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Camarines Norte State College IV
Daet, Camarines Norte V
Final Examination Bonus
Name: ______________________________________________________ Course and Block: ___________________________________________
Instructor: Ms. ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________________

I. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is not a quality of a good paragraph?
a. Coherence b. Creative c. Unity d. Emphasis
2. It is the most important quality of a paragraph to maintain.
a. Coherence b. Creative c. Unity d. Emphasis
3. It is a quality of a good paragraph that is achieved by having a plan or outline.
a. Coherence b. Creative c. Unity d. Emphasis
4. A paragraph should cover how many topics?
a. Two or Three b. Five or Six c. One d. None
5. Coherence comes from the Latin word cohere which means _______________________.
a. join together b. hold together c. unite together d. stay together
6. The topic of a paragraph should:
a. Be as broad and general as possible. b. Always be about science. c. Be something the writer is interested in.
7. What is important about the topic sentence?
a. Give details of the topic. b. Summarizes the paragraph. c. Gives an overview of the paragraph. d. It is not important.
8. This is achieved by making the most important ideas stand out.
a. Coherence b. Emphasis c. Unity
9. Transitions are used:
a. Between subjects and verbs b. To relate two sentences or paragraphs c. As little as possible
10. Which of the following is not a guide to proper emphasis or elaboration.
a. Good position b. Use of transitional words c. Effective repetition d. Variety
11. In what level of comprehension you are when using context clues?
a. Literal b. Interpretative c. Applied d. Critical
12. Which of the following is not a variant of synonym (type of context clue)?
a. All of these have merits: educational degrees, diplomas, money, awards, artistic works, certificates, medals.
b. Give me the penultimate (next to the last) syllable of the word beautiful.
c. Pnoy and Kris Aquino are scions descendants - of rich and famous politicians.
d. My best friend is a savant, a scholar, whose name has always been in the Deans list.
13. By asking questions, one is able to get the general idea of the sentence and of the unfamiliar term.
a. sense of the sentence b. structure of the word c. examples d. analogy e. synonyms
14. A shortened version of a longer body of information such as article, chapter, book, speech, subject, proposal plan,
or the like.
a. Paraphrase b. Summary c. Inference d. Conclusion
15. It refers to rewriting a given sentence using your own words and involves a lengthy explanation of the meaning of
the subject in consideration.
a. Paraphrasing b. Summarizing c. Inferencing d. Conclusion
16. By using parts of the word is another way of recognizing the meaning of an unfamiliar term such as prefix, suffix ,
root word and etymology of the words.
a. sense of the sentence b. structure of the word c. examples d. analogy e. synonyms
17. The ideal length of a summary is ______ of the original.
a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/5
18. It is usually found at the beginning or ending of a paragraph. It can also be explicitly or implicitly found in a
paragraph. a. Topic b. Topic Sentence c. Major supporting details d. Minor Supporting Details

II. Write PASS if the statement is true and FAIL if its false.
____________ 1. A summary is always shorter than the original passage.
____________ 2. Main idea and topic sentence are two the same ideas.
____________ 3. You should include all details from the original passage in your summary.
____________ 4. A summary should provide the author and title of the original work.
____________ 5. Implied main idea is directly stated in a sentence.
____________ 6. Proper citation or acknowledgement of the original author is a must when summarizing or paraphrasing.
____________ 7. Inference and conclusion are not distinct but complementary processes.
____________ 8. You can make a conclusion even within or at the start of a passage.
____________ 9. Contextual clues help in widening ones vocabulary.
.____________ 10. In both summarizing and paraphrasing, one must use your own words.
.____________ 11. When you summarize, you may use your own style of writing but when you paraphrase you must
adapt to the style of the author.
._____________ 12. Comments and interpretation are allowed in summarizing and even in paraphrasing.
III. Context Clues. (a) Identify the meaning of the unfamiliar word by circling the letter of the correct answer,
then (b) underline the word or group of words that helped you determine its meaning. Thereafter, (c) identify
the type of context clue from the choices below, then write the letter of your answer on the space provided
before each number.
Example: __d__1. The pious people like the friars, pastors, and nuns play a great role in uplifting the spiritual life of
the villagers.
a. atheist b. religious c. cabal d. genius
Types of Context Clues
a. Synonyms b. Antonyms c. Analogy d. Examples e. Structure of the word f. Sense of the Sentence

