Do You Really Love Jesus

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Do You Really Love Jesus? are to Jesus would you still be married?

o If you paid your bills like you pay your tithes would
Sermon shared by Kevin L. Jones you have food, a vehicle or a home?
o If you were as obedient to the secular law as you are
to Gods commands would you be free or behind bars?
Summary: Remaining our love for Jesus Christ
I want to consider these things for a little while and ask
Scripture: John 14:15 (add scripture) the question Do You Really Love Jesus? Understand
this: Jesus will not be persuaded by your words alone.
He can see directly into your heart. Jesus has
Do You Really Love Jesus?
prophesied that the disciples would be scattered, but
John 14:15
Peter professed (WITH HIS MOUTH) that he would never
leave Jesus - Mark 14:29 Peter said to him, Even if
I would like to begin with a question. Do You Love
everyone else deserts you, I never will.30 Jesus
Jesus??? I am not surprised that you would say yes.
replied, I tell you the truth, Peterthis very night,
But I want to go a bit farther and really examine this
before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three
times that you even know me.
You may fool your friends.
1. Does your life show that you love Jesus?
You may fool your family.
2. Do your actions prove your love for Jesus?
You may fool your spouse.
3. Are the choices that you make based on your love for
You may even fool yourself ..But, you cant fool
4. Would others testify of your love for Jesus?

HE KNOWS YOUR HEART!!! So again I ask, Do You

When at the funeral home I tend to listen to what is
Really Love Jesus? Lets look at:
being said about the deceased. Here are some of the
descriptions people will use about their loved ones:
I. The Evidence Of Your Love For Jesus - John 14:15 If
o Boy, He sure loved the Crimson Tide
ye love me, keep my commandments.
o His passion was fishing & hunting
o She sure loved to cook
Notice that Jesus begins this statement with IF Jesus
o He was dedicated to his career"
knew everybody that He was addressing didnt love him.
o He was a good man she was a good woman
One of His own disciples is preparing to betray him for
o Shopping was her life
30 pieces of silver.If you Really Do Love Jesus there
o He was a great friend
will be evidence! Jesus makes it very clear what the
o She sure loved her church
evidence of love for Him will be..OBEDIENCE!! Do you
live a life in complete obedience to Jesus Christ? Can a
When I die it is not my goal for people to say He was a
lost man see what it is to be Christian by watching your
good preacher or a loving Father Now those things are
daily life?
nice but ultimately I want people to say that ol boy
right there HE SURE LOVED JESUS!!! What about
There are too many pew warmers want to live life
you? When you are not around, do people say He/she
their way and too few CHRISTIANS! People who want to
sure loves the Lord? Better yet what does the Lord
do what they want to do, when they want to do it! They
have to say about your love for Him?I submit to you
are not one bit concerned with what God desires or
that the Word of God says that many of you dont love
commands. You cannot love God & embrace evil IT
Him at all!
WILL NEVER WORK!! - 1 John 2:3 and we can be sure
that we know him if we obey his commandments.4 If
Throughout His Word God confronts His people and
someone claims, I know God, but doesnt obey Gods
addresses their inconsistent actions toward Him. -
commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in
Malachi 1:6 The Lord saysA son honors his father,
the truth.5 But those who obey Gods word truly show
and a servant respects his master. If I am your father
how completely they love him. That is how we know we
and master, where are the honor and respect I deserve?
are living in Christ - Here, John reveals that if obedience
You have shown contempt for my name! But you ask,
is not in your heart you are not saved. This doesnt
How have we ever shown contempt for your name?7
mean that Christians will not fail but there will be
You have shown contempt by offering defiled sacrifices
OBEDIENCE in the heart of those who TRULY LOVE THE
on my altar. Then you ask, How have we defiled the
LORD! Anyone can say they love God, but the proof is in
sacrifices? You defile them by saying the altar of the
obeying God.
Lord deserves no respect.8 When you give blind animals
as sacrifices, isnt that wrong? And isnt it wrong to offer
So, if The Evidence of Our Love for Jesus is
animals that are crippled and diseased? Try giving gifts
Obedience, then we must examine our lives to see if we
like that to your governor, and see how pleased he is!
measure up. The 2nd thing I would like to consider
says The Lord of hosts
today is:

o If you were as devoted to your job as you are to Jesus

II. The Examination Of Your Love For Jesus - Matthew
would you still be employed?
o If you were as faithful to your wife/husband as you
churches closing as quickly as GM dealerships,"
Many times when a detective is looking for evidence of
someones guilt or proof of their innocence they will Lets dig a little deeper into the question of your love for
administer a Polygraph. A Polygraph is an electrical God:
device that registers involuntary physical processes such
as pulse rate and perspiration and is used as a lie 1) You Say I Love God But Do You Talk To Him?
detector. The investigator will hook the suspect up to a
machine and ask a series of questions. And the machine I say I love my wife (and I DO!) Because of that I
will indicate whether the answer is truth or a lie. I want communicate with her. I talk to her regularly. If I said
you to hook up to the polygraph machine that is Gods that I loved her and just sat around the house and
Word and see what it says about your love for Jesus never said anything she would might question if I
In Matthew 22 we read that after Jesus had silenced the REALLY LOVED HER!I am sure if the only time I did talk
Sadducees, the Pharisees came to question Him again. to her I was when I was complaining about what she
One of the experts in religious law asked Jesus a has done or not done she would question if I REALLY
question trying to trap Him. He said Teacher, which is LOVED HER! I am sure if the only time I talked to her
the most important commandment in the law? - Notice was when I was asking her to do something for me she
Jesus reply - v37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love might question if I REALLY LOVED HER! Yet there are
the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy many professing Christians that never talk to God.
soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great There are many more professing Christians that only
commandment. 39 and the second is like unto it, Thou talk to Him when they are complaining or when they
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. want something

Jesus sums up the entire law in these verses notice Notice what Paul says:
what He says in verse 40 On these two commandments
hang all the law and the prophetsIf you want to know if Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing
You Really Love Jesus then you must measure your by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
life & actions against these verse: You say I Really requests be made known unto
Love JesusJesus says if you love me, keep my God.......................................1 Thessalonians 5:18 In
commandments Now that you are hooked up to the lie every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in
detector of Gods Word, Lets begin The Examination Christ Jesus concerning you. - Sometimes we just need
Of Your Love For Jesus to get alone with God and thank Him for who He is and
thank Him for what He has done.
A. Do You Obey Commandment #1 - v37 Jesus said
unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Thank Him for His:
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38
This is the first and great commandment. o Mercy
o Grace
Many will proclaim that God is first and then place o Love
everyone & everything else before Him. If we truly love o Salvation
the Lord, He will have prominence in every area of our
life! The Great Commandment sums up the 10 Many of you cant pray because you are so consumed
Commandments. Lets look to the 1st four of the top with things that will not matter next week much less in
10 for a moment. eternity! - A recent Lifeway survey showed that 65%
of professing Christians rarely or never pray with others,
1. 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' and 38% almost never pray by themselves either.
2. 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any
likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is But I Really Do Love Jesus! Jesus said
in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the
3. 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in
vain.' If you love me, Keep my commandments
4. 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
2) You Say I Love God But Do You Allow Him To Speak
If we Love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind To You?
and strength we:
Will not have any other Gods
Will not create any idols The same Lifeway study that I mentioned earlier showed
Will not take His name in vain that 67% of professing Christians don't read the
Will remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy Bible..........Another article states: Americans revere
the Bible but, by and large, they dont read it. And
A major study by Lifeway Christian resources shows that because they dont read it, they have become a nation
most young adults today don't pray, don't worship and of biblical illiterates.
don't read the Bible .Thom Rainer states that If the
trends continue, "the Millennial generation will see bible-not-read-a-call-for-biblical-literacy/
There are some who would argue over which translation As a pastor it is very frustrating to spend 8 or 9 hours
of the Bible to use and they wont even pick up a bible digging into the Word and preparing to share a message
and read it themselves! to a group of people, having a God given burden to
reach someone and then the people that are supposedly
The Bible is Gods Infallible, Inerrant Inspired Holy, active members just dont come because there is
Word - The Psalmist said - Psalms 119:105 Thy word is something better to do. - There are Sunday school
a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my teachers who have given of their own time to study and
path...................While prayer is our way of speaking to prepare to teach you and when you dont come it is
God, the Bible is Gods way of speaking to us! Too many discouraging to them. - There are people willing and
folks out there are having one way conversations! prepared to teach your children in Childrens Church but
Communication with God requires both prayer & study they dont have the opportunity because you woke up
of the Word! and had an urge to do something else this Sunday.

You say I love my bible ...Do you really? Did you read Adrian Rogers said that every time you willingly choose
as many verses of the bible as you did news headlines not to attend a worship service you are casting a vote to
last week? Did you spend more time studying Gods close the doors. Tonight at 5:30 many of you will cast a
Word than you did scrolling the News Feed on Facebook vote for us to stop having Sunday Night services. I love
or seeing what was trending on Twitter? What used the opportunity to be in Gods house. I love to hear the
more electricity this week, the lamp where you study or Word preached. I love to sing songs praising my Savior.
the Television set? I love to fellowship with other believers. I just dont
understand people who claim to have been saved who
I am a great admirer of President Ronald Reagan. I just dont go to church. I actually have a harder time
loved his politics and his personality. I own a copy of his figuring out those who just pop in from time to time!
memoirs and I am fascinated to get into his mind and
see what he was thinking during certain crucial events But I love Jesus Jesus said If you love me keep my
during his presidency. commandments

