Russsian in Exercises

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S.A. Khavronina, A. |. Shirochenskaya C.A. Xasponnna, A.M. LUnpouencxaa RUSSIAN PYCCHMM ASbIK in B EXERCISES YMPAHHEHWAX Pretty and atsmments frente feom the Russian by V. KOROTKY Desiged by V. SAFRONOV PREFACE stan in Exercise ie ile for bears. 1 catsins some 800 cuetees trating most funiamens} and typed points of Rusan gram tan aa vocabulary "Te boc i dived into two pat, ‘he exercises Inluded ia thie setlon will enable students to master the sractire of the simple sealence and to len to as end answer various questions, using a elected votabulry aot exceeding 280 words ocuns, adjectives, vers, adverbs, pronouns end fanetion words). At the Se time they wl help students asinate sch phenomena of Russian fama as verb. conigstians, the formation end. wses of the past nd fate teres, the formation of lara nouns, adjectives and pronouns, “The fat thet the exercises use a Filed umber of words, which are there fegtenlly repeated, ape 40 provide futons with a lexiel Iss ao ascery for ore extensive stil of Rosson. 1 The Uae of the Cases ‘The reseoce In Risin of mamerons dcemion putters often proves to be'nstobling Bask fr foreign sade, However, wil thor fh, wigs of thie pattems and eoztderble rectice in ther se ton connetaeglre good Résian speech fobs. Hence the lage mer ferrets foci in ths sexton Ty intedclyg the cass and thelr meoaoys, the comps of ths sania flowed ibe proce. generally acepled tr Roan fate for Tovelgners They Hist thre eases and tele meanings Fist whieh are the most vital in everydey communication. Thus sens are fit taught fo ‘ane persons er chjects (ro empawn. ‘30 euea When to mame Places of action (Ma wat « Maced. 1Kypuin sen nopmpae,) and objects of action (ft wo andey, Ont ner mieux), The numerous eres wil eabie the lett 4 soiate bok case forms ad fhe conartons bn mh they cee 2. The Une of Verbs “we Ruin vr i dificult or fre stents to gasp at ft ‘This is ue (tothe pain in ite conjation {which dn rio. sal grammars ae rll in the dlvsion of verbs lao leet cee) sn (@) to sich phenomean as veal aspects, verbs incopersting the brtéle ce sad verbs of mation with and witout pele, Iti these ‘nemene that make up the sbjectmattr of the ums excises of ‘hi sectin, designed to teach the sludet to we verbs corey 4. The Complex Sentence “The execs ince In this section gve the sles pactice inte tue of exper sarees containing elses ntodued by the comnuaest Conjunctins and conjunctive wars: Spec ttnion Is given fo elses Inuolucel by te canjuetive word rorpu and the conjunction sn since thelr nize aeceuts for the greater prt of rsakes made By foreign speakers of Reson. This section ala contains euetles in ela Jag dict by tadvct spec and sonences invlvng particle cr verbal ‘vec cortrctions by compl santos Tho character of the exec sven in thi bok is dstermined by two factors (2) the apectie fre of he lenginge phoramencn staal ant @) the need to actives the form concert inspec Thy he tse of eases is est procled in qution and answer eneses, wheat ‘he ase of verbal apcts shuld be pected In exerclaes in which the Sladen tas fo compre the meanings of aspect forms er fo coor the preeate aspect fom among a ruber of forms given Inthe eerie, The authors ot thi moana etrove fo comple te excises ao that fhe talent sald nt ely menarise the langage phevrnena concerned but ‘so lee (o ws them inspec. Execieswnfer the beafings "Answer the qustlns", "What questions do the aloe) words. answer? “Conplete the sentences" ani fepae the selenes by syoanyanes ontnymoss)seoenes* wil euale the student sot ely to comaidte his knowlege of the vacius forms end conatretions ut also to ctv tae tha Goss Esch stcion complses series of graduated exercises. The iit crerles stn at seiinting the student with the ew phenomensn. Then Proce cries oe given, followed in a naber of exes by exercises Wich dena! of the stent that he sctivse the kpwledge De has teamed tn the previous oes, in the authors” opinion, the execlses will prove: most eetve if they are practised ot _ony in orem form, Sut ako rally 2 for insane in fhe fost of anawers to th teaches qustions or as ae Togues between the stent "The book shad be siied in cyl pattern and mot steht theoegh from beginning. to end. This shld qrevent the stunt from Jewning the accusative of distin ka lation from vee af roton, et ‘he iscumeatal In leltin from the ort form of passive pert itis wef to etly fhe acemalive of the object of ation tn coin ton with the ection devoted fo veel pct, et, Russa Un Eseries is baad on a Sted caster of the cranes ustan woe, feature whch makes M posible fe ise Tt fo spokane ‘any compres Reson couse, Authors f conreNTs: page : Introductory Lexical and Grammatical Course ‘The Noun. The Siagulat Tha Queda Yon bu? Kew