Unit 5 Year 4 Our Heroes

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Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes ( Lesson 1) Listening and Speaking

Learning Standards:
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
i. listen to and enjoy a simple story.
ii. name the characters in the story read
iii. talk about their hero and why they admire
him or her
Teaching Aids: Pictures, Courseware
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational emphases: MI-
HOTS: Application
Moral Value: Respect
Set Induction:
Pupils look at the pictures on textbook page 35.
Teacher guides pupils to talk about the pictures.
Pupils name the occupations of the characters in the picture.
Pupils listen to the stories.
Teacher encourages pupils to talk about the characters and their contributions.
Pupils talk about their hero and why they admire him or her.
Pupils do exercise in Activity book page 25.
Teacher elicits moral values of respect.

Textbook : Page 37
Activity Book: Page 27
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 2) Reading
Learning Standards :
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences
(a) linear texts
(b) non-linear texts
2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with
(b) non- fiction
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read newspaper excerpts
about Malaysian Heroes.
Teaching Aids: Courseware and Visualizer
Cross Curricular Elements : Information and
Communication Technology Skills(ICT)
Moral Value: Responsible
Activities / Steps:
Set Induction:
1. Pupils name the Malaysian Heroes mentioned in textbook
page 37.
Pre-reading :
1. Pupils talk about the Malaysia Heroes they know.
While reading :
1. Teacher reads the newspaper excerpts.
2. Pupils read aloud.
Post reading :
1. Pupils open Activity Book page 27.
2. Pupils read the information given and complete the table provided.
2. Pupils read the answer aloud.
Closure :
1. Teacher elicits moral value of be responsible.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 3) Writing
Learning Standards:
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
(a) linear texts
3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:
(b) sentences
3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance:
(b) linear
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(a)read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts
(b) able to create simple texts
Teaching Aids: Song of People in My Town(YouTube), Workbook
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational emphases: MI-Verbal-linguistic
HOTS: Application
Moral Value: Proud of Heroes
Set Induction:
Teacher plays a song of People in My Town from YouTube and asks pupils opinions
about real life heroes in the song.
Pupils read and understand the first passage of My Father, My Hero (textbook page 39).
Pupils refer to given words in the pink box and relate in with the passage (guided
Pupils complete the missing words in the passage of My Mother, My Hero by referring to
the given words in the purple box as guidance.
Pupils also construct a simple passage about DatinPaduka Mother A. Mangalam by
using the given words.
Volunteers read aloud the answers of the missing words in the second passage and the
third passage they constructed.
Teacher elicits moral values of being proud of our heroes.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 4) Grammar
Learning Standard:
5.1.4(a) Able to use conjunctions correctly and appropriately:
(a) but
2.2.2(b) Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
(b) linear texts
3.2.2(a)Able to write with guidance:
a) compound sentences
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use
conjunctions but correctly and appropriately and able to
write compound sentences.
Teaching Aids: Courseware
Cross Curricular Elements: Mastery learning
1. Pupils read the dialogues in the pictures(textbook page 41)
2. Teacher asks pupils to identify the conjunction used in the second
3. Teacher explains when to use the conjunction of but.
4. Pupils look at the example given of writing compound sentences.
5. Pupils write the five questions on page 41 into compound sentences
using conjunction of but.
1. Five volunteers read aloud their answers.
1. Teachers sums up the lesson by telling pupils the importance of using
the correct and appropriate conjunction of but.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 5 Language Arts)
Learning Standards :
4.1.1 Able to enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal
4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct
stress pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
4.2.1 Able to respond to literary texts:
(a) characters
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recite the
chant with correct intonation and expression.
Teaching Aids: Courseware, text book
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational Emphases: Multiple
Moral Values: Thankful
Activities / Steps:
1. Teacher recites the chant aloud to pupils.
2. Pupils recite the chant together.
3. Discuss the character in the chant.
4. Pupils replace the words in green with a hero of their choices such as mother,
uncle, etc with guidance.
5. Pupils say the chant again.
6. Teacher elicits the moral value of this poem.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 6 Language Arts)

Learning Standards :
4.1.1 Able to enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal
4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct
stress pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
4.2.1 Able to respond to literary texts:
(a) characters
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recite the
chant with correct intonation and expression.
Teaching Aids: Courseware, text book
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational Emphases : Multiple intelligences
Moral Values: Thankful
Activities / Steps:
1. Teacher recites the chant aloud to pupils.
2. Pupils recite the chant together.
3. Discuss the character in the chant.
4. Pupils replace the words in green with a hero of their choices such as mother,
uncle, etc with guidance.
5. Pupils say the chant again.
6. Teacher elicits the moral value of this poem.
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 7) Listening and Speaking
Learning Standards:
1.1.1 Able to speak with correct word stress.
1.1.3 Able to listen to and recite poems, tongue twisters and
sing songs, paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
i. recite the rhyme
ii. name the occupations
Teaching Aids: Pictures, Courseware
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational emphases: MI-Verbal-linguistic
HOTS: Application
Moral Value: Respect
Set Induction:
Pupils look at pictures of occupations on textbook page 36.
1. Pupils name the occupations on page 36.
1. Pupils listen to the name of occupations.
2. Pupils say aloud the name of transportations.
3. Teacher recites the rhyme and pupils follow aloud.
1. Pupils match and write the picture and its name.
2. Pupils write the answers in cursive writing.
3. Pupils do exercise in Activity book page 26.
Teacher elicits moral values of respect.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 8) Reading
Learning Standards : 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.

