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2.1. A general hydrodynamic approach to harmonic ship
2.2. The equations of motion in the frequency domain
2.3. The determination of the velocity potential
2.4. The potential for a ship along a quay
3.1. Numerical calculations with the 3-dimensional
source technique
3.2. Experimental verification
3.3. Discussion of the results
3.4. The influence of the water depth on added mass
and damping
3.5. The influence of a quay parallel to the ship
on added mass and damping
4.1. Potential theory description for flow due to
arbitrary ship motions
4.2. ~quationsof motion in the time domain
4.3. Relation between equations in the time and
frequency domain
4.4. The behaviour of the damping for high frequency
4.5. Numerical computations of retardation functions
and constant inertia coefficients
5.1. General
5.2. Numerical calculations
5.3. Examples of computed moored ship motions and
experimental verification
5.4. Analysis of the results
5.5. Extension to other systems
APPENDIX I Spectral analysis of irregular signals 118
APPENDIX I1 Particular solutions of an equation of motion
with non-linear, asymmetric restoring force 121


Up till a few decades ago, the mooring of ships has been

mainly a matter of practical experience. Ships were moored in
harbours or sheltered areas only, where the external forces are
in general limited to the rather steady current and wind forces.
In a few harbours, as for instance Long Beach and Cape Town,
with an open connection to the sea, difficulties were encountered
with moored ships. Sometimes moored ships showed erratic motions
and even mooring line failures occurred in apparently smooth
weather conditions. Such troubles may be caused by harbour reso-
nance phenomena or seiches, exerting forces on the ship which,
although they are small, result in large motion amplitudes
because of their low frequency, which is close to the natural
frequency of the moored ship. These problems were the challenge
for investigators as Basil W. Wilson 1 to attempt to describe
mathematically the dynamic behaviour of a ship, moored in waves.
With the development of the ocean industry and the advent of
very large ships, which can only be accommodated in a few har-
bours with sufficient water depth, the need arose to moor ships
in exposed areas. To this purpose special mooring facilities were
designed to absorb the loads exerted by the environment on the
moored ship. Nowadays a variety of mooring arrangements is in
operation. The appropriate system for a particular mooring de-
pends on water depth, weather conditons, ship size and the allow-
able motions of the moored ship.
In general it can be stated, that the magnitude of the loads
to be absorbed by the mooring system are the lower, the more
freedom the ship is left to move. How much the ship is allowed to
move depends on the nature of the operation which has to take
place during the mooring.
Transfer of fluid cargo, for example, can be done with
floating flexible hoses, so that no stringent requirements have
to be put on the restraint of the ship. Therefore, a frequently
applied type of mooring arrangement for oil terminals is the
single point mooring system: the ship is attached to a buoy or
an articulated or fixed tower by means of a single bowhawser.
The ship has much freedom to move and will take an average equi-
librium position in which the external loads are relatively
Sometimes a spread mooring system is used, in which the ship
is moored by means of a symmetric system of mooring lines, with
or without buoys. A disadvantage of this system is that the ship
is not free to rotate to find a favourable heading with respect
to waves, wind and current.
If the allowable motions of the ship are small, for instance
when cargo has to be loaded or discharged by means of land based
cranes, the ship is usually moored to a jetty by means of mooring
lines and fenders.
Other arraagements of interest are: ships moored to rotating
floating piers, or to other ships or storage vessels. In these
cases as well as for the single or multiple buoy systems the
loads in the mooring lines are determined by the motions of the
moored ship as well as those of the floating body or bodies to
which she is moored.
Because of the short history and fast development of mooring
in exposed areas, the design of terminals can not be based on
empirism. On the other hand the problem is too complicated for
an analytical treatment. Therefore it is common practice to study
the behaviour of a moored ship by means of experiments with small
scale models. Although model testing provides an effective tool
to determine mooring forces and maximum motions of the moored
ship for design purposes, this method inheres a few drawbacks.
First, model tests are expensive and time consuming. The
test set-up is complicated, it is essential that elasticity prop-
erties of mooring lines and fenders are simulated very carefully,
and sophisticated facilities are needed to simulate the relevant
environmental conditions. For this reason test programs are usu-
ally restricted to final design configurations and selected
weather conditions which are assumed to be the most critical.
Further, the fundamental insight gained from model tests on
these complicated systems is limited. Only the resulting output
is measured without learning much of the mechanism which causes
this output. As an example the low frequency motion of a moored
ship observed in tests in irregular waves may be mentioned. Some
investigators believe that it is caused by second order wave for-
ces, others think that non-linearities in the elasticity of moor-
ing lines are the reason for it, while some assume that it is a
free vibration caused by transient phenomena. A definite answer
is hard to give, since for instance first and second order wave
forces can not be separated in a model test. Therefore it would
be helpful to have the disposal of a computer-based simulation
method, which gives more flexibility in this respect.
This thesis will be devoted to the formulation of a mathe-
matical model for the prediction of the behaviour of a moored
ship in irregular waves in a purely theoretical way, which can
be used for practical calculation on a computer. The study will
be restricted to systems with six degrees of freedom, which means
in practical terms that the ship is moored by means of mooring
lines and fenders to a rigid structure (jetty), while the elastic
characteristics of the mooring system may be non-linear and
It is not the intention to be complete, since each model,
however complex it may be, can not be more than a poor reflection
of nature, and a very complicated mathematical formulation does
not necessarily learn us more than a more approximate one, of
which the solution is feasible. Important is, however, that the
model reflects the typical behaviour of moored ships and can be
extended and adapted whenever this appears desirable from com-
parisons with model experiments or prototype observations.
Although in first instance the excitation of the ship will
be restricted to linear forces due to long crested waves, other
external forces such as wind and current forces and loads in-
duced by passing ships can be incorporated in the model as well.
The basis of the equations of motion is the law of dynamics
of Newton:

or, since the inertia m of the ship may be regarded as constant:

The external force F is composed of
- arbitrarily in time varying forces due to the waves;
- hydrodynamic and hydrostatic restoring forces, which are a
function of the motions of the ship;
- restoring forces due to the mooring system, which are a func-
tion of the instantaneous position of the ship.
In the classical ship motion theory, it is common practice to
formulate the equations as follows:

a, b and c are coefficients which describe the hydrodynamic and

hydrostatic restoring forces.
In fact, (1.3) is not a real equation of motion, in the
sense that it relates the instantaneous motion variables to the
instantaneous value of the exciting forces. It can only be used
as a description in the frequency domain of a steady oscillatory
motion, since the hydrodynamic coefficients a and b depend on the
frequency of motion.
Analytical work on the moored ship problem published so far
has been based on equation (1.3), where three categories can be
discerned with regard to the simplifying assumptions made.
Some investigators, as for instance Kaplan and Putz [l-21,
Leendertse [l-31, Muga [l-41 and Seidl [l-51 linearized the elas-
ticity characteristics of the mooring system. The restoring
forces of the mooring aids can then be incorporated in the hydro-
static term cx and the equations (1.3) of motion in the frequency
domain can be solved easily, with the restriction that only har-
monic excitations can be used.
Others, as Abramson and Wilson [l-1, 1-61 , Yang 11-71 and
Kilner [l-81 add non-linear terms to equation (1.3) to account
for the restoring forces of the mooring system, and solve the
equations by means of the method of equivalent linearization,
assuming that the excitation is pure sinusoidal and that, as in
the earlier mentioned method, the response of the ship is simple
harmonic too, with a frequency equal to that of the excitation.
This is not realistic, since observations both in model and full
scale situations have revealed that also other modes of motion
may occur.
The work of Wilson and Awadalla [l-9, 1-10] , Lean [l-111 ,
Wilson [l-121 and Bomze [l-131 belongs to the third category,
which is characterized by the assumption that the hydrodynamic
coefficients a and b in equation (1.3) are independent of the
frequency, so that this equation is regarded as an actual differ-
ential equation. The solution, which is found either by approxi-
mate analytical methods (ref. [l-91 , [l-14 ) or by finite differ-
ence integration in the time domain (ref. [l-101 , @-l21 and
[l-13]), may contain components with frequencies lower (subhar-
monic) or higher (superharmonic) than that of the forcing func-
It will be shown in chapter 3 that the assumption of con-
stant hydrodynamic coefficients can not be justified: especially
in shallow water these coefficients appear to be very sensitive
to changes in frequency. Consequently, a time-domain description
of the behaviour of the moored ship is needed which takes into
account the frequency dependency of the fluid reaction forces.
A possible approach would be to use the impulse response
function technique. If for any linear system the response R(t)
to a unit impulse is known, then the response of the system to
an arbitrary force F(t) is:

The moored ship as a whole may, of course, not be thought of as

a linear system, but this difficulty can be overcome by isolating
the free floating ship in still water, for which system the
assumption of linearity holds true, as long as the motions re-
main small. The non-linear mooring forces can be incorporated in
the external forcing function. A drawback of this impulse re-
sponse function is, that it relates the input and output signals
of the system without reflecting the physical processes behind
it, the system of ship-fluid interaction is regarded as a black
In this thesis it is therefore proposed to use the equations
of motion in the time domain as they have first been formulated
by Cummins [l-141 , and which can be considered as true differen-
tial equations; they give the instantaneous relationship between
the motion variables and the external forces. In these equations
the various factors governing the response of the ship are sepa-
rated into clearly identifiable units.
The only assumption involved is linearity of the hydrody-
namic restoring forces. Non-linear and asymmetric mooring char-
acteristics can be dealt with, and the exciting force may be
arbitrary, which means that besides first order wave forces also
slowly varying drift forces and wind- and current forces can be
included in the forcing function, although in this thesis only
the problem of first order wave forces will be discussed.
In the equations of motion in the time domain the hydrody-
namic forces are expressed by constants and functions. It is not
feasible to obtain these directly from the potential theory.
However, there is a theoretical relationship between the equa-
tions in the time domain and those in the frequency domain, and
therefore the second chapter will start with the potential theory
description of harmonic ship motions at zero speed in waves in
shallow water. Since terminals are very often located in shallow
water, it is essential to take into account the effect of the
nearness of the sea bottom on the wave forces and the hydrodynam-
ic coefficients. Also the effect of a quay parallel to the ship
will be included. Since the two-dimensional strip theory, which
is widely used in naval hydrodynamics, is not applicable to the
case of small underkeel clearance, the three-dimensional source
technique will be discussed as a tool to compute wave excited V

forces as well as hydrodynamic restoring forces.

In chapter 3 numerical results will be presented of calcula-
tions of the wave forces and hydrodynamic coefficients of a large
tanker, together with experimentally determined values. From
these data the accuracy and limits of applicability of the cal-
culation method will be discussed.
Chapter 4 deals with the equations of motion in the time
domain and their relation with the description in the frequency
regime. Further it will be shown in that chapter how the unknown
coefficients and functions in the equations can be derived nu-
merically from added mass and damping data.
The numerical solution of the set of equations of motion in
the time domain, applied to the moored ship problem, will be dis-
cussed in chapter 5. Example computations will'be given for a
I large tanker moored in oblique, beam or head seas to a jetty, and
the results will be analysed and compared with measurements, ob-
tained from model experiments.
Finally, a review of the main conclusions is given in chap-
ter 6.

2.1. A general hydrodynamic approach to harmonic ship motions

In this chapter a general formulation of the ship motion
problem will be presented in the frequency domain. This general
formulation, in terms of the linear potential theory, is valid
for deep as well as for shallow water.
A complete theoretical derivation of the formulae will not
be given. This has been done before by other authors, and for a
thorough mathematical treatment reference is made to their work
(see for instance Wehausen and Laitone 12-11, John [2-21, Tuck
[2-31 ) . Here, only a summary of the most important equations will
be given, which are needed for the derivation of the equation of
motion and for the numerical computation of the wave exciting
forces and the fluid reactive forces.
Since the aim is to formulate a mathematical model for the
motions of a moored ship, the analysis can be restricted to the
case of zero forward speed, which means a considerable simplifi-
cation of the problem.
In this-sectionwill be dealt with pure harmonic motions
and therefore the mooring system will be left out of considera-
The ship is considered as a rigid body, oscillating sinus-
oidally about a state of rest, in response to excitation by a
long crested regular wave. The amplitudes of the motions of the
ship as well as of the wave are supposed to be small while the
fluid is assumed to be ideal and irrotational.
In the theory of hydrodynamics it is common practice to
define a system of axes with the origin in the free surface.
For the description of ship motions, however, it is more conven-
ient to use the centre of gravity of the ship as a reference
point. Therefore, to prevent transformations from one system into
the other, the description will be given here in a right handed,
space fixed coordinate system as shown in Figure 2.1.
The oscillating motion of the ship in the jth mode is given by:

Figure 3. l. The coordinate system.

in which 5 is the amplitude of motion in the jth mode and td

the circular frequency.
The motion variables xl, x2 and x3 stand for the transla-
tions, surge, sway and heave, while x4, x5 and x6 denote rota-
tions around the GX1, GX2 and GX3 axis respectively.
In naval hydrodynamics, it is usual to introduce a set of
three independent angular displaceme'nts, the so-called Eulerian
angles: yawing, being about the absolutely vertical axis GX3,
pitching, around the rotated position of the GX2 axis, which
remains in the horizontal plane, and rolling, about the positon
of the GX1 axis after the previous two rotations. Since only
small motion amplitudes are considered, these Eulerian angles
coincide with the angular displacements about the space fixed
axes (see Vugts [2-41).
The free surface at great distance from the ship is defined

x,ec = ~ K ( x ~ a
COS + x2 sin a)-iwt

where CO = amplitude of the wave

K = wave number = 2n/h, where A is the
wave length
cr = angle of incidence
The flow field can be characterized by a velocity potential

The potential function Q can be separated into contribu-

tions from all modes of motion and from the incident and diffrac-
ted wave fields.
Following Tuck [2-3) a convenient formulation is obtained
when writing

with the convention S7 = 50.

