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The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Hull Form Improvement for SPXB Operated in Shallow Draft Water

1,2)Department ofNaval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering,
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia


Self-Propelled Oil/Cemment/Urea Barges (SPXB) have been built in large numbers for the last decade in
Indonesia. The hull form of this type of vessel is designed heuristically, involving or serving as an aid to learning,
discovery, or problem-solving by experimental in order to maximize the cargo capacity. This condition results in
some performance problems, including high power engine and vibration. On the other hand, Computational Fluid
Dynamic (mostly known as CFD) is a computer tool that can be used to solve and analyze problems regarding fluid
flow and has been developing rapidly these days. Based on these considerations, therefore it is necessary to carry out
hydrodynamicanalysis using CFD in order to get an optimal ship performance.This research focused on the analysis
of ship resistance of MV Pusri Indonesia I (PI-I), a Self-Propelled Urea Barge owned by PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaya
(Pusri) Palembang. A commercial CFD software is used to perform the ship resistance analysis through numerical
methods as well as to observe the flow around the hull. After the simulation results obtained, hull form modification
was carried out to get a more optimal ship performance including lower resistance as well as better flow pattern. As a
result, the resistance of the modified hull form at the speed of 0,778 m/s which represents the service speed decreased
by 0.519%. The study also indicates that the CFD method can be brought at early design stage in order to anticipate
the quality of ship performances.

Keywords: shiphull form, ship resistance, CFD.

1. Introduction
Nowadays, analysis of hydrodynamic aspect is one of the stages that is required in the ship design
process in order to achieve optimum ship performance. Ship hydrodynamic performance is entirely
related to the resistance, propulsion efficiency, and seakeeping. Resistance is affected by the shape of the
hull and wetted surface area, whereas propulsion efficiency is affected by the characteristic of propeller
and the interaction between hull and propeller. Ship performance is also affected by some variation of the
operating conditions, namely: ship speed, ships draught, and also trim. Therefore, in ship design process,
environmental conditions where the vessel operates must be taken into consideration. Indonesian waters
have varying depths, thus it is a common thing that a ship is specially designed to be able to operate in
varying depths.
Currently, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) Palembang has builta vessel which have bigger capacity
than their existing vessels. This project is called Self-Propelled Urea Barge. A self-propelled barge is a
type of barge vessel which has its own propulsion system and commonly haul materials such as: coal,
grain, salt, ore, cemment, logs, sand, steel, etc. As its name implies, Self-Propelled Barge Urea is a type
of self-propelled barge particularly designed to transport urea in form of bulk.In order to support the urea
distribution throughout Indonesia to run smoothly, more advanced development of bulk carriers as the
transportation means is needed. This development is aimed to improve ship performance which is
expected to provide advantages so that in the next projects it can be applied if the ship is to be rebuilt with
the same series. It is known that barges are intended to carry as many cargo as possible, thus barges shape
are commonly flat-bottomed, box-shaped, shallow-drafted, and their parallel middle body extends
throughout 80 percent of the overall length therefore they have big block coefficient. This condition
results in some performance problems, those namely high power engine and vibration.
One of the ways to enhance this bulk carrier ship performance is by changing the shape of the hull
to minimize resistance as well as to enhance the flow at the stern of the barge. With the vast
advancements of technology these days, there are plenty of tools that can be easily used to calculate and
stimulate resistance when a ship is operating, one of which is CFD. CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) is a computer tool that can be used to solve and analyze problems regarding fluid flow. CFD
can estimate the ship total resistance by including hull form factor in the calculation of ship resistance and
also can simulate the flow around the hull accurately so that it can be used to improve the design of the
hull shape.
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

The barge design itself has been completed and numerical experiments with the help of CFD tools
have been done on the condition of shallow, medium and deep water (Anggara, 2013). This research is a
continuation of the previous research and to modify the design of shallow draft bulk carrier hull shape
which enhances the hydrodynamic performance. Therefore this paper presents an extract of the final
project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Naval
Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (Ahadyanti,

2. Research Methodology
Computational fluid dynamics, usually abbreviated as CFD, is a numerical method to solve
Navier-Stokes equations in order to analyze as well as to simulate fluid around an object. The general
form of Navier-Stokes equation is given below:

+ . = + + (1)

