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How Media Manipulates Truth about Terrorism

Author(s): Daya Kishan Thussu

Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 32, No. 6 (Feb. 8-14, 1997), pp. 264-267
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly
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Accessed: 11-02-2016 09:07 UTC

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always projected as the aggrieved party,
How Media Maniapulates Truth despiteits recordin suppressinghumanrights
of millions of Palestinians.
about Terrorism As part of the justification of this latest
invasion, many newspaperslinked together
Daya Kishan Thussu the activities of Palestinian militant group
Hamas and Hizbollah to imply that
The mainstream western media projects Islam as inimical to civilised Hizbollah's attacks were in some way a
values. The demonising of Islam fits in well with the western continuationof suicide bombingsby Hamas,
geo-political interests in arms and oil. Today, after the demise of which had claimed dozens of Israelilives in
early 1996. The usual case was being made
communiststates, when Islam is being seen as a security threat to the thatwhile the Arabsengage in terrorism,the
west, the media in the Muslim world needs to devise ways and means Israelis only retaliate.
to reduce the dependency on western news sources. The US presswerejustas activeto promote
theIsraeliversionofevents, as inNewsweek's,
HIZBOLLAH,Hamas,Mujaheddin- these mainpoints:thatthe actionwas self-defence April 22 issue, with only one page on the
namesregularlyappearon editorialpages of in retaliationfor Hizbollah attacks; that it invasion. It headlinedthe story with a quote
international newspapers and news was measuredand proportionate,and that it by a senior Israeli official, Uri Lubrani,"It
magazines and continue to dominate the was evidence of greatrestraint-Israelwould is just the beginning". The sub-heading
world's television screens and its airwaves. be perfectlyjustified to strike much wider, framed the issue: 'Israel strikes deep into
Moreoften thannot the turban-clad,bearded at Syria or Iran. Lebanonto retaliateagainstHizbollah'.Then
membersof theseorganisationsareportrayed It was reportedon the cover of the London came thejustification,"Aseriesof Hizbollah
intheUS-dominatedwesternmediaas fanatic Daily Telegraph the next day: "Israel attacks began more than a month ago. But
terrorist groups bent upon destroying launched an air strike on a Hizbollah base PrimeMinisterShimonPeresfacingelection
everythingthat is dear to the 'liberal' west. on the outskirts of Beirut yesterday in on May 29 held his fire in hopes that US-
They figure prominentlyin any discussion retaliationfor terroristrocket attacks." brokereddiplomacy could ease the border
or debate about the Islamic world and An 'analysis' piece headlined 'More than tensions and keep moribund peace talks
consequentlysuchwordsandphra,sesasjihad force needed to beat Hizbollah' by the alive."
and Allah-o-Akber have become part of newspaper'scorrespondentin Beiruttriedto FourdaysaftertheIsraelionslaughtbegan,
western lingo. rationalise the bombing: "The action is the Wall Street Journal (Europe) editorial,
This article looks at the role of the evidence of Israel's frustration at the 'Israel's Response in Kind' said: "Given
mainstreamwestern media in projectingan increasing boldness of the Shiite Hizbollah what Israel has endured, the response is
image of Islam, one of the world's great movement." In the London Economist on measuredandjustified." As with the rest of
religions, as inimical to civilised values. As April 13, it ratedonly a mention,as 'Israeli the mainstream western media it blamed
a case study,thearticleanalysesthecoverage revenge' in a piece covering the election. Syria for the conflict. "Terroristswith no
in the mainstream western media of the Most westernjournalists echoed the line concern for human life have placed their
'Grapesof Wrath'- the Israeli invasion of taken by the hawkish British defence arsenalsandstrategiccentresamidstcivilians,
Lebanon between April 11 and 27. secretary,Michael Portillo, who was in Tel leading to some of the gruesome footage
The brutal bombardment of Lebanon, Aviv at the time of Israeli blitzkrieg: "We witnessed in recentdays. ... Israeliincursion
condoned by Israel's friends in the White look to Israelalways to takemeasureswhich into Lebanon like the one currentlytaking
House,claimedhundredsof lives, madehalf are measuredand which are consideredand place,will bejustifiedas a legitimateresponse
a million people refugees and destroyedthe which are proportionate.I think that Israel to extremeprovocation."On April 16, it ran
infrastructure of a countrytryingdesperately is clearly facing a very substantialterrorist a reporttryingtojustifyIsraeliaction,quoting
to rebuild after 15 years of civil war and threatfrom Hizbollah,which is designed to experts(almostall Americans)tojustify that
foreign invasion, in which Israel, among underminethe peace process." Israeli action did not violate international
others, played a crucial role. In fact, the Israeli 'reprisal' was totally law.