The case j = o corresponds to the incident wave potential:
1 ' ( ~ 3 C' ir (xl cos a.+ x2 sin a)

'P0 = V cosh K d e

in which v = w /g
c = the distance from the origin to the sea bed
d = water depth

The relation between the wave length and the wave frequency
is given by the dispersion equation, which follows from the free
surface condition:

v = K tanh K d

The cases j = 1, 2, ...,

6 correspond to the potentials due
to the motion of the ship in the jth mode, while 'P7 is the
potential of the diffracted waves.
The individual potentials are all solutions of the Laplace

v 2'P.3 = (- a2 + a2
- a2
axl ax,+-)Q.
axi 3 = 0

while the following conditions must be satisfied:

- the linearized free surface condition
- the boundary condition on the sea floor

- and the boundary condition on the ship's surface. Due to the

linearization, this boundary condition may be applied to the
surface S in its equilibrium position.

in which nl through n6 are the generalized direction cosines on

S, defined by:

n1 = cos (n,
n2 = COS (n, X2)
n3 = COS (n,
n4 = x2n3 - X3n2
n 5 = x3n1 - X1n3
n6 = x1n2 - X2"1

For the incident and the diffracted waves one finds:

When defining:

then (2.11) may simply be written as:

The potentials v1 through q 7 should satisfy moreover the

boundary condition at infinity, the radiation condition, which
Supposing that the unknown potentials q l through v7 can be
determined, the pressure on the surface S can be found from
Bernoulli's theorem. The linearized hydrodynamic pressure is
given by:

The oscillating hydrodynamic forces (k = 1, 2, 3) and

moments (k = 4, 5, 6) in the kth direction are:

Now the following matrix is defined:

This matrix can be considered as a transfer function which trans-

forms motion variables into force components (see Ogilvie and
Tuck [2-S] ) .
Equations (2.18) can then be written as:

From (2.19) and (2.15) it follows that:

2 aqk 'P. dS
Tkj = - P w

The surface S can be closed by adding the free surface, the
sea bottom and a vertical surface at infinity.
For the cases k, j = 1, 2, .....,
7 the integrand vanishes
on the extra surfaces, so for these cases we may apply Green's
theorem, which results in:

For k, j = 1, 2, .....,
6 this relation means that a force
in the kth mode due to the motion in the jth mode is equal to
the force in the jth mode due to motion in the kth mode.
Similar relations for the ship with forward speed have been de-
rived by Timman and Newman 12-61 and Newman [2-71. For j = 7,
equation (2.23) yields the Haskind relation:

The total wave exciting force amplitude per unit wave

amplitude is given by:

2.2. The equations of motion in the frequency domain

The differential equations which describe the motions of the
free floating ship in response to simple harmonic waves can be
found from Newton's law of dynamics:

Xk, the total external force in the kth mode, consists of hydro-
static and hydrodynamic restoring forces and of wave exciting
is an inertia matrix. Since the origin of the system of
axes coincides with the centre of gravity of the ship in its
rest position, it is found that

where m = mass of the ship

Ik = moment of inertia in the kth mode
I = product of inertia

The rate at which the mass of the ship changes is very

small, and its influence may be neglected when considering the
motions during a period of time which is small compared to the
time required to load or discharge the ship.
Therefore, one may write for the steady oscillating condition

Ckj is a matrix of restoring force coefficients. Besides the

hydrostatic restoring forces, Ckj may also include restoring
forces due to a mooring system, as long as this mooring system
has linear load-excursion characteristics. For the hydrodynamic
force Fk in equation (2.28) use can be made of expression (2.20).

It is common practice to separate T

for k, j = 1, 2, ....., 6
into real and imaginary parts

The real parts a are called added mass coefficients, the imag-
inary parts damping coefficients. When using these quantities,
the following real representation of the equations of motion is
E {-m 2 + a sin (wt + E.) + b w cos (wt + E.)
j=1 kj J kj J
+ C sin (wt + E . ) ~ C = Xk sin (wt + fik)
kj I j

in which Xk = wave excited force in the kth mode

cj, fik = phase angles.

Thus a set of equations has been obtained which are not

real equations of motion, but merely a set of algebraic equa-
tions, fixing the amplitudes and phases of the six oscillations
of the ship under the action of a train of regular sine waves
at one specific frequency.

2.3. The determination of the velocity potential

In the foregoing sections it has been shown that the flow
around the ship is completely defined by the velocity potential.
Once this potential function is known, the wave exciting forces,
hydrodynamic forces and unrestrained ship motions in harmonic
waves can be obtained easily.
For the computation of deep water ship motions, the so-
called strip theory, which was first formulated by Korvin-
Kroukovsky and Jacobs [2-81, has proven its usefulness. This
theory takes advantage of the fact that for ships the longitudi-
nal dimension is large relative to the lateral and vertical di-
mensions. For such a slender body the three-dimensional problem
can be reduced successfully to a local two-dimensional problem.
After its presentation, the method has been refined by many au-
thors and the results are in general reliable. A drawback is,
however, that no information can be obtained about the surge mode.
Unlike the deep water problem, very few studies have been
presented on the motions of a ship in shallow water.
Kim [2-91 has adapted the strip theory for a restricted wa-
ter depth. For the vertical modes of motion this approach yields
useful results, but it can not be used for lateral motions,
especially in the lower frequency range, since the strip theory
is basically two-dimensional, requiring that the flow of water
passes entirely underneath the keel of the ship. In shallow
water, however, three-dimensional effects become important:
the water flows partly underneath the ship and partly around the
ends. In the extreme case, the ship sitting on bottom, water can
move only around the ends of the ship.
A three-dimensional approach has been presented by Newman
12-101 but he neglected the effect of the free water surface.
A very interesting contribution to the shallow water problem
has been given by Tuck (see Tuck [2-31, Tuck and Taylor [2-111
and Beck and Tuck [2-121. He has derived an approximate solution
of the linear velocity potential for the case that the wave
length is much greater than the depth of the water. Application
of this theory is therefore restricted to long waves and low
frequency motions, which poses, especially for mooring problems,
a rather stringent limitation.
A method of solution, of which the validity is unrestricted
as long as linearity is ascertained, is provided by the three-
dimensional source technique. This technique has been applied
successfully during the last few years for the computation of
wave loads on large offshore structures (see for instance Daubert
[z-131 , Garisson and Chow [2-141 , Van Oortmerssen [2-151 , Boreel
12-16] , but it can be used just as well for ship shaped bodies.
According to Lamb [2-171 the potential function rp . can be
represented by a continuous distribution of single sources on a
boundary surface S:

where Y 3. (xl, x2, x3, al, a2, a3) = the Green's function of a
source, singular in
alt aZ1 a3
= the vector, describing S
= the complex source strength
For the Green's function y we can choose either a complicat-
ed function, being the solution of the Laplace equation which
) satisfies the boundary conditions at the sea bottom, in the free
surface and at infinity, or the simple fundamental source func-
tion l/r for an unbounded fluid. In the latter case the function
o is such, that rp satisfies all the boundary conditions. The
boundary surface S consists of the ship's surface, the free wa-
ter surface, the sea bottom and, to close the surface, a cylin-
drical vertical surface at great distance of the ship. By apply-
ing Green's theorem to this boundary surface, an integral equa-
tion is obtained for the unknown function cp in terms of its
boundary values and its normal derivative on the boundary. By
the method of discretization this integral equation can be re-
duced to a set of linear algebraic equations with the unknowns
being the values of the source strength function U at a discrete
set of control points along the boundary. For more details of
this method reference is made to the work of Yeung [2-181 A .
drawback of this method is that the number of elements, required
to schematize the entire boundary surface, is very large, which
results in an evenly great number of equations to be evaluated
numerically. A favourable feature is the possibility to take the
bottom topology into account, while the approach can be extended
to the case of a fluid domain of finite extent, for example a
canal or a basin.
In the present work the other approach will be used, in oth-
er words a Green's function of more complicated form will be ap-
plied on the surface of the ship only. The water is assumed to
have a constant depth.
The Green's function of a source, singular in (al, a2, a3)
which satisfies the boundary conditions in the free surface, on
the sea bottom and at infinity, is given by (see Wehausen and
Laitone [2-l] ) :

2a (K2 - v 2 cosh "(a3 + c) cosh K ( X ~+ C)
+ i
~2 d - v
2 d - v . JO(~R) (2.33)
in which r = /Ixl - al)2 + (x2 - + (x3 - a3)2'
rl = J(xl - al)2 + (x2 - a212 + (x3 + 2c + a3)2'
R = J(xl - a1)2 + (x2 - a2)2'

John [2-21 has derived the following series for y, which is the
analogue of (2.33):

y = 2s
KZ - v2 cosh ~ ( + aC) ~cosh K ( X ~ + C)
K2d - v2d + v
. {Yo(~R) - i Jo (<R)J
2 2
m 4(ui + V )
+ C
i=l dpi + dv2 -v
. cos pi(x3 + C) COS ui(a3 + C) % (uiRl

where pi are the positive solutions of:

pi tan (pia) + V = o

Although these two representations are equivalent, one of the

two may have preference for numerical computations, depending on
the values of -the variables. In general, equation (2.34) is the
most convenient representation for calculations, but when R=O
the value of KO becomes infinite, and therefore equation (2.331
must he used when R is small or zero.
The unknown source strength function U must be determined
such, that the boundary condition on the ship's surface S is

To solve equation (2.36) numerically, the surface S is subdi-

vided into a number of finite, plane elements. The boundary
condition will be applied in one control point on each element,
being the centre of the element. In each of the control points,
the potential is given by:

Where: ipjm is the value of Q in the mth control point.

U is the source strength on the nth element.
Yrn is the contribution of the nth element to the Green's
function in the mth control point.
ASn is the area of the nth element.
Integral equation (2.36) now reduces to a set of N algebraic
equations for the N unknown source strengths:

in which n is the value of n. in the centre of the mth element.

jm 3
Equation (2.38) can be written simply as:

For each of the modes j = 1, 2, ......

7 this formula represents
a set of N complex linear equations in the N unknown source
strengths. The unknown source strengths can be found by inver-
sion of the complex valued N X N matrix A:

The complex matrix A can be transferred into a real 2N X 2N ma-

trix, which can be inverted with standard numerical routines.
In general, the Green's function ynmmay be computed with
sufficient accuracy as if the source strength is concentrated in
the centre of the element. There are, however, two notable ex-
ceptions to this rule. First, a difficulty is encountered when
evaluating yrn and -an when n = m. In that case, ynm has a
singularity of the type l/r, as can be seen from (2.33). This
singularity can be removed by spreading the source uniformly
over the facet. The total Green's function can be split up in a
regular and a singular part:

Where y ' is the regular part, which can be computed without dif-
ficulties when r = 0. The potential and its normal derivative
due to the singular part can be found as follows.
Consider the potential 9' at P in Figure 2.2 due to a source of
unit strength spread over the plane area AS. The normal from P
meets AS at Q, where the distance
PQ = e. The distance from Q to the
perimeter of AS is f (Q), a function
of the angular position Q. Then:

1 1
9' = ?;I

Figure 2.2.

In the limit as e+O it is found that:

For a circular facet, this results in:

'P' =

For the rectangular element:

'P' = Ql%@

=- +qln l + E )
where : Q
l m {ln(q+@Z)
in which q is the aspect ratio of the rectangle.
Figure 2.3 shows the value of Ql on a base of the aspect ratio.
The normal derivative of the potential in P becomes:

Here the limit for e+O is

It is remarkable that, unlike the potential itself, the value

of the normal derivative is independent of the shape of the
surface element.
A second case which gives ,,00
some trouble is when a surface
element is situated close to
the sea bottom, for instance
the bottom elements of a
ship with small-underkeel
clearance. For this case, 0.95
P in Figure 2.2 represents
the point where the potential
is evaluated, while Q is the
centre of the reflected sur-
face element. The contribu-
tion of the reflected element
O '9.0 2.0 3o
to the potential is given by
(2.411, in which e is now Figure 2 . 3 . Correction factor
a constant, being the distance for rectangular facets as a
from the element to its re- function of the aspect ratio
flection. For a circular g.
element f(8) = a = radius of the element and consequently (2.41)
This result means, that when the source strength is taken as con-
centrated in the centre of the element, a correction has to be
applied, which amounts to:

l + - + l
for a circular element.
an from
In the same way a correction factor is found for a'' (2.451,
being :

The factors n2 and Q3 are shown in Figure 2.4 on a basis of g.
From this Figure it appears, that the influence becomes signifi-
cant when 2 = 0.25, or, when the keel clearance equals the ele-
ment size. In case of non-circular elements the integration of
equations (2.41) and (2.45) has to be done in a numerical way.
When, after solving the set of equations (2.38) the source
strengths are known, the wave exciting forces and added mass and
damping coefficients are found using equations (2.20) and (2.30).
Finally, the motions of the free floating ship can be cal-
culated from the equations of motion in the fie-quency domain

Figure 2.4. Correction

factor for image facets.
2.4. The potential for a ship along a quay
So far the hydrodynamics of a ship at zero forward speed in
shallow, but otherwise unrestricted water have been considered.
The method of solving the velocity potential can, however, easily
be extended to the case of a ship near a vertical wall. It is ob-
vious that the influence of a quay is present in a lot of mooring
r-- ---_.,


Figure 2.5. Definition sketch.

