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Final tests for CS-2 GM 2nd course

?During the orientation phase of the doctor:

-watching non-verbal behavior of the patient
-is the plan of inspection
-is the treatment plan
-differential diagnosis
-renders a clinical diagnosis

<question1>. Adaptation of the patient to the hospital lasts about:

-2 days
-1 day
-5 days
-10 days
-15 days

?The medical interview phase is missing:


?Why during the interview using closed questions?

-for specific information
-in-depth, detailed answer
-symptom assessment
-evaluation of the patient's subjective feelings
-motivation of the patient to the survey

?Which of the questions are open:

-What difficulties manifest your breath?"
-How old are you?"
-Can you come on Monday?"
-Headaches bothered today?"
-you take for pain in the heart of nitroglycerin?"

<question1>. The first stage of the model Rubler Ross:

<question1>. The second stage of the reaction the terminally ill at the approaching death:

<question1>. The third stage of the reaction the terminally ill at the approaching death:

<question1>. The fourth stage of the reaction the terminally ill at the approaching death:

<question1>. The fifth stage model Rubler Ross:


?At this stage the model Rubler Ross patients tend to like to defer the verdict of fate:

?At this stage the model Rubler Ross humility understood as a willingness to face death calmly:

<question3>. The husband of the woman diagnosed with cancer with a pessimistic prognosis,
"maybe two or three weeks, take heart!" - The doctor told her in a private conversation. After the
examination, the wife was discharged home with supportive symptomatic therapy. She grows
cachexia, she eats almost nothing, resides within the bed. Husband says on the phone to a friend:
"Well, it is now more and more lies must be tired in the hospital - there is so much any
unnecessary examinations were. A rest for a week, then we'll get up to walk together will,
shopping are like." What type of reaction to the impending death according to the model
demonstrates RublerRoss husband patient?

<question3>. Young doctor communicates with the first who came to the reception of patients
who started complain about their disease. The doctor sits with his arms crossed ("posture of
Napoleon"), crossed legs (legs crossed); hands in his pockets, hidden behind his back; housing
body and head, deployed away from the partner; opinion, directed at the floor, the window into
the history of the disease. Signs of a posture demonstrates the doctor?
-closed posture
-symmetrical posture
-natural posture
-unnatural postures
-asymmetrical posture

<question3>. Doctor with little experience communicating with first came to the reception of
patients who started complain about their disease. The doctor sits with his arms crossed ("posture
of Napoleon"), crossed legs (legs crossed); hands in his pockets, hidden behind his back; housing
body and head, deployed away from the partner; opinion, directed at the floor, the window into
the history of the disease. Signs of a posture demonstrates the doctor?
-closed posture
-symmetrical posture
-natural posture
-unnatural postures
-asymmetrical posture

<question3> Referring model Kubler-Ross, the primary response to impending death is:

?According to Kubler-Ross model of late response to impending death is:


<question1>. For a reaction to the impending death of the patient is characterized by a desire to
see a non-existent chance

?For a reaction to the perception of impending death is characterized by ill inevitability of their

?For a reaction to the impending death characteristic is the question "Why did this happen to

<question1>. The exact meaning of the term "euthanasia":

-mercy killing
-reprehensible form of murder

<question1>. Death due to use of opiates or other analgesics in large doses called
-incomplete euthanasia
-full euthanasia
-active euthanasia
-passive euthanasia
-forced suicide

<question1>. Death as a result of the suspension or cancellation of medicines, potentially life-

prolonging called
-passive euthanasia
-full euthanasia
-incomplete euthanasia
-active euthanasia
-forced suicide

?Doctor on consultation with the patient and her relatives canceled drugs, potentially prolonging
the life of the patient. This is called:
-passive euthanasia
-full euthanasia
-incomplete euthanasia
-active euthanasia
-forced suicide
<question1>. The deliberate promotion of a man in the act of end of life he called a clear
-forced suicide
-full euthanasia
-incomplete euthanasia
-active euthanasia
-passive euthanasia

?Middle-aged man, with a view to taking possession of the apartment in the act of intentionally
facilitated the end of life of his grandmother in her clear requirements. This is called:
-forced suicide
-full euthanasia
-incomplete euthanasia
-active euthanasia
-passive euthanasia

?The patient was in a state of long-term psychological depression. She requested euthanasia in
the Dutch federation of voluntary euthanasia. Can a doctor appoint her lethal (deadly) dose of
-can not, as the disease is not incurable
-may, if the patient is examined by an independent expert
-can, as the patient continues, unbearable and incurable suffering
-may, as a requirement of the death was made voluntarily
-may be because the patient is of sound mind

?In which country decriminalized voluntary euthanasia

-The Netherlands
-United States

?Under any term in medical practice is commonly understood as an adverse outcome of medical
interventions associated with the random circumstances that the doctor could not foresee and
-medical error
-medical crime
-medical negligence
-punishable omission

?Identifying the factors do not affect the formation of compliance:

-relating to the place of medical care
-associated with the patient
-associated with a therapeutic model
-knitted with the organization of health care
-related to the socio-economic conditions
?His physician administered to a patient the drug in a too high dosage. The nurse began to doubt
the correctness of the appointment. It should:
-delicately express doubt doctor
-express doubt patient
-complain Department Head at the incompetence of the doctor
-not perform doctor's appointment
-to execute the mission without wrangling

<question1>. Compliance it is:

-consent compliance
-refuse treatment
-choice of doctor

<question1>. Term that refers to "consent, acquiescence"


<question1>. What is the psychological reaction is not present in the model


?At what stage of the model Rubler Ross appears humility and a willingness to face death

<question1>. Groups of factors that do not affect the formation of compliance:

-relating to the place of medical care
-associated with the patient
-associated with a therapeutic model
-knitted with the organization of health care
-related to the socio-economic conditions

?By iatrogenic disease include:

-due to careless actions or statements of medical workers
-caused by harmful factors of production
-with a poor prognosis
-hereditary origin
<question1>. In the model, Kubler-Ross is not present psychological reaction:

<question1>. Psevdoyatrogeniya is the case:

-formal attitude of doctors to patients
-indifferent attitude of doctors to patients
-rough ratio of doctors to patients
-avoidance of contact with the patient
-incorrect understanding and interpretation of the patients according to doctors

<question1>. Determine which of the following expressions, facing the patient belongs to a
qualified psihodiagnosta:
-Who said that it is correct?"
-Could you tell us about some when you feel this way?"
-I do not like that you can not look me in the eye"
-You do not understand my question!"
-You have to look me in the eye!"