de?) 15 ‘Te Verb. The Present Tense » The Question Kar? coe 2 ‘The Question Kes? 2 ‘he Question Yaw Blan? oF 25 6 Reson Eseries ‘ The Gener of Nouns 2 “The Poasesive Prooouns mod, mio, amu apt ast » Th Verb, The Past Tease : 3 The Verb. The Future Tease 6 ‘The Plural of Nouns... ss st Poseestve Print. The Question Ye? ” ‘The Construction Y send, y met coms 2 “The Demonstrative Proscane Som, da, fe, Su. The Question Kovdi? Kosts? Koete? Kecie? “ ‘The Adjective a7 + "alertiee with the Stem endiogin's Hard Censenat a ‘Adjectives with the Stam ending tn w Soft Consannt <6 2 | 8 Adlectives with the Stem ending i @, = 2 Adjectives aod Adverts, The Quaton Kaci? and Koo? 82 5 Useod the Vets somdae, acdine, xow and the Werd Adee ‘wth the ftatve 7 tee s Basic Course ‘The Use of the Cazes ‘The Prepositions! Case ‘The Prepasitonal wd to Denote Place Sing Nouns in the Pepositieos ‘The, Prepsionsl used lo Deraie the Object of Speech or tho, Personal Prana Inthe Precio Singular Adectves fx the Prepstnal Poatsive Proms i the Prepon) ‘Tae Prncan end In the Preeti! Pls) Nous si Adjectives ithe Prepon ‘Th Pepsin! vee to Denote Tino ‘The Preps used Ia Other Menings “The Accstive Case “The Acoistive ured fo Denote the Objet of sn Acton Slagle Nas jn the Accsative Single Acetves and Prone ine Aceste | Persona! Pronmins dn the Active Peal Nos in the Asctive Phra Adjectives and Preoours Ia the Accasalve ‘he Accustie of Dron Ure off Aceomtive Case with the Verbs tazer» — nosis, ‘aus nsomnare end warns nonsune ‘The Accuative wed 40 Denote Tine ‘The Dative Case “The Dutive wed to Denote the Peron toward Whom ao Acton Drei Singular Nouns in th Dative : Pra Now in he Dative arin Proauae inthe Dative Ajctives se Posesive Prone in he Daiive ‘The Dative wed with the Verb wpdourset . - ‘he Dative ied fo Deasto Age ees : The Dave In nprsoral Sestenees ‘Use of fhe Dative Case with Prepositions nt The Genitive Case Singuie Nas tn the Genitive. « 6 0 ” 5 7% 82 er 90 2 wo 10 10s, 107 108 m nS Ne ue 120 196, of the Genitive afer the Negative Words mem, mt Gu Sinaular Adjectives énd Pronouns in the Genitive ‘Use of the Genitive withthe Noms dan, mpu aid wempe Pal Nos im the Genitive Use of the Genitive will aenico, dio, oxdanen, aloo, eswdve abd the Numerals tana, wore en Ploral Adjetive and Proouny ia the Genitive ‘The Geitve used to Dente Posten ‘he Advani! Genitive é The Genive used with the Comparative Desree The Genitive used ta Denote the Dole Use ofthe Genitive wit Prepositions «> “The Intent Case Sguae Noune in he Toston Toe Socntive Instrumental ‘ Single Adjectives and Pronouns ithe Usted ess Pronoins fn he Tetras Pleat Nats, Adjsves end Posse Prom tate ‘The Instrental eed 26 the Naminl'Predative ‘The Insmeral ater the Ver samnudmacs, inmepeco” nen, Be ‘The Instuneitsl wed lo Denote Phe ‘The Testamental Ia Pasive Capsrctons || | ‘The Tester sed Us Proper Meaning ‘The Inetrmentl eed in Otter Deans oe Reetson Fssrles nthe Uses of the Cases The verb Verbs of Motion Unpeined Vebs of Motion and the Verbs noon and naézans “Phe Verb sas The Present Tene ‘The Verh xodimo. ibe Past Tense ‘The Verb oud Tha Fate fens The Vorb Gama, The Preset Tose The Verb adams. The Past Trse Tie Verb nalcamo. The Futre Tease I The Ves int sri ‘We Vers dsm — tadin, poae 6 8 ra 13 138 10 a Me us, 6 1s, 18 16s 160 165 it 168 168 i Prelied Verbs of Notion Te Briton Be Bele a a a, fie eli ore eee Revision Exits... ‘Verbs withthe Paste or ‘The Verbs gms and yeimicn : ‘Verbs with te Pasive Nesaing ‘Verbs withthe tle Relenve Mesing Verbs withthe Meaning of Resiocs tion Verbs with the Proper Reflexive Meany Retsion Bsaritee “he Aspects of the Verb Use of Inperective Verbs lo Dsoote Repeated Actions Use of Pafectve Verb to Dente Momeotary Actions | Thy Impareline Aupet alter the Verbs now, apodoa- ‘ear ted edn i (se of Iperective ond Paictive Verbs the Fue Tease ‘Use of Aspect Pals of Certain Verbs ; Usa of the Varbt sider yeldeme, swam — yids. ant dats yeas Use of Poise Verbs ite Prefixes n> 3 Revlion Exertaee : The Conplex Sentence Clases introdaced by the Conjunctve. Words so, eo, nose, sar, 28, njoe, majo, non, sda td onda Cus intodued by the Confanctions noma waa and madouy Clases intradiced by ye Canjencton au Closes lnrdared by te Cenjnetion emstie Cine inredaed by the Cajon sort Sextet cethning the Coat Word mim, 10 Classes inodsed by the Coninetive Word sande Direct end atirct Spe 1. The Diet Specht Statemnot 1, he Dirt Specht Question coating fnirogative I, The Divot Sesh ss a page 210 aul a2 210 Ea as 29 2 239 ou 236 a0 240 241 251 25 os sr 28 230 6 sr AB, The Dist Spt x Quon tang No Introptve IV. Toe Direct Speech isan Order or Request.» >) eoision Bsercses : Santee contaning Particle and. Verbal Adve Costrutons Partelee ‘resent and Pst Partkipes Active. © > ‘Cmnlete