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WELCOME TO 4th Grade

Mrs. Brown - Room 107
Mrs. Henderlong - Room 110 Mrs. Kaatz - Room 109
Access the website under the PLE home page.
In this room it is okay to make a mistake, but
more to your credit to make a different one each
Welcome to 4th Grade
Children are active participants in their own
learning. Higher self esteem evolves and
develops when children take
responsibility for their actions and their
work and experience success!
Our READING Program is a
balanced literacy program.
Reading is based on their independent and instructional levels.
Balanced Literacy consists of:
Narrative and Informational Reading
Oral Language Development
Reading Aloud
Shared Reading / Guided Reading in small and large groups
Modeled/Shared Writing
Independent Reading Projects,
Word Study
IDR Independent Reading/Writing
Common Core/M-step preparation
Areas of Study:
1. Earth/Ecology: Sun, Moon, and Stars
2. Physical: Electricity/Magnetism
3. Biology: Ecosystems
4. Physics: Motion and Design
Hands-on discovery approach
Lab reports and observations
Cooperative and individual work
Experiments using the Scientific Method
Keeping a science notebook.
In Social Studies, the topics we cover are:
Map skills, 5 Themes of Geography, Economy
Government, History, Core Democratic Values
Native Americans, Settlements
Current Events, People, Places, Regions
and landforms.
Reasoning, Logic, Evidence
Problem Solving Strategies
Tools and Techniques, Computer Aids
Concepts of basic math skills (+,/.- x)
Geometry, Sequencing, Fractions, Decimals
Using long multiplication and Division
Solving Multi-step problems, measurement
Manipulatives, hands-on materials
Math Journals and Communication
Home and Real world connections
We want all children to feel they are special and that they bring unique
qualities and experiences to our team.
We look forward to working with parents in a partnership and
welcome their participation in our classroom. Parents are the most
vital part of their childs success, which is strengthened by our
combined efforts.
EXPECTATIONS of a 4th Grade
Take an active role in learning, be an active participant, have a positive attitude!
Complete all work in a timely manner.
Turn in all homework.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Ask for help if needed, help others if you can.
Follow directions, do as you are told the first time.
Treat all with respect, take care of materials.,
Help keep our room safe and organized
1. Listen and follow directions.
2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
4. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
1st time a rule is broken: Warning
2nd time a rule is broken: Time-Out
3rd time a rule is broken: Letter Home
Classroom Discipline Policy
Classroom Expectations and Procedures.
Classroom rules are needed to help make our classroom a safe and comfortable place to be. It is
important that you know the rules and procedures, and realize why we have them. After we have
discussed the classroom expectations, and you feel you understand and agree with them, you will fill
in the blanks and sign your name.
You will then bring it home and explain the expectations to your parents. Once it is clear to them,
please have them sign their name also.
My Classroom Rules are:
If I cannot follow the rules:
1st time I dont follow the rules: I will get a warning
2nd time I dont follow the rules: I will be asked to go to the Stop and Think desk. This will allow
me time to reflect on what Ive done, and how I can handle it in a better way the next time.
3rd time I dont follow the rules. I will be asked to go to the Stop and Think desk again and I will be
asked to fill out a stop and think sheet and bring it home to my parents. They will have to sign the
sheet and I will return it to school.
Each day I get a new start.
I understand the classroom expectations and procedures. I understand what will happen if I cannot
follow the rules. I also understand we need some rules in the classroom so that it is a safe and
comfortable place for me to learn. Student Signature___________________________________
My child has explained the classroom rules and procedures to me. I understand them and will
support my child and the teacher in making the classroom a safe and comfortable place for them to
Parent Signature_________________________________
Dear Parents,
Next Week Your Child _________________will be a Star!
While your child is the Star, each day of the week will consist of an exciting event or activity to honor him or her and to help us
get to know our special classmate.
*Monday: Favorite Pictures: On the Star of the Week bulletin board, there is a photo holder that can display six 4 x 6 pictures. If
possible, have your child pick 6 of his or her favorite pictures to display under the headings: Favorite Food, Family Pic, Pets,
Hobby or Interest, Where they were born, and Favorite book. The pictures will be returned at the end of the week with no harm
*Tuesday: Favorite Book: Your star student brings one of his or her favorite picture books to read to the class (or have the
teacher read to the class) at our class meeting.
*Wednesday: Parent Letter: Parents, you will write a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the
letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child, and I will read the letter to the class at class meeting. The content of
the letter is up to you, but you may want to choose from one of the following ideas: describe special or funny stories about
your child for the class to hear, write a silly or serious poem about your child, tell us some neat things we may not know
about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story with your child as
the main character.
*Thursday: Special Day: Your child will be the Special Person for the day. They will be the Line Leader, Sit in the Special
Comfy Chair, run errands etc.
Friday: Star Friends: Your star student will be presented with a friendship poster created by his or her classmates. The poster
will include the Stars picture, surrounded by compliments written by his or her classmates.
Snacks: PEANUT FREE ZONE (Kaatz-Clark)
Students may bring two snacks to school, one for the morning
and one for the afternoon. We ask that all snacks be nutritional
such as fruit, veggies, cheese & crackers etc.
A change in BIRTHDAY treats!
We love to acknowledge our friends birthdays in a low-key
manner. Due to the many allergies , we are eliminating some
Birthday students will be given special roles during the day.
If you choose a treat it will be passed out at the end of the
day .
To avoid hurt feelings, please do not send invitations to
birthday parties via the school. We suggest phoning or
mailing invitations from home.
