Fragment Exercise

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Name: Sok Pannha

Room: 102
Session: Evening


Direction: Mark complete sentences with an S, sentences fragment with F, and run-
on sentences with RO.
1. _________The man that I saw yesterday.
2. _________ He is not an exceptional student, he is only average.
3. _________To know everything is quite impossible.
4. _________ Because I have no time.
5. _________ Open the door very cautiously.
6. _________ The rainfall this year was abundant, therefore, the crops will be
7. _________ Having finished her dinner, Joy sat down to an evening of
8. _________ America, the greatest country in the world.
9. _________ I went in, I bought the gift. I drove straight home.
10. _________ Hurry up!
11. _________ High grades do not come easily; but, they are earned by hard work
and perseverance.
12. _________ On the desk a nail file which he used to open letters.
13. _________ Since we had no money and no transportation.
14. _________ Can the boys see well enough by the dawns early light to find fire
15. _________ I studied for my chemistry exam for six hours, I still did not pass it.

16. _________ On the ledge far above us sat a curious deer with antlers.
17. _________ Which was given to Mr. Thompson, who had helped most in the
long campaign to create an awareness of the community needs.
18. _________ Up the stairs trudged three children they were being made to go to
19. _________ Suddenly, silence reigned after a long violent morning.
20. _________ Reading the book with the raised lettering on the cover.
21. _________ The first evening of rehearsal was a fiasco no one knew his lines.
22. _________ The commercial was funny it was about a clown.
23. _________ Jake was sick he went to the doctor.
24. _________ Maria took a trip to Florida she had a lot of fun.
25. _________ The computer was broken I tried to fix it.
26. _________ My parents love to travel I go with them sometimes.
27. _________The committee discussed a school anniversary celebration.
28. _________Within minutes of the appearance of the first flash.
29. _________She likes to read novels of espionage.
30. _________Unfortunately, the package was shipped to the wrong address.
31. _________With whom I had an appointment.
32. _________After careful consideration, the committee decided to accept the
new measures for environmental protection.
33. _________Despite the skepticism of her audience.
34. _________When I phoned the office later.
35. _________The mayor asked for volunteers to serve on the committee for
planning festivals.
36. _________Because the director never made the characters seem realistic.
37. _________But determined to prove her point.
38. _________We been living in this town for nine years.
39. _________If you can't agree with the experts on buying the missiles.
40. _________Because of all your arguing and fussing, I am confused now.
41. _________Sneaking around like that not making a good impression.
42. _________Although the hinges were missing, the door was solid.

43. _________With his type of personality, and in spite of his shyness.
44. _________Expecting them to tell me to come home.
45. _________Which was quite a challenge I can tell you.
46. _________That he called me an idiot is unacceptable!
47. _________In his opinion, thinking of nice things to do is enough.
48. _________In addition to the car's unreliability and our lack of cash.
49. _________On the other side of town where the roads are better.
50. _________On the other hand, he'd look funny in a long cape.
51. _________To see her the way she is now amazes me.
52. _________Studying all the time and sometimes refusing to stop for dinner.
53. _________Because the article was so confusing, I wrote to the editor.
54. _________Meaning that she'll get the best grades she can.
55. _________Just as you called, I thinking about you.
56. _________Making herself an afternoon snack, she often misses dinner.
57. _________That noise is making it hard for me to hear.
58. _________You'd think she would go on to college, with those good grades.
59. _________If they can argue, we can argue, too.
60. _________Finally the appointment forgotten by both of them.
61. _________The lake at the bottom of the field beyond the new bridge.
62. _________While we were waiting for the bus.
63. _________Reading and basic addition in the first grade.
64. _________Running around not knowing what she was doing.
65. _________The clock struck three, and we were on our way.
66. _________Roger pitched in the game, but he gave up three runs.
67. _________What we have known all along.
68. _________How could you do such a dirty thing?
69. _________Caught in a web of lies and misunderstandings.
70. _________I prefer eating fruits at room temperature.
71. _________As far as I know.
72. _________Take these flowers home with you.
73. _________My name Sopha.