Form Detiils Posive = ae ‘Short Form Prtcpes Pasi ; Complete and Short Form Parties Passive Verial Adverbs. : : Tupeietive Verb Adverbs | Peretive Verbal Adrebs 25 age 2 270 am mI 7 or 250 a Eo Introductory Lexical ‘Course ‘The Noun. The Singular ‘The Questions Ymo smo? Kmo 4mo? — 370 200? = Ta, ro. gom. = 910 exyntur? a, Sro erynéun. Exercie 1 Answer the questions. iam ‘Sra cron? 30 xulra? Sto puke? — Bro na? vercive 8, Answer the qustion lag the words given in tacts Dro pa? (napa) Mode! ri | fer dra me pra, vo Kapanndu 1. ato erate? (oryénre) 2. Bro rerian? (ous) Danpuay Sup cron? enya) 3. B10. ‘Dasa. ro wae so 8300 3, 910 tantra? Ga) fit ~ (aneps) 6. Sto. Bas: eee oe wer for i ~ Se pet cee | [oes = Her, sro ue pfanal, $10 xapandur aes es ercse 2. Answer the questions, xerlse 4, Ask qutstions about the pleares aad answer then Oo rT Ol i aS8 a ‘Sto wwiira? Sto wypuda? — Bro crys? Axo avepa? Kio sro? aro apa. ‘2 nen* Bro g0eKs? — Broo amie? Sto exyaéa? ‘penouanirem? The negative partie ye te never sleaze and a ponuniatie roarges wil he wofd winch follows 1 em pial a verse 5. Which gation Kno Sn? or Yin dr? Go the Ha clued wards nave? Model: 910 ope, Kmo S10? Bro cansipe. imo sro? ALA. B10 cmos. B. 1. S10 exon, 2. 310 emys 2 Sto ynpasencnue, 3. Sro emyaéxmea, 3. Sto Gp. 4 Bro mile, 4. Bro ceempa 5, Bro mpenodanimeso, 5. Bro caben 6. Bro piu. 6 9:0 wanda, 7. Bro emydtnm. 7, Bro uindasnus. 8, Bro adsina. 8, 3x0 yuaepoumém, 9, Bro naman 9, Bro moedpuay ‘The Verb. The Present Tense A wiecito, Tus wiraeun. (Ou sider. Ona wuriex, verse @, Inert the verb eundim Inthe spproprate fom, Model: #1 .. reser. 51 saumvo Texer. ; 1.1 x. 2. Mia... reser, 3. Oat. aypati. 4.08. rmcind. 5. Ba. yapangndune, 6.51. pacers, 7. Mbt ‘npexaowerme, 8. Bui. npasiao. 8. Ona... cmean. xarcke 5 Inet tho verb acemopsine in the apport form. Model: Ou ... ypés, (On rosmopiem ypé. 1. Maw. npdauag. 2. $1... vexer. 3, On. endo. 4. Ord raaréa. 5. Bix upenaoménie. 6, Out... ypor. ercse 9. Conisgats the vere. mosmopime, wane, mown, exh nl omerab ae Aa be Model: $f amido nics. Mas wumdon anced, Tur aumieun ricon6. Bt aumdeme uncon, On sumdem neen. On wuandion neon. 8 nomopho rexer, $A awilo nina. # doMMNaKO NpeXe ona, 1 causa péamo. $1 oTvesai0 ypOs. SRO BE sn | ere 10, Answer the guttions fist to the afimtive and then sn the mae 1. On cajmaer, piswo? 2, Ona surder_ ni nosropiior exer? 4. (OMA smder oxypnaa? 5. Cryxirr sder mpinno? 6. Cryxéurxa roster fexcr? 7. Aana w Cepréi nator npéowc? seri 11, Ansoor the qustions fist ia he lTlemstive and then in he megs 1, Bu noumtdere rec 2 Big exsuere plato? 8, Bu vuerdere seypnist? 4. Ta adem upémo? 5. Ts nosropen ‘exer? 6, But losopfere apne? 7. Tu uowmdei npeazo- rowopirs 2 rowan, Mut ropopia, 't rovopiimie, Bt ronopire, Ou ropopiie. Out ronope Oa roaopie, MEMORISE: serie 12, Anwer the questions fie in the attimulive and then tn de negative. seats pect 1, Ata ronopir no. picecu? 2. Keer Fonopi no-pjecas? 3. Gut Tooopir’ no-psecta? 4 Bw rosopire vo-pyccan? 5. Bopte rovopr no-anraiicxn? 6, Tex rosopritm no-arai ‘oun? 7. Hina n Bopie rosopie no-autaiionn? rats |e ander nie cease ee ercve 13, Answer the question sng he words giver in brakels Model:—Kro nostopter mans? (9) si tomopsio avanir. ro sider exer? (Ania) Ifo sopouts waren rexer? (Axa. 08) ‘ero cefae nosropsen Teer? (iG) Kio sxder tan? . Hopou ser Anma6e? (crys w eryaser) Kero roaopr no-pycenu? (os) KKro xopouis rosopin no-pfecn? (0) Ko eelsde ronopin no-pyeexn? (ut) 2B Bercte 14. What questions do the Hesed words answer? Model: Zacor u Awa rosopitr no-pjecx ‘Kmo rovopiet no-pycewu? L. Hecon exjuaaer pimuo. 2. Anna warier wcypain. 3. surziio’ raced, 4. Mot rovopii no-pfecan. 5. Oni xopourd Snawr ypor. 6, Aw vostopmere texer. 7. Awa w Magda unr TeECT. ‘The Question Kax? — Kax of ander ypin? = Ost eater ypoe xopoms, Terese 15, Rend the gies apd answers and wate them dowa, 1. — Kas eryatursa orveuder ypin? Cayntmma orwexier ypox npdouaono, 2, — Kae Tow surier? Aoi surder epénno. = Kore cryxéurat caymaor? = Cryzéiras eayumor axuudmensno. Kaw. Awsa sider toxcr? — Ama auder texer xopon nerve 16, Answer the questions Model: — Kax on wiraer, xopomé Hau axdxo? = Ont warser ropo6. 1. Kae na siiene auaace, xopom6 iam naixo? 2. Kew Aca omteadet 9pén, apdemmno. tow wespasiunio? 8. Kax rowopitr” Mapin, rpestxo. du Tixo? 4. Kak sit nowundere ‘Tener, maGxo. in xopoms? 8. Kax sul rovophire no-pjecky, Geierpo nw ménteni0? 6. Kae oni exjwaor ypér, nian ‘Tempo st uesuuitenuo? 7. Kak wurden aperonasinea, eszenn0 Hae Osierpo? Exerc (7. Aniwer Model: — Kae on wuréer? (wéaterwo) = ont wider aédaenno. 