Unit 1-Tieng Anh

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Compiled by Nguyễn Viết Tý


1. Từ vựng: Nắm được từ, cách phát âm, nghĩa của các từ vựng trong bài
2. Ngữ pháp:
a. The Present Simple
i. Nắm được Công thức, cách dùng, dấu hiệu thì
b. Adverbs of Frequency
i. Nắm được Một số Trạng ngữ chỉ mức độ thường xuyên, cách dùng, vị trí
c. The Past Simple
i. Nắm được Công thức, cách dùng, dấu hiệu thì
3. Ngữ âm: Phân biệt được hai nguyên âm đơn /i/-/i:/
I. Matching
Bài tập 1. Match the italicized verbs in column A with their meanings in column B.
1. When did the plane take off? a. building
2. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off. b. move downward
3. Let's take a break. We'll goon when you are ready c. made stop burning
4. Could you get me up early tomorrow? d. leave the ground
5. She laughed and chatted happily with other women e. talked in a friendly way
6. Did anyone see Sue getting on the bus? f. stopped
7. Suddenly the plane seemed to dip. g. getting into
8. I've given up trying to understand her. h. get out of bed
9. We had trouble putting up the tent in the dark. i. continue
10. Fire fighters soon put out the fire. j. rang,
II. Word form
Bài tập 1. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
1. He is _____________the rope instead of loosening it. FAST
2. The number of ___________in traffic accidents is alarming. DIE
3. I am afraid I was very __________with your service. SATISFY
4. Nowadays, more and more young people want to have a university__________. EDUCATE
5. It was one of the most __________ accidents I had ever witnessed. FRIGHT
Bài tập 2. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
1. He is __________(content) to stay in his present job for the time being.
2. Please write your name, age and __________(occupy) on the form.
3. All the machines are inspected twice ___________(day).
4. I find it __________(interest) to talk to Tom’s grandfather.
5. For further ___________(inform), write to the managing director of the firm.
6. The river here is very __________(danger) for swimmers.
7. They had a very __________(wonder) vacation at the end of the school year.
8. The girl felt quite __________(satisfy) with her examination results.
9. A __________ (fish) is someone who catches fish, either as a job or as a sport.
10. I never feel very __________ (comfort) in my employer’s presence.
11. They are keeping her in the office for her own __________ (safe).
12. We are very __________(lucky) with the weather on vacation.
13. Our __________(fly) will arrive at Tan Son Nhat International Airport at 6:30.
14. It is _________(frighten) even to think of the horrors of a nuclear war.
15. When he lived in Da nang, he visited me __________(occasion).
III. Filling
Bài tập 1. Fill each gap with one suitable word with the first letter given.
1. My grandfather always g……………up early in the morning.
2. Her mother is in the k……………. cooking dinner for her family.
3. Wet weather is likely to c……………..for a few more days.
4. Daisy returns h…………… from work at 6:30 every morning.
5. No tax is payable on gifts between h…………… and wife.
6. Literature, h……………and language are subjects of social sciences.
7. The p……………. took off half an hour late.
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Compiled by Nguyễn Viết Tý
8. Remember to f…………….your seat belt when you’re traveling in your car.
9. Doctors worked through the night to save the l……………. of the injured man.
10 Advertisements aim to persuade people to s………….. more and more money.
III. Funny

Bài tập 1. Sort the words into 5 groups of related words.

Math, field, tourist, buffalo, geography, pilot, flight, harrow, plough, seaside,
river, bait, fish, physics, visitor, hotel, history, airport, fisherman, air-hostess
1. Farming:.........................................................................................................................................................
2. Subjects: ........................................................................................................................................................
3. Flying: ............................................................................................................................................................
4. Vcation:..........................................................................................................................................................
5. Fishing ...........................................................................................................................................................
Bài tập 1. Put the words into the lists of pronunciation. The sign  shows the main stress
Announce, buffalo, continue, neighbour, passenger, introduce,
fasten, wonderful, guarantee, disappear, alarm, repair, tobacco,
afternoon, routine, brigade, remember, family, occasion, rubbish

    

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Bài tập 2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. a. routine b. literature c. kindness d. fifty
2. a. peasant b. appeal c. reason d. teapot
3. a. exactly b. medicine c. pretty d. become
4. a. field b. died c. ties d. pies
5. a. typical b. family c. bicycle d. cycling

Bài tập 1 Write sentences using the prompts. Use the verbs in the present simple tense and the adverbs of
frequency in the right place.