74. _________When seeing those helpless children, Jane suddenly burst into tears.
75. _________Playing the guitar has always a great appeal to the teenagers.
76. _________Rolling her long sleeves up, pushing herself through the crowd,
and snatching the diamond.
77. _________If your editor would contact me by the first of May
78. _________Let us not quarrel any more.
79. _________The author focuses on problems which are pressing.
80. _________A number of observations indicate that the project will work.
81. _________Further in the future the possibility of world freedom.
82. _________Each campus organization establishes its own criteria for
83. _________Subjects of their own choice which are related to their field or in
which they are interested and have done research.
84. _________Atlanta is not only a historical city but also a beautiful one.
85. _________Beverly Sills's performance in The Siege of Corinth, praised in
New York.
86. _________After reading Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique, which is
frequently considered the cornerstone in the women's liberation movement.
87. _________The professor argued that what most students need to develop are s
kills in analytical thinking, reading, writing, and calculating.
88. _________Because most educational institutions are heavily subsidized by the
89. _________The seminar will feature basic and advanced courses in first aid, bac
kpacking, and canoeing.
90. _________Even though some of the speakers were announced prior to the
91. _________A plaque commemorating her contributions to the University of
Chicago over the past twenty-five years.
92. _________By enrolling in courses at colleges and universities.
93. _________The debate over the origin of the moon continues unabated.
94. _________Flying in bad weather, the passengers who were sitting by the

95. _________The program's major defects are numerous.
96. _________Being intrigued by his theory, we were unaware of the lapse of time
97. _________An analysis of the data coming from the subcommittee for
98. _________The student government conducted a public relations campaign to
increase faculty participation at the ball games.
99. _________The dedication of a new fine arts building will take place on Friday
100. _________The Turks were successful in capturing Constantinople in 1453.
Keeping a foothold in Eastern Europe.
101. The water moccasin eluded its attacker and crawled into the stream. Where
it disappeared.
102. _________When the game was over and the team had gone to, the showers.
103. _________The scholarships established by Cecil J. Rhodes for selected
students are called Rhodes Scholarships.
104. _________During the summer quarter, Kay, who wants to graduate early.
105. _________Phi Beta Kappa, founded at the College of William and Mary in
1776 as a debating and literary society.
106. _________Who would undertake the journey which was dangerous and
107. _________Dr. Irving's sensitive, penetrating, and honest article on higher
108. _________When it was threatened by a powerful enemy.
109. _________After Lucy had shaken the dirt from her boots and washed her
110. _________When he was in, high school, Glenn, who is my cousin.
111. _________Although virtually unknown as a scholar or critic,
112. _________Voltaire was not a democrat; he said that he would rather be ruled
by one lion than by a hundred rats.
113. _________Lisbon, with its narrow, winding streets, where there is hardly a

trickle of sunlight.
114. _________The police officer, getting off his motorcycle and taking out his
pencil and book.
115. _________Considering all that I attempt to do for you..
116. _________Professors who are sensitive to the problems of students.
117. _________When I finished reading the book, turning out the light and going
to bed.
118. _________Because the day was warm and beautiful, the professor, who
loved nature.
119. _________Agreeing or disagreeing with the statements made by the speaker.
120. _________According to the news report, countless refugees who were
stranded at sea.
121. _________Unfortunately, most of the "Greek" statues which are exhibited in
museums and which are really Roman copies.
122. _________The city of New Orleans, lying between the Mississippi River and
Lake Pontchartrain.
123. _________Before leaving Rome, the students who were Latin majors.
124. _________Because we wanted to reach our destination before sunset.
125. _________Having worked the last three weekends on my term paper which
is due next week.
Rewrite these paragraphs by fixing the run-on sentences.

The first dog I had after graduating from college was named Fred and he was a great
dog and he loved to play ball and get a bath but he also used to chew my shoes and
plants when he was a puppy that made me very angry.

The other day John got a speeding ticket when he was driving through a school zone
at forty five kilometers per hour and the speed limit was only fifteen kilometers per
hour but he didnt realize it was the first day of school so he wasnt paying too much
attention to the traffic sign in the middle of the road and he was very angry at the
policeman because he was rude and would not give him a break.

Telephones are probably one of the best and most convenient devices produced in
the twentieth century because you can call anyone, anytime from just about
anywhere especially now that there are so many cell phones available and
telephones dont really cost that much to buy or to use.


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