1. Ka Bopic surder no-pjcexi? (xopotns) 2. Kax ow vnmrdgr “no-anraiiext®(aucxo) 8. Kak cryngnras orseudior Yoox? (npititono) 4. Kax Ania umrder”Tescr? (Gsicrpo) 23, Kaw Hina auier anganit? (nndxo) 6. Kax oni pacessa haber Texcr? (wétaeaso) 7. Kak ous surder auaaic? (rpiaco) 8) Kak cryacerss exytnaior ypox? (enmdreauto) 9. Kax on ooops no:pycexi? (Meaaeno) 10, Kax roroptr péauo? (0x0) etons using the words gven ia. bracket eck Cones te sienee wing the anonym of te Model: On wiréer 6ticmpo, a 8... Ou watser Osiempo, a 5 wiio séDsexwo. 1. Cayaéir ovnexier apd, a cryaburea ... . 2. Cecr i Fowopar Geemo, Ghar 3. Him, ewraet mis, a linea... - 4. Mepn rovopir tio-piecxu nadxo, a Anna .. 5. Cryiinreacajmver ypox euadmensio, 9 cryaGur « 8, sf auilo ypSe xopou), a Tu.» 7. BM pacexsoumacre TeKcr npdewsto, a om... 8. Ow Fovopir no-pjecia aéd- enya the paral of the noun ere xerche 18, Make sp qustions to which thse sentence are the Mode: —'... cee? = Kaw surier Ansa? = Inia ‘wirder’ mito, — Anna unréer tixo, he 2 — Grier inirier’ wédzewe. Cryaéarea weréer emp. = inperosssnens fonopite enix. ‘hina rovopite'miéxo. — cpr’ reno ‘ne aan nado, pees = nn Seen sma nana rovopiir’ oijcexn apdausono. recite 20. Aoweer te questions sing the woes xopaué — nab a, aps ciBsemo, "spline mize, apdnuiono—nenpdauan, Model: — Kas on exjamer? Of enjuizer eudmessno. 1, Kane eryxéur under? 2. Kax on ander 1ecer? 3. Kat ceryadurea ormexder ypon? 4 Kak on@ ronopsin no-pcexi? S.'Ran Thiaa.pacenastsser exer? 6, Kax cryaénra cxi- fisor nexer? 7, Kax mt anicre ypéx? 8. Kak itt rosopire porpycexn? 9. Kak it uoummsere a0-pfecx? — Bu sufere, Kak Hoxonilt rowopir no-anraicea? Ja, # auto, xax oh roRopier no-auraficxs. Ow roRo- pity no-auraitek xopoms. 2 Piidlen a we aio, nak o% rosopir no-auraiiice, serie 21, Anaver the questions. 1. Bue sudere, kee on rouopiir no-pfecwu? 2, Bu andere, xa Jixon orwerder ypb = Vou’ Hina’ pasimac Bérepoi ai ajuiaeie pdduo. ? = Getic’ Amin ont, ‘Caine’ ois’ oben. sco umd. ine 9 palidmar. ee et aii ye, = Celi’ Hiiia inde’ nucond, xerese $2- Rend the senlentes ad write them down, Note the pation oe weds denon tn ne aooers ft gains Fine Bescon ant Kosai? Remeber thet the wove cntalaing e sfaverfo'a question 8 Ul at the ent of the seen 1, — Koad Son paséraer? = Tow podraer dnéa. ‘Ymo on désaem ann? Hie on pabdmaems, ‘ood on oranixaer? On orien sévepox. mo’ Hixon Oéaaer névepon? = Beaepom ox omdaczem 3, — Koodd sur wariete? = umriie abuepon. = Yima aut dBaaeme vésepon? = Biuepow 5 mdi pikes bia, afer ince; nea wpe, alter the len Revision Exercises- verse 38, Inert the aprorate forms of the words given on the Model: Crynter ..gmerdue. | nud Gryabur riven suri 1. Axa xopous ... no-pfcex. | ronopirs 2. Onl noerai ... pio jrpos. sivrpaxany 3. Gellge ova“, huckaid. ted 4 Mu. pau wesepon. eayuars 5. Condit Anna ... ypox naéxo. | sears 6. Tw raarom? oxropirs 7. Bu ypon? yur 8. Bua“. npenaonénne? inom 9. Oud. "no-pyecx? Fowopiirs Evcrcse 84, Insert the yerbe atom, und, eam, Olsens, mc, supa as {ate appear 1, Bésepow iawo. A s1o Bit exepon? 2, Ria xopoud Bu Toxe xopoms .. no-pfe- 3. Tipenonanirety .. Tesct. A970 wu cryaéari? Ont ae apetouandreiy ser exer 4, Cetne Jagat ane. Ate Ana? On yp 3. Gerda Me “Sopa. ypor."But tome wopox yp? rece 38. Aner the gusto, A. Kas. nit soaopire no-pjeexu? 2. Kok Ava exrder noe pjecnu?' 3. Kon oni eer cercaus ypin? Kak ot B. 5, Korai mu sisrpaxaere? 6. Korné Sion paGéraer? 7, Kora om ormaxter? 8. Korad ne oséavere? 9. Kors 1 exvuaere paso? C. 10. Gro agaor exynésres guise? [1. Yeo ont abaator sévepon? 12. Uro mkt nenaere cefic? 18, Uro BH Be: saere. sesepon? D. Ii. But romopie uo-pjeesn? 16. Axa, xopomd.axéer pin? 16. On aerder upon Gietpo? 17. Bat enrae {Rtunérai frpow? 18. Bh paGracre 208? 2 Eerclee 86, What question do the lidsed words answer? 1. S10 Anya. 2, Oud xopous auder ypin. 3. Oni ate der rexer Gtlempo, 4, S10, emydtanas. 5. Omi 0680100 EeGahale oni renopi, noawendtents 7. Vopom Sonow Gimaem, 8. On orguxier aéuepost. 9. Celivac of wumdent faim. 10, Jbkow *uraer renee ympoa w abvepost, xerive 87. Answer the questions asin the motel Model — Bus auiere, #75 om nésaes? = As, w anite, a6 on Aéaser. Ou miuer mcs, = Her," ne suai, 46 on aéaser. 1, Bia sniere, Kors ZLxom painaer? 2. Bato cou seer’ newcpon? 3. Bi azere, hora ok ova ST Bor atdere, 70 Aun aber eslsc? 5. Bw ane norma Oud. Your yoko? 6. Bu aire, hak. ob rovopme nope Sine 7s Bur andere, xorgé mis o6Cageu? 8, Ba sno, 106 sins seanem ene 866? ‘The Gender of Nouns ‘The Possessive Pronouns soft, meol, Haw and eau. 70 wo (vena) sepa. Gro nam (at) 204 Seo no {roog)oen, Sra mam (aia) ti Bro mat (08) tc, Bro we (wate) om. Exerc 38, Ise the posssivepromuns in the aporpraie fonn, Model: Sro ... xéumera. ‘to dod Kenmare, AL woi, moi, 08 1, Bro. cron, 2, Sr. pf. 3, Bro... napanAa. 4, Sto a Mast6, 8, 40 wa raseTa, 6. STO... apyT. 7. B70 1 yrds He Whe plural ofthe noun epic. B. rook, re0A, ra08 Te Spo ws pHa? 2. Seo... KOMTA? 