Consider a vertical quay near the ship, defined as x2 = h,

as shown in Figure 2.5. For sake of simplicity the wall is chosen
parallel to the ship, which covers most practical cases, although
a wall which makes an angle with the GX1-axis, can be tackled in
the same way.
The velocity potential for this case can be found by the
method of images. The ship is reflected with respect to the wall.
For the numerical calculation this means that the number of sur-
face elements is doubled, while the number of unknown source
strengths remains the same, due to the symmetry of the flow field.
To the Green's function of each facet the Green's function of its
reflection has to be added:
The incoming wave will also be disturbed by the wall. The
problem of progressing waves in an infinite ocean bounded on one
side by a vertical wall when the wave crests at infinity may make
any angle with the shore line has been treated by Stoker [2-191 .
It should be emphasized that he was not able to decide whether
the waves are reflected back to infinity from the shore, and if
so, to what extent. From observations, however, it is known that
a wave is reflected by a vertical wall, and by adding the image
in the plane x2 = h to the incoming progressive wave, a wave
system is obtained which fulfils the boundary condition at the
quay (see Lamb 12-17] ) :

~(~3'~) { e~ K ( X ~ C OaS
0 cosh ~d
+ x2sin a ) +

+ e~ K ( X1COS a + 2h sin a - x2sin a))

In most practical situations a quay forms part of a harbour

basin and therefore the undisturbed wave will in general be a
much more complicated system of progressive and standing waves.

3.1. Numerical calculations with the three-dimensional source

With the three-dimensional source technique described in
2.3, the wave excited forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and free
floating ship motions were computed numerically for a large
tanker of the 200,000 tdw class. For these computations a FORTRAN
program was used on a Control Data 6600 computer.
Particulars of the ship are listed in Table 3.1 while a
small scale body plan is given in Figure 3.1.

TABLE 3.1.

Main dimensions 200,000 tdw tanker.

Length between perpendiculars 310.- m

Breadth 47.20 m
Draft 18.90 m
Volume of displacement 235,000 m3
Block coefficient 0.85
Midship section coefficient 0.995
Prismatic coefficient 0.855
Distance of centre of gravity to midship section 6.61 m
Height of centre of gravity 13.32 m
Metacentric height 5.78 m
Longitudinal radius of gyration 77.50 m
Transverse radius of gyration ' 17.00 m

In the calculations, the ship had to be represented by means

of a composition of flat surface elements. For a,ship shaped
body, it is rather obvious to use triangular and quadrangular
elements. For a proper choice of the number of surface elements
the following considerations must be kept in mind.

Figure 3.1. Small scale body plan.

First, as is quite clear, the accuracy of the results will

increase with increasing number of elements, since smaller
elements can describe the curved geometry of the hull better,
and also because a finer distribution of sources will approximate
the pressure gradient along the hull more accurately.
The accuracy of computation will depend also on the frequen-
cy considered: for short waves (or high frequency motions) more
elements are required than for long waves (or low frequency mo-
tions). Although it is difficult to predict a minimum acceptable
ratio of wave length to element size, it may be expected that
appreciable errors will occur when the wave length becomes small-
er than five times the length of a surface element. Due to the
size of the ship, the range of frequencies which are of practical
interest, is confined to O<w<0.8 rad sec-'. Therefore, the length
of an element should not be larger than 17 metres.
Further, it is desirable to prevent large variations in the
size of elements, and to keep the aspect ratio as close to 1
(which means a square shape) as possible.
Finally, the computing time increases progressively with
the number of elements. For this reason, the number of elements
should not exceed 200.
Between these conflicting requirements a compromise has
been sought applying a number of l60 elements. The subdivision
in facets of the ship's hull is shown in Figure 3.2. As can be
seen from a comparison with Figure 3.1 the shape of the sections
has been simplified considerably. The bilge radius was neglected
at all, and the rudder was deleted.
Computations of hydrodynamic coefficients and wave forces
and motions were carried out for a water depthjdraft ratio 6
amounting to 1.2, frequencies ranging from 0.07 to 8.0 rad.sec- 1
and wave directions of 180, 225 and 270 degrees. Also a series of
calculations was performed with a wall parallel to the ship at
a distance of 16.50 m to the ship's side, representing a solid
The results are presented and discussed in Section 3.3.

3.2. Experimental verification

In order to verify the numerical results obtained with the

three-dimensional source technique, a series of model experiments
has been carried out in the Shallow Water Laboratory of the
Netherlands Ship Model Basin. This experimental basin measures
210 metres in length and 15-75 metres in width, while the water
depth is variable with a maximum of 1.00 metres. At one end of
the basin a paddle type wave maker is installed, capable to
generate regular as well as irregular waves, while the beach at
the other end can be adjusted in height to match the water depth.
The towing carriage, which accommodates the measuring and
recording equipment, was positioned halfway the basin for these
The ship model was made of wood to a linear scale ratio of
1:82.5 according to the lines shown in Figure 3.1. Rudder, pro-
peller'and bilge keels were omitted on the model.
The experiments comprised measurements of wave forces and
motions, and forced oscillation tests to determine the hydrody-
namic coefficients.
The tests were carried out in accordance with Froude's law
of similitude.
The wave loads and motions were measured in regular waves.
The undisturbed waves were recorded before the start of the
tests at the position of the centre of gravity of the model by
means of a wave probe of the resistance type.
During the tests the measured signals were recorded simul-
taneously and continuously on ultra violet paper chart and on
analogue magnetic tape. The evaluation of the results was carried
out on a computer. TO this end, the analogue records were con-
verted into digital records by taking samples at time increments
corresponding to 0.28 seconds on prototype scale.
During the wave force measurements the ship model was
mounted to a 6-component dynamometer, which was mounted rigidly
to the towing carriage as shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3. 6-component measuring rig.

The dynamometer essentially consisted of two large frames, con-

nected by means of 6 force transducers of the strain-gauge type.
Different angles of wave attack were established by rotating
the ship model around its centre of gravity.
The signals of the 6 measured forces were transformed on the
computer into 3 forces and 3 moments in the space-fixed system of
axes as defined in Figure 2.1. From those new signals, the ampli-
tudes of the first harmonic component were obtained. Also a har-
monic analysis was performed on the signal of the incident wave,
and the transfer functions were found by dividing the first har-
monic components of wave forces and moments by that of the wave
During the measurements of ship motions, the ship model was
kept in its position by means of two long steel rods, which acted
as soft springs, soft enough not to influence the motions in the
range of wave frequencies applied.
Inertial and stability properties of the model were adjusted
according to the values stated in Table 3.1.
The rotative motions were measured by means of gyroscopes,
translations by means of a pantograph, which instrument trans-
forms a translatory motion into a rotation of a potentiometer. A
sketch of the test set-up is given in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4. Test set-up for motion measurements.

Again, a harmonic analysis was performed on the measured

signals, and only first harmonics were used for further analysis.
To determine the hydrodynamic coefficients (added mass and
damping) the ship model was forced to oscillate with a prescribed
amplitude and frequency in one of the six modes, by means of an
excitator, which main component is a Scotch-yoke mechanism. This
excitator is equipped with two legs, spaced 1.00 metre apart,
which can both perform a harmonically oscillating translatory
motion either in phase, or with a certain phase difference. The
motions of both legs are measured by means of potentiometers. An
electronic control system is used to keep the number of revolu-
tions of the driving motor constant, which is necessary to a-
chieve a pure harmonic motion.
A six component force transducer was mounted between the
model and the legs of the model excitator. A sketch of this
transducer is shown in Figure 3 . 5 .

Figure 3 . 5 . 6-component transducer for oscillation tests.

Six forces are measured by means of strain gauge transducers.

The test set-ups for the oscillations in the various modes
are depicted in Figures 3 . 6 through 3 . 9 .
The model was always placed in the basin in such a position
that the generated waves traveled as much as possible in the
longitudinal direction, to minimize the influence of reflected
waves from the basin's side walls.
The rotational motions yaw and pitch were achieved by ad-
justing a phase difference of 180 degrees between the motion of
the two excitator legs. The pivots were placed in such a way,
that the model rotated always around an axis through the centre



Figure 3 . 6 . Test Set-Up

for surge.



Figure 3 . 7 . Test set-up

for sway and yaw.
, -- -- -&

Figure 3 . 8 . T e s t set-up
f o r heave and p i t c h .

Figure 3 . 9 . T e s t set-up
for roll.
of gravity. During the tests in roll direction, the model was
attached to the carriage by means of two hinges at the height
of the centre of gravity.
The records of the six measured forces were, after digi-
tation, transferred into three forces and three moments in the
space fixed coordinate system GX1X2X3. Subsequently, a harmonic
analysis was performed on these signals as well as on the motion
signal. Added mass and damping could then be obtained using the
equations of motion in the frequency-domain (2.31):

(Xk cos /L - Ck.

- Ek.)
2 l - Mlcj

X sin E ~ .
- k
bkj - WC

where: E is the phase lag between the force Xk and the motion
5 -
The hydrostatic coefficients C were determined by means of
static measurements.
The moments of inertia in air of the model with measuring equip-
ment (Mkj) were measured by means of oscillation tests in air.

3.3. Discussion of the results

The computed transfer curves of the wave excited moments
are presented in Figures 3.13 through 3.12, together with the
experimental results.
In general, the agreement is good. The only notable excep-
tions are the surge force and pitch and yaw moments in beam waves
(see Figure 3-12), which originate from the asymmetry in the hull
shape. The discrepancy between theory and experiments can be
attributed in these cases to the simplified representation of the
hull in the computations.
The experiments were carried out in waves with amplitudes
corresponding to 1.5 metres. At frequencies U ' = 2.25 and 3.38
three wave amplitudes were applied, ranging from 1 to 2.5 me-
tres. In most cases the results obtained for these three wave

Figure 3 . 1 0 . Transfer f u n c t i o n s of wave excited forces and

m o m e n t s ; S = 1 . 2 , a = 180 degrees.
Figure 3 . 1 1 . Transfer functions of wave excited forces and
moments; 6 = 1 . 2 , a = 225 degrees.


Figure 3 . 1 2 . Transfer functions of wave excited forces and

moments; 6 = 1 . 2 , a = 270 degrees.
amplitudes are very close, from which it may be concluded that
the wave loads are linear up to a wave amplitude of at least
2.5 metres.
The added mass and damping coefficients, as obtained from
computations and measurements, are presented in the Figures 3.13
through 3.24 in a non-dimensional way, as defined in Table 3.2.
In general, the agreement found for the main hydrodynamic
coefficients is satisfactory. Relatively small differences as
they occur in the surge, heave and yaw modes may be explained by
the simplification of the ship's geometry. More serious are the
discrepancies found in the added mass moments of inertia in pitch
and roll mode, and in the damping coefficient in roll. A reason
for the higher measured damping coefficient in roll may be sought
in viscous effects, but no reasonable explanation can be given
for the differences between measured and computed values of a'44
and a'55, although it should be remarked that it is rather diffi-
cult to obtain reliable experimental values for these coeffi-
cients in the low frequency range. To find the total inertia
coefficient, the hydrostatic restoring moment has to be subtract-
ed from the total in-phase measured moment, according to equation
(3.1). The remainder is then divided by a very small value, w
Thus, a relatively small error in the measured moment may result
in a large proportional error in the inertia coefficient.
There are a few reasons why more discrepancy may be expect-
ed in the coupling coefficients. First, the computed values will
be less accurate, since coupling effects are influenced largely
by details in the geometry, and the simplification in the shape
is therefore relatively more important. Second, the experimental
error will be larger, since the experimental coefficients are
found from small measured forces.
For the coupling coefficients, there are two sets of experi-
mental data, as found from tests in different modes. Since from
the linear theory it follows that

and bkj = bjk

the difference in the two sets of data gives an indication of the
experimental error.
Fortunately, the hydrodynamic forces due to the coupling
effects are rather small and consequently even a large inaccura-
cy in a computed coupling coefficient will not have much impact
on the computed ship motions. This may be illustrated with the
following example.
The most important discrepancy between a measured and com-
puted coupling coefficient is found in case of the coupling
between sway and yaw. Supposing that the measured values are
the most reliable, it must be concluded from Figure 3.22 that
there is a large error in the computed mass coupling coefficient
of yaw into sway at small frequencies. The resulting error,
however, in the total hydrodynamic restoring force in the sway
mode, will not exceed 7 percent in this extreme case.
The motion amplitudes as used in the tests are indicated
in the Figures. In the sway and heave modes three amplitudes
have been applied, to check the linearity. From the results it
appears that the hydrodynamic coefficients are linearly depending
on the motion amplitude in the range of amplitudes tested. In the
sway mode the maximum amplitude applied corresponded to 2.475
metres, in the heave mode to 1.24 metres which is quite large
in comparison with the available underkeel clearance.
The motion transfer curves as found from theory and model
tests are presented in Figure 3.25. The agreement between experi-
ments and theory is good, except for the roll motion at reso-
nance, where viscous damping plays an important role. Since the
roll motion at resonance is overestimated by the potential theo-
ry, small humps occur at this frequency in the computed sway and
I yaw transfer curves in beam seas, due to the coupling terms.
The motion measurements were performed in waves with ampli-
tudes ranging from 0.8 to 1.9 metres prototype scale. At three
frequencies, ( W ' = 1.7, 2.25 and 2.8) two wave amplitudes were
applied. Again, the results demonstrate linearity under the
circumstances considered.
Resuming the results obtained, it may be concluded that the
numerical results obtained with the three-dimensional source
technique for hydrodynamic phenomena in shallow water show a
satisfactory agreement with experimental values. Apparently, the





* . ..

n 0
2" 0

Figure 3.19. Coupling coefficients Figure 3.20. Coupling coefficients

of surge into heave; 6 = 1.2. of surge into pitch; 6 = 1.2.



-0.1 00,







Figure 3.21. Coupling coefficients Figure 3.22. Coupling coefficients

of sway into roll; 6 = 1.2. of sway into yaw; 6 = 1 . 2 .