1. basketball/she/play/often
2. lunch/We/have/always/at 2:00
3. always/wake up/early/in the morning/Peter
4. Lara/sometimes/angry/be/with her parents
5. usually /I/go/by car/to the office
6. television/Harry/watch/often
7. father/My/go/shopping/never
8. to us/teacher/Our/be/always/very kind

Bài tập 2. Write the adverbs of frequency in the right place in the sentence.

1. My father doesn´t go to the library. (often)

2. Do your friends watch TV ? (usually)
3. Tina is busy in the mornings. (sometimes)
4. Our teacher lets us use a calculator. (never)
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5. Stella goes out at the weekend. (hardly ever)
6. Does your brother lend you his clothes? (ever)
7. My parents don´t read magazines. (usually)
8. My friends are very friendly. (generally)
Bài tập 3. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets in the present tense and the
adverb of frequency that appears in the picture.

1. Paul _______________ a shower early in the morning. (have)

2. _______ your brother _______ scared at night? (be)

3. Tim ________________ e-mails to his friends. (send)

4. My boss ________________ angry with me. (get)

5. _____ they ________ to the beach in summer? (go)

6. Frank _____________ exhausted after exercising. (be)

7. My father _____________ golf. He prefers tennis. (not play)

8. Lara’s mother ______________ a cake for her birthday. (buy)

9. My grandmother _____________ jogging in the morning. (go)

10. Tom ________________ very tired at the end of the day. (be)

11. __________ Paul _________________ impatient when he has

to wait? (get)

12. Tom is not good at playing tennis. He __________________ a

match. (win)

Bài tập 4. Fill in the blanks with the verb in the present simple and the adverb of frequency in the right place.

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Compiled by Nguyễn Viết Tý
Bài tập 5. Complete the sentences using a suitable verb from the list in the Present Simple to describe what
these people do.

1. Paul __________ maths at a Secondary

2. Lisa __________ her lessons every afternoon.
3. Paul is a cook. He ___________ lots of food in
a restaurant.
4. Lisa is a secretary. She __________ the
phone a lot of times every day.
5. Nadia is a housewife. On Wednesdays and
Saturdays she _________ the ironing.
6. Peter is a coach driver. He __________ the
bus from 9 to 5 every day.
7. Alan is a computer technician. He __________
lots of computers.
8. Helen is an air hostess. She ___________ on
planes form Fridays to Saturdays.
9. Bob is a businessman. He often ___________
the newspaper.
10. Ben is a salesman. He ___________ electrical
11. Judy is a babysitter. She ___________ after
children when their parents go out.
12. Sheila is a waitress. She ___________ food
and drinks in a café.
13. Sarah is a politician. She often
_____________to the people who attend her
political party meetings.
14. Susan is a journalist. She usually
_____________ famous people.
15. Sue is a model. She always ____________
fashionable clothes.
16. Luke _________ at a car wash. He
____________ a lot of cars every day.
17. Henry is a fireman. He ____________ out
18. Paul is an architect. He _____________ the
plans of buildings.

Bài tập 6. Translate into English

1. Mary thường đi xem phim vào các chiều thứ bảy.
2. Bạn có thấy gì không?
3. Tom không thích âm nhạc.
4. Tôi sẽ đi chuyến tàu 20 giờ tối nay.
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Compiled by Nguyễn Viết Tý
5. Con ong làm mật
Bài tập 7. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the past simple of one of the verbs in the list.

