Research Report For The Week of (12/06-12/13)

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Research Report for the Week of (12/06-12/13)

Riasat Azim
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH 43606
December 13, 2016

1 Overall Research Goal
Due to the limited stages in time marching of MacCormack scheme- the high
order accuracy can not be obtained.So in this research, it is tried to use the
strength of MacCormack scheme-the inherent dissipation-combining with the
RK 2N storage time marching method with many stages for higher order of

2 Current Research Direction

To achieve the goal,2 stage RK 2N time marching method is modified us-
ing the strength of the MacCormack scheme- the inherent dissipation- with
forward differencing in the first stage and backward differencing in the last
stage.The result shows accuracy up to 2nd order.It inspires to obtain a modi-
fied RK 2N storage time marching method with many stages for higher order
of accuracy.

3 Research performed this week

In this week, the fortran code for the coefficient of RK 56 in 2N storage
is modified with the MacCormack scheme and run for for finding the coef-
ficients. The dissipation rate and phase error are studied with respect to
numerical frequency multiplied to time interval.The phase error calculated is
actually a relative phase error and for RK3 it is leading the exact solution.
The benchmark problem 1 of CAA workshop is checked for performance of
RK3 2N scheme with DRP and 6th order spatial central differencing scheme.

4 Issues and Concerns

The accuracy limit obtained from the phase error graph of RK3 is around
0.48. So the t taken for the time marching is calculated from the accuracy
limit and any value of t should not change the accuracy of the solution.
But we are observing a deviation.

5 Planned Research
In the next week, finding the coefficients of RK56 2N storage with and with-
out MacCoramck Constraint for a residual of 1012 is the prime concern of
this week.From the accuracy limit of classical RK4 , the t will be calculated
and the solution of benchmark problem will be checked for any value of t
below that of accuracy limit of RK4.

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