Prefix, Suffix, Root Word and Etymology of The Words

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Camarines Norte State College
Daet, Camarines Norte Total

______________________________________ Equiv.
Final Examination

Name: ____________________________________________ Course and Block: _____________________________________

Instructor: Ms. __________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________

I. A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

________ 1. Which is not a quality of a good paragraph?

a. Coherence b. Emphasis c. Unity d. Summarize
________ 2. It is the most important quality of a paragraph to maintain.
a. Coherence b. Emphasis c. Unity d. Summarize
________ 3. Below are three (3) general classifications of non-prose texts except one.
a. concepts b. exhibits c. processes d. relationships
________ 4. A paragraph should cover how many topics?
a. Two or Three b. Five or Six c. One d. None
________ 5. Which is not an example of a non-prose material?
a. an advertisement b. a menu c. a poetry d. train schedule
________ 6. I will rather have simple lifestyle than flamboyant. What type of context clue was used in the statement
a. synonym b. antonym c. analogy d. sense of the sentence
________ 7. The lion is as ferocious as a crocodile that is capable of gobbling up a whole human being.
a. synonym b. antonym c. analogy d. sense of the sentence
________ 8. The structure or parts of the word is another way of recognizing the meaning of an unfamiliar term such as
prefix, suffix , root word and etymology of the words.
a. sense of the sentence b. structure of the word c. examples d. analogy
________ 9. Transitions are used:
a. Between subjects and verbs b. To relate two sentences or paragraphs c. As little as possible
________ 10. A narrative paragraph:
a. Tell a story b. Gives a critique c. Classifies object
________ 11. The topic of a paragraph should:
a. Be as broad and general as possible. b. Always be about science. c. Be something the writer is interested in.
________ 12. What is important about the topic sentence?
a. Give details of the topic. b. Summarizes the paragraph. c. Gives an overview of the paragraph. d. It is not important.
________ 13. The following are other terms for effect EXCEPT one.
a. result b. reason c. consequence d. outcome
________ 14. Which is not a part of the elements of one-logical definition?
a. species b. term c. genus d. differentia
________ 15. Which kind of extended definition emphasized the use of negative attributes of being defined or tells what
a thing is not?
a. analysis by partition b. analysis by classification c. elimination d. description of details
________ 16. The ideal length of a summary is ______ of the original.
a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/5
________ 17. It is a quality of a good paragraph that is achieved by having a plan or outline.
a. Coherence b. Emphasis c. Unity d. Summarize
________ 18. Coherence comes from the Latin word cohere which means _______________________.
a. join together b. hold together c. unite together d. stay together
This takes place when the reader evaluates the materials read, gives judgment or opinions on ideas using
his prior knowledge or background experiences in relation to the information read.
a. Literal Reading b. Inferential Reading c. Applied Reading d. Critical Reading
B. Context Clues.
________ 19. The country cottage was just outside the quaint and picturesque town.
A. charming B. running C. ruined D. perhaps
________ 20. When he didnt understand the instructions, the student asked the teacher to clarify them.
A. remove B. call C. explain D. stop
________ 21. The impudent boy was rude to the policeman.
A. handsome B. carefully C. poor D. bold
_______ 22. Cold rain fell all day, making it a dismal Saturday afternoon.
A. gloomy B. red C. shining D. fun
_______ 23. Handle with care. The box is fragile.
A. delicate B. breakable C. weak D. brittle

C. Paraphrasing. (2 points)

_____ 24. 25% of adolescents who have one baby have a second baby within two years of the first baby's birth.
a. 25% of babies are born to mothers who are adolescents.
b. One out of four adolescent mothers has another baby before the first baby reaches his second birthday.
c. A quarter of adolescent mothers give birth when their first born is two.
d. 25% of adolescent mothers become pregnant again when their first babies are two years old.

_____ 25. The judge was relieved when the jury was finally ready to announce its verdict.
a. When the jury announced its verdict, the judge was relieved.
b. The judge asked the jury to arrive at a verdict.
c. The judge welcomed the prospect of an imminent verdict.
d. The jury welcomed the judge's relief.

_____ 26. Joyce thinks that the issue of adolescent problems is important to write about.
a. Joyce thinks that adolescents like to write about their problems.
b. Joyce feels that writing about adolescent problems is worthwhile.
c. Joyce believes that the dream of most adolescents is to write something important.
d. Joyce thinks that adolescents can write about their problems.