V = flow velocity
= del operator
= fluid density
p = pressure
= frictional resistance which represents viscosity
f = external forces
t = time
One of the discretisation methods being used to solve the above governing equations is Finite
Volume Method (FVM). In the finite volume method, values are calculated at discrete places on a meshed
geometry(Toro, 1999). The solution domain is subdivided into a finite number of small control volumes
(cells) by a grid. The grid defines the boundaries of the control volumes while the computational node lies
at the center of the control volume. The grid must be refined as fine meshes give more accurate solutions.
In order to utilyse efficiently the CFD method in the practical marineproblem, it is necessary to
prepare a systematic methodology with combining CAD and CFD techniques as presented in Figure 1
below. First, an initial database is prepared and specification requirements are defined hereinafter will be
used as guidance to create an initial hull form using CAD. The next step is to modify the hull form with a
heuristic approach based on the design strategy to create a number of hull forms alternatives. These hull
forms then will be analyzed using CFD technique in order to get the most optimum hull form that
ultimately will be chosen for the final design.

Figure 1. Research Methodology(Nishigaki et al)

The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

3. Preliminary Design and Initial Simulation

3.1 3D Hullform Modelling
Prior to the CFD analysis carried out for prediction of the ship resistance, 3D hull form of MV
Pusri Indonesia I (PI-I) were generated with CAD software. In this paper, the 3D hull form was developed
from models lines plan with the scale 1:43.5 of PI-I. The ship and model dimension, and the hull form of
the model are presented in the Table 1and Figure 2, respectively, below:

Table 1. Ship and Model Dimensions

Ship Model
Scale = 1:43.5
Loa (m) 134.00 3.075
Lwl (m) 132.9 3.050
Bmld (m) 26.40 0.606
Hmld (m) 11.00 0.252
T (m) 5.400 0.124
WSA (m2) 4580.639 2.413

Figure 2. Hull Form of MV Pusri Indonesia Iin Model Scaled

The next stage after the 3D model is created is to divide the model geometry into small elements
(triangles, tetra/mixed, hexa-dominant) called a cell.These cells form a unity called mesh or grid due to
theirconfiguration which look like mesh, thus this process stage is commonly called as meshing.In order
to get mesh size as well as the optimum number of elements, it is necessary to perform grid independence
analysis. In the previous research it has been acquired the maximum number of elements after the output
obtained from the difference between the two consecutive experiments based onelementsaccretion are
below 2% (Anggara, 2013). The mesh size of the model can be seen onFigure 3below.

Figure 3. Mesh Size of the Model

The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

The model that has been meshed then will be set up appropriate boundary conditions to run
simulation of free surface. The boundaries that were created namely: inlet, outlet, wall, top, and bottom.
After the boundaries has been made, each boundary will be defined as can be seen on the Figure 4below.

Figure 4. Boundary Definition

3.2 Validation
Validation is required to ascertain whether the simulation is already correct or not. In this paper
validation process was carried out by comparing the result of the simulation with the simulation done in
the previous research. The result of the trial is used as a standard due to its narrow margin validated by
towing tank trial.Resistance resulted from the numeric method done in the previous research, analysis
result of total resistance by CFD, and their difference percentage are shown in the Table 2 and Figure 5,
respectively, below:

Table 2. Percentage of Total Resistance Difference

Speed Resistance [N]

[m/s] Anggara [2013] CFD %Rt
0.622 2.122 2.144 1.035
0.7 2.719 2.851 4.874
0.778 3.413 3.511 2.866
0.856 4.186 4.245 1.403

Total Resistance

Resistance (N)


0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Speed (m/s)

Figure 5. Total Resistance CFD Simulation Result and Total Resistance in Previous Study
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

As shown in the table and the chart above that the comparison between the simulation result of the
total resistance with CFD and the total resistance resulted from the previous researchdoes not have a
significant differences. The difference between the two results in average is below 5%, indicating that the
result of the total resistance in this current study is accepted.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Hull Form Modification
In this research, MV Pusri Indonesia I (PI-I) hull shape has been modified which would be
explained further in the next section. In order to ease reference, the model in which its hull is modified in
this research will be referred as Mod1.
Hull shape modification toward PI-I model was carried out by streamlining the bow and stern
shape of the model. As it is already known, PI-I hull has a continuous parallel middle body which
expands to the stern of the ship. In this first modification, the models stern shape which is the
continuation of parallel middle body is streamlined with reduction of 10% of each side.
In order to maintain LCB position so it will not shift too far, front hull shape is also streamlined
although the change is not as extreme as the bow shape. Consequently, LCB position shifts a little more
forward toward the front part of the ship. Nevertheless, LCB shifting position is not significant if it is
correlated to the actual size of the ship.
Other than maintaining LCB position, another boundary condition being used in hull modification
process is payload. In order to maintain payload, one thing that should be observed is volume
displacement model. In the model in which its hull is modified, volume displacement model is being
maintained, which leads to the rise of ship draft. Table 3below shows the correlation of comparison
between the ship before and after its hull is modified.