The ostensible reason,loyally reproduced disproportionateto the so-called threatfrom The Daily Telegraph, which, with a
in the mainstreamwestern media, was that Hizbollah.Rangedagainstthe tiny groupof circulationof morethanone million,remains
Israel, the supposeddove of west Asia, was Shiite guerrillas(estimated to be 500) was Britain's most widely read 'quality
losing patience with Islamic 'terrorists'.As the strongestmilitarymachinein west Asia. newspaper'had gone furtherin its editorial
always,Israelusedthe conceptof 'terrorism' Supersonic fighter jets, equipped with the of April 15 to point to Israeli self-restraint:
to dehumanise the Arabs and justify latestelectronicdevices, sharedthe 'surgical "The logic of the situation would seem to
aggressionandcolonial occupation.The real strikes' with US-made Apache attack requirethat Israel attack Syria itself. Yet it
reasons, which much of the world's media helicopters.Thiswas followedby theartillery is easy to see why Mr Peres, the architect
tendedto ignore,were morecomplex, as this barrage, along with 'pinpoint' airstrikes of the peace agreementwiththePalestinians,
article will strive to show. against targets in Beirut. would balk at such a course." "A raid on
Imagine the wrath of the westem world But the reprisalhad to be justified in the Iran",counselledtheconservativenewspaper,
had there been an Arab attackon Israel. As mediareports.Most westernnewspapersran "would cost less diplomatically,but would
on previousoccasions,Israelistateaggression graphicsshowing 'how violence escalated', be tangentialto the heartof the matter,which
was portrayedin the western media as 'self- looking at the events between.March 4 to is the attitude of Damascus."
defence' while Lebanese resistance to April I1. Almost all mentioned how As the bombardment continued, the
occupation was labelled a. 'fundamentalist Hizbollah's rocket raids had killed Israeli London Times ran an interview with Uri
terrorism'. soldiers. However, while the number of Dromi, head of governmentpress office in
The barragebeganon April I l, coinciding Israelis killed by Hizbollah rockets since Israelunderthe headline 'Israelsees Iranas
with the start of the Israeli election cam- 1982 in 14 years was just over a dozen, next in line for punishment'. The report
paign.Fromthe firstday, the coverage in the Israeli military attackshave cost thousands beganthus:"TheIsraeligovernment'ssenior
westem media was characterisedby three of Lebanese lives. Yet it is Israel that is spokesman said yesterday it was now a

264 Economic and Political Weekly February8. 1997

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'working assumption' that a western-led a quote in bold type from Peres - "We had formidablerival, fromtwo directions,it also
coalition, similar to the one which drove no choice but to defend our people and stands in easy reach of Iran. Now there is
Iraqi forces out of Kuwait in 1991, would soldiers". It again followed the standard talk of a US-Israeli 'defence alliance', the
launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran to Israeli tactic of deflecting attention away goal of which would be "to meet common
preventit obtaininga nuclearcapability."It fromtheirown actions,by blamingtheSyrian threatsin the years to come", US president
dwelt at length on how Israeli bombing of president Hafez-al-Assad for Hizbollah's Bill Clinton said. "US-Israeli strategic co-
Iraq'sOsiraknuclearreactorin 1981 made action. operation", he promised, "will grow in
the Arabworld a safer place. The articledid The editorialon the massacreon April 19 importance."
