle of 68 Spanish-American War 92 107 Wilhelm II, (Germany) 88
Spanish Armada 54 Wilhelm II (Prussia) 79
Sadowa, Battle of 88 Spanish Reconquista 34 34
Valencia. Siege of William III of Orange 62
Saint Boniface, Apostle of Spartacus 16 Valoismonarchy 46 William the Conqueror of
the Germans 26 Spotsylvania Court House, Van Tien Dung 104 Normandy 32
Saint Gregory the Great Battle of 83 Vauban, Sebastien le William the Silent 52, 55
28 Stalin, Joseph 103 Prestre de 61, 72, 76 Wilton. Battle of 28
Saladin 35, 36 Stamford Bridge, Battle of "Veni, Vidi, Vici" 17 Wittekind 27
Salamanca, Battle of 75 33 Vercingetorix 17 Wolfe. James 67
Salarian Gate 19 Stanton, Charles E. 92 Vernon, Edward 69 Worcester, Battle of 59
Samarkand, Siege of 37, Stone of Scone 40 Versailles, Treaty of 88, 90 World War I 88, 89-95,
43, 49 Stonewall Brigade 85 Vichy France 91, 106 97, 98, 100, 101
San Carlos Reservation Stormin' Norman 107 Vicksburg, Battle of 80. World War 68, 91, II

86 Strachor, Battle of 45 83, 84 93-95. 97-105

Santa Anna 78 Strasbourg, Fortress of 61 Victor Emmanuel II 81
Santissima Trinidad 73 streltsy 63 England 75, 87
Victoria, of Xenophon 11
Saunders, Charles 67 Subotai 37, 38 Vietnam War 104, 107 Xerxes I 9
"Savior of Protestantism" Sulcot, Battle of 30 Vikings 27. 30
57 Suleiman I, the Villa, Francisco "Pancho" Yamamoto. Isoruku 96
Johann von 56
Schiller, Magnificent 51 92, 98 Yamoto 89
Schwarzkopf, Norman 107 Sun Yat-Sen 99 Virginia Military Institute Yesugei 37
Science of Victory 68 Sung Empire 39 85, 98 Yom Kippur War 106
Scipio 14, 15 Suvorov, Aleksandr 68 Vitoria, Battle of 75 Yoshimoto, Imagawa 53
Scipio Africanus IVlajor 15 "Sword of God" 23 Vlad Pnnce
III, of
Scipio Africanus fVlinor 15 Walachia 47 Zama, Battle of 14
Scott, Winfield 78, 80, 82 Tamerlane 44, 49 Vouille, Battle of 21 Zhukov, Georgi 103
Sea Beggars 52 Tannenberg, Battle of 45 Zlska, Jan 45
Second Civil War Tariq ibn Ziyad 24, 34 Wallace, Sir William 40, 41 Zutphen. Siege of 52
(England) 59 Tarleton, Banastre 70 Wallenstein, Albrecht

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