Get, start, delete, meet, show, escape, win, finish,

visit, be, take, clap, buy, go, fall, become, tell,
find, jump, press, see, try, shout
1. Tom and Jim …….……… two tickets to visit the museum.
2. Lisa………………...… Alan how to download music from the
3. Everybody……………………… when he …………………the
4. They…………………angry and…………………at each other.
5. It……………………… to rain when they were walking home
from school.
6. They ……………… best friends when they ………….……at
7. The kids………………for joy when their parents
…………… them they were going to the zoo.
8. Bob……………………… a job as a newspaper delivery boy
during the summer.
9. When I………………………Dave he was cutting the grass.
10. Ben………………………….… a photo of a squirrel when he
……………………… camping last weekend.
11. Dan………………to catch a frog but it ………………………
in the end.
12. Laura………………………a lot of money on a TV contest.
13. Jim ……………………… very tired and………………………
asleep in the middle of a lesson.
14. The children………………..……… their grandmother last
Sunday morning.
15. The baby……………………… a key and ………………………
a very
Bài tập important
8. Write document.
the verbs in brackets into the affirmative or negative form of the past simple tense.
1. They …………………the film because it …………… too violent. (like / be)
2. They ………………… into the café but ……………… anything. (go / drink)
3. As soon as Lisa …………… the fire she …………the firemen. (see/ phone)
4. Bill………………… his homework and the teacher ………………… very angry. (do / get)
5. There………………… some vegetables in the kitchen but there ………………… any fruit. (be)
6. Tom and Ted……………… me any postcards when they …………………to London on holiday. (send / go)
7. George couldn’t go to the party because his parents ………………… him permission. (give)
8. Margaret………………… school at the age of 16 and ……………a job as a shop assistant. (leave / find)
9. Paul ………………… the bus and ………………… late at the office. (miss / arrive)
10. She …………… the dress because it ……………too expensive. (buy / be)
11. Alan………………… his leg when he………………… down the stairs. (break / fall )
12. She ………………… up late because her alarm bell ………………… . (get / ring)
Bài tập 9. Transform the following statements as indicated. x (negative) ? (interrogative)
1. Martha married Tom one year ago. (x) 5. She lost her wallet on her way home. (x)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
2. She waited for me for over ten minutes. (?) 6. Her friend phoned her early in the morning. (?)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
3. They lent him ten pounds to buy the ticket. (x) 7. There were ten people waiting for the doctor. (x)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
4. My mother did the shopping yesterday. (?) 8. The cat caught the mouse quickly. (?)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………

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9. She won the competition three times. (x) 12. My parents brought me a present from Paris. (?)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
10. The employees went on strike last week. (?) 13. Lisa caught a cold two weeks ago. (x)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
11. Anna spent the whole afternoon in the library. (x) 14. Dave had a car accident last month. (?)
…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………

Bài tập 10. Make questions. Ask about the underlined words. Use the appropriate question word.
1. The man received an important letter a week ago. 7. Sheila had a shower in the morning.
………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
2. Susan made a cake for her mum’s birthday. 8. My teacher got angry with me because I was late.
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
3. They received a letter from their friends. 9. My father worked in the office last weekend.
………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
4. She didn’t lend me her dictionary. 10. We went to Madrid by train.
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
5. The child waited for her mum after school. 11. The police caught the thief in Rome.
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
6. I phone my girlfriend two days ago. 12. Ted looked after his sister on Sunday.
………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
Bài tập 11. Read the following sentences and spot the mistakes. Then write them again in good English.
1. They not liked the film very much. …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… 7. They taked the bus to go to the town centre.
2. Susan meet her friends last Saturday. …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… 8. He were surprised when he did see her there
3. Did lose Robert his backpack? …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… 9. Did mum lent you money to buy the dress?
4. She didn’t stayed at home at the weekend. …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… 10. What the weather was like during your holidays?
5. Her parents not let her go to the party. …………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… 11. She not phone me yesterday night.
6. She didn’t be at the office yesterday. She was ill. ………………………………………………………………

