NUR 513 Week 6 Nursing Theory Plan of Care PART 2 537091296

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Nursing Theory Plan of Care

NUR 513

The objective of nursing theory is to define the scope, predict and elaborate on the concept
of nursing. The theory must furnish the basis on which the practice is developed, aid in the
process of inculcating knowledge and guide in the future development of the field of
nursing. The important attribute of theory is it lets us know the concepts that we already
know and that we ought to know (Nursing Theories, 2011). It is crucial in determining the
foundation of the practice by extensively describing nursing. There are many advantages in
having a well-articulated body of theory such as improved patient care, research and
education (Nursing Theories, 2011). In this thesis, the author attempts to demonstrate the
application of Hendersons theory in a case of care plan for Mr. C. The need for utilization of
research in nursing practice is highlighted by the authors.

Analysis of the congruence of concepts and theoretical statements

The theory advocated by Henderson is primarily intended in pushing the nurses to

apply are plans in designing patient specific treatment procedures. Throughout the 20 th
century, Henderson urged nurses to satisfy the patients needs with solid scientific
reasoning. Henderson offered a good scientific platform for the improvisations of care
plans that are very specific to patients. (Tourville & Ingalls, p. 25, 2003). Her theory has
seen tremendous evolution as observed in todays nursing profession, but the core concept
and reasoning remains intact. The goal of the care plan is to formulate and implement
models depending on the needs of the patients.

The strong thread between the patients and the nurses is the basis of Hendersons
thrust on the need to meet patient requirements. Since the main focus is on the interfacing
between patient and nurses, Hendersons model comes under the category of interactive
models. The functionality of the nurse is to help the patient feel secure and self-sufficient by
helping in activities they are unable to perform by themselves. Nurses tend to patients and
support them as long as they are not able to care for themselves. quoted Henderson on the
website Current nursing (2011). The agenda is the independent life for patient and the
nurses should support this by being very proactive and creative (Current nursing website,
2011). The 14 basic needs in her theory were formulated to complete this function
(Fitzpatrick & Whall, 2005).

In the present case study, these basic needs can be extended in devising a care plan
for MR. C. Every problem faced by Mr. C can be relegated to the basic needs as listed by
Henderson. Not all the 14 basic needs are used but every issue can be traced to the needs.
Of all the problems with his condition, the major ailment is the breathing difficulty faced by
Mr. C with the oxygen level at 88%. This can be related to the need for normal breathing
pattern. Certain other ailments can be linked to her first basic need. They are congestive
heart failure, deep vein thrombosis and thyroid issues. Circulation is not linked to any of the
needs mentioned by Henderson, but it can be seen in conjunction with the problem of Mr. C
not getting sufficient oxygen. The third need can be identified with his abnormal ceratinine
level and the difficulty in getting rid of excess fluids. Intolerance to activity can be seen as
the fourth needs defaulting and probably the desired posture is not maintained by him.
147 pounds can be linked to the second basic need as proper quantities of food and water
are not ingested. There is an inability in communicating emotions, requirements,
apprehensions etc. with others and this comes under the possibility of grieving and care
giver role strain, which is relatable to the tenth need. With this comprehensive idea about
the basic needs and ailments, the nurses can come up with a tool to develop an outline of
possible interventions in patient care.

Determination of the current influences of research utilization in practice

Henderson career was focused on the nursing practices, research and pedagogy and they
were exhaustive in nature. Her significant contribution to the field of nursing is the four-
volume-Nursing Studies Index. This Index was incorporated in between the fifth and sixth
editions of Principles and Practice of Nursing. This is the reason for the Indexs centering
on practice and the sixth editions focus on research and studies. Gladys Nite and 17 other
contributors came together to produce the sixth edition of Principles, and it is the
paramount in the category of a single professional document in the twentieth century.
Halloran (1996) states that the book succeeded in promoting nursing practice, education,
theory and study in a scenario where there is great incoherence among the nurses
regarding the key professional purposes.

Mr. C has been under medication for congestive heart failure. Research in the
domain of nursing helps in articulating a plan of care based on the current needs. Hamner
(2005) states that research points to the improved recovery and reduced healthcare costs
and resource utilization with post-surgical treatment nursing interventions. The plan for
discharge is commenced soon after the admission by the nurses. This case study is
concerned with home-based nursing interventions, cross discipline interventions, clinics
for cases of heart failure, and telephone or other technology backed nursing interventions.
Depression and lack of strength in coping up with loss is evident from his weight loss,
degrading health and demise of wife. There is another dimension given by a research study
on different lines. It highlights the need for social support and coping activities in
eliminating depression and enhancing quality of the patients life. (Park, Fenster, Suresh, &
Bliss, 2006).


Professions directly involved in nursing need to cooperate in extracting the best from the
theories and implementing into practice. The theorists line of thought may vary and newer
perspectives may crop up when the reality is considered. It is not possible to create
procedural norms with theories to the extent possible with situation specific principles
(Nursing Theories, 2011). These rules facilitate standardization of the nursing practice and
can be extended to achieve the small term goals related to quality of care. Predominantly,
theories are categorized in the practice based on the process of analyzing data assessed
(Nursing Theories, 2011). In this case study, Hendersons theory was implemented in
developing a plan of care.


Current nursing website. (2011). Virginia Henderson's Need Theory. Retrieved from on February 22, 2011.
Fitzpatrick, J. J., & Whall, A. (2005). Conceptual models of Nursing: Analysis and application
(4th Ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Halloran, E. (1996). Virginia Henderson and her timeless writings. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 23(1), 17-24. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. On March 3, 2011.
Hamner, J. (2005). State of the science: Post hospitalization nursing interventions in
congestive heart failure. Advances in Nursing Science, 28(2), 175-190. Retrieved from
EBSCOhost. On March 4, 2011.
Nursing theories: a companion to nursing theories and models. (2011, January).
Application of theory in nursing process. Retrieved from theory/application_nursing_theories.html
Park, C., Fenster, J., Suresh, D., & Bliss, D. (2006). Social support, appraisals, and coping as
predictors of depression in congestive heart failure patients. Psychology & Health,
21(6), 773-789. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. On March 4, 2011.
Tourville, C., & Ingalls, K. (2003, July-September). The living tree of nursing theories.
Nursing Forum, 38(3), 21-30.

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