Table 3. Comparison Corellation of Ship and Model Dimension Before and After Modified

PI-I Mod1

Dimension Ship Model Model Ship

Loa (m) 134 3.075 3.075 134
Lwl (m) 132.9 3.050 3.050 132.9
Bmld (m) 26.4 0.606 0.606 26.4

Hmld (m) 11 0.252 0.252 11

T (m) 5.4 0.124 0.13 5.7

LCB from AP (m) 64.01 1.48 1.51 64.69
Vol. displ (m3) 16544.77 0.202 0.202 16544.77
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Visually in 3D, hull shape that has been modified as well as its original barge without modification

can be seen on the

Figure 6 and Figure 7 below:

Figure 6. PI-IHull Form Figure 7. Mod1 Hull Form

4.2 Effect of Hull Form Modification on the Ship Resistance

Result of numeric simulation indicates that hull shape modification has an impact on the ship
resistance, whether it is viscos resistance or total resistance. In the Error! Reference source not
found. below, the result of viscous resistance of original PI-I and Mod1 model for various velocities as
well as the difference percentage between the two models are shown. It can be seen from the table that the
viscous resistance on Mod1 decreases compared to barge model on every velocity. The biggest difference
is at the highest velocity which in at 0.856 m/s by approximately 19%.
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Viscous Resistance

Resistance (N)


0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Speed (m/s)

Figure 8. Viscous Resistance for PI-I and Mod1

In the Error! Reference source not found. below, the result of total resistance in original PI-I
and Mod1 models at four various velocities as well as the difference percentage of the two models are

Total Resistance

Speed (N)


0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Speed (m/s)

Figure 9. Total Resistance forPI-I and Mod1

The table above indicates at the velocity 0.856 m/s total resistance in Mod1 is instead increasing.
Nevertheless, at the velocity 0.778 m/s which represents speed of service, total resistance in Mod1 is
smaller compared to the total resistance in original barge. Therefore it can be concluded this hull shape
modification is still advantageous at the speed service.

4.3 Flow Pattern

In addition to reduce the resistance on the ship, the focus on this research is also to improve the
flow around the hull of the ship. Figure 10below shows flow pattern around the PI-I as well as flow
pattern around the Mod1 at the speed of 0.778 which represents service speed. It can be seen that at the
same speed, the flow pattern around the Mod1 is more uniform compared to flow pattern around the
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

Figure 10. Flow Pattern Around the PI-I (Left) and Flow Pattern Around Mod1 (Right)

A free surface simulation involves multiple phases, i.e gas (air) and liquid (water). The velocity
vector of water and air as well as their interplay is shown in Figure 11 below. It can be seen that the air
velocity vector around the model ascend which indicates the free surface phenomena which is wave
caused by the movement of the ship.

Figure 11. Velocity Vector of Water and Air in A Free Surface Simulation

5. Conclusion
After having investigated the ship resistance of the original PI-I model and Mod1 using CFD
method, the following conclusions could be drawn from this paper:
1. With the advancement of computerization, CFD has reached into a point where the ship
design process in which it is not used only to verify the design performance estimation, but
also to find possibilities or alternatives of hull design easily and rapidly at the concept design
2. Modification of the hull can decrease ship resistance. In this research, with modification result
of hull shape, resistance at the velocity of 0.778 m/s which represents service speed decreases
by 0.519%.
There are several recommendations that can be considered if ever there will be a research with
similar topics. Firstly, due to the time limitations, in this research only one hull modification shape is
observed, whereas the actual design optimization stage needs more variations. Secondly, in this research,
ship performance being tested with the help of CFD tools merely an interaction between hull and water.
In the next research, ship performance can be observed further by involving hull interaction with the flow
around the propeller.

[1] Ahadyanti, G. M. (2014), Modifikasi Bentuk Lambung pada Shallow Draft Bulk Carrier untuk
Menurunkan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar, Final Project, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS),
[2] Anggara, Sony. (2013), Studi Komperatif Performa Hidrodinamik Kapal Bertipe Shallow Draft Barge
Pada Kondisi Perairan Dangkal, Sedang dan Dalam,MSc Thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember (ITS), Indonesia.
The 9th International Conference on Marine Technology

[3]Nishigaki, Makoto. (2007), Ship Design Technology with CFD Improvement of Propulsive
Performance, Technical Review,Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 1, Sep.
[4] Toro, E. F. (1999), Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer-
Verlag.Berlin Heidelberg.

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