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The Smurfs (2011)

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Gargamel: [Waking up from Azrael licking his face] Smurfs... Smurfs...

[to Azrael]
Gargamel: I wish I could quit you. Get out of here.
[Notices the fourth wall]
Gargamel: What are you looking at?
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Gargamel: I am not obsessed with Smurfs, thank you. I simply can't stop thinking about the
miserable beasts every single minute of every single day!...
Azrael: Meow!
Gargamel: But I need them! It's only by capturing the little wretches and extracting their happy
blue essence that my magic will finally become... not infallible...
Azrael: Meow!
Gargamel: INVINCIBLE, yes, thank you! I shall become the most powerful wizard in all of the
[Gargamel and Azreal cackle]
Gargamel: Yeah, but you're milking it, don't milk it.
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[first lines]
Narrator Smurf: There is a place. A place that knows no sadness, where even feeling blue is a
happy thing. A place inhabited by little blue beings three apples high. It lies deep within an
enchanted forest, hidden away beyond the medieval village. Most people believe this place is
made up, only to be found in books or children's imagination. Well, we beg to differ.
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Gargamel: [playing with puppets] La la lala lala, sing a happy song! La la lala lala, this is so
wrong! "Oh, I'm Papa Smurf. I'm the head of a small group of blue people, and live in the forest
with 99 sons and one daughter! Nothing weird about that, no no, totally normal!" "And I'm
Smurfette! And I think I'm so pretty! And I betrayed Gargamel, and I don't even care! And
everything is just sunshine and rainbows!"... But all of that is about to change!
[Azrael bathes himself]
Gargamel: Ahem. I said, "But all of that is about to change!" Azreal, that's your cue!
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Brainy: Well, at least they're not coming after us...
[Azrael falls through the portal into a pond, the Smurfs scarper]
Gargamel: Azrael? Are you dead?
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Gargamel: Must... have... SMURFS!
[jumps through the portal]
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Gargamel: [Odile is giving a demonstration of her anti-aging cream] I see no transformation.
Your potion has no power. She's still an eye-offending dogfish if you ask me.
Odile: This is my mother who you speaking of!
Gargamel: I'm so sorry, I didn't realize. How sad for you in thirty years.
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Gargamel: [upon arrival in Central Park] What manner of freakish hell is this?
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Jokey: What do you get when you cross a Smurf with a cow? Blue cheese!
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Smurfette: [shocked at seeing a stall of stuffed horses] OH! So that's where all the unicorns
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Smurfette: [traps Azrael in a cage] You smurfed with the wrong girl!
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[Gargamel looks for a laboratory in New York City]
Gargamel: [climbs into a port-a-potty] Oh. Yes. It's a bit small, but it should do nicely! Oh, it's
even got its own cauldron.
[tries some magic... ]
Gargamel: What died in here?... OPEN! OPEN! OPEN! OPEN! OPEN! OPPEEENNNN!
[finally falls out]
Gargamel: Somebody's been working in dark and terrible magic in there...!
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[seeing New York City for the first time]
Smurfette: Oh... my... Smurf.
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Papa: I'm 546 years old... I'm getting too old for this.
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Grouchy: [about to leave New York] I hated it... so much less than I expected.
Patrick Winslow: Bye, Grouchy.
Grouchy: Don't get me wrong, I still hate it here!
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Papa: Well, Master Winslow, thank you. You saved my whole family.
Patrick Winslow: Actually, I think it was the other way around.
Papa: Well, I should get going. I've got a Smurf village to rebuild. Your village has given me
some ideas...
[Patrick and Papa Smurf hug]
Patrick Winslow: Goodbye, Papa.
Papa: Goodbye... papa.
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[all the Smurfs are shocked]
Gutsy: There is no call for that sort of language, laddie!
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Gargamel: Ye gods, Azrael! You're a boy?
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Odile: The whole world will know the name that is Garbagesmell!
Gargamel: Gargamel.
Odile: With my help, the whole world will know the genius that is Gargamel!
Azrael: Meow?
[breaks into laughter]
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Clumsy: Just because your name IS Grouchy, doesn't mean you always have to BE grouchy.
Grouchy: Yeah. It does.
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Gargamel: Son of a Smurf!
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Gargamel: [escaping prison in a cloud of flies] So long, scallywags!
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Gargamel: Oh, Azrael, we've come so far, yet I am haunted by the same familiar problem: how
to find the Smurfs. If only I had a...
[Azrael hacks and coughs]
Gargamel: I'm sorry, is my thinking interrupting your vile habit? If only I had something of
theirs: a drop of spittle, a fingernail, some hair even, then I could use my magic to hunt them
[Azrael coughs out a hairball]
Gargamel: Very nice. Are you done now?
Azrael: Meow!
[points at the hairball]
Gargamel: I don't want to look at it! What? YUCK! WHAT?... Is that...? No. No, it can't be... it
is! The tiny locks of Smurfette! Oh, sweet follicular ambrosia! Oh, sweet strands of joy... mixed
with a fair amount of cat vomit.
[holds up the hair]
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Gargamel: [at Belvedere Castle] Daddy is HOME!
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[Gargamel gets hit by a bus]
Azrael: Are you dead?
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Gargamel: [playing with a Smurfette puppet] "Oh, great one!" Yes, lying, deceptive, horrible
little Smurfette? "After all your years of Smurfless searching, however do you expect to find
us?" Oh, I'm very glad you asked, my dear! For, you see, I have a magical map, that shows me
exactly where the Smurf village is! I shall now use my formidable powers to magically transport
us here!
Azrael: Oh, no...