not mention Israel's own nuclear arsenal. said: "If the Israelis want to goad him into But for most westernjournaliststhis was
On television, the coverage was action against Hizbollah - by making him not the big story. In fact, Time, Newsweek
reminiscentof the 1991 US invasion of Iraq. pay the price of his cynical games - they and the Economotist failed to even mention
Following the example of their American shouldconcentratetheirfireon Syriantargets the security deal in their coverage of the
friends, the Israeli army showed videos of and, if necessary. on Syria proper. Such attack.
laser guided weapons to demonstrate the action would not only be strategicallyright, Emboldened with this deal the Israeli
accuracy of their targeting. This uncritical but would also do much to restore Israel's government'sideabehindinvadingLebanon
use of such videos was surprising,given the image as the David, ratherthan the Goliath was that Rafiq Hariri,the Lebanese prime
admission by many journalists in various of the Levant."The fact that the Telegraph minster,seeing thedestructionof his country,
memoirs and books written on Operation is owned by the Canadian media mogul wouldrushto Damascus,whichin turnwould
Desert Storm, that they were duped by the ConradBlack who also owns the Jerusalem curb Hizbollah. The balance of power in
US militaryduringtheir slaughterof Iraqis. Post - may have something to do with this Lebanon was to be changed. It was an
Nevertheless all major TV networks, stridently sympathetic, pro-Tel Aviv line. opportunemoment.Iranand Syria hadbeen
including the BBC, faithfully broadcastthe The Sunday Times, the most widely read isolated at the 29-nation anti-terrorism
footage from the Israeli military videos to weekly broadsheetin Britain, selling over summit in March, attendedby Clinton and
show how clean the invasion was. And their a million copies every week, also sought to hostedinEgyptby presidentHosniMubarak.
reporterson the groundfollowed up with the divertblameaway fromIsrael.Inaneditorial For the first time, Arab leaders from
stereotypical pictures of fanatic chest- 'The Wider Terror',in its April 21 edition Morocco to the Gulf expressed solidarity
thumpingMuslims vowing revenge against it said: "Hizbollah'spatronsand Lebanon's with Israel. King Husseinof Jordan,having
the Jewish enemy. As always, they failed to power brokers bear a much heavier broken ties with Saddam Hussein's
presentanarticulateLebanesewho could put responsibility.Iran'sAyatollahAli Khomeini governmentin Baghdadand signed a treaty
acrosstheopposingviewpointin aconvincing brandshis own country a terrorstate when with Israel in 1994. was moving towards
manner. he urgesHizbollahto continueits campaign." Israel. For Peres it appearedto be the best
The attitudeof the media changed when It continued:"ShouldIran,Iraqor any other way to teach presidentAssad, the powerful
hi-techapparentlyfailed the Israelis,leading countrywhere Islamicfundamentalismhold influencein Lebanonwherehe stillhas30,000
to the massacresat a UN base in Qanawhich sway ever becomenuclearpowers,theworld troops, a lesson.
killed more than 100 innocent refugees, would move 'into a new age of terror." Keento show Israelisthathe was a"tough"
including dozens of women and children. That the editorial put both Iranand Iraq leader, Peres timed the attack to make
Israel's claim that faulty targeting was to in the same fundamentalistcampdespite the electoralcapital out of it. He could counton
blame (it was aiming at a nearby Hizbollah factthattheyareswornenemiesandrepresent theformidablepro-Israelilobbiesin London,
base) was later discounted by independent two entirely different political ideologies Paris, New York and Washington - the
observers. (Iraqis oneof themostsecularArabcountries) American-Israel public affairs committee
The bias in coverage was evident in the demonstratesthatfacts can be sacrificedfor remains by far the most powerf4l foreign
way this massacre was reported by many propagandareasons. policy pressure group in the US capital.
western newspapers. Take the example of Clinton,the most pro-Jewishpresidentin US
the London Times (second largest selling WHATWAS MOSTLYIGNORED history, denounced on March 5 the Hamas
qualitynewspaperinBritainwithacirculation suicide bombings in Israelas "desperateand
of morethan600,000). This bastionof British As usual small lies were exposed in the fanaticacts aimednotjust as killing innocent
establishment- now owned by Australian- media - whether the Israeli military knew people, including children, but killing the
born Rupert Murdoch - headlined the thatthey were shelling the UN base or it was growing prospects for peace in the Middle
massacrestory thus: 'Clinton leads call for a mistake. But the real issue, the change in East". In starkcontrast,his response to the
peaceafter97 die'. A line above the headline securityenvironmentinwest Asia,was hardly slaughter of the Lebanese women and
said 'Attack on Lebanon will go on unless discussed. Few western media outlets even childrenwas notto condemntheperpetrators,
Hizbollah calls cease-fire'. cared to mention that just days before its butmerely to call on 'all parties'for a cease-
The US media was even more apologetic invasion of Lebanon, Israel had signed a fire.
