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Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 3, March 2010 (Ó 2010) pp.

DOI: 10.1007/s10439-010-9946-0

From Cellular Mechanotransduction to Biologically

Inspired Engineering
2009 Pritzker Award Lecture, BMES Annual Meeting October 10, 2009

Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA; 2Vascular Biology Program,
KFRL 11.127, Departments of Pathology and Surgery, Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115-5737,
USA; 3Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; and 4School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
(Published online 6 February 2010)

Abstract—This article is based on a lecture I presented as the INTRODUCTION

recipient of the 2009 Pritzker Distinguished Lecturer Award
at the Biomedical Engineering Society annual meeting in This article is based on the 2009 Pritzker Distin-
October 2009. Here, I review more than thirty years of guished Award Lecture I presented to the Biomedical
research from my laboratory, beginning with studies
Engineering Society in the opening symposium of their
designed to test the theory that cells use tensegrity (tensional
integrity) architecture to stabilize their shape and sense annual meeting that was convened at Pittsburgh, PA in
mechanical signals, which I believed to be critical for control October 2009. My scientific education was limited to
of cell function and tissue development. Although I was the fields of molecular biochemistry, cell biology and
trained as a cell biologist, I found that the tools I had at my medicine, and I have never taken an academic course
disposal were insufficient to experimentally test these theo-
in engineering. Thus, virtually all of the contributions I
ries, and thus I ventured into engineering to find critical
solutions. This path has been extremely fruitful as it has led have made in the field of bioengineering for which I am
to confirmation of the critical role that physical forces play in being honored today are based on what I have learned
developmental control, as well as how cells sense and respond from my trainees, and from my many outstanding
to mechanical signals at the molecular level through a process collaborators. To me, this is one of the greatest mes-
known as cellular mechanotransduction. Many of the pre-
sages I can convey to young faculty: remember that
dictions of the cellular tensegrity model relating to cell
mechanical behaviors have been shown to be valid, and this you can learn as much (or more) from your students,
vision of cell structure led to discovery of the central role that as they can learn from you. Thus, I dedicate this lec-
transmembrane adhesion receptors, such as integrins, and the ture to all of the biomedical engineering students and
cytoskeleton play in mechanosensing and mechanochemical fellows whom I have trained over the course of my
conversion. In addition, these fundamental studies have led
to significant unexpected technology fallout, including devel-
opment of micromagnetic actuators for non-invasive control For the past thirty years, my laboratory has pursued
of cellular signaling, microfluidic systems as therapeutic the fundamental question of how living cells and tis-
extracorporeal devices for sepsis therapy, and new DNA- sues are constructed. This is an exciting and important
based nanobiotechnology approaches that permit construc- question for engineers and material scientists because
tion of artificial tensegrities that mimic properties of living
living cells are the ultimate ‘‘intelligent’’ materials.
materials for applications in tissue engineering and regener-
ative medicine. They are mechanically strong and resilient; exhibit
integrated multifunctional chemical/mechanical/elec-
Keywords—Mechanotransduction, Tensegrity, Cell mechan- trical/optical and information-processing capabilities;
ics, Prestress, Cytoskeleton, Integrin, Biomimetic. grow, move and self-heal; learn, adapt, and self-orga-
nize; and emerge through hierarchical self-assembly of
nanoscale components. So for many years my group
has strived to identify the design principles that Nature
uses to build living cells, with the long-term goal of
Address correspondence to Donald E. Ingber, Vascular Biology
leveraging this knowledge to develop new biologically
Program, KFRL 11.127, Departments of Pathology and Surgery,
Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115- inspired materials and devices for Tissue Engineering
5737, USA. Electronic mail: and Regenerative Medicine.
0090-6964/10/0300-1148/0 Ó 2010 Biomedical Engineering Society
Pritzker Award Lecture 1149

THE LIVING CELL AS A MECHANICAL hypothesis to the water balloon model of cell structure;
STRUCTURE instead, I suggested that cells might be built more like
tents. In order to stabilize a tent, we need to prestress
Most people believe that living cells are built from the flexible nylon fabric by placing it under tension. We
an elastic membrane that encloses a viscous or visco- do this by anchoring it to the ground at multiple sites
elastic cytoplasm with a nucleus at its center, much like using tent pegs, and then pushing the membrane up
a balloon filled with molasses or jello. However, it is against these adhesions using tent poles. My vision at
very difficult, if not impossible, to explain how cells do that time (in the late 1970s) was based on the then
all the myriad tasks they do to build tissues and organs recent discovery that all adherent cells contain a con-
in the embryo, and to maintain our bodies throughout tractile cytoskeleton, which is made up on a network of
adult life, if they were built this way. This is because molecular cables, ropes, and struts that span from the
development is an incredibly physical process in which nucleus to the surface membrane. Many biologists
cells pull and push and twist on each other until the have studied the role of the cytoskeleton with the belief
interacting cells and tissues deform, bend, and fold into that it is critical for control of cell growth and move-
the characteristic three-dimensional (3D) forms that ment; however, they tend to focus on its gel properties,
make up the typical body plan of every organism. as if it were truly organized like jello. In contrast, I
Moreover, all adherent cells generate tensional forces suggested that living cells use a particular form of
within their internal cytoskeleton through an actomy- architecture that depends on tensional integrity to
osin-based contraction mechanism. Cells exert these convey shape stability, and is known as ‘‘tenseg-
forces on their adhesions to other cells and to extra- rity’’.16,24,25
cellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds composed of various Most man-made constructions, such as Stonehenge,
types of collagens, proteoglycans, and large glycopro- gain their stability from continuous compression, as in
teins (e.g., laminin, fibronectin) that hold cells together brick-upon-brick type constructions in which gravita-
within specialized tissues. Cells lose their characteristic tional forces compress one building element down
shapes (e.g., cuboidal, columnar, pyramidal) and upon another. These are generally stable structures;
round when they are dissociated from living tissues however, if there is an impact from the side, the indi-
using ECM-degrading enzymes (e.g., collagenase, vidual building components can fall like dominoes. By
proteases), and they spread by applying traction forces contrast, tensegrity structures are composed of a net-
to their new adhesions when cultured on tissue culture work of tensed elements linked to a subset of elements
substrates that are coated with ECM molecules or that resist being compressed, and thereby bring the
serum-components. entire system into a state of isometric tension. The
These internal forces that govern cell adhesion and architect Buckminster Fuller first coined this term. His
control cell shape are hidden in cultured cells and in student, the sculptor Kenneth Snelson, was the first to
cells within living tissues because they are isometric, reduce this concept to its simplest embodiment by
that is, they are balanced by opposing forces due to the physically constructing sculptures composed of stain-
rigidity of the adhesion substrate (e.g., culture dish or less steel beams interconnected by tension cables that
ECM), and to the pulling forces of neighboring cells. hold themselves stable against the force of gravity even
This internal resting tension or ‘‘prestress’’ can be though the beams never come in direct contact.
visualized by culturing cells on flexible substrates, such Even though geodesic domes can be constructed
as silicon rubber, which fold up into compression using all solid struts, Fuller realized that the reason his
wrinkles when the cells exert traction forces on their domes were such efficient structures in terms of their
basal ECM adhesions. The existence of these micro- capacity to bear loads with a minimum of building
scale forces is important because it is well known that materials was because they utilized tensegrity princi-
physical forces acting at the organ level can signifi- ples to ensure their stability. Interestingly, the first
cantly influence the function of cells within living tis- article published using anti-actin antibodies to visual-
sues. A few examples include the effects of compression ize the cytoskeleton in cultured non-muscle cells
on bone, tension on muscle, pressure on lung, and fluid described the presence of actin geodomes—miniscule
shear on blood vessels. geodesic domes with nanometer-sized struts, each
composed of many parallel actomyosin filaments.27
Thus, the suggestion that cells might use tensegrity
A STRANGE IDEA: TENSEGRITY IN CELLS architecture did not seem that outrageous. As part of
my Ph.D. dissertation, I built tensegrity models of the
So how are cells constructed so that they can gen- cell composed of sticks and elastic strings.16,24 I found
erate, sense, and respond to physical forces? When I that when the tensed structure was unanchored, it took
was a graduate student, I proposed an alternate on a round form much like a living cell because
1150 D. E. INGBER