I. Sounds and stress:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. simple B. little C. dimple D. sweet
2. A. defeat B. unleaded C. believe D. leader
3. A. monkey B. donkey C. grey D. key
4. A. creature B. creamy C. creative D. crease
5. A. meeting B. receive C. feature D. deafen
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others:
6. A. routine B. office C. technology D. biology
7. A. history B. education C. literature D. chemistry
8. A. passenger B. peasant C. quarter D. tobacco
9. A. buffalo B. neighbour C. happily D. occupation
10. A. arrive B. another C. fellow D. contented
II. Vocabulary & Grammar:
11.I will see him when he _______ here tomorrow.
A. comes B. will come C. has come D. had come
12. The boys broke a window when they ________ football.
A. played B. were playing C. had played D.are playing
13. What _______ to you yesterday ?
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A. happened B. did happen C. had happen D. has happened
14. I ________ about him when suddenly he came in.
A. talk B. talked C. am talking D.was talking
15. Please don’t touch anything before ________.
A. the police will come B. the police comes
C. the police come D. the police would come
16. She used to ________ her living by delivering vegetables to local hotels.
A. earn B. gain C. get D. win
17. “When _______?” - “In 1928”.
A. penicillin was discovered B. was penicillin discovered
C. did penicillin discovered D. did penicillin discover
18. Nobody knows what the _______ of the explosion was.
A. source B. cause C. reaction D. reason
19. The newspaper report contained _____ important information.
A. many B. another C. an D. a lot of
20. Don’t make noise. My mother _______ with her friends.
A. is talking B. was talking C. talks D. talked
21. My sister has a baby daughter yesterday, and she is my first ________.
A. nephew B. cousin C. niece D. relation
22. _______ the teacher gave me a passing grade.
A. After taking the test B. After I take the test
C. After I took the test D. After I taken the test
23. The traffic lights _______ to green and the cars drove on.
A. exchanged B. turned C. removed D. shone
24. It’s at least a month since _______ Tom.
A. I last seen B. I last see C. I have last seen D. I last saw
25. We’ll play tennis and _______ we’ll have lunch.
A. then B. straight away C. immediately D. so
26. Not until darkness fell _______ he hadn’t done half of his work.
A. that he realized B. did he realize
C. that he didn’t realize D. didn’t he realize
27. Take the number 7 bus and get _______ at Forest Road.
A. up B. down C. outside D. off
28. I _______ her since I _______ a student.
A. know/am B. knew/was C. have known/am D.have known/was
29. The policeman _______ me the way.
A. told B. said C. explained D. directed
30. He _______ his job last month and since then he _______ out of work.
A. has lost/is B. had lost/was C. lost/has been D. lost/had been
31. My mother was _______ of making a cake when the front door bell rang.
A. at the center B. on her way C. in the middle D. halfway through
32. Yesterday, when I _______ at the station, the train _______ for 15 minutes.
A. arrived/had left B. arrive/has left C. arrived/left D.had arrived/left
33. Is there a bank where I can _______ these pounds for dollars ?
A. exchange B. turn C. alter D. arrange
34. _______ with the book I lent you last week ?
A. Had you finished B. Have you finished
C. Do you finish D. Did you finish
35. _______ from Bill, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
36. People _______ English and French in Canada.
A. speak B. have spoken C. had spoken D. are speaking
37. When I got to the hospital, she _______ in the waiting room.
A. sat B. had sat C. was sitting D. has sitting
38. The light _______ out while we were having tea.
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A. was going B. went C. had gone D. has gone
39. When the starter gave the _______ all the competitors in the race began to run round
the track.
A. signal B. warning C. shot D. show
40. I saw a thief take Norman’s wallet so I ran _______ him, but I didn’t catch him.
A. into B. after C. over D. near

V. Error Identification: Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect:

41. We always go to school by foot because we don’t live far from it.
42. Before going to bed. Mrs. Tuyet usually read something or watches some programs
on television.
43. It’s ten years since we have left school in 1996.
44. Everybody danced and sang happy at the party last night.
45. I was working really hard in my office yesterday when the electricity is out.
46. I like classical music very much so I rarely listen to it whenever I have free time.
47. History lessons seems to go on and on to me because I never feel like this subject.
48. I can’t remember the name of the girl who sitting next to me at the party last weekend.
49. She usually has a glass of milk after breakfast, but now she drinks a cup of coffee.
50. People say that during World War II, many women take over the businesses for their
absent husbands.
Questions 1-5: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the rest in each group by circling A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the answer
1. A. heat B. scream C. meat D. dead
2. A. tease B. beat C. break D. lead
3. A. meet B. freeze C. bee D. green
4. A. hit B. bit C. minute D. like
5. A. miss B. little C. child D. listen
Questions 6-20: These are incomplete sentences. Circle A, B, C or D as your best
choice to complete each sentence. Mark your choice on the answer sheet.
6. Lan ____has English on Monday and Friday.
A. usual B. frequent C. usually D. normal
7. What do you often do after__?
A. classes B. classroom C. schools D. hours
8. Bill speaks three__________.
A. tongues B. speeches C. languages D. dialect
9. In the afternoon we go to work
A. again B. more C. hardly D. once
10. After dinner we watch TV___ go to bed at 10.30.