in its coverage. The Wall Street Journtal military agreement with Turkey. Loyalty to Israel in the US cuts across
headline about the Qana massacre tried to The agreement, which the Arab League party lines, partly due to Zionist efforts to
put a gloss of normalityon it. 'Israeli shel- called "an act of aggression", gives Israel portray Arabs as villains. Bob Dole, the
ling of UN base kills dozens'. Newsweek's, access to Turkishair bases for the first time. Republicanchallengerfor presidencytouted
April 29 cover story on the massacrecalled The agreementviolates the Organisationof the official line. "You have to keep in mind
it "accidental killing" of 100 Lebanese the Islamic Conference (OIC) resolution, it was all initiated by Hizbollah", he told
who had died "in the crossfire." The supportedby Ankara, stating that all OIC journalists,"Idon'tknowwhatotherrecourse
cover of April 29 issue of its rival Time members should abstain from any form of Israel had?"
magazineentitled 'Wrathand Blood - Israel military co-operation with Israel while it Not surprisingly,Washingtondid every-
stands tough after a disastrous error', was continuedto occupy Arabland.Itgives Israel thing in its power to block the UN security
little more than an apologia for Israeli domination from the Mediterraneanto the council condemning the Israeli invasion.
terrorism. Red Sea. By virtueof this pact,Tel Aviv has The US was the only countryto vote against
The Dail) Telegraphjuxtaposed a banner vastly enhancedits operationalrange.Israel a resolution at the UN human rights
headline'Israelishells kill 94 refugees' with can now not only strike at Syria, its most commission on April 23 deploring Israel's

Economic and Political Weekly February8, 1997 265

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attackson civilians in Lebanon and calling and especially the west. In Britain, the tondly as a 'friend' of the west who bought
for a halt to air raids. symbolic burning of the novel, Satanic 'stability' to an unstable region - a recent
Despite its violations of UN resolutions Verses,by a small groupof the country'sone BBC documentaryabout the Shah put the
and internationallaw in its routine attacks millionMuslimswas focusedon by themedia best possible gloss on a man who was by
on Arab lands, Israel has never been to reinforce the stereotype of Muslims as any standardsa very corrupt and ruthless
characterised as a "rogue" nation or a bigots. In France, there is a cultural war ruler.
"terrorist"state the phrases routinely used going on over the right of Muslim women But Iranunder an Islamic governmentis
to refer to the enemies of Washington. In to wear Islamic dress. In Germanyand the unacceptableto the west because it refuses
July 1993, duringthe peace talksjust weeks Balkans prejudice against the Turks is to accept dictates from Washington and
before thatfamous handshakeon the White widespread. And in Russia, Muslims are therefore gets a bad press. For example, it
Houselawnson theOslo Accord, 'Operation seen, as witnessed during the Chechenya is impossible to find a positive story about
Accountability'madehundredsof thousands conflict, as "drug pushers and bandits." Iranin any western publication.In fact, few
of Lebanese civilians refugees. OrdinaryMuslimshavebecomethetargets people know - because the western media
Then, as in April 1996, the US blamed of this demonisationwhen in fact Muslims would not tell them - that accordingto the
Hizbollahfor"inciting"the Israelisandurged have been worst sufferers in most recent UN's 1994 Huinan: Developmnetnt Report,
"all sides" to exercise "restraint".Then, as aggressions - in Bosnia, in Chechenya, in Iran was among the top ten performersin
now, Israelipremisesframedthe issues, and lraqandin Somalia.Andyet, itistheMuslims human development over the last three
Israeli sources dominated coverage. Arab who get the blame. Just a day before the decades. This was achieved despite the US
views were largely marginalised. Israeli invasion (April 10) the Wall Street sanctionsand the huge debts incurredby the
As a commentatorwrote alterthe invasion Jouirnlal(Europe) ran an editorial page eight-year-longwar against Iraq,aided and
of Lebanon.inRthe Israeli daily Ha'aretz: analysis, 'Rogue States want more thanjust abetted by the west.
