Methods of Paragraph Development

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This method is used to is to tell a story. Its purposes are to clarify and
illustrate abstract ideas, and emphasize important relationship. This method
has five components: the introduction, rising action, climax, denouement, and
resolution. It may be in first, second, or third person narration.

Harry Potter is the son of Lily and James. One day, Voltemort
tried to kill them all because he thinks that they could be a
hindrance to his evil plans. He was able to kill James and Lily, but
not little Harry. Its because Harry was saved by his mothers love
for him. From then on, Harry was called the boy who lived.


This method is used to deal with reasons and results. It explains
conditions or events that cause a certain situation or may discuss conditions
or events that result from a situation. Obviously, its components are the
reasons and the results.

The earth rotates at it axis for about 24 hours. At the same

time, it revolves around the sun for 365 days. That is why we have
days and nights, as well as a year.

This method is used to represent the appearance of something with the
use of words. It discusses characteristics, appearance, or anything about a
particular subject. Its purpose is to present a subject for the readers minds
eye, or simple imagination. It has two types: the subjective description and
objective description.

Summer Leondale looks perfect! She has these twinkling green

eyes with a perfect pair of eyelashes. She has pouty lips and a high-
bridged nose. The fragrance of her log curly hair is as sweet as
honey. She also has a fair skin which fits with her curvaceous body.
She has a very good posture, and just seeing her smile can make
you die. She is indeed a creation of God.
This method is an extended comparison between two unlike things, to
show show relation of likeness between them. Figures of speech may be used
such as Simile, Metaphor, Metonymy and Synecdoche. The 3 types of Analogy
are logic, rhetoric, and linguistic.

Minerva is like a book. She has this enormous collection of

knowledge. She is a also a walking dictionary and a human
internet indeed. She know almost about everything. She has
always something to say about anything. Shes a genius! If
you want to know something, just look for her.


This method explains how two objects are similar or different. This is
used to point out the similarities and differences between two objects,
persons or places.

A ballpen is used for writing. A pencil is also used for

writing. But a ballpen uses ink while a pencil uses lead. A pencil
has an eraser but a ballpen does not have one.

This method is used to explain a subject by dividing it into types, groups, or

During the Primitive Stage in the Historical

Development of State, people was separated into
different groups: the band, tribe, chiefdom, and the
state. A band is a small group of close kinship who are
usually foragers. A tribe has their own villages but
lacks government. Chiefdom is a kin-based
sociopolitical organization. While a state is a
sociopolitical organization based on a central
This is used to make a point about a topic by providing examples to support
it, and to explain how something works or exists as a unit.

Technology evolves from time to time. Many devices

and appliances were invented to help the people. One
example is the cellphone, which helps us to communicate
to the others in a faster way. The internet which provides
us any data that we need. Air conditioners which helps in
cooling the air. All of this technologies were invented to
give people a better and easier life.

This method usually includes numbers, statistics, or other settings that
can be proved. This aims to provide information about certain things or topic
to be discussed.

The Philippines is an archipelago. It is composed of

7,107 islands. It is divided into 3 land masses, the Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao.

This is used to give meanings to terms or ideas.

Philosophy is the science of beings and their ultimate

reasons, causes, and principles acquired by the aid of
human reason. It is also a thinking process to acquire
knowledge and informations.

Prepared and submitted by:

Ma. Kiel Patricia R. Etcobanez

AB Political Science I-B

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