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A. and B. but C. or D. before
11. Jim sometimes ______at midnight.
A. wake B. woke C. wakes up D. woke up
12. He missed the bus because the alarm clock did not
A. go off B. rings C. went off D. rang
13._____I get up, I usually have a bath.
A. Before B. After C. When D. During
14. He failed the exams _________his laziness.
A. though B. although C. because D. because of
15. How many lessons do you ______at school a day?
A. read B. watch C. have D. see
6. What do you usually____________?
A. do after school B. do after lesson
C. do with lessons D. plays after school
7. Tim never chats ________the lesson.
A while B. when C. during D. within
8. John is not a farmer so he never____________.
A do the transplanting B. do transplanting
C. does the transplanting D. did transplanting
9. It often _______me half an hour to clean the kitchen.
A take B. takes C. took D. taking
10. When they saw the fire they__________.
A screamed in danger B. scream on panic
C. screamed in panic D. screaming in panic
Questions 21-40: These are incomplete sentences. Circle A, B, C or your best choice
to complete each sentence. Mark your choice on answer sheet.
21. John often goes to bed early and _____up late.
A. gets B. get C. got D. to get
22. They sometimes come ______their neighbours in the evening.
A see B. sees C. seeing D. to see
23. He often has breakfast _____7.30 in the morning.
A on B. in C. with D. at
24. He lives ______17 George street in London.
A. on B. in C. at D. inside
25. After lunch I usually take _____short rest.
A. a B. the C. an D. 0
26. I ______to school late because the clock didn't go off.
A. go B. went C. had gone D. woke up
27. It often takes me twenty minutes ______ready.
A. getting B. to get C. get D. gets
28. During the break I often drink tea_____. my friends.
A. from B. for C. to D. with
29. What time do you ______maths on Thursday?
A. take B. has C. have D. takes
30. _____lessons does Ba have everyday?
A. How much B. How many C. What kind D. What kinds
31. We _____five lessons yesterday.
A. have B. had C. has D. has got
32. He stayed up late last night and _____get up early.
A. couldn't B. can't C. has to D. had to
33. They usually spend two hours _____TV after dinner.
A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watches
34. They often play ball games with their friends _______the lessons.
A. after B. on C. when D. while
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35. Mr.Vy is a farmer and he is very good at_______.
A. ploughed B. ploughs C. to plough D. ploughing
36. Old farmers did not ______work with computers.
A. used to B. use to C. use D. have used
37. In the past, farmers mainly ploughed ____a buffalo.
A. with B. for C. by D. along
38. Although they have to work hard in the field, they still__________.
A. live very happily B. live happy
C. will live happy D. will live happily
39. Quang is very good at maths but_______, at literature.
A. is hopeful B. is hopeless C. is hoped D. is hoping
40. We often ______informatics lesson on Friday.
A. do B. read C. have D. write
Questions 41-50: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling
the corresponding letter (A, B, C, D) of the correct answers. Mark your choice on the
answer sheet.
In England boys and girls go to school five days a week. They don't go to school on Saturdays
and Sundays. Lessons usually begin at nine o'clock. Each lesson lasts forty five minutes. At
fifteen past eleven they have a quarter of an hour's break in which they drink milk. Some
pupils eat sandwiches or biscuits which they bring from home. Then they have two lessons
more. After that they have a lunch break. Some pupils go home for lunch, but many have it at
school. At two o'clock school begins again. These are two more lessons. For the next forty
minutes they do some of their homeworks or have a club meeting or play games like football.
They go home at about four thirty in the afternoon.
41. Which days do they go to school?
A. From Monday to Thursday B. From Friday to Saturday
C. From Monday to Sunday D. From Monday to Friday
42. How long do they have a short rest?
A. 15 minutes B. 25 minutes C. 30 minutes D. 45 minutes
43. How many lessons do they have in the morning?
A .2 B.3 C. 4 D. 5
44. What time do they have lunch?
A. at 11.45 B. at 12.00 C. at 1.00 D. at 1.30
45. Where do they have lunch?
A. at home B. in restaurants C. at school D. in cafes
46. What time do school start in the afternoon?
A. at 1.30 B. at 1.45 C. at 2.00 D. at
47. How many lessons do they have in the afternoon?
A. four B. three C. one D. two
48. What don't they often do at school from 3.30 to 4.15 in the afternoon?
A. do homework B. have a club meeting
C. play games like football D. watch TV
49. What time do they go home?
A. at 4.00 B. at 4.15 C. at 4.20 D. at 4.30
50. What does the word "they" in the last sentence mean?
A. school girls B. school teachers C. students D. school boys and girls
Questions 51-60: Read the following dialogue carefully and thenchoose the best
option to fit each space by circling the letter A, B, C, or D.
Daniel: How do you spend your day, Helen?
Helen: Well, on weekdays I get (51) ______around ten. At ten fifteen I read the paper for
an hour and (52)_____have lunch at twelve.
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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Compiled by Nguyễn Viết Tý
Daniel: Really? What time (53) ______you go to work?
Helen: I go to work (54) ______three.
Daniel: And what time do you (55)___ home at night?
Helen: I get home very late, (56)____midnight and go to bed at one (57).
Daniel: So, what (58)______ you do exactly?
Helen: I’m a TV announcer. Don't you recognise me? I (59). weather report on KNTV.
Daniel: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't (60)_______TV.
51. A. up B. on C. at D. off
52. A. before B. then C. after D. next
53. A. did B. does C. do D. can
54. A. at B. on C. in D. into
55. A. got B. get C. gets D. getting
56. A. down B. on C. in D. around
57. A. o'clock B. hour C. clock D. clocks
58. A. will B. could C. do D. would
59. A. say B. give C. speak D. talk
60. A. attend B. observe C. see D. watch

