Journalist Abuse

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I got arrested. Another reporter was punched.

The common thread? We asked about health care.
Ben Jacobs got punched. I got arrested. Times the Alaska state capitol a few weeks back. Former
are tough for journalists. Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields just recounted
Ive been a reporter for 30 years. In that time, Ive for the New York Times how she was manhandled
covered hurricanes and mine disasters, and and yanked around during the presidential
interviewed people who were sure they were campaign.
committing professional suicide by talking to The Committee to Protect Journalists
me. keeps a record of these kinds of incidents.
Who knew that asking a technical question These show that while there are attacks on
about health insurance regulations would the press in this country, it is very, very rare
be the one to get me in trouble with the for reporters to be assaulted or to get into
police? trouble while asking questions of an
ocial. More common are cases where
West Virginia, my home state, is solid reporters covering demonstrations get
Trump country Donald Trump won arrested along with the protesters, or
about 75 percent of the vote here. But where journalists get into trouble with
when it comes to health insurance, our prosecutors and judges for refusing to
population depends on Obamacare, a reveal secret sources to investigators in a
policy the Trump administration wants to criminal case.
The dierence now is the raw level of
On May 9, I went to the West Virginia Capitol political conflict, and one of the places
to ask Secretary of Health and Human Services where that plays out most clearly is in the
Tom Price about how the Republican health care health care debate in parts of the country that
bill would aect West Virginians. After asking Price voted for Trump.
a question in the hallway, I was arrested. The
ocial reason was causing a disturbance by A few days after my arrest, Price wrote an op-ed
yelling questions. The capitol police handcued in our local newspaper about the opioid epidemic.
and fingerprinted me and sent me o to jail, where There was, of course, no mention of his encounter
I sat in an orange jumpsuit until I was bailed out with me, but there was another topic missing in
went into eect, the state decided to expand
by my network, the Public News Service, a his article the American Health Care Act. I
Medicaid. The rate of uninsured here has fallen by
member-supported news radio network. believe he was exercising message discipline. He
57 percent.
came to Charleston on what his oce described
At the time, I assumed my arrest was some kind of One way the people of West Virginia have as a listening tour about the opioid crisis. He
aberration. benefited from the Aordable Care Act is its only answered four questions while in town, and
Then last week, Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs elimination of preexisting conditions as a reason he only talked about Medicaid in the context of
was body-slammed by Montana congressional for losing or paying a lot more for coverage. I was substance abuse treatment, not in the context of
candidate Greg Gianforte. His glasses were particularly interested in writing about how that what would happen to it if the AHCA passed.
shattered. Gianforte went on to win the election. issue would aect domestic violence victims.
A few weeks later, Jacobs would get
Before the ACA, some domestic violence victims
Both of these incidents garnered widespread body-slammed in Montana for asking about the
had trouble getting or being able to aord health
media attention. To my astonishment, Ive found Congressional Budget Oce score showing
insurance because their mental or physical
myself subject to that most 21st-century Trumpcare would cut 23 million more people o
injuries, or the domestic violence itself, were
phenomenon becoming a hot topic on the from health insurance.
considered a preexisting condition. I wanted to
internet and social media. People are scared about losing insurance. Theyve
know whether, if AHCA passed the Senate, those
Within the eight-hour span I was imprisoned after days could return. been organizing and showing up in the town halls
my arrest, #FreeDanHeyman went viral on Twitter. of GOP representatives across the country. And
As I was working on my story, I heard Tom Price
Soon it was joined by #DanHeyman and these politicians dont want these voices of anger
would be at the state capitol for an unrelated
#StandWithDan. The ACLU of West Virginia called to get out. After a series of ugly town halls during
meeting. It struck me as a perfect opportunity to
my arrest a blatant attempt to chill an the first congressional recess in February (heres a
ask him about preexisting conditions and the
independent, free press, adding, This is a list), GOP members of Congress have been
American Health Care Act. I figured out when his
dangerous time in our country. Even conservative refusing to appear in front of their constituents,
meeting was, and planted myself inside the
radio host Hugh Hewitt weighed in, chastising scheduling fewer town halls. Instead of facing
entryway to the main hallway of the building. I
Price for my arrest: I know we can be jerks, and I crowds of yelling, booing, and jeering citizens,
waited for him to come in, turned my smartphone
know we can yell, etc., but we shouldnt be some have been holding tele-town halls, where
to record, and tried to buttonhole him.
arrested even when we are totally o-the-charts the questions can be carefully screened and the
screaming at people." When I saw him coming, I asked, Would mood tends to be more subdued than it would be
domestic violence count as a preexisting if the questioners were all in one room.
Jacobs got a similar response: Internet fans condition under the AHCA?
quickly launched a GoFundMe campaign, raising The old saying goes that the scandal doesnt get
more than $7,500 for replacement glasses. Price didnt answer. I must have repeated the you; the cover-up does. That may or may not be
Jacobss broken pair was sent to the Newseum question four times before the capitol police true, but its worth keeping an eye on which policy
for display. arrested me. They later told me that the men in disputes animate the divisions in our fractious
suits I assumed were Prices sta were Secret politics where the hot buttons are. Watergate
Much of this reaction seems to be rooted in the Service, there to protect Kellyanne Conway. I had may have been animated by Richard Nixons
fact that Jacobs and I were doing our jobs no idea Conway was even going to be there, and paranoia, but Nixons paranoia was animated by
trying to get answers from public ocials about wasnt interested in talking to her. I was accused his fears about the antiwar movement. And
public policy in a public place. Most people Ive of aggressively breaching the Secret Service Nixons covert crew of operators who
heard from strongly want us to keep doing that agents. But I wasnt trying to breach anybody. I orchestrated Watergate was created to deal with
in the love/hate tug-of-war between the media was just trying to get my phone close enough to information leaks such as the Pentagon Papers,
and public servants, regular folks look likely to record a response to my question. an embarrassing revelation about war. I believe
side with openness. Our cases seem to have
stirred peoples fears about the free press being If Price had told me, No comment, or, for that health care is similar for some current Republicans
undermined. matter, if the capitol police had told me to knock it fear of the unpopularity of their bill is leading
o, you wouldnt be reading this today. But maybe them to avoid town halls and refuse to answer
But thats just one element to this story. Theres reporters questions.
because someone was afraid of protests against
something else that connects my arrest and the AHCA, I ended up in an orange jumpsuit. Buttonholing is really about geography it uses
Jacobss assault we both were in deep-red
states asking GOP ocials about the Republican At least Ben Jacobs, the Guardian reporter public space to break through message discipline.
health care bill. assaulted in Montana, got his broken glasses So its natural that the during a time when
replaced. Republicans are trying to control messaging
Its an issue that politicians in Trump country dont around their health care bill, conflicts would erupt
seem to want to talk about. The recent attacks on press reveal a GOP
in these uncontrolled public spaces. If message
sensitive spot: health care
The question that led to my arrest discipline is broken, here is what the constituents
It might be premature to read a broad political of West Virginia, Montana, or these other states
Trump won West Virginia by the second-highest trend into what happened to both Jacobs and me. will hear that 23 million more people would be
margin in the country, in large part because And there have been other incidents of attacks on without insurance, largely in the states that voted
Democrats are seen as undermining the coal the press that have nothing to do with health care. for Trump. For many in these states, its a
industry. But West Virginia has also really A reporter was roughed up and thrown out of a life-or-death issue.
benefited from the Aordable Care Act, more Federal Communications Commission meeting in
than nearly any other state. Since Obamacare May, and a state senator slapped a journalist in Dan Heyman

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