3. Sto. nee M624 Sto"... némxa? 5. Oro. ywesuk? 6. Bro." oRd pun? 7. ro... ceenpa? C. vam, wus, name Te Sto. WKONa. 2. 910 a, gow, 3. B10... Gnomon xa. 4, 920. yumeperér. 5. Sto... kay6. 6. 310... ety neaea, 7. S10 .. npenoranitens. 8. S10 . oKKd. D. nam, sda, name Tr Bro wn 06M? 2. 910. raséra?_3. Bro... puna? 4. Sie. ayia? 5, 90... puna? 6. 910. penanan- rem? 7. Bro. eryaeaP? MEMORISE: Molt exosis. Mod wars ‘Moi noppni. ‘Mod rerpian, Execs @, Put thse, wads In thzce groupe in ecordnce with these ger a I the oa Model: = fem ot. ro moi cron, | 9x0 wom wéwuara. | Sto Moe nHeEMé, pis, aéuna, xapauxdn, Opar, paawo, raséra, ynéGimn, nnetno, erya, uDka, KApta, “NOprbéab, Tenpal, 1as.T0, Noctiny, Weiha, exoRips, Mars, Age, ceerps, TORAPIL, RoW, obuexcimie, OHS, oeypuia, Kaprina, caoeo, ynpaaeKéune, Exerc 40, Insect the eran pecan on, on oF on Model: 310 mon rox, .. eroiir sec. Bro soit cron. Gu cro saece. 1, 9ro Mau npenogaoiren. ... aurder rexer, 2. 910 wos cori... pafidraer ane, 3. Sto wok Oper... eajaaer piano. 4. 910 Toi noapira. .nliyer maces, 5. Sno want Erynénr. x PoRopiT DO-pYecKH. 6, 9x0 NOE ESME, w- Je seit geet 7, S10 nia pha, «send ra. 8. S70 OH Tnosipes ear tec 8. Dio) Terpaa. NEAT Stee io!” Sto. saul wa. crowe,exeon. il. Seed” wpecno. serait te 12."9ro Mosk sunta, «- eTOdT enplon The Verb. The Past Tense ronopirs Cryabir rovopia, On ronopia, Gryaenca rovopiaa, On Tonoplaa, Grysenat conopian, On rosopia. azno rosopiao On rovepino, Faerive 41, Answer the questions inthe afiratine, Model: — Tus wirrin rpom raséra? = Tha, ward Yapone ravers ; 1. Gryat ne enc? 2. Cryer sums ypnia? 8, Bar wumsiau ceroaus raséru? 4, Cryaénrat muedate cerOnn smwraw? 3. Bau apyr nied oxepé tncomé? 6. Tat expuuaaa contain péawo? 7, Bu aysiu muep nésepow? 8. Tu paGi- ‘maa biepi? [Exercise 42, What gustlons do the verbs answer? Model: Yrpow o2 cajuas pad mo ox désas Yrpo%e? 1. Huey sat padimaa, 2. Bévepom wo omdbexdau. 3. Baepi névepon = nucda acosd. 4. Ynpox ond amas aasémul. 5. Breph mesepow ah cuompéa mesesiop'. 0. Cem Fenn jrpoM Omi ued duxmdnm. 7. Yrpom x) wimds * camp rexetop, to welch felevsion sn 8p, Ee the pst ee Bernd thats pst tee Model: wirim—on wurda, oni wrriaa, owi améan 8) peGérams, wars, xésaro, cajiuere, ajuans, enpaiau fers, oTBevits, suvrpakaT, OBéaars, Yate, nosropny 8) ronopine, yin, ror, ) nc ) cworpers Exerc 44, Answer the questions ring the word Sia, eniuxtino, spate pai poe cman ice en tga ani, ape: Pass cnaniptne usa, ard 1. Mro pean sau apyr svepi? 2. ro om abman nese pou?’8. tro. zetame eryaems tera Jtpont A, ro on au xe? 5. Ur RA Aémanw weeps Bedepou? 6. as Geroau Frpou? 7 io sar eaaaw ceronhe verbs in the pst ene. Model: om paSéraet—on paSiran AL. ot omesier 9. woe parse — 2 atmparaio— 10, omar 3 ont ryaion— 11 au pocewtaunoere— 4. sree — 12. oni Paomser 3 on enpdaaer— 6. of o6ttger— 8. 19. ou nitser — 7, ot sare i sonoma — © Ont rose 18. Sah oxcrpe— Exercise 48 Replace the peat ere ofthe veri by te ps Model: Oud windem cic. nS Oni tumdina Gcxpo 1. On ronopie no-pjeekti. 2. f rorénmo aowiumee sax ane 8, Vio cub enor pho. aa ea, 5. Cryntwoea.sopoue anler”rexer. 6, Hat npenoaasstens hsscsor ype lipenonainenscnpinamae, «eae orcs. 8 dn ut patron, sesepon oie surcke 47. Rewrite the text npicing te pent feu of verb bythe pst. Reel ue ine “PR Kae Be ro uit amie a. ypone!? Mix sutiew exc. Torin penoRaniren enpéuueaes, a ont ometiet. penn poctt yp, a the fen 2 unaer rexcr Gsierpo H npéonauulo, of xopomé suder Romi on crpenden, Mid exyiaes sunmarerbio, THordue ape Roubirens odweader ypak, Mix ommatien, wr6 rovopite Hperowandren, Mu tosvopieu raards, miatew mncrétc, Topopiat uo-pycexn. Bee eryneure pabsraior xopox. rerio 48, Rearie the test replacing the present fase of the ver by the pat iro a aésaio pévepow? Tiere ypéna 9 oséta, nora orgundion A cij gna a sraio ragéra w oxypHSa. T Shura paora, 1 rordame osuiee sexduute: yu) cor Tomopho raaréna, muy sexerks. Moi Opar réxe roréomt oma tee sagaume, lowe kt jaionse, CHO TeIeEOD fe exjuraen pani. ee Se ae teed ert adie Beas ea eta on i ee ee td He a MR Ler Me aides te” a td he hen bad ced ait We ad ty, ccf oni ad te) ws Snes iene eee | Roo nd eae ee oe [cesta mien sos Tercise 60, What questions do the Isic words answer? Model Cmydéamer swerimn, pacerts Kimo winds pacckia? 1. Cydia yuian ypé. 2. Zeon xopom, rweua pin, SDs ond ‘cnonpet rezenioop. 4, Mépu sua 2s, 5 ont sovopiam no-pyeoun. 6, Bip Lacon u Ans ‘eworpéait am Teakra — a cna, ng cust. om cir 2 ale’ semi, Bomar seri 51, Wat question do the italicised wards ase? ota ie SL set 2 Coen aap erent san eat a Cn at ena a 7 en a vecie 52, What quesne do the Hisliced words ansver? Anca Aer toa vprate n re Sexe weph ne patirann 7. Ceri topos t- Kypnin sexia rast.) Kenvra acacéna rat chad ae ra, | 0 temino ro? Kypudnu xem ran vercke 69. What questions do th ics words answer? 