Questions 61-65: After each sentence from 41 to 45, there are four sentences
marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the
original one hy circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the
answer sheet.
61. They work with the computer six days a week.
A. They usually work with the computer on weekdays.
B. They usually work with the computer at weekdays.
C. They usually work with computer at weekdays.
D. They usually work with the computer at weekday.
62. We usually have English lessons every Monday and Thursday.
A. We usually have English lesson twice a week.
B. We usually have English lesson twice week.
C. We usually have English lessons twice a week.
D. We usually have English lesson once a week.
63. Although they have to work hard, they love their job.
A. They love their job even though they have to work hard.
B. They love their job unless they have to work hard.
C. They love their job because they have to work hard.
D. They love their job when they have to work hard.
64. Bill usually has dinner at home with his family on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. Bill usually has dinner at home with his family on weekend.
B. Bill usually has dinner at home with his family in weekends.
C. Bill usually has dinner at home with his family in weekend.
D. Bill usually has dinner at home with his family at weekends.
65. After he gets up, he enjoys having a bath.
A. He likes having a bath after he gets up.
B. He likes having a bath before he gets up.
C. He likes having a bath while he gets up.
D. He likes having bath after he gets up.
Questions 66-70: The words in italic below are cues to make sentences. Choose the
correct option by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on
the answer sheet.
66. What / they / often / do / morning ?

Email: vietyini@gmail.com 11
Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 Compiled by Nguyễn Viết Tý
A. What do they often do in the morning?
B. What do they often in the morning?
C. What do they often doing in the morning?
D. What do they often do in morning?
67. We / speak / usually / English / teacher / friends / school.
A. We usually speak English with teacher and friends at school.
B. We usually speak English with our teacher and friends at school.
C. We usually speak English with our teacher, friends at school.
D. We usually speak English our teacher and friends at school.
68. Her husband / often / pump / water / plot / land / after / finish / plough / it .
A. Her husband often pumps water their plot of land after he finishes ploughing it.
B. Her husband often pumps water into their plot of land after he finishes ploughing it.
C. Her husband often pumps water into their plot land after he finishes ploughing.
D. Her husband often pump water into their plot of land after he finish ploughing it.
69. They / never / go / school / Sundays.
A. They never go to school on Sundays.
B. They never go to school at Sundays.
C. They never go to school in Sundays.
D. They never go to schools on Sundays.
70. They / always / have / chemistry / Tuesday / Friday I mornings /.
A. They always have chemistry with Tuesday and Friday mornings.
B. They always have chemistry in Tuesday and Friday mornings.
C. They always have chemistry at Tuesday and Friday mornings.
D. They always have chemistry on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
Questions 71-80: In these sentences, each one has four underlined words or phrases
marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your answer in the
answer sheet.
71. Many ethnic children doesn't know how to read and write.
72. They often have bath after they get up in the morning.
73. We usually have English lesson twice a week.
74. They never have breakfast before have a bath.
75. When he came, we were having dinners.
76. She likes her job but does not like wear uniforms.
77. She has breakfast at 8.30, then she go to work immediately.
78. They speak English well because they practise speak it everyday.
79. Although they are not young, they work very hardly.
80. I do not know what time does she gets up every morning.

------------Good luck!------------

Email: vietyini@gmail.com 12

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