2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:

(a) linear texts

2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:

(b) non- fiction
3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance to complete:(b) non-linear

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read the story and complete
mind map .
Teaching Aids: Courseware and Visualizer
Cross Curricular Elements : Information and Communication Technology Skills(ICT)
Moral Value: Responsible
Activities / Steps:
Set Induction:
1. Teacher shows a mind map.
2. Pupils look at the mind map and talk about it.
Pre-reading :
1. Pupils name the character in the story.
2. Pupils name Surias father occupations.
While reading :
1. Teacher reads the story aloud and pupils follow.
2. Pupils read aloud.
Post reading :
1. Pupils open Activity Book page 28.
2. Pupils use the newspaper reports on textbook page 37 and complete the mind map in
activity book page 28.
Closure :
1. Teacher elicits moral value of be responsible.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes Lesson 9 Reading
Learning Standards:
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
(a) linear texts
3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance:
(a) linear texts
3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling:
(a) words
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(a) read and understand phrases and sentences from linear
(b) able to complete linear texts with guidance.
Teaching Aids: Workbook, Picture of Dato Lee Chong Wei.
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational emphases: MI-Verbal-linguistic
HOTS: Application
Moral Value: Proud of Heroes
Set Induction:
Teacher shows a picture of Dato Lee Chong Wei and elicits pupils knowledge about
Pupils read and understand an interview of Edwin with Dato Lee Chong Wei (textbook
page 40). Pupils identify missing phrases in the interview and use the given notes in the
pink boxes to complete the missing phrases.
Pupils write an interview of them with Muhammad Zulfahmi Khairuddin, the best
motorcycle racer in Malaysia.
Pupils refer to the previous interview of Dato Lee Chong Wei as guidance.
In pair of two, volunteers read aloud their interview with Muhammad Zulfahmi
Teacher elicits moral values of being proud of our heroes.

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes Lesson 10 Grammar
Learning Standard:
5.1.4(a) Able to use conjunctions correctly and appropriately:
(a) but
2.2.2(b) Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
(b) linear texts
3.2.2(a) Able to write with guidance:
a) compound sentences
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use conjunctions but
correctly and appropriately and able to write sentences.
Teaching Aids: Courseware
Cross Curricular Elements: Mastery learning
1.Teacher recalls previous grammar lesson of conjunction but.
2.Teacher elicits pupils understanding about the conjunction.
3.Teacher gives a few examples of sentences with the conjunction but.
4.Pupils read the given incomplete sentences in the textbook on page 41.
5. Pupils write the five sentences with teachers guidance. Teacher may elicit ideas from
Five volunteers write their answers on the whiteboard.
Teachers sums up the lesson by telling pupils the importance of using the correct and
appropriate conjunction of but.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic: Unit 5 our Heroes (Lesson 11 Language Arts)
Poem: Sand Castle
Learning Standards :
4.1.1 Able to enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal response.
4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress
pronunciation,rhythm and intonation.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recite the poem with correct
intonation and expression.
Teaching Aids: Courseware, Poetry book
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational Emphases: Multiple intelligences, creativity
& innovation
Moral Values:Appreciate and enjoy nature, be strong when you are faced with
Activities / Steps:
1. Teacher recites the poem aloud to pupils.
2. Pupils recite the poem together.
3. Discuss the meaning of keywords and phrases in the poem.
4. Ask pupils how they think the poet felt after the sandcastle was destroyed by the
5. Teacher elicits the moral value of this poem.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic: Unit 5 Our Heroes (Lesson 12 Language Arts)
Poem: Holiday Memories
Learning Standards :
4.1.1 Able to enjoy jazz chants, poems and songsthrough non-verbal response.
4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress
pronunciation,rhythm and intonation.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recite the poem with correct
intonation and expression.
Teaching Aids: Courseware, Poetry book
Cross Curricular Elements/Educational Emphases: Multiple intelligences, creativity
& innovation
Moral Value:Be imaginative and adventurous
Activities / Steps:
1. Teacher recites the poem aloud to pupils.
2. Pupils recite the poem together.
3. Discuss the meaning of keywords and phrases in the poem.
4. Pupils recite the poem again with movement and actions.
5. Teacher elicits the moral value of this poem.

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