tensional forces pulled inward on all sides, with only surrounding contractile actin cytoskeleton.3,55 For
internal struts providing resistance. However, when I example, working with Kit Parker (School of Engi-
pegged the structure to anchoring points distributed neering and Applied Sciences, and Wyss Institute,
across a rigid substrate, the same cell model extended Harvard University), we demonstrated that when cul-
and took on a flattened and spread form, much like a tured cardiomyocytes are transfected with GFP-tubu-
cell when it adheres to culture substrate. And when lin, their microtubules buckle in unison when these
I clipped these anchors, the model spontaneously beating heart cells contract, and they straighten when
retracted and leapt up off the substrate, again closely the cells relax.3 Interestingly, if heart cells have too
mimicking the behavior cells exhibit when trypsinized many microtubules, they mechanically interfere with
from a culture dish. This was enough for me concep- contractility, and this can lead to heart failure in whole
tually: cells must be tensegrity structures, but it would animals.52 Most importantly, different types of cells
take me, the members of my laboratory team, and exhibit the same microtubule buckling morphology
multiple collaborators the next thirty years to provide with a wavelength of approximately 2–3 lm, and
experimental evidence to convince others that there working with David Weitz (Department of Physics,
was indeed substance to this theory. Harvard University) and Fred Macintosh (Vrije Uni-
versiteit, The Netherlands), we showed that a con-
strained buckling theory which assumes that
ENGINEERING APPROACHES PROVIDE NEW microtubules bear compression in living cells can
INSIGHTS INTO CELL STRUCTURE quantitatively predict this curvature.3 This is because it
is energetically more efficient for microtubules to
My group and many others have been able to buckle into many small curves (i.e., rather than to
demonstrate that many types of cells behave mechan- undergo Euler buckling with a single large bend) when
ically like tensegrity structures. For example, we con- the microtubule is pushing out against a surrounding
firmed experimentally that large bundles of acto- viscoelastic cytoskeleton. Interestingly, these studies
myosin filaments, called stress fibers generate tension revealed that microtubules can bear more than 100
and experience tensile prestress in living cells.26 We times higher levels of compressive loading when pres-
accomplished this using a laser nanosurgery technique ent within the living cytoskeleton, than previously
that we developed in collaboration with Eric Mazur assumed based on studies with microtubules in
(Department of Physics, Harvard University). By isolation.
focusing light generated by a femtosecond laser These findings confirm that cell shape stability
through a microscope objective, we could effectively depends a mechanical force balance in which micro-
generate the heat of the sun within a tiny volume for an tubule struts balance inward-directed compressive
incredibly short time (10 15 s), thereby vaporizing all forces generated by tensile actomyosin filaments, as
molecules located within this location. When we predicted by the tensegrity model. However, cells also
focused the laser on a single stress fiber labeled with anchor to the ECM substrate through multiple small
green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a living cultured discrete tethering sites, known as ‘‘focal adhesions,’’
cell, we produced a circular punch hole with a 300-nm which function much like tent pegs. This is where cells
diameter, which spontaneously deformed into an cluster together their integrin receptors, which mediate
elliptical form (with long axis in parallel with the fiber), cell surface binding to various ECM proteins. The
thereby directly visualizing tensile prestress within this cytoplasmic tails of integrins bind to actin-associated
structure.26 In addition, when we severed a stress fiber molecules, such as talin, vinculin, paxillin, and a-acti-
in a spread cell attached to a rigid glass substrate, both nin, and thereby recruit them to form the structural
cut ends retracted spontaneously, confirming that these backbone of the focal adhesion that forms a molecular
are tensed structures; however, none of the other stress bridge linking ECM and integrins to the internal
fibers in the same cells changed their shape or orien- contractile cytoskeleton. These discrete focal adhesions
tation. But when the same experiment was carried out form at the distal ends of each stress fiber, which
with cells cultured on a flexible ECM-coated poly- attempts to shorten when their internal actomyosin
acrylamide substrate that had a compliance closer to filaments slide and generate tension; this results in an
that of living tissues, global structural rearrangements increase in cytoskeletal prestress and flattening in a cell
were observed throughout the interconnected actin adherent to a rigid substrate (that can resist filament
cytoskeleton, much like when a single tensile fiber is contraction), whereas cells round and form compres-
cut in a tensegrity sculpture. sion wrinkles as these adhesions are pulled closer to
We also have been able to show that microtu- each other (like a purse-string) when the cell is cultured
bules can bear compression in living cells, and that on a flexible substrate. Thus, the cell’s ECM adhe-
they resist inward-directed forces generated by the sions also can work in a complementary way with
Pritzker Award Lecture 1151

microtubules to resist inward-directed cell tensional STRUCTURAL HIERARCHIES FOR FORCE