"We killed them with a kind of yuppie Israel'. The article argued, "...from a Instead the image one gets of Iran is of
efficiency.We believe withabsolutecertitude geopolitical perspective, the Arab-Israeli aggressive 'atomic Ayatollahs' bent upon
thatrightnow, with the White House in our conflictis reallyonly a neighbourhoodbrawl, destroyingthe world.The coverageof Iran's
hands,the Senate in our hands and the New a tactical weapon in a more ambitious atomic programme, claiming that it is
YorkTimes in our hands,the lives of others geopolitical war waged by several rogue developing the 'Islamic bomb', is a case in
do not count in the same way as our own." states:Iraq,Libya,SyriaandIran.They want point. Few people know, (again, because
to underminewestern allies and interestsin internationalmediawould not tell them)that
the Middle East, and eventually control its the Vienna-based International Atomic
Israeli efforts to project Islam as a threat oil resourcesand vulnerablesupply lines in Energy Agency has said that its nuclear
to the west have been well-supportedby the order to vanquish the Christianwest." programmewas forpeacefulpurposes.Unlike
western media, which continues to portray This line of argumenthasbecome standard Israel, with a nuclear arsenal of more than
Muslimsas fundamentalists. Thisdemonising in the post-cold war world. Islamic 200 warheads that never worries western
of one of the majorreligions with nearlyone fundamentalismis projectedas thenew threat 'experts', Iran is seen as posing a grave
billion adherentsin the world has obvious to westerncivilisation, while other kinds of danger to world peace, although the same
political overtones. Militant Islam is being fundamentalismsuch as Christian,Zionist experts acknowledge thatit has yet to build
manufacturedby muchof the westernmedia or Hindudo notreceivethesameopprobrium a bomb.
as the enemy of secular liberal democracy. in the internationalmedia. Justdays afterthe Israelibombardmentof
Ignoranceof Islam in the west leads to an One reason for this demonisation is the Lebanon stopped, the US state department
inabilityto recognisethe contributionof this fact thatIslamic world sits on threequarters released a list of countries which it says
great religion to the development of the of the earth's known reservesof oil, crucial sponsorterrorism,namingIran,Syria,Cuba,
modern world and provides fertile ground to modern industrial societies. The Iraq,Libya. North Korea and Sudan. Apart
for anti-Islamic propaganda.In American demonising of Islam fits in well with the from two 'communist' countriesCuba and
society there is a deep-seated prejudice western geo-political interests in arms and North Korea, the other five are Muslim
againstIslam, which is often identified with oil. It is no coincidence that the Arabworld nations. Most media reports uncritically
Arabterrorismand obscurantismand hence continues to be the biggest marketfor arms. quoted the state departmentposition, that
perceivedas athreatto liberal,secularsociety. The west's global economic and strategic Iran was the main "state sponsor of
That perceptionof Muslims was underlined interests are reflected in the way certain internationalterrorism",citing its alleged
duringtheOklahomabombingin April 1995 areas and themes, such as Islamic supportforterroristgroupsfromNorthAfrica
which claimed 168 lives. This, the biggest fundamentalism,areregularlycovered.There to CentralAsia. And now to the chagrinof
act of terrorism in the US, was initially is a clear distinction in the presentationof his Europeanallies, Clinton has announced
blamed on Islamic groups in the American the west's friendsand foes: e g, Israel 'good thatthe US will punisheven non-American
media without any evidence. As it turned guy', Iran 'bad guy'. companies trading with Iran.