1, Kida scacan xa croné', 2 Caoaipn son ma 28S. Baan crotza' sa" ona@. 4. Omani eda taueee 5. asémas sem wa ernt, 8. Usenet crohns cote Exercise 64. What questions do the ialkised words enswer? 1 Gmpnn extn pi, 2, hu pine ro a. gage mee mo, 2 liens ‘sd onal Pe erm am 0 re Beast fa SES ft a te. Tare sre con 1 w ance, In the elmo halen, the bi 4 onal the windows Sze St the Tale rjee, atthe cab Aopunipe, tn the erin ‘The Verb. The Future Tense Ofay Mor 6fncn om : ae urine Tu eyneus | werise Bir Gynere 7 Gn oyner” | ayprin, Oni Ojaye! YD Ona oyner Eercse 65, Arce the qestios Model: — Bis dome eajuame pinsa? = Ba, 4 efdy etna pn. 1 On dem mine kn? 2. Cena at Oe oxisuoano "exer? 3 {las mpenoaansnem Oder ont. {ne yoon? A. Tit 6jdeue eras roe O66 6. Ti peas nucdno mice nerepon? 6. Bat deme cogoams? GH bu odeme noamopine radu? 8. On der seuepow Chompene reseniaoph 8. Ont 6gdym spa. racine. ie Sarde Baur Oper Oder sped picen soe? 11. Ts Uijoeun jsctxare> Ber 6, Lr the fre ene oth ve geen In its Model: Mir .. ada, (6tsan) Mia Biden eno. au 1, Ceiie. mpenosaninens yp. (0Genciir) 2. Crys neuro ype lenjars) 3 jkdua a seyaponmeni. Ge Jamo) a Saoape st os sewn. (aici) 3. Bexepow Ow veaeuianp (euonpiss), a». paneo, (eritiars) 6. TH. Fiecnutastus (wiyean) 7. Awe Tome pec ask? tesa) eis 57. Replace the present tense of the verke bythe future. Model ft nuuyf mucis6. BI Ogay ruc nes. 1. Tipenosaniren otrseufer ypox. 2. Crynéura caf user, 3. Sor cryaeh pacexésusaer Texct. 4. Bévepow ues thorpine Teseaiaop..5. Mw roaopine no-pjecam xopaus. 6. pascrai nésepow. 7. Tdeae jaima x rordamo noMuwee Saasine, 8. Todi cayimato ‘iano. * ava, at home MEMORISE: Days of the week: Keoeoa? rowexéassis wonexémmm bream ‘bo propia pent w epeny ernepr 2 uernepr nium 8 ndny eyooira 8 cysGory ocrpeceune 1 wocepecénse erie ape sts segs prs oe snob ta, Seta it al SSeS Sear ea ms ee 1 yo Gj acre Aga a serpin 2. ont ines Ae tn} 8 sae teats Cote we tetCati? Wo oer sean Sn sels 3 Er hues aban need. to a ae sents fe ae le 7 xn vata Fogo "es tro axe Gyr nso boomer fons Bie on day ata beng? Pre eye rc te pt fea fe st by te ue ell Ue fend, SPINE HO Fes I yi se rm souls. Cyan sav ‘opened tant sec pena Splat 2 he ote Her» ona wea ae re gw ae Matec fon ta ions feo ode oe a fuse mee. Ie Yella we ried antsy we have rest 2 Tou Te had cay eet” ean alae ine} Sn ates te ape Ye ft eis elated ner Ions i eaten te Teron ie ate wl he uo) and te Sal bs rcring (Chon) The sss te wns oe tony Ter they be g's aon co ipa Renan lo Now ges ie aan, ok {Seu sca Ronin, oe 8" fe figs er roe Inthe eerng sh Be wang tek Se Tas poor, on the Bicker ‘The Plural of Nouns Se rom Tals on the sre_ yh in the Sgr The st and the plural. Ye = ‘oaipum — Tospaw ropnpéas — noprpean syne —ay3eM jon. | ranera—rasira | sire —xten hua — pin Teipone — erp Lo} Trae 61: Pal the nous the ls " roace, sonia, ypoce una, ans, wire, ypu, sonpierestra, zener, "aaron, oullOna,pp4xa, TerBOAh, cinerea, Aebyanc, "ante, cnpotongnsren>, cTys6H, SMe quant wiranin, wocr, epaa, nan ORES “The sires fells on different syllables in the singular and the pial ase eran —evoni | maiz — sant | x04 — now | ime open _| Chonips — crowepi Fem. |espant—erpin rovet —aéexn || \ nace —miceata] a jexéno —cnona Po} s ———__ ——__eEoEeEeEeEeE rege 62 Pot the none a the sings, Memes hepa ‘these words. tee Me ae 1. cromi, wocrt, usps, cant 2 oberpui, erp, 8. nate, yuenunts caoaspi, mpawi, xepansemis 4. ont, nec’, roponi, noesxs, weeps; 5. enon, meets; miceia, xt verti 63, Put the nant in the plas “ | 7 ee ee caren | reemte— sraboparépan— | ipexoneéte — sxew¥pens— | abatexcirne — MEMORISE: Singur Pll apy — apysus Sper — Gpanun crt — evans épeno — nepenta verse 64, Put the soos in the pla rxap, cron x crya: rondpyun me xpyr; cerpd a 6par; cayséir, eryzéimea u npenonasineas; wits, Terplay 1 €a0. ph; wapaniun pra; repon, eax tap; veypibn, Ta3e Taw mt, yom, Aen a seKSpeHR, Gah ca6oD ‘MEMORISE: Singular Phe ssenonéx— aoa pebenox —némH serie 65, Put the oom the pal Model: Sto mempéte. Bro. meme. 1. 910 xapangin:, 2. Sro aysuerdpun. 3. 9x0 xin 4, 9, rgb 8. Bro enya. 0. Sr, magn, 8. STO Maran. 9. Bro, pfs erynsierca. Th'oro mmceaé, 12. Sto caéso. 13. 910 raaéra. 14, 910 im. 15. 40 erya. 16. 910 rOpox 17. S10 cxsips, Exercise G8. Replace the snglar by the ura A. Model: Cryxéer axréer aeypuda. Gryaéur surier aeypadans, 1, Cecrpa nimer mucsud. 2. $1 surévo pacers. 3. Oxi cuorpen quant, 4. Coyaénieacosropier mexcm. 5. Cry- Star aakuet npaacubnaee 8. Mur nen Guonasum. 7.3L ‘aly 03690 B. Model: Ha croné aeasim muon. Hia eran aes. widen 1. Ha eroné saveim eaxéma. 2, Ha crené auc apna. 3. Ha oxue cmaim aduna, 4. B xadcce cudim Gmydéxm. 5 Ha erené uc apmina, 6, B xaticce emodm cmon w C. Model: Oud mimer ynpaxuéane. Onn milayr yup, 1, Cryzéer surnier tener. 