D. Main Idea. Read the following and identify the stated main idea in each passage. Write the number or letter only.

____________27. 1. My daughter called me yesterday, excited because she was going on her first job interview. 2. She was
also a bit nervous and wanted advice. 3. There are several things one should do to ensure a successful interview. 4.
Learn something about the organization ahead of time and be prepared to describe your strengths. 5. Dress
appropriately. 6. Don't show up for a dishwashing interview in a suit or for an office job interview in cut-offs or
jeans. 7. Arrive on time. 8. Smile and give the interviewer appropriate eye contact. 9. And don't forget to thank the
interviewer for his or her time.

1Reggae music is a complex mix of message and style. 2Originating in Jamaica in the 1960s, reggae evolved
from folk music that protested racism and corruption. 3Reggae also has a religious side that is based on the Bible from
the view of black culture. 4Some critics say that the serious messages of reggae are easier to accept because of its
powerful dance beat.

_________ 28. Topic (2 points)

_________ 29. Main Idea (2 points)

_________ 30. Supporting Detail (1 point)

_________ 31. Supporting Detail (1 point)

_________ 32. Supporting Detail (1 point)
A star begins to die when the last of the hydrogen fuel at its center succumbs to the star's fusion furnace and
the center collapses into a highly compressed, white-hot core. With the contraction, the core's temperature rises. The
heat becomes so intense that helium, a fusion by-product, begins to burn both within the core and just outside it, along
with hydrogen remaining outside the core. Effects of this heat are felt all the way out to the star's outer layers, which
begin to expand, ballooning the star into a monstrously swollen red giant. The outermost layers of the star are now
slowly cast off in a phenomenon known as stellar wind, until, eventually, comparatively little gas is left around the
core. This remaining gas is heated rapidly and pushed outward at very high speed. Soon it collides with the slower,
cooler gas ahead of it, piling it up into a bright, dense cloud called a planetary nebula. In a brief 10,000 years or so the
core, now left in the middle of a vast cloud of dust and gas, finally begins to cool and fade. (2 points)
--Jeffrey Winters, Discover

________ 33. A good title for this paragraph would be ____________________.

a. A Lesson in Astronomy."
b. "The Effects of Heat."
c."The Origins of Stars."
d. "The Death of a Star."

_________ 34. The pattern of organization is _________________________.

a. order of interest/importance b. inductive c. chronological d. comparison and contrast

E. Implied Main Idea. Write the letter that expresses its implied main idea. (2 points)
Psychologists say that a sigh can express satisfaction and contentment. Frequent sighing can suggest despair
and depression. It can also express disgust or frustration. It can express several emotions, but there is no one correct
way to interpret its meaning.

_________35. The implied Main Idea is?

a. Psychologists say that a sigh can express satisfaction and contentment, and frequent sighing can suggest
despair and depression.
b. Sighing can express several emotions.
c. A sign can express emotions, such as disgust or frustration.
d. A sigh can express several emotions, but there is no one correct way to interpret its meaning.

Whenever your physician orders a medical test for you, ask why you need it. You should also inquire about
the risks and benefits are. Find out how to prepare for it. For example, you may need to fast or discontinue
medications or herbal remedies you are taking. Finally, be sure to ask what the test will involve.

________ 36. The implied Main Idea is?

a. There are several questions you should ask whenever your doctor orders a medical test for you.
b. You should also inquire about the risks and benefits are.
c. Find out how to prepare for it.
d. For example, you may need to fast or discontinue medications or herbal remedies you are taking.

E. Summary. (2 points)
One night Paul could not go to sleep. It was 10:00 PM and he was still awake. He tried closing his eyes, but
that didn't work. He tried to lie on his stomach. That didn't work either. He tried to count to 100. That only made him
think more. Finally, he got up and got a drink of water. It made him feel better. He went back to bed and fell asleep.

_________ 37. What is the BEST SUMMARY of the story?

a. Paul could not go to sleep. He got a drink of water. He tried to count to 100. He finally went to sleep.
b. Paul could not go to sleep. He tried many things to help him go to sleep. He got a drink of water. Finally, he went
back to bed and went to sleep.
c. He went back to bed and went to sleep. He tried to count to 100. One night Paul could not go to sleep.
It was late afternoon when Venus and Yujin were let out of their kennels. They ran outside and searched for
their toys. They played frisbee, fetch with a ball and chased squirrels. After about an hour they began to get hungry.
They barked and barked until their owner came out to feed them. The food was yummy and they ate it all up. After
that, they laid out in the yard in the sunshine. The sun was warm on their fur. What a nice afternoon Daisy and Baily
had together.

