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Command Shortcut/Keyword Description

Regeneration re To refresh drawing Board
Exit Escape To quit a command
Orthogonal F8 Quadrant Angles
Polar Tracking F10 Angle increments
Re-launch/Enter Spacebar Activate a command
Dynamic Input ~ Status Bar
Units un To change a unit of measure
Architectural Units Foot - inches Input: whole 26, fractional inches: 17-5/8
Metric Units
Property Changer Ctrl + 1 To change properties of an object
Quick Properties qp To change properties of an object in a small palette
Match Properties ma Copy the format of an object
Design Center Pallete Ctrl + 2 Or in the view menu on palettes used in inserting blocks
Object Snap Shift + right click Default: Endpoint and Center
Temporary Tracking tk Temporary tracking point (Auto Ortho)
Grips Click and drag Shows measurements and modify it

Point po Add points to the Drawing Use menu file to change its type
Divide div Divide a line into specific intervals
Measure me Divide a line using specific measurements
Line l Create a line
Polyline pline Create a contiguous set of lines
Ray ray A line with a defined starting point with infinite length
Construction Line xline Create an infinite line
Boundary bo Get the boundaries of a polyline
Circle c Create a circle using radius or diameter
Rectangle rec Create a rectangle using L x W
Polygon pol Create shapes with 5 or more sides
Inscribed Polygon ~ Polygon inside a circle (corner to corner)
Circumscribed Polygon ~ Polygon outside a circle (face to face)
Ellipse el Circle with 2 diameters
Hatch Pattern ~ To give background
Rollover tooltips ~ Options dialog box > display; on txt rollover not on top but on side
Quick calculator ctrl + 8

Align al To align objects
Break br Clicking two points and break a line
Move m To move an object
Copy cp To copy an object
Rotate ro To rotate an object (positive angle counter-clockwise)

3/13/2012 ACAD X-List

Trim tr Select first cutting edge then lines to be trimmed
Select first boundary edge to extend to then line to be extended
Extend ex Hold down shift key when interchanging between trim and extend
Press enter after the command to select all as cutting edges
select object then input offset distance
Offset o
Through offset through a particular point
Left Selection Selects all
Right Selection Selects only the boundaries within the selection
Adding/Removing Shift key Adding or removing a selection
Erase All Erase>All To clear drawing board
Window Polygon wp Selection Free form
Fence f A line segment like a crossing window
f To create a round corner
Fillet + shift To create a sharp corner (set radius and if multiple others)
Chamfer cha To create a beveled corner
Array ar Rectangular and Polar
Stretch s Select crossing window end points and enter measurement
Lengthen len To make long or shorten a line/arc
Mirror mi Create symmetrical copies of geometry
Scale sc To scale an object
Explode x To create separate lines
Pedit pe To join lines into one, edit a polyline

Color Box ~ To change the color of the layer
Light Bulb ~ Toggle Visibility
Layer Previous layerp Just like undo on layer
Make Current Layer laymcur To select layer using objects

Justify left middle right top bottom
Single Line text
To underline single line text highlight + ctrl u
Multi-Line mtext
Press a tab key after placing a number
Numbered List ~ To create a blank space after a note place the cursor at the end
and hold shift + enter
Symbols ~ Can be seen on the text editor
Spell Check ~ Just like on Word can be seen also in text editor

Linear Dimension dli
Aligned Dimension dal
Angular Dimension dan

3/13/2012 ACAD X-List

Radial Dimension dra
Dimension ++ Enter first a dimension command then this one
Ddedit ed Use to edit dimension value
Multileader mld Right click to see options

Lineweights User preference > lineweight settings
Layout Layout > viewport>

3/13/2012 ACAD X-List

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