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Submitted February 2004

Ultrasonic Testing for Transverse Discontinuities

in Dissimilar Welds: Theoretical and
Experimental Results
by V. Munikoti,* G. Brekow, U. Tessaro and A. Erhard

ABSTRACT ultrasonic wave undergoing multiple reflections at grain bound-

In a typical reactor pressure vessel, weld joints between dissimilar met- aries. The ray direction gets successively skewed at each grain
als such as Ni-Cr alloy, austenite and ferrite, exist. These welds are very boundary, resulting in a curved path. In addition to the grain
vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking. Experimental and theoretical in- boundaries, there are also interfaces between different parts of the
vestigations have been made to determine the relevant test parameters nec- dissimilar weld such as buffer, weld, cladding and parent metal. At
essary for crack detection. The experiments were done using two types of these interfaces, reflections and mode conversions occur in addition
probe arrangements: two separate probes, one acting as a transmitter and to scattering at grain boundaries. Altogether, ultrasonic testing of
the other one as a receiver arranged in a V form; and a phased array twin dissimilar welds for discontinuity detection and sizing poses a new
crystal probe. challenge.
Characteristic differences in the crack detection procedure were investi- Presently, international research activities are concerned with
gated by measurements with respect to a representative reference specimen the development of improved signal processing methods and opti-
with a circumferential dissimilar weld. Measurements show ways and mizing strategies for qualifying ultrasonic testing techniques for
means for reliable detection of transverse discontinuities. Accompanying dissimilar welds (Eriksen et al., 2001).
theoretical calculations using the ray tracing model confirm the influence The European Commission, under the Fifth Framework Pro-
of some test parameters on ultrasonic propagation behavior in anisotropic gramme, funded the Signal Processing and Improved Qualification
regions of a dissimilar weld. for Non-destructive testing of Aging Reactors (Spiqnar) project to
Keywords: ultrasound, transverse discontinuity, dissimilar weld, improve testing capability through the development of signal pro-
anisotropy, echotomography, phased array, ray tracing. cessing methods to enhance signal to noise ratio and for the devel-
opment of improved strategies for qualifying such tests (Dikstra
INTRODUCTION and Cameron, 2002).
As a part of the cooling circuit in many nuclear power installa- The qualifying procedure at the Electric Power Research Insti-
tions, dissimilar metals are welded together for example, weld tute (EPRI) for the testing of dissimilar welds essentially deals with
overlay cladding of an austenitic material (either a Ni-Cr alloy or special phased array probes having four to seven elements, a center
UNS S34700) on low alloy steel. These welds are prone to stress cor- frequency of 1.5 MHz and an aperture of 12 by 20 mm (0.5 by
rosion cracking. In some nuclear power stations, cracks were de- 0.8 in.). For discontinuity detection in a circumferential direction of
tected on the inner surface of the dissimilar weld. These cracks, a reference piece in a 1:1 scale sector, scans have been produced
which have their orientation perpendicular to the welding direc- with refraction angles between 30 and 70 degrees (MacDonald et
tion, are designated as transverse cracks. The purpose of the pre- al., 2001).
sent investigation is to develop an ultrasonic testing method for re- For in service testing of dissimilar welds in a nuclear power
liable detection of such transverse cracks. Very often, crack plant, a test technique has to be developed which is capable of de-
detection and sizing with ultrasound in dissimilar welds can be tecting transverse cracks at the weld root at a very early stage. Ex-
very difficult due to the following reasons. perimental and theoretical investigations have been carried out to
In a welding process, high thermal gradients exist between the find the relevant test parameters for crack detection. Measurements
molten weld pool and the neighboring colder regions. During the were done on a dissimilar weld of a nozzle specimen. Experimental
solidification process, grains grow along the direction of heat flow procedures were supported by theoretical calculations based on a
yielding a textured structure. This results in a structure consisting of ray tracing model (Wstenberg et al., 1993; Ogilvy, 1992). Theoreti-
elongated grains. This textured structure is the cause for the cal predictions concerning the sound propagation behavior were
anisotropic nature of the weld region. An elastic wave in such an examined by using different probe configurations as mentioned
anisotropic medium undergoes beam skewing (phase and group above for longitudinal wave incidence.
velocity [energy flow] directions are no longer coincident). In this article some of the critical parameters based on theoretical
Due to the abovementioned grain structure, elastic properties simulation results, which aid in the design of experimental proce-
vary spatially. This means that there are numerous grains with their dures and interpretation of experimental results, are discussed.
respective orientations and grain boundaries. This amounts to an
* Bundesanstalt fr Materialforschung und prfung, Division VIII.4, Experimental investigations were done on a reactor water
Nondestructive Testing, Acoustical and Electrical Methods, Unter den cleanup nozzle specimen consisting of an austenitic (UNS S34700)
Eichen 87, Berlin D-12200, Germany; 49 30 8104 3675; fax 49 30 8104 1846;
e-mail <>.
weld (Ni-Cr) buffer joint. Specimen structure and dimensions are
Bundesanstalt fr Materialforschung und prfung, Division VIII.4, shown in Figure 1.
Nondestructive Testing, Acoustical and Electrical Methods, Unter den Artificial discontinuities (transverse notches) were introduced
Eichen 87, Berlin D-12200, Germany; 49 30 8104 3648; fax 49 30 8104 1845. at the weld root with the help of electric spark machining. The