forces, and forces can be shuttled back and forth TRANSMISSION IN LIVING SYSTEMS
between ECM, microtubules, and the actin cytoskele-
ton in living cells.21 One of the most interesting properties of tensegrity
structures first recognized by Buckminster Fuller is
that hierarchical tensegrities may be built, which
INTEGRINS AS MECHANORECEPTORS exhibit force transmission and fine structural coordi-
nation across multiple size scales.12 This is important
One of the most important facets of the cellular because one of the major differences between living
tensegrity model is that it led me to predict that systems and man-made structures is that while man
transmembrane cell surface receptors, which physically usually builds using bulk materials (e.g., a hunk of
link external support scaffolds (e.g., ECM, other cells) metal or rubber), Nature builds hierarchically. For
to the load-bearing cytoskeleton of the cell, may example, scientists can separate a nucleus from the
function as mechanoreceptors.15,24,25 In other words, cytoplasm of a living cell, and then transfer that
they would be among the first molecules on the cell nucleus to a second enucleated cell to create a fully
surface to sense a physical force, and they transfer this functional organism, as in the cloning of ‘‘Dolly the
mechanical signal across the cell surface via a specific Sheep.’’ This means that the nucleus has its own
molecular pathway. Because integrins are a ubiquitous structural and functional integrity that is maintained
class of transmembrane receptors that physically cou- when it is isolated, as does the cytoplasm, and yet when
ple ECM to the actin cytoskeleton, we set out to you recombine them and these structures reconnect,
explore whether they could mediate mechanosensing in normal structures and functions are restored.
living cells. I explored this idea many years ago by constructing
In order to test this hypothesis, we developed vari- a tensegrity cell model containing a nucleus at its
ous magnetic cytometry techniques in which small center, which was connected to the surface of the
(1–10 lm diameter) magnetic beads are coated with model by additional elastic strings (i.e., to provide
ligands for integrins (e.g., ECM proteins, RGD peptide, tensional integrity across size scales).16,24 Now, when
specific antibodies) or other transmembrane receptors, the model was unanchored, both the cell and nucleus
and then applied magnetic fields are used to either exhibited round forms, but when the surface of the
twist (shear) or pull (tense) on these specific receptors model was tethered to a rigid substrate, both the cell
through the bound beads.36,37,54 We found that when and nucleus spread and flattened in a coordinated
we applied force to transmembrane receptors, such as manner due to the presence of these tensional con-
metabolic receptors or histocompatibility antigens, nections. Moreover, when the adhesive anchors were
which do not support focal adhesion formation or clipped, both the cell and nucleus rounded as well.
mechanically couple to the deep cytoskeleton, and that Importantly, we demonstrated precisely this type of
these bead adhesions were very flexible as expected coupling between cell and nuclear spreading within
from the submembranous actin–spectrin–ankryn lat- living mammalian cells years later.14
tice to which they interconnect. However, when the In order to experimentally confirm that tensile
same forces were applied to integrins that form focal connections between the nucleus and cell surface exist
adhesions on the same cells, the beads exhibited great in living cells, we coated a glass micropipette tip with
resistance to pulling or twisting that increased in direct the ECM protein fibronectin and bound it to integrins
proportion as the level of applied stress was raised. on the surface of a cultured cell; then a micromanip-
Moreover, working with Dimitrije Stamenovic ulator was used to rapidly pull on these receptors.
(Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston Uni- Amazingly, we not only found that this resulted in
versity), we developed a mathematical tensegrity model coordinated distortion of the surface membrane and
starting from first mechanistic principles that predicted nucleus, but also detected molecular realignment
these results, and led to quantitative and qualitative within nucleoli (using birefringence microscopy) within
predictions of many other mechanical behaviors of the center of the nucleus when we pulled on integrin
various types of living cells, and similar results receptors tens of microns away on the surface mem-
were obtained by other investigators around the brane.34 Importantly, when we pulled on other trans-
world.21,50,51 Most other models of cell mechanics are membrane receptors in the same cells, only a local
ad hoc models, and while they can predict some of response at the membrane was observed. By carrying
these behaviors, only the tensegrity model can predict out similar studies in cells treated with pharmacologi-
this huge range of different cellular responses a priori. cal inhibitors of intermediate filaments, or in which
Thus, it appears to be the most universal model of cell the intermediate filament protein vimentin was knocked
structure at the present time. out genetically, we confirmed that intermediate
1152 D. E. INGBER

filaments that have been previously shown to span structure. Moreover, this tensegrity model again was
from the nuclear surface to the surface membrane are able to predict a wider range of mechanical behaviors
largely responsible for this form of transcellular of stress fibers than any other existing stress fiber
mechanical coupling.9 However, the actin cytoskeleton model.30
also contributes to this coupling because pulling on Amy Sung and Bob Skelton (Department of Bio-
integrins in mitotic cells that lack an intermediate fil- medical Engineering, UCSD) independently showed
ament cytoskeleton can actually cause reorientation of that mechanical behavior of the red blood cell mem-
the mitotic spindle axis.9 But these cells tear when brane can be predicted using a tensegrity model.53 In
pulled on and the cytoskeleton experiences more than their model, the geodesic array of spectrin molecules
about 15% mechanically strain. This finding empha- within the submembranous cortical cytoskeleton form
sizes how studying the gel-like behavior of the actin the tensile network of the tensegrity structure, whereas
cytoskeleton alone is not sufficient to explain the the relative stiff actin protofilament and intervening
mechanical properties of living cells. region of the non-compressible lipid bilayer at the
The observation that forces applied to surface surface membrane act as compression elements. This
integrins result in reorientation of nucleoli suggested model helps to explain why prestress is critical for
that the nucleus itself must contain some type of load- shape stability of the erythrocyte membrane, and it
bearing structural network. In fact, we were able to emphasizes how tensegrity structures can be built with
confirm the existence of mechanical connectivity materials other than sticks and strings or struts and
within the entire living human genome by using an cables, and still provide this form of shape stability.
ultrafine micropipette (500-nm tip) to harpoon a single Pursuing this concept even further, I suggested some
chromosome in a living mitotic cell, or a single years ago that individual molecules might stabilize
nucleolus in an interphase cell.33 Pulling a single their shape through use of tensegrity principles.19 For
chromosome out of a cell resulted in progressive example, proteins have multiple rigidified domains
removal of all of the remaining chromosomes, and (e.g., a-helices, b-strands) interconnected by flexible
when one nucleolus was extracted, it similarly resulted regions, and multiple portions of the molecule pull in
in removal of the entire interphase chromatin along on themselves through attractive hydrogen bonding to
with all of the remaining nucleoli. Importantly, cells assume a stable form. Moreover, we know that pro-
remained viable during this nanosurgery procedure, teins are prestressed because enzymatic cleavage of the
and, in fact, we have used this extracted mitotic gen- protein backbone often results in the molecule splaying
ome to study the physiology of chromosome decon- open (i.e., loss of shape stability). Tensegrity structures
densation and recondensation.2 The key point here is are notorious for their ability to produce global rear-
that all of the chromosomes are linked by a continuous rangements throughout the structure in response to
elastic network in living mammalian cells. local force application. Thus, this might explain why
It has been long known that mitotic spindles can be binding or pulling a small region of a large trans-
isolated from living cells, and that they maintain their membrane surface receptor molecule (e.g., growth
mechanical stability when isolated free of cells and factor receptors, integrins, cadherins) can result in
studied in vitro even though they are made of mole- coordinated structural rearrangements throughout the
cules that we commonly think are dominated by molecule, thereby inducing shape transitions at its
thermal noise. Apparently, the stiffened microtubules cytoplasmic face, which mediate transmembrane sig-
stabilize the spindle by pushing out against this sur- naling.
rounding elastic chromatin network, and hence creat- Artists also have described the human body as a
ing a tensegrity force balance on a smaller scale. tensegrity structure. Each of us has hundreds of indi-
Pickett-Heaps and his group in Australia has con- vidual bones that are connected by a continuous tensile
firmed that the spindle microtubules bear compression: network, composed of muscles, tendons, ligaments,
when he severed one microtubule with a laser, the and fascia, which pulls us up against the force of
others buckled, thus demonstrating the shift in com- gravity and stabilizes our forms. The stiffness of our
pressive force to the remaining semiflexible microtu- bodies is not controlled by osmotic forces; rather it is
bular struts.44 But it doesn’t stop here. We recently the tensile prestress or tone in our muscles, which
showed that individual actin stress fibers can be mod- governs whether we stand strong or move in response
eled as tensegrity structures because they are composed to stress, much like in a tensegrity model. These
of actomyosin filaments that generate tension by observations bring home the point that Nature uses
shortening, but the stress fiber does not narrow when tensegrity principles to stabilize the structural hierar-
tensed.30 Hence, some of the other molecular compo- chies of molecules, cells, tissues, and organs that
nents of the fiber must resist being compressed laterally comprise our bodies.19,21 The use of tensegrity also
to stabilize the entire tensionally prestressed fiber provides a mechanism to transfer mechanical signals
Pritzker Award Lecture 1153

