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Sermon Notes

Practical Lessons for Understanding the Word of God

Listening to God
KEY PASSAGE: Mark 4:1-3, 23-24, 7:14 | SUPPORTING SCRIPTURE: Psalm 32:8 | Proverbs 3:5-6 | John 3:3

not only important to hear, but its critical to be

discerning in our listening.
Its very comforting to know that God loves us n Mark 7:14. At another time, Jesus called out,
enough to make a plan for each of our lives. Listen to Me, all of you, and understand. His goal
is that we comprehend what He says.
In fact, He designed it before we were ever born.
n John 3:3. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, He
Nothing about our lives is an accident. Although
Gods plan is the best possible path, its not always said, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born
the easiest. We may have to climb a few mountains again he cannot see the kingdom of God. The
and walk through some dark valleys, but if we follow phrase, Truly, truly, I say to you is used twenty-
His instructions, well discover the rewards of living five times by Christ in the book of John. It was His
according to His will. Thats why its important to ask way of emphasizing that what He was saying was
the Lord to reveal His plan to us and be ready and authoritative truth that deserved full attention.
willing to listen for His directions.
How does God speak to us today?
We know that the Lord spoke to people in the Bible,
SERMON POINTS but He also wants to speak personally to each of His
children today. This means we must be attentive
Since God has a plan, we can be certain that He
wants to guide us into it (Ps. 32:8). because no one else can listen for us.
n Gods primary way of speaking to us is through
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your His Word. The Bible is not just an old book,
heart and do not lean on your own understanding. but the inerrant, authoritative Word of God and
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will the only source of truth. When we read it, were
make your paths straight. To acknowledge the hearing directly from the Lord. All other methods
Lord means we consider what He says, recognize of listening to God must be checked and compared
His great power, trust His guidance, and follow His with the Scriptures to determine if we are accurately
instructions. Hes continually seeking to guide us, hearing Him.
but if were not listening, well miss His instructions
n He also speaks to us through prayer. Prayer is
and go the wrong way.
our way of communicating with God by talking to
When Jesus speaks, He wants us to listen. Him, but its also a time to be still and listen for His
guidance. Instead of simply running through our list
n Mark 4:1-3. As He taught a large crowd, Jesus of requests and moving on to the days duties and
called for their attention by saying, Listen to activities, we need to learn to be still for a while to
this! see if He has anything to say to our hearts.
n Mark 4:23-24. Christ also announced, If anyone n The Lord may speak through our circumstances.
has ears to hear, let him hear, and cautioned When a situation is painful, we must remember
them, saying, Take care what you listen to. Its that hearing from God is more important than


our comfort and pleasure. He uses difficulties and n We might be afraid of what He will say. What
suffering to grab our attention. In every event, God if God asks of us something we dont want to do?
has something to teach us. Instead of focusing on This attitude displays a lack of trust and a failure to
why the situation has happened, our first question understand that His plan for our lives is always the
should be, Lord, what do you want to say to me? best option.
n Sometimes God speaks to us through other n We could be angry with the Lord. If weve blamed
people. It may come in the form of affirmation, Him for something that happened in the past, we
confirmation, encouragement, or even reproof or may not be interested in hearing anything He has
warning. And the Lord may use anyone He chooses to say.
to deliver His messageeven someone we may not n We could have a rebellious spirit. If were refusing
like. No matter the source, we should thoughtfully to give up a particular sin in our lives, we wont want
and prayerfully consider whatever is said. to hear the Spirits convicting voice.

How can we identify Gods voice? What are the consequences of not listening
to God?
When we are seeking to hear from the Lord, we must
make sure that its His voice we are hearing and not The consequences are dire and personal. They affect
our own thoughts or someone elses ideas. those around us, particularly those we love. Just as He
n Gods voice is always consistent with His Word. spoke in biblical times, God speaks to us when we pay
Any message must agree with what the Lord has attention to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
already said in the Scriptures. n We wont receive His guidance and will miss out
n His voice is quiet. God speaks to our hearts through on His plan for our lives.
His Holy Spirit in an inaudible but compelling way. n Well listen to the wrong voices, be deceived, make
n The Lord speaks clearly. If well tune our hearts costly decisions, and forfeit Gods best.
to Him by setting aside time to read His Word and n Others will suffer. An unwillingness to listen to
listen for His Spirit to speak, He will give us clear the Lord affects not only us but our loved ones and
guidance. associates.

How does the Lord get our attention?

n Sometimes He uses a sense of restlessness.
Perhaps we have already planned a course of action n Have you ever felt a conviction regarding a particular
but then develop an uneasy feeling about it. If well sin? If so, you have heard Gods voice. How else
pray and ask God for specific guidance, He might have you sensed Him communicating with you?
lead us in an unexpected direction. n As youve read the Bible, has a passage ever spoken
n At other times God may gently whisper. to a situation you were facing? What did the Lord
Although His voice is soft and inaudible, it rings say to you through His Word? How has Scripture
so loud and clear in our spirit that we know were given you guidance, comfort, or insight regarding a
hearing from Him. circumstance in your life?
n What do you need to do to increase your sensitivity
Why dont we listen to God? to Gods voice?
n We may not believe that the Lord speaks today.
If thats the case, we wont be listening for His voice. To purchase this message on CD or DVD,
please visit or call 1-800-789-1473.
But those who tune in to Him every day realize that
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He speaks personally to our spirits if were listening.

Copyright 2016 by In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.


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