Figure 3.23. Coupling coefficients Figure 3.24. Coupling coefficients

of heave into pitch; 6 = 1 . 2 . of roll into yaw; 6 = 1.2.
rather rough subdivision of the ship's hull into 160 surface
elements is sufficient for a prediction of wave loads, hydrody-
namic coefficients and motions in the frequency range which is
of practical interest (up to a frequency U' = 4.5).
In section 2.3 it has been stated, that the strip theory
will yield wrong results in case of shallow water, in particular
for the lateral modes of motion. How serious the deficiency of
the strip theory is, may be deduced from a paper by Flagg and
Newman [3-l]. In this paper the authors present data on the two-
dimensional sway added mass coefficients for rectangular profiles
in shallow water, computed with a rigid free-surface condition,
which means that their results are solely valid for the case
w = O.For the subject ship, with 6 = 1.2, one arrives at a sway
coefficient ai2 = 11 on a basis of their data, while Figure 3.14
indicates that at zero frequency the real added mass coefficient
will lie in between 3 and 4.

TABLE 3.2.

Definition of non-dimensional added mass

and damping coefficients.

added mass damping mode

k z j - 1
"l;j PV
k = j = 3
k=l, j = 3
- k = j = 4
5 . = akj b' = bkj k = j = 5
' pVL2 kj P~L'WL
k = j = 6
k=4, j = 6
k=l, j = 5
- 3.i
~ V L
b' = bk k=2, j = 4
kj p v L m
k = 2, j = 6
k=3, j = 5
a Theory Experiment

180" - m
225' -- 0

Figure 3.25. Motion transfer functions; 6 = 1.2.

3.4. The influence of the water depth on added mass and dampinq
To investigate the qualitative influence of the water depth
on hydrodynamic coefficients the oscillation tests in the sway
and heave mode were carried out for in total four values of the
water depth to draft ratio, 1.05, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0. The added
mass and damping coefficients for sway and heave are shown in
Figures 3.26 and 3.27.
From Figure 3.26 it appears that the added mass in the
sway mode increases with decreasing keel clearance in the low
frequency range, while the reverse is the case at high frequen-
cies. The slope of the curve increases considerably with de-
creasing water depth, while the hump shifts towards.lower fre-
quencies. The damping in the sway mode is also higher in shallow-
er water, but at high frequencies the curves approach each other
Although not tested, it may be expected that the coeffi-
cients in the other horizontal modes, surge and yaw, will show
a similar picture.
The shape of the curves of added mass in the heave mode
remain more or less the same, as can be seen from Figure 3.27.
The curve shifts upwards with decreasing water depth. Also the
heave damping increases with decreasing water depth. This result
is in accordance with the data presented by K i m [3-21.
It is expected that the same trends will occur in the other
vertical modes of motion, roll and pitch.
In general, it may be concluded that from the data present-
ed in this section it appears that the influence of the water
depth on the added mass and damping is extremely important. More-
over the data show that the frequency dependency of the coeffi-
cients is obvious especially in very shallow water.

3.5. The influence of a quay parallel to the ship on added mass

and damping
A frequently occurring mooring situation is with the ship
against a quay or solid jetty. Therefore the influence of a
vertical wall parallel to the ship's centreline on the added mass
and damping has been investigated both by means of calculations
Figure 3.26. Added mass and damping coefficient in
sway for different water depths.
Figure 3.27. Added mass and damping coefficient in
heave for different water depths.
and experiments. Only the sway and heave motions have been con-
sidered, under the assumption that they are representative for
the horizontal and vertical modes of motion respectively.
The model tests and calculations were carried out for a
water depth to draft ratio of 1.2. The calculations were per-
formed in accordance with the method described in section 2.4,
while the same schematization of the tanker was used as de-
scribed in section 3.1.
Figures 3.28 and 3.29 show a comparison of calculated and
measured values for the case that the distance between ship and
quay is 16.50 metres (0.35B). The agreement is good. Figures 3.30
through 3.33 show the experimental results for various distances
between ship and quay.
The presence of the quay has quite a remarkable influence
on the hydrodynamic coefficients of the ship. As can be seen
from Figures 3.30 and 3.32 the effect of the quay on the added
mass disappears at very low and very high frequencies. But in
the range of frequencies which is of interest for ship motions
in waves, the added mass is influenced significantly. Most
interesting features are the occurrence of sharp peaks and
negative added mass values. From observation during the tests it
appeared that the peak values may be associated with the occur-
rence of standing waves between quay and ship with nodal lines
perpendicular to the quay.
A physical interpretation of negative "added mass" is diffi-
cult. However, it should be kept in mind that the quantity under
consideration is just the in-phase component of the fluid reac-
tive force, and the denomination "added massn originates only
from the practice to combine this component with the inertia term
in the equations of motion. It could also be combined with the
displacement term, and called then "hydrodynamic spring coeffi-
cient". Anyway it is obvious that in the range of frequencies
where the added mass value is negative, the water between quay
and ship acts like a spring. Consequently, a ship floating freely
in waves near a quay, may experience a resonant motion at two
frequencies in the sway mode. In the heave mode the number of
resonant frequencies may even be greater, due to the presence
of more peaks in the curves of added mass and due to the pres-
ence of a hydrostatic spring constant.
Figure 3 . 2 8 . Added mass and damping c o e f f i c i e n t i n sway;
distance between s h i p and quay 1 6 . 5 0 m, 6 = 1 . 2 .
Figure 3.29. Added mass and damping coefficient in heave;
distance between ship and quay 16.50 m, 6 = 1.2.
Figure 3.30. Measured added mass in sway as a function of
distance between ship and quay; 6 = 1.2.

8.25 m
16.50 m

15 -.-.- 24.75 m

Figure 3.31. Measured damping coefficient in sway as a

function of distance between ship and quay: 6 = 1.2.




Figure 3.32. Measured added mass in heave as a function of

distance between ship and quay; 6 = 1.2.



8.25 m
------ 16.50 m

30 -.-- 25.75 m
--- 33.00 m

-..-..- 41.25 m
.....-.-....-..--.- m m




.......... -..---.._
- ---......._........ -..*.
Oo 2 4
u c
Figure 3.33. Measured damping coefficient in heave as a
function of distance between ship and quay; 6 = 1.2.
From Figures 3.31 and 3.33 it appears that the hydrodynamic
damping increases considerably near a quay.
Finally it is remarked that the results presented here for
heave show some resemblance with the results found by Kalkwijk
for a ship, oscillating in a navigation lock [3-31, and the re-
sults found by Lee et. al. [3-4) for heaving catamarans. It is
evident that the problem discussed here of a heaving ship near
a quay is theoretically equivalent to the heaving of a twin hull

4.1. Potential theory description for flow due to arbitrary ship

As has been outlined in the Introduction, it is desirable
to formulate a set of equations of motions which relate instan-
taneous values of forces and motions. The obvious problem is then
to describe the reactive forces of the fluid due to arbitrarily
in time varying ship motions. To solve this problem, the approach
of Cummins [4-l] is followed.
Cummins describes an arbitrary motion as a succession of
small impulsive displacements. His basic assumption is that at
any time the'total fluid reactive force is the sum of the reac-
tions to the individual impulsive displacements, each reaction
being calculated with an appropriate time lag from the instant
of the corresponding impulsive motion.
Consider a ship, floating at rest in still water. The space
fixed system of axes is defined as in section 2.1. Suppose that
the ship is given an impulsive displacement in the j-th mode,
amounting to A X This displacement is achieved by moving the
ship at a constant velocity V for a small period of time At as
shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1.

so that

During the impulse the flow can be characterized by a velocity

potential which is proportional to the velocity of the ship, so:

The normalized potential Y. has to satisfy the boundary condi-

tions at the ship's surface:

and on the sea bottom:

During the impulse, the free surface will be elevated. The magni-
tude of this elevation amounts to:

Arj = -vj 4
. A.

After the impulse, the surface elevation will dissipate as a

radiating disturbance of the free surface. Since the problem is
assumed to be linear, the potential of this decaying wave will
be proportional to the impulsive displacement:

This potential function must satisfy the initial conditions:

X. (to i-At) = 0

and the initial surface elevation equals the elevation due to

the impulse, so that in the free surface:

With 4.5 this yields:

(t = to + At, x3 = d - C)

Moreover, xj satisfies the free surface condition:

and the boundary condition on S:

When the ship performs an arbitrarily in time varying

motion, we can consider this motion as a succession of small
impulsive movements, as shown in Figure 4 . 2 , and the resulting
velocity potential will be:

Taking the limit for At+O yields:

Figure 4 . 2 .

From (4.3) and (4.11) it is clear, that the total potential

satisfies the boundary condition on the surface of the ship. The
total potential must also satisfy the free surface condition
By substituting (4.13), (4.71, (4.9) and (4.10) it is easily
found that (4.14) is fulfilled only, when:

$j = 0 in the free surface X

3 = d - c

From (4.5) it appears,that after an impulsive displacement the

elevation of the free surface amounts to:

Further, Bernoulli's theorem yields in the surface:

In the free surface, appears to be small to the second

order, so that it may be concluded, that the free surface condi-
tion (4.14) is indeed fulfilled.
The physical meaning of I) is that it describes the instan-
taneous reaction of the fluid to the impulsive motion. The other
part of the potential, x.(t), describes the motion of the fluid
after the impulse, which, due to the free surface, will fade a-
way only after a long time. When the ship is moving continually,
it experiences at a certain moment fluid reactive forces which
are a result of the past motions. The past history of the motion
is taken into account by the convolution integral in equation
(4.131, which acts as a memory.
The total potential function as formulated in (4.13) ade-
quately describes the fluid motions due to arbitrary ship mo-
tions. It will not be easy to determine this function, but for
the present purpose the potential is not needed explicitly, as
will be shown in the following sections.

4.2. Equations of motion in the time domain

The linearized hydrodynamic pressure on a ship moving arbi-
trarily in time, is given by Bernoulli's theorem:

The hydrodynamic reaction forces and moments in the k-th direc-

tion are then found from:

The following quantities are now defined:

The equations of motion in the time domain can now be written as

follows, by applying Newton's law of dynamics:

Mkj is the inertia matrix as defined in section 2.2.

C is a matrix of hydrostatic restoring force coefficients.
Kkj is a retardation function, and %j is a frequency-independent
added mass coefficient.
Xk(t) is an arbitrarily in time varying exciting force, which
may include all kinds of external influences, as wave forces,
forces due to current, wind, passing ships, and non-linear re-
straining forces.

The equations of motion (2.23) provide an adequate set of

differential equations, relating the instantaneous values of
excitation and resulting motions. Returning to the practical
problem of how to compute the motion response of a moored ship to
excitation by regular or irregular waves it is obvious that at
first the coefficients m and the functions K (t) and Xk(t)
kj kj
have to be determined.
The time history of the forcing functions in irregular seas
can be generated easily when the forces in regular waves are
known as a function of the wave frequency (which can be obtained
for instance from diffraction calculations as described in chap-
ter 2).
The general representation of the surface elevation corre-
sponding to a particular energy spectrum is given by:

The amplitude of the harmonic wave components are prescribed by

the spectral density of the waves:

Where S (W,) is the spectral density.

The phase angle E, is supposed to be a random variable. Now the
time histories of the force components are given by:

How to obtain m and K (t) is less obvious. Ogilvie [4-21

kj kj
has shown how these coefficients and functions are related to
the frequency-dependent added mass and damping coefficients as
they appear in the frequency-domain description. The time-domain
equations (4.23) can describe motions of any kind, also harmonic
motions. Let the ship perform a simple harmonic motion, in re-
sponse to a harmonic excitation:

X =cj e-i(wt + E .)

Substitution in (4.23) of this motion yields:

-iwg .e-i(wt
+ E j) 1 Kkj(r)e iwr

dr l=

= Re{% e -i (wt + 6k)l

6 m
+ mkj w 1 K ~ ~ ( Tsin
) wr
dr sin(wt + E.)

+w 1 Kkj (T) cos wt dr . cos(wt + E .)
+ C
sinfwt + E .))c
3 j

This equation is equivalent to the frequency-domain description

Hence : m
akj - mkj - - I Kkj (t) sin wt dt
w c
bkj = I Kkj (t) cos wt dt

The retardation function can now be written in terms of the

frequency-dependent damping coefficient, by taking the inverse
Fourier transform of (4.30) :
The constant added mass coefficient can then be obtained from
(2.29), when the frequency-dependent added mass is known for one
single value of the frequency:

mk. = ak. ( w l ) +7
1 ;i. Kkj(t) sin w't dt
3 3 0

w' is an arbitrarily chosen value of w, the result for

given by (4.32) is independent of the value of U ' .

4.4. The behaviour of the damping for hiqh frequency motions

The formulae (4.31) and (4.32) give the theoretical rela-
tionship between the coefficients and functions in the frequency
and time domain descriptions, from which m and K can be
kj kj
determined. In practice, however, a problem is encountered. As
it appears from (4.31), the damping must be known for all fre-
quencies for the calculation of the retardation function.
In theory, the method for computation of added mass and
damping as described in chapter 2 holds true also for high fre-
quencies, but in practice the numerical process is not suitable
for handling high frequency motions. Moreover, the damping ap-
proaches asymptotically to zero with increasing frequencies, and
therefore one should like to have an analytical description of
the damping as a function of w for the high frequency range.
To investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the damping for
w- a two-dimensional approach may be used. The relation between
the damping coefficient and the amplitude of the radiated waves
at infinity is given by Newman [4-31 to be:

in which Rk(w) represents the ratio of the amplitude of the ra-

diated waves at infinity to the amplitude of the motion, the so-
called wave making coefficient.
The case of high frequency motions in the vertical mode has
been treated by Ursell [4-41, Rhodes-Robinson 14-51 and Hermans
4 6 . From their work, it appears that for U+- to the first or-
der :
so that:

where Ck is a constant.
When the ship is approximated by a vertical barrier, extend-
ing to the sea bottom (thus ignoring the keel-clearance, which
is permissible when the wave length is small compared to the
draft of the ship) the behaviour of the damping for horizontal
motions and the roll motion at high frequencies can be deter-
mined from the work of Ursell, et. al. [4-71 and Biesel [4-81.
For the surge, sway and yaw modes the ship may be regarded
as a piston type wave maker. According to 14-81 the wave making
coefficient then amounts to:
2 sinh rd
Rk = .
slnh rd cosh rd + ~d k = l, 2, 6

This coefficient approaches to a constant value, for U+-.