2. Tipenonaniness povepier serpian. 3. Cryzéinna utter xypuda. 4. niu npeaA- seine. 5, On Kyat yseOnn. ere 67, Replace the pal by the singular, Model: $1 mmuy ndcosa SL nay nud. ye 1, 9 xynéia respiza « xapauzauil. 2. SLi wri wimel, 3, Mat micas guerannae a yrpaonéma, 4. moa ce cro cron crjaps. 5, Ha croae aokir xin, rast ‘TMH crogpi. 6. Tlperouaninenn rovopi ro pyeext. verse 68. Trantate Into Rossnn, 1. The student is reading a story. The students oe fist ing {0 him reading. 2."The tesehets and the sluts push Rusian, [buy tewspapers and magurines nthe mwa Tam reading 2 magacine now. 4. Evecy Gay we ke wor fevew vey" erl execs andrea feta 6 Thee ne _erercice hos, perl, pens and dtonaies hee 6. Thre are tables and’ chai tere “oms | Possessive Pronouns. The Question “eit? [Br mol (uo pana | He gro mama? ro n. [Bw on (na) fun] et fr sama ro tw Crom) ton” | in fo ma (an) xpos, | ed fo rapa? lara. Sa ea | eh to spa ron) Sr nau fone) fac. | ane 0 Baa road atu) | on 9 (Oro eré Kapanniu. Heit S10 xay nau | ee oF (Bro erd py, “iba $10 pera? re ofS er Pata a Be te 'Sr0 eré snr, Msn S10 xouiew? yo ow. {272 Yuen. Yell iro. yuéonmx? os en 0 2 mes tre oe oe ro wx exondp, ro wx nia [Seo we obutenine ‘ro mx hopes Bro en ee ro Es Use So oGutesuione Mon 0 nopnpéa? 0 erese 60, Wil question do the ialeled words answer? Model: 9ro sod xypnaa, Yet S10 mypnio? A. 1. 910 sof exouiph, 2. ro meod xapanaéut. 3. 970 nant ange, 4, 910 eau upenoxaséten. 5. S10 ee apyr. 6. Bro ef Spat, 7. 910 ue AO B. 1, Bro sof pena. 2. S10. maok wing. 3. Sto nda aymrépus. 4. 910, eda Kowsara. 5. 310 ec6 TeTpd 6 Sto ee ceexpé. 7. S70, ue mar. : C1, Bro aod meeigé. 2. Sto mood ynparenénme. 3. S10 awe piawo, 4. 310 edule oKud. 5. S10 eh nanurb, 6. Sto! ef abero, 7. 970 ux often. sere 70. hes he appoint possessive pens. Model: Ceompd seein ances, Sto... xSuuara dro ob wine. 1. Cmyotum sure ypu, S10. yee6uns. 2. 91 sain cxypiian Sro yp. 3 Bu “here mean, Sro Wa. i. Tw Jims tooad, vo -. exguapo. 0. Ones 26ua, Bros. nang. Gy Me etio 9gcc Oro». nance. 1. On pecoiae steci, S70.» ween. . Crngdeums mim yan Were, Drone aoMdiee sapdene. 9. CruyOeuma miter. Bro, ps. beach 71. Ave the cuetns wing the pene pone ‘A, Yep dro woquara? 2. Yeh Sno yaaoe? 3. ue sro syécro? 4. th sro verpaas? 5. Use Sto naar? 6, Yel Jo caoaipu? 7. Hom bro cecrpa? B. 8. Una mare wero mimer sifesna? 9. Ye roipmn, ct zit tan? 10, Yel apyr xopom6 roropir no-pceun? 11. et ‘mypuan gut wirdere? 12. Use mutan6 aeacir, » xiie? 1 Yen wocriow uci tau? 14. Yelk nopnpény next srecu? 1B. Wel Gpar mayséer pyccxnt satin? 16. Yet xpyr smunet B Mdcxnee Exercise 72, What qustlons do the Hail wards snswer? Model: 910 od rerpasu. ‘ew Sno. serpana? 1. Bro aus rastru. 2. Sto ob wyputia, 3. Sno aun apysii. 4, 310 mand wapanzami, 5. Sto ux mina. 6. 310 ef penn. 7. Sto wide Tosipmaun. 8. Sto a8 nocton. 9, B10 sod wees. 10. Dro dus mica, verse 78. What qunstions do the iiaeied words answer? Model A, 3r0 Hau wxad. Yea S10 wie? B, E26 oréx paoraer 9 dine Hen orbs. paSraer a iikine? AL 1. ro mia xéunra, 2, 310 soit nat. 3. Sto eda Wi Ta. 4. Sto. mand nacans. 5, S10. e8 alitd. Ge Dro eh cron. 7. 970 due onto. 8. 910 eau socribn. 9. Sto vod pfca. 10. Bro we sance. 11.” Bro wo Kapaa 12. 270 ao apyses. 18. Dro wduai yutsanns, B. 1. Mod Gpar’patsraer @ tmxéne. 2. Teal Knitm send ances. 3. Fei sosipuut aunér a dlosiipize. 4. EP cece aps noysder pjeenuf sake. 5. Fad uatw wero ni Iowa, 6. Biiuia ronpyra xopouis Tosoplir no Evers 74, Tense ilo Ril, 1. This is my friend John, His brother learns Russian 2, This is Ann and hat Is her father. 3, This Is our class oom. There are our bags and books here, 4. These are the students and that is their teacher. 3. "Whose magazine is WO" I is her megerine.” 6. "Whose car is it?" "Il is his cat.” 7. "Whose books re theee?” “They are your books.” So "Whose letter is 10° “It is my letter ‘The Construction Y sex. y meGA ecinn, aa ot] ) eeceeee 5 unde, at tod vercie 75, Bnaner the questions Io the afinstive Model: — ¥ werd corp ronipun? Hla. y werd core TonspuaL. 1. ¥ nerd core piano? 2. ¥ nerd ccnp xapantiu? 3. werd cere yudonnu? 4. 9” ner cery caonspu? 5. ¥ werd ccm explo 6.9 ero cy wars? 7.8 Dero eee ingérat 8. ¥ tee cry ‘rerpaa? D. Vee ects, pra? 10. ¥ wee cory Gpar? 11, Yee cers mxypudau? 13. ¥ wee ecr xowwépr TY xeb ccrm seipio? 4. Y wee ecty oven? 15, Yeux ‘yeetinn? 16, 9 aux eer Rpyand 8 Mocksé? 17. ¥ vie 8 KéureTe ects pao? verse 76, Anvwer the qustons inthe llinatve, Model: — ¥ eae com, yxéGunk? ‘Ha, y Mewa ecxt yséGun “dma amnl | Biby neem axl ESE. Peas, Ly meee etme RY nid ee oes Symone, | ey eee: Him care cya Soe ercite 77, Transat the question info Rossin and answer then. 1. Have you # pencil? 2. Has she o magazine? 3. Has pen? 4. Have. You (any) books? 