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Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits (0 pts): Pixies are rather frail, but are quick and often the fascination of many larger
races. They gain -2 to Constitution, +2 to Charisma and +2 to Dexterity.
Type (0 pts): Pixies are of the Humanoid type, Pict subtype

Size (8 pts): Picts are Diminutive creatures and thus gain a -6 size penalty to their Strength and +4 size bonus to
their Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to their AC, a +4 size bonus on attack rolls, a 4 penalty to their Combat Maneuver
Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, a +12 size bonus on Stealth checks and a +6 to fly checks.

Base Speed (-2 pts): Pixies have a base speed of 10 feet on land.

Fly Speed (4 pts): Pixies have a fly speed of 30 feet (average).

Languages (0pts): Pixies begin play speaking Sylvan. Pixies with high Intelligence scores can choose from the
following languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Halfling. See the Linguistics skill page for more
information about these languages.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Deft Tricksters (2 pts): Pixies gain a +2 racial bonus to Sleight of hand, and Escape artist checks.

Magical Racial Traits

Luminous (1 pts): A Pixie naturally sheds light equal to that provided by a torch. The color is determined at birth,
however, a pixie may control the intensity of the light as a swift action, reducing it to the dimness of a candle or even
extinguishing its luminosity entirely if she wishes.

Senses Racial Traits

Low-light vision (1 pt): Pixies can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Weakness Traits
Elemental Vulnerability Cold(2 Pts): Due to having such a small size and weak body, a pixie doesnt have the mass to
live for long in cold conditions.

1800 935 9935

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NPC build list

Unnamed son of the ruby prince from Osirion


unnamed son of Mwangi Chieftain

unamed bloodlord's Daughter from Geb
Moroi noble

Svetka Elvanna
Jadwiga princess

Unnamed tarnished hatchling

Blue Gold wyrmling

Mother Jann
Copper Dragon wife of Parakoursos

Phenox Shadeclaw
Idyllkin DN, Hiverager/Fighter.

Boggly Haversa
Grippli, Alchemist/Rogue

Boorgub Pokestick
Goblin, Archer/Ranger

Prabur Simpka
Orc, Witch/Warpriest

Dimmi Litworth
Gnome, Brawler/Barbarian

Gamrik Alco
Dwarf, Paladin, Bard

Lilsim Bendburr
Halfling, Oracle, Fighter

Aiden Jones
Human, Bard/Ranger

Mirthia Sidhe
Elf, Wizard, Alchemist

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