_______ 38. What is the BEST summary of this passage?

a. Daisy and Baily played all afternoon. They laid out in the yard. Then they went back to their kennels.
b. Daisy and Baily are dogs. They like to bark and play. They played in the sun. They got out of their kennels. They had
a nice afternoon together.
c. Daisy and Baily played together. They ate some food. They laid out in the sun. They had a nice afternoon.

F. Identify the kind of description used. State whether it is informative or evocative. (2 points)
___________________________ 39. The fence grew moldy and inclined to one side, the child of Aling Ingkit grew up into a
sickly boy with hollow dark eyes and shaggy hair, and the child that was born to Aling Rehina grew up into a girl, a girl
with rugged features, a serous face, and a narrow brow - but not a word had passed across the fence since that night.

___________________________ 40. One reason for Jessas unhappiness was that life was not nice and lovely the way she
wanted it to be. She worried about starving children in under-developed countries, and about the killing of whales.
She became upset when a friend or relative fell ill. After typhoons, she helps in cleaning the surroundings. She loved to
do things for people, to see others happy.

G. Comparison and Contrast. Decide whether the following paragraphs are point-by-point or opposing
pattern. (2 points)
_________________________________ 41. Wit is a lean creature with a sharp inquiring nose, whereas humor has a kindly eye
and comfortable girth. Wit, if it were necessary, uses malice to score a point like a cat, it is quick to jump but humor
keeps the peace in an easy chair. Wit is as sharp as a stroke of lighting, whereas humor is diffuse like sunlight. Wit
keeps the seasons fashion and is precise in the phrases and judgments of the day, but humor is concerned with
homely eternal things. Wit wears silk, but humor is homespun, endures the wind.

__________________________________ 42. What is a man? A man has a remarkable memory. He can recall the score of the PBA
basketball game in 1995, the votes of Pnoys win last election and the last repair of his bike. But he cant remember
what size of socks he wears, the ages of his children, or the birthday of her wife. Conversely, what is a woman? A
woman is a rattlebrain who cant read a slide rule, cant follow a road map, and is vague about the model of the car she
drives but she can recall in vivid detail the bright yellow dress she wore to her high school prom and their anniversary

H. Identify the error of definition used in each sentence. Write only the letter of your choice.
a. circular b. figurative c. dictionary d. extended
__________ 43. A dictionary is not a book that contains a narrative explanation of words.
__________ 44. Narration is similar to story-telling.
__________ 45. A country is where people of similarities and differences establish their residence.
__________ 46. A newspaper is a reading material that gives daily news to the public.
__________ 47. A scholar is not a student who settles for a borderline grade.

II. Write aldub if the statement is true and pastillas if it is false.

____________ 1. A summary is always shorter than the original passage.
____________ 2. Main idea and topic sentence are two the same ideas.
____________ 3. You should include all details from the original passage in your summary.
____________ 4. A summary should provide the author and title of the original work.
____________ 5. Implied main idea is directly stated in a sentence.
____________ 6. You do not need to cite the author if you are summarizing a written material.
____________ 7. There are many different types of paragraphs.
____________ 8. Begin with the cause first, then the effects but never start with effect then cause thereafter.
____________ 9. In classification, the element basis is more specific than the genus element.
____________ 10. In summarizing, one must not change the structure, tone and mood of the written material.

III. Supply the boxes with the missing letters to complete the answer according to the given question.

1. This determines how many paragraphs are there in a composition or passage.


2. Newest addition to non-prose materials which shows an actual item that is attached to a report as a sample of an
object or product being discussed. It has labels and explanatory title with it.


3. The other term for discourse markers.


4. The other term for summarizing.

5. The other term for evocative definition. It is concerned about the emotions or moods of the reader.


6. To make paragraph coherent, one may use the technique or presenting details by location.


IV. Analogy.
1. informative: objective evocative : ___________________________
2. cum: with ____________________ : to weave
3. scribere _________________: ___________________: narrare: to relate or tell
4. ____________________ : point-by-point pattern opposing: block patten
5. de: completely ___________________________: to bound or limit
6. _____________________________, dictionary, extended: definition genus, basis, species: classification

V. Put a check mark () before the line if it is a topic sentence and a cross (x) if it is only a topic.
_______ 1. The dawn breaks into morning
_______ 2. When the dawn breaks into morning
_______ 3. Writing a paragraph is like building a house
_______ 4. Building a house with a strong foundation
_______ 5. Note-taking is an important tool in learning

Bonus: 1. What is the subject description of English 1? Go to the first page and write it above finals examination.
2. What is the full name of your English 1 teacher? (except middle name) Go to the first page and write it
below your name.

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