out, the outragewas carriedout by members The reportingof events in countriessuch Amongthe 'rogue'states,Iraqhasa special
of the US far-right. as Iran,Iraqand Afghanistanshows this in place. The country was armed to the teeth
Muslim stereotypes are fixed in the relationto the acknowledgedaims of the US by both the west and the Soviet Union and
American popular culture by Hollywood. and its 'allies' in the post-cold war world. supportedin its efforts to scuttlethe Islamic
Arnold Schwarzenegger in his hugely And since the west dominates the revolutionin Iran,which led to the firstGulf
successful film TrueLies, kills 80 terrorists, technological means of communications- war that claimed more than a million lives.
all of them Arabs. The latest offering from both hardwareand software - its message But when the Iraqidictatorrefusedto accept
thatcitadelof globalpopularcultureto offend becomes a global one. the dictates of Washingtonthe media were
Muslim sentimentsis ExecutiveDecision, a Almost invariablyany story aboutIranin swung into action. Leadingup to the second
film about Chechen Muslim terroristswho the western media is about the excesses of Gulf warof 1991, most of the westernmedia
kill innocent westerners and highjack an themullahrule.Beforethe Islamicrevolution did everything in their power to act as the
aeroplane with the intention to crash it on of 1979, Iranwas one of the linchpinsof US public relationsoutlets for the Pentagon,in
Washington. policy in the Gulf. During the Shah's rule, whatwas the world's firstmediawar.Rarely
Media images of Muslims as fanatic the country received a favourablepress in were the.realwar aims discussed:permanent
aggressors pervade the non-Muslim world the west. Even now, theShah is remembered military presence in the Gulf to control oil

266 Economic and Political Weekly February8, 1997

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and the US agenda for the post-cold war organisations- both raw footage from TV towards ruling elites. There is a pressing
world. newsagencies such as Reuters Television, need to develop a 'public sphere' within
Afghanistanis anotherkey example. The WorldwideTelevisionNews andAPTV,and Islamic societies where issues of cultural,
Mujahideen 'freedom fighters', once the completed reportsfrom satellite and cable- political and economic significance can be
heroes of the western media who fought based organisationssuch as CNN, Sky and debated freely.
againstgodlesscommunismduringthedying BBC. The Voice of America and the BBC When the Israelis were pulverising
days of the cold war, are today's fanatic WorldService, with their various language Lebanon,a memberof the ArabLeague, no
'Islamic fundamentalists'.When the Soviet services, dominate the world'.*airwaves. Arab government said anything beyond
troops were in Kabul, the world's media Of the world's four biggest iilcmrnational platitudes. Indeed all the diplomatic work
outlets were inundatedwith reports, many news agencies - Associated Press. (Inited was being done by the westerners.Hervede
emanating from Islamabadand credited to Press hIternationial,Reuters and Agence Charette,the French foreign minister, was
western diplomatic sources. Stories of the FraniicePresse, the first three are Anglo- the only foreign dignitaryto visit the Qana
heroicstruggleof the freedomfighters,who, American, and between them the four camp. "We must, all of us, ask why it is that
to anyone who looked carefully, were little disseminate nearly 80 per cent of global for the past five decades we have watched
more than drug-pushers and mercenaries news. Despitehavinginternationalstaffthese Israel violate our sovereignty, massacreour
financedby theCIA,dominatedthecoverage. companies promote, consciously or civilians,humiliateoursoldiersandgenerals,
Since the Russians have left, coverage of unconsciously, a western, and more colonise our land,even as we makespeeches
that hapless country is much reduced and specifically, an Anglo-American, news and vow vengeance", asked the US-based
different in tone - the 'fundamentalists' agenda. PalestinianwriterEdwardSaid in an article
fighting over Afghanistanare now seen as Moreover, many southern newspapers fortheLondonGuardiant, while Israeliplanes
partof the general 'threat' posed by Islam (virtually all major English-language were bombing Lebanon.
which is a key featureof the post-communist newspapers in India) and newsmagazines A key task of journalism in the Muslim
world order. proudly carry regular commentaries and world is to cultivate a sense of critical
Today Islam is being elevated not merely features from western newspapers and awareness, sadly lacking in most of the
as an ideological challenge thathas replaced magazines, thanks to syndication Islamic media. The need for such a change
communism as the west's enemy but also arrangements. Thus western news is more pressing than ever before, at a time
as a security threat. Indeed, the former organisationswield greatinfluencein setting when Islam is being projectedas the enemy
secretary-generalof NATO Willy Claes is and then building a global news agenda, number I by the west - a tendency that is
on recordas saying that Islam is as great a conforming to western interests. likely to grow as the fight to control central
threatto the west as communism once was. As well as using the western press as the Asian oil escalates between western based
AlreadyNATO has developedjoint military source for their stories, many southern oil companies and the governments in
strategy with countries like Israel, Egypt, journalists,especially those belongingto the Moscow andthe newly independentMuslim
Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria to combat local elite media, mimic its language, news countries of central Asia.