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Figure 1 Positions and sizes of artificial notches at the two reactor water cleanup nozzle reference pieces (unspecified measurements are in

notches have depths of 2, 5 and 8 mm (0.08, 0.2 and 0.3 in.), respec- was used for the purpose of reconstruction, is schematically
tively. Exact notch positions on the inner surface of the nozzle are shown in Figure 3.
also shown in Figure 1. Two semicylindrical specimens are held to- The echotomographs were generated by a reconstruction
gether in a fixture. process (Wstenberg et al., 1993). Digitized values of echo ampli-
The dissimilar welds of the two nozzle reference pieces were tudes were registered into the pixel elements taking the probes po-
tested with two types of probes. In one case, two probes were in sition and sound paths into account. The echotomograph shows
two separate housings, one serving as a transmitter and the other as the grayscale values of added signal amplitudes in each pixel ele-
a receiver. The probes were arranged in a V form. The probe di- ment, which helps in differentiating those regions with and without
mensions were 8 by 9 mm (0.3 by 0.35 in.) with a frequency of discontinuities (Figure 4).
2 MHz. A suitable wedge was designed to achieve a refraction Using the phased array twin crystal probe, refraction angles for
angle of approximately 35 degrees for longitudinal waves in the longitudinal waves in weld metal were varied at each measure-
weld metal. The other case involved a phased array twin crystal ment position between 35 and 50 degrees. For each refraction angle,
probe, where the transmitter and receiver are enclosed in a single an echotomograph was reconstructed and all 16 of the tomographs
housing. The probe dimensions were 30 by 10 mm (1.2 by 0.4 in.) were superpositioned. The result is shown in Figure 4, which
with a frequency of 1.3 MHz. The wedge curvature was adapted to shows the existence of four discontinuity positions on the inner sur-
the curvature of the specimen for effective coupling. Here again, the face of the reference pieces. Two positions (one at the top and one at
wedge was designed to achieve a refraction angle between 35 and the bottom of the circle) indicate the split existing between the ref-
50 degrees in the weld metal. erence pieces. The other two discontinuity indications belong to the
In the case of the probes in a V form arrangement, the trans- 5 and 8 mm (0.2 and 0.3 in.) deep notches, respectively. The 2 mm
mitter and receiver probes were positioned asymmetrically on the (0.08 in.) deep notches can hardly be seen.
specimen as shown in Figure 2. All of the measurements were Figure 5 shows where the experiment was performed for a fixed
made using a manipulator, which controlled the probe movement refraction angle of approximately 35 degrees. There was no echo in-
on the outer surface of the weld. The test specimen was placed on a dication from the notches, even from the separation existing be-
motor driven turntable. During the measurement, the actual turn- tween the two semicylindrical specimens. Scanning in a counter-
ing position was registered through an incremental sensor device, clockwise direction yielded no better result.
which was connected to the computer of the ultrasonic measure- This was an unexpected result because the separation existing
ment unit. In this way, all the measured A-scans could be stored between the specimens can be considered as a large transverse dis-
along with the data corresponding to their circumferential position. continuity and the complete specimen was scanned in both a clock-
During measurements, ultrasonic waves were incident in both wise and counterclockwise direction.
clockwise and counterclockwise directions. Water was used as the However, in the case of the probes in the V form arrange-
couplant. Measured A-scans were used for the analysis of the re- ment and for the refraction angle of approximately 35 degrees
sults presented in this article. ( = 15.5 degrees), clear discontinuity indications at the 6, 8, 9 and 12
oclock positions are seen (Figure 2). In the counterclockwise direc-
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS tion of incidence, the separation existing between the two halves of
Echotomographs were generated using measured A-scan the specimen and the 5 and 8 mm (0.2 and 0.3 in.) deep notches are
data. The principle of the echotomographic technique, which clearly indicated.