<question1>. Cause of the disease on the interpretation of the Old Testament are:
-devilish spirit
-coordination disorder spiritual and material nature

<question3>. Disorders and mental changes resulting from the negative impact on human words
and actions of the doctor:

<question3>. The doctor asked the patient to his office, seated on a chair, offered to hang the bag
on the back of a chair, sit back and offered began asking questions about the passport data, and
then asked about the purpose of the visit and listen to the patient within 5 minutes. Which phase
of the medical interview relates this episode?
-contact phase
-orientation phase
-phase non-judgmental listening
-phase of active listening
-phase argument

<question3>. During the orientation phase of the doctor:

-formulate diagnostic hypothesis
-watching non-verbal behavior of the patient
-collects information about the patient
-appoints survey

?What is the name of the disease stage experience, where the patient is isolated from the work,
and often from families with hospitalization. He has no confidence in the nature and prognosis of
their disease, and it is full of doubts and anxieties?
-phase adaptation disease
-phase of compensatory mechanisms
-phase "capitulation"
-phase breaking the stereotype of life
-predmeditsinskaya phase

?What is the name of the disease stage experience, where the patient is reduced napryazhennost
and anxiety, because acute symptoms gradually decrease, the patient is already adapted to the
fact of the disease?
-predmeditsinskaya phase
-phase of life breaking stereotypes
-phase "capitulation"
-phase adaptation disease
-phase of compensatory mechanisms

?Set of mental and somatic disorders caused by the desire of the individual long stay in the
hospital inpatient in isolation from loved ones and homes:
-syndrome hospitalism
-rigid catalepsy
-reactive depression

?What is the name of the disease stage experience, which is reconciled with the fate of the
patient, not making active efforts to seek "new" treatments. He becomes indifferent or negative
-predmeditsinskaya phase
-phase "capitulation"
-phase adaptation disease
-phase of compensatory mechanisms
-phase breaking the stereotype of life

?What is the name of the disease stage experience, where the patient prisposab-Lebanon to life, it
is present setup to receive any financial or other benefits from the disease?
-phase adaptation disease
-phase "capitulation"
-phase of compensatory mechanisms
-predmeditsinskaya phase
-phase of life breaking stereotypes

<question1>. The first impression of the patient's physician:

-formed in the first 18 seconds of acquaintance
-is formed during the first meeting of doctor and patient
-develops gradually as they get to know each other
-is unstable and quickly corrected under the influence of other impressions
-is constantly changing

<question1>. The doctor met her patsientom between them is established psychological
contact, skladyvaetsya first impression of each other, formed the preconditions for
posleduyuschego interpersonal interaction - is:
-contact phase
-orientation phase
-phase non-judgmental listening
-phase of active listening
-phase argument

<question1>. Provide emotional support to the patient, to inspire hope for a quick and successful
outcome of events in the physician should phase
-bezotsenochnoe hearing
-assessment hearings
-active listening

?When the conversation diagnostic doctor likely acts as

-doctor listener
-dominant doctor
-doctor altruist

<question1>. Contact a physician with the patient begins with the role:
-doctor listener
-dominant doctor
-doctor altruist

<question3>. Requirement for confidentiality of patient confidentiality are taken:

-at the request of the judiciary
-under the threat of spread of infectious diseases
-at the discretion of the physician
-with the consent of the patient
-with unconscious patient

<question3>. In which case, removed the requirements for confidentiality of patient

-at the request of the judiciary
-under the threat of spread of infectious diseases
-at the discretion of the physician
-with the consent of the patient
-with unconscious patient

<question1>. Wrong choice of drugs, their doses, complications arising from the late doctor
identified predisposing the patient to certain toxic (drug) substances introduced into the body of
the patient unnecessary for the treatment of drug - is:
-drug yatropatiya
-traumatic yatropatiya
-Infectious yatropatiya
-organizational yatropatiya
-intoxication yatropatiya

<question1>. Adverse effects after applying serums and vaccines (vaccinal encephalitis and
other complications arising due to the fault of the doctor), as well as all the medical and
epidemiological regime violations, which entail the occurrence of the disease - is:
-Infectious yatropatiya
-traumatic yatropatiya
-intoxication yatropatiya
-organizational yatropatiya
-drug yatropatiya

<question1>. The consequences of improper organization of examination, treatment and patient

care - is:
-organizational yatropatiya
-traumatic yatropatiya
-intoxication yatropatiya
-Infectious yatropatiya
-drug yatropatiya

<question3>. Patient K., 19, suffers from a chronic inflammatory disease of the kidneys. Despite
the advice of a doctor wears easily, in connection with what is often cold. Often debt autumn and
winter is outdoors, says - "I am young and my body strong, to cope with inflammation." Such a
personal reaction to the disease is called:
-anxiety - depressive

<question2> Men, 19, suffers from a chronic inflammatory disease of the kidneys. Despite the
advice of a doctor wears easily, in connection with what is often cold. Often debt autumn and
winter is outdoors, says - "I am young and my body strong, to cope with inflammation." Such
a personal reaction to the disease is called:
-anxiety - depressive
?The reaction of the patient to the disease, which manifests constant dejected, disbelief in
recovery, expressed depressed mood, suicidal thoughts until called:
-alarmingly -depressivnoy

?Patient N., 67 years old, suffered acute ischemic stroke with the development of paresis in the
left extremities. Upon learning that the treatment will be long, upset, turned in on itself, said
his mother that "her life was over," ceased to communicate with friends. Such a reaction to a
disease called:
-alarmingly depressivnoy

<question3>. Men, 67 years old, suffered acute ischemic stroke with the development of paresis
in the left extremities. Upon learning that the treatment will be long, upset, turned in on itself,
said his mother that "her life was over," ceased to communicate with friends. Such a reaction
to a disease called:
-alarmingly -depressivnoy

<question1>. Type of reaction to a disease in which the patient refuses to accept the disease,
refuses examination and treatment is called:

<question3>. A man smokes for 32 years, recently it started to bother dyspnea sometimes to
asthma attacks. At the request of his wife surveyed said that all around smoke and all smokers
have shortness of breath, nothing wrong with that. Such a reaction to a disease called:

<question3>. Type of personal reaction to the disease, which manifests the conviction that the
disease is the result of malice, suspicion of prescription drugs is called:

<question3>. Patient B., 76 years old, fell ill with pneumonia, according to the patient's fault but
his wife, who is 17 years younger than him and with whom he lived in '31 "side by side". "It
is specifically in the apartment opens air vents to kill me, she wants to get after my death my
apartment and live there with her lover," says the patient. Such a personal reaction to the
disease is called:

<question1>. The ratio of the patient to the disease called:

-internal picture of illness

<question3>. Deliberate concealment of existing patient disturbances and disorders is called:

-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. Patient S., aged 65, suffers from coronary heart disease, lies in the somatic
hospital. Tells a neighbor in the ward that does not sleep at night because of the pain in my
heart, but yesterday came to visit her granddaughter and she really wanted to spend time with
her, because have not seen her for a long time. On the bypass patient tells the doctor - "all is
well, boey in the heart of the tension, time to go home." Such a reaction to a disease called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. Men S., aged 65, suffers from coronary heart disease, lies in the somatic hospital.
Tells a neighbor in the ward that does not sleep at night because of the pain in my heart, but
yesterday came to visit her granddaughter and she really wanted to spend time with her,
because have not seen her for a long time. On the bypass patient tells the doctor - "all is well,
boey in the heart of the tension, time to go home." Such a reaction to a disease called:
-demonstrative behavior
<question3>. Deliberate exaggeration and demonstration of signs or manifestations of having
actually a disorder or disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question3> Patient G., 38, is being treated in the medical ward with asthma. From history we
know that the patient is abusing alcohol, homeless. Complains doctor that he had every night
growing shortness of breath, because he can not sleep, though roommate heard that he snored
all night and woke up in the morning only to crawl, was cheerful and anything not complain.
Such an attitude towards the disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question3> Men., 38, is being treated in the medical ward with asthma. From history we know
that the patient is abusing alcohol, homeless. Complains doctor that he had every night
growing shortness of breath, because he can not sleep, though roommate heard that he snored
all night and woke up in the morning only to crawl, was cheerful and anything not complain.
Such an attitude towards the disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. Type of personal reaction to the disease, characterized by denial of the patient
available to it, the disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. Targeted demonstrative staging defunct manifestations of the disease the patient is
-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. The young man shared with a friend that wants to portray an epileptic seizure -
"then I will not be called into the army." Such an attitude towards the disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

?In a conversation with a patient you notice he accelerated it. Most likely your patient:

<question1>. Aggravation is:

-exaggeration of symptoms;
-image conscious no symptoms of the disease;
-understatement symptoms;
-unawareness of symptoms.

?Two friends talking in the room, discussing the upcoming fishing. They probably use distance
-from 0.4 to 1.5 m
-0 from 0 to 4 m
-from 1.5 to 3.4 m
-over 4 m
-more than 6 m

?The doctor speaks with relatives of the patient, discussing the chosen treatment. Probably, the
distance of communication is:
-1.5 to 3-4m
-0 from 0 to 4 m
-0.4 m to 1.5 m
-over 4m
-over 6m

?The lecturer gave a lecture to an audience of 125 people. Probably, the distance of
communication is:
-over 4m
-0 from 0 to 4 m
-0.4 m to 1.5 m
-1.5 to 3 -4m
-over 6m

?Doctor, sympathizing young man with a fractured cervical spine and paresis of all extremities,
stroking his arm. Trying to find out in detail how much it hurts the fracture site and the
possible amount of active movements of the limbs in order to properly and fairly assign the
amount of treatment. This shows ownership:

<question1>. Type of personal reaction to the disease, which manifests continuous anxiety, fear
of possible complications and doubts about the effectiveness of treatment is called:

<question3>. Patient S., 82 years old, suffers from hypertension and constantly calls to his
doctor's house, even after blood pressure normalized, and the headache was gone and the
noise in my head. She is afraid - whether she had a stroke several times a day calling the
family doctor, does not sleep, does not eat. Such a personal reaction to the disease:

<question3>. Men S., 82 years old, suffers from hypertension and constantly calls to his doctor's
house, even after blood pressure normalized, and the headache was gone and the noise in my
head. She is afraid - whether she had a stroke several times a day calling the family doctor,
does not sleep, does not eat. Such a personal reaction to the disease:

<questio3>. Personal reaction to a disease characterized by concentration on subjective painful

experiences, seeking out non-existent diseases are:
-Hypochondria illness
-dysphoric reactions to disease
-obsessive-phobic reactions to disease
-paranoid reactions to disease
-ergopathic response to disease

?Doctor when dealing with a patient prefers imperious, authoritarian model of relations with the
fixed structure and rigid distribution of roles. "Im a doctor and treat my business, and You- a
patient and listen to your case" - a model:
-leadership, partnership;
-model contract.

?Communication of the seller and the buyer in the shop is called:

-formal role-playing:
-contact masks"

?Sales in the store perfume, referring to the buyers and offering help in choosing the flavor,
using the form of communication, called:
-formal role-playing:
-contact masks"

?Synonymous with "standard" (group):


<question3>. Personal reaction to a disease characterized by tantrums, especially when repeated

pain, discomfort with, the failure of the last treatment, adverse data survey - this type of

<question1>. The quality of health care worker, expressed in the ability to perceive negative
attitude of patients occurring at certain stages of treatment - is:
-sensitiveness to reject
-emotional stability

<question1>. Frivolity in relation to the disease and treatment, elevated mood, characterized by
the type of response to disease;
variant> euphoric
-anxiety - depressive

<question3>. Patient G., 22 years old suffers from chronic bronihitom. Ignores the advice of a
doctor dressed warmer during the cold season puts a light jacket, in connection with what is
often cold. Often and for long periods in connection with a trade happens outdoors, says - "I
have a strong body, my grandfather went through the war, my body cope with inflammation."
This reaction to the disease is called:
-anxiety - depressive

<question3>. Men G., 22 years old suffers from chronic bronihitom. Ignores the advice of a
doctor dressed warmer during the cold season puts a light jacket, in connection with what is
often cold. Often and for long periods in connection with a trade happens outdoors, says - "I
have a strong body, my grandfather went through the war, my body cope with inflammation."
This reaction to the disease is called:
-anxiety - depressive

<question1>. Of depressive mood, sometimes up to suicidal thoughts, persistent dejected,

disbelief in recovery. This reaction of the patient to the disease called:
-alarmingly -depressivnoy

<question3>. Patient Z., 56 years old, underwent surgical treatment of spinal tension due to a
herniated disc. Having learned the information from the doctor that the treatment can take a
long time and will not pass quickly, very upset, turned in on itself, stopped to chat with
friends, leaving his favorite activities, is not interested in the lives of their loved ones and told
them that "her life is no longer makes no sense and it is better to die"Such a reaction to a
disease called:
-alarmingly depressivnoy

<question3>. Men Z., 56 years old, underwent surgical treatment of spinal tension due to a
herniated disc. Having learned the information from the doctor that the treatment can take a
long time and will not pass quickly, very upset, turned in on itself, stopped to chat with
friends, leaving his favorite activities, is not interested in the lives of their loved ones and told
them that "her life is no longer makes no sense and it is better to die"Such a reaction to a
disease called:
-alarmingly -depressivnoy

<question3>. Full and categorical rejection of the examination and treatment of existing disease,
failure to perceive the existence of the disease is called:

?Male 69 years old, suffers from hypertension, recent blood pressure rises to 190/100 mm Hg.
Measure your blood pressure gives the hard way. At the request of his wife and children
surveyed said that the increase in blood pressure do not feel great and feels, "what's the point
to be surveyed and take medicine when I have no pain." Such a reaction to a disease called:

<question3>. Suspicion of prescribing, categorical belief that the disease is the result of
someone's intent. Such a reaction to a disease called:

?The patient, 83 years old, suffering from varicose veins of the lower limbs, with her words in
this wine only her children. "They always buy me special foods that do not eat and from
which I began to ache legs. I know they want me to die and then their life will be easier. I
disturb them! "Says the patient. Such a personal reaction to the disease is called:

?Men, 83 years old, suffering from varicose veins of the lower limbs, with her words in this wine
only her children. "They always buy me special foods that do not eat and from which I began
to ache legs. I know they want me to die and then their life will be easier. I disturb them!
"Says the patient. Such a personal reaction to the disease is called:

<question3>. Patient knowingly conceals his disease. This is called:

-demonstrative behavior

?Girl 12 years old, is being treated in the pediatric ward with a diagnosis of pneumonia. In the
evening, much coughing with sputum. Girl crawling on the doctor says - "everything is fine, I
do not cough, I need to go home." Such a reaction to a disease called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question1>. The patient exhibits manifestations defunct his illness. This is called:
-demonstrative behavior

?The student is responsible for the oral examination the examiner questions ticket. Probably, the
distance of communication is:
-1.5 to 3-4m
-0 from 0 to 4 m
-0.4 m to 1.5 m
-over 4m
-over 6m

?Cosmetologist in the beauty salon with a conversation with the client, explaining the course of
the procedure uses a form of communication, called:
-formal role-playing:
-contact masks"

<question1>. What type of attitude to the disease in the situation: that whatever was to continue
the work, effort working with even greater zeal than before the disease:

?"Olga, let me know your terms, when we express our and get off on the fact that satisfy both
parties ..." This is the type of conflict resolution:

?Accountant tells his eye doctor, who advised her to limit the time spent at the computer - "No I
have no myopia! And what may be myopia and limit computer? Nonsense, I have a job!!!
"This type of attitude to the disease:

?Is not the level of the internal picture of the disease:


<question1>. Personal reaction to a disease in which the patient, despite the severity of the
disease and suffering, trying to whatever was to continue the work, working with even greater
zeal than before the illness, this type of attitude to the disease is defined as:

<question3>. "Care in the disease" in order to attract increased attention from others, is called:

?People communicating at a meeting in a cafe classmates demonstrate:

-spiritual communion
-Business Communication
-secular communion
-formal role-based communication
-manipulative communication

<question3>. Personal reaction to a disease in which appears excessive concern about the state of
their physical health and the fear of having the disease is called:
-hypochondriacal disorder
-conversion disorder

?To solve the difficulties with payment of the bills the company's director was to attract
sponsors. This type of conflict resolution:

?"Azamat Kanadilovich, let me know your terms, when we express our and get off on the fact
that satisfy both parties ..." This is the type of conflict resolution:

?"We do not intend to change their conditions, we consider only the acceptance of our position"
This is the type of conflict resolution:

?"We have to accept their conditions as that partner for us is very valuable "This type of conflict

<question3>. To a greater degree of burnout syndrome is a consequence of:

-excessive sensibility and high commitment;
-professional incompetence;
-monotonous and repetitive work.

<question3>. The boat is wrecked. What style of leadership is preferable to use the commander
of this vessel in this situation?

<question3>. By activity "prevention" conflict does not apply?

-authoritarian style of communication
-observance of ethical relationships;
-compliance with laws;
-constantly working to improve working conditions;
-the expectations of subordinates;

<question3>. The trade-off is:

-sides attempt to resolve differences, going to mutual concessions;
-joint action with the other party, but not trying to defend their own interests in order to smooth
the atmosphere and restore normal operating conditions;
-desire to gain time to study the situation and get more information before making any decision;
-the desire to win a one-sided, to victory, satisfaction in the first place their own interests;
-finding ways to involve all participants in the conflict resolution process and the desire to meet
the needs of all.

<question3>. Specify one of the most adverse outcomes in the continuation of the conflict

<question3>. Errors head, which inevitably lead to conflict, all except:

-shut off;
-dishonest argument;
-unproductive communication;
-directive management style

?In the close-knit team, a young employee. In the first few days it felt awkward, a little talk with
the staff, embarrassed. Somewhat later, he made himself, began to feel more relaxed. Today,
he sought the advice of a member of the team: "I want to collect all the staff for lunch, a cup
of tea with a cake in honor of my employment. Can you please tell how to do it? ". What is
the quality of the categories of communication demonstrates this doctor?

?Patient B. 55 years with chronic heart disease focused on subjective painful experiences, is
engaged in a constant seeking out at non-existent diseases. Type of reaction to the disease are:
-Hypochondria illness
-dysphoric reactions to disease
-obsessive-phobic reactions to disease
-paranoid reactions to disease
-ergopathic response to disease

<question3>. Patient V., 25 years old came to the doctor complaining of feeling. Dr. interrupting
patient hurry, without giving the patient finish explaining his condition, interrupted referring
to employment, explained by the fact that in the clinic do not have enough doctors and he is
now working on a 5-sections, taking 70-80 people a day. What type of communication barrier
there in this situation?

?Patient K., aged 26, were hospitalized, many times during the day is coming to an attending
physician with a request for correction of treatment, citing the fact that he forgot to say that he
had a headache, stomach, etc. etc. What kind of a relationship to the disease in question?

<question3>. Patient N., 30 years old admitted to the hospital for the first time at the insistence
of relatives in connection with inappropriate behavior. Of history with his relatives know that
the patient is not sleeping for a week, and in the last 2 days, looks around, hiding, questions
relatives that with him does not give a clear answer. In the waiting room at the doctor's
questions: "What is he worried about?" He answered: "It's okay, do not worry, just have not
slept." What kind of behavioral response to the disease in question?
-reaction care disease"
-social prestige disease"

?Sick K, 18 enters the department with complaints of "voice, poor sleep, irritability." When
asked about the nature of the "voices" confused, gives conflicting information. It is known
that the patient received a summons to the draft board. What kind of psychological reaction to
the disease in question?
-reaction care disease"
-social prestige disease"

?Patient S., 40 years old came to the doctor, accompanied by relatives. At the interview the
patient lethargic, passive and reluctant to disclose their experiences, it is slow, monosyllabic.
What kind of a relationship to the disease in question?

<question3> .Konsyumerizm relations "doctor - patient" means:

-Low patient control - low control doctor
-Low patient control - high control doctor
-high control patient - low control doctor
-high control patient - high control doctor

<question3>. Reciprocity in the relationship "doctor - patient" means:

-high control patient - high control doctor
-Low patient control - high control doctor
-high control patient - low control doctor
-Low patient control - low control doctor

<question3>. Paternalism in the relationship "doctor - patient" means:

-Low patient control - high control doctor
-Low patient control - low control doctor
-high control patient - low control doctor
-high control patient - high control doctor

<question3>. Inaction on the "doctor - patient" means:

-high control patient - low control doctor
-Low patient control - high control doctor
-Low patient control - low control doctor
-high control patient - high control doctor

?What is the reaction of the patient in response to a diagnosis of cancer is the greatest danger to

?What you need to consider first when deciding to inform the patient of the diagnosis of an
incurable disease:
-readiness and willingness of the patient to obtain information about the disease
-age of the patient
-social status of the patient
-ready and willing to relatives of the patient to obtain information about the disease
-duration of the disease

<question1>. According to the WHO definition of palliative care should begin:

-From the time of diagnosis of an incurable disease with suspected adverse swift end
-Since the inception of pain
-At the request of the patient or his relatives
-At impossibility of the patient to self-service

<question1>. The criteria for selection of patients for palliative care are:
-The presence in the patient signs and symptoms that require treatment and symptomatic
-Life expectancy less than a year
-Life expectancy no more than 3-6 months
-Evidence of the fact that subsequent attempts to treat inappropriate