from the macroscale to the nanoscale by transmission RNA polymerases, have been shown to alter their
across tensional connections, and it facilitates biochemical functions when physically distorted by
mechanical integration between part and whole.21,22 piconewton scale forces applied using optical tweezers.
Thus, the structural organization of our bodies deter- Certain proteins, such as fibronectin, physically unfold
mines how physical forces will be sensed and received when cells apply tension to their matrix adhesions and
at all size scales. expose new binding site within the molecule the pro-
mote ECM fibrillogenesis. And cytoskeletal microtu-
bules alter their polymerization dynamics when
SOLID-STATE BIOCHEMISTRY AND mechanically stressed such that they depolymerize
CELLULAR MECHANOTRANSDUCTION when compressed and assemble when decompressed.
This coupling between mechanics and biochemistry
The body’s structural hierarchies enable it to chan- at the nanoscale led me to suggest many years ago that
nel mechanical forces applied at the organ level stress application to transmembrane receptors that
through load-bearing prestressed networks of bones, physically couple the ECM to the actin cytoskele-
muscles, tendons, fascia, and ECM scaffolds so that ton—as integrins do in focal adhesions—might medi-
they impact cell and molecular structure at the nano- ate mechanochemical conversion in living cells.15,24
meter scale.22 This is important because the cytoskel- Importantly, the cytoskeletal backbone of the focal
eton that gives cells their shape is more than a adhesion also orients many of the cell’s signal trans-
mechanical scaffold; it also orients most of the cell’s duction molecules, including protein tyrosine kinases
metabolic machinery. Many of the enzymes and sub- (e.g., src, FAK), small and large G proteins, ion
strates that mediate DNA synthesis, RNA processing, channels, mediators of inositol lipid signaling, and a
transcription, translation, glycolysis and signal trans- subset of growth factor receptors (e.g., FGF recep-
duction do not function in solution, or when floating tors), among others.18,24 Thus, given that we had pre-
free in the lipid bilayer. Instead, cells use a form of viously shown that mechanical forces are preferentially
‘‘solid-state’’ biochemistry in which these components transmitted across integrins that directly connect with
function when immobilized on the insoluble scaffolds these focal adhesions, it seemed likely to be a potential
that comprise the cytoskeleton and interlinked nuclear site where mechanochemical conversion might occur.
matrix.17 My group explored this possibility by adapting the
Moreover, these chemical reactions are often magnetic twisting and pulling cytometry techniques we
‘‘channeled’’ through these structures so that sub- had developed previously to apply controlled
strates are not freely diffusible and pass from one mechanical stresses to cells while quantitating changes
modifying enzyme or enzyme complex to neighboring in cellular biochemistry and gene expression. Using
functional assemblies. Because these reactions are not this approach, we confirmed directly that cell surface
diffusion limited, cells can exhibit much higher effi- b1-integrin receptors mediate mechanically induced
ciencies of biochemical reactions than we can mimic in changes in cellular mechanotransduction. For exam-
solution in a test tube. Thus, use of solid-state bio- ple, we showed that applying shear or tension to
chemistry, in which the cytoskeleton is both a integrin-bound magnetic beads stimulates the entire
mechanical structure and a catalytic assembly simul- cAMP-signaling cascade, as measured by activation of
taneously, is one of the most fundamental design large heterotrimeric G proteins within the focal adhe-
principles used by living cells, and this insight into sions, increased production of cAMP by adenylyl
cellular engineering might throw some light into how cyclase, enhanced nuclear translocation of the catalytic
life first originated on this planet.20 subunit of protein kinase A, activation of the tran-
This coupling between structure and biochemistry scription factor CREB, and induction of reporter gene
within the cytoskeleton also provides a mechanism for transcription driven by multiple cAMP response ele-
cells to convert external mechanical signals into ments.1,39 Again, application of the same stresses to
changes in intracellular biochemistry and gene other transmembrane receptors, such as metabolic
expression—a process known as cellular mechano- receptors that do not form focal adhesions, failed to
transduction.15,18,22 This is because physical distortion produce any of these responses. We also have used this
of biomolecules changes their thermodynamic and approach to demonstrate that integrins mediate stress-
kinetic properties, and hence, alters their biochemical induced changes in mRNA and ribosome distritribu-
activities. For example, stress-sensitive ion channels tion5 as well as calcium signaling37 in living cells. In
alter their opening and closing rates (kinetics) when our most recent unpublished studies, we have been able
tensed or strained, either directly or through their to detect mechanical stress-dependent increases in
interconnections with underlying cytoskeletal scaf- calcium influx into cells at the focal adhesion site where
folds. Other molecules, such as myosin motors and magnetic beads bind to integrins on the cell surface
1154 D. E. INGBER