But it is even more amazing to open the living Word 4) You Say I Love God But Do You Give Him What Is
and allow God to speak to me about: His? - Malachi 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have
robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee?
o His work in creation In tithes and offerings.
o His plan for mankind
o The sacrifice of His Son for my sins How can we rob God? We must consider the fact that all
o What He has in store for us when this life is over. that we have belongs to Him. God is gracious enough to
o What He wants His children to accomplish allow us to keep the majority of what we are blessed
o What He wants His children to avoid. with. He only asks for a small portion in return.God says
that they robbed him. - In tithes and offerings
What a blessing and privilege it is to possess a copy of
Gods Word to man. - There are people all over this Tithe {H} (maasrah - mah-as-raw') - a tenth;
country who will walk 10 miles one way just to hear Offering {H} (terumah - ter-oo-maw') a present (as
someone read the Word to them and you have it on offered up), especially in sacrifice.
your phone and wont even read it!
The problem with many peoples attitude toward giving
But I love Jesus Jesus Said If you love me, keep my to God is to simply give him what is left. You are
commandments wasting your time giving God what is left HE REFUSES
LEFTOVERS!! - If you can spend 200 dollars on things
3) You Say I Love God But Do You Come To His you dont need on Saturday and only give God a 20
House? - Hebrews 10:25 tells us (not to forsake) the dollar bill on Sunday, then you might want to examine
assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of your priorities! You say, but I cant afford to give
some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the Friend, YOU CANT AFFORD NOT TO!
more, as ye see the day approaching.
But I love Jesus Jesus said If you love me keep my
In the LifeWay study I mentioned earlier, of those who commandments
professed to be Christians, 65% do not attend worship
We have such an awesome privilege to come together 5) You Say I Love God But Do You Serve Him? -
with likeminded believers and: Romans 12:4 Just as our bodies have many parts and
o Worship each part has a special function,5 so it is with Christs
o Pray body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong
o Study to each other.6 In his grace, God has given us different
o And Fellowship - But so many take that privilege for gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given
granted. Folks, there very well may come a day when you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much
we no longer have that privilege. faith as God has given you.7 If your gift is serving
others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach
well.8 If your gift is to encourage others, be I dont get anything out of it
encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has I offered to serve in the past but no one followed up
given you leadership ability, take the responsibility with me
seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to I served for a while but I felt unappreciated
others do it gladly.
How about just being honest and saying I JUST DONT
Can you: WANT TO! - Do the same with not coming to church.
o Sing Stop offering pathetic excuses and just say some thing
o Preach was more important to me or I JUST DIDNT WANT TO
o Teach COME!
o Play an instrument
o Be a leader For those who think you are too busy to serve in the
o Be an encourager church . FYI: Every Sunday you attend your local
o Can you serve in any capacity church you are served by very busy people. Stop
whining and get involved!
If you have the ability to do any of these things, it is
because God (through His grace) gave you that ability. But I love Jesus Jesus said If you love me keep my
Why did He give you that ability? So that you can use it commandments
to bring glory to His name!
We started off by asking the question Do You Really
In my workshop I have a work bench. It has a shelf and Love Jesus? I cant answer that question for you, but
on that shelf is a level, hand saw, skill saw, drill, sander, you can! You have been connected to the lie detector
hammer, screwdrivers and a flashlight. Recently the that is Gods Word. Just as I mentioned in the case of
only tool I have used is a table saw. That table saw has Simon Peter, Jesus will not be fooled with your words,
kicked up saw dust all over that building and covered HE SEE YOUR HEART! Maybe He has revealed some
every item on the work bench. None of those tools have things to you today. Maybe He has revealed that you
been used to accomplish anything in weeks. But that are lost and need to be saved YOU CAN RIGHT NOW!
table saw has helped me accomplish a great deal. - Maybe He has revealed to you that your love for Him is
There are too many people in the church today who are not where it should be MAKE IT RIGHT TODAY!
just sitting on the bench collecting dust!

Each one of those tools in my shop has a specific task You say, I LOVE JESUS! Jesus says If you love me,
that it was created to complete. - 1 Corinthians 12:12 keep my commandments
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and
all the members of that one body, being many, are one
body: so also is Christ.

If we are the body:

Why arent His arms reaching?
Why arent His hands healing?
Why arent His Words teaching?
Why arent His feet going?
If we are the body

I found a page on the internet that gave some of the

most common excuses for not serving in the church,
here are a few:

I am too busy with work

I am to busy with the kids commitments such as:

o Base ball
o Basket ball
o Cheerleading
o Foot ball
o Band
o Lacrosse
o Academics

I am too busy with a sick relative

I dont know what opportunities are available
I dont know what gift God has given me
I dont have the skills
I am burnt out and I need to be fed for a bit

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