Whodidit?: Arthur Ramsgrave Elizabeth Atwell

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Who did it ?

Police found the body of Mrs Jean Rolands on the lawn outside her home at three oclock in
the afternoon. Read the evidence and decide if it was an accident , suicide or murder.and
if it was murder, who did it? Work it out.

Arthur Ramsgrave Elizabeth Atwell

I live up on the top floor. I dont know Mrs I live across corridor from Mrs Rolands. I think
Rolands very well.I knew her husband better.I Miss Forester,MrsRolands neighbour , opened her
always thought he was going to marry Ann-Ann door when I was having coffee at about ten
Forester, that is-people always surprise you oclock, and someone left. I thought it was Miss
though, dont they? Forester, but I saw her hurrying out to the shops
twenty minutes later

Ian walters Bessie Talbot

I work for a TV repair firm. I called on Mrs I never liked Mrs Rolands. I was going to the
Rolands at about 9.15am. Her cleaner opened library when I saw her outside the block of flats at
the door. I repaired the TVI dont think Mrs about ten oclock. Of course I didnt speak to
Rolands was in while I was working there. There herI never do, yet I think its a pity what
was a lot noise in the bedroom- but I think that happened to her!!
was the cleaner
Rosie Matthews Ann Forester
I clean Mrs Rolands flat every day. When I I live in the flat next door to Mrs Rolands.I knew
arrived at 8.30 this morning, she was just her quite well but I was out shopping all morning. I
going out. She had her coat on and she was went out very early and came back after lunch
looking well and happy.

Mike Simmons Peter Woolcombe

I was at the corner of Redford Road at about I live in the ground floor flat in the same building as
10. 45 when I caught a glimpse of Mrs Mrs Rolands. Mrs Matthews went upstairs at about
Rolands she was walking slowly over 8.30;the window cleaner came . I think I saw Mrs
towards that small piece of lawn, but I was in Rolands at about ten oclock. I was just going to the
a hurry and didnt stop to speak to her. I laundry when she went out of the main door of the
worried about it later. building

Judith Brown
Bill Martin I live in the flat above Mrs Rolands. Of course, Mr
I clean all the windows round here. I was Rolands died a year ago. They were only married for
having a cup of tea at about 9.30 when I saw five years. He was a good friend of Ann Forester
Mrs Rolands . She waved at me from that until he married, but after the wedding, Ann never
window up thereOh, wait a really spoke to Mrs Rolands..I suppose she was a
minutethats Miss Forester s flat bit jealous. I was coming home from work at about
isnt it? Thats right. It was that window four o clock when Mr Woolcombe told me the
awful news.

Doctor Heaney, forensic scientist

This person died between 9. 00 and 11. 00 this morning probably from an overdose of drugs ,
even poison. We shall know when we do all the tests.

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