Fourth Graders will receive letter grades this year. The District
uses one grading scale for grades 4 through 12. The importance is
not always achieving the "A", but in always trying to put forth your
best effort and attitude in learning!
99% --- 92% A
91% --- 90% A-
88% --- 89% B+
87% --- 82% B
81% --- 80% B-
79% --- 78% C+
77% --- 72% C
71% ---70% C-
69% --- 68% D+
67% --- 62% D
61% --- 60% D-
59% -- Below E
Always try your best, effort is very important. When you study and prepare, you will
Students have opportunities to redo work that is not acceptable. Sometimes it takes more
than one time to learn new skills and concepts. Some assignments may be sent home to
be redone.
Please review all work with your child.
The Assignment Books are a "Daily Communication vehicle" and an important way to
maintain the link between school and home. We ask that you establish a schedule at home
for looking over the Assignment Book with your child. You can write notes, reminders,
comments etc, to me or your child. We may do the same as a quick way to communicate to
Review the assignment book and ask your child about the day. All assignments should be written
down, and if there is an H , it means your child has homework in that area. After reviewing, have
your child complete the homework. Creating a set homework time is a good way to establish great
study skills. This is a good year to talk about time management.
The Assignment Books can aid in discussions at home about the school day,. They provide
time lines, dates, reminders, comments etc. For the first marking, I ask they all parents sign
the assignment book after your child completes the homework, DO NOT SIGN IT IF THE
WORK ISN'T DONE!!!! They must do the homework and keep up to maintain the skills. Please
check the work over, if it is not acceptable to you, have your child redo the work.
Students have a Grey Folder which holds daily corrected work, mail, notes, and papers to be
returned to school for their Portfolios (if requested).
Students must get in the habit of taking it home every night and bringing it back to school the next
day. We are encouraging RESPONSIBILITY this year, so remembering to bring all work to school is
essential. (This is a difficult skill for 4th graders to master and we work towards it all year).
Students who are absent are required to make up all missed assignments.
If students do not complete the homework they will be given a missing assignment slip and they
must complete the work that evening and turn it in. At times, they may miss recess to complete the
See Homework Tips for more help on the website..
Students are expected to be in school every day. Parents/guardians are
expected to contact the school on the day of the child's absence to inform
the school of that absence. Parents/guardians are encouraged to notify the
school of pre-arranged appointments as soon as the date of such
appointments is known.
Make-Up Work: When students are absent, (this includes absences for
suspension or expulsion), an opportunity to make up work will be provided.
Make-up work is required. I will put all work in a folder for the student to
review when he/she returns.
Email or call and request the assignments, remembering that I may need 24
hours to prepare assignments.
Tardiness to school or to class may be addressed as a discipline by the
office issue if there are too many. It is important for your child to be to
school on time to begin their day. They have to get organized, sign for
lunch, turn in homework, sharpen pencils, go to bathroom, empty
backpacks, and begin morning work. Tardiness can cause disruption and
stress for your child.
Leader In Me
Pleasant Lake is a Lighthouse School
The staff has been through the training
of Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People.
We will be teaching the children how to
be effective in their school life and
personal life using the 7 habits.
For more info:
Common Core Testing
PTA Membership
Field Trips
Office Forms
Class Info/Website
M-Step * Online Testing
M-Step testing will given in the Spring. We will
send home information about the test and
testing days. The State has made changes from
last year. We will keep you posted.
Please do not schedule appointments or
vacations during this time. We are held to
strict standards, with little flexibility.
Students need to have a good breakfast and a
good night sleep during these couple of weeks.
We try to keep the stress level low, we stress
putting forth best effort.
Student Led Conferences
Student-Led Conferences will be held
on Thursday November 12th, from
8:00am-8:00pm Sign up online!
Students are asked to attend the
conference. They will be sharing their
Leadership Notebooks with you at this
Report Cards will be on-line this year.
You will be able to access them with
your skyward password.
We appreciate and enjoy having help in the
classroom. We ask that parents keep all that
they hear and observe confidential.
We ask that you do not bring younger
siblings with you. Supervision of these
youngsters is often distracting to our
We need a head room mom or dad to
help organize our room parties. Please
sign up if you are interested in this job.
Class Parties
We will have two class parties this year
(Halloween, Valentines Day)
At times, we will have classroom
activities as well.
Our head room mom/dad will contact
those interested in helping.
We are asking for $15.00to cover costs.
Also, if you need a scholarship to cover
your contribution, please contact us.
Field Trips/ Projects
Field Trips - to be determined
All information will be sent to you
regarding trips and/or projects.
Join our PTA/Office Forms
Please join our PTA, they provide all of
the events, assemblies, fund our TFK ,
support for school supplies, equipment
etc. They are a very valuable part of
our school.
An envelope was sent to you with all
important forms needed for this year..
Please complete them and return, asap
Class Information/Website
A newsletter will be posted on the website
every month. We will update you on what
we are working on, the areas of focus and
general information regarding the
Website: the website is on the school site.
It will give you some of the same
information from tonight and more.
The best way to communicate
with us is by EMAIL.
If you choose to call us, a
voicemail will be sent to our
Phone numbers are on the
website. We may not be able to
respond until the end of the day.
If you have something urgent,
please call the office to leave a
Please sign up to volunteer
Sign up for Conferences, Nov 12th
Conference SIGN UP if online
Sign up for Fun Run
Please join the PTA
We look forward to working with all of
you and your children. Please let me
know any concerns, questions,
comments etc

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