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ey ame | i THE BOYS THAT FIGHT. The FLAMES FIFTY MILES FROM BOSTON -~ SELECIION'IO9. a g aT oS % OnE “Slop Making Faces At Me” Kerry Mills Barn Dance. sone Eine ett hes oy Keay 90118, er = =a ‘Tempe Seti, Yon fet sp aki f= = 6h stpking fase at ee ae pita f comes ep eam ‘alia “Sweet Sixteens”” ‘When you love her arid she loves you! ow sony FSi Pati Performance Prohibited Without Permission. “Harrigan.” GEO. M. COHAN, Moderato, et tt «let sue, ‘Who isthe man who will spend or will ev - en lead? Hitt reedy Who is the man sever slood for “a gad - bout? a r cuonus, S010. Wor - ri - Who is your friend when you Har - ri gan, Who is “the man that the ra [fr conus, S010. find that you need a friend? Har - ri - gan, Thats mel For towals sim - Ply mad a. bout? Har = ri - gan, Thats mel The ¥ rrr (Copyright 1907 by FA. Mills 32 W.20th St.NeW York see aglish Copyright Secured, ‘en san Em. per-or, Czar or a Tim jest as proudof my name you se x re Tae Tm fond of them, too, in re~ ladles and 'ba-bies are fond “of me, King, could be: the man helps turn, you see: ent thats, ‘cwonus. s0u0, man ey - ‘ry time he can? Har - ri - gan, Thate me Ser. ving @ mon - a - ment? Har - ri. gan, Thats ael rye tT F cHoRus. WA. dow. ble R-T G-A-N opells Har. ri -gan, Harrigan. 3 Proud of all the Lrishblood thats in me Div-il @ man can say a word a Ts a namo that a shame nev-er 7 STF hasbeen con-nect ed with. Har-el- gan, That's mel— ne rr jest 2 STANDARD SONGS BY STANDARD COMPOSERS. i Any Old Port In A Storm... « Wenety dcthnrs Lamp. stustety Kerry stilts. High Low Keys. | Tey elo ino aterm Inds, What-ey — er that port may Poem by Win Rehr Ganall, Mai by H Sylvester Kronse, High Law Keys | == == —— i ie rile i nerraty, The New Born King. . . . . + Powm by Wet. revaeh, asie ty Viveir. ELEM, If I But Thought Yor Cared For Me. words ay uns. arvett, auete by dtJohns, IF 1 atehnagt yiucorad for me HT evullsmad your host Reale yoajear, PM ew = or bey No more fromyou te WtitT rerrain, © I'm Only Living For You. movdsty aarvett Me Maton Tr enly vdng tur YOR Tn only ‘ving for ee ae a dF FF IF S |The above numbers are all F. A. MILLS. i Copyrighted by FA. Mil B2West 20th St, New York. Ealish Copyright Secured. shennan - + * in Ba +

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