within 5 ms after tension is applied to these beads transcellular mechanical signaling to occur much more
using applied magnetic forces (Matthews et al., in rapidly than chemical signaling. For instance, Ning
review). To our knowledge, this is the most rapid Wang (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Uni-
integrin-specific mechanochemical conversion event versity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) has shown that
that has been demonstrated in living cells. force application to magnetic beads bound to surface
Thus, integrins are indeed mechanoreceptors that integrins activates the protein tyrosine kinase, c-Src, at
transmit mechanical forces across the cell surface over distant sites within the cytoplasm within 0.3 s after
a specific molecular pathway, and that facilitate force application, and this response can be suppressed
mechanochemical signal conversion inside the cell. either by disrupting the actin cytoskeleton or merely by
These studies combined results from other leading altering the level of prestress in the cytoskeleton.41
researchers in this area (e.g., Burridge, Geiger, Hor- Thus, this fundamental principle of tensegrity—the
witz, Schwartz, Sheetz, Yamada, among others) have dependence of mechanical stability on tensile pre-
led to the recognition that the focal adhesion functions stress—is also a key feature of cellular mechano-
as a nanoscale mechanochemical machine that medi- chemical conversion.51
ates cellular mechanotransduction. Forces applied at
the macroscale that are channeled over stiffened ECM
elements to surface integrin receptors result in distor- MECHANICAL CONTROL OF CELL FUNCTION
tion of focal adhesion molecules. Changes in molecular AND TISSUE DEVELOPMENT
shape can alter the biochemical activities of these
molecules in many ways, including altering binding/ My belief that cells are tensegrity structures led me
unbinding rates (e.g., zyxin),28 unfolding proteins and as a graduate student to think about embryological
exposing phosphorylation sites (e.g., p130Cas),46 development and tissue formation from a mechanical
altering cytoskeletal filament assembly,45 modulating perspective. Early biologists at the beginning of the last
ion flux,37 or through some other mechanism that century had described tissue development in largely
remains to be identified. Conversely, application of cell mechanical terms; however, interest in this area waned
traction forces on integrins and surrounding ECM can with the advent of biochemistry, and it virtually died
feed back to alter biochemistry outside the cell, for once the power of molecular biology and genetic
example, by unfolding fibronectin proteins and pro- engineering was recognized. Yet, there was no way to
moting ECM fibril formation.62 In this manner, ignore the reality that embryological development is a
changes in cytoskeletal tension and cellular prestress highly mechanical process, and that it is impossible to
can alter both biochemistry and structure in a highly explain movement or changes in form at the micro and
coordinated manner, which is critical for cell and tissue macro scale without employing physical forces.
development. If cells are prestressed tensegrity structures, then
But there is more to cellular mechanotransduction tissues also must be prestressed. In fact, we know this
than local mechanical signaling across at the focal to be true; this is why surgeons must suture a wound to
adhesion. One of the novel predictions of the nucleated ensure tissue closure. If a developing tissue, such as a
cellular tensegrity model is that forces applied to budding epithelium, exhibits a stable form, then the
integrins at one point on the cell surface can be rapidly tensional forces exerted by the epithelial cells must be
channeled across interconnected cytoskeletal elements balanced by opposing mesenchymal cells in the stroma
to multiple locations distributed throughout the entire below, and by the planar ECM or basement membrane
cell and nucleus.16,24 As described above, we demon- that separates these tissues. If this ECM is tensed due
strated this type of ‘‘action-at-a-distance’’ many years to the traction forces surrounding adherent cells exert
ago by pulling on integrins with ECM-coated micro- on it, then local breakdown or thinning of its structural
pipettes and inducing changes in nuclear and nucleolar backbone will cause it to stretch out, much like a ‘‘run’’
structure inside the cell.34 We also demonstrated that in a woman’s stocking. Interestingly, local thinning of
intermediate filaments and actin filaments are required the basement membrane due to localized elaboration
for this response.9,34 However, recent studies by others of matrix-degrading enzymes occurs at virtually all
has identified the LINC protein complex on the surface sites where new epithelial bud and capillary branches
of the nucleus composed of Nesprin, Sun, and Emerin will form in developing tisssues before cell growth
proteins, which appears to physically couple cytoskel- ensues. A seminal article in 1978 by the late Judah
etal filaments in the cytoplasm to the nuclear surface Folkman had suggested that cell shape is tightly cou-
and lamins within internal nuclear scaffolds that, in pled to growth, with spread cells growing more rapidly
turn, link to genes and their regulatory proteins.56 than round given the same soluble cues.11 Thus, this
Most importantly, long-distance force transfer led me to propose a micromechanical mechanism for
across the prestressed cytoskeletal framework enables morphogenetic control in which changes in ECM
Pritzker Award Lecture 1155