________ 1. The brawl, or fight, on the playground got both kids sent to the principal.
a. peace b. quarrel c. harmony d. agreement
________ 2. The comestibles, including a huge pizza, a birthday cake, chocolate-covered peanuts, and tasty hot dogs,
were all in the fridge before my birthday party.
a. toys b. uneatable c. beverage d. foods
________ 3. She was so erratic that she would be in a great mood one minute and crying the next.
a. unpredictable b. consistent c. sure d. fixed
________ 4. The undernourished children show signs of stunted growth.
a. growing b. unprotected c. abnormal d. developing
________ 5. The shuck of the coconut fruit is similar to the covering of an oyster.
a. smell b. taste c. color d. shell

IV. Analogy.
1. synonym: the same meaning _____________________: commonality/similarities
2. evidence from the text+evidence from the text:conclusionevidence from the text+_______________________:inferencing
3. in+ferre: to bring in________________________:close with finality
4. _____________________:say or tell:para:alongside or beyond
5. after, before, during, now, earlier: chronological order although, but, however, neither..nor:__________________________
6. _____________________:above,around,near,outsidelogical order:and,accordingly,for example, in addition

Analysis. Write kyo if its a topic sentence and ki if its only a topic.
_______ 1. The dawn breaks into morning
_______ 2. When the dawn breaks into morning
_______ 3. Writing a paragraph is like building a house
_______ 4. Building a house with a strong foundation
_______ 5. Note-taking is an important tool in learning
_______ 6. Importance of note-taking

Identification. Supply the boxes with the missing letters to complete the answer.

1. This determines how many paragraphs are there in a composition or passage.


2. Hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word.


3. These are used to help readers see the relationship between ideas. It makes ideas coherent to each other.

4. The other term for SUMMARIZING.

5. Another term for ANALOGY.


6. The subject matter or the general topic in a paragraph. They are usually in a form of a word or a phrase.


7. Another term for EMPHASIS.

V. A. Inferencing. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Tanya tried out for the drill team, but she didn't make the team. The coach said if she put in an extra hour a day, she
would make the team next week. But Tanya was so busy, she had to skip practice. What probably happened when
Tanya tried out for the team again?
a. She didn't make the team again. c. She became the coach.
b. She was the best one on the team. d. She made the team and doesn't ever have to practice.

2. The sun was low in the sky. Moira's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big
pile of leaves and headed for home. What can you infer from this passage?
a. Moira had worked a long time. B. Moira had been feeling sick. C. Moira dislikes raking leaves

3. Lucas' parents hated Maxine's family. They asked Lucas to keep away from Maxine. Maxine 's family hated Lucas 's
parents, and told her to keep away from Lucas. But Maxine and Lucas fell in love. They told their parents. What
probably happened?
a. Their parents were pleased c. Their parents were unhappy.
b. Their parents didn't care. d. Their parents told them to get married.

B. Drawing Conclusion
4. James and Ryan had been hiking for hours. James had to carry Ryan for the last few miles of the hike. Ryan was
throwing tantrums already because of exhaustion. James didnt want him to come in the hike in the first place because
of his mood swings but he promised him to behave properly. Sweat was rolling down his face as the sun shone directly
overhead. What conclusion can be drawn about Ryan's age?
a. He is older than James c. He just had a birthday
b. He is the same age as James d. He is younger than James
5. What time of day is it? a. morning b. midday c. midnight d. night

6. Yujin and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food with them
on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Yujin's father if he
had a fishing license. Yujin's father reached into his wallet and suddenly
got a terrified look on his face. Yujin was disappointed that night as he ate dinner. Why did Yujin and his father not
take much food with them on the trip?
a. they didn't want to eat too much c. they were planning on eating the fish that they caught
b. they didn't have any food at their house d. they don't like to eat fish
7. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn about the story?
a. Yujin was disappointed at dinner because he was hoping to have fish for dinner. c. It takes a long time to catch fish
b. Yujin's mother doesn't like fish d. Yujin's father is a better fisherman than Yujin

C. Paraphrasing.

8. 25% of adolescents who have one baby have a second baby within two years of the first baby's birth.
a. 25% of babies are born to mothers who are adolescents.
b. One out of four adolescent mothers has another baby before the first baby reaches his second birthday.
c. A quarter of adolescent mothers give birth when their first born is two.
d. 25% of adolescent mothers become pregnant again when their first babies are two years old.