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Gargamel: There you are! By all means, relax here in the fresh air and the sunshine, while the
missing Smurfs could be anywhere!
Azrael: Meow!
Gargamel: What? Where?
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Gargamel: I am but a simple wizard with a simple desire: limitless power and world adulation!
So why does it have to be so hard?
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Grouchy: Where the Smurf are we?
Gutsy: Up the smurfin' creek without a paddle, that's where!
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Smurfette: [to Grace] I never had a girlfriend before. I'll never forget you.
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Smurfette: I kissed a Smurf, and liked it?
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Gutsy: NO Smurf gets left behind!
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Gutsy: I'll not soon forget this place. Especially not with these!
[shows he has "I love NY" sequined on his backside]
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Grace Winslow: High four.
Smurfette: High four.
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Narrator Smurf: And so the Smurfs left this great city of New York. And I think they left it a
little sweeter, a little wiser, a little smurfier. And as that portal began to close for the last time...
Grouchy: Hey! Seriously, stop!
[pulls Narrator Smurf through the portal]
Narrator Smurf: BYE!
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Smurfette: Hey guys! How do you like my new dress?
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Smurfette: [sees dolls' dresses] I can have more than one kind of dress? What?
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Grouchy: Let's get our Smurf on!
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Papa: I'm sorry, Master Winslow, but we badly need to borrow your stargazer.
Patrick Winslow: I don't have a stargazer, okay? It's not something people of this century just
have, especially here.
Grouchy: Not happy.
Patrick Winslow: Now if you excuse me, I have to work.
Papa: Well, perhaps we can sing to help things along. And then we'll get the stargazer. Come
along, Smurfs.
[La la la la la la Sing, a happy song La la la la la la Smurf the whole day long]
Patrick Winslow: Stop. Stop! Come on. None of you find that song just the tiniest bit annoying?
Grouchy: I find it annoying.
Papa: Well, what do you sing at work?
Patrick Winslow: I don't sing at work.
Smurfette: [gasps] What?
Gutsy: And you have to wear a leash. Harsh.
Smurfette: I know. How about if we hum?
[they begin humming the song]
Patrick Winslow: Please stop humming.
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Grouchy: Don't get your petals in a twist.
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Grouchy: I'm tired of the whole dating game! Just say who you are, and be who you say, right?
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Patrick Winslow: Do you guys drink coffee?
Papa: Is a Smurf's butt blue?
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Patrick Winslow: So, tell me... that weird guy in the tatty bathrobe, at the toy store?
Papa: Gargamel?
Patrick Winslow: He's not really a wizard, is he?
Papa: Not the smartest of sorcerers, but dangerous just the same! Back home, I could hold him
at bay with a spell or two. But here, without my books and potions... well, today we got lucky,
but next time who knows?
Patrick Winslow: What are you gonna do?
Papa: I'll do anything and everything I can do to get my Smurfs home! I won't ever give up!
They're my family, and you never give up on your family!
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Patrick Winslow: Doesn't it freak you out sometimes? I mean, all those little guys depending on
you... I mean, what if you screw up? How do you know when you're ready?
Papa: Let me ask you something: why did you come for us today when your Grace called?
Patrick Winslow: She needed me, and I heard it in her voice.
Papa: That's what being a papa is. It comes time, you just do.
[points at his head]
Papa: Knowing what to do doesn't come from here... it comes from here, where it matters most.
[points at Patrick's belly]
Patrick Winslow: My spleen?
Papa: No, your heart! I'm trying to have a moment here, you whippersnapper!
Patrick Winslow: You're a good papa, Papa.
Papa: You'll be a good one, too.
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Papa: [laughs] Here, come sit on Papa's lap!
Patrick Winslow: Uh...
Papa: Oh, yeah. Right. Scratch that.
Patrick Winslow: Yeah, probably not the best idea...
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Vanity: I'm too beautiful to die!
[bangs Gargamel in the face with a frying pan]
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Patrick Winslow: And you're all named after your personalities? Do you get your names when
you're born or after you've exhibited certain traits?
Smurfs: Yes!
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Grouchy: [to Gargamel] You have our Papa. Prepare to get smurfed!
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[hurls a fork at him]
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Gutsy: [sees Gargamel slam into a cab] You've had that coming to you for over thirty years!
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[seeing New York City for the first time]
Brainy: Wow! Palaces everywhere!
Grouchy: [sees someone dressed as the Statue of Liberty] Wow! A green goblin!
Smurfette: [sees someone dressed as Elmo] Wow! A red troll!
Gutsy: [sees a giant TV screen with Bar Rafaeli] Wow, look at that giant princess!
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Gutsy: Smurfabunga!
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[Grace and Smurfette try to sneak past Gargamel, but Azrael pounces on Grace]
Grace Winslow: No no no no no!
Smurfette: You again! Get your paws off me!
Grace Winslow: You bad kitty!
[swipes Azrael away]
Smurfette: [runs off] I hate that cat!
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[Grouchy falls into a pile of blue sweets, and gets a mouthful]
Grouchy: YUCK! Smurf droppings! These are disgusting... ly tasty!
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Patrick Winslow: To review, you guys come from a magic forest where you live in
oversized mushrooms...
Papa: Yes.
Patrick Winslow: ...and you're being chased by an evil wizard...
Papa: Yeah.
Patrick Winslow: ...and you're trapped in New York until there's a blue moon...
Papa: Very good.
Patrick Winslow: ...and you like to use the extremely imprecise term "smurf" for just
about everything.
Brainy: Smurf-xactly!

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