When rolling around the centre of gravity, in other words
around an axis below the water surface, the ship acts as a pad-
dle-type wave maker. Reference [4-81 gives for this case the
following wave making coefficient:

sinh ~d(l- cosh rd + rd sinh ~ d )

R4 = 2 ~d(sinh~d cosh Kd + ~ d )

It appears, that also R4 = constant for U+-, SO that:

Suppose now that the damping is known (from calculations

or measurements) from w = o to w = w 1' It is then possible to
choose the value of the constant Ck such, that the high frequen-
cy approximation corresponds to the known part of the damping
curve. Consequently, equation (4.31) can be written as:
where p = 3 for k = 1, 2 , 4 , 6
p = 7 for k = 3 , 5
The first integral can be solved numerically without problems,
while the second one can be treated in an analytical way.
Thus, the retardation functions and constant added mass
coefficients for uncoupled motions can be obtained. The treatment
of the coupling terms is, however, less simple. No information is
available on the asymptotic behaviour of the damping coefficients
which describe the coupling effects. The best thing one can do in
this case is a method of trial and error: fair the curves to zero
(which will be done rather arbitrarily) and compute first K and
subsequently % for several frequencies. In case a large scatter
is found in the values of mk the computation should be repeated
using a different extrapolation of the damping curve, and this
iteration process must be repeated until the values of m as
found for different frequencies agree within reasonable limits.
From a theoretical point of view this way of determining
Kkj and for the coupling effects is rather unsatisfactory.
But fortunately it appears in practice that the value of + is
not very sensitive for the high frequency approximation of the
damping, so the error in K and m will be small, and since
kj kj
the coupling terms in the equations of motion are of minor impor-
tance, the effect of the error on the motions will be even small-

4.5. Numerical computations of retardation functions and constant

inertia coefficients
By means of equations ( 4 . 3 2 ) and ( 4 . 3 8 ) the retardation
functions and constant added mass coefficients have been computed
for a 200,000 tdw tanker, departing from the damping and added
mass data as they have been obtained from the three-dimensional
source technique, which were presented in chapter 3 .
After partial integration, formula ( 4 . 3 8 ) yields for
k = 1, 2, 4 and 6:
2 "'1 bkk(w)
Kkk(t) = F COS wt dw + -
n rosUilt

sin wlt m
-t w1 -t2 j wt ]..d
w t
and for k = 3, 5:

+ -
t + - - - t3 t5 )sin wlt
cos wlt (-
15wl 180wl 360wl 1
- 7 - cos Wtdwt
360 n

The integral in the last term of (4.39) and (4.40) can be expand-
ed in a series (see ref. [4-91 ) :
m m nwt2n
cos wt (-1) ( 1 ) )
I wt dwt = - ( y + In wlt + n=l
z 2n (2n)! , (,4.41)
As an example of the extrapolation of the damping curves
Figure 4.3 shows the damping for the sway mode. In this case the
high-frequency approximation

was used with C2 = 2.86 which corresponds exactly to the value

found from (4.33) and (4.35) for the two-dimensional case of a
flat vertical barrier.
The damping curves for the coupling effects were extrapolat-
ed in such a way that the curves reached a value zero between
w = 2.0 and w = 2.5.
For the numerical integrations a Simpson-routine was used.
The steps of integration amounted to Aw = 0.01 rad.sec. for
equations (4.311, (4.39) and (4.40) and At = 0.125 seconds for
equation (4.321, while the upper limit of the integral in equa-
tion (4.32) was taken as 25 seconds. Since the retardation func-
tions vanish rather quickly (which means that in the equations
of motion much emphasis is laid on the very near past of the
motion of the ship) this period was assumed to be sufficient.

Figure 4.3. Extrapolation of the sway

damping curve.

The retardation functions thus obtained for the 200,000 tdw

tanker are given in Table 4.1, while the most important ones are
also shown in Figure 4.4 and 4.5.
The constant added mass coefficients were computed for 8
different values of U . Due to the various approximations in-
volved these computations did not yield exactly the same value.
Therefore the outcomes were averaged. Table 4.2 shows these
averaged values of mk together with their root mean square
TABLE 4 .l. Computed retardation functions;

K1l K2 2 K33 K44 K55
0.0 4.4622 2 9.9872 3 9.4632 3 1.1482 5 5.2102 7
0.5 4.0642 2 8.9932 3 8.9122 3 9.8799 4 4.8202 7
1.0 3.0052 2 6.4502 3 7.4002 3 6.0432 4 3.7712 7
1.5 1.6232 2 3.3929 3 5.3002 3 2.0989 4 2.3712 7
2.0 3.1202 1 8.2402 2 3.0802 3 -3.1082 3 9.9072 6
2.5 -6.3762 1 -7.6742 2 1.1472 3 -1.0059 4 -7.8902 5
3.0 -1.1289 2 -1.4749 3 -2.5982 2 -8.9682 3 -7.1459 6
3.5 -1.2422 2 -1.6692 3 -1.0932 3 -8.8282 3 -9.6172 6
4.0 -1.1462 2 -1.6722 3 -1.4472 3 -1.1502 4 -9.6662 6
4.5 -9.9512 1 -1.6202 3 -1.4682 3 -1.3872 4 -8,8412 6
5.0 -8.6232 1 -1.5252 3 -1.2835 3 -1.3712 4 -8.118# 6
5.5 -7.4802 1 -1.3809 3 -9.7382 2 -1.2209 4 -7.7512 6
6.0 -6.2225 l -1.2372 3 -5.9162 2 -1.1522 4 -7.5442 6
6.5 -4.7059 1 -1.1002 3 -1.8632 2 -1.1939 4 -7.2462 6
7.0 -3110 l -9.9072 2 1.7422 2 -1.2029 4 -6.8072 6
7.5 -1.7882 1 -9.1122 2 4.1222 2 -1.100f 4 -6.3712 6
8.0 -9.9412 0 -8.5749 2 4.6812 2 -9.6102 3 -6.1132 6
8.5 -7.3465 0 -8.1982 2 3.2672 2 -8.9362 3 -6.0872 6
9.0 -8.1325 0 -7.8475 2 2.5722 1 -8.9071 3 -6.1912 6
9.5 -1.0032 1 -7.4452 2 -3.5952 2 -8.6432 3 -6.2622 6
10.0 -1.1872 1 -7.0539 2 -7.4342 2 -7.7912 3 -6.1842 6
10.5 -1.3662 1 -6.7792 2 -1.0562 3 -6.9459 3 -5.9492 6
11.0 -1.5742 1 -6.6112 2 -1.2552 3 -6.7032 3 -5.6199 6
11.5 -1.7862 1 -6.3882 2 -1.3262 3 -6.8162 3 -5.2532 6
12.0 -1.9202 1 -6.0359 2 -1.2712 3 -6.5782 3 -4.8579 6
12.5 -1.8952 1 -5.6002 2 -1.1092 3 -5.8042 3 -4.3962 6
13.0 -1.7132 1 -5.2632 2 -8.6822 2 -5.0212 3 -3.8419 6
13.5 -1.4649 1 -5.0819 2 -5.8925 2 -4.7032 3 -3.2092 6
14.0 -1.2682 1 -4.9322 2 -3.2072 2 -4.6701 3 -2.5632 6
14.5 -1.1962 1 -4.6692 2 -1.0572 2 -4.4212 3 -1.9799 6
15.0 -1.2362 1 -4.2955 2 1.0072 1 -3.8612 3 -1.5022 6
15.5 -1.3242 1 -3.9329 2 2.7339 1 -3.3962 3 -1.1362 6
16.0 -1.404 l -3.662+ 2 -4.5592 1 -3.3432 3 -8.5612 5
16.5 -1.4632 1 -3.4322 2 -1.7922 2 -3.5092 3 -6.3672 5
17.0 -1.5222 1 -3.1482 2 -3.3732 2 -3.4825 3 -4.6362 5
17.5 -1.5932 1 -2.7992 2 -4.8642 2 -3.1692 3 -3.3082 5
18.0 -1.6492 1 -2.4689 2 -6.0172 2 -2.8472 3 -2.2892 5
18.5 -1.6379 1 -2.2142 2 -6.6812 2 -2.7212 3 -1.4062 5
19.0 -1.5182 1 -2.0129 2 -6.8099 2 -2.6482 3 -4.8732 4
19.5 -1.2952 1 -1.8012 2 -6.4363 2 -2.3772 3 5.2262 4
20.0 -1.0142 1 -1.5659 2 -5.6792 2 -1.9122 3 1.5192 5
20.5 -7.3142 0 -1.3395 2 -4.7042 2 -1.4922 3 2.3202 5
21.0 -4.7952 0 -1.1482 2 -3.6932 2 -1.2532 3 2.7999 5
21.5 -2.5932 0 -9.6972 1 -2.7982 2 -1.0712 3 2.9702 5
22.0 -5.7592-1 -7.8132 1 -2.114f 2 -7.8092 2 2.9489 5
22.5 1.2822 0 -5.9252 1 -1.6662 2 -4.2302 2 2.846# 5
23.0 2.8132 0 -4.3102 1 -1.4299 2 -1.7109 2 2.6919 5
23.5 3.8022 0 -2.9842 1 -1.3542 2 -7.4662 1 2.4422 5
24.0 4.1932 0 -1.6722 1 -1.3889 2 2.9379 0 2.0622 5
24.5 4.1692 0 -2.2372 0 -1.4842 2 1.7862 2 1.5932 5
25.0 4.0222 0 1.1612 1 -1.5982 2 3.8552 2 1.1432 5
units: tonf, m, sec.
value in a non-dimensional form.

TABLE 4.2.

Average and root mean square values of constant added mass

coefficients as computed for 8 different frequencies.
mode U a
%j kj kj
k j inBofml;
i n % o f (M

1 1 0.033 6 0.2
2 2 0.505 15 5
3 3 3.741 9 7
4 4 1.42 1 0 - ~ 1 0.01
5 5 0.158 3 0.5
6 6 0.045 17 1
1 3 0.024 20 20
1 5 0.032 14 14
2 4 -0.005 70 70
2 6 -0.043 32 32
3 5 -0.023 34 34
4 6 0.28 loe3 51 51

In most cases the deviation found between the various m

- val-
ues is small, particularly when the root mean square value is
related to the total mass term. Most deviation occurs in the
coupling terms.
In theory, there is a possibility to obtain m in a differ-
ent way. From equation (4.29) it becomes obvious, that m is the
asymptotic value of a ( W ) for W+-:

. 3
= a,.
(W) for W+-

For this case, the linearized free surface condition degenerates

into :
= o in the free surface

Work has been done on this special problem with regard to

its relevance to ship vibrations. Reference is made to the work
of Lewis [4-101, Taylor 14-111 , Kumai [4-121 , [4-131, Prohaska
@-l41 and Todd [4-151, who gives an excellent review of pub-

w = -
lished data. Xoch [4-163 determined added mass coefficients for
experimentally by means of an electric analogon, taking
into account the influence of a restricted water depth. On
basis of his data the following coefficients are predicted for
horizontal and vertical motion:

- =2 0.5 and -
m33 - 3.5
P v PV

These figures are in good agreement with the values in Table 4.2,
which increases the confidence in the method of computing the
retardation function and constant added mass coefficient.

5.1. General
In the previous sections the tools have been sharpened for
the ultimate job: the prediction of the behaviour of a moored
ship in a purely theoretical way. The equations of motion in the
time domain have been discussed, necessary to describe the be-
haviour of a ship with non-linear mooring restraints, while it
has been shown also how the wave forces and fluid reactive for-
ces can be computed by means of the three-dimensional source
technique. In this chapter these tools will be applied to the
analysis of the motion behaviour of a ship, moored to a jetty.
First, the mathematical model to simulate moored ship motions
will be discussed. Then, the results of numerical and experimen-
tal investigations for a certain mooring situation will be com-
pared and discussed. Finally, the general motion behaviour of
the moored ship will be analysed by means of approximate analy-
tical methods.