remodeling alters ECM mechanics (e.g., flexibility), polymerized on its surface. When peeled off, the
which promotes cell stretching and thereby alters local PDMS functions as a flexible rubber stamp that retains
cell growth.13,24 Although I had no idea of a molecular the surface topography down below the 100-nm scale.
mechanism at that time, I suggested that increased We inked the elevated regions of the stamp corre-
tension on the ECM receptors of the cells adherent to sponding to the desired adhesive islands with alkan-
these thinned regions of the tensed basement mem- ethiols, and transferred them in this precise pattern to
brane would induce cytoskeletal distortion and thereby gold-coated silicon chips or glass slides by pressing the
alter cellular biochemistry, somehow leading to the stamp to the surface. The intervening regions between
localized changes in cell proliferation and motility, the islands were then made non-adhesive by adding
which drive changes in tissue form. We, therefore, set soluble alkanethiols linked to polyethylene glycol
out to explore whether cell shape distortion influences molecules, which similarly bound to the gold-coated
cell growth and function. In an earlier study, we substrates and filled in all the spaces of the surface
showed that cell spreading and growth increase in creating a completely planar, near-crystalline, self-
parallel when anchorage-dependent cells are cultured assembled monolayer that supported ECM protein
on increasing molecular coating densities of ECM adsorption only in the regions corresponding to the
molecules, such as fibronectin, laminin, or different desired cell adhesive islands.
collagen types.14,23 However, increasing ECM molec- Using this method, we showed that when capillary
ular densities also promotes integrin clustering, which endothelial cells are cultured on large 50-lm diameter
we found can induce chemical signaling independently circular islands they indeed take on the shape of flat
of cell shape distortion.48 Thus, in order to unequivo- round cells, and when plated on small 10-lm circles,
cally address the question of cell shape in growth they appear almost spherical in form. In order to
control, we set out to develop an experimental system control for the total amount of ECM the cells contact,
in which cell shape can be varied independently of we created substrates in which the 10-lm circular
other critical control parameters. islands were broken up in many tiny 3–5-lm diameter
In order to accomplish this, we desired to develop circular islands distributed so that cells spread from
an experimental system in which individual cells are dot to dot over multiple islands. Thus, cells on these
cultured on single cell sized adhesive islands coated latter substrates spread like the cells on large ECM
with a high ECM coating density (i.e., which promotes islands, yet they only adhered to small total area of
optimal integrin clustering) surrounded by non-adhe- ECM similar to that contacted by cells anchored to
sive barrier regions. The concept was that cells adhere single 10-lm circular islands. In separate studies, we
and spread by applying traction forces to their ECM cultured liver epithelial cells on rectangular islands,
contacts and thus, cells would spread to take the shape and these cells took on the precise shape of the islands.
of the adhesive island until they reached the non- These studies revealed that as island size and cell
adhesive edge that could not resist cell traction forces. spreading were increased, DNA synthesis (as measured
In this manner, plating a cell on large circular ECM by entry into S phase) was promoted in a coordinated
island should result in a pancake-shaped cell, whereas manner, regardless of the ECM contact area.4,49
on a smaller island, the cell would be shaped more like Moreover, when cell spreading was inhibited on
a cupcake, and on a tiny island, it would take on the smaller islands and growth as shut down, cells were
form of a golf ball-on-a-tee. If we cultured the cells in induced to undergo apoptosis even though they were
chemically defined medium containing a saturating still anchored to the ECM substrate.4 In addition,
amount of growth factors and they all adhered to the when capillary endothelial cells were cultured on linear
same high density of immobilized ECM protein, then substrates that supported only a moderate degree of
the only experimental variable would be the degree to cell spreading as well as cell–cell interactions, differ-
which cells physically distort and change shape. entiation was induced as indicated by formation of
We reduced this concept to practice by collaborat- hollow capillary tubes within a period of hours.7
ing with George Whitesides (Department of Chemical Similar switching from growth to differentiation was
Biology and Wyss Institute, Harvard University) who seen in single liver cells when their spreading was
had recently developed the soft lithography-based partially inhibited using a similar approach.49
microcontact printing technique as an inexpensive In later studies, we showed that when cells cultured
alternative to create microchips for the computer on square ECM islands are stimulated with motility
industry.57 This method uses photolithography to factors, they preferentially extend new motile process
create a master surface containing micrometer-sized (e.g., lamellipodia, filopodia) at their corners, whereas
indentations etched to take on the form, size and cells cultured on similar ECM-coated circular islands
distribution of the final desired adhesive islands. exhibit no directional bias.43 This is important because
Then an elastomer, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), is biologists interested in control of cell motility focus on
1156 D. E. INGBER

identification of signaling molecules that are critical for In later studies on cell shape-dependent growth
movement, such as the small GTPase Rac. But while control, we discovered that the small GTPase Rho is
molecules such as Rac may be necessary for lamelli- also central to the mechanism by which mechanical
podia formation, they are activated to similar levels in distortion of cells and the cytoskeleton regulate the
different shaped cells, yet the physical microenviron- G1/S control point during cell cycle progression.32
ment and direction of cell distortion apparently govern Rho’s effects were mediated in large part by its
the way in which these signaling molecules manifest downstream target, Rhoassociated kinase (ROCK),
their motility-promoting activities. that increases cytoskeletal tension (prestress). With this
More recently, my group has shown that this spatial molecular handle, we then set out to further explore
control of motility signaling is controlled mechanically. the concept I had proposed years earlier13,24 that
Cells cultured on square ECM islands spread more changes in the balance of mechanical forces between
along the diagonals (to reach the corners) than they do the cytoskeleton and ECM could contribute to mor-
to the sides. This geometry results in stress concen- phogenetic control in vivo. In order to do this, we
trations at the cells’ corners, which promotes focal carried out experiments in whole embryonic mouse
adhesion formation in these regions and further lung rudiments, which contain epithelium and vascular
increases cell prestress through activation of the small endothelium that continue to undergo progressive
GTPase Rho.43 This increase in tension promotes actin budding and branching morphogenesis, respectively,
cytoskeletal remodeling, resulting in formation of when cultured in vitro.40 When these developing lung
contractile stress fibers oriented primarily along the rudiment were treated with the Rho activator, CNF-1,
diagonal axes of the cell, which in turn further epithelial budding and capillary branching were both
enhances tension generate at their insertion sites on stimulated in parallel; however, when Rho levels were
focal adhesions in the corner regions. Importantly, further activated with increased doses of CNF-1 and
using a Rac-FRET construct, we experimentally con- higher levels of myosin-based tension were induced,
firmed that Rac is activated locally at sites of new focal large scale contraction of the whole lung and growth
adhesion formation within 1 min after cell surface inhibition were observed. In addition, when tension
binding to ECM substrates.60 Thus, because cells carry was dissipated using a ROCK inhibitor, budding
out solid-state biochemistry on their cytoskeleton, morphogenesis and angiogenesis were both inhibited.
physical forces that distort cell shape through their Importantly, cytoskeletal tension suppression resulted
ECM adhesions that link to the cytoskeleton can in loss of pattern formation because regional thinning
impact the spatial distribution of signaling events of the basement membrane and associated spatial dif-
inside the cell, and this appears to be how physical cues ferentials of cell growth were lost, and not because
influence the direction in which cells will move. there was a generalized suppression of cell prolifera-
Later study by Chris Chen and by Dennis Discher tion. Thus, these studies further support the concept
(both of Department of Bioengineering, University of that cytoskeletal prestress contributes significantly to
Pennsylvania) extended these findings to show that cell morphogenetic control, as initially predicted by the
shape distortion, cytoskeletal prestress, and ECM tensegrity-based micromechanical model of develop-
mechanics regulate mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) mental control.13,24 More recently, we also confirmed
lineage switching. When human MSCs are cultured on that ECM mechanics is critical for angiogenic control
microfabricated ECM-coated islands in the presence of in vivo, and identified two antagonistic transcription
a mixture of soluble inducing factors, virtually all of factors—TFII-I and GATA2—that sense changes in
the spread cells on large islands differentiate into bone ECM compliance and regulate transcription of the
cells, whereas all of the round cells on small islands gene that encodes the VEGFR2 receptor for the VEGF
turn into fat cells.38 Moreover, this process is mediated angiogenic factor.31
by RhoA-dependent cytoskeletal tension generation. These findings also have great clinical relevance. For
In addition, when the same human MSCs are cultured example, working with Dennis Orgill (Department of
on ECM-coated polyacrylamide substrates with dif- Plastic Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and
ferent mechanical compliances that match those of Harvard Medical School), we have analyzed therapies
living tissues, cells on rigid ECMs that mimic bone used to address the problem of large nonhealing skin
osteoid differentiate into bone cells, cells on less rigid wounds in humans.47 One of the first growth factor
substrates that mimic muscle form skeletal muscle therapeutics (PDGF) was developed and clinically
cells, and MSCs on ECMs with the highly flexible approved for this application. It likely cost hundreds of
properties of brain tissue become nerve cells.10 Thus, millions of dollars to bring to the clinic, and although
cell-generated tensional forces, ECM mechanics, and it works moderately well in patients, it is extremely
cell shape distortion appear to play a fundamental role expensive. Interestingly, one of the first tissue engi-
in developmental control. neering scaffold therapeutics also was developed and
Pritzker Award Lecture 1157