<question1>. Personal response to disease manifested by increased background mood levity to

the disease and treatment is called:
-anxiety - depressive
<question3>. The young girl gynecological disease. Against the advice of a doctor wears
easily, often catches a cold, spending time on the flash mobs, parties in autumn and winter
outdoors, says - "I am a young, strong body cope with inflammation." Such a personal
reaction to the disease is called:
-anxiety - depressive

<question1>. Response to disease manifested by constant dejected, disbelief in recovery,

expressed depressed mood, suicidal thoughts until called:
-alarmingly -depressivnoy

?The young man fell ill with venereal disease. Upon learning that the treatment will be long,
upset, isolated, parents said that "his life was over," stopped attending classes at the
university, did not communicate with friends. Such a reaction to a disease called:
-alarmingly -depressivnoy

?Man abuse alcohol for 10 years - daily drink half a bottle of vodka in the evening for dinner,
sometimes drunk with friends at parties. Says that his friends' roll in the mud, getting drunk as
a pig, "and I was fast - in the morning to get drunk bottle of beer - and to work." Such a
reaction to a disease called:

?The man fell ill with bronchitis, blames the neighbor with whom talks on a staircase in the
evening - "he smokes specifically to kill me - no wonder interested in my apartment - wants to
get it after my death." Such a personal reaction to the disease is called:

<question1>. Subjective attitude to the disease called:

-internal picture of illness

<question3>. Deliberate concealment of available disorders is called:

-demonstrative behavior

?Man ill with schizophrenia lies in a psychiatric hospital. Tells roommate that constantly
hears the "voice" of the devil, calling him "to fight evil." To bypass the doctor says -
"everything is good, voice over, time to go home." Such a reaction to a disease called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question1>. Intentional gain and demonstrate signs of having actually disorder called:
-demonstrative behavior

?A university student is in hospital for military-medical examination - it chronic gastritis.

Complains doctor that he had unbearable pain at night, said that he had the night vomiting
with blood, although roommate heard that he snored all night and woke up in the morning
only to crawl, was cheerful, hearty breakfast, nothing on complained. Such an attitude
towards the disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. Denial of the patient existing disease called:

-demonstrative behavior

<question3>. Deliberate demonstration of a non-existent signs of illness is called:

-demonstrative behavior
?A prisoner in jail cellmate shared that he wanted to portray an epileptic fit - then me instead
of the zone to the prison hospital put. "Such an attitude towards the disease is called:
-demonstrative behavior

<question1>. Conformity - is:

-human exposure group exposed
-aggressiveness in dealing
-passivity in communicating
-egocentric position
-empathy to another person

<question1>. Interaction - is:


<question1>. Affiliation - is:

-human desire to be in the company of other people;
-capacity for sympathy, empathy;
-need for achievement;
-the heat of passion
-propensity to experience the emotion of anxiety.

<question1>. Empathy - is:

-capacity for sympathy, empathy, compassion;
-tendency to enhance the mood;
-tendency to feel guilty;
-need for emotional support from the people around them.
-the heat of passion

<question3>. Feeling of psychological contact give the following elements of nonverbal

communication except:
-look in his eyes;
-gesture of greeting;
-turn the housing body and head in the direction of the patient

<question3>. For depressed patients typically everything except:

-asymmetry in facial reactions
-pale mask-like face;
-weary kind;
-facial expressions of grief
-dry skin.
?Express it probably describes a patient with:

<question3>. Behavior aggravation is characterized by:

-exaggeration of symptoms;
-conscious image no symptoms of the disease;
-understatement symptoms;
-unawareness of symptoms.

<question3>. In the structure of the internal picture of the disease are the following basic
ingredients except:

<question1>. Dissimulation - is:

-deliberate concealment of symptoms;
-image conscious non-existent symptoms of the disease;
-conscious exaggeration of symptoms;
-deliberate understatement of symptoms.<question1>.

<question1>. Anosognosia - is:

-denial of illness
-deliberate concealment of symptoms;
-unawareness of illness;
-deliberate understatement of symptoms;
-care in the disease."

<question1>. Hypochondria - is:

-painfully exaggerated concern for their health;
-fear of the social consequences of the disease;
-unwillingness to recover;
-capitalizing on the disease.

<question1>. Solution to the conflict through disease means:


<question1>. Open (public) communication distance is:

-over 4m
-0 from 0 to 4 m
-0.4 m to 1.5 m
-from 1.5 to 3
-over 6m

<question3>. Comprehension of the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy is

?Doctor, sympathizing child with a fractured, stroking his arm. Trying to find out in detail
how much it hurts the fracture site to properly and fairly assign analgesic, shows ownership:

?Woman, ill flu, constantly calls to his doctor's house, even after the temperature isdecreased and
disappeared cough and runny nose. She is afraid - whether she had pneumonia several times a
day to call your family doctor, does not sleep, does not eat. Such a personal reaction to the

<question1>. Exhibitionism - is:

-sexual satisfaction by demonstrating their genitals in front of the opposite sex.
-abnormal sexual attraction to children.
-the erection of a cult object of sexual objects or body parts clothes lover.
-sexual deviation, where the satisfaction comes from watching a naked person of the opposite
-sexual satisfaction by dressing in clothes of the opposite sex or taking the role of a person of
the opposite sex.

<question1> .Pedofiliya - is:

-abnormal sexual attraction to children.
-the erection of a cult object of sexual objects or body parts clothes lover.
-sexual deviation, where the satisfaction comes from watching a naked person of the opposite
-sexual satisfaction by dressing in clothes of the opposite sex or taking the role of a person of
the opposite sex.
-sexual satisfaction by demonstrating their genitals in front of the opposite sex.

<question1> .Vuayerizm - is:

-sexual deviation, where the satisfaction comes from watching a naked person of the opposite
-abnormal sexual attraction to children.
-the erection of a cult object of sexual objects or body parts clothes lover.
-sexual satisfaction by dressing in clothes of the opposite sex or taking the role of a person of
the opposite sex.
-sexual satisfaction by demonstrating their genitals in front of the opposite sex.

<question1>. Who is the author of "The Canon of Medicine"


<question3>. Who is the author of the book "Four conversation or argument" in which the
characteristic of as a doctor?

