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Nerissa Yepez Matt Kutter

Lloyd Balme

Listening/Speaking 300

May 8, Tuesday 11:00-11:50

Objectives: Students will be able to compare/contrast 3 tests using data retrieved with 90% accuracy.



Teacher announced the talent show information

Teacher asked" Do you know American ldol, Brittan got talent, America got talent

Student mentioned Selena Gomez

Teacher responded I thought Selena was on Disnef'

Teacher explained there is singing, dancing, and playing an instrument

Teacher explhined what a musical instrument is and gave an example of a guitar

Teacher suggested that if a student can sing, dance, or do something, that they should sign up in room

Teacher gave examples of past performers

Teacher explained that it will be fun and people have a good time


Teacher references pg. 7 6-77 -7 8

Teacher says" We will work with a group with this activity''

Teacher says" Do ygu know what follow up is?" Teacher writes on the board "follow up"

Student responds "Come". Teachersays "No"

Student says "help" Teacher says "Yes, like follow up with a doctor"

Student says "checkingl'. Teacher says'Tes"

Ss says "continuation, checking" T confirms

Teacher says "revisit"

T references classroom materials pg.76-78 and explains how points are required

T tells Ss "with a group, review listening

On the board, T writes " i.e and e.g."
T asks "What is i e "
Ss responds "that is"

T ask, "What is e.g."

No response from students

Teacher says, "for example"

Teacher writes on the board "L. A-c"

Teacher says "when you get to D, review, then work together in English

Teacher references "door tesf . He tells the kids to work together. He says" No silence. Silence means
you are ready for a test.

Students work together

Teacher talks to a group. He says "What's wrong? You don't want to work together?"

Ss responds iNo we finished togethe/'

T continues to walk around

T says "lt's not a race on who finishes first"

T walk around the room and monitors the class.

T tells the class to review answers on pg 203-204

T continues to walk around and monitor the class

T tells Ss "She wants to know if you are finished. Are you shy? Then you don't mind doing the talent

Teacher looks at their work. Teacher says, "NO NO YES"

SS responds, "You made me nervous"

T says "lt's a joke . l'm teasing."

Teacher tells student "Can you change it to percent?" He references the score L9l2O

Ss says "maybe 95"

T says, "not maybe, it is"

Teacher talks to the class to discuss the results. Teacher asks students what happened on the door test.
What happened in the document dropping test. What happened in the customer service test?
Ss gives teacher the results

Ss explained there was a high score in customer service

T explained that the score for customer service was high because it was their job to be polite. Customers
would be annoyed if workers did not say thank you.

Teacher collected papers at the end ofthe class.


I observed Lloyd Balme in his Listening/Speaking class a few weeks ago. Majority of the class

were from Asia. A few were from the Middle East. I came in to observe a follow up activity from the

previous day. I specifically chose Lloyd because I wanted to see how he taught listening and speaking as

well as his classroom management style.

At the beginning of the lesson, I saw how Lloyd conducted his class. He created a classroom

environment'that was warm and welcoming. He was very specific on cell phone procedures and

reminded students to put them in the designated area. The classroom was nonthreatening. There was

a sense of community in the classroom.

Lloyd gave an announcement of a talent show coming up. He encouraged students to

participate and gave several examples of past performers. He was very positive and emphasized how

fun the event will be. Afterwards, he discussed a follow up activity from the previous day. He wrote

down vocabulary words that seem unfamiliar to the students. He wrote down "follow up" and asked a

few students what that meant. Students slowly grasped the meaning of the word after several

a6empts. Lloyd would confirm students answers by nodding and saying "Yes". Lloyd was encouraging

his students which builds confidence in their learning. (Richards and Farrell, 2011)

Lloyd also went over abbreviations such as "i.e and e.g". He used the white board to write down

the abbreviations. For visual learners, this was very helpful. Not only did he write, but he was explaining

the meaning of the abbreviations. This appealed to the audio learners. Towards the end of the class,
Lloyd explained the results of the door tests, document dropping tests, and the customer service tests.

He explained how in customer service, people must be nice because it was their job, He stopped and

went over each test to check their comprehension ability. He also asked if a student can calculate a

percent based on the score received. This appealed to the logical intelligence.

ln conclusion, Lloyd's listening and speaking class was very engaging. I watched how he went

over a previous activity and how he managed his classroom.

Richards, Jack & Farrell, Thomas (2011). Practice Teaching A Reflective Approach. New York,NY:

Cam bridge University Press.

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