9. The judge was relieved when the jury was finally ready to announce its verdict.
a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved.
b. The judge asked the jury to arrive at a verdict.
c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict.
d. The jury welcomed the judge's relief.

10. Joyce thinks that the issue of adolescent problems is important to write about.
a. Joyce thinks that adolescents like to write about their problems.
b. Joyce feels that writing about adolescent problems is worthwhile.
c. Joyce believes that the dream of most adolescents is to write something important.
d. Joyce thinks that adolescents can write about their problems.

D. Summarizing.
11. Tomorrow is Limper's birthday. He is excited because he gets to pick where he will eat dinner. Will it be Mexican
food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's
Hamburger Palace. He just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with that great pepperoni pizza.
How would he ever decide? Maybe he would just flip a coin.
a. Limper has many restaurants to choose from for his birthday.
b. Limper loves Mexican food
c. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza in town.
d. Limper will choose a place by flipping a coin.
12. When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty trail.
However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas,
the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal harbors
with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast Texas with alligators and other exotic
wildlife. a. There are a lot of cows in Texas.
b. There are many different, varied parts of Texas.
c. Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States.
d. There are alligators in the swampland of southeast Texas.

E. Stated Main Idea. Read the following and identify the stated main idea in each passage. Encircle the number of
your answer.

13. My brother called me yesterday, excited because he was going on his first job interview. 2. He was also a bit nervous and
wanted advice. 3. There are several things one should do to ensure a successful interview. 4. Learn something about the
organization ahead of time and be prepared to describe your strengths. 5. Dress appropriately. 6. Don't show up for a dishwashing
interview in a suit or for an office job interview in cut-offs or jeans. 7. Arrive on time. 8. Smile and give the interviewer
appropriate eye contact. 9. And don't forget to thank the interviewer for his or her time.

14. Each year millions of men and women throughout the United States go on diets. 2. Only a few are actually successful in
achieving real weight loss. 3. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful? 4. Studies show that there are three factors
that contribute to successful weight loss. 5. First, one must be committed to making real changes in one's eating habits. 6. Crash
diets simply do not work over the long term. 7. Second, one must be willing to exercise, and not just once a week. 8. Finally, it
helps to engage in positive self-talk. 9. Don't tell yourself you'll never lose weight. 10. Tell yourself that you can.

F. Implied Main Idea. Circle the letter that expresses its implied main idea.
15. Psychologists say that a sigh can express satisfaction and contentment. Frequent sighing can suggest despair and
depression. It can also express disgust or frustration. It can express several emotions, but there is no one correct way
to interpret its meaning.
The implied Main Idea is?
a. Psychologists say that a sigh can express satisfaction and contentment, and frequent sighing can suggest
despair and depression.
b. Sighing can express several emotions.
c. A sign can express emotions, such as disgust or frustration.
d. A sigh can express several emotions, but there is no one correct way to interpret its meaning.

16. Smoking has been proven dangerous to peoples health, yet many continue to smoke for various reasons. For
young people, smoking often represents maturity and individuality. Many smoke as a way to reduce tension. In
addition, the regular smoker becomes addicted psychologically and physically to the nicotine in cigarettes.
The implied Main Idea is?
a. Smoking has been proven dangerous to peoples health in various ways.
b. Regular smokers become addicted to nicotine.
c. Although smoking is dangerous, people continue doing it for various reasons.
d. Nicotine is what smokers become addicted to, both psychologically and physically.

1. What is the subject description of English 1? _________________________________________________________________ (2 points)

2. What college won as the overall champion in the just concluded 2016 CNSC Intramurals? (2 points)
(full name of the college)

Extra credit: Describe your experience in the subject English 1?


Thank you and God Bless!

I will miss you my dearest students. See you around.

Maam Pearl

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