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Input regarding Behavioral Science and Bio Statistics:

Biostatistics: The content of the subject in AIETI curriculum almost cover most aspects needed for
USMLE. It will be better to arrange the program according to major USMLE preparation courses such as
Kaplan, Becker, U-world.

I found U world to be the toughest but with more concepts and explanations! (esp with question).
There is also some confusion regarding major screening tests (for example routine pap smear or
mammography or colonoscopy) . They are not included or taught in classes but you will find questions in

Behavioral Science: This part of curriculum is outdated and even the questions asked in quiz are old and
often with wrong answer choices. This is because we are following old texts and guidelines and now it is
DSM V. Even the definitions have changed. In my opinion, for this subject too we can follow materials of
Kaplan/Becker/High Yield with appropriate reference.

We have to emphasize also on medical ethics and patient safety as it is often missed or taught as extra
credits. It is important because USMLE has included these subjects in its exam!

Thank you

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