5.2. Numerical calculations

Consider a ship, moored by means of a number of mooring
lines with non-linear elastic characteristics, to a jetty
equipped with fenders, as sehematized in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1.
Initially, the ship is at rest with its centre of gravity
in the origin of the space fixed system of coordinates GX1X2X3.
The coordinates of the chocks of the i-th mooring line are:
on the jetty: pilr pia, pi3.
on the ship : qilr qi2, qi3-
The load-elongation relationship of the mooring line is given by:

where Ti = tension in the line

&li = elongation of the line
li = initial length of the Line.
When t = 0, there is an amount of pretension in the line, Pi.
The length of the mooring line without pretension can then be
found from:

where can be found from (5.1).
Now the ship is being subjected to wave action. At a certain
moment, the motion of the ship is given by xl (t), x2 (t), .
...x6(t). For small rotative motions of the ship,'and neglecting
terms which are small of second order, the chock position on the
ship is given by:

The instantaneous elongation of the line is then:

and the instantaneous line tension is then found from l . In
case Ali(t) < 0 the line is slack and consequently the tension
is zero. The resulting forces and moments of the i-th mooring
line acting about the centre of gravity of the ship are:

Let the coordinates of the point of the i-th fender which

makes contact with the ship be ril, ri2, ri3. The relationship
between the impression of this fender di and the reaction force
in the fender Di is given by:

At a certain instant of time the impression of the i-th fender

amounts to:

The corresponding fender reaction is found from (5.6), and the

resulting forces and moments on the ship are:

for k = 1, 3, 5

Including the reaction forces of mooring lines and fenders, the

complete equations of motion in the time domain become:
where Xk(t) = wave exciting force.
n = total number of mooring lines.
nf = total number of fenders.
The wave exciting force is generated as follows:

where n = number of wave components


ri = a random phase angle in case nu > 1


The factor (1 - e-O.Olt) is applied in order to prevent a shock

load at the start of the simulation. In this way all wave loads
gradually increase from 0 to over 98 percent of their appropriate
value in a period of 400 seconds.
The numerical solution of the 6 coupled second order differ-
ential equations (5.9) is carried through according to the fol-
lowing procedure. Suppose the simulation has arrived to the
moment t, At is the time increment applied, so the equations of
motion have to be solved for the moment t + At. First, the velo-
At and t + At are predicted by extrapolating the
cities for t + -3
obtained time histories. To this end, the velocity is expanded
in a Taylor series:

= *.(t)
+ At%.(t)
+ At {2.(t)
- %.(t
- At)} (5.11)

In a similar way b.(t + 3) is found. Subsequently, the new po-
sition and orientation are predicted by numerical integration of
the velocities, applying Simpson's rule:
x.(t + At) =x.(t) + TAt {Sj(t) + 4*.(t + % ) + 2 (t + At)].
J J I j

The time history of the velocities is now known until the moment
t + At, so the convolution integrals can be computed. The numer-
ical integration of these convolution integrals is carried out
by means of Simpson's rule, using a time increment equal to the
time step At, applied for the solution of the equations of mo-
tion. The upper bound of the integrals, in theory infinity, was
fixed at 25 seconds for the case described in this thesis.
Subsequently, the values of the mooring line and fender forces
as well as the hydrostatic restoring forces can be calculated for
the new coordinates. After substitution of these forces in (5.9),
6 linear equations are obtained from which the accelerations
Z.(t + At) can be found. Finally, the predicted velocities are
checked by integration of the accelerations. In case the differ-
ence is acceptable, the computation continues for the next time
step; if not, the time increment has to be decreased. When start-
ing the computation process at t = 0 , no reliable prediction of
%.(At) can be made. Therefore, an iteration procedure is used
in that case: the values of the velocities found after solving
the equations of motion are used as a new prediction and the
process is repeated until the predicted and computed velocities
at t = At are in satisfactory agreement.
The mathematical simulation process described before has
been programmed in FORTRAN for use on a Control Data 6600 com-
Besides some steering parameters, the input of the program
consists of:
- inertia matrix of the ship
- matrix of hydrostatic restoring coefficients
- added mass coefficients and retardation functions
of the ship
- coordinates of fenders and bollards
- elasticity characteristics of fenders and lines
- pretension in mooring lines
- frequency, amplitude and phase angle of the wave
load components.
The retardation functions and elasticity functions of lines and
fenders are read in as a number of discrete points, sufficient
to fix the curves. Intermediate values are, when needed, found
by means of interpolation sub-routines.
As output of the program, the computed time histories of
motions and forces can be printed, plotted or dumped on digital
tape for further analysis.
The computing time is linearly proportional to the inverse
of the time step. Systematic computations with varying time step
have shown that a step of 0.2 seconds is sufficiently small for
an accurate numerical solution of the equations of motion. With
this time step, the required computing time amounts to 1 second
for 10 seconds real time.

5.3. Examples of computed moored ship motions and experimental

To check the adequacy of the mathematical model for moored
ships, an extensive experimental program has been carried out to
analyse the motion behaviour of a moored ship in regular and
irregular waves. Afterwards, typical test situations were se-
lected for simulation on the computer to see whether the observed
phenomena could be reproduced by means of the mathematical simu-
The study was conducted for a loaded 200,000 tdw tanker,
moored to an open jetty in water with a depth amounting to 1.2
times the draft of the vessel. The ship is the same as describ-
ed in Chapter 3.
The mooring lay-out is depicted in Figure 5.2. The vessel
was moored by means of 4 lines, each representing two or three
wires with nylon tails in reality. The load-elongation curves of
the lines are shown in Figure 5.3. In each line a pretension was
applied of 20 tons.
The pair of stiff fenders had a linear elasticity amounting
to 1575 ton/m.
The model tests were carried out in the Shallow Water Labo-
ratory of the Netherlands Ship Model Basin on a scale of 1:82.5.
The same ship model was used as for the tests mentioned in Chap-
ter 3. Figure 5.4 shows a general view of the test arrangement.
213.25 m 213.25 m

137.20 m

2 4 0m


no.* m I t3D.45 m
156.aom 1 1SA.40 m


Figure 5.2. Mooring lay-out of 200,000 TDW tanker.

The non-linear elasticity characteristic of the mooring

lines was simulated by means of a composition of 4 linear springs.
The calibrated load-elongation relationships for the modelled
lines are plotted in Figure 5.3.
The fenders were simulated by means of rocking arms, to
which linear springs were connected, as shown in Figure 5.5. The
friction between the model and the fenders was minimized by using
vertical wheels which were fitted to the fender arms.
The loads in mooring lines and fenders were measured by
means of strain gauge transducers. The motions were measured by
means of potentiometers. All signals were recorded both on mag-
netic tape and paper chart.
The model tests were based on Froude's law of similitude.
Hence, prototype values were obtained by applying a length scale
factor 82.5, time and velocity scale factor m and mass and
force scale factors 82.5 3 .

First an extensive series of tests in regular beam waves

(a = go0) was carried out to investigate the behaviour of the
moored ship over a wide range of periods, varying from 9 to 41
Figure 5.3. Load-elongation characteristic of mooring lines.

seconds. The long period waves are not merely of theoretical

interest, but may also be associated with seiches or harbour
oscillations, which sometimes cause problems in practice.
In all conditions tested, the ship attained a periodic
motion, after a period of transience.
Characteristic of the sway motion was the occurrence of
a mean displacement in addition to the oscillatory motion. In
short waves this motion had the same frequency as the waves, with
bounces against the fenders of equal strength at time intervals
equal to the wave period. In certain long waves, however, a sub-
harmonic motion was observed: the ship motion was composed of a
motion with frequency w equal to that of the exciting waves, on
which a motion was superimposed with frequency either w / 3 or w / 2 .
Figure 5.4. Experimental set-up.

Impacts against the fenders occurred then at intervals of 3 or 2

wave periods respectively. Subharmonic motion was observed only
in waves with such a frequency, that the frequency of the subhar-
monic ( w / 3 or w / 2 ) was close to the "natural" frequency of the
moored ship, which in the sway mode, amounted to approximately
0.07 rad.sec.
- 1 (due to the non-linear elasticity characteristic
of the mooring system there is no well-defined natural frequency;
in fact the resonance frequency depends on the amplitude of mo-
tion). When the amplitude of motion was decreased, the subharmon-
ic motion disappeared. After this observation, it was attempted
to produce a subharmonic motion of mode w / 4 , by trying waves
with frequencies around 4 times the natural frequency and large
amplitudes. These attempts were, however, without success. In
some cases another mode of regular motion was found, for instance
with alternating light and heavy bounces aqainst the fenders.
Figure 5 . 9 . Fen- siae~lation.

FigUres 5.6 tbrough 5.8 show a review of khe mst representative

r e s u l t s of the tests, tlogether with tire r e s u l t s of the coaputa-
tione .
The maputations were carried o u t with pure harmonic Loscing
n s , were obtain& from the t h e o r e t i c a l t r a n s f e r
f a ~ ~ ~ ? t i nwhich
curtr-es, taking into a c w u n t a wave height equal t o t h a t , measured
i n the basin without t h e & i p model being there.
Time h i s t o r i e s were computed f o r a period of lOOb seconds,
although i t appeared that a f t e r 500 seconds results k c m e
It appeared t h a t t h e modes of motionr found i'n the expexi-
raeats, a r e aLse predictea by t h e aathematisal model. Sraall d i f -
ferences ate found b u t o f t e n tfiese ean be explained by the fact
&at t h e Long Haves i n the basin were not mre s i n e wave@. For
i n e a n c e , t h e wave recard of the test in Figure 5.6 s h w s clear-
Ip higher harmonic oompoaents. The second harmonic i n t h i s ease




A F P - - A - ~ ~ - - ~ AI - - V - - PITCH

Figure 5.6. Computed and measured ship motions and mooring

-1 ,
forces. Regular waves from 90 degrees, w = 0.212 rad-sec.
wave height 0.9 m.
A -



, \ /-vv-',,'-, SWAY


-- - -. l ,.-
, - VA "
, A A P

-- -
p& YAW




LlNE 2

LlNE 3

. l
LlNE 4


Figure 5.7. Computed and measured ship motions and mooring

forces. Regular waves from 90 degrees., w = 0.212 rad-sec. 1 , -
wave height 0.32 m.



- -
/-v-vv-v.1 SWAY

/A" v v v -. .







vvvvv LINE I

LlNE 2




Figure 5.8. Computed and measured ship motions and mooring

-1 ,
forces. Regular waves from 90 degrees, w = 0.69 rad-sec.
, wave height 1.06 m.
is close to the natural roll period. This causes a pronounced
superharmonic roll response, with corresponding secondary peaks
in the mooring line forces, which are not present in the computed
records. In the computed roll motion a superharmonic component
is found too, but its amplitude is much smaller.
Table 5.1 shows for some typical tests a comparison of
numerical values of the most interesting signals, being maximum
peak values of mooring line and fender forces, as well as the
maximum peak to trough value of the sway motion (x2 max
X2 min. 1. From the results it may be concluded that both the
qualitative and quantitative agreement between theory and experi-
ments is satisfactory: the differences between measured and
computed values are usually less than 20 percent.

Also long crested irregular waves have been taken into con-
, sideration. One sea condition was used, of which the spectral
density is shown in Figure 5.9, with three angles of wave attack,
cr = 90. 135 and 180 degrees. The measurements lasted a period
corresponding to 2100 seconds prototype scale and began 1000
seconds after starting the wave generator, thus avoiding that
transient phenomena would influence the results.
The computations were performed for a period corresponding
to 2500 seconds. The first 400 seconds represent a period of
transience, thus leaving 2100 seconds for analysis.
Of all measured and computed time histories of motions and
forces a spectral analysis was carried out. Besides spectra, this
analysis yielded the following statistical quantities:
- mean value
- root mean square value
- significant double amplitude
- maximum and minimum value.
For a definition of these quantities and details of the spectral
analysis technique, reference is made to Appendix I.
The wave spectrum was simulated in the computations by means
of 15 sine waves, ranging in frequency from 0.425 to 1.125 rad.
sec.-'. To that end the measured wave spectrum (see Figure 5.9)
was subdivided into 15 bands of constant width. Each band was
represented by a sine component, having the centre frequency of
that band and a height, following from the band area. These wave
Figure 5.9.-Spectral density of the irregular waves as measured
in the basin. Significant wave height 2.6 m, mean period 8.9 sec.

components were summed with arbitrary phase angles, and with the
aid of the computed transfer functions the forcing functions in
the 6 modes were determined.
The first theoretical results for a = 90 degrees thus
obtained, showed a good aqreement with the experimental results
with regard to the shape of the spectra and the maximum values,
but the significant values and the areas under the spectra were
too high for the theoretical results. To some extent this is
caused by the fact that the roll motion is over-estimated in the
computations. After adding some additional damping in the roll
mode, derived from the oscillation tests, the agreement improved.
The results of tests and computations, both with and without
additional roll damping, are given in Table 5.2 and Figure 5.10.
The results for bow quartering waves, ct = 135 degrees,
are presented in Table 5.3 and Figure 5.11. For this case, a
TABLE 5.2.
Comparison of computed and measured results
Wave spectrum Angle of attack 90 degrees

Signal Quantity Unit Experiment Computation

With theoretical With experi-
roll damping mental roll
Mooring line U tonf 18 25 21
1 68 92 84
Fmax 108 113 98
----.---p - -F-------

Mooring line G 28 46 39
2 F " 110 152 141
1/3 "
Fmax 188 211 170
- m.
Mooring line U 30 145 40
3 F1/3 107 147 142
Fmax 166 214 184
Mooring line U " 14 30 27
4 F 63 100 98
Fmax 89 147 128
Fender 1 a 241 257 229
F 971 1180 1060
" 1530 1709 1208
Fmax ---_
Fender 2 U " 177

255 261
F 761 1150 1192
1/3 "
1196 1580
--- --p - - Fmax
- ----- +
Surge m 0.14 0.01 0.01
U 0.10 0.17 0.08
Xlmax 0.47 0.39 0.26
X -0.05 -0.37 -0.22
------- -- -lmin
----- -- ---- - - p ----
Sway -0.23 -0.85 -0.71
U 0.47 0.79 0.66
" 0.99 0.83 0.76
X -2.10
2min---.-----.--------p--- -3.20 -2.46
-----A- --
Yaw x6 degr 0 -0.01 -0.01
U " 0.11 0.06 0.05
" 0.28 0.12
X6max 0.13
X6min -0.43 -0.18 -0.14

0 0


.. l

'\ \
'\ ,
0 0



0 0


z -

1 E 1

S \l
L. .-
O0 05 10 O0 05 10
w in rad sec-' w i n

Figure 5.10. Computed and measured spectra of ship motions and

mooring forces. Irregular waves (see Figure 5.9) from 90
TABLE 5.3.
Comparison of computed and measured results
Wave spectrum Angle of attack 135 degrees
Signal Quantity Unit Experiment Computation
Mooring line U tonf 8 8
1 F 42 33
1/3 n
Fmax 57 '40