'Islamic fundamentalism'. values and styles, however inappropriate, An emphasis on pan-Islamicand indeed,
A 'Cold War 11' is being waged against which are often inimical to understanding south-south news exchange, would help
Islam. There are conservative - and the complex problems that beset southern reduce dependence on western news
increasinglyeven 'post-modern',post-Soviet societies. Witness the coverage of Islamic sources and stop the vertical flow of
progressive voices in the west - which fundamentalismin non-Islamic world - in information - from north to south to a
underpinthose dangerousideas.The Islamic Africa, LatinAmericaor India.When prime horizontaland more democraticflow from
worldtook particularexception to an article ministerP V NarasimhaRao was visitingthe Asia to Africa, from Latin America to the
by US politicalscientistSamuel Huntington, US in 1994,IndiaTodayrana 20-page cover Arab world - thus counteracting western
publishedin the influentialjournal Foreign story 'Pan-Islamic Fundamentalism - propaganda.
Affairs in 1993. Entitled 'Clash of Exporting Terror' on the so-called threat However, this is a long-term goal and
Civilisations',it anticipateda worldin which from militant Islam that India faced. needs a good deal of political will and a
conflicts of cultures would dominate the But why has Islam allowed itself to be critical understanding of how the media
internationalscene. Huntington called on demonised?Whycan'tthe Muslimsputtheir systemswork,nationallyandinternationally.
western and 'westernised' nations to ally case acrossprofessionallyandpersuasively? There is another, perhaps simpler way to
againstthe new threat.Criticssaw his article Whilewesternmediahaveinternational reach deal with what Ayatollah Khomeini
as a call for a new crusade against Islam, andinfluence,the mediain Islamiccountries characterisedas 'global arrogance', of the
an idea that received a favourable press in often lack credibilityeven within theirown west. In the final analysis, in a capitalist
the west, especially in the US. borders. Despite heavy doses of rhetoric society mediais a businessandlike any other
about Islamic solidarity and brotherhood, business it is driven by the profit motive.
MEDIAMONOPOLY most Arab governments oppose open and Since most of the western media operatein
If this demonisation of Islam were only informedmedia debate, with the result that an increasingly competitive international
meantfor a westernaudience it would have the westernperspectiveon world issues still bazaar and survive by selling information,
posed less of a problem,since the west has dominate. would it not be more effective to exercise
a long history of viewing Islam as a threat, Efforts to develop a pan-Islamic news the power of the consumer? Libraries in
goingbackto thecrusades.Butthedistortions organisation have failed to deliver mainly manydevelopingcountriessubscribeto Time,
in reportingdo not only impact on western becausetheylackwhatwesternmediaenjoys, Newsweek,Economist,etc. Whyshouldpoor
audiences. With the expansion of western namely international credibility. It is no countriesspend all thatmoney to read,what
electronic empires, western media have coincidencethatsomeof themorenoteworthy is at worst, westernlies or at best, half-truths
instant global reach through satellite and Muslim publicationsoperate from London or quartertruths?
cable technology. Western and, more and Paris rather than from Arab capitals, In an age when Mahatma Gandhi has
specifically, Anglo-American media where democratic debate and political become fashionableonce again,even among
dominate the world's online services, pluralismis discouragedby often autocratic the people responsiblefor assassinatinghim,
television, radio and printjournalism. governments. the good-old Gandhian idea - bahishkaar
The bulk of internationaltelevision news Sadly,muchof Islamicjournalismremains (boycott)' should be evoked to teach the
is disseminated through western news obsessed with power politics and biased western media a lesson.

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