approved for this medical application, and it too was on the cell surface to elicit chemical signals inside the
costly to develop and is very expensive, yet it produces cell. This is normally accomplished chemically through
sub-optimal results. multivalency; however, this is essentially a mechanical
Incredibly, the preferred therapy now used to treat process as the receptors are physically dragged
this problem in the clinic is a simple mechanical ther- together on the surface membrane (in this case, driven
apy, called a VAC Sponge. It involves placement of a by attractive forces due to binding to a multivalent
microporous biocompatible sponge in the wound, ligand). We, therefore, explored whether physical
which is covered with an air-tight silicone seal and then forces alone are sufficient to activate this type of
suction is repetitively applied to the wound. This was transmembrane signaling mechanism.
initially developed with the goal of removing edema Because we had great experience with applying
fluid; however, recent study suggests that the suction mechanical stresses to cell surface receptors through
results in cyclical mechanical strain of the cells located bound magnetic microbeads, we adapted this approach
within the interstices of the sponge, which is at the by coating much smaller magnetic nanobeads that were
appropriate level to enhance the cells’ ability to on the same size scale as individual receptor molecules
respond to growth factors and ECM proteins that (30 nm diameter) with a single ligand per bead for IgE
already exist within these wounds.47 Thus, this is a receptors on the surface of cultured mast cells.35 When
simple example of how a mechanical perspective can these receptors normally bind to multivalent antigens,
lead to a simple and a more cost-effective solution to a clustering of the IgE receptors induces calcium influx
long-standing medical problem of great clinical that stimulates histamine release. When we bound sin-
importance. gle magnetic nanobeads to one receptor each, they
Taken together, these studies clearly demonstrate remained evenly distributed across the surface of these
that integrins, ECM, and the cytoskeleton control tis- cells and did not stimulate signal transduction. How-
sue development by mediating cellular mechanotrans- ever, when we applied an external magnetic field, the
duction. Although genes, chemicals, and hormones bound superparamagnetic beads magnetized and acting
regulate developmental responses, mechanical forces like small bar magnets pulled their neighbors into tight
guide these processes and help to establish pattern clusters. This physical clustering of the ligated receptors
formation in 3D. This novel insight into developmental was sufficient to induce calcium influx inside the cell,
control would not have been possible without the and this process could be repeated in a cyclical manner
application of engineering approaches to confront by removing and applying the magnetic field from a
fundamental questions in biology, and specifically distance.35 This study revealed yet another way in
melding these techniques with methods from molecular which physical forces can influence cell behavior.
and cellular biology. I hope that it has been clear from However, it also represents a potentially exciting med-
my presentation so far that the problem is too large to ical technology of the future in which cell contraction,
be solved by any single existing discipline on its own. nerve impulses, or gene expression could be controlled
non-invasively inside our organs by applying a mag-
netic ‘‘wand’’ over the surface of our bodies.
BIOINSPIRED TECHNOLOGY FALLOUT Another example of a medical technology that fell
out from our basic study involves the application of
Although my group has long been interested in microfluidics in biology. Around the same time,
fundamental mechanisms of biological control, we also George Whitesides was developing soft lithography to
always seek to discover new ways we might apply the microcontact print patterns on substrates, his group
new insights we make or the tools we develop. This is also pioneered the use of PDMS to engineer micro-
an important lesson for all graduate students and fel- fluidic systems that essentially mimic the microvascu-
lows in Bioengineering, and thus, before ending I lature of living systems. Microfluidic systems are
would like to present a few examples of how deeper interesting because they only exhibit laminar flow due
appreciation of the way Nature builds, controls, and to their small size (fluid channels are usually <500 lm
manufactures has led us to create new technologies in largest dimension), and thus two different fluids
that could potentially transform medicine in the future. introduced into a single flow channel through separate
Our study on mechanotransduction revealed that inlets do not mix and simply flow in parallel until they
application of mechanical stresses to cell surface mol- exit through two separate outlets. We took advantage
ecules can influence biochemistry independently of of this novel feature of these microfluidic systems and
classic receptor signaling mechanisms. But even combined it with our expertise in magnetic particles to
chemical signaling mechanisms potentially involve develop a nanomagnetic-microfluidic cell separation
mechanical forces. For example, many growth factors, device for sepsis therapy that effectively functions like
such as EGF and PDGF, must cluster their receptors an artificial spleen.59,61
1158 D. E. INGBER