~ o o r i n gline U 8 11
2 F " 41 41
Fmax 57 51
Mooring line
pA ---- W -- --
U 12 11
3 F 54 40
1/3 "
Fmax 85 52
--A -- m
Mooring line U 10 8
4 F1/3 44 34
Fmax 61 43
Fender 1 U 71 82
F " 274 344
1/3 "
Fmax 476 418
Fender 2 U 63 77
F 254 300
536 410
- --.--Fmax
- - -.-- ---
Surge m -0.04 0.03
U 0.22 0.07
lmax 0.58 0.20
" -0.83 -0.17
- --.---
" - ---
--- ------
-0 -08
U 0.07 0.08
X2max 0.14 0.15
-0.29 -0.26
- -- W ---.--
- -- - - -
yaw degr 0 -0.01
U 0.13 0.06
X " 0.57 0.20
'6rnin -0.40 -0.25





' 1 -;Fii,-.
0 0


O0 05 1D O0 0 5 10
W 10pad sec-' w m rad S-'

Figure 5 . 1 1 . Computed and measured spectra of ship motions and

mooring f o r c e s . Irregular waves ( s e e Figure 5 . 9 ) from 1 3 5
TABLE 5.4.
Comparison of computed and measured r e s u l t s
Wave spectrum Angle of a t t a c k 180 d e g r e e s

Signal Q u a n t i t y U n i t Experiment Comytation

NO With With
d r i f t force constant varying
d r i f t force d r i f t force
Mooring l i n e a tonf 8 3 3 11
1 " 41 24 32 42
" 57 25

Mooring l i n e
---- -----
-- - --
0.5 0.6 3
2 " 31 20 18 21
" 38 20 19 25
---- --
Mooring l i n e
- --- --------- ----- --W

U 8 0.4 0.5 4
3 F " 41 20 22 26
Fmax 54 2o 22 31
Mooring l i n e a 9 2.5 0.3 10
4 F " 33 24 18 28
" 50 26 20 41
Fender 1 U " 10 1 2 17
F " 34 33 44 65
-- -- --
Fender 2
F .
-- --
- --
" ---- -

-- - -
- ----
F " 54 36 26 53
-- --- - Fmax
- -- -- - --.--
139 36 27
-- -
-- --.
m -0.32 0.02
xl -0.43 -0.23
a " 0.38 0.07 0.08 0.36
lmax 0.58 0.18 -0 -02 0.68
X -1.39 -0.15 -0.43 -1.13
" -0.01 0.02
X2 0.02 0.02
a " 0.01 - -
" 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
X " -0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
p-. --- -- - -- ----
Yaw degr 0.07 -0.002 0.Ol 0.01
a " 0.08 0.001 0.002 0.01
" 0.25 0 0.01 0.04
X6min -0.13 -0.003 0.005 -0.03

n 0







0 0



- 05
W in rad sec-'
10 0 05
W m rod sac-'

Figure 5.12. Computed and measured spectra of ship motions and

mooring forces. Irregular waves (see Figure 5.9) from 180
good agreement was found, without additional roll damping.
For the case of head waves (a = 180 degrees), in first
instance a very bad correlation was found: the theoretical
forcing functions consist only of small oscillatory loads in
surge, heave and pitch mode, resulting in small variations of the
mooring forces around the pretension and a small surge oscilla-
tion around the zero position. In reality, however, the surge
motion consists of a larger amplitude oscillation around a mean
displacement, and the variations in the mooring loads are also
larger. It was assumed that in this case the second order wave
drift force plays an important role. To check this assumption,
two calculations were made: one with an additional constant and
one with a slowly varying drift force, which is much more realis-
tic in irregular waves. As an approximation of the magnitude of
the drift force, measurements by Pinkster 15-11 , performed on a
different ship model in a similar sea condition were used. In
Table 5.4 the results of computations without drift force, with
constant drift force and with slowly varying drift force, are
compared with the measured values. Figure 5.12 shows spectra of
motions and forces according to experiments and computations with
varying drift force. Obviously, the influence of the low frequen-
cy drift force is essential in this condition.

5.4. Analysis of the results

The results of the investigations described in section 5.3
have revealed interesting features of the behaviour of a ship,
moored to a jetty.
In regular beam seas, the sway motion consists of an oscil-
lation around a mean displacement. In certain long waves a sub-
harmonic sway motion was found with frequency w / 2 or w / 3 .
In irregular seas, the spectra of horizontal motions and
mooring forces show low-frequency peaks, clearly distinct from the
range of wave frequencies. From the computations it followed that
in head waves the second order wave force plays an important role
in exciting this low frequency behaviour, but in the other wave
directions considered, low frequency peaks were found due to
first order wave excitation only. This low frequency behaviour
in irregular waves must also be distinguished from the subharmon-
ic motion in regular waves: the longest wave component in the
spectrum had a frequency of 0.425 rad.sec .-l whereas subharmonic
motions only occurred in waves with frequencies lower than ap-
proximately 0.21 rad.sec. - 1
As was shown, this typical behaviour of a moored ship can be
predicted by the complicated mathematical model described here,
but to understand why these modes of motion occur, it is helpful
to use a simplified analytical approach.
The above mentioned special features of moored ship motions
occur mainly in the horizontal modes, surge, sway and yaw. When
these motions are considered as being uncoupled, it is observed
that the restoring force and moment in surge and yaw are non-
linear, but symmetric, and hence they can be schematized as:

where f(x) is the restoring force, X is the displacement and

a and f3 are constants. When moreover the frequency-dependency
of the added mass is ignored and the damping is neglected, the
simplified equation of motion becomes

This is the well-known Duffing equation, which has been treated

extensively in the literature of non-linear vibrations (see for
instance Stoker, [5-21 ) The solutions of the Duffing equation
show the following particulars:
- the first order approximation of the motion due to a harmonic
excitation F = Fa cos wt is: X = A cos wt
- the response curve shows a "backbone" shape as shown in Figure
- with F = Fa cos wt, subharmonic solutions exist with frequency
- with excitations consisting of two harmonic components, F =
F1 cos wlt + F2 cos w2t, the motions contain components with
frequencies 2wl 2 w2 and 2w2 2 wl, the so-called combination
tones, besides the basic frequencies wl and w2.
The elasticity of the mooring system in the sway mode is
essentially different in that sense, that the restoring force is
Figure 5.13. Response
of non-linear mass-
spring system.

asymmetrical: when pushing against the fenders, the force is dif-

ferent from the case that the ship pulls at the lines. The most
simple way to schematize such a restoring force is:

When again ignoring frequency - dependency of added mass and

damping, the equation of motion becomes:

Solutions of this equation are discussed in Amendix 11. It ap-

pears, that:
- with an excitation F = Fa cos wt, the first order approximation
of the resulting motion shows an oscillation around a mean

- subharmonic motion may occur with frequencies w/2 as well as

- with bi-frequency excitation (F = F1 cos wlt + F2 cos w2t) com-
bination tones can be found with frequencies 2wl 2 w2, 2w2 2 wl
and wl f w2.
Thus this simplified analytical approach shows how a mean
displacement and low frequency motions originate from the non-
linear particulars of the mooring system.
'The presence of damping may have an important influence on
the occurrence of subharmonics. Levenson [5-31 has shown for the
Duffing equation, that subharmonics due to harmonic oscillations
exist only if t3e damping coefficient is small compared to the
amplitude of the exciting force, and that the damping coefficient
would have to be taken small of still higher order to obtain
subharmonics of order higher than 1/3 in the presence of damping.
This explains why the subharmonic sway response of the moored
ship of order 1/3 disappeared when the wave height was decreased,
and that it was impossible to obtain subharmonics of order 1/4
in the physical and mathematical models.
It will be clear, that the equations of motion in the fre-
quency domain can only be used to explain certain particulars of
the behaviour of the moored ship, brought about by the peculiari-
ties of the mooring system, the coefficients of the inertia
and damping terms being strongly dependent on frequency. In the
present case, the inertia coefficient at the subharmonic frequen-
cy is around four times larger than at the wave frequency. For
the damping coefficient, the difference is even larger.
The low frequency response in irregular seas from 90 and
135 degrees is obviously a result of the phenomenon of combina-
tion tones, since subharmonic response was not found in the
separate wave components of the spectrum. To check whether the
drift force has an additional effect in these cases, a calcula-
tion was made for the 90 degrees condition with a measured time
history of the drift force added to the first order wave forces.
However, no significant influence was found in beam seas. In
irregular head waves, the computations without second order wave
forces showed also low frequency peaks in motion and mooring
force spectra, but their magnitude was a factor 100 to 1000
smaller than the measured peaks, and the measured low frequency
behaviour could only be reproduced by adding a varying drift
With regard to the low frequency second order wave forces
a difficulty is, that the knowledge of the nature of these forces
is still insufficient. The constant drift force in a regular
wave, which originates from the second order pressure, may be
computed with the linear three-dimensional source technique. But
the variation of the drift force in random seas is still subject
to study, just as the possible influence of second order terms
in the wave potential. Significant work on drift forces has been
done by Maruo [5-41, Gerritsma and Beukelman [5-51, Mei and
Black [5-61, Remery and Hermans [5-71, Hsu and Blenkarn [S-81,
Newman [5-91 and Pinkster [5-l] and [5-101.
The experimental verification of the mathematical model has
been restricted to head waves and such wave directions, in which
the ship is pushed against the fenders by the drift force. To
check the possible influence of the drift force in case the ship
drifts away from the fenders, a computation was made in a wave
spectrum from 270 degrees, with drift force simulation (without
drift force the results would have been the same as for waves
from 90 degrees). Two computations were made, one with a constant
drift force, amounting to the average value of a drift force
record, and one with additional low frequency components. In
Table 5.5 the results are compared with the results for 90 de-
grees. Contrary to 90 degrees waves, the drift force has a sig-
nificant influence on the sway motion and mooring forces in case
of 270 degrees waves, while it is observed that the difference
between results with constant and varying drift force is not very
significant. Obviously, the main effect of the drift force in
this condition is that it gives the ship a mean displacement in
sway, which affects the characteristics of the restoring forces
for the high frequency oscillations substantially. In 90 degrees
waves, the mean displacement due to the drift force is negligible
since the ship is pushed against the very stiff fenders, which
explains that no drift force influence was found in that case.
In head waves, it was found that the oscillating character
of the drift force was more important than its average value. For
this angle of wave attack, the first order wave forces are very
small, as is the surge response to these forces, and consequently
the low frequency forces induced by the mooring system through
the phenomenon of combination tones are unimportant compared to
the varying drift force.
The following statement is an attempt to generalize the ob-
servations made on the influence of the second order wave force:
in an analysis of non-linearly moored ship motions the wave drift
force must be included as an essential part of the wave excita-
tion, when the amplitude of the force of second order is rela-
TABLE 5 . 5 .
Com2arison of computed r e s u l t s f o r wave s p e c t r a w i t h a n g l e s
o f a t t a c k 90 a n d 270 d e g r e e s .

Signal Quantity Unit 90 d e g r e e s 270 d e g r e e s

NO d r i f t force constant varying
drift f o r c e d r i f t f o r c e

Mooring l i n e a tonf 25 26 27
1 F 92 112 115
" 113 160 187
Mooring l i n e a W
46 53 58
2 152 204 212
Fnax 211 331 386
------- -v -. --p --- --- - - -
Mooring l i n e a 45 47 53
3 F 147 179 187
" 214 258 310
----------B-----.-------------- " -- ------
Plooring l i n e n 30 34 37
4 F 100 125 123
Fmax 147 174 216
F e n d e r 1. a V
257 126 140
'113 1180 803 826
Fmax 1709 1981 2328
- --p -- -- - -- --------- -- -- - -- -- --p

Fender 2 a 255 140 153

F " 1150 824 892
1/3 " 1580 2041 2370
--- --- Frnax
--- - --- --------------p

X1 m 0.01 0.09 0.09
a " 0.17 0.34 0.34
lmax 0.39 0.97 1.03
-0.37 -0.83 -0.90
- A
-0.85 -1.63

a 0.79 0.87 0.95
2max 0.83 0.79 1.11
-3.20 -4.47 -5.22
-------- X2min
- .--------- -- --. ------
Y aw degr -0.01 -0.07 -0.07
a 0.06 0.05 0.05
" 0.12 0.11 0.09
'6rnin -0.18 -0.24 -0.22
tively important (which is the case for waves from 0 or 180 de-
grees), or when the average second order force changes the aver-
age position of the moored ship significantly. In case of ships,
moored by means of a linear system in random seas, it is likely
that the drift force is always important, since it is then the
only low-frequency excitation.
Although the quantitative agreement between results of the
mathematical and physical model is reasonable for cases where the
drift force is of minor importance (90 and 135 degrees), some
discrepancies remain, especially in the 90 degrees waves where,
although the shapes of the computed spectra are very similar to
those of the measured spectra, the peak values of the spectra are
much higher in some cases (in particular the low frequency
peaks). This is reflected by the fact that the computed r.m.s.
values are larger than the measured values. It is not clear
whether these differences are due to experimental errors or due
to limitations of the mathematical model.
Experimental errors are caused by:
- shortcomings in the test set-up, such as flexibility of the
mooring structure, friction between ship model and fenders,
damping and dynamic effects in pantograph and mooring line
- measuring errors involved in the limited accuracy of measuring
and recording instruments
- evaluation errors due to the process of converting analogue
records to digital ones.
The magnitude of the first category of errors is hard to estimate
but the total error due to measuring and evaluation inaccuracies
is estimated at 5 percent.
I For an assessment of possible errors in the mathematical
model, a review is given below of approximations and assumptions
involved in the mathematical model.
- The equations of motion are based on the assumption that the
fluid reactive forces are linear. In Chapter 3 it has been
shown experimentally that this assumption holds true for the
motion amplitudes concerned.
- First order wave forces and fluid reactive forces are computed
numerically. The differences with measured values are small in
general, except for the roll damping. The computed roll damping
appeared to be insufficient in case resonant roll motion oc-
- Certain approximations are involved in computing the constant
added mass coefficients and retardation functions, as discussed
in Chapter 4. Errors, involved in these numerical computations
and the effect of cutting-off the retardation functions after
25 seconds have been checked by means of equations (4.29) and
(4.30). It has been found, that the fluid reactive forces are
represented correctly within 2 percent for the range of wave
frequencies as well as for the low frequencies where motion
response was found.
- Wave forces and fluid reactive forces from viscous origin have
been neglected. The largest influence can be expected in the
sway mode. An estimate of these forces has been made using the
empirical formula:

where : V = relative sway speed

%= lateral area of the ship
For the drag coefficient CD, measured values as reported in
reference 15-11] were used. Inclusion of this force,in the model
did not change the results significantly.
- The wave spectrum was simulated by means of 15 discrete compo-
nents. An increase of this number to 20 yielded differences in
the results of less than 1 percent.
- The equations of motions were solved with a time step amounting
to 0.2 seconds. Computations with smaller steps showed that
the possible error does not exceed 1 percent.
- The first 400 seconds of the computed irregular records were
regarded as a period of transience.
Calculations with longer transient periods did confirm this
- In the spectral analysis of motion and force records, inaccu-
racies are involved in the choice of sample time and length of
auto-correlation function. This, however, applies both to com-
puted and measured results and will not affect the comparison
of the two.
Finally it is remarked, that it may be advisable to increase
the duration of both the physical and the mathematical simulation
for a more reliable spectral analysis, in particular with regard
to the low frequency parts of the spectra.

