Conflict Style Scale

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Conflict Style Scale

Think of conflicts you have encountered with other people you care about. Indicate below how
frequently you engage in each of the described behaviors. For each item, select the number
that represents the behavior you are most likely to exhibit. There are no right or wrong
answers. Please respond to all the items of the scale. The responses are: 1 = very seldom, 2 =
seldom, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = very often.

___ 1. I shy away from topics that are the source of disputes.
___2. I insist that my position be accepts during a conflict.
___3. I suggest solutions that combine a variety of viewpoints.
___4. I steer clear of disagreeable situations.
___5. I raise my voice when trying to get another person to accept my position
___6. I keep quiet about my views in order to avoid disagreements.
___7. I frequently give a little if the other person will meet my halfway.
___8. I meet the opposition at the midpoint of our differences.
___9. I assert my opinion forcefully.
___10. I dominate arguments until the other person understands my position.
___11. I suggest we work together to create solutions to disagreements.
___12. I try to use everyones ideas to generate solutions to problems.
___13. I argue insistently for my stance.
___14. I sidestep disagreements when they arise.
___15. I stand firm in my views during a conflict.
___16. I avoid a person I suspect of wanting to discuss a disagreement.
___17. I will go fifty-fifty to reach a settlement.
___18. I ease conflict by claiming our differences are trivial.
Instructions for score:
The 18 scale items measure three types of conflict styles: non-confrontational orientation,
confrontational orientation, and cooperative orientation. In the spaces below, record the
number you answered for each item. Sum the column and compare your total to the standards
shown below.

Non-Confrontation Cooperative Confrontational

1 3 2
4 7 5
6 8 9
14 11 10
16 12 13
18 17 15
Total: Total: Total:

Non-confrontational Style: Indirect strategies for handling a conflict; chooses to avoid or
withdraw from a disagreement; such communicative behaviors as silence, glossing over
differences, and concealing ill feelings.
Cooperative Style: Direct communication about the conflict; behaviors that aim to find a
solution, to integrate the needs of both parties, and to give in or compromise on issues.
Confrontational Style: Direct communication about the disagreement, arguing persistently for
ones position, taking control of the interaction, and advocating ones position.

Total 6 9 = Very Seldom
Total 10 -15 = Seldom
Total 16 21 = Sometimes
Total 22 27 = Often
Total 28 30 = Very Often

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