<question3>. The doctrine of the synthesis of the art of healing and religious philosophies
paganism and Christianity created:

<question3>. Community passenger and the bus conductor is called:

-formal role-playing:
-contact masks"

?The conductor on the bus, referring to the passengers and "frightening" its fine, if he does
not pay travel, using the form of communication, called:
-formal role-playing:
-contact masks"

?At the signing of the contract between the two companies called communication:
-formal role-playing
-contact masks"
?"Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you great achievements in the field of
science, many years of life, health and happiness of your family. "This speech is characterized
-secular communion
-Business Communication
-formal role-based communication
-contact masks"
-manipulative communication

?People communicating at the festival of bard songs, show:

-spiritual communion
-Business Communication
-secular communion
-formal role-based communication
-manipulative communication

?Synonymous with "reference" (group):


<question1>. Sociometry - is:

-assessment of interpersonal relationships informal type
-evaluation of the structure of society
-evaluation of different social strata of society
-assessment of the level of material well-being of society
-evaluation of social activity

?The doctor tells a colleague: "The patient complained to me the head of clinic, I was not able to
run to his house, while he was on sick leave. I was with him 3 (!!!!) times during his hospital.
Pneumonia successfully resolved, but he remained weak, and he wanted to be cheerful and
energetic after a long illness. I did, of course, I understand it the first time with such a life
faced. "The doctor thus demonstrates:
-sensitiveness to reject
-emotional stability

?If the patient is deliberately hiding the symptoms of their illness, and the doctor, analyzing
non-verbal behavior, reveals the characteristic facial reaction to pain, restrained gestures,
postures static, indicating the presence of "protective" behaviors, it refers to:

?Boy when viewed from the doctor does not show that he was hurt on palpation of the
abdomen - "Dad told me that a real man must endure the pain." Boy showing signs of:

<question1>. Style of interpersonal relationships, based on the discussion approach in solving


?"Come on, Rinat Ibrahimovic, sit down and discuss our differences, you - head, I am the
director, I think we as professionals will be able to reach a consensus in our little
disagreement," This is a way to resolve the conflict:

<question3>. The method is called self-observation:

-transactional analysis

?The girl on the recommendation of his therapist describes the daily Entries his feelings
appear to work when dealing with conflict girlfriend. This method:
-transactional analysis

<question3>. Area of psychology that studies the particular manifestations of mental ill
person; organizing contact therewith; create a favorable psychological climate for his
-Medical Psychology
-Social Psychology
-Applied Psychology
<question3>. Method of psychology, which gives the opportunity to study relationships in
groups and teams:

?Student Group anonymously throws hat in the leaves, which assesses the leadership of each
other, in order to select a group leader. This method is called:

<question3>. Successful communication is probably higher if:

-partners use the same coding system information
-partners of the same sex
-partners of the same age
-partners a social level
-partners use gestures

<question3>. Quality, aleksitimicheskoy uncharacteristic of the person:

-emotional inadequacy
-inability to express feelings experienced
-limited ability to fantasize
-emotional restraint
-is feeling, but not transmitted words

?Non-existent level of internal picture of the disease.


<question3>. If the patient even if the severity of the disease and suffering tries in that whatever
was to continue the work, working with even greater zeal than before the illness, this type of
attitude to the disease is defined as:

?Foreman angrily tells his cardiologist - "I do not have any heart attack, you never know what
a pain - I do not have to plan for the plant" burns ". This type of attitude to the disease:

<question1>. Excessive concern about the state of their physical health and the fear of having
the disease is called:
-hypochondriacal disorder
-conversion disorder

?For elderly patients, who, fearful of being alone, afraid at any time to be in a helpless state,
seeking to attract the attention of doctors, medical staff, prolong hospital stay most peculiar
type of response:
-care disease
-social prestige"

<question1>. Patients experiencing shame, fear and guilt to others, peculiar type of response:
-care disease
-social prestige"

<question1>. A sober assessment of their condition without tendency to exaggerate its

severity and with good reason to see everything in a gloomy light, but without
underestimating the severity of the disease - a type of response

<question1>. Verbal level of communication is characterized by:

-vegetative skin reactions

<question1>. Mediator - a
-mediator in the conflict
-object conflict

<question1>. Concessions from both sides to the extent that there is an acceptable solution for
the opposing sides

<question1>. Uncompromising insistence on cooperation, defending their interests


?Trying to get away from the conflict, without giving it a great value

?Joint performance of the parties to solve the problem


<question3>. Willingness to sacrifice their own interests subject to maintain relationships


?"Nothing, my friend wrote a medical article under one of his last name, though we worked
together. The main thing that a published method was officially recognized in the medical
world and help people. "This method of resolving interpersonal conflict:

?Student, smart, capable, came into conflict with the teacher. The subject he knows one question
(extracurricular) listened to the preparatory courses at the institute, realized his wrong. The
same question was considered in the school during the lesson. Student teacher did not accept
explanations, although she was right. On the grounds of lack of faith in the professionalism of
teachers had a conflict that all compounded to the point that the student has ceased to engage
in discipline. Became defiant behavior in the classroom. Smart interference head of the
department to which the teacher asked, has helped to eliminate the conflict. Which way
conflict resolution took the teacher?

<question3>. Plane crashes commander of the aircraft must act. What style of leadership is
preferred in this situation?

<question3> .In the intensive care unit on Sunday delivered a patient with massive bleeding,
he needed emergency surgery. At this time, middle and junior medical staff busy general
cleaning, doctor - intern appends history. What style of leadership is preferred in this

?Director of the clinic, permit physicians to drink tea at a computer desk and scold them for
the lack of badges, apparently, demonstrates leadership style:
-style "effective manager"

<question3> .Sindrom of burnout largely a consequence of:

-excessive sensibility and high commitment;
-professional incompetence;
-monotonous and repetitive work.

?To what kind of conflict is, in which persons are subordinated to the other one?
-the vertical;

<question1> What is the confrontation?


<question3>. That does not apply to activities "prevention" conflicts?

-authoritarian style of communication
-observance of ethical relationships;
-compliance with laws;
-constantly working to improve working conditions;
-the expectations of subordinates;

<question3>. What is the style of compromise?

-The parties attempt to settle their differences, going to mutual concessions;
-you are acting jointly with another party, but do not try to defend their own interests in order to
smooth the atmosphere and restore normal operating conditions;
-want to buy time to study the situation and get more information before making any decision;
-in the pursuit of one-sided win, to win, satisfaction in the first place their own interests;
-find ways to involve all participants in the conflict resolution process and the desire to meet
the needs of all.

<question3> Referring most unfavorable outcome of the conflict while continuing relationship?

<question3>. Typical errors leadership, obviously leads to conflict, is all but:

-shut off;
-dishonest argument;
-unproductive communication;
-directive management style

<question2> .What does the term "escalation of the conflict?"

-on konfliktogen to us, we try to answer a stronger conflict-prone;
-the existing conflict resolution;
-identifying the causes, motives prompted officials to enter into a conflict situation;
-attempt to protect themselves from unfair accusations opponent;
-attempt to use physical violence against the opponent

<question1>. The incident - is:

-set of circumstances, is a cause for conflict
-true cause of conflict
-accumulated contradictions for the confrontation between opponents
-stage of the conflict
-prerequisite for conflict

<question3> .Ukazhite rigid form of third-party involvement in resolving organizational and

managerial conflict.

<question3>. Specify a milder form of third-party involvement in resolving organizational

and managerial conflict.

<question3>. Likely to create communication barriers in communicating the presence of the

physician and patient at the doctor:

<question3> .Uskorenie speech rate doctor probably describes it as:


<question3>. Professional burnout syndrome often occurs in physicians:


<question3>. By personality questionnaire does not apply:

-Wechsler test
-scale reactive and personal anxiety Spielberg
-test "extraversion-introversion" Eysenck
-MMPI test
-16-factor test Cattell

?Young doctor came to work in the Department of interns with a team of 30 people. The first
days he felt insecure, a little talk with the staff, blushing. Later learn, has become more
relaxed. Yesterday, he sought the advice of elder sister: "I want to collect all the staff for
lunch, a cup of tea with a cake in honor of my employment. How is it better to arrange -
prompt! ". What is the quality of the categories of communication demonstrates this doctor?