5. Have they a car 6. Have you a brother? 7. Has he a father? 8. Have you @ ictionary? 9. Have ‘you a Tolder? 10. Has she the textbook? TT Have you a sister? [2, Have they (any) textbooks? bert 78, Let te aon fostesive pos Modet: ¥ neat cers rare, Sro rose 1. ¥ ned cers emmipn. 10 4 cana. 2. Y ad cers Spore yucoans. 2. ¥ ae ects pave. 310 piawo. 4. ¥ aux ecm mauniaa. S10... waunina. 6. Y nae Kaoce ory xipra, S10... xépra. 6. Y aed cots mypuia Sto... HYpRAA 7. YEE cere spyaus. Dro... Apysbl 8. Y hus corm kuiru, Oro .. Raine. 9. ¥ occ ecto AeHord. Sto ... nea. 10. Y mesa ecrn Opar. mend oer gpye. Brow apyre 12. Ya ‘eeu, 13, Y necd cers opr. 10. ce cers xepasgaui. Sto =. Kapauanni ran oxedneHs, veri 78, Answer the questions in fhe affmative Model — ¥ mac 6tian oxepd xéxaa? Ta, woepé y nae Casa abs, epee Benoa y mac ofner {ats Oe Vespa. fnyr sxsanens Everive 80. Answer the questions inthe sffimative 1 me hue are yp 2, ¥ me ie 3 wclad SOE Bert Ue, ms og oe rae eee ems nee Mayle ys Sel 7 Soo y ” ‘The Demonstrative Pronouns Smom, Sma, Smo, ‘Smut. ‘The Question Kandi? Kanda? Kaxde? Kanite? ror cryaéwr rovopie no-pfeckn. ‘Sra eryaenrKa rovoplr 0-pyecks Sin eryacini coxopsr no HT aniio sro ea6ao. Exercise 1, Answer the questions in the afirmatve Models — Bit mien Sam dussn? = fhe, a winea deuom Gruso. 1. But sure mom acgpuda? 2, Bu xeymian Sone wndGrax? 9, Bu sheen mom asin? 4, Sma, cmydenmxa Shier pjccwh aad? 5. Sma Oéoyuna wayuier pyoctul Sonn? 6. Sma npenddaadmesonya rovopr no-pscenn? 7. Ba ausere imo cadeo? 8, Bu nuchm 2Oqa Smo ynpaxcnlnue? 8) Bur aanud nyuilan mo nasymd? 10. Sma crydsnmee Ct 2 Mocsne? 11, Bat tietaam gms zaséma? 12. But andere smu emacin? vere &2, Inset the danonsrtive pronoun dam, dna, dno oF se Model: ... nia croar xa croxt. Sina ganna crodr we creat, we erynérea xoponis rosopir nopjecsn, 2. A suri mia 8 Ba sonar eer. 4 ost inoue aia, douse, 5, RESjuKa Royse pfeck Se" myn ui a oct TAs ye ae Toardns, & Mot mucin =. yapanidie x6ua. 9. 51X68 #5 mien nie 10. Aa rowopian om, I: Y Mut cot 2 youth, 12. Moh vonapinn aera. 3ror xa cron cupina, Kas wad ero enpina? Sha exyaeurea xopoud to: Kaxan enyztisa X0p0W5 Topi nospyeoue Towopir ho-pfeeku> ro mise fenton w nda Kakde anc neMds0 © Ke ‘minke? Sw ryxéamas my ae Kane yas nly ame serese 83, Wet questions do the Halsted words answer? 1, Ima xwira aeéaa na crore. 2. Smom cryager piste we iin» Mockas. 3, Sma aéayuina paSeraer ateck, 4 Boeph dm erygemnis Gan a velrpe. &, Aika. earaaa ‘Som seypuda. 6. Towa mat nnedn Sue yapaxnenan, 7. Mi yan Sra roaréam 8. Jou anrda mom pacexss. rere 4. Read the questions and awe and wile then dav “imo Sn? — 3m aeypada, Kandy wi ren? —9. sn Srom yp, Yo dct Smo vara, a Kar ovr eaclr ta creat ‘Imo sinc? — 30 uncens, Kase tc os Tnchamepi? mo ba? Smo rank. = Korie "sper aa Ryne 9 widoke?— ania 2 ‘mo. dno? —2rma enyxéa. = Keansa'"eryaéir xopoms Tosop no pfcexu? — mom xyatin 19p0m6 rounpr nope 6. — Kno Sno? mo erga = Kann eryxtaa xopod romp no-pfccxn? — Sina eryaéaaxopetad nop nope = Keno Sno? Smo ery Kante eryséura watt S38 ait ates Exe 6 ver hensive roman Son, dna, Models a. rerpias. . serpbae aextirapeco Sino Werpaye. Sma TerpaRe MERIT Cd croné?—9ma ula sexe A nucéiaa wiepé Sanu yates a 6 + ayerdpit. a ayanndpns. waxdnercn mpi. La 2. wen. wr men ese Ma evo 3. xapnina, .. kaprina ovedr 0 xémare, 4. kara... tara aesstr aa cron, 5. ond, oxud waxiavtencnea, 6. enyaéur. — exyntar uayeder pfecanll asin, 7. Tl erjaénnin. .. orynénrat ceftuse: ormsxitor. Tere @f, Inust the demonallve once dom, ne, Soo se 1. Kyo Pan eran. cyanea ayer pe cua mac, “Tae ie exyatina? 2 UNO ne? oe soi pram. $f ymin" Nopmbeae exdawo, Cadre créatt emo oh Sl ne andio ... cadeo. 4. Ou andr aad buepé.nésepou. 5, But nikomt -- GWM? 6. ieinp. ns reap uaxiatren_ Wenge, 7. npenonasren Snperozanérens.paGorser 2Aons fc panase cro iccn, a» ero cron an. 91mm Pon nr. ‘The Adjective Aaljectives with the Stem ending in a Hard Consonant (The Endings -1 (-0d), ~as, -08, -bie) ro nn now. ‘ro dea xnira, Bro nGwoe naaird. ‘Bro ndnbie KW Bro moons apas, Sto wosoxdm apricrea, Bro wouozée aépene. Bro sononsie oat. Evesae 67, Icert the afctives i the appropriate frm, 1 wast BOM, MNS, SRNNE, .. mea 3 emai xocriom, ... mma, .. same, .. rasérat 8 Gea OCTIM, ve Gystray ae MasTGy wn ere 4 sepmea : : apannien, .. pena, . nansrd, .. manvisos Exina ext..? How mah 1? ” Exerc 88. Supply the adjective xpdewad, at, eda, oud Nip esta, uaF ental fo each of eae ai Model: Gémail wen, wipnas piuxa, Téxmoe nanrd, acne 2) xapawaiun, kocrion, noprbén, cron, xounépr, aBrdoye; 1) py6dunxa,” sauna, “even, pyska, Terpdad, iain, némxa ) naa: ) noMd, pysim, Terpias, Kapawsemsi, nami, eréas Adjectives with the Stem ending in a Soft Consonant (The Endings -ua,

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