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Figure 2 Two probes in an asymmetrical V form arrangement the incidence direction is counterclockwise, the incidence wave is longitudinal
and the refraction angle in the weld metal is approximately 35 degrees (incidence angle = 15.5 degrees): (a) arrangement; (b) echotomograph.

Figure 3 Principle of ultrasonic echotomography.

THEORETICAL RESULTS an empirical formula; and a lay back angle of 10 degrees is assumed
The results presented in this section are based on the ray tracing in the direction of welding. Elastic constants for austenite and Ni-Cr
method. The principles of the method are described in Ogilvy alloy are taken from Halkjr (1999).
(1986) and Munikoti (2001). The experimental results with reference to Figures 2 and 5,
The following assumptions were made for the theoretical results, as discussed in the previous section, can summed up briefly as
which are presented in this article: the grain texture is simulated by follows.

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Figure 4 Reactor water cleanup nozzle specimen the incidence direction is clockwise; the incidence wave is longitudinal; and the type of probe is
a phased array twin crystal: (a) phased array probe; (b) echotomograph. The refraction angle of the longitudinal wave in the weld metal range is from
approximately 35 to 50 degrees (incidence angle = 15.5 degrees).



Figure 5 Reactor water cleanup nozzle specimen: the incidence direction is clockwise, the incidence wave is longitudinal and the type of probe is a
phased array twin crystal: (a) phased array probe; (b) echotomograph. The refraction angle of the longitudinal wave in the weld metal is
approximately 35 degrees (incidence angle = 15.5 degrees).

Figure 5 shows where the phased array twin crystal probe was can be seen that clear indications were obtained from the discontinu-
used for the experiment. The refraction angle of the longitudinal ities and the separation between the specimens.
wave was approximately 35 degrees in the specimen (which corre- The aim of the simulation was to analyze the two cases using a
sponds to about 15 degrees of incidence angle in the transducer). theoretical model for ultrasonic wave propagation in dissimilar
The specimen was scanned in both a clockwise and counterclock- anisotropic materials.
wise direction. The results show that the notches and the separation The simulation results shown in Figures 6 and 7 correspond to
between the semicylindrical specimens were not detected. the experimental results shown in Figure 2. The transmitter and re-
Figure 2 shows where two separate transducers were used for the ceiver probes are arranged in a V form. Further, in the figures
experiment (one acting as a transmitter and the other as receiver) but what is denoted as a transverse discontinuity corresponds to the
in this case, they were arranged in a V form. The refraction angle separation between the two semicylindrical specimens (Figures 1,
was the same as in the previous case (approximately 35 degrees). It 2, 3 and 4).

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The transmitter probe is placed on the buffer (ferritic side) of the

specimen as shown in Figures 6b and 7b. A fan of nine rays is as-
sumed to be emitted from each point of the transducer. Each ray de-
viates from its neighboring rays by an angle , which is determined
by a distribution function representing a 6 dB drop in amplitude
(Furukawa and Date, 1995). The rays get scattered after reflecting at
the discontinuity. Nevertheless, a large enough number of rays
reaches the receiver. In the asymmetrical V form arrangement, for
clockwise or counterclockwise incidence directions, the discontinu-
ities could be detected (Figures 6 and 7). The nonlinear ray paths
observed in the above figures are a consequence of successive ray
skewing at grain boundaries.
The ray tracing results (for clockwise and counterclockwise di-
(a) rections of incidence) for the twin crystal probe are shown in Fig-
ures 8 and 9. These correspond to the experimental results with ref-
erence to Figure 5. Here again, the refraction angle in the specimen
was the same as in the previous case (approximately 35 degrees).
The results show that the rays scattered away from the receiver
(Figures 8 and 9) after reflecting from the transverse discontinuity
(separation between the two halves of the specimen).