5.5. Extension to other systems

In this chapter, the approach of analysing moored ship mo-
tions with the aid of the equations of motion of Cummins in com-
bination with the three-dimensional source technique for obtain-
ing hydrodynamic forces, was applied to a ship, moored in waves
to an open jetty.
The same approach can be used for a ship, moored to a solid
jetty or a quay, since for this case the hydrodynamic forces can
also be computed with the three-dimensional source technique.
Further, the equations of motion enable the inclusion of
other arbitrarily in time varying excitations. The desirability
of adding second order wave forces was already discussed in the
previous section, but also wind and current forces can be includ-
ed, or excitations induced by passing ships.
The approach can also be extended to systems with moving
mooring structures, as for instance the single buoy mooring sys-
tem. In that case equations must be added which describe the
dynamic behaviour of the buoy, while provisions in the model must
be made which enable the adaptation of amplitudes and phases of
the wave loads for changing position and heading of the ship.

As a result of the investigations the following conclusions can

be drawn:

1. The frequency-dependency of added mass and damping necessi-

tates a time-domain approach for the analysis of the behaviour
of a non-linearly moored ship, in which the fluid reaction
forces are described as a function of the past history of the
flow. The equations of tnotion according to Cummins satisfy
these requirements.

2. First order wave forces and fluid reactive forces in all six
modes of motion in shallow water can be obtained from the
three-dimensional source technique. The influence of a verti-
cal wall can be taken into account. Computed results show a
satisfactory agreement with values, obtained from measurements
on small scale models.

3. A ship, floating freely in waves in the proximity of a quay,

may experience resonant sway motion at one or two frequencies,
and resonant heave motion at more than one frequency.

4. Particular modes of motion, exhibited by a ship, moored by

means of a system with non-linear and asymmetric restoring
force characteristics, can be predicted by a mathematical
model based on the equations of motion in the time-domain
according to Cummins.

5. A ship, moored to a jetty in random seas, can experience three

types of low frequency behaviour:
- subharmonic response to certain harmonic components, with
a frequency amounting to 1/2 or 1/3 of that of the exciting
wave component. This subharmonic response is a result of
the non-linearity of the mooring system.
- "combination tones", a low frequency motion induced by the
simultaneous action of more than one harmonic wave force
component. This phenomenon is also a result of the non-lin-
earity of the mooring system.
- low frequency motions excited by the low frequency second
order drift force.

6. In most mooring situations in random seas, the second order

wave forces will have an important influence. The only prac-
tical exception seems to be the case that a ship is pushed
against stiff fenders by the waves.


The record of an irregular phenomenon u(t) is assumed to be

composed of a mean value uo and an infinite number of components
with random phase angles sn:

with: un amplitude of the.nth component of u(t) with a circular

frequency un.
The spectral density SU(w) of the signal is defined by [

If dw = wn -
'n-1 is chosen small enough, the amplitude un of
the component with frequency wn is determined by:

'Jn = J2SU(wn) dw'

The priniiple of the calculation is as follows:

If u(t) represents the value of the signal as a function of time,
the auto-correlation function RU(?) is determined by:
lim 1
%(.C)= T-tm ~ l t )u(t + 'C) dt

The spectral density function SU(w) is then obtained by Fourier-

transformation of Ru (T):

This type of calculation is performed in a numerical way.

The analogue records of irregular signals, measured during the
model tests were therefore digitized with a sample time amount-
ing to 1.1 second (prototype scale). For the analysis of the
computed signals, the sample time amounted to 1.0 second. The
auto-correlation function was computed for 90 values of T. The
upper boundary of the integral, T, was equal to the duration of
the record, and the integral was computed with a time increment
i equal to the sample time. The Fourier transformation of the
auto-correlation function to obtain the spectrum was carried out
for 90 values of the frequency, equally spaced. The frequency
range over which the spectrum is determined is bounded by w = 0
and w = ~r/Atwhere At is the sample time.
For a given spectrum SU(w) the moments mu of the spectrum
are defined as follows:

If p = 0, then
muo = S, dw = area of spectrum

If p = 1, then

"ul = I o SU dw = first moment of spectrum

With the aid of the moments of the spectrum the following
quantities can be calculated:
- significant double amplitude: 4 q 0 .
For narrow spectra this value corresponds to the average of the
one-third highest double amplitudes [peak to trough value):

- average period:

For narrow spectra this value corresponds to the average value

of the periods between zero-crossings To.
In addition, the following statistical quantities are de-
- mean value
- = -1
n=l Un
;N is the number of samples

- root mean square value: U

- maximum .
value: Um a x
Highest peak value, encountered in the record.
- minimum value: urnin.
Lowest trough value, encountered in the record.



Consider the following one-degree of freedom equation of

motion with non-linear, asymmetric restoring force:

Duffing's iteration method will be applied here to find certain

particular solutions of this equation.
First, solutions will be searched for the case of a simple
harmonic forcing function:

z+ ax + 6x2 + yx3 = cos wt

Suppose a solution exists which, in first approximation, has the

form :

xo = A cos wt + B

Substitution yields :

1 = -aA cos wt - aB - cos2 wt

B A ~ - BB2

-2ABB COS wt - y~~ cos3 wt - 3yA2B cos2 wt

-3y?B2 cos wt - yB3 + Fa cos wt

= -aA cos wt - aB - %BA* - %BA2 cos 2wt

- B B ~- 2ABB cos wt - %yA3 cos wt - kyA3 cos 3 wt

-3/2yA2B - 3/2yA2B cos 2wt - 3yAB2 cos wt

-y~' + Fa cos wt.

Then as a second approximation is found:

+ -l
(%BA' + 3/2y~'~)cos 2wt + $g %3 cos 3wt

-(%BB + %BA' + f8B2 + + + constant

From the requirement that the solution is periodic, two equations

are found relating the amplitude A of the motion component with
the same frequency as the excitation and the mean displacement
B to the frequency w and amplitude Fa of the excitation:

and w2 = (a + 2 BB + ayA2 + 3yB2 - Zi-)


As is the case with the Duffing equation, also subharmonic

solutions exist which satisfy the equation with asymmetric
restoring force. A solution with the subharmonic of frequency
2 can be written in the form:

4 cos -
X = A wt + AI cos wt + B

substitution in the equation of motion yields:

+ aA4 + 2BA4B + 3yA4B2)cos 2 +
2 2
(-Alw + aA1 + 26A1B + 3yAlB )cos w t +
2 + 3yA2B ) cos 2 2
f + (BA1 + 3yA1B)cos2 wt +

3 wt 3 cos3 wt + (2f3A%A1 + 6yA A B)cos wt cos
F + yAl
3yA A2 cos2 wt cos wt
f l 2
-+ 3y~i~
1 wt cos2 G
= Fa cos wt

Making use of the following relations, while neglecting higher

harmonic terms:

3 wt -
COS - wt
2 - %COS i- + .....
cos3 wt = %COS wt + .....

wt -
cos wt cos -
2 - #cos -
wt +
2 .....
cos2 wt cos - wt + .....
wt = #cos F

2 - f + *cos wt + .....
cos wt cos2 -
wt -

leads to the following equations for A # , A1 and B:

Similarly, for the subharmonic with frequency $ the solution

can be written as:

Substitution and trigonometric reduction yield the following

equations for this case:

To investigate the effect of multi-frequency excitation, a

forcing function will be considered which is the sum of two har-
monics :
3 + cxx + fix2 + -yx3 = F1 cos w 1t + F2 cos w2.'

Duffing's iteration method can be started with the first approxi-

xo = A1 cos wlt + A2 COS w2t + B

After substitution it can be observed that xl contains terms

cos wlt cos w2t

cos2 wlt cos w2t

cos wlt cos w2t

which leads for the second approximation xl to terms of frequen-

cies wl + w2, wl - w2, wl + 2w2, w1 - 2u2, 2w1 + w2 and 2wl - W2.
So with multi-frequency excitation, the response may show solu-
tions with frequencies higher (originating from sum-frequencies)
or lower (from difference-frequencies) than those of the excita-
tion itself. These solutions are called combination tones.

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Symbols not included in the list below are only used at a specif-
ic place and are explained where they occur.

lateral area of the ship

breadth of the ship
matrix of restoring force coefficients
reaction force in the i-th fender
general force or moment
hydrodynamic reactive force in the k-th mode
centre of gravity
moment of inertia in the k-th mode
product of inertia
Bessel function of the first kind of zero order
modified Bessel function of the second kind of zero
retardation function in the k-th mode due to motion
in the j-th mode
length of the ship
force or moment in the k-th mode due to the i-th
mooring line
inertia matrix
force or moment in the k-th mode due to the i-the
pretension in the i-th mooring line
impulse response function
immersed surface of the ship
spectral density of the waves
tension in the i-th mooring line
velocity in the j-th mode
wave force or moment in the k-th mode
Weber's Bessel function of the second kind of zero
added mass coefficient in the k-th mode due to
motion in the j-th mode
non-dimensional added mass coefficient as defined
in Table 3.2.
damping coefficient in the k-th mode due to motion
in the j-th mode
non-dimensional damping coefficient as defined in
Table 3.2
distance from the centre of gravity of the ship to
the sea bottom
depth of water
impression of the i-th fender
acceleration of gravity
h distance between the ship's centre line and the
i imaginary unit; as a subscript: integer number
j, k subscripts ranging from 1 to 6 used for a direction
or a degree of freedom
li length of the i-th mooring line
m mass of the ship
frequency-independent added mass coefficient in the
k-th mode due to motion in the j-th mode
%j non-dimensional frequency-independent added mass
coefficient as defined in Table 3.2
n normal vector, pointing outside the body
n generalized direction cosine
P hydrodynamic pressure
Pill Pi21 Pi3 coordinates of the i-th dolphin
qil, qi2, qi3 coordinates of the i-th chock on the ship
ril, ri2, ri3 coordinates of the i-th fender
t time
X displacement in the j-th mode
a angle of wave incidence
Y Green's function
6 ratio of water depth to draft
6k phase angle of wave force in the k-th mode
E phase angle of j-th mode of motion
5 free surface elevation
50 wave amplitude
amplitude of motion in the j-th mode; in section
4.1 applied for a free surface elevation due to
motion in the j-th mode
wave length
= 2n/X wave number
specific mass of water
= W /g
circular frequency
= (U-

velocity potential
time-independent potential function
source strength: root mean square value
volume of displacement

It is the intention of this thesis to formulate a mathemat-

ical model which can be used for computer simulations of the
behaviour of a moored ship in waves. In order to achieve this,
two problems must be solved. First, a set of equations of motion
must be drawn up, which can describe adequately the behaviour in
six degrees of freedom of a ship, moored by means of a non-linear
mooring system in regular or irregular waves. Second, a method
must be found for the computation of the wave forces and the
hydrodynamic reaction forces acting on the ship.
For the description of the motions, the six coupled equa-
tions of motion in the time-domain according to Cummins are used.
These equations can bake into account non-linear and asymmetric
restoring force characteristics of the mooring system, while the
exciting forces may be arbitrary. The only restriction of these
equations is that linearity is assumed of the hydrodynamic re-
storing forces.
In general, mooring of ships occurs only in areas with a
restricted water depth. In shallow water the flow around a ship
has a three-dimensional character, and therefore the three-di-
mensional source technique is applied to obtain the wave loads
and hydrodynamic reaction forces on the ship. Based on the linear
potential theory, this technique supposes an ideal fluid and
small amplitudes of waves and motions. The effect of a forward
speed is not included in this method, but this is not of interest
for moored ship problems. The influence of a restricted water
depth and a quay parallel to the ship can be taken into account.
An extensive experimental verification has been carried out
by means of model tests, for a 200,000 tdw tanker in shallow
water (the keel clearance amounted to 20 percent of the draft).
Comparative computations and measurements of wave loads, hydro-
dynamic restoring forces and free floating ship motions have been
carried out. Further, computer simulations have been made for the
case that the ship is mooted in regular and irregular waves to
a jetty, by means of mooring lines and fenders. The results of
these computations are also compared with those of model experi-
An analysis of the results obtained shows that the typical
behaviour of the moored ship, with subharmonic motion response,
is represented adequately by the mathematical model. In condi-
tions where the ship is pushed against the fenders by the waves,
the subharmonic motions are caused mainly by the non-linear
characteristics of the mooring system. When the angle between
direction of wave propagation and the longitudinal axis of the
ship is small, or in case the ship is pushed away from the
fenders by the waves, it appears that the second order wave force
has a dominant influence on the low frequency motions of the
moored ship.


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