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1. Two automobiles are 150 kilometers apart and traveling toward each other.

One automobile is moving at

60 km/h and the other is moving at 40 km/h mph. In how many hours will they meet?
A. 2.5 B. 2.0 C. 1.75 D. 1.5 E. 1.25
2. The coordinate of a particle in meters is given by x(t)=16t3.0t3, where the time t is in seconds. The particle
is momentarily at rest at t=
A. 0.75 s B. 1.3s C. 5.3s D. 7.3s E. 9.3s
3. A drag racing car starts from rest at t= 0 and moves along a straight line with velocity given by v=bt2, where
b is a constant. The expression for the distance traveled by this car from its position at t= 0 is:
A. bt3 B. bt3/3 C. 4bt2 D. 3bt2 E. bt3/2
4. Of the following situations, which one is impossible?
A. A body having velocity east and acceleration east
B. A body having velocity east and acceleration west
C. A body having zero velocity and non-zero acceleration
D. A body having constant acceleration and variable velocity
E. A body having constant velocity and variable acceleration
5. A vector of magnitude 3 CANNOT be added to a vector of magnitude 4 so that the magnitude of the
resultant is:
A. zero B. 1 C. 3 D. 5 E. 7
6. A projectile is fired from ground level over level ground with an initial velocity that has a vertical
component of 20 m/s and a horizontal component of 30 m/s. Using g=10m/s2, the distance from launching to
landing points is:
A. 40 m B. 60 m C. 80 m D. 120 m E. 180 m
7. When a 40-N force, parallel to the incline and directed up the incline, is applied to a crate on a frictionless
incline that is 30above the horizontal, the acceleration of the crate is 2.0m/s2, up the incline. The mass of the
crate is:
A. 3.8kg B. 4.1kg C. 5.8kg D. 6.2kg E. 10 kg
8. Which of the following groups does NOT contain a scalar quantity?
A. velocity, force, power B. displacement, acceleration, force
C. acceleration, speed, work D. energy, work, distance E. pressure, weight, time
9. A nonconservative force:
A. violates Newtons second law B. violates Newtons third law C. cannot do any work
D. must be perpendicular to the velocity of the particle on which it acts E. none of the above
10. A good example of kinetic energy is provided by:
A. a wound clock spring B. the raised weights of a grandfathers clock
C. a tornado D. a gallon of gasoline E. an automobile storage battery
11. A child, riding on a large merry-go-round, travels a distance of 3000 m in a circle of diameter
40 m. The total angle through which she revolves is:
A. 50 rad B. 75 rad C. 150 rad D. 314 rad E. none of these
12. In the formula F=Gm1m2/r , the quantity G:
A. depends on the local value of g B. is used only when Earth is one of the two masses
C. is greatest at the surface of Earth D. is a universal constant of nature
E. is related to the Sun in the same way that g is related to Earth
13. An object at the surface of Earth (at a distance R from the center of Earth) weighs 90 N. Its weight at a
distance 3R from the center of Earth is:
A. 10 N B. 30 N C. 90 N D. 270 N E. 810 N
14. A projectile is fired straight upward from Earths surface with a speed that is half the escape speed. If R is
the radius of Earth, the highest altitude reached, measured from the surface, is:
A. R/4 B. R/3 C. R/2 D. R E. 2R
15. Consider the statement: Earth moves in a stable orbit around the Sun and is therefore in equilibrium. The
statement is:
A. false, because no moving body can be in equilibrium
B. true, because Earth does not fall into or fly away from the Sun
C. false, because Earth is rotating on its axis and no rotating body can be in equilibrium
D. false, because Earth has a considerable acceleration
E. true, because if it were not in equilibrium then buildings and structures would not be stable
16. The quantity h appearing in Bernoullis equation MUST be measured:
A. upward from the center of Earth B. upward from the surface of Earth
C. upward from the lowest point in the flow D. downward from the highest point in the flow
E. upward from any convenient level
17. Water flows through a constriction in a horizontal pipe. As it enters the constriction, the waters:
A. speed increases and pressure decreases B. speed increases and pressure remains constant
C. speed increases and pressure increases D. speed decreases and pressure increases
E. speed decreases and pressure decreases
18. The acceleration of a body executing simple harmonic motion leads the velocity by what phase?
A. 0 B. /8 rad C. /4 rad D. /2 rad E. rad
19. A mass-spring system is oscillating with amplitude A. The kinetic energy will equal the potential energy
only when the displacement is:
A. zero B. A/4 C. A/2 D. A/2 E. anywhere betweenA and +A
20. For a given medium, the frequency of a wave is:
A. independent of wavelength B. proportional to wavelength
C. inversely proportional to wavelength D. proportional to the amplitude
E. inversely proportional to the amplitude

21. To make an uncharged object have a negative charge we must:

A. add some atoms
B. remove some atoms
C. add some electrons
D. remove some electrons
E. write down a negative sign

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