Two single probes in a V arrangement and phased array twin
crystal probes were used on a buffered dissimilar weld to detect
transverse notches at the weld root. On the outer surface of a test
specimen, the probes were coupled on the circumferential position
of the weld. For detecting the transverse discontinuities, longitudi-
(b) nal wave transducers were used.
In a twin probe arrangement (transmitter and receiver in a sin-
gle housing) for a refraction angle of approximately 35 degrees
Figure 6 Ray traces for a longitudinal wave incidence to detect the ( = 15.5 degrees), the separation between the two halves of the
total separation (transverse discontinuity) existing between the two specimen could not be detected for clockwise or counterclockwise
halves of the specimen with probes in an asymmetrical V form directions. This was surprising because the separation is the
arrangement the direction of incidence is clockwise; the refraction largest transverse discontinuity that went undetected along all of
angle is approximately 35 degrees ( = 15.5 degrees): (a) lateral view;
(b) top view (T = transmitter; R = receiver).

(a) (a)

Figure 7 Ray traces for a longitudinal wave incidence to detect the
total separation (transverse discontinuity) existing between the two Figure 8 Ray traces for longitudinal wave incidence to detect the
halves of the specimen with probes in an asymmetrical V form total separation (transverse discontinuity) existing between the two
arrangement the direction of incidence is counterclockwise; the halves of the specimen with a phased array crystal probe the
refraction angle is approximately 35 degrees ( = 15.5 degrees): direction of incidence is clockwise; the refraction angle is approximately
(a) lateral view; (b) top view. 35 degrees ( = 15.5 degrees): (a) lateral view; (b) top view.

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35 degrees ( = 15.5 degrees) is found unsuitable for transverse dis-

continuity detection in the investigated dissimilar weld.
A phased array twin crystal probe with variable refraction an-
gles coupled with efficient reconstruction algorithms should yield a
better result.
The two probe combination (transmitter and receiver in a sepa-
rate housing arranged asymmetrically in a V form) yields good
The theoretical simulation is essential for the following reasons:
to understand wave propagation in a dissimilar weld structure
such as the one discussed in this article; to give better insight into
the wave propagation for improved reliable testing techniques; and
to optimize the time required for efficient design of the experi-
(a) ments.

We express our sincere thanks to VGB Power Tech GmbH for as-
sisting in the investigations under the purview of a research and de-
velopment project. Our sincere thanks also to the reviewers for their
useful comments and suggestions.

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Figure 9 Ray traces for longitudinal wave incidence to detect the Furukawa, T. and K. Date, Ray-modelling for Computer Simulation of Ul-
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of incidence is counterclockwise; the refraction angle is approximately Plenum Press, 1995, pp. 1111-1117.
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other as a receiver) in an asymmetrical V form arrangement, the destructive Inspection with Ultrasound, BAM Internal Report 249, Berlin,
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Ogilvy, J.A., Ultrasonic Beam Profiles and Beam Propagation in an
lation results also supplement this. Austenitic Weld Using a Theoretical Ray Tracing Model, Ultrasonics, Vol.
However, it has to be noted that the agreement between the ex- 24, No. 6, 1986, pp. 337-347.
perimental and theoretical results are purely qualitative in nature. Ogilvy, J.A., An Iterative Ray Tracing Model for Ultrasonic Nondestructive
The following general inferences could be made based on the Testing, NDT&E International, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1992, pp. 3-10.
above experimental and theoretical results. Wstenberg, H., B. Rotter, H.P. Klanke and D. Harbecke, Ultrasonic Phased
The twin probes (transmitter and receiver combination in a Arrays for Nondestructive Inspection of Forgings, Materials Evaluation,
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