?The patient is admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the epigastrium, heartburn,
loss of appetite. Passed examination and the results of EGD and diagnosed "gastritis".
Prescribed treatment to be effective, the patient is recommended diet with restriction of fried,
spicy, fatty foods, planned statement two days later. The patient meets the doctor's
recommendation wary, suspicious says: "I must have some kind of serious illness, once you
around my limit, so try to quickly expel from the hospital. I guess I'm a suicide bomber,
maybe you bad I was examined, it is necessary to look for serious illness, you are wrong I was
examined and treated. Have to go to a private clinic or go to the national medical center.
"What type of internal picture of the disease emerged in the patient?

<question3>. The men is admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the epigastrium,
heartburn, loss of appetite. Passed examination and the results of EGD and diagnosed
"gastritis". Prescribed treatment to be effective, the patient is recommended diet with
restriction of fried, spicy, fatty foods, planned statement two days later. The patient meets the
doctor's recommendation wary, suspicious says: "I must have some kind of serious illness,
once you around my limit, so try to quickly expel from the hospital. I guess I'm a suicide
bomber, maybe you bad I was examined, it is necessary to look for serious illness, you are
wrong I was examined and treated. Have to go to a private clinic or go to the national medical
center. "What type of internal picture of the disease emerged in the patient?

?A patient with a diagnosis of "gastric ulcer" refuses to inpatient treatment. After long
persuasion agrees. But requires that the treatment took "no more than five days" - "I object"
burning ", working at a construction site without me will not know what to do, I'm there
fading up to 11 o'clock at night, but thanks to this house to be built. I will not allow the
authorities so long to be ill. "What type of internal picture of illness demonstrates this patient?

<question3>. Men with a diagnosis of "gastric ulcer" refuses to inpatient treatment. After long
persuasion agrees. But requires that the treatment took "no more than five days" - "I object"
burning ", working at a construction site without me will not know what to do, I'm there
fading up to 11 o'clock at night, but thanks to this house to be built. I will not allow the
authorities so long to be ill. "What type of internal picture of illness demonstrates this patient?

?The patient suffers from alcoholism for 10 years, repeatedly treated in drug treatment
hospital concerning alcoholic psychosis ("delirium tremens"). The doctor at the outpatient
reception invites him to take an antidepressant for three months to reduce symptoms of
anxiety, improve sleep. The patient objected and said: "I do not understand why you call me
at the reception and why I am on the account. I'm not an alcoholic, I drink only on weekends -
in general 3-4 days a week out. Here is my neighbor ill, he drinks so that the legs are not
worth it, does not work. "I will require that you have removed me from the register. "What
type of internal picture of the disease observed in this patient?

<question3>. The men suffers from alcoholism for 10 years, repeatedly treated in drug treatment
hospital concerning alcoholic psychosis ("delirium tremens"). The doctor at the outpatient
reception invites him to take an antidepressant for three months to reduce symptoms of
anxiety, improve sleep. The patient objected and said: "I do not understand why you call me
at the reception and why I am on the account. I'm not an alcoholic, I drink only on weekends -
in general 3-4 days a week out. Here is my neighbor ill, he drinks so that the legs are not
worth it, does not work. "I will require that you have removed me from the register. "What
type of internal picture of the disease observed in this patient?

?The patient, knowing that he had diabetes, looks dejected, according to the doctor does not
believe that when properly selected treatment and a diet possible recovery, states that "all is
lost, it is still inevitable end." It demonstrates the type of response to the disease:

<question3>. The men, knowing that he had diabetes, looks dejected, according to the doctor
does not believe that when properly selected treatment and a diet possible recovery, states that
"all is lost, it is still inevitable end." It demonstrates the type of response to the disease:

?The patient with gastric ulcer complains of epigastric pain, in a conversation with the doctor
often annoying, especially when learns that the survey is delayed for 2 days. Expressed
dissatisfaction with the regime offices, dissatisfied with the behavior medsster that "obliged
to go into the room and ask how things were going, but they do not" It shows the type of
response to the disease:

<question2> .Patient lies in a hospital and the entire ward tells how he was seriously ill. Asks
for help neighbors in the ward, which begin to take care of him. Patient's relatives said that
the most difficult patient in office, asks to agree on a consultation-known professor, now talk
with the head of the department, to be examined by a consultation, with it today. It
demonstrates the type of response to the disease:

<question3> .Men lies in a hospital and the entire ward tells how he was seriously ill. Asks for
help neighbors in the ward, which begin to take care of him. Patient's relatives said that the
most difficult patient in office, asks to agree on a consultation-known professor, now talk with
the head of the department, to be examined by a consultation, with it today. It demonstrates
the type of response to the disease:

?Set of subjective sensations, feelings and ideas associated with the disease and are
independent of the objective severity of the disease is called:
-internal picture of the disease;
-type of person responding to the disease;
-chronic fatigue syndrome;
-burnout syndrome.

?For hypochondriacal personality type response to the disease is typical:

-painfully exaggerated concern for health;
-unwillingness to recover;
-capitalizing on the disease;
-depression, pessimism.

<question2> Image of the "ideal" physician is characteristic:

-empathic and non-prescriptive
-and empathetic guidance
-emotionally neutral and prescriptive
-empathetic and waves
-emotionally neutral

<question3>. Patients suffering from alcoholism are more likely to:

-care disease
-social prestige" of the disease

<question2> .Patsientam with diseases of the cardiovascular system most peculiar type of
-social prestige"
-care disease

?For elderly patients, who, fearful of being alone, afraid at any time to be in a helpless state,
seeking to attract the attention of doctors, medical staff, prolong hospital stay most peculiar
type of response:
-care disease
-social prestige"

?Patients experiencing shame, fear and guilt to others, peculiar type of response:
-care disease
-social prestige"

?A sober assessment of their condition without tendency to exaggerate its severity and with good
reason to see everything in a gloomy light, but without underestimating the severity of the
disease - a type of response:

?Increased irritation, especially for pain, discomfort when, at treatment failure, adverse survey
data - this type of response:

<question1>. With an introvert is better to start communication with:

-formation of contact information
-Formation of emotional contact
-bezotsenochnoe hearing

<question1>. Non-existent level of internal picture of the disease:

<question3>. Feelings, experiences the patient about his illness, which is a stable complex -
-internal picture of the disease
-psychological defense

<question1>. Way to overcome the negative emotional states associated with insoluble
internal conflict - is:
-psychological defense
-psychological correction
-intrapersonal conflict

<question1>. Teaching about the responsibilities and rules of behavior health worker - is:

<question3>. When the patient denies available to it a disease, it is called:

-demonstrative behavior

?When the patient is showing signs of intentional non-existent diseases, it is called:

-demonstrative behavior

?For children, adolescents and young people most severely psychologically are:
-disease, changing appearance
-sexual disorders

<question3>. The intellectual level of the patient is investigated:

-Raven's Progressive Matrices
-The test Leonhard Shmisheka
-The test Kellerman Plutcheka
-Rorschach technique
-by Lusher

?Signs of professional deformation does not include expression:

-calm and correct attitude to the patient
-irritation to the patient
-formal relationship to the patient

<question2> .Sindrom of burnout is not manifested in the form of:

-professional growth
-indifference to patients
-lack of job satisfaction
-loss of productivity

<question1>. Sustainable good attitude to other people is called:


<question3>. Patient K. since the early days of the disease was the "assistant" doctor
demonstrates not only obedience, but also a rare punctuality, attention and kindness.
Boundless trust your doctor and thank him for his help. What is the psychological response to
the disease is present in a patient?
-The trace

<question3>. Patient K. since the early days of the disease was the "assistant" doctor
demonstrates not only obedience, but also a rare punctuality, attention and kindness.
Boundless trust your doctor and thank him for his help. What is the psychological response to
the disease is present in a patient?
-The trace

?Characterized by the formation in a patient a certain kind of feelings, perceptions and

knowledge about the disease:
-internal picture of the disease
-subjective control
-omnipotent control

<question1>. Author of "The concept of the internal picture of the disease" (WKB)?
-Luria, AR

<question1>. State, the content of which is insurmountable fear of specific situations, objects,
creatures or indefinite groundless fear, are called:

?What do you call an adequate response to the type of disease in which patients are correctly
assess their condition and prospects, their assessment agrees with the doctor?

<question2> Referring called the type of response to a disease in which patients tend to
overestimate the significance of individual symptoms and disease in general?

?Tendency to underestimate disease patients:


?Correct, sober assessment of the reluctance to burden other hardships care. The desire in all
actively contribute to the success of treatment. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

?Active Denial thoughts about the disease, its possible consequences. In denial of the obvious
manifestations of the disease, the attribution of these manifestations of accidental
circumstances or other non-serious diseases. Waiver of examination and treatment. The desire
to do "their own means." Determine the type of attitude to the disease:
?Continual anxiety and mistrust, belief in superstitions and rituals. Continuing concerns about
the adverse course of the disease, possible complications, ineffective and even dangerous
treatment. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

?Focusing on the subjective disease and other unpleasant sensations. Striving constantly to
talk about them to others. On the basis of their exaggeration of the real and imaginary
vyiskivanie disease and suffering. Exaggeration of side effects of drugs. Determine the type of
attitude to the disease:

?The patient indifference to his fate, passive submission procedures and treatment. Determine
the type of attitude to the disease:

?Excessive concern about possible impression that can make on others information about the
disease. Fears that others shun, considered inferior, disparaging or wary. The fear of
becoming a burden to loved ones due to illness and unfriendly attitude on their part due to
illness. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

?The patient - "Care in the disease." Ostentation and close associates of his suffering and
experiences in order to fully capture their attention. Demands exceptional care - all should
forget and give up and care only about the patient. Determine the type of attitude to the

<question2> .Dominiruet darkly embittered mood, jealousy and hatred healthy. Outbursts of
anger, demanding from close pleasing throughout. Determine the type of attitude to the

?Alarming suspiciousness, primarily for concerns not real, but unlikely complications of the
disease, treatment failure, as well as possible, but unlikely, setbacks in life, work, family
situation due to illness. Imaginary danger excite more than real. Anti-anxiety are signs and
rituals. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

?Unreasonably high spirits, often manipulative. Dismissive, flippant attitude to the disease and
treatment. Hope that everything will itself. The desire to get out of life despite his illness. Ease of
abnormality, although these disorders can adversely affect treatment outcomes. Determine the
type of attitude to the disease:
-Obsessive -phobic

<question1>. Alexithymia is called:

-inability to accurately describe their emotional state
-inability to experience vivid experiences
-inability to empathize
-inability to focus on their feelings
-inability of even a short time to be alone

<question1>. Patient I., crestfallen disease, does not believe in healing, in a possible
improvement in treatment effect. The presence of active depressive statements up to suicidal
thoughts. Pessimistic view of everything. Does not believe in the success of treatment, even
under favorable objective data. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:
-the sensitive

<question1> The patient M. punctual, adequately responds to the instructions of the doctor, just
perform therapeutic activities. It seems "solid" and "power", easily comes into contact with
the medical staff. What is the psychological response to the disease is present in a patient?

<question1>. The patient T. unreasonably high spirits, often manipulative. Dismissive,

flippant attitude to the disease and treatment. Hope that everything will itself. The desire to
get out of life despite his illness. Ease of abnormality, although these disorders can adversely
affect treatment outcomes. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

<question1>. The patient is indifferent to the environment and its location, there is nothing to
cause an emotional response, nothing pleases him, and do not worry. What kind of emotional
state is present in a patient?

<question1>. Patient R. behaves poorly, carelessly ignores all instructions of the attending
physician. Do not want to change their way of life, professional load. This is accompanied by
a refusal to accept drugs from hospital treatment. What is the psychological response to the
disease is present in a patient?
-The trace

<question1>. The patient L. present "disease care": flaunting their relatives and others
suffering and experiences in order to fully capture their attention. Requires exceptional care,
everyone should forget and give up everything and take care only about him, talk surrounding
quickly translates "on themselves." In other people that also need attention and care, sees only
the "competitors" and treats them with hostility. Constant desire to show off their special
position, the exclusivity of the disease. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

<question1>. Dejected disease, lack of faith in healing, in possible improvement in treatment

effect. Active depressive statements up to suicidal thoughts. Pessimistic view of everything.
Lack of confidence in the success of treatment, even under favorable objective data.
Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

<question1>. Voluntary painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable disease,


<question1>. Patient S. actively rejects the idea of the disease, its possible consequences.
Denies the obvious manifestations in disease manifestations attributed these accidental
circumstances. Refuses examination and treatment. Wants to do "their own means."
Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

<question1>. State, the content of which is insurmountable fear of specific situations, objects,
creatures or indefinite groundless fear, are called:

<question1>. Congruent, effective behavior of the doctor does not include:

-nonverbal and verbal repetition story companion
-sufficient level of attachment to the patient
-visual contact
-adequate sign language

<question1>. The principles of clinical interviewing does not apply:


<question1>. The patient T. unreasonably high spirits, often manipulative. Dismissive, flippant
attitude to the disease and treatment. Hope that everything will itself. The desire to get out of life
despite his illness. Ease of abnormality, although these disorders can adversely affect treatment
outcomes. Determine the type of attitude to the disease:

<question1>. The patient is indifferent to the environment and its location, there is nothing to
cause an emotional response, nothing pleases him, and do not worry. What kind of emotional
state is present in a patient?

<question1>. Patient R. behaves poorly, carelessly ignores all instructions of the attending
physician. Do not want to change their way of life, professional load. This is accompanied by a
refusal to accept drugs from hospital treatment. What is the psychological response to the disease
is present in a patient?
-The trace

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