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The Alt Right Attack on Huff Post for publishing the truth

By Gregory Bates

The Alt right is back at it again with the attacks on people who tell the truth. WHICH
ALT RIGHT NEWS SOURCES? BE SPECIFIC HERE. This time, the alt right is now attacking
about an article about Otto Warmbier that was written over a year ago, entitled, North Korea
Proves Your White Male Privilege Is Not Universal which was.
Otto Warmbier, is a 22-year-old US college student who was released by North Korea
after serving one year of a 15-year sentence of hard laborREVEAL THAT HE WAS
RELEASED IN A COMA. According to the Huff Post, Otto was convicted of subversion after
he had tried to steal a propaganda banner as a college style prank
After being brought back to the U.S, Otto unfortunately died. His death has caused
outrage from some around the U.S, particularly from the alt right. However, the alt right
attacking Huff Post for the old article they have written about Otto seems to be unbalanced and
they need to pay attention to what the Huff Post wrote.
When I read the article, and then seen the comments made on social media by the alt right
about what Huff Post wrote. I came to a conclusion that the alt right failed to see that the Huff
Post was telling the truth and how Ottos white privilege was not going to work in North Korea
like it would have in America. The article points out key points and use well-known figures who
were white that committed horrible crimes and was saved by their white privilege from getting
One of the points the Huff Post makes was that, When you can watch a white man who
entered a theatre and killed a dozen people come out unscathed, you start to believe youre
invincible The author La Sha, is referring to the psychopath James Holmes who shot up a move
theatre and how cops were able to apprehend him unharmed. Second, the Huff Post talked about
that thug Dylan Roof who shot and killed nine people in a church and that the cops went to go
take him to get burger king afterward. As La Sha says, when describing Dylan Roof, after he
killed nine people in a church, you learn that the world will always protect you. These are valid
facts of white privilege because anyone who is aware know that if Dylan and James who have
been a person of color then they would have been dead.
The biasness and privilege white males have in America is what La Sha and the Huff Post
is trying to get across in peoples mind. The Huff Post was not bashing Otto, nor attacking him,
they were stating how protected white males are in America and that this can cause them to think
that other parts of the world will also protect them, which is not the case.
The Huff Post continued to prove its point by stating that Coming from a country filled
with citizens who lambaste black victims of state sanctioned violence by telling us that if we obey
the law, we wouldnt have to face the consequences, Warmbier shouldve listened. If he had
obeyed North Koreas laws, he would be home now This is a fitting example when it comes to
police shootings of African-American. Ive heard it time and time again that if the person would
have complied, then they wouldnt have gotten shot. La Sha is right about Otto though, if he
would have just obeyed North Koreas laws, then he wouldnt have been sent to hard labor. She
also uses cases where people blamed the victim for their own death like many did with Eric
Gardner and Sandra Bland, which means, according to La Sha that Otto Warmbier is now
facing a decade and a half of hard labor because he lacked both good judgment and respect for
the national autonomy of a country which has made its hatred for and vendetta against America
unequivocally clear.
Again, the Huff Post is stating the fact that Ottos white male privilege will not work in
North Korea like it would have if he would have done the same crime in America.
Therefore, there is no reason why the alt right should be attacking the Huff Post. They
stated what they wanted to state, all while using valid, back up points to make their claim. There
is a true bias in this country and that a particular group, somehow think that they can do
whatever they want without consequences. Although that may be true for the U.S, the story of
Otto proves, which is why the Huff Post is right that those same actions will not be tolerated in
other countries. I defend the Huff Post because they are not attacking Otto, demonizing him,
calling him names, etc. They are stating facts, so the alt right should take a listen instead of
attacking Huff Post.


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