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Gear Basics

The purpose of this section of the literature review is to gain an understanding of the basics of
gear contact and the nomenclature used in the gear industry. Works by Shigley (1), Stokes (2)
and Ewert (3) are used as references for information on the subject.

Below is a graphical representation of a spur gear and the terms present will be described

Figure 1 - Diagram of gear pair with notations from

Firstly it must be noted that within a gear pair the term pinion is often prescribed to the smaller
of the two mating gears where the term gear is given to the larger.
Pitch Circle - in a gear pair the pitch circle is the imaginary circle which rolls without slip, such
that if you imagined a gear pair as two disks with a single point of contact the diameter of the
disks would be the pitch circle diameter (d or D). This can be seen in Figure 1. Theoretical
calculations are usually based on the pitch circle.
Circular pitch (p) - circular pitch is the distance measured on the pitch circle between any two
similar points on adjacent teeth. It can be calculated from the number of teeth (N) and the pitch
circle diameter (d) in the form
. With , where m is the module, this gives

Module ratio of the pitch diameter to the number of teeth

Addendum radial distance between the pitch circle and the top land.
Dedendum this is the radial distance between the pitch circle and the bottom land/root circle.
It should be intuitive to note that the addendum of one gear in a pair should not be larger the
dedendum of the other pinion since this would cause the gear tooth to imbed into the pinion
body. This is also true with a larger addendum on the pinion, where the pinion tooth would
imbed into the gear body.
Clearance circle this is a circle which is tangent to the addendum circle on the mating gear; it
has a clearance (radial distance from the bottom land), which is equal to the difference between
the dedendum of the gear in question and the addendum of the mating gear.
Base Circle the circle on which the involute profile of the teeth is generated, with radius Rb.

Base Pitch (pb) distance between two adjacent involutes, measured along the circumference of
the base circle. This is calculated as the circumference of the base circle divided by the number
of teeth.

Backlash this is the difference between the circular thickness and the width of space between
Face Width this is the length of the teeth in the axial direction.
Line of Action also known as the pressure line, this is the line on which all contact occurs, with
the force vector between mating teeth running along this line. The angle the pressure line makes
with the horizontal plane in Figure 1 is known as the pressure angle (). Usually the pressure
line and angle will vary in operation unless there is perfect conjugate action.
Contact Ratio In its broadest description the contact ratio is the average number of pairs of
teeth in contact. Its derivation and mathematical description are given below.
As previously discussed it is assumed that all contact occurs along the pressure line between two
points where the addendums of the two mating gears intersect. By taking the point at which
meshing occurs as a, and the point where meshing ends as b, two more points can be obtained.
These are taken along the involute profile at the pitch circle and are given the symbols A and B
as shown in Figure 2 with P as the pitch point. Also shown in Figure 2 are the Arc of Approach
(AP) and Recess (PB), which when summed gives the Arc of Action (qt). From this information it
is now possible to define and calculate the contact ratio with the use of the circular pitch (p).
The contact ratio is now defined as the ratio of the Arc of Action to the circular pitch.

Addendum Circle
a Pitch Circle

Figure 2 - Gear Contact

An alternative method is to use the length of the line of action (Lab) and the base pitch (pb) which
is taken as
Conjugate Action of Mating Gears
For perfect conjugate action some assumptions must be made, which include the teeth to be
perfectly smooth and rigid involutes. The term conjugate refers to the angular velocities of two
gears in mesh and conjugate action occurs when these velocities remain constant throughout
the meshing cycle. In theory any combination of profiles for the teeth could be used to obtain
conjugate action however the involute profile provides a good solution which is commonly used
in gear design.
It has been mentioned previously that gear contact occurs along the pressure line, which also
happen s to be the line where the involute surfaces are tangent to each other, another definition
of contact.

The Involute Profile

To produce an involute profile a line can be traced by unwinding a string from a cylinder, in the
case of the gears this cylinder is the base circle. At any point during this unwinding it can be
seen that the generating line (string at that point) is at a tangent with the cylinder and is normal
to the involute curve. If two involute profiles were in contact it could also be seen that the
generating lines would be tangent to both cylinders, which is the same as the pressure line.
Mathematically the involute curve is taken from

R = Radius to any point on the involute.

= Angle from start of involute to radius R.
= Angle through which string has been unwound.

With the generating line length equal to and also the length of the circumference of
the base circle subtended by the angle such that

And through substitution

This allows the plotting of the involute curve in polar coordinates (R,).
It is common to write the angle as a function of the pressure angle () in the form

Where Inv is the Involute function, whose value is tabulated in many books for different gears.
This can then be used in many calculations such as the determination of tooth thickness (Ti) at
different radii, using the equations below.
With r = radius
= pressure angle
T = tooth thickness
Subscript 1, 2 = Given value, interested value.
Another useful equation that can be calculated from the Involute function is the radius at which
the tooth becomes a point (r2) from the equations

Where 2 is the pressure angle at the tooth tip.


Interference occurs when the teeth come into contact before the theoretically calculated
positions (intersection point between the addendum circle of one gear, base circle of the mating
gear and the pressure line). Interference can also occur in gears leaving mesh after the ideal
Practically this indicates that contact is occurring between the tip of one tooth and the flank of
the other, and hence contact is not occurring on the involute profile. The effect of interference is
usually that during mesh commencement the tip/face of the driven gear digs out the
noninvolute portion of the driver. At the end of the mesh cycle the opposite occurs and the
driver digs into the driven gears flank.

Dynamic Effects

When two gears are running at high speed it is found that the load experienced by those gears is
increased. In an attempt to quantify this, experiments were carried out where gears were
tangentially loaded to failure under zero velocity and then loaded to failure at a specific pitch-
line velocity (velocity along the line of action). The ratio of the static load at failure to the
dynamic load at failure was taken as the Velocity factor (Kv). This means that an identical gear
pair running at this speed would have a dynamic load equal to Kv times the static tangential
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) paper ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04 currently
classifies the dynamic factor (Kv) as


Qv is the transmission accuracy-level numbers which is replaced by Av in 2004, and is taken from
the paper ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01. Av ranges from 6-12, with lower numbers representing
greater accuracy. In these equations V is the pitch line velocity in SI units (ms-1).

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