Patients with sepsis have pathogens in their blood It was about the time we initiated these studies on
that spread throughout the body and often result in the artificial spleen that we began to conceive of the
multiple organ systems failure and death. Although concept of a research institute dedicated to develop-
most pathogens remain within tissues, some patients ment of technologies inspired by how Nature builds.
respond fully to antibiotic therapy alone, which only This vision recently became a reality with the estab-
decreases the pathogen load. If we could rapidly lishment of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired
remove circulating pathogens while simultaneously Engineering at Harvard University that I now head. At
treating with antibiotics, then we might be able to save the Wyss Institute, we have a major platform effort in
increasing numbers of patients’ lives. In addition, if we Biomimetic Microsystems, which applies microengi-
could quickly remove these microbes from the blood, neering approaches to create ‘‘organ-on-a-chip’’ tech-
then we might be able to diagnose the specific type of nologies that we hope will someday replace animals for
pathogen immediately, and not have to wait many applications in drug testing, toxicity, and device
days to obtain results of blood cultures before tailoring screening. One example of ongoing study in this area is
their therapy appropriately. This is a particular prob- the recent development of a ‘‘breathing human lung-
lem in patients with fungal infection because anti- on-a-chip’’ that recapitulates the functional alveolar–
fungal therapy will not be initiated until a definite capillary interface of the lung, and exposes it to both
diagnosis has been made because the drugs have sig- fluid flows and cyclical mechanical strain similar to
nificant toxicity. Thus, we set out to develop an that observed in vivo (Huh et al., in review). This device
extracorporeal microdevice that could rapidly cleanse contains two parallel microfluidic channels separated
blood of pathogens without compromising or remov- by a porous membrane that is coated with ECM. It has
ing normal blood components that are critical to fight human airway epithelium adherent on one surface, and
infections (e.g., immune cells, antibodies, complement, human vascular endothelium adherent to the other;
etc.). In order to accomplish this, we coat magnetic rhythmic suction is applied to the cells on the flexible
beads (130-nm or 1-lm diameter) with ligands membrane to mimic the distortion normally produced
for pathogens (e.g., antibodies to E. coli bacteria or by the breathing motions of the lung. Interestingly,
C. albicans fungi), mix them with saline or whole human when living bacteria are placed in the alveolar channel
blood containing living pathogens, and then flowed the of this device and blood containing fluorescently
mixture through one inlet of a single channel micro- labeled neutrophils is passed through the vascular
fluidic device while passing isotonic saline through the channel, these neutrophils can be observed to adhere to
second inlet into the parallel flow stream. Without the inflamed endothelium and to undergo diapedesis as
applied magnetic fields, the contaminated fluid and they migrate to the alveolar space where they engulf
saline do not mix, and each pass out through their the pathogen. Hence, multiple stages of the inflam-
corresponding outlet. However, when a magnetic field matory response that normally occurs in vivo can be
is applied perpendicular to the direction of flow, the studied at high resolution in this in vitro model. We
magnetic beads and bound pathogens are pulled across also discovered that toxic effects of nanoparticles
the flow border between the laminar streams, and they delivered to the alveolar channel can only be detected
are removed through the isotonic saline outlet while when the tissues experience physiological breathing
the cleansed blood exits through its outlet and poten- motions. Thus, although these results are only pre-
tially can return back to the patient. We demonstrated liminary, they strongly support the potential clinical
greater than 85% filtration efficiency in our initial value of engineering biomimetic systems that recreate
studies using E. coli in saline,59 and more recently, and functional tissue–tissue interfaces and experience
we have been able to cleanse whole human blood of physiological mechanical stresses.
C. albicans with greater than 90% efficiency at much Finally, one of the most fundamental biological
higher flow rates.59,61 These microdevices can be design principles that we have uncovered is clearly the
aligned in tandem and multiplexed to produce even use of tensegrity architecture, which we observe at
greater efficiencies, and to cleanse larger volumes of virtually all size scales in the hierarchy of life.19,21,22
blood in a clinical setting. Thus, we are pursuing this Over 10 years ago, I formed a company called
approach in animal studies for sepsis therapy; how- Molecular Geodesics Inc. (later known as Tensegra
ever, this represents a platform technology in that it Inc.) to leverage this knowledge to design and fabricate
also could be used to isolate many other types of cir- biomimetic materials that utilize tensegrity principles
culating cells (e.g., cancer cells, stem cells, immune using computer-assisted design and manufacturing
cells, fetal cells in the maternal circulation), molecules (CAD/CAM) techniques in combination with solid-
(e.g., antibodies, inflammatory cytokines), or any other free form fabrication strategies.42 Unfortunately,
component in blood or other biological fluid that methods did not exist to manufacture structures with
would normally be restricted by a filtration membrane. the precise architecture we desired on the nanometer
Pritzker Award Lecture 1159

scale the way Nature builds. However, recent advances exciting and dynamic advances always take place. In
in nanotechnology now make it possible to build on order to do interdisciplinary research and pursue
this miniscule size scale and, in fact, self-assembled unconventional ideas successfully, it is necessary to
tensegrity arrays have been created using program- demonstrate to one’s critics that you can use the same
mable DNAs that form defined structures based on approaches they do, and obtain the same results. It is
complementary binding interactions. For example, only when you have their respect as a peer, that you
William Shih (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Depart- can go further and show that by looking at the prob-
ment of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Phar- lem from a slightly different perspective or using a new
macology, Harvard Medical School and Wyss technology, you can explain things that they cannot,
Institute) has applied the DNA origami approach to using existing approaches. It is only then that your
build 3D tensegrities.6,8 In DNA origami, a single critics become your competitors. Thank you once
circular strand of DNA is induced to fold up on itself again for this wonderful honor.
and to create specific 3D forms (e.g., octahedral, ico-
sahedra) much like twisting and folding a balloon
animal, by allowing many small complementary DNA
oligonucleotides to bind to sites located at different ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
positions along the strand. Shih and his colleague
The research described in this lecture was supported
Shawn Douglas have developed a CAD program
by grants from NIH, NASA, NSF, DARPA, DoD,
(caDNAno) that allows one to define the oligonu-
CIMIT, ARO, and Wyss Institute, and the author is a
cleotide sequences to build virtually any 3D structure
recipient of a DoD Breast Cancer Innovator Award.
one desires on the nanometer scale.58 Using this
approach, we have worked together at the Wyss
Institute to create a prestressed 3-strut tensegrity
structure approximately 100 nm in length composed of
a singular circular strand of DNA that folds up into
nanotubular forms to create the struts, which are 1
Alenghat, F. J., J. Tytell, C. K. Thodeti, A. Derrien, and
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applications in tissue engineering and regenerative ing cells due to lateral reinforcement. J. Cell Biol.
173:1175–1183, 2006.
medicine. For any of you who would like to learn 4
Chen, C. S., M. Mrksich, S. Huang, G. Whitesides, and
more about this research or the Wyss Institute, please D. E. Ingber. Geometric control of cell life and death.
explore our website ( Science 276:1425–1428, 1997.
Chicurel, M. E., R. H. Singer, C. Meyer, and D. E. Ingber.
Integrin binding and mechanical tension induce movement
of mRNA and ribosomes to focal adhesions. Nature
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Dietz, H., S. M. Douglas, and W. M. Shih. Folding DNA
In this lecture, I tried to convey my path from into twisted and curved nanoscale shapes. Science 325:725–
science to engineering, and from fundamental mecha- 730, 2009.
nistic research to technology development and Dike, L., C. S. Chen, M. Mrkisch, J. Tien, G. M.
Whitesides, and D. E. Ingber. Geometric control of
translation. I hope that I fully communicated the
switching between growth, apoptosis, and differentiation
challenges I have faced as a biologist who believed that during angiogenesis using micropatterned substrates.
mechanics and structure are as important regulators of In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. 35:441–448, 1999.
cell and tissue function as chemicals and genes. I had Douglas, S. M., H. Dietz, T. Liedl, B. Högberg, F. Graf,
to seek out collaborators who shared in my vision and and W. M. Shih. Self-assembly of DNA into nanoscale
three-dimensional shapes. Nature 459:414–418, 2009.
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concepts, approaches, and vocabulary. But to me the A. Maniotis, D. E. Ingber, A. Merckling, M. Aumailley,
key has always been to remain at the boundary V. Koteliansky, C. Babinet, and T. Krieg. Impaired
between these disciplines because this